HomeMy WebLinkAboutCorrespondence OCT 31 '03 08:37AM P.1/2 ("';i Xentotl C. 'Ward, Surveyor '1'IiMe (317) 776-84<95 'F/IX (J17) 77G-~G:J.~ Sllit~ z 88 One .Jiamiltol! CCll1n~J Sq1lare .J{oh/ewlllc, ImflrlllfJ 4-GOb\)-.l:l. 30 Re: c:6ftda~~J1it~Jiaafm~_~'G~iltefl:Bfti,tk,B:,.fLof;~" V t ~Th~, \~ :]1' it '''~~ \;)Q q R'.:CI'NfO \{..: ,,\ }J '17 1l~1 31 2003 " : V \ DOCS ''': ~> i::::/ '(;~~'Y' October 30, 2003 Civil Designsl LLP Attn: Mr. James Peck 2415 Directors Row, Suite E Indianapolis, IN 46241 VIA FACSIMILE: 244.1969 Dr. Mr. Peck We have reviewed the revised proposed Goddard School construction plans submitted to the Hamilton County Surveyor's Office on October 22, 2003 for thjs project and have the following comments: 1. This project with extend the Hamilton Business Park arm "fthe Crooked Creek Regulated Drain to you curb inlet # 1, subj eet to approval from the Hamilton County Drainage Board. 2. Please submit the following procedural items to this office~ petition for regulated subdivision, non-enforcement request on Indiyidual Tract, engineer~s estimate, and all associated bond (storm sewer only) for 100% of construction cost. The applications are available on our website at www.co.hi..!m.Uton.in.us/gov/survey/surveyor.asp. 3. Please label all the Hamilton Business Park arm of the Crooked Creek Regulated Drain. 4. Please show the new 12" Rep Regulated. Drain that extends from the existing beehive, north to Lot 3. 5. The "Proposed 30' Drainage Easement" has now become a regulated drainage easement Please LabeL all regulated drainage easements, per the recorded plat for West Carmel Center, Block B, Lots:; & 4, as "R.D.E." on C2.0 and C3.0. This plat was recorded May 1, 2003 with instrument # 200300041664 in the Hamilton County Recorders Office. OCT 31 '03 08:38AM P.2/2 u u 6. The Hamilton County Surveyor's Office Records show the drain pipe from the beehive in the middle of your property, south to the existing manhole, as an 18" Rep. Please verify this onsite and label it correctly on C3.0. 7. Please submit a crossing permit request for the proposed entrance that crossing the Hamilton Business Park arm of the Crook Creek Regulated Drain. The form is available at our above mentioned website. 8. The proposed entrance off of Commerce Drive will require the existing underdrains under the curb to be replaced with HDPE pipe across the entrance. 9. No landscape planting will be permitted or allowed within the proposed and existing regnlated drainage easements per Indiana Code 36-9-27-33(d). 10. Please include the developer's fax number on the cover sheet. 11. Please include a structure data table in the construction plans. 12. Please incll1de stonn sewer plan and profiles for the proposed regulated drain, at minimwn. 13. Plea.sc provide a drainage report for the proposed site. \4. Please inciude all appropriate Hamilton County Surveyor's Office Standards in the rev;sed construction plans. The standards are available on our website at www.co.hamilton.in.us/goY !survey!surveyor.asQ. IS. Please note that further comments may be necessary at a later date. Should you have any questions, I can be reached a.t 317-776-8495. Sincerely, ~~ Greg Hoyes Plan Reviewer Cc: Jon Dobosiewicz - Cannel DOCD Steve Broennann - HeRD John South - HCSWCD Teresa Magee - Panhandle Eastern Pipeline u u Jennifer Flora President/CEO ~~~~ ,of -vQ. 0''Y ~'\ R. ~ /IA )lCf-?VED " 19 2003 DOCS The Specialty Group, Inc. May 15, 2003 Jim Peck Civil Designs 2415 Director's Row # E Indianapolis, IN 46241 Dear Jim, Cluistopher Day dropped the revised plans off to me in reference to the playgrounds at the proposed Goddard Site at l06th and Commerce Road. The playgrounds are simply not suitable where they are. The distance from our building to yours is way too minimal and the loud voices of children playing would greatly disturb our business setting. I feel a daycare center next to a professional office is improper anyway.. .and poses a huge distraction:to our busine"ss;', but playgrounds as close as you have placed them are simply not ,a"cceptable. The only answer is to move them south of your building.. . away from our conference room and' presentation center. I have visited the Zionsvill~ocldaI:(.I Spheol1l'during recess time on two different occasions.. . and was astounded at how far their shrilnTffle voi~es carry! Lots of noise, Jim.. .lots of noise! Greatly concerns me to think that amount of noise will be right next door to me. Could have a very adverse affect on my company and the professional impact we need to have on our clients. Simply put, you have got to move those playgrounds muchfarther away from us. I cannot have them north or northeast. The current plan is, regretfully, not acceptable to Unique. .