HomeMy WebLinkAboutConstruction in Floodway-Certificate of Approval A r' II lj II II I II I! i! i' ! ~ J I; 11 ,. j-j jl ,I I' II Ii '1 (; 1{ H II Ii .I 11 Ii 'I Ii 11 I 11 I] I I ! ~.. __ ~i L, --:' .., .. ---.J. - STATE OF INDIANA DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES NATURAL RESOURCES COMMISSION CeIi'tHicate of Approval of ConstrucUon In J'J: k~! () ad '~-l2J.Y Thi a e ert) fie a te is i s sued to _ __ _ B e ~:!J2 91,g,!:,l..d._ Q. _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ _ . __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ __ __ _ _ __ . _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ __ _ . . in accordance with un applica tion dated _,. _,. }_~r-:y:~::;Y _;;.9.)_ J.i{U _ __ u_ _ _ _ _ _,. _ _ _ _._ __ _ _ _._ _ _ _ __ __ _ u __ fi'l~d by,. __u _ _Ke)=-il~):; !)g2.11_e_e,",~~<, _~DS.:____ _ __ __ u_ _ __ _ _ __ __ _ _ _.. __ _ __ _.., _ _ __ _ _ _ ___,. __ __ __ __ _,.__ for _ ,.__ _ _ S~\l>.9j_\::.~s..:i..ql.J _ i}2.1j~_c_eJli;, _ s.Q_ J,,.iJ;.t;.!g _,C; 99J. _C.Z~(,!:l::,. ~9 _ _tJl.8. _"I;~"~ _ ~~.s: _l:}..o.:.'l _~~ ~_1'.: _ LG_ ;'~ '_1.__ . _ u _,. __ R....3. .E... Jle,ar ~ C,;1.;:J.cu;.l.. j:l'J..:.;.jJ.j:.9Jl_G.Q:~ '.l't::l-l_JD..Q_ti'"j)l'l.. _ __. _ _ _. _ _ _ u _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ _ u _ _ _ __ u _ ... .. _ 4'- _ _ _. _ _ _ _ .... _ _ .... _......... _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ... ... ......... _ _ .p _ .... ... ~ _ _ _ _ _,,_ _ .. ....;.,.... _ _ ,_ _ _. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _'._ .... _ _. _ _ .... .... _ _ _ .... _ _ _._ _ _ _ _ .. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _,__ ... . .... ." . '.' ------ - p-....... - .....- -- ~-.... -- --- - ......... - -.... -.... -.... -....- - - - -.-.... -...... - - - - - -;-..... _.. - -.-,..- - - _.~ - -, - -.-"-'-.- _._- -... - - -- - -- - ......-- - -.- -- - - -... _._-- .. _.- - - - -- - - - -- - - -- .. - - .- - -. - - - - - ...... - - - - - - -- -.- - - - - - - _. - - - - - - -. - - - - - - - - - - -.. - - - - _.- - -,- - - - - - - .. - upon the tinding by the. Commission that the propo:icd work will not in the reasonably fores"eable fllturc interfere with flood control in the State, or adversely aJ:\:ct the effi6ancy of nor unduly resi,riGt the:: CBp- (lcityof the t100dway or- c.onstitllte an unr.easonable haz<ucl to the s.afety of !.ife or property. The CO'-.lmis- sion approves the proposed work, subject to tbe limitatiofls and conditiom, stipulated beh~w, pl'ovid,'d the project is constructed and maintained ill accordance wilh the. plans, speci<fi;~a~iCJns, and o~hr~r data sub- mitted with the application. 'There sh~dl be no devia:tion from said 'plans uriless theproposc:d chuiigein plans shall first have. been submi'ttedw and approved in writjng by the State of Indiana acting by Il.no through its Natural Resources Commissio.n. I i I 11 ;1 I, LIMITATIONS AND CONDITIONS __ _ .;'tllt~ _~~::PP,",r_9",'{a..1_gE~I.1..t~[1_.}.~~~b. !:tl~_ _C_O}l.(H ~ bQfI._ .tl!..;,~):_:_ _ (D_ Iii). j'_,,).l,~~l_rLc_e..S_l-JV::IJ ;i:!:L D~":... _ _ _ ,. II de1;lris be let in the. f1oodpiai.n of the Stl:"8C.;.1, (3) ~f~2ctive measures be t..i' ;, ':", 1~1 _ _ _ _12"e il.ev.t....a.r:Q.al.'..: 0.. -1.3)- "",1.ll_::l.de.L:;"I~ .t.:::a 0 s i.ti-D.n. LC.:lc.lL of. -5ll_tcc L b.e......p.r..o..\d...d.(.:,j _ .t::;;_ , " . . (0'.. ',) 1/ Furthcrlimitati"ons and conditions are that notice shall he given the .Commission fde days prior t6, 'lw- fl ginning of construc.tio!1; Tl1iS approyal .shall become void i r construction of the- proj ect. rrfls !Jt,. bCPl"i 1\ sta!rt.ed within.,,__J:.6____:..