HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplications ~ITY OF CARMEL - eLA Y TOWNSH~ ~:2 r L~'<.,-y /"",\,-- ~ / /'S/ 'Z . 'J' A <'e~~ HAMIL TON COUNTY, INDIANA /'v/ RE -X ;;/\, i~:.l CFIVED "--', APPLICATION FOR BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS ACTIO~~[ PEe 11 2002- \~-\ DOCS SPECIAL USE AffROY At REOUEST \ ~~ \" \"'/>" , ,:.:J/iTt ,;'::\(>) ,,' ..._~'I.~.-- FEE: $630.00 DOCKET NO. DA TE RECEIVED: 1) Allplicant: Address: University ffil!h School of Indiana, Inc. 2825 West 116th Street. Carmel, IN 46032 2) Project Name: Universitv Hil!h Schuol EXIHUlsion Architect: The Odic McGuire & Shook Corll. b" .Tackie L Bie~hler, Architect Attorney: William E. Wendlin~. Jr., Campbell Kvle Proffitt, Phone: (317) 846-6514 Phone: (317) 842-0000 Phone: (317) 846-6514 3) Applicant's Status: (Check the appropriate response) XX (a) (b) (c) The allplieant's name is on th(~ deed to the property. The allplicant is the contract purchaser of the prollerty. Other: 4) If Item 3) (c) is checked, please complete the following: Owner of the prollcrty involved: Owner's address: Phone: 5) Record of Ownership: University Hil!h School of Indiana, IIIc. (12 acres) and .16th & Towne Road Partners LLC (73 acn~s) Instrument No. 2000000()IIJ09 Pu rch.lse date: 1111 /20011 Purchllse date: llJU4/99 Pu rchase date: 3/31/99 Instrument No. 1999119964763 Instrument No. 9909919194 6) Common address of propert)' involved: 2825 West .16th Street. Carmd, IN 46032 Legal description: See Attached Tax Map P.lrcel No.: 13-05-00-0113. 13-05-1111-1105.00 l. 13-1I5-00-IIW.OIl4 7} State expl4111ation of requested Sped:ll Use: EXllansion of the existiu~ f;tcilitil~s for University Hjeh SchoolofIndiana. Inc. Exmmsion of the existing lIermancnt l!'t'mnasium/c1assroom huilding. Addition of 12 modular classrooms. The construction of six tennis courts. 8) State reasons SUPllorting the Special Use: (Additionall~' complete the :lttachcd IllIestion sheet eutitled ..p. ." "FTniiw,~~.ofFact-Spccial Use"). The student 1)()I)ulation is growin:.: lJursuant to schedule, which necessitates,the expansion of the present facilitv, Page 1 of g - Special II"" Appliealioll 9) Present zoning of the~IJel1Y (give exact c1a~~ification): 12 acres\~a Sllecilllllse Varianl.:c for the existinl! can1[)us. The remainder of the Ilroperh' is cla~sified as S-1. (The IJrCscnt alllJlicatioll illvolves only prOIJert" that has II "sllecialuse" classification I!nlllted hv the Carmel/Cia\" Roanl IIf ZOllin~ AJ)lleals on April 24, 20011.) 10) Present use of the prlllJerty: Private "ieh School and recreational facilitv 11) Size of lot/parcel in question: 12 acres out of 85 acres 12) Describe the prUl1()Sed use of the lH'ollerty: EXIJansion of gymnasium. Locatioll of 12 additional modular classrooms and construction of ~ix tennis eou rts. 13) Is the )lrlJllerty: Ownel' occupied: xx Renter' occupied: Other: 14) Are there any restrictions, laws, covenants, variances, special uses, or aplleals liIed in connection with this IJrOllerty th}}t would relate or affect its IIse for th(~ specific IJUrpose of this aPlllil'atillll? If yes, give date and docket number, decision rendered and pertinent eX)llilllation: "SJ)ecialllse Variance", SU-8-0H, a.mroved on or ,.hout Allril24, 211112 to allllw for the 1Ir1l11ertv tll he used as lIllrivate school and recrealional facility and a "Develollmelltal StiUllhl rds Va ri alH.:e, SlJ-12-00, allll rOH'd on or ahout All ril 24. 200n to allow a va ria nee for a 45-foot-tall c1assrooll1/1!vl11lIasiuIII "u ildi nl! 15) Has work for which this al11)lication is being filed already started? If answer is yes, give dctllils: ~ Building Permit Number: Builder: 16) If luoposed special use is granted, when will the work commence'! Immediatelv 17) lfthe l)rOpo~ed sllecialusc is granted, who will operate and/or use the proposed improvclllent for which this application has heen filed? University Hi1!h School of Indiana, Inc. NOTE: LEGAL NOTICE shall be published inlhe NobIcsville Daily Ledger a MANDATORY twenty-five (25) days prior 10 the public hearing date. The certified "Proof of Publication" affidavit for the newspaper must be available for inspection Ihe night of the hearing. LEGAL NOTICE 10 all adjoilllllg and abutting property owners is also MANDATOR Y, IwO lllClhocls of no lice are rccom mended, 1) CERTIFIED MAlL-RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED selll 10 adjoining propcny owners (The white receipl should be stamped by the Post Office at least lwenly-rive (25) days prior to Ihe public hearing dale,) 2) HAND DELIVERED to adjoining and abutting