~.. pf cc: Cluistopher Day Paul Reis, Attorney-at-Law Steve Glazier, Attorney-at~[aw Jon C. Dobosiewicz Mrs. Pat Rice Mrs. Earlene Plavchak 8770 Guion Road, Suite R, Indianapolis, rN 46268 u u One Civic Squaie Carmel, IN 48J32 (317) 571-2417 Fax: (317)571-2426 To:~~d {/. . Fa:c ~ L/L/ - /7G / From: ~ Lf~- ~ ~ v/ Pages: Phone: Date: .3 -/0 -0 -5 Re: ee: o Urgent o FOf'Review 0 Please Comment 0 Please Reply o Please Recyde j/~.~~~~ 3-/cfv3 v u One Civic Square Cannel, IN 4ED32. (317) 571-24H Fax: (317) 571-242.6 TO:~~ F~ ~~;(i<:?~ Phone~rLj --/9& 9 I. - Fro"" ~ Pages: r:? ~.d, ~ Date: ~ -;.;29--0 ~ Re: cc: o Urgent 0 Fot'Review 0 Please Comment D Please Reply o Please Recycle I 1\ \ I*td~' 1)/-03 PP!ADLS o i~o3 c.. A JLe ~~~~{/ u u One Civic Square Carmel, IN 4E032 (317) 571-2417 Fax: (317) 571 -2426 To: ~I.7Je.5 !~,{; Fax: ~!~. 11.;2 tf' Ph(me: c?-fL~~ /961 DOCKET NUMBER: IJI-tl..3])~tJ {yL--;;3 (0' r1 From: . I J "'-./D /'. PClges: "0 Date: c2-/CJ -00 RE:DHr~m~jJf ~H")r-f- / PROJECT: ~ 0odc:larc/ .:::c4b/ w u One Civic Square Carmel, IN 4aJ32 (317) 571-2417 Fax: (31 T) 571-2426 To: (/JJA-~thU ~-;- Fax: e;;:2 ~y- /969 /. From: ~ Pages: Phone: Date: e:.:! ~ _<;K- oii Re: cc: o Urgent o For Review o Please Comment 0 Pfease Reply o Please Recycle u u Dave Small President, Ashbrooke HOA 3755Penjerrack Court Carmel, IN 46032 <:::t Carmel/Clay Plan Commission c/o Ramona Hancock, Secretary Carmel City Hall One Civic Square Carmel, IN 46032 February 14,2003 Re: West Carmel Center, Block B-The Goddard School Docket Number 01-03 DPIADLS and 04-03 CA The Goddard School will adjoin the west end of the Ashbrooke subdivision. I've reviewed the plans for this development on behalf of Ashbrooke ROA and was initially concerned about 2 aspects of the proposal: I. Because of the pipeline easement owned by Panhandle Eastern, physical structures at The Goddard School will be further north than we'd expected. Instead of abutting the north side of the cul-de-sac at the end of Carwinion Drive, the fence and other structures will begin approximately 75 feet north of the cuI-dc-sac. The presence of this "gap" created a concern that the land between The Goddard School and the cul- de-sac would remain an unkempt vacant lot. If so, it would be an eyesore for our neighbors at the west end of the neighborhood and would reflect negati vely on the entire neighborhood. 2. Since the cul-de-sac was completed nearly a year ago, we've had a chronic problem with vehicles driving over the short width of land between Carwinion and Commerce Drives. The reason the cul-de-sac was built was to prevent people from using Carwinion as a thoroughfare to the stores that border Michigan Road, and the practice of traversing this land obviously undoes this benefit. The intent of the cul~de-sac is obvious, but the physical barrier is small and people have shown a surprising willingness to ignore that obvious intent. Ashbrooke HOA wants to stop this practice, but we don't own the land around the cul-de-sac and we're therefore extremely limited in our ability to solve the problem. When we discovered last fall that a Goddard School was to be proposed for this site, I contacted Ray Bunes, broker for the buyer, by telephone and expressed our interest in working together to build a structure-at that time presumably a fence-in a way that would suit The Goddard School's needs while also providing a physical barrier that would prevent driveovers to the north of the cul-de-sac. The fact that The Goddard School's structures will be so far north of the cul-de-sac makes that specific strategy obsolete, but nevertheless we still have a very strong desire to solve the problem. .... .~ .-:--r, ) -......,. u u I discussed these concerns briefly with Jon Dobosiewicz, Planning Administrator, Carmel Department of Community Services, who referred me to Jim Peck of Ci viI Designs, LLP for The Goddard School. Based on separate telephone conversations with both gentlemen, the "vacant lot issue" is no longer a concern. Both gentlemen assured me that the plan calls for this area to be sodded and maintained to a reasonable degree by the owners of The Goddard School. The second issue is trickier and is still a concern. However, I've spoken with Mr. Peck about this several times by telephone, and on Peb, 14 he assured me on behalf of the owner of The Goddard School that he (on behalf of The, Goddard School) and I (on behalf of Ashbrooke HOA) will work together to solve the "driveover problem" in a way that's mutually acceptable to The Goddard School, Ashbrooke HOA, the Carme1lClay Plan Commission, the County Highway Department, and Panhandle Eastern. Assuming continued cooperation between The