HomeMy WebLinkAboutPacket u, LJ I w ~~ -F Lj9-0S pp bcctc+ -=tt- L/ 9;" () 3a.. 5 iJ '\ RJC;UT G R 0 u p Town Pointe Subdivision City of Carmel/Clay Township Plan Commission, April 15, 2003 .-' ..-.~~I_ T ~:,-.J-i -'. \ . / : A [ '. 7:: i-- RECFIVED ;\'- ': APR 3 2003 \: DOCS , . " . '........' . - ,. , .. '"'"-__ r ___'~ _I,~_~ /01 u u u ~~' '~4~"UT.~. 'j"',' - ,. ,. , .. -. i. '-.c'.'.- -, G R 0 U P Town Painte Subdivision City of Carmel/Clay Township Plan Commission, April 15, 2003 4f/40d~ \\I!2Jc;"UT '.Cc UI G R o u p Developers / Builders 597 Industrial Drive Suite 104 Carmel, IN 46032 (317) 714-6694 fax (317) 846-3796 April 2,2003 CITY OF CARMELlCLA Y TOWNSHIP Advisory Plan Commission One Civic Square Carmel, Indiana 46032 RE:ELLIOTT WRIGHT GROUP, LLC DOCKET NUMBERS: 49-03 PP; and, 49-03a SW Dear Member: lJ On April 15, 2003, Elliott Wright Group will present to the City of Carmel/Clay Township Advisory Plan Commission for review and approval its primary plat for a residential subdivision to be known as Towne Pointe. It is proposed as a 28-10t subdivision on a total of 26 acres to be developed in accordance with the current S- llResidence zoning. The site is located at the northeast comer of East 131:it Street and Towne Road. The primary plat presented meets all development standards, except for one subdivision waiver (Chapter 6, Section 6.3.7) involving the maximum length of a cul-de-sac. The primary pl.at was presented to the Carmel/Clay Technical Advisory Committee on March 19, 2003, with a copy of the meeting minutes included within this packet for your review. There will be 28 single-family homes built on said lots within a size range of 3,000 square feet and above, and within a price range of $500,000 and above. I look forward to seeing you April 15, 2003, and [ thank you for your service to the City of Cannel. T GROUP, LLC PCW/djb lJ 597 Industrial Drive. Suite 104 · Carmel, IN 46032 · Phone: 317.846.3798 . Fax: 317.846.3796 . elliottwright.com [~ ." ...., ,', ." -, ~ .1 U 1. 2. '"' .J. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. U U. 12. 13. 14. 15. u Table of Contents For Primary Plat Packet #49-0JPP Letter of Introduction Table of Contents Photograph: Aerial View Primary Plat Plan Preliminary Boundary Plan Preliminary Landscape Plan Preliminary Entrance Signage and Landscape Plan Land Description of Primary Plat Copy of Notice of Public Hearing sent to adjacent residents Publisher's Affidavit for Public Notice Petitioner's Affidavit of Notice Of Public Hearing Copy of March 19,2003 TAC minutes Copy of Subdivision Variance Request Application Subdivision Variance Findings of Fact Forms (clean form and proposed fonn) Findings of Fact Form for Primary Plat consideration u '.t. I LOCA TION MAP "- 1 N l.E.llErID -.......... --- --.. .......-... ~~'Ull4)~ NOTES , ztlol."'HI'.loIo/II;J"Ot:MCI """1l......!Fclr~~ > e.~lkr~~""'" "'Bl'MI".IIclr~~~III'lJCIN:Ii. s..&t'woIt!Il.ot-IIQd~ ./ It. y II I '~~~I'I . =::'~ '1\ \~; ~..L""",,,,,,_,,,",-,_,,_~,_,,,,,,_,,,,,,,,,"",,.......""""...__a- _..__........."'.... 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YARD SWALE DETAIL C~RRE~T :~~I,G s.[ """'''''''' ..:nTO~ PRIMARY PLAT - TOWNE POINTE SUBDIVISION ...\TowneRoad\CADO\Sheet100.dgn 04/02/200310:49:14 AM \ PROPERTY DESCF-IPTION \ . . .....oI_~~"'....,~......'*........~I.J.ItIm.~,~~~~lrd.na,or>dboQ;j"..".~~-,~ 8ICIlN'ft..-.1Ift.......... dllIIlll~......-:c~OO___-\olt'I'hMI~_I.I__.~11!1~Alo~..."..;.W-~~,--~,.....,;m-~..~II'ftaI~--r. ~ -.aW.....1e:;t.H _II:II;1lUIl.llclull'l oo...-""~ "'*"'""->>__ ,_' 033-..- ~ ..~.,.",.Il-r.-.oo''''''''',IID~ I\e~.a~.... ,...., __e.-.. 