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Feb 26 03 12:09p David Cre.means 705-0300 p. 1 Windows & Siding of Indianapolis, Inc. 431 South RangeJine Carmel, IN 46032 n_~~ OOfiurmGWJ oIlNtlIAIW'lIIJS, IIlC. Phone: 317.705.0200 Fax: 317.705.0300 www.WindowsAndSiding.com ~I. Fax Tl'r4aumszmittal Formn To: ~J .ot)605Ci~V<.Ii~rg.m; Name: " h \ . c_ _/J..Lj../>- /'P/). . (, ., ~/ I vc~ Cf'~ ~//lZ/./A..> Fax: 57/- 2 '-/t.b Phone number: Phone: 317.705.0200 Fax: 317.705.0300 www.WindowsAndSiding.com Date sent: Pages sent: Message: <'/ ~~~ 0 J"'...J' f j,o v.) J-.ii-(It f-. ?,; 6,,if //A)(y .f ".<J Ti' ~)r1't:(J r,:.-J( o cJ,<7 ::;;/ ~ Ai /~)/'~ lJ..:' Me:'; t.0 A,.<J'; .I......Ie.( ...--;-' 'I HIS ~ (tit.5 occ:~ < 1 'itf! / /- If:::" (;/-(1 (J '. -.\ p..J ~'~!I _ ~ ..-. J ~- v.-f co"T /") r,. ~~.4.s ~ c::::.. ~;- ..Yt-( t t1;/';JCqt) . ") -- f:f-v-A.'-c"~i:: 5 ~+.,/ t Feb 26 03__E: O~~p n David Cremeans Product Infonnation Bulletin CAPSYlITE@ Halogen PAR lamps SYLVANIA CAPSYUTE"' halogen PAR lamps are the pelfeC::t choice for .!lwide varie~ty of general. illumination, task and accent light applications. Most CAPSYLITE and CAPSYUTE SPL lamps can be used indoors or out. in a broad range of downlight, track and recessed ceiling mounted fixtures. A wide variety of lamp sizes, wattages and beam angles meet the needs of virtually any lighting application. This quality '!high-end" light adds to the appeal of merchandise in store, showroom and gallery displays. In addition, their long life and energy efficiency make CAPSYLlTE lamps ideal for use in residential, commercial and industrial buildings. Application Info rmation Appllcatians PAR38 . Can be used for virtually any purpbse, indoor or outdoor . Ideal for accent Ughtirlg, merchandise displays and general iUumlnation in offices, lobbies and public buildings . Provides a high degree of flexibility with a choice of five wattages and beam spreads PAR30 . Perfect for use in shallow recessed, track and downlighl li><.lures . Indoor and outdoor display arldaccE!l"It applications PAR30 Long Neck . Direct replacement for incandescent A and 8R lamps . Long life energy efficient upgrade from standard incandescent lamps HALOO5R2 705-0300 p.2 '--::>A~'l \\~ G-.lL ~'-<--* ~, v....~~t ]yn . Long Life: up to 4500 hours . Bright while, high quality halogen light .. Innovative technology for high performance .. Energy efficient halogen sources . CAPSYLlTE SPL also offers totally new halogen lens/reflector SYSTEM . Superior beam control and sharp cutoff . Improved optical system provides consistent, uniform performance from lamp to lamp . Lens stamped with beam pattern for eae.y identification ECOLOGiC" is a comprehensive program of OSRAM SYLVANIA locused on addressing environmenlallssues at all stages of lamp life. [j ~OLdCJc' ProduCt Availabili~y Product Wattll!Jll Beam Anglu PAR14 PARle 35 60 75 3S 51} 50 60 15 35 50 75 45 60 1S (~- 120 250 FL 50' " ,'0 ~>. ..:.. ' NSP10~rNFL3Q~, ~':~'_ ",~:<~.:r-:~ ;::-.