Goddard School and Ashbrooke HOA over this issue, we d,o not object to any aspect of the plan as it exists today. I also spoke to Ashbrooke resident Barry Turvy, whose property is at the northwest corner of Carwinion and who's therefore the Ashbrooke resident most directly affected by the Goddard School's proposal, and he told me he has no objections beyond those I've already described. Knowing that the land is bound to be developed, we think The Goddard School will be excellent neighbors and we wish them much success in their effOlts to get the school built and opened for business. Speaking personally, I wish The Goddard School had been here when we moved in 3 years ago. It'Jl be too late for my 2 daughters, but I'm sure other Ashbrooke residents will be as pleased as I would have been to have The Goddard School so close. Those and other Ashbrooke residents wiJl be Goddard students and supporters. Sincerely, (;~~~C-:j c:7-~~ Dave Small President, Ashbrooke HOA -\ c__ '" 2415 Directors Row, Suite E Indianapolis, Indiana 46241 V 'I - 0; Df-II1t.::J.:k f ,,0 &A Phone: 317-244-1968 Fax: 317-244-1969 u CIVIL DESIGNS, LLP February 14,2003 Mrs. Sharon J. Prater Panhandle Eastern Pipe Line P.O. Box 38 Zionsville, Indiana 46077 .A . /?1'.\,1 '. .'I.... . "/0'" ..? 'f {locs Subject: Proposed Goddard School Cannel, Indiana Dear Mrs. Prater: Thank you for providing us with the recorded document of the corrected pipeline descriptio We have updated the ALTAi ACSM Land Title Survey to reflect the information provided in t e corrected document and have verified that the easement is shown correctly on our plan. If you have any concerns after reviewing the attached plan, please contact Jim Peck or me t 317-244-1968 so that we can address your needs. Very truly yours, Civil Designs, LLP ~~~ Aaron Hurt, PE Enclosure Cc: Jon Dobosiewicz - City of Carmel eMS' 6VeR~ Panhandle Eastern Pipe Line u ~. 4; u --- '" " '~ An Intemaliol1al Enemy Company , /. -','.'\ .' .' ': - ../ / ':)i " /...... A . <<(;';;' ~ \\~'. Rrf,rNrl) \:::..\ H.~ 1\ ~U~)~ ljo) DGC~ )::1 , ...,,/ .0;, ',,' Mr J P ck ..... '. ~ ......1\ '>," . im e "/'" \":./ Civil Designs, LLP '- ---.,.._,~/ . 2415 Directors Row, Suite E Indianapolis, IN 46241 po. Box 38 Zionsville IN 46071 lei. 3178732410 February 10, 2003 '- \. " , ' RE: Proposed Goddard School Carmel, IN Dear Mr. Peck: In response to revised plans and your transmittal letter dated 1-28-03, and pursuant discussion in the TAC Meeting, the plans do not reflect the recorded instrument # which corrected the pipeline easement description (copy attached). Panhandle Eastern is requesting that the corrected easement description be accurately plotted onto your plans to verify that the proposed school site fits the lot without encroaching upon the pipeline easement parcel. Please submit a corrected plan for review and approval by our company. Should you have any questions, please contact me at 317-733-3213. SC:;~IJ. GM-~- Sharon 1. Prater Sf. R/W Representative\ Ene. CC: Jon Dobosiewicz-Carmel DOCS u w ':c4 - ii <)1'"'--.. \~.oo 6) [L~-~ ~V'il. ",r "~ I(U IF Il.t""'"" ~ 20020009&550 Filed for Record in HAMILTON COUNTY, INDIRNA MARY L CLARK 12-13~2002 09~4E> am. ERSEMENTS 18.00 MODIFICA TION AGREEMENT THIS AGREErvJENT, made as ofthec171k day of .5'f'P~ernj,e~ ,2002, by and between 421 Realty Company, Inc., Russell P. Wurster Irrevocable Trust I and Admiral Holdings, LLC having a mailing address of8463 Castlewood Drive, Indianapqlis, IN 46250, hereinafter referred to as "Grantor", Whether one or more, and PANHANDLE EASTERN PIPE LINE COMPANY, a Delaware Corporation, having an oflice at 5444 Westheimer Road, P.O. Box 4967, Houston, Texas, 77210-4967, hereinafter referred to as "Grantee". WHEREAS, by Right-of-Way Agreement dated September 23, 1935, recorded in Misc. Records Volume 32,' at Page 221 of the records of Hamilton County, Indiana, Albert G. Head and Rosa A. Head granted to Indiana Gas Transmission Corporation, an easement for pipeline purposes; WHEREAS, by Right-of-Way Agreement dated October 16, 1935, recorded in Misc. Records Volume 32, page 278 of the records of Hamilton County, Indiana, Rose Swaim, Ida Weber and Anna Head granted to Indiana Gas Transmission Corporation, an casemcnt for pipelinc purposes; WHEREAS, Grantee has succeeded to all of the rights, title and interest of lndiana Gas Transmission Corporation in, to, and under the above described agreement for Right-of-Way~ WHEREAS, by that certain Modification of Right-of-Way Grants, dated March 31 st, 1958, by and between Carl r Winkler, Jr. and Marcia M. Winkler, recorded in Book 51, at page 595-599 of the records of Hamilton County, Indiana; hereinafter referred to as the "Modification", Grantor