propel1v owners (A receipt signed by the adjoining and abutting property owners <'leknowledging the l\vCnly-Jive (25) day notice should be kepI for verific;)1 ion that the notice was completed.) REALIZE THE BURDEN OF PROOF FOR ALL NOTICES IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE APPLICANT AGAIN, THIS TASK MUST BE COMPLETED AT LEAST TWENTY-FIVE (25) DAYS PRIOR TO PUBLIC HEARlNG DATE. l'ag~ 2 <)1' & - Sp",,;;d l.!';c Applic';Jtioll u AFFIDA VLT u I hereby swear that I am the owner/contract purchaser of property involved in this application and that the foregoing signatures, statements and answers herein contained and the information herewith submitted are in all respects true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. I, the undersigned, authorize the applicant to act on my behalf with regard to this application and subsequent hearings an _testimony, o Signed: (Property Owner, Property Owner'sArtorney Date or Property Owner's Power of Attorney) William E. Welldlin(!., Jr. (Please Print) STATE OF INDIANA ) ) ss: COUNTY OF HAMIL TON ) Before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and f(lr Hamilton County, State of Indiana, personally appeared ,_5JjJ~ t:_ /;Jb>>-~.~ who acknowledged the execution of the foregoing instrument th is / J ~ clay of Vp./' jJ~i...I..A) . 2002. y)u~;; 'C. J}df.J Notar PubliCuS ignature Notary Public--Please Print My Commission Expires: Resident of County. IN Page 4 of 8 - Sp~Cild Use Application U r) CITY OF CARMEL - CLAY TOWNSW ~-''i'............, , . \ ,\ ,/.-11...... <.~~(.. \ o' _4_.,_ ;~/~ .:>--~ APPLICA TION FOR BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS ACTIO~ >~>,' ~'-:' > ',REr:r - DEVELOPMENTAL STANDARDS VARIANCE REOUEST(:~ PEe 1/T~2 FEE: $630.00 for the first phis $70.00 for each additional section ofthe ordinan~:e:\being ,Q~fe.a. HAMILTON COUNTY,INDIANA DOCKET NO. DA TE RECEIVED: 1) A)lplicant: Univcrsitv Hil!h School of Indian:l,lnc. 2) Addl'css: Project Name: 2825 West 116th Street. Carmel, IN 46032 Universih Hil!h School EXllansion Phone: (317) 846-6514 Phone: (317) 842-0000 Architect: The OdIc McGuire & Shook Corll, hv Jackie L Bie2hler, Architect Attorney: William E. WendliDl!. JI-', Campbell Kvle Proffitt, Phune: (317) l-l4(i-(,S 14 3) AI'plicant's Status: (Check the lIpprollfiate response) xx (a) (b) (c) The allldicaDt's namc is on the decd to the prolleliy. The aPI)licant is the contract purchaser of tlu.~ III'OllCli,y. Other: 4) If Item 3) (c) is checked, please eOllllllete the following: Owner of tbe )lroJlert~' involved: Owner's address: Phone: 5) Record of Ownership: University Hil!h School of Indiana. Inc. (12 acres) and lJ6th & Towne Road Partners LLC (73 acres) Instrument No. 200000001909 Instrument No. 199909964763 Instrument No. 9909919194 Purchase date: 111112000 Pu rchase date: Il/04/99 Purchase date: 3/31199 6) Common address of I'rol'erty involved: 2925 West llCtth Street. Carmel. IN 46032 Legal descrilltion: See Attached Tax Map Parcel No.: L3-1l5-1l1l-IlH3, 13-05-IHI-IIIIS.fHII, 13-115-1I11-0 I 0.004 7) State explanation of l'e(IUestcd Developmental Standards Variauce: (State what )'OU want to do allll cite the seetiollnumbcr(s) of the Carmcl/Clay Zoning Ordinance which applies and/or acMes the need for this request). I / The ap\llicant is relJuesting a variallce from Section 25-7-02-5(c) ofthe Ordinance relating to maximum sign area fmm the allowahle 30 SIIUlll'e feet to 110.5 square feet and Section 25-7-02-5(<1) or the Ordinance rebltin2 to maximum heil!ht of a grollml sigll from::; feet to l-l.5 fet~t for a nre-existin:.: nonoermitted sh!n. Pag~ I or !!' D~\'e1opl11~nl:l1 Standard, V:lri:lnc,; Applicatioll u u 8) State I'casons SUPlwrting the DcyelolJ/llcntal Standards Variance: (Additiollall)' complcte the attached question sheet entitled "Findings of "'act-DcvclopIlH~ntlll St:II11I;u'ds Variance'). A donor procured the existin\! sil!n and IIrescnted it to the school without detenllininl! the develol1mental standards for its ulacement. By in.lllvertence, thc school accellted the sign without realizinl! that it was not in coml)liance with thc Zuning Ordinances. 