- NS? 10', NFL 3D! .,: " ,;,:,:: ,:'" ;.".' NS? 10', NFL 30', WFl40" NSP 10', NFL 30', W~l40'. ", NSP'9', NFL 25", FL 40' NSP 9', Nfl 2S' NSP g", Nfl2S", FL 40' NSP 9", WFL SO' NSP g., NFL 25", WFL 50' NS? S', Nfl 25', WFL 50' Spg', WSP 12', FL 30., WfL 50' SP g', WSP 12-, NFL 25', FL 30" SP 9', WSP 12', Fl30', WfL 50' ~SP-.22', NFl2S", FL JO;WFl50.' SP la', NFl2S", FL 30', WFL 5 SP 10', FL 30' .C-_" PAR20 PAR30 PAR30UI ~R~' PAR20 . Indoor and outdoor. display and accent applications . High light output from small fixtures . Direct replacement lor incandescent R20 lamps PAR16 . Use in open fix! ures . Display and acCent applicaHons . Perlect for. hlghtlghting jewelry, glassware and olh~ fine merchandise . A compact, high quality halogen Iigl1l source in an attracHve ceramic reflector PAR14 . Acts.as its own fixture in bare sockets . Ideal10r micro display and accent applications ~~~.fg ~ 1NflJ, !liUNf~ SEE THE WORLD IN A NEW LlGHT~"'i flJ. ~",~.#~.$' ~ ]!..~~r; Feb 26 03 12:0Sp Sample SpecfficaUon LainpShall be CAPSYUTE hatogen,...,..(PAR14, PAR16. PAR20; PAR30. PAR30LN or PARS6llamp with a ........(2000, 2500, 3000 or 4500)- hour average rated lite, shall be diOde If"'*' and employ stabilized colis. Lamp shall be energy effiCient and produced to E?ACT standards, Lamp base shall contain no lead solder to make the disposal of used CAPSYLITE SPL lamp easierfor tha end user. David Cremeans Optical Performance StaD~aRlllaJogen PAR 705-0300 CAPSYUTE SPL OptiCS p.3 CAPSYLlTE SPL Optical System .CAPSYLlTE SPL lamps employ a patented spirallBnticule layout on their lenses. These patterns were computer designed to deliver.a smooth, round beam pattern that is free from hot spots and stray light. The new le~ses, however, are only half of the story, The new spiral flat reflectors were also computer designed to work in concert with the renses. The spiral flats on the inner surface 01 the reflector begin to shape and contour the light rays before they reach the lens. The reflector and 'the lens,' therefore, .share. the .job, ofcon1rolling th~, light so lhat the resultant beam pattern is as. '.smooth as possible.l'hs.opticalsystem'nlaximizes the lumens in the beam angle, while providing. consistent lamp-la-lamp performance. Beam Performance Cgrnpalisoft of SIam1aRl Halogen