and Grantee agreed to modify and amend the above described instruments to release and surrender all of the Right-ofMWay Agreements, save and except for two strips ofland for three pipelines. ,< WHEREAS, Grantor and Grantee desires to correct the easement parcel description as described under paragraph I, (A) page 3 of the "Modification" and Grantee is amenable to such alterations. NOW, THEREFORE,in consideration of the mutual covenant and agreements herein contained, Grantor and Grantee hereby agree, bargain and stipulate as follows: 1. The description for pipeline easement "A", Grantee's Zionsville 100 and 200 Main Lines as set forth in paragraph 1, page 3 of the "Modification" is hereby stricken in Dart and the attached easement description is inserted in its place and stead as though the same had been originally set forth herein. 2. The following easement description correction describes Grantee's 100 and 200 Main Lines to the East line of the Northwest quarter of Section 7, T17N, R3E, Clay Township, Hamilton County, Indiana. (Reference Right-of-Way Agreement dated 9..23-35, Misc. Volume 32, Page 221) as further shown on Exhibit A and Exhibit B attached hereto and by reference made'a part hereof 3. Other than as hereby modified, the Right-of-Way Agreements and Modi!ication of Right-of-Way Grants shall remain in fun force and effect. '~ ~. u u . , EXECUTED as of the day and date first above written. ~ "GRANTOR!' 421 REALTY COMPANY, INC. B~'4;? W~ '6.., Rus lL P. Wurster. President RUSSELL P. VVURSTER IRREVOCABLE TRUST I ATTES'F: ~ By: . Craig A. ay, ~ ADMIRAL HOLDINGS. LLC By: R~ v.e U) \-. Pau]VV. Svveeney,~anager Q . .' :!:-2-~.--1L51.-)-0l0 ATTEST: II GRANTEE II PANHANDLE EASTERN PIPE LINE COMPANY ~Wf< ki~d~ R.E. Keyser, Vice B esident STATE OF Texas ) ) COUNTY OF Harris ) fJ Before me, G ~ eJ I? & E: G. /( R A PFE L ,a Notary Public, this 5Th day of e c. r.M {jelt. , 2002, personally appeared Panhandle Eastern Pipe Line Company, by R.E. Keyser and M.E. Remmenga, its Vice-President and Assistant Secretary, respectively, and acknowledged the execution ofthe toregOin~en] ~ N6tary lie My Commission expir~s: .:2 - :2, 9- 0 0/ ST ATE OF --;hJ 0 Ilt'ru A ) ) COUNTY OF Mf-t-R./OW ) Before me. c.A-tf<._O L S. OS 5!J r2...N 6 , a Notary Public, . this ~ day of S Gfln;.N1I3 61<-.- , 2002, personally appeared Russell P. Wurster, President of 421 Realty Company, Inc.and acknowledged the execution of the foregoing instrument. COM-f4~ O~ My Commission expires: 7 /2-8' )(J ~ C,41E'c L S. Jto~ ,g.uJ3lw.. 'Residence of M /Dd2./eJ,.,j Cou~ty, Indiana t~~':~~:;;'""'.'~~''''''"''Y.~~~~''~~~~~:''.:i~''I'' .:i~}l\.',i;;~\, GEOFIGE G. IHiAPFR .,. ~ " ",~' ..- . .. " -... , ~ 3 :.,.,{t..'i~"" ~ NllInry (ulllle, '<'i'."l" (l/ I,.;:"", J~. ~~"=:'.l' '~\:',~?.! hly Conlmir~:ii"l\ E;.(JlirCS ,./-1)".... '\.... ",.r.RI.~\'" February :W, :!.(l04 ' ':i~~iu_~i:~~~~~0w;~:-;~~ii~:i&..! u u ~. STATE OF ~DllTrJ4') COUNTY OF M RRI~rJ ~ Before me, (? fJ- Ro L 0. DS!fJ 6 f<4J~ , a Notary Public, this 27M day ofSefJrt:rn6GR-, 2002, personally appeared Craig A. May, Trustee ofthe Russell P. Wurster Irrevocable Trust I and acknowledged the executipn of the foregoing instrument. My Commission expires: 7/2-7/Dh Residence of CtilLM ). O~ Notary Public C A--iZo L- -s: O::;.Bo f2rJ6 H FVR.;o J County, Indiana My Commission expires: STATEOF~1)/A-Nft ) COUNTY OF JVl A-f?.JoJ ~ Before me, C A-/Lf0 L S. 856 0 ~Ei- , a Notary Public, thiV27+l1day of ..:i6PTf3tY1~2002, persgnalIy appeared Paul W. Sweeney, Manager of Admiral Holdings, Ine.and acknowledged the execution of the foregoing instrument. . C{lA~ /J, O~~ c:: fV<eL ~~oB1Y!1blja~-G N-PAlo J -;7 hj [)fo Residence of County, Indiana . _Thisjnstrument was prepared. by John Grube, Attorney, 5444 WestheimerRoad, P.O. Box 4967, Houston, Texas 772 to-4967. Modification o W .; tti ..., '" o ci o o '" z ;;- '" '" '0 ./ oc; N o ./ N '" c VI U ~ '0' n: u c o -' / 6 W ...J ~ I.:J '" o M m N VI m <lj ;;; ID f;] o l.d to N o '" .;,: '" ~ -. '" o W f- <0: Cl f- a w o o o o o N ':'i <( u [j) ,.... o --' a. u u SCALE:1"~ 200' \ \'11 \z ~ NE COR, NW 1/4.1 SEC. 7, T17N, R3E ~ ~(o -to /1 ~o o n Co / IO~ "/& / ~ '~ / ~ / Y- / () / ~h ~ (<) / -U\ / 6'0 \ ,,~ I Li..J ~ 0..0 /(\. 1 n v~ u,;.., ~V;() coO;; I CI:~~~ 0>0':" / ") CO")' 5>-Y rv If- I~ GRANTOR: Craig A. Mayas Trustee (replacing Fred C. Wurster os Trustee) of the Russell P. Wurster Irrevocable Trust I Instrument #9709729899, Admiral Holdings, LLC (formerly Sweeney Family, LLC), o North Carolina limited liability company Instrument #200000050548 421 Realty Company, Inc.. on Indiana corporation Inslrument #9709729900 Gnd Instrument #99099.313.38 I~ 1-::: 1~3: Iz Iw z l:::i I . !J I I \ \ \ ~ q. G1 ~ ~ -; 'C. 