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Subject to the rights-of-way of Towne Road and 1315t Street. Subject to all other easements, restrictions, and rights-of-way of record. u '\ IZlc; UT G R o u p March 18, 2003 Raul J. and Antonia G. Guerrero 2424 131st St. West Carmel, IN 46032 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING BEFORE THE CARMEL PLAN COMMISSION Docket #49-03PP LJ Notice is hereby given that the Carmel Plan Commission will hold a Public Hearing upon an application made by Chuck Wright of Elliott Wright Group, LLC proposing a thirty acre, twenty-eight lot residential subdivision to be named Towne Pointe. Towne Pointe will have 20,000s[+/-lots with liS to 120 foot wide building lines tor custom homes. The time and place of-said meeting will be April 15, 2003 at 7:00 p.m. in the City Hall Council Chambers, One Civic Square, Carmel, IN 46032. The application is identitied as Docket NO. 49-03PP. THE FOLLOWING OVERALL PERIMETER DESCRIPTION HAS BEEN PREP ARED OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED REAL EST ATE: A part of the Northwest Quarter of Section 28, Township I S North, Range 3 East, Hami It on County, Indiana, being more particularly described as follows: u Commencing at the southwest corner of the Northwest Quarter of Section 28, Township 18 N0l1h, Range 3 East, Hamilton County, Indiana; thence NOl1h 00 degrees 41 minutes 33 seconds East (assumed bearing) on the west line of said Northwest Quarter 827.54 feet to the Point of Beginning of the herein described real estate, said point also being the southwest corner of the real estate described in Instrument No 87-27439 in the Office of the Recorder of Hamilton County, Indiana; thence North 89 degrees 54 minutes 30 seconds East parallel with the north line of the South Half of said Northwest Quarter and on the south line of said Instrument No. 87-27439 a distance of 273.94 feet to a point on the prolongation of the west line of the real estate described in Deed Book 361, Page 521, thence South 00 degrees 40 minutes 20 seconds West on said west line 827.54 teet to a point on the south line of said Northwest Quarter; thence North 89 degrees 54 minutes 36 seconds East on said south line 537.83 feet to the southeast corner of the real estate described in Instrument No. 2000-15374; thence North 00 degrees 39 minutes 19 seconds East parallel with the east line of the West Half of said Northwest Quarter and on the east line of said real estate and the prolongation thereof a distance of 827. 56 feet to a point all the south line of said real estate described in Instrument No. 87-27439; thence North 89 degrees 54 minutes 30 seconds East on said south line and parallel with said north line of the South Half of said Northwest Quarter 527.24 teet to a point on said east line oftlle West Half of said Northwest Quarter; thence North 00 degrees 39 minutes 19 seconds East on said east line 671.34 feet to the northeast comer of the real cstale described in I nstrument No. 99-42238; thence South X') degrees 54 minutes 30 seconds West parallel with the south line of the North Half of said NOlthwest Quarter and on the north line of said real estate 133833 feet to a point on the west line of said Northwest Quarter; thence South 00 degrees 41 minutes 33 seconds West on said west line 671.34 feet to thePoint of Beginning, containing 30.84 acres, more or less. Subject to the rights-or-way of Towne Road and 13 I st Street. Subject to all other easements, restrictions, and rights-of-way of record ~ All interested persons desiring to present their views on the above application, either in writing or verbally, will be given an opportunity to be heard at the above-mentioned time and place. Prior to or at the meeting, written comments may be sent to Carmel Clay Plan Commission, c/o Ramona Hancock, Secretary, Cannel City Hall, One Civic Square, Carmel, IN 46032. Files may be examined at Department of Community Services, Division of Planning and Zoning, Carmel City Hall, 3rd Floor, Carmel, IN 46032. Concerns may be addressed by phoning (317) 571-2417. 