PAR 10 New CAPSY1.1TE wiUt SPL Optics ~ f j .. ......,- 1- G,IoPs.'f1.1T"i nwn :;"'-cdlFi1j,l~PnR I The beam performance of the CAPSYLITE product line with SPL optics will change the way PAR lamps are specified. Traditionally, PAR lamps were designed to prol/ide peak intensity in the center of tl1e beam and the light lel/el dropped rapidly from thal poinl. In contrast, the CAPSYUTE product line is designed to give a more even distribution of l1i9h level light across as broad an area as possible wltl1 no hot spots. The resu!l is a uniform light le\lel on the target that maximizes the impact of the halogen source. Feb 26 03 12:0910 David Cremeans 705-0300 p.4 \)\ cA-b ~(l;t '(l r;-- \ ,U ~ XV:...) . Ordering and S~ecificatHm Information Item Ordering Avg. Rated Humber Abbreviation Walts Base Life (hrs.) Volts MOL 14553 35PAR14/CAPIFLSOIRP 35 Ml!dium 2000 120 BS 50. 300 ]. 7116 59tl3Z 6O~ARl51CAPIN SPlO 60 Medium 2000 120 5000 10" 650 Z. 7/B 59040 6OPAR16/CAPINSP10 60 Ml!dium 2000 130 5000 10. 650 27/8 59030 5OPAJll51CAPIN Ft3D 60 Medium 2000 120 1300 30" 650 ]. 7/6 5903B 6OPAAl61CAPINFl30 50 Me<fjum 2000 130 1300 30. 650 27/8 59035 75PARl51CAPIN SP10 75 Ml!dium 2000 120 7500 10. 900 27/B 59{)~ 4 75PAlll61CAPII\lSP10 75 Medium 2000 130 7500 10. 900 27/8 59034 75PAR 161CAPINFt30 75 Medium 2000 120 1900 30' 900 27/B 59042 75PARl61CAPINFt30 75 Medium 2000 130 l!KJO 30' 900 ]. 7/B 14467 35PARlOlCAP/SPVNSP10 35 Medium 2500 120 3000 10. 360 31/4 14460 35PAR201CAPISPUNSP10 35 Medium 2500 130 3000 10. 350 31/4 14464 3SPARZOJCAP/SPUNFL30 35 MediulTI 2500 120 BOO 30. 350 31/4 14459 35PAJUDlCAP/SPUNfL30 35 Medium 2500 130 600 30' 3SO 31/4 14506 35 PAR20/CAP/SP\.JWFL 40 35 Medium 2500 120 500 40. 360 3 1/4 14461 35P~201CAP/SPIJWFL40 35 Ml!dium 2500 130 500 40. 360 J 1/4 14500 50PAR2DlCAP/SPUNSP10 50 Medium 2500 120 4600 11}' 550 3 1/4 14528 5OP~201CAP/SPUNSP10 50 Medium 2500 130 4600 10' 550 31/4 14502 50PAR20ICAP/SPVNfL30 50 Medium 2500 120 1200 30' 550 31/4 14529 5OPAIl201CAP/SPUNFL30 SO Medium 2500 130 1200 3D' 5S0 31/4 14700 50PAR2OJCAP/SP!JWFL40 50 Medium 25QO 120 900 40. 551l 31/4 14526 50PAR3DlCAP/SPUNSP9 50 Medium 2500 120 6600 9' 660 35/8 14530 50P~30/CAP/SPliNSP9 50 Medium 2500 130 8800 9' 660 35/8 14527 5OPAR301CAPISPVNfl2S 50 Medium 2500 120 2300 25' 660 35/8 14531 50PIIR30/CAPISPUNFl25 SO Medium 2500 130 2500 25' 660 35/8 14710 5OPAR301CAP/SPUFL 40 50 Medium 2500 120 1300 40' 660 35/8 14533 50PAR30/CAP/SPUfUO 50 Medium 2500 130 1300 40' 660 .35/8 14332 BOPAR30/CAPISPLlNSP9 60 Medium 3000 120 12,000 9. 860 35/8 14333 60PAR3DlCAPISPUNFl25 60 Medium' . 