9) Present zoning of the Ilrollerty (give exact classification): S-l, Succial Use for I)rivate hil!h school and recreational facilih" 10) Size of 10t/plH'Cel in question: 12 acres out of 85 acres 11) Present use of this prOI)erty: Private Hil!h School and recreatiunal facilitv 12) Describe the Ilroposed use of the prol)erty: EXllansion of I!vmnasium. Location of 12 lldditiunal modular classrooms and construction of six tennis COli rts. 13) Is the prOI)cliy: Owner occupied: xx Rentel' occupied: Other: 14) Are there any restrictions, IllWS, covenllnts, variances, special uscs, or apllcals filed i" eO"Jll~dill" with this l)rOJlCI'ty that would relate or affect its IIse for the specific II1Irpose of this <lllplieatioll'! If :yes, givc datc and docket numher, decision rendered and Ilcriincnt explanation: "Succial Use Vari:U1cc". SU-8-00, allllrllVed on or ahout April 24, 21m2 to allow for thc 1)J'oPcliv to hc used as " Ilrivate school and l'ccreation,,1 facilih' and a "Devel(lJ}mental St"ndanls V.u'iancc, S LJ- 12-00, :JllImtvcd on or about April 24, 2000 to allow a variance for a 45-foot-tall c1assroomh~"mnasium buildinl! 15) Has work for which this ajll)lication is being filed already st.Hied? If answer is yes, give d(~t<lils: No Building Pcrmit Number: Builder: 16) If Ilrnposed .11)IICal is gr.alltcd, whcn will the work commencc'! Immediately 17) If the PJ'OllosctJ all Ileal is granted, who will opcrate anll/or IIse the I'ropmcd illlllrovclllCIl t for wh ieh this apl'lil:ation has been tiled? University Hil!h SclHwl of Indiana, Jnc, NOTE: LEGAL NOTICE shall be published in the Noblcsvillc Daily Ledger 11 !'dANDATORY twenly-flve (25) days prior to the public hearing date. The cel1illed "Proof or Publication" affidavit for the newspaper lnllst be avajlable for inspection the night of the hearing LEGAL NOT1CE 10 all adjoining and abutting property owners is also MANDATOR Y. two methods of notice arc recolllmended: I) CERTIFIED MAIL-RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED selll to adjoining properly OWllers. (The wIllIe receipt should be stamped by the Post Office at leasl twenty-five (25) days prior to the public hearing date.) Page 2 l1f X ~ D~Vl':II)plll'l::nl;1] S1andarcb V.arinllL.;L,': Applil~ntion u AFFlDA VIT u 1 hereby swear that J am the owner/contract purchaser of property involved in this application and that the foregoing signatures, statements and ans\vers herein contained and the intomlation herewith submitted are in all respects true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief I, the undersigned, authorize the applicant to act on my behalf with regard to this application and subsequent hearings and testimony. Signed: (Property Owner, Attorney o~ Ll William E. Wendling. Jr (Please Prilll) ST ATE OF INDIANA ) ) S5: COU NTY OF HAMILTON ) Before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for Hamilton County, State of Indiana, personally appeared J9Jd~ C. J}~ ,e:;-, who acknowledged tbe execution of the foregoing instrument this J /# day of ~A..J 2002. V }~Y.-. .7kU4-/ , ~;.:, MARCY E, WALLS Not' y PubliCnSignature SEAL 'cS My Commission Expires: 0211 moot * My Commission Niimb\;c is: 491", My County of Residence is: HamJIIGIa Notary Public--Please Print My Commission Expires: Resident of COllllty. IN Page 4 01' ~ - Developmental Slal1lbr,b, V:.riallce '\pplicatioll YTY OF CARMEL - CLA Y TOWNSHW HAMILTON COUNTY, INDIANA . .- - Ii' -- _ /D~~~f~c?- DEe 5 2Q02 -I ooes APPLICA nON FOR BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS ACTION SPECIAL USE APPRO V ALREOUEST FEE: $630.00 DOCKET NO. DA TE RECEIVED: 1) Applicant: Address: University Hil!:h School of Indiana. Inc. 2825 West 116th Street, Carmel, IN 46032 2) Project Name: Unh'crsity Hit!h School Expansion Architect: The Odic McGuire & Shook CorJ). bv Jackic L Bieghlcr. Architect Attorney: William E. Wendling, Jr.. Carn()bell Kvle Proffitt. Phone: (317) 846-6514 Phone: (317) 842~0000 Phonc: (317) 846-6514 3) AplJlicant's Status: (Check the allpropriate response) xx (a) (ll) (c) Thc applicant's name is on the decd to the IIrupert)'. The applicant is the contract pu rchaser of the proper-ty. Other: 4) If Item 3) (e) is checked, Jlle.1se complete the following: Owner of the property involved: Owner's address: Phone: 5) Rccord of Owncrshill: UnivCI"sitv Hil!h School of Indiana, Inc. (12 acres) ami 116th & Towne Road Partners LLC (73 acres) Instrument No. 20000000.1909 Purchase date: 1/1112000 Instnllnent No. 199909964763 Instmment No. 9909919194 Pu rchase date: 1l!1I4/99 Purchase date: 3/31/99 6) Common address of IJrol)ert)' involved: Legal description: See Attached Tax Map Parcel No.: 13-05-00-003, 13-05..o0-005.1Wl,13-05-00-01 0.004 2825 West 116th Street, Cumel. IN 46032 7) State explanation of requested Sllecial Usc: EXllansion of the existing facilities for University Hil!.h School of Indiana, Inc. EXJlansion of the existing !)crmanent l!vmnasium/class!"Ool1l huildin!!:. Addition of 12 moduhl r classrooms. The Ctlnstnlction of six tennis cou rts. 8) State reasons sllllporiing the Sped ill LIse: (Additionally completc the attacl1(~d question shed entiLled "Findings of Fact-Special Use"). The student IWl)lJlatioll is l!rnwilll! II1Irsuant to schedule, which nccessitates thc expansion of the Ilresent facilitv. Pag~ 1 uf 8 - Sp~cial US~ Application u u 9) Present zoning of tbe prOI)crty (give exact classification): 12 acres has a Special Use Variance for the existin1!: campus. The remaindcr of the prollcrh' is c1assificd as S-l. (The uresent aJll>lication involves onlv Ilrollcrtv that has a "sl)ccial use" classification 2:rantcd b" the Carmel/Clay Board of Zonin~ Apllcals on AJlril 24, 2000.) 