597 Industrial Drive, Ste 104, Camlel, IN 46032 Ph# 846-3798 Fax#846-3796 u u u / I IT G R o u p March 20, 2003 <<FirstName)) <(LastName>> <<Address I >> <<City>>, <<State>> (<PostaICode>> NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING BEFORE THE CARMEL PLAN COM.NIISSION Docket #49-03PP Notice is hereby given that the Cannel Plan Commission will hold a Public Hearing upon an application made by Chuck Wright of Elliott Wright Group, LLC proposing a thirty acre, twenty-eight lot residential subdivision to be named Tovme Pointe. Towne Pointe will have 20,OOOsf +/- lots with 115 to 120 foot wide building hnes for custom homes. The time and place of said meeting will be April 15, 2003 at 7:00 p. m. in the City Hall Council Chambers, One Civic Square, Cannel, IN 46032. The application is identified as Docket NO. 49-03PP. Additionally, Docket #49-03aSW Please regard this notice as formal notification, in addition to the certified letter sent to you, of Elliott Wright Group, LLC's intelltion to request at tile above named Public Hearing a Subdivision Variance for Towne Poi1tte Subdivision. This variance is to extend a cui-de-sac street to 850 feet in length. The ordinance in place has an allowance of 600 feet in length. This variance is identified as Docket NO. 49-03aSW. THE FOLLOWING OVERALL PERIMETER DESCRIPTION HAS BEEN PREP ARED OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED REAL ESTATE: A part of the Northwest Quarter ofSeetion 28, Township 18 North, Range 3 East, Hamilton County, Indiana, being morc particularly described as follows: Commencing at the southwest corner of tile NorthW\;Sl Quarter of Section 28, Township 18 North, Range 3. East, Hamilton County, Indiana; thence North 00 degrees 41 minutes 33 seconds East (assumed bearing) on the west line of said Northwest Quarter 827.54 feel to the Point of Beginning orthe herein described real estate, said point also being the southwest corner of the real estate described in instrument No. 87-27439 ill the Office of the Recorder of Hamilton County, Indiana; thence North 89 degrees 54 minutes 30 seconds East parallel with the 11011h line of the South Half of said Northwest Quarter and on the south line of said Instrument No. 87-27439 a distance of 273.94 feet to a point on the prolongation of the west line oCthe real estate described in Deed Book 361, Page 521; thence South 00 degrees 40 minutes 20 seconds West on said west line 827.54 feet to a point on the south line of said Northwest Quarter; thence North 89 degrees 54 minutes 36 seconds East on said south line 537.83 feet to the sou~hellst comer of the real estate described in Instrument No. 2000-15374; thence North 00 degrees 39 minutes 19 seconds East parallel with the east line ofthe West Half of said Northwest Quarter and on the east line of said real estate and the prolongation thereof a distance of l!27.56 feet to a point on the south line of said real estate described in Instrument No. 87-27439, thence North 89 degrees 54 minutes 30 seconds East on said south line and parallel with said north line of the South Half of said Northwest Quarter 527.24 feet to a point on said cast line ofllie West Half of said Northwest Quarter; thence North 00 degrees 39 minutes 19 seconds East on said east line 671 34 feet to the northeast comer of the real estate described in Instrument No. 99-42238; thence South 89 degrees 54 minutes 30 seconds WestparaIlcI with the south line of the North Half of said Northwest Quarter and on the north hne of said real estate 1338.33 feet to a point on the west line of said Norlhwest Quarter; thence South no degrees 41 minutes 33 seconds Wcst on said west line 671.34 feet to the Point of Begmning, containing 30.84 acres, more or less. Subject to the rights-of~way of Towne Road and Blst Street. Subject to all other casements, restrictions, and rights-or-way ofrceord All interested persons desiring to present their views on the above application, either in writing OJ verbally, will be given an opportunity to be heard at the above-mentioned time and place. Prior to or at the meeting, written comments may be sent to Carmel Clay Plan Commission, c/o Ramona Hancock, Secretary, Carmel City Hall, One Civic Square, Carmel, IN 46032. Files may be examined at Department of Community Services, Division of Planning and Zoning, Carmel City Hall, 3rd Floor, Cannel, TN 46032. Concerns may be addressed by phoning (3]7) 571-24]7. 