3000 120 .3500 25' 860 '.35/8 14090 6OPAR30/CAP/SPUNFL25 60 Medium 3000 130, 3500 25' 860 '35/8 14604 75PAR30/CAPISPllNSPg 75 Medium . 2500 120 ,15,400 9' 1130 35/8 1462B 15PAR3()/CAPISPUNSP9 75 Medium 2500 130 1 ~.400 9. 1130 3518 14603 75PAR3D/CAPISpLlNfLZ5 75 Medium . 25pO , .120 4000 25. 1130 3518 14627 75PAR30lCAPISPUNFt25 75 Medium 2.500 . 130 4000 '25' 1130 3518 14606 15PAR30/CAP/SPUFL40 75 Medium 2500 120 2100 40. 1130 35/8 14629 '/5PAR3D/CAPISPUfUO 75 Medium 2500 130 2100 40. 1130 . 35/8 14759 35PAIl3OLN/CAP/NS?9 3S Medium 2500 120 5700 9. 450 4 11/11> 14764 35PAR30LN/CAP~150 35 Medium 2500 120 450 50. 450 4 17/16 14509 50PAR3DLNIGAP/NSP9 50 Medium 2500 120 BBDO 9' 660 4 11/16 14462 50PAR30LNlCAP/NSP9 50 Medium 2500 130 8BeO g. 660 4 11/16 14520 50PARJOLNICAPlNfL25 SO Medium 2500 120 2300 25. 660 4 11/16 14478 50PAR30lNlCAP/NF125 50 Medium 2500 130 2300 25' 660 4 11/16 14537 50PAR3{JLN/CAPIWFL50 50 Medium 2500 120 900 50' 660 411116 14536 50PAR3 OlNICAPIWFL50IRP SO Medium 2500 120 900 50' SOO 4 11/16 14486 SOPAR30lN/CAP/Wfl50 50 Medium 2500 130 900 50' 6&) 4 11/16 14785 75PAR30lNICA?INSP9 75 Medium 2500 120 15.4aO S' 1130 4 11/16 14777 75PAR30UlICAPINSP':l 75 Medium 2500 130 15.400 g' 1130 4 11/16 14769 75PAR3OLN/CAPINFL25 75 Medium 2500 120 4000 25' 1130 4 11/16 1477B 75PAR30lNICAPINFl25 75 Medium 2500 130 4000 25' 1130 4 11/16 14768 7SPARJOLl'l/CAPIWFtSO 75 Me(liulTI 2500 120 1130 50. 1130 4 11/16 14785 75PAR30LNICAPIWFl50 75 Medium 2500 130 1130 50' 1130 4 11/16 145'30 45PARlCAP/SPUSP9 45 Medium Skirt 2500 120 10,000 g' S60 55/16 14593 45PARiCAPISPUSP9 45 Medium Skirt 2500 130 10.000 g' 560 55116 145B9 4SPARlCAPISPLlWSP12 45 Medium Skirt 7500 120 6300 n' 560 55116 14592 45PARlCAP/sPlIWSP12 45 MediUm Skirt 2500 130 6300 12. 560 55116 1553B 4SPARlHAIJSPUSP/RP 45 Medium Skirt 2500 130 10.000 9' 560 55116 145B6 45PARlCAP/SPUFl30 45 Medium Skirt 2500 120 1500 30' 56lJ 55/16 14591 45PARlCAPISPUFL30 45 Medium Skirt 2500 no 1500 30' 5611 55116 15531 45PARlHALlSPUFllRP 45 Medium Skirr 2500 130 1500 30' 560 55/15 14010 45PARlCAPIWFL50 45 Medium Skirt 2500 no 7(1() 50. 560 55/16 1441'>9 60PARlCAPISPUSP9 60 Medium Skirt 3000 120 16,000 g' aso 55!l6 14449 60PAR/CAPISPL/SP9 60 Medium $~Irt 3000 130 16,000 9. 850 5 S/16 14423 6OPARlCAP/SPUWSP12 50 Medium Skirt 3000 120 10,500 12' aso 55/16 14472 60PARlCAP/SPUllfL25 60 Medium Skirt 3000 120 3700 25' 850 55116 14468 6OPARlCAP/SPUfL30 60 Medium Skirt 3000 120 2500 30. 850 55115 Feb 26 03 12:1010 David Cremeans 705-0300 10.5 Ordering and Specification Information Item Orden ng AV!'