10) Present use oftbe l)rOllerty: Private Hi1!h School and recreational f~lCilit" 11) Size of lot/parcel in question: 12 acres out of 85 acres 12) Describe the l)rOI)Oscd usc of the property: EXUllnsion of I!vmnasium. Location of 12 additional modular classrooms and construction of six tennis courts. 13) Is the prollcrt)': Owner oceuIlicd: xx Renter OCCUI)ied: Other: 14) Are therc any restrictions, laws, covenants, variances, special uses, or appeals filed in connection with this IJropel1y that would relate or affect its use fOl" the specific pUflJOSC of this llPplication? If ycs, ~ive date and docket number, decision rendcred and IJertinent explanation: "SlIecial Use Variance". SU-8-00. mllJroved on or ahout Auril 24, 2002 to allow for the 1)I"OI)l~dv to be used as a urivatc school and recreational facilih' and a "DevelolJllJcntal Standards Variance, SlJ-12-00, aPlJroved on or about ADril24, 2000 to allow a variance for a 45-foot-tall c1assrflnmhvmllasium buildin2 15) Has work for which this applicMion is being filed already started? If answcl' is )'es,give details: ritL Building Permit Numher: Buildel': 16) If Pl'OIJOscd sJlecial use is granted, when will the work commcnce? Immcdiately 17) If the IJrllllosed sJlecial use is granted, who will operate and/or use the proposed improvement for which this alJIJlication has been filed? University Hi1?h School of Indiana, Inc. NOTE: LEGAL NOTICE shall be published in the Noblesville Dailv Ledger a MANDATORY twenty-five (25) days prior Lo the public hearing dale. Thc certified "Proof of Publication" affidavit for the newspaper tHlISt be available for inspectjon the nighl of thc hearing LEGAL NOTICE to all adjoining and abutting property owners is also MAND A TOR Y, two methods of notice are reconunendcd: 1) CERTrFIED MAlL-RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED sent 10 adjoining property owncrs. (The white receipt should be stamped by the Post Office at least twenty-fivc (25) days prior to thc public hearing date.) 2) HAND DELIVERED to adjoining and abutting property owners (A receipt signcd by the adjoining alld abutting property owncrs acknowledging the tWCllly-five (25) day notice should be kepi for verificationlhat the notice was completed.) REALIZE THE BURDEN OF PROOF FOR ALL NOTICES IS THE RESPONSlBILlTY OF THE APPLICANT I'<lgc 2 of 8 - Special U~e Applicalion U l ) CARMEL/CLA Y BOARD OF ZONING APP'JrALS CARMEL, INDIANA Docket No.: Petitioner: Universitv High School of Indiana. Ine. FINDINGS OF FACT - SPECIAL lJSE 1. The Special Use in Flood Plain District, Ordinance 2-160, Section 21.6 as amended does (does not) apply and all prerequisites have been met by Petitioner as verified by: Techmcal Advisof\' Conunittee 2. The Special Use will be consistent with the Character and Permitted Land Use of the zoning district and Carmel/Clay Comprehensive Plan because: Schools are contemplated uses in residential areas. The size of the parcel acconunodates the proposed use. 3. The Special Use is physically suitable for the land in question because The size of the parcel compares with the size of the school. two frontage roads. sewer and ',vater 4. The Special Use will not injuriously or adversely affect the adjacent land or property values because: Schools are conforming use in residential areas 5. The Special Use will not adversely affect vehicular or pedestrian traffic flow, nor the adequate availability of water, sewage or storm drainage facilities, or police or fire protection because: All utilities are adequatelv sized for the development 6. The Board has reviewed the requirements of Ordinance 2-160, Section 21.3 (1-25) as they relate to this Special Use, and does not find that those critcria prevent the granting ofthe Special Use: Correct DECISION IT IS THEREFORE Lhe decision of the Carmel/Clay Board of Zoning Appeals that Special Use Docket No. is granted, subject to any conditions sLated ill the minutes oftlus Board, which are incorporated herein by reference and made a part hereof Adopted this day of , 2002. CHAIRPERSON, Carmel/Clay Board of Zoning Appeals SECRETARY, Camlel/Clay Board of Zoning Appeals Conditions of the Board are listed on the back (Petitioner or his representative to sign). S:\follnsISpecial Use Application Revised 10/17/2000 Page 9 of g - Special Use Application UCITY OF CARMEL - CLAY TOWNSU .