__ months of the datc~ Qf this Certific.ate. The approval by the Corr.mi~Sbil.'n df-)ee, i not relieve the. person making ap.plic~.t.;on 0f the re.spcmsihdlt.y to (.Jbtain ,nIl u.ther pern1its. easc.f1~(':. :", or 11 1 'j approvals. narof liabi ity for the effects of his pfoject.lIpon the safety of tife and property of others. 'j ,I 't It 11 Ii ;i 11 I , ,'I '~ Approv~l Recommended: Approveg by the C()n1m issiQn: il /~\ ,I' I ,....: . ~ ! ) ( . .;..'.! . '. ,t'. '.' .. ~,,,,' ., . t..' '. ," . . - - - - - _. -- - -,. - - - - - - - V -,. - - - - --- - - ~Dt:-p:I;-Di;t:~;o~ ~ ~o~! " _,~~ . . r. . ~-.JJ-;--,# . - . - - - - - - '- '. ~-- - .(, - . -~, - - -..... .\. . U . 'r~{ury __ _ __ _ ,. __ _ _u _ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ }ta_)~t;rl _ Z ?-'o. } ]~"-- I l[ I L.. Docket No. G-Jj82 ;-: . c\ !::RW..'1: ~', , i I 11 I' I I Ii I' II I! , i J I I 11 ,. II Ii " I I' I J Ii Ii ,! I: Il I; II " ,. ~, ...... \...( v if'! 1IhIT/,:nONS i-.l.'rO CC:~DITIO;':S: (cc~t.) the re G'on-.s t.ructed ch3:nne 1 \,/i i:'h t1'1e e}:i's t ins UpS1:~C~lnf a~1.c: cO\-ln.s t re'::~.J ci,anoel and (4) the [)l"Ojcct be, approveci by r:.e State h0~rci 0;: Heal.t~l. ,...., ~) \...,.Ii :rf Commission Meeting.: March 22.' 1973 DEPARTMENT' OF NA ruRAL RESOURCES DIVISION OF WAIER Indianapolis, Indiana Docke.t No. G-3582 Date of Application: January 30. 1973 ENGINEER'S REPORT Ti t Ie: SUBDIVISION ADJACENT TO LITTLE COOL CREEK NEAR CARMEL" INDIANA. Owner: Ben Boleman. Engineer: Weihe Engineers, Inc. Location: In the NE~Sec.. 25" T. 18 N., R. 3 E., near Carmel, Hamilton County, Indiana. Drainage area: About 1. 9 square miles.. Description: The applicant proposes to cO'nstruct a subdivision along the right (east) bankoi Littl~ Cool CI"eek. The .finished landgrades at the hO'using sites range from 820.5 feet to' 821.5 feet at the downstream end to' the up- stream end of the property, respectively. The exist'ing land grades rang~ fram elevations 814.0 feet to' 8,19.0 feet. ~ The stream channel wi,l1 be reconstructed to' a bottom width of 20 foot bo.t:.tom and 3 to 1 side slopes. TheprO'pO'sed. p,roject cavers al1o\lt 7.5 acres. Camments by Division of Fish and Wildlife: Fish and wildlife habitat losses should be m1n~mal. Comments by Division of Farestry: Very little timber interest is -involved in the area of thi~ project, but individual large trees should be protected during constru.,ction in arder to preserve the aesthetics of the area. Cotnments by Division of Nature Preserves: No comments. COQclusions and comm~nts: Little actual flood information is available for this site but synthetic hydraulic informatian indicates that. a lOO-year discharge of about 1800 c.f.s. could rea,ch an elevatian of 817.5 feet to '820.0 feet at the downstream and ups.tream ends of the property . respectively. A free- board of one f.oot .is proVided abave the expected 100 year frequency flood. The proposed housesshauld. bereasonahly free from floading. March 2, 1973 Date RECOMMENDATIONS: The proposed project w.ill riot unduly l'estrict the capacity of nar adversely affect the efficiency o.f the Hoodway. .4-1 a ~ v Docket No. G-3582 Page 2 It, is recommended that the application be approved with the conditions that: (1) no felled trees, brush or other debris be left' in the 'flood plain, of the stream) (2)effect1ve measures be taken to prevent erosion, (3) an adequate transition reach of 50 feet be provided to merge the reconstructed channel with the existing ups'tJ:eam and downstream channel and (4) the project be approved by the State Beard of Health, n1 . ,.:.:/,'- (~_.. ') / ' Cr'- ..t~<--V~ ~-c{~\..;~ Robert F. Ja ck,s on ;.1"', E . Chief, Divi:;don of Wa.ter Wenn~ng > P.E. _ Chief. Division'o . V