. RallJd Beam Number Abbreviation Watts BaSIl Ure (brs.) VUn& caep Angle Lumens MOL 14448 SOPARlCAPISPUFUO 60 Medium Skin 3000 130 2500 30' 850 55116 14514 75PARlCAPISPUSpg 75 Medi um Skirt 2500 120 19,200 g. 1000 55116 14516 75PARlCAPISPUSP9 75 Medium Skirt 2500 130 19,200 g' 10~0 55116 14510 75PARlCAPISI'LIWSP1.2 75 Medium Skirt 2500 120 12,J00 12' 1060 55116 14513 75PARlCAPISPUFL30 75 Medium Skirt 2500 120 3150 3D' 1060 5 5/16 14515 7SI'ARlCAP/SPUFLJO 75 Medium Skirt 2500 130 3150 30' 1060 55116 14517 _75PARlCAP/sPUWFl50 15 Medium Skirt 2500 130 ___.J}OO_ SO" 10ftO 55/16 t'W;-SS-- '90l'ARiCAPISPU!W!}----.--- ":lll MediumSIiit .. 250(}-' . . - -120 22,200 g" 1310 5 511~::: 14:>tll 90PARlCAPISPUSP9 90 Medium Skirt 2500 130 U.lW 9' 1310 5511ft 145BO 90l'ARlCAPISPUWS 1'12 90 Medium Skirt 2500 120 14,300 12' 1310 55116 14578 90PARlCAPISPUWSP12 90 Medium Skirt 2500 130 14.300 12' 1310 5511ft 15539 90PARlCAPISPUSP{RP 90 Medium Skirt 2500 120 22.200 g' 1310 55116 15545 90PARlHALlSPUFllRP 90 Medium SKirt 2500 120 3500 30' 1310 ) 5116 14579 90PARlC1\PISPUFl3O 90 Medium Skirt 2500 120 3500 30' 1310 ') 511ft 14'577 9OPI\R/CAPISPUFL30 90 Medium Skin 2500 130 3500 30' 1310 ') 5116 14602 90PAR/CAPISPl/WFL50 90 Medium Skirt 2500 130 1310 SO' 1310 ) 5/16 14972 901'AR/C1l.P/2SP12 . 90 Medium Skirt 2500 120 12.000 12' 1250 55/16 14630 9OPI\R1CAPISPU3SP12.. 90 Medium Skirt 2500 120 12,()00 12' 1310 55/16 14971 90PAR/CI\PI2Fl30" 90 Medium Skirt 2500 120 3500 30' 1260 :. 5/16 14973 9OPAA/CAPI2Ft30' 90 Medium Skirt 2500 130 3750 30' 1260 55/16 14632 9OPARlCP.Pf3Fl30- 90 Medium Skin 2500 120 3750 30' 1310 55/16 14856 1 zOPAAICAPISPI./SP1 0 120 Medium Skirt 3000 120 22,500 10" 1800 55/16 14874 120PARICAPISPUSP10 120 Medium Skirt 3000 130 22.500 10' 1000 -55/16 14848 lZ0~AAICAPISPL/NFL25 120 Medium Skirt 3000 120 7700 25' 1800 -55/16 14855 120PAR/CAPISPUFLJO 120 Medium Skirt 3000 120 4600 30' 1800 -55/16 14861 lZ0PARlCAPISPUFl30 120 Medium Skirt 3000 130 4600 30' 1800 5 5/16 14594 120PARlCAPISPLIW FL55 120 Medium Skin 3000 120 2000 55' 1800 -55/16 15526 250PAR/CAPISPUSP10 250 Medium Skirt 4500 120 . 46.500 10' 3600 55/16 15556 250PARlCAPISPUFL30 250 Medium skirt 4500' 120 9000 30' 3600 -55/16 . Coo I Lux La mps "Side PrO/19 Lamp... Ordering Guide 50 PABJD LN GAP NSP 10 Watlage: Parabolic l.o~ g Neck CAPSYl.ITE Beam Spread 9' 35.45 Refiocwr NSI'=Narrow Spol 10' 50.60 Diameter WSP=Wide Spol 12" OSRAM SYLVANIA 75,90 14~14/B" N FL= Narrow Rocd 2S' N 0 NationEI CuslOmlf 120 16~151S" Fl=Flood JO' B Support Center 18725 N. Union Street 250 zO=WS" WFl=Wide Fl()(l(t 4W ~ W<)$lllBlo. IN 48074 30=3018" 50' '" 36=311/S" 55" c. Industrial & Commerci31 at PIlQI"': 1-800-265-5042 TI Fax: 1-800-255-5043 ~ National Aecount~ Dimensions c: 0 Phone; 1-800-562-4671 