597 Industrial Drive, Ste ] 04, Carmel, IN 4603 2 Ph.# 846-3798 Fax#846-3796 81664-2632486 PUBLISHER'S AFFIDAVIT State of(ndiana SS: MARION County u Personally appeared befote me, a notary public in and for said county and state, the undersigned Kerry Dodson who, being duly sworn, says that SHE is clerk .. I f1Uijl,S!:CifiQjr:lc!;s;jG\, . NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARfNG BEFORE THE CARMEL PLAN COMMISSION Docket #49-03PP Noti;:;:e is -hereby ~i"'li'n that the Carmel Plan Commission will hold OJ Public He;Jring UIlQn an application macl~ by Chuck Wriglit of Elliott Wrl9~t.Group. LLC proposing a t~lI'..ty acre, tWl7flly-eignt lot resid-entfal s:ubdl...ision to be Ilamed Towne Poir:te-. Towne . Pointe will h;;:I''I'e 20.I)ODsf +1 - lots with 11.5 to 120 foot . wide buildi;ng lill~s. for c;us. ; tom ho-mes. fhe time and pl.::n;e Qf.sard meeting will be April 15, 2003 at ]"00 p.m. In the City Hall Counc.il Cham- , D€.rs, One Civic SqLl;:]re. Car~ fllel, IN 46032. Ttle applica- tiofl is identified as Doc~@t ~ NO.4Q-tJ3PP. I TH E FOLLOWING OVERALL PERIMETER OESCRIPTION . H^SBEEN PREPAREOQFTHE ABOVE DESCRIBED REAL ES- TATE: A - part of tl1e Northwest . Quarter 'Of Section 23, Town- - shi~ 18 North, Range 3 East. Hamilton County, Indiana. being more particularly de- scribed as follc-ws~ Commencing at the south- west corner of the Northwest Quarter of Sedion 28. Toww sllip 18 North, Range 3 fast, H~milton County, Indiana;: thence North 00 degrees. 41 minutes 33 seconds East )rm 65-F (assumed be.-.(ing) en the west line of si3id Northwest QlJiFter 82754 fe~t to the Point -of Beginning of the t~e,.-ein described real Esto!lte. - ~~~~n~~~t,,;'~~~, ~r\~~ ,;:';1 ESCRIBED FORMULA Estate descnbed m Tnstru~ mellt No. B7-27439 in th~ Of- ficeof the Recorder of HomH~ ~O:~t~OR~Il;r~n~:~i~~;~i~~~;~ tOLUMN - 94 POINT of the INDIANAPOLIS NEWSPAPERS a DAILY STAR newspaper of general circulation printe~ and published in the English language in the city of INDIANAPOLIS in state and county aforesaid, and that the printed matter attached hereto is a true copy, which was duly published in said paper for 1 tirne(s), between the dates of: 03/2012003 and 03120/2003 '\ Clerk Title "'~..::;Z,- '-'- Subscribed and sworn to before me on 03fZO/2003 '(lr,_ Notary Public KIMBERL Yo . HACKER Notary Public. State of Indiana County of Morgan My Commission Expires May 13, 2010 My commission expires: RATE PER LINE u 94 POINTS / 5.7 PT TYPE - 16.49 16.49 EMS /250 - .06596SQUARES .06596 SQUARES x $4.67 - .308 CENTS PER LINE PUBLISHED 1 TIME = .308 PUBLISHED 2 TIMES= .462 PUBLISHED 3 TIMES= .616 PUBLISHED 4 TIMES= .770 u u LJ u PETITIONFR'S AFFIDAVIT OF NOTICE OF PUB. Ie HEARING I (W do hereby certify that notice of public hearing of the ocket Number~4~" 08 P? ,was registered and mailed at least twenty-five (25) days prior to the date of the public hearing to the below listed adjacent property . owners: OWNFR(s) NAME ADDRESS "AU EXHJr.::\IT :s E. c A.rT ~ c:.H eo ~~**w********~*~*~**********~.*~*~~~~~*****~****~*****~~w*~,**********~**.*~.~***** STATE OF INDIANA, COUNTY of--JL).,-v'v'~~ ~ -\-0 ~ \.. '\ ,ss: The undersigned, having been duly sworn, upon oath says that the above information' as he is informed and believes. ~_..-- ~ ._ 2@.c2 <:: " (Slgnatur f Petitioner) Subscribed ana sworn to before me this ;.-2 d~Y Of"~,r:}' \..."--~ . 20 .Q5 . '---~)V-XL/' 1101.- ~:)-o Nota ublic My Commission Expires: (Q - J 1-0 ~ ******** ***~..***... **** **** ********....***"'*'*.. *...'***'*,** ***. ***** *****.