>...... DQA~r:tFh .. DEe S 2!JG APPLlCA nON FOR BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS ACTION DOCS HAMILTON COUNTY. INDIANA DEVELOPMENTAL STANDARDS VARIANCE REQUEST FEE: $630.00 for the first plus $70.00 for each additional section of the ordinance being varied. DOCKET NO. DATE RECEIVED: 1) Applicant: Universitv Hh!h School of Indiana. Inc. 2) Address: Project Name: 2825 West I 16th Street, Carmel, IN 46032 Universitv High School EXJlansion PhOlw: (317) 846-6514 Phone: (317) 842-0000 Architect: The Odle McGuire & Shook ConI. bv Jackie L Bieghler. Architect Attol"ney: William E. Wendling, Jr" Camllhell Kvle Proffitt, Phone: (317) 846-6514 3) Alllllicant's Status: (Check the all11rOllriate resllOnsc) xx (a) (b) The applicant's name is on the deed to the propcl1J' The aplJlicant is the contruct IJUrchaser of the j)l'opeI1y. (c) Other: 4) If Itcm 3) (c) is checl{ed, please complete the following:: Owner of the lu'o)Jerty involved: Owner's address: Phone: 5) Record of Owncrshill: Unh'ersitv High School of Indiana, Inc. (12 acres) and llMh & Townc Ruad Partners LLC (73 acres) Instrument No, 20000000190lJ Instrument No, 199909964763 Instrument No. 9909919194 Purchase dutc: 111112000 Purchase date: II /U4/9!> Pu rch.\sc date: 3/31/99 6) Common addrcss of PrtJl)cI1)' involved: 2925 West 116th Street, Canllcl, IN 46t132 Legal deserilllion: Sec Attached Tax Mal) Parcel No.: 13-05-00-003, 13-05-1111-1105.11111, 13-05-00-0HUlH4 7) State explanation of requested Developmental Standards Variance: (State what you wan I 10 do and cite the section numher(s) of the Carmel/Cla:y liming Ordimlllce which applies and/or creates the need fill' this "cqllest). Page 1 of ;:.: ~ Developmenta] Slandard~ Variance Applieatillll u u 8) State rcasons supporting the DevclolJmental Standards Variance: (Additionally comlJlete the attached question sheet entitled "Findings of Faet-DevelolJmental Standards Variance"). 9) Presentzoning of the property (givc exact classification): 5-1, SJ>ecial Use for 1)I'ivate hil!h schuul and recreational facilitv 10) Size of 10t/lJarcel in question: 12 acres out of 85 acres 11) Present use of this [JrOllerty: Private High School and recreational facilitv 12) Describe the IJrOposed usc of the property: ExwlOsion of ~.mnasium. Location uf 12 additional modular classrooms and construction of six tennis courts. 13) Is the pro)Jerty: Owner occupied: xx Rentcr occupied: Other: 14) Are there any restrictions, laws, coyenants, variances, SIJecial uses, or llppeals filed ill comH.~ctioll with this property that would relate or affect its use for the specific purl)Qse of th is aplllication? If yes, gin~ date and docket number, decision rendered and Ilcrti nent explanation: "Soccial Use Variancc", SU-8-00, alJIJroved on or about April 24,2002 to allow fur the IH'ollertv to he used as a IJrivate school and reel"eationa) facilitv and a "Develollmelltal Stand:u"ds Variance, SU-12-00, allllrllycd un or about Allril 24,2000 to allow a yariance for a 45-foot-tall c1a.~sroumhymIlasill III huihlin~ 15) lIas work for which this aplJlication is being filed alrcady st.u1ed? If answer is ycs, givc details: N lJ Buildi.ng Permit Number: Buildcl': 16) If proposed lllll)ca) is granted, when will the work commence? Immediately 17) Uthe IlrOllosed alJlleal is granted, who will opcrate ,lilli/or use the proposed improvement for whidl this all)llication has been filcd? U niversitv Hit!:h School of Indiana, Inc. NOTE: LEGAL NOTICE shall be published in the Noblcsville Daily Ledger a MANDA TORY Iwenty-five (25) days prior to the public hearing date. The certified "Proof of Publication" affidavit for the newspaper Illust be available for inspection the night of the hcnring. LEGAL NOTICE to nil adjoining and abutting propcny owners is also MA NO A TOR Y ,two methods of notice are recommended: 1) CERTIHED MAIL-RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED sent to adjoining property owners (The whIte receipt should be stamped by the Post Office at leasllwenty-fivc (25) days prior ro the public hearing date.) Page 2 of g - Dovelopmental Sland:mb Var;,,"ce Application C~\1ELlCLA Y BOARD OF ZONINC AP~LS CARMEL,INUlANA Docket No.: Petitioner: University High School of Indiana. 