'l.f\ S55041'53"W - 61.75' p,S43020'38'W - 83.70' ~S45u18'00"W - 89.14' '7 ADJOINER: /" \ Target Corporation, 0 Minnesota corporation -S5301'1'22"W - 157.11' Instrument #200000050551 ~ ~ J LAND DESCRIPTION BLOCK D WEST CARMEL CENTER pipeline easement Instrument #200000057496 through the property of , Plot Cabinet 2, Slide 515 Craig A. May os Trustee (replacing Fred C. Wurster as Trustee) of the Russell P. Wurster Irrevocable Trust I SPECIAL WARRANTY DEED - instrument #9709729899 Admiral Holdings, LLC (formerly ~weeney Family, LLC), a North Carolina limited liability company QUITCLAIM DEED - instrument #200000050548 421 Realty Company, Inc., an Indiana corporation SPECIAL WARRANTY DEED - instrument #9709729900 and SPECI AL WARRAN TY DEED - instrument #9909931338 Version .3 July 24, 2002 A part of the Northwest Quarter of Section 7, Township 17 North, Range .3 East located in Cloy Township, Hamilton County, Indiana being bounded as follows: Commencing at the Northeast Corner of the Northwest Quarter of Section 7, Town5hip 17 North, Range 3 East; thence South 00 de'gree~ 25 minutes 52 seconds East (assumed bearing) 8.30.56 feet along the Eost Line of scid t4oi"thwest Quarter; thence Sou Ih 4.3 degrees 50 minutes 17 seconds West 263.89 feet to 0 point on 0 southwestern boundary of Commerce Drive (the North 36 degrees 06 minutes 43 seconds West 772.21 loot-Iong- course; see the SPECIAL WARRANTY DEED recordc;d os instrument #9809836325 in the office of the Recorder of Hamilton County, indiana) and to the POINT OF BEGINNING of this description; thence South 4] degrees 50 minutes 17 seconds West 393.38 feet to the northern boundary o~ Block D, West Carmel Center os per plot thereof recorded as instrum en t #200000057496 i:l soLdRecorcer~" offjcf:: (thf,l North5_Q. degree.s 41 minu ~e.s 53, seconds E?st, 25 ~.4,3 foot~}on~- c_~IK~e), ihefollo~ing lou~ courst;l~ ore , a;L;'(ig sU,orIU,"d:efn bOL;..'aut"~; 1) l(n~-Uc,:;; ~(;u :',1, :.-:..) .J~gre.::;'~ .41 nll'-IG LB~ 5.~. ~c:''::Orlas ~VC'6l 61.75 feet; 2) thence South 43 degrees 20 'minutes 38 seconds West 83.70 feet; 3) thence South 45 degrees 18 minutes 00 sec0nds West 89.14 feet; 4) thence South 5.3 degrees 11 minutes 22 seconds West 157.11 feet to the eastern right-ol-woy line of US 421 (Michigan Rood) (see the WARRANTY DEED recorded os instrument #200J00027361 in said Recorder's Office); thence North 18 degrees .39 minutes 52 seconds West 176.87 feet along soid right-of:-way line; thence North 45 degrees 17 minutes 52 seconds East 202.49 feet; thence North 47 degrees 19 minutes 21 seconds East 395,93 feet; thence North 46 degrees 56 minutes 26 seconds East 1.30.97 fee l to said southwestern boundary of Commerce Drive; thence South .36 degrees 06 minuies 4.3 seconds East 162.85 feet along said southwestern boundary of Commerce Drive to the POINTOF BEGINNING containing 3.036. acres, more or less. EXHIBIT A. - PIPELINE EASEMENT AMERICAN CONSULTING, INC. DATE: 9-11-02 SHEET NO, Architects Consultants Engineers Copyright (C) 1966- 2002 7260 SHADELAND STATION INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46256-3917 (317) 541.5580 FAX: (317) 543-0270 by America,., Co",sulting, Inc, DRAWN BY: JAB 01 JOB NO. 02-181 OESC. FilE: IN2000.0236,Q010.DOC (J () '. . NE COR, NW 1/4. SEC. 7, T17N. R3E SCALE: 1 "=200' POINT OF BEGINNING 0,827 ACRES:!: 00 ~ ~ ~ ~ /L-, ?'/-t- A 0'6' 0 / \ <to&_ / \ '.9~. '/ \Yi" / \/ /f.J81 003'1 O"W - 29,?9' / , / 543050'1 7/W - 161.56 / / / / / / / / / / ~ / / \ ~ / / "f. \ ;>:l~ / / S: \ / // "6 \,/ ;/ ~ \ ~ t-- \ ? ,1) / o \ //' ~ \ // 'Z \ // 'Ifl~ '\ ~ -..-/ }'-I <'1- LfltD -<'I lD , <'10 o n I g 1.0 IIj') }'-I <'I _ LfJO - n lD. <'10 o 0 gN UJ Iw ,1"1 I~ Ir- Ir-- I~ I,::;: i~ z I::J :; I . !} c - n I I I F I J GRANTOR: Craig A. Mayas Trustee (rf;:1plocing Fred C. Wurster os Trustee) of the Russell P. Wurster Irrevocable Trust I Instrument #9709729899, Admiral Holdings, LLC, (formerly Sweeney F.amily, llC). o North Carolina limited liability company Instrument #200000050548 421 Realty Company., Inc., on Indiana corporation Instrument #9709729900 and Instrument #9909931338 \ \ \ \ \ \ LAND DESCRIPTION pipeline easement through the property of Craig A. Mayas Trustee (replacing Fred C. Wurster os Trustee) , of the Russell P. Wuster Irrevocable Trust I SPECIAL, WARRANTY DEED - instrument #9709729899 Admiral Holdings, llC, (formerly Sweeney Family. llC). o North Carolina limited liability company QUITCLAIM DEED - instrument #200000050548 421 Realty Company, Inc., an Indiana corporation SPECIAL WARRANTY DEED - instrument #9709729900 and SPECIAL WARRANTY DEED - instrument #9909931338 Version .3 July 24, 2002 r A port of the Northwest Quarter of Section 