**...... **1HI'*'*** Signatures of adjacent property owners must be submitted on this affidavit. c c' c EXHIBIT h A" FirstName LastN ame Address1 City State PostalCodc HomePhone WorkPhone Parcel David L & Hudson 133585 Westfield Indiana 46074 317-844- 17 09- Teresa Towne 1189 28-00- Road 00- 001- 006 Richard S & Kolic 3356 Eden Carmel Indiana 46032 17 09- Carole J Way Place 28-00- 00- 002- 000 Marcia 2330 131st Carmel Indiana 46032 317-848- 17 09- Richey Trust Street W 1393 28-00- 01- 003- 000 Jacquelyn Katie 3846 Cannel IN 46032 17 09- Constitution 28-00- Dr. 00- 002- 002 Martha Carr Apt. 501 Willoughby OH 44092 1 7 09- W.Bishop Hill 28-00- Park Dr DI- DOS- 000 c c~ c FirstName LastName Address! City State Postal Code HomePhone W orkPhone Parcel Brenwick 12821 New Carmel IN 46032 17 09- Ind. Market St. 28-00- Communities East, 00- LLC Ste 200 003- 000 Craig Hand Rice 4245 Indianapolis IN 46228 17 09- Sue Roland Rd. 28-00~ OO~ 030- 000 David A Federspill 1709 Indianapolis IN 46260 1 7 09- Charter Oak 28-00- Circle 01- 001- 000 John T Logan 2208 13lst Carmel IN 46032 17 09- St West 28-00- Ol~ 002- 000 Joseph C Dawson 4141 116th Zionsville IN 46077 17 09- St West 28-00- 01- 004- 000 c c c FirstName LastName Address! City State PostalCode HomePhone W orkPhone Parcel Michael L Smith 13189 Westfield IN 46074 1 7 09~ Towne Rd 28-00- 01- 004- 001 Joseph C. Dawson 4141 116th Zionsville IN 46077 17 09- St.West 28-00- 01- 004- 002 Mark Boone 13101 Westfield IN 46074 17 09- Towne Rd. 28-00- 01- 004- 003 Joseph C. Dawson 4141 116th Zionsville IN 46077 17 09- West 28-00- 01- 004- 004 Charles Holmes 13506 Westfield IN 46074 17 09- Warren and Trust Towne Rd 29..00- Pauline B 00- 008- 000 c c c FirstN ame LastName Address! City State PostaICode HomePhone WorkPhone Parcel Roger W. Graham 13336 Westfield IN 46074 17 09- and Janet Towne Rd 29-00- 00- 009- 000 Ray..C and Thoman 13214 We st.field IN 46074 17 09- Elizabeth Towne Rd 29-00- 00- 010- 000 TeodorH. Ge10v 2290 1 36th Carmel IN 46032 and Angela St. West E Ray N. and Cash Louann 2273 136th Carmel St. West rN 46032 Mark and Hartman Robin K. 13405 Westfield Towne Rd. IN 46074 Douglas D. Dye and Lisa K. 13423 Westfield Towne Rd. IN 46074 C. . .. FirstName Raul J. and Antonia G. LastName Addressl Guerrero 2424 131 st 81. West City Carmel c State PostalCode HomePhone WorkPhone Parcel IN 46032 c u CARMEL/CLAY TECHNICAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE MINUTES MARCH 19, 2003 Chuck Shupperd, Vectren Energy Gary Hoyt, Ca=el Fire Dept. Jenny Chapman, Hamilton Co. Surveyor Steve Broerman, Hamilton Co. Highway John South, Hamilton Co. Soil & Water Jim Blanchard, DOCS/BCE Scott Brewer, Carmel Urban Forester Dick Hill, Carmel Engineer's orC. ;\1ike McBride, Carmel Engineer's Ofc. Jon Dobosiewicz, DOCS Towne Pointe (primary Plat) The applicant seeks approval of a Primary Plat for a 28-lot residential subdivision on 25.1:1: acres. The site is located on the northeast corner of West 131st Street and Towne Road. The site is zoned S-lIResidence - Estate. Filed by the Elliot Wright Group, LLC. Present for Petitioner: Chuck Wright, Elliott Wright Group, Engineer of Record; Terry Quillman, associate with BeZ Group. Proposal is for a new subdivision on the northeast corner of Towne Road and 131 st Street. Property has low points in a couple of areas, the watershed is the centerline of Towne Road. Path for stonnwater outlet is across Brenwick's property to the east into shallow open swale-temporary. Petitioner trying to follow S-l Zoning, 115-125-foot lots. One variance requested for length of cul-de-sac, 600 feet to 850 feet. Lots are mostly one-half acre, home prices one-half million dollars. The plat incorporates two properties, one to the north, one to south, (Block A and B) NOT subject to covenants and restrictions. Petitioner will work for right-of-way on the opposite side of site. u Jenny Chapman, County Surveyor's Office, says this will be a regulated subdivision. Will send comment letter. Petitioner will submit info for waivers. Chuck Shupperd, Vectren Energy says gas located at 131 st Street-will come up Towne Road for service. Steve Broerman, County Highway says petitioner will also need a variance from the County Board of Commissioners-petitioner will contact Kim Roesch in the Auditor's Office for date and time. Jim Blanchard, DOCS/BCE asks if there are any existing structures to be