111C. FINDINGS OF FACT - DEVELOPMENTAL STANDARDS VARIANCE I. The approval of this variance will not be injunous to the public health, safety, morals and general welfare of the community because: The existing sign has not presented any problems or concems as to those clements set forth above. 2. The use and value of the area adjacent to the property included in the variance will not be affCcted in a substantially adverse manner because: The sign is tasteful and docs not detract from the existing aesthetics of the surrounding oroperty 3. The strict application of the terms of the Zoning Ordinance to the property \vill result in practical difficulties in the use of the property because: The sign was given to the applicant bv a donor who did not realize that cenain developmental standards for such a sign existed via the Cannel/Clay Zoning Ordinances. DECISION IT IS THEREFORE the decision of the Carmel/Clay Board of Zoning Appeals that Developmental Standards Variance Docket No. is granted, subject to any conditions stated in the minutes of this Board. which arc incorporated herein by reference and made a pari hereof. Adopted this da y of , 2002. CHAIRPERSON, Carmel/Clay Board of Zoning Appeals SECRETARY, Camlel/Clay Board of Zoning Appeals Conditions of the Board arc listed on the back. (Petitioner or his representative to sign). s: \ca ml e Ie] ay] andu ~eregs'\chcckl ist\dcvstanda pp Revised 10/1 7/2000 l"lgc ~ llf ~ . Dcvclopmcnlal Standards Variance Applicatiull ~L/~~/L~~L !4;~~ j!,'t)ttlL<+jtl HILAN t...;At-'!IAL PAGE 05 u u ~ EXHIBIT A LEGAL DESCRIPTION CONTINUED TRAC'1' III The west half of 80 acrea off of the north end of 104 60/100 acres off of the west side of the ~orthea5t quarter of Se~tion 5, Township 17 North, Range 3 East. Containing 40 acreS, more or less, in Hamilton County, Indiana excepting the following Tract I and Tract II: Tract I A part of the nort.heast quarter of Section 5, Township 17 North, Range 3 East in Hamilton County, India.na, baing more part.icularly descri:bed as follows: Beginning at. a point on the north line of said qurter section, distance 751.87 feet Bast of the northeast co~er thereof, and running thence east upon and along said north line, a distance of 144 feet to a point; running southwardly along an established fence line, a distance of 262.5 feet to a point, thence west and parallel to the north line of said qurter section, a distance of 145.1 feet to a point1 ~ing thence north and parallel to the west line of said quart.er section, a distance of 262.5 feet to the place of beginning, containing in all 0.87 aere, more or less. ~. Tract II A part of the nort:heast quarter of Section S, Township. 17 North, Range 3 East in Hamilton County, Indiana, being more particularly described as follows; Begi~ing at a point on the north lLne of aforesaid quarter section, said point being 485.93 feet eaSt. of the nort:heast corner of said quarter section; thence south parallel to the west li.ne of aforesaid quarter section a distance of 262.5 feet; thence east parallel to tbe north line of said quarter section a distance of 165.94 feet; thence north parallel to the wes.t. line of said quarter section a dist.ance of 262.5 feet, thence west on and along the north line of said quarter section a distance .of 165.94 feet to the point of :beginning- TRACT IV Part of the northeast quarter of Section 5, Township 17 North, Range 3 Bast, Hamilton County, Indiana, and being more particularly described as follows: ..:. Baginning at a point on the north line of said quarter section being south 89 degrees 26 minutes 54 seconds west (assumed.basis of :bearings) 1691.06 feet from tbe northeasc corner thereof, also baing ~he intersection of said north line with an existing earth-south fence line extended, thence south 0 degrees 01 (Continued} '-----/ CASE NO.23760a LL/~~fL~CL Lq;L~ .:H 0' 1::S r tlL:'1.:l11 HILAN CAPlrAL PAGE 07 u u ',--J EXHIBIT A LEGAL DESCRIPTION CONTINUED m.inutes 4S seconds east along said north-south fence line extended a%lod fence line, 504..94 feet to its in~erBection with an exiating east-west fence line extended; thenee south 88 degrees 24 minutes 03 seconds along said east-weat fence line extended and fence line. 122.99 feet; ehence north 0 degrees 14 minutes 00 seconds east 507.22 feet to the north line of said quarte];' section, thence north 89 de~ees 26 minutes S4 seconds east along said north line. 120.63 feet to the point of beginning and containing 1.415 acres. more 0];' less. NOTE: Acreage in the legal description of thelllubjeet real estate solely for the purpose of ide:o.tifying and describing the insured 1and and this searchl!lhould not be construed as insuring the quantity of land as Bet: forth in said description. ."