7, Township 17 North, Range .3 East located in Cloy Township, Hamilton County, Indiano being bounded os follows: BEGINNING at 0 point on the East Line of the Northwest Quarter of Section 7, Township 17 North, Range ~ East, said po.int qf.beginning being South 00 degr(3es 2~ m in utes 52 seconds East (0':3slJmed bearing) 6.30.26 feet from the Northeast Corner of !ioid Northwest Qu'qrter; thence' Sou th 00 ,degrees 25 minu tes ~2 seconds East 200..30 feet along the East Line of said Northwest Quarter; thence South 43 degrees 50 minutes 17 seconds West 161,56 feet to a point on 0 northern boundary of Commerce Drive (the South 81 degrees 03 minutes 10 seconds East 35..39 foot-long-course; see the SPECIAL WARRANTY DEED recorded os instrument #9809836325 in the office of the Recorder of Hamilton County, Indiana); thence North 81 degrees 03 minutes 10 seconds West 29.39 feet along said northern boundary of Commerce Drive; thence North 36 degrees 06 minutes 43 seconds West 133.94 feet along 0 northeastern boundary of Commerce Drive; thence North 46 degrees 56 minutes 26 seconds East 298.86 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING containing 0,827 acres, more or less: EXHIBIT B - PIPELINE EASEMENT AMERICAN CONSULTING, INC. 7260 SHADELAND STATION INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46256.3917 (317) 541.5580 FAX: (311) 543-0210 (C) 1966 - 2002 by Americon Consul ling. Inc. DATE: 9-11-02 SHEET NO, Architects Consultants Engineers Cop yrigh t DRAWN BY: JAB of ,lOB NO, 02-181 DESC. FILE: IN2000.0236.D08.DOC u u City of Carmel Fire Department Headquarters 2 CIVIC SQUARE CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 Voice (317) 571-2600 Fax (317) 571-2615 Fire Prevention Bureau ~s \ b 3- qq uJ lfl ~g-At ~ Jim Peck Civil Designed, LLP 2415 Directors Row, Suite E Indianapolis, IN 46241 RE: Proposed Goddard School LETTER OF APPROVAL The undersigned has reviewed the proposed plans for Proposed Goddard School and has approved the plans subject to the following: 1. We are requesting that a Knox Box be installed on the building for fire department emergency access. An application for this secure box can be obtained through our office. 2. It appears that the building will be sprinklered. A meeting will need to be set up for the location of the fire department connection. We are also requiring Knox fire department connection caps for the fire department connection. 3. We are requesting an outside entrance to the riser room for our access. 4. We are requesting that an alarm panel enunciator be located at the main entrance of the building. 5. 6. Please respond to the above noted condition(s) in writing and submit to our office prior to the scheduled Technical Advisory Meeting for this project. Date: Februarv 4, 2003 By: Gary Hoyt, Fire Marshal Carmel Fire Department j;j u u ':i One Civic Squa~e . Carmel, IN 4ECG2 (317) 571-2417 Fax: (317) 571-2426 A/VI I \Ue ~I ~ n;5 LuPFrom: S' (~ () '\}' '~rU2A-.J,e)~- lJo c. s' Ta:t) J F3)C }- ~'L( ~ ( 1&/j Phone: dLfi( - I '=; bY /' 'I \ r Re: (~c(~ dA'R C! 5<:: k3. co Pages: '~J- Date: l/ d-7 (0 '3 cc: o Urgettt o Far Review 0 P.lease Comment 0 Please Reply o Please Recycle .~U A ,Q r r - '~?L~(k &-z ~. [\,-U 0 ;;'_iLxJ (\ A t rt~iJ.J~~:~ /VL1! ~1. s, I d ., r-" ,.' r' " 1/\ n'.J (I;, . . j' - X j I .r.- /1 {Uz..(_e/r,.~->i~-' I< S ~.f-. '~{;/J~(lJ :1(' .-.J .luJU./ \)"'I'LGvr-j '1-~4%l"\ -r~ l-^--L '--,. I . '. ! is s" i)her 7'3 ,tJ~~~ 5."<0/ {uutft;;/\ T~ /J~ i (~",~-/14'''PC, /? '"r' cjJ te ( _. /~,;::t'J n !c- ~ y-? (..,{./) - l ... - J2. '> . (:7 .- C.) (D p':!.{i/L-U"0~ .' ~ May 2000 u u An JUFC Education Committee ReDort... . Selecting Crab apples . Tree~'ofthe Malus species. Crabapp1es. You love them or you hate tncm. To some 'they are a priceless landscape specim~n with' . outstanding flower dlsplay. To others they are a maintenance headache ,yitli constaht base sprouting. Some crabapples can be : plagued with diseases like apple scab and also be defoliated by Japanese beetles. But by choosing your crabapple cultivars wisely, you can be assured of healthy trees. A 1997'pubHcationof Purdue Cooperative Extension by Cliff Sadef, Department of EJ1tomology and pau [ pecknold, Department of Botany and Plant Pathology ouLlined crabupples resistant to apple scab and Japanese beetles in rl1diana and also those species not recommended. Note that some of the popular street tree species like Snowdrift crabapple are on the latter list Keep in mind, also. that cr<lbnrples come in all shapes and sizes. They are ideal under power lines and in narrow grow spaces. When choosing a crnbapple species, use the list below to assure plant health and note the eventual width of the tree you plant. If you