demolished-petitioner says there are wells, septics in area; sub-surface drain installed by Weihe Engineers about 60 feet off back property line-petitioner will intercept somewhere along the line. Jim Blanchard asked the petitioner to contact Morris Hensley, City Utilities regarding abandoning wells. No model home proposed. Gary Hoyt, Carmel Fire Dept sent comment letter. Petitioner states this will not be a gated community and no amenity building proposed. Purpose of cul-de-sac length? Petitioner does not want another entrance into the subdivision-Fire Dept would prefer another entrance off 131 sl Street of at least emergency access pavers from cul- de-sac to 131 sl Street. Petitioner said they have addressed sanitary sewer invert. Brenwick could come in and follow the same line and that would help petitioner with slopes and Brenwick is interested in pursuing that, probably within the next year or so. Gary Hoyt requested an emergency turn-around at the east end of President's Street in the event Brenwick's project does not meet the petitioner's timeline. JohnDuffy, Carmel Utilities, can service from main north or west. Petitioner will set up meeting with John Duffy for service. u Scott Brewer, Urban Forester r~quests separate open space plan, labeled. Scott also needs a separate landscape plan showing nwnbers and species-must coordinate with emergency exit. s:\ TechnicaL\dvlsoryCommittee\Minutes\2003 \ TAC2003mar 1 u u u John South, Hamilton County Soil & Water, concerned with dry basin effectivenes~suggest petitioner use wet, mazic plants. John will send Terry a drawing of existing tiles; John recommends tile under wet basin~each house site should have access to sub-drainage. Some thought should be given to future connections to existing lots when laying out the sewer line-septic does not last forever. The proposal is a neat, in-fill project. John South said the soil types are very wet and basements are NOT recommended. Dick Hill, City Engineer, property is out of Carmel jurisdiction. Does timing of development coincide with annexation? Jon Dobosiewicz responded property will be annexed February, 2004 and is currently to County Standards. Bill Akers, Communication, comments submitted to petitioner in memo forrn--requests monumentation between subdivisions indicating change. Jon D., DOCS said the Ordinance along Towne Road and 13151 Street calls for maximum improvement, one-half right-of-way. Jon asked developer to prepare an engineer's estimate between County requirements and maximum level of improvements. Jon asked for commitment from petitioner for close proximity of development or work with neighbors for right-of-way. END MEETING s: \ T echnicaL\dvisoryCommittee \Minutes \2003 \ T AC 2003 mar 2 u "1::6ek~T*- 49-03G\.. S-W SUBDIVISION REGULATION WAIVER REQUEST APPLICATION (Submit !\vo (2) copies) Fee: $655.00 plus $72.50 for each additional waiver request Contact Person: (: ~ve-L ~1'<I 1, + Telephone No. ~ /4 - (., Cd14- Fax No. G<\ ~.. 3,'1_ r D Address: 591 ~'OU~TYZl'rC VhIe ~~ k 104: G-rn~J PROJECT NAME: '~t" ,J.e- g....+ -e.. I PROJECT ADDRESS: N. E ~~ APPLICANT NA.\\1E: _S U-l":!T \J y \ 1 ttt" Gy.::,.y ADDRESS: SCl7 ~~T1e:..-(A<- '~v-e- ~L,.Le }O4- TELEPHONE: e4-(p-~c, 6 FA)(: 64 &,. ~fCj fb Section (Section Number, Page, Item) of Subdivision Regulations for which variance is being requested: sea (0.3."/ I u State exIililJ;1ation of why variance is being requested: o e~ T e;... (I--;" . c..#."