---./. '>-/ CASE NO.23?600 12/04/2002 14:23 3178702430 HILAN CAF-'lIAL PAGE 08 DULY {.;aRiD FOR TAXATION s~ec~ to flnalllc~nue for tr~llfpr , da,yof /kh 19~ M /J I),il Auditor __) IF> fi \P II i/" 'h .VU - HlwmltODCoUftty ~ 'Y PlfDll t u ~qO~':Jl(H94 Fil~d for Record in HAMILTON COUNTY, INDIANA MARY LCLARK On 03-31-1~~9 At 12150 pm. CORP W DEED 14.00 CORPORATE WARRANTY DEED TIllS INDENTIJRE WITNESSETH, That JOSEPH WARREN, INC. (Grantor), a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State ofIndiana CONVEYS AND WARRANTS to 1 16th & TO\VNE PARTNERS, LLC, an Indiana limited liability company (hereinafter referred to as Grantee) for the sum of Ten Dollars ($10.00) and other valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of wl:1ich is hereby acknowledged, the following described real estate in Ham ilton County, State of Indiana: SEE EXIllBIT A A TT ACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF Subject to Real Estate taxes not delinquent and to any and all easements. agreements and restrictions of record. ll1e address of such real estate is commonly known as 2700 West 1 16th Street Carmel. Indiana. Tax bills should be sent to Grantee at such address unless otherwise indicated below. Grantor certifies under oath that no Indiana Gross Income Tax is due or payable at this time with respect to the transfer made by this deed. '~ The undersigned person executing this deed on behalf of Grantor represents and certifies that he/she is a duly elected officer of Grantor and has been fully empowered, by proper resolution onhe Board of Directors of Grantor, to ex.ecute and deliver this deed; that Grantor has full corporate capacity to convey the real estate described herein; and that all necessary corporate action for the making of such conveyance has been taken and done. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Grantor has executed this deed this 14i.~ay of ~~'w-l ,199...:2. GRANTOR JOSEPH WARREN, I ~ ignature t~ W ~( VQC\~--\ Printed Name, and Office "I ,"-..-/" 12/04/2002 14:23 ~lfl::l(~'L4::ll1 H.Ll..~N GHt-' J- I ~L t-'I-\\:lt:.. l:J';:j .. u u ~ ST ATE OF +~d\'a.lQ:..a- ACKNOWLEDGMENT ) .- ) COUNTY OF M.;\.lI"!17""- ) Before mJ~ubliC in and for sa.id County and State, personally appeared E rke...:f uJ.~, the .p,. ec;. I of JOSEPH WARREN, INC., an Indiana corporation, who acknow ledged the ex.ecution of the foregoing Deed for and on behalf of said Grantor, and who, having been duly sworn, stated that the representations therein contained are true. ss: Witness my hand and Nntarial Seal this dt day nf ~. My Commission expires: SIgnature t2_~- I . Printed JAMES HUGHEY RES. OF HANCOCK co. Resident of MY COMM. E:XP. 6-13-08 County, Indiana '----" This instrument was prepared by Jeffrey R. Lade, Attorney at Law, 140 E_ Washington Street, Indianapolis, Indiana 46204 ~ ~~/~~/~~~~ ~4;~~ .;ll{tj/tJL4,::itJ HJ.LPoN ~Ar' J.I ~~L I-'ACoil:. 10 u u EXHIBIT A \~' PARCEL I Part of the Northeast quarter of section 5, Township 17 North, range 3 East, Hamilton County, Indiana. and being more particularly described as follows: BegiIUling at a point on the North line of said quarter .section being South 89 degrees 26 minutes 54 seconds West (assumed basis of bearing) 915.86 feet from the Northeast comer thereof; thence South 0 degrees 11 minutes 01 seconds West 1940.72 feet; thence South 89 degrees 06 minutes 44.seconds West 897.59 feet; thence North 00 degrees 14 minutes 00 seconds East 1438.80 feet to an existing East-West fence line; thence North 88 degrees 24 minutes 03 seconds East along said East~West fence line and fence line extended 122.99 feet to its intersection with an existing North-South fence line extended; thence North 0 degrees 01 minutes 45 seconds West along said North-South fence line extended and fence line, 504.94 feet to the North line of said quarter section; thence North 89 degrees 26 minutes S4 seconds East along said North line 775.20 feet to the point of beginning. Containing 38.585 acres, more or less. PARCEL II '---./ Part of the Northeast quarter of section 5, Township 17 North, range 3 East of the Second Principal Meridian, in Hamilton County, Indiana, more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the Northeast comer of said Northeast quarter; thence South 00 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds East (assumed bearing) along the East lineaf said Northeast quarter a distance of 1197.55 feet to the point of beginning