keep in mind requirements for sidewalk an.d street clearances, a proper selection can minimize pruning needs, And don't' forget to request "tree fonn" when ordering if you want a single stem tree that is ~Iready pruned. Recommended Crabapple Cultivars: cultiva r Adirondack Baccata "Jackii" Bechtel Centurion David Harvest Gold Japanese Flowering Louisa Molton Lava Pink Spires Prarieflre Red Baron Red Jewel , Sinal Fire Tea Van Eseltine Winlet Gold Zumi Calocarpa Heigb1 18'H 30tH 30'H 20'H 12'H 25'H Width IO'W 20'W 15'W 15'W 12'W 20'W 25'W 15'W Comments: white flowers white flowers. glossy leaves. rose red flowers, vase upright white flowers, glossy leaves gold fruit weeping, true pink flowers, glossy leaves semi-weeping pink flowers, purple leaves pinkish red flowers, purple green leaves dark red flowers, purple leaves white flowe.-s, bright red fruit white flowers, glossy leaves; red fruit unique spread upright vase 15'H 20'H 18'H I5'E 15'H 12'W 20'W S'W 12'W 15'W 25'W' 12'W 20'W 24'W "Red Bud" Crab, wide; white flowers 25'H 20'H Crabapple Cultivars Not Recommended: T~e folfowing should not be us,ed because of insect and disease susceptibility Adams Baskatong Brandywine Candied Apple Donald Wyman Doubloons Pan'e 4 b Indian Magic Indian SLImmer Li~et Madonna Mary potter Prarie Maid Profusion Robinson Selkirk Sentinel Snowdrift SLlgar Tyme Velvet Pillar White Cascade White Candle' / u u One Civic Square Carmel, IN 46J32 (317) 571.2417 Fax: (317) 571-2426 ____ - -V/, Te:--~ Y-..z-.CIZ.-J II FIDe ..:5 9':/ / r 69 Phone: From: ~~ Pages: r:52 - \ Date: /-- c2~-00 Re: OfL-CJ3 C?A cc: o Urgent o For Review o P.Jease Comment 0 Please Reply o Please Recyt:le . ) ~ u Dobosiewicz, Jon C From: Sent: To: Subject: Fahey, Joyce D Friday, January 17, 2003 4:12 PM Dobosiewicz, Jon C; Lillig, Laurence M; Hollibaugh, Mike P; Brewer, Scott I; Pattyn, Dawn E New Submittals Received Friday, 1/17/03 Goddard'School CA Jim Peck )fp-J. rr ~ ffl.18 pc- ro9~i i "J&Uflllc =- PP Chuck Wright .;&t:....;:'UI t::l House ADL8 Amend Keith SZaronos Plat Charlie Frankenberger CA Paul Reis Rezone 8-1 to R-5 Rezone 8-1 to B-3 Steve Pittman Steve Pittman CA Paul Reis Rezone DP ADLS Roger Kilmer/Baker & Daniels Roger Kilmer/Baker & Daniels Roger Kilmer/Baker & Daniels The new files are on the PC shelf behind my desk. :7~ Z/ur Planning and Zoning Department of Community Services City of Carmel One Civic Square Carmel, IN 46032 317/571-2417 (Phone) 317/571-2426 (Fax) EmaiJ: jfahey@ci.carmel.in.us 1 u u One Civic Square Cannel, IN 45J32 (317) 571-2417 Fax: (317) 571-2426 --0 To9~ lft/c.fL, Fax: ..:2 ..y'~~ 1'769 / Phone: From' C;-"j Pages: ~ Date: /--/7~6C7 Re: ~c.fe/l /p 0 j- {).3D;;fiX5 ee: o Urgent o Far Review o Please Comment 0 Please Reply o Please Recycle :1 ~ , !iI.11 'I ~~ I,. W - 'i ~ il J I 0\t"'\ ~ : i Ii ~ :1; [.~~ ~ ~ \;i'2 j'JI3~. 1;'11 I :\:: ~ II! m W ~D~ : ~j 1 1 1 ~ j,' 11 ,I If! m u U ~~"'.JW- ~~ c-S~ tfS/D"3 ~ ~oF ~l~~~ ~~~~ ~~fNLo~ p~: ~.s~_~~_~ ~. 37 ~B ~.ftc. .. l-D6'O ~, ~ 3. I 'll 'II i 1 I ~ , I :1 ~ --... i .-Jfi :1 I il~ i i '\. u u ,,, Fahey) Joyce D " From: Sent: To: Andy Kern [Andy.Kern@ctrwd.org] Tuesday, January 14, 20033:21 PM rfarrand@ccs.k12.in.us; AKeeling@ci.carmel.in.us; CTingley@ci.carmel.in.us; D Hill@ci.carmel.in.us; DPattyn@cLcarmel.in.us; Ghoyt@ci.carmel.in.us; GStahl@ci.carmel.in.us; JDobosiewicz@ci.carmel.in.us; J Fahey@ci.carmel.in.us; J Kendall@ci.carmel.in.us; J PFoster@cLcarmel.in.us; KHahn@ci.carmel.in,us; LLillig@ci.carmel.in.us; MFogarty@ci.carmel.in.us; MHollibaugh@ci.carmel.in.us; MMcBride@ci.carmel.in.us; MSnyder@ci.carmel.in .us; PMorrissey@ci.carmel.in.us; PPace@ci.carmel.in.us; RHancock@ci.carmel.in.us; SBrewer@ci.carmel.in.us; slillard@ci.carmel.in.us; WAkers@ci.carmel.in.us; Dean.Groves@Cinergy.COM; sprater@cmsenergy.com; sjb@co.hamilton.in.us; stc@co.hamilton.in.us; Jay Alley; john- south@iaswcd.org; jeffry.farmer@timewarnercable,com; tskolak@usps.gov; CShupperd@vectren.com ' Candy Feltner Re: January 15th Carmel/Clay TAC Agenda Cc: Subject: Hello everyone: Following are CTRWD comments on the agenda items effecting our sanitary sewers or service area for the January 15, 2003 TAC meeting. Please feel free to copy and distribute this email or attach it to your meeting minutes. We have also created a new page on our website linked to the "Construction" page where we have posted all CTRWD TAC comments from 2001 and 2002 meetings held to date. We will continue to add to this page every month so please let everyone know they can view our comments online now too. West Carmel Center, Block B - The Goddard School (Development Plan) The District has not received any plans for this proposal. Building permits should NOT be issued unless