l:l Fax: 1-800-562-4674 . . I ,~ ~ 0: Special Markel6 ~]1 0 Phone; 1-800-762-7191 Fa:<: 1-800-762-7192 <( ~ In Canade >. CSRAM SYI.VANIA LTD. ~ en Keadquaners PAA14 PAR16 PAR20 PAR30 ~ 2001 Drew Road Mississauga. ON L5S 1 S4 n . -- 8 Industri.1 & Commercial A (AI (B) 8 f'r1Or1e: j-800-2G3-2852 Bulb '" Fa>:: ; -8OCHle7 -6772 @ lBulb MOL DIameter Special Markets PI,ooe; ; '600-265-2852 Fa<: ; -800.667 -6772 PAR14 2 7/16 13/4 l__ PARlE 27/8 2 PAR20 31/4 21/2 PAR30 35/6 :3 3,'4 PAR30lN 4 11/16 33/4 PAR38 55/16 43/4 Vjs.it our wabs~to: w\\M".syhl.'lnia,Cam PAR30 LN PARSB F@b 26 03 12:11p D.avid Cr@m@.ans 705-0300 p.6 q\ n ~ 69 ~ : I ~ \ I , I \, \ \ ' : \ ' i I, ;, , ,,,'Ob< ,<0 ",Ii" "",. .,,," "" ,OCh'"'''' ~ bolO ,,,,, ,. "", " ,,",,,I ,,".' "" ,oe" ,,'''''' '<0" !h' pO~ ";Ii,, " , "~' ""n",". ,,' ,<om IlOssible u\travialet radiatiop. 5,~0 10 Avg ~, Pkg lam!) Class & Rated LCL MOL Volts Qt'! Flrlish Fi~amenl Ufe(l\rs) lUmens (ill) (in) 120 10 Clear G,~ 120 10 frostW C, /lX2O'J 2000 230 1'f,s 2'/, 120 ~O C1ffilr C, A'f.,2'J3 '2.COO 5~(1 11.. 2'1, 120 10 Frosteo C, m03 2.000 480 ,1('iJ 2'j. 120 10 CleO!! C,AX203 2000 830 ' \ I~c 21f~ 120 10 Frosted C. p;f200 2000 790 1 'I" 2'A '\1, .T4 CAPSYUTE@ G9 LAMPS ~ 2SCJI,PS'l'LI1BG9P- 2.5C"-i'S'fUTfjG9/f ,wCAPS'{UlEIG9,t\. 4lICAPS'fLITfJG<;I!f 6IlCAPS't\.I'TUiQ,tl. 6OCAPS'ILJrnG9/f SUPER Q@ - S\NGLE ENO QUARTZ LAMPS product symbolS & Numoer fooll1otes Oroering I\bbrevialion 570000 570010 570020 570030 570040 570050 5,iO 5,10 5:\0 . ~ .1 -It ....""'1 . , , \!jJ.lJ~:BU1b-~ !:Ba~i ~'~.' I '-5 14 139 Bipin 46 i4 B9Bipin 5.\0 _'" ~ _ ~,,___r>- ' -'" I = . ~ t . ~J.l!S ~illli '. ,Biii~.,: " 5Ba76 G2.20 lSQIttJNIS 588B4 G 2,~'-O 7S~C/RP 18858 02,20 1QOQ1t\JD~ 5B755 G2,20 11ll1OJ-C\A)~SRI 51'>757 C 2,20 1000J1)CIETUl 5l\73'2 c220 11l~ 5B817 02,20 1 DOO/CI.IfI'ICJRptEStl~ 5B76~ 02,20 100O/CI.JMCI.~Nl 58760 (".. 2,2{1 1nllQ/Cl..MC 51>741 G 2,'20 151lQJtlJPC(ac~ !)B742 02,20 15llOJtl1DC11\ ESI'~ 58737 G'2,2.0 15BI1'OClETFl 58748 C2\20 151lOJt1JOC 58731 c '2,20 1SO~CW(ElG) 58738 G2,20 1SOOJCl.MClfStl 58735 G2,20 1511QjUjMC12~ETG.l 58736 c 2,20 ,5QOfti\ClETll) 58733 G'2,20 1 !)1lllIC\fiIIC 58720 G2,20 ZSllOItI.Jl)C(ESS1 5875::' G 1.20 2SOlWC\ffiI) 58754 G2,20 250MlC 58773 C.2,21) 25llOIClJ1i'IC~Pl.em ----::-: 58762 G 2,20 25llI1tlJ1\'\ClBm 58763 G2'zo 2500JMCl.WlI 58764 02,20 25Illlit\JMC 58765 C. 2,20 2SQIlMC 58766 c220 5QI)Il/C1JMClEVRl 58767 0220 slJOOMlClE'fX) 58756 02,20 500OitUMCl.EYWl 58708 02,20 ~C(E'lVI 58769 c 2.20 7~1EY1l AvfJ P\i.g Lamp Class & Rated ,-Cl MOL Volts Oly fln'lsh Filament llle(l1rs\ Lu11l€\1S (in) O\1f 28 12 GII!llI' C,GC-6 '2000 140D 1 '/" 2