said point being the Northeast comer of a 17.2 acre tract described in Warranty Deed No. 86.29309, in the Office of the Recorder of said county; thence continuing South 00 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds East along said East line, a distance of 276.36 feet; thence South 89 degrees 41 minutes 27 seconds West 919.10 feet; thence North 00 degrees 13 minutes 17 seconds East along the West line of a 0.816 acre tract described in Quitclaim Deed No. 86-29308 in the Office of the Recorder of said County 258.88 feet; thence North 88 degrees 36 minutes 00 seconds East along the North line and an extension thereof said 17.2 acre tract 918.36 feet to the point of beginning. Containing 5.64 acres more or less. . '-....../. \ II: if: .,: T I" : ~1' /., /\ 111111 " " Ii ..T&,. ": ..: if Xll'I...,>-- ..c.._... a' "~J::; ., I .! lil" " It: f:E :~ ",,' *'~~~..; 7-: i .~~ aJ ':,..' ,I r~:' \ ." : I':I~ Ii II "-'~'" IU: l a't~ , " : '!:l1 .III ~~ i' i~ L--~ u: ~ r: Ii IE ~ I': I !'I: iI' I B~ ,.: Ii ~ II ~ : III DI ,I I ________________--..-..-r"___________________'___~ lIl~i [ID I .... _______ :,..:-_------~-_: I : ., :- : · i b ~ 'f- .' ~ . ~~L-- I I ~: I I , , , ~-: I I , , , ~., II~.,' d~- ~ Ill" .: ~ ".. I ., 1 R ;CII , - ... ~~B -j - ~ Il- b ~ I rJi a Ii I Iil~ .. ! - - Q ) ~ '; D I " .~ J" / '/; ! ~I ,I ~I~ u H ~ I; " ~ " -~ - " ,n oj :~ L....,- , ~, r . I' II I~ /) ~\ @ 0 G- ) @ @ ~ ~ a: J 0' . .. p: IJ.,j ~ D' .J I --------- n ~ In ~. a:~~t - - - - .i t " It i . ill 1 ill'; J!i11B __ , k"""-~ , tr,f' .:" .~, " ~i '~n:}H if ~ I ~' "'1([1 SH 9 . ~ J~ 0'1 ~tL~pl' ~: . J~' F H~ '!lt~ IH' . DI. '~, I , ' ." -.I~ .:: I '" \ ": ..: I.: ~1"~: ":1 . 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'<< 1 . ];, .' ~ ~ <0 '" ~ ~ 21'-0' IJ2 I'-f t'-'"t - - 1)2" 1'-3' 1"""""'- I o :' 4' WEST ElEV A llON ~ o :' 4' NORTH ELEV A liON MULCH SIQ'< Uc:lm T'll'. or , g 8S@e@ --I~ ~I@ @9@@@@ ~ l; UNIVERSITY HIGH SCHOOL CARMEl, INDIANA 21'-0" PlAN t) ~_ I o 2' of o o o o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I \ \."J 1161li 51mT ~" ~ 000 0 ( ]:]I=r ) (i~ ~~) ==f= r- I ~ o o o UNIVERSITY HIGH SCHOOL CARMEl, INDIANA He I '\ '-' .,r' \ ' . , /...... . l' ~& 'VI(., if ~ 6~ ~ }&~- & 1",':. ~ <::) i, <-'~~J X"" >'. 0 0 0 0 0 o 00 o o SITE PLAN ~ ' o 2fT 40' -I 0 ---J ';/ 0 , J - ,~---I , . I I I I ~ ""'" DKFMIIl'R ., 2llO2 o o o o ~.~. '<- " ~:f'; ';"_:::~~'~. ---~~,:;~~'~~~~:;Jl~:'~'~~f~~::'~;" ~.'~;)ti:~~~~:;~~'::{~'):~~~' ~~;:~~":P~:.::~~~~~'~:;;~:~;-~_l~:~;~,~~~~_~;: "~: :';L~.}j;~;:r.~;6~~~~t.~",:':~!.~;:~~..ttsi::;}:;i-~i{;;';;~~'.!~'G~'~.;';;i ( ~ I 8 <:> ~ e 0 <;) Cj) <==> C! (!) 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",./ ",/ ,/ // ;/ // / / /~ / ,/ ./ // ,/ V" ./ / ./ ../ ./ ./ / // / .. ~ ~/- -----/ - --::/~- /-' ~- / / ' ~ /' ./ // // // /' / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / ../' /,,,/ /" /. /~ ;/~ ,,/ ,,/ SOCCER FIELD /./ ./ ./ / ,/ / ,/ ../ / / / / // /' ,/ / / ./ / / ./ PORTABLE CLASSROOMS /' TENNIS COURTS / // / / // // /// // / // , ./ // // // // //~... / ./ loNT~,RIM ,~ASTER PLAN :~) ~....... ~OKIII / / / /' // / / / // // iZt.~ ."G.IoS~IR" /A'3't1St:~.. ./ / , // ,'/ / A /./ ,/ / I ./// ,//// / j // // / I ./ /./ / / j / / .<;X ./ ,/ l;./~'7 ~ . ./ / &'.. ~~ I / ,// 4j:;~~ . .// /./ / / c$ ~ )1 / 1 / I / FUTURE PARKING : FUTURE PORTABLE CLASSROOMS I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ,,,; / 'CASRI8!:H / ':-\ ~~-, ,'~~ ~ ~.~\_~ ~ -;::5.~ ~'"'-- .~ .~ (:J ~ ---~ .. - ...",.) .. "-'.,-::::" -- ~:.~.-\ ~ '0- UNIVERSITY HIGH SCHOOL CARMEL, INDIANA ~ ~~ / / / ./ / / / // ./ / ./ / // / ./ ./ / / / / / ./ ./ / / / // / TENNIS COURTS -6 Asphalt courts with color coat surface (2 color) / -10' Height chainlink fence vinyl coated fabric and posts -Underdrains around and under courts -Grading and filling for courts / -Lighting / Option 1 - 40'-50' poles rough in only Option 2 - 20' poles rough in only $220,000 $105,000 $ 40,000 $ 50,000 $ 20,000 PARKI NG AND DRIVEWAYS -Concrete curbs -Storm drainage -Grading and earthwork -Underdrains around all curbs -Asphalt paving -Does not include widening 116th to Towne Road $360,000 CONCRETE PAVING AND WALKS -4' Broom finish concrete $ 32,000 PLANTING -Seeding and sodding, trees and shrubs $ 60,000 SITE ELECTRICAL -Parking 101 lighling, electrical service drop, portabre classrooms $200,000 THIS ESTIMATE DOES NOT INCLUDE: -Portable classroom setup or initial cost -Decking between classrooms -Sanitary and water hookups to portable classrooms SEPTEMBER 13, 2002 :.,e ~<.(j!uire <l.!;s% o~ ... ", ! ~~~+J ~~.f (;oPtlll(Wf 2001