the District has issued connection permits. West Carmel Center, Block B - Unique - The Specialty Group (Development Plan) The plans received by the District need to be revised to show labeled sewer profiles and manhole, lateral and bedding details which are in accordance with District specifications. Revised plans need to be submitted. A preconstruct ion meeting will need to be held before the construction of the proposed sanitary sewers. Building permits should NOT be issued unless the District has issued connection permits. Village of West Clay, Section 10004-A The District's most recent version of sanitary sewer specifications needs to be included on the plans. Revised plans need to be submitted. A preconstruction meeting will need to be held before the construction of the Building permits should NOT be issued unless the District has issued connectioIl permits. Ritz Charles (Amended Development Plan) The District has not received any plans for this proposal. Building permits should NOT be issued unless the District has issued connection permits. Please remind all TAC applicants to provide plans directly to the District at our main office address in care of Andy Kern at: 10701 N. College Ave., Suite A, Indianapolis, IN 46280-1098. If there are questions about the District's requirements, then please refer to our website for current information on the District's construction specification and permit standards. We are a member of the IUPPS underground locate network so call 1-800-382-5544 before you dig! Please feel free to contact Jay or me if you have questions or need additional 1 information. Thanks! u u .. Andy Kern, Project Specialist Clay Township Regional Waste District Hamilton County, IN, USA http://www.ctrwd.org/ 317-844-9200 (phone) 3 1 7 ~ 844 - 92 0 3 ( fax ) >>> "Dobosiewicz, Jon C" <JDobosiewicz@ci.carmel.in.us> 01/07/03 04:46PM >>> See attached, <<TAC2003-011S.rtf>> Thanks, Jon. C. Dobosiewicz Planning Administrator Department of Community Services City of Carmel One civic Square Carmel, IN 46032 Phone: 317.571.2417 Fax: 317.571.2426 jdobosiewicz@ci.carmel.in.us 2 u u One Civic Square Carmel, IN 4$J32 (317) 571-2417 Fax: (317) 571-2426 '- / /'1 To: -da/?7e'5 /~k: d"#' 4h/"0 Fax: .;;:i ~/ ~ /96r Phone:! Pages: e::2 /---/Y~d3 Date: cc: /4J ~? . /' Re: LO.>;J4!c?/).6. "JPr ~ o Urgent o For' Review o Please Comment 0 Please Reply o Please Reeyele -/;{~ @C?dd~'/?/ ~';'o/ u u -----Original Message----- From: Akers, William P Sent: Tuesday, January 14, 2003 11:44 AM To: Dobosiewicz, Jon C; Lillig, Laurence M Subject: TAC meeting 1-15-03 I will not be able to attend the TAC meeting on Wednesday Morning due to another meeting I have to attend here. Please accept my apologize for missing the meeting. The following are some general comments that need to be noted: West Carmel Center, Block B. The Goddard School --Address has been assigned..will have to contact me to obtain it. West Carmel Center,Block B- Unique-Specialty group ----Since there are two seperate structures on this parcel...There will be one unique address for both buildings. Each building will be designated with an "A" or "B". Contact me for the address. Village of West Clay Section 1 0004-A No comment---Addresses have been completed Old Meridian Professional Building --No comment as of now Riverview Medical Park --No comment Hazel Dell Corner, Lot 1 --The address committee will have to meet on this project, since it contains Multi-tenants in one shell building...Address will be available at a later date. It will probably be one address for the entire building with numerous Suite numbers assigned to each space. Ritz Charles ---No comment Carmel United Methodist --use same address as Church..since it is exisiting building Foster Addition. Lot 3- Windows & Siding of Indy No comment..use existing address 1 u One Civic Square Carmel, IN 4EC32 {31 T) 571-2417 Fax: {31T) 571-2:426 To: ~~, ;:g~ Fax: Jf/~ /7bf' Phone: .:::.7s/7"'~ /"7~j' Rer/;JC.J ;fq d/)c/q J o Urgent From: C::::~~';;~e-- i/~ Pages= ...5 Date: /- ?-V3 cc: o For Review 0 Please Comment 0 Please Reply u o Please Recycle J)oc~c~ ~, 1 .;/J '.' /? //7 ~k- rz!:J$-~:'~,L~:Kh~ u u Dobosiewicz, Jon C From; Sent: To: Fahey, Joyce D Friday, December 20,20022:14 PM Dobosiewicz, Jon C; Lillig, Laurence M; Lawrence, KeJli A; Brewer, Scott I; Pattyn, Dawn E; Hollibaugh, Mike P New Submittal SUbject: Received Friday, 12/20 The Gbddard School "t>~ 1 ADLS Jim Peck, Civil Designs LLP ..)~. \,j ~ ~. 18 'Pc.. The new file is on the PC shelf behind my desk. %jU" ZAey Planning and Zoning Department of Community Services City of Carmel Ohe Civic Square Carmel, IN 46032 317/571-2417 (Phone) 317/571-2426 (Fax) Email: jfahey@ci.carmel.in.us