-L~ IL-'A-r-- y c..u..J t?J 4 frcr-td&.i rAve, 0 It-No~ State reasons supporting variance request: Present zoning: S -\ NOTE: THIS APPLICATION MUST BE SUBMITTED AT THE TIME OF THE PRIMARY PLAT APPLICATION. VARIANCE REQ1JEST l-rfUST BE INCLUDED WITH THE PUBLIC NOTICE FOR THE PRTh1ARYPLAT. s APPLICAT10N FEE u u CARl\'[EL PLAN COMMiSSION CARMEL, INDIANA SUBDIVISION VARIANCE FINDINGS OF FACT Docket No: 49-03aSW Petitioner: Elliott Wrhrht Grouo. LLC Section Variance: Section 6.3.7of the Subdivision Re2:ulations Brief Description of Variance: Extend :Max. Cul-de-sac len~th from 600' to 850' In deciding whether or not the applicant has presented sufficient proof to permit the granting of a variance, the Plan Commission should consider the following: The grant of a variance will not be injurious to the public health, safety, morals and general welfare of the community. Extension of the cul-de-sac will not impede driver sight distance to tbe terminus. All other development standards will be met. Vehicular traffic will be able to make decisions to negotiate the cul-de-sac as though it were 600 feet. Incorporating a cul- de-sac in the design will eliminate an unnecessary intersection in the proximity of 131 st Street and Towne Road. u The use and value of area adjacent to the property included in the proposed plat will not be affected in a substantially adverse manner, Extension of the cul-de-sac has no determinable impact on the adjoining properties, positive or negative. The need for the variance arises from some condition peculiar to the property and such condition is not due to the general conditions of the neighborhood. The infill nature of the project resulted in a narrow piece of property that offered no option other than an intersection onto 131s1 Street. The strict application of terms of the ordinance to the property will constitute an unusual and unnecessary hardship if applied to the property for which the variance is sought. Strict application of the maximum cul-de-sac length renders the narrow piece undevelopable unless a through street is connected to 131 st Street. The grant of the variance does not interfere substantially with the Comprehensive Plan. u We are unable to deter~ine any impact that would interfere with. the comprehensive plan. u _Based on all the evidence presented by the petitioner, I approve of the requested subdivision variance. _I hereby disapprove of the subdivision variance request for the following reasons: Dated this _ day of ,2003. Commission Member u u u CARMEL CLAY PLAN COMMISSION Cannel, Indiana SUBDIVISION WAIVER FINDINGS OF FACT Docket No: 49-032 a SW Petitioner: Elliott Wright Group. LLC Section Varied: sca 63.7 Brief Description of Variance: Extend Maximum Cul-De-Sac Length From 600' to 830'. In deciding whether ornot the applicant has presented sufficient proof to permit the granti ng of a variance, the Plan Commission should consider the following: The grant of a variance will not be injurious to the public health, safety, morals and general welfare of the community. The use and value of area adjacent to the property included in the proposed plat will not be affected in a substantially adverse manner. The need for the variance arises [Tom the condition peculiar to the property and such condition is not due to the genera I conditions of the neighborhood. u The strict application of terms of the ordinance to the property will constitute an unusual and unnecessary hardship if applied to the property for which the variance is sought. The grant of the variance does not interfere substantially with the Comprehensive Plan. Based on all the evidence presented by the petitioner, r approve of the requested subdivision variance. r hereby disapprove of the subdivision variance request for the following reasons: 1. 2. 3. 4. Dated this day of ,2003. Commission Member u u u u FINDINGS OF FACT FORM FOR PRIMARY CONSIDERATION Carmel Plan Commission Carmel, Indiana DOCKET NO. 49-03aSW NAME OF SUBDIVISION: Towne Point PETITIONER: Elliott Wri2:ht GrouD. LLC Based upon all the evidence presented by the petitioner and upon the representation and certifications of the staff of the Department of Community Development, I determine that the plat complies with standards of the Carmel Clay Subdivision Control Ordinance I hearby approve the primary plat as subdivlded with the following specific conditions as agreed to by the petitioner. Condition 1. Condition 2. Condition 3. I hereby disapprove of the primary plat as submitted for the following reasons: L 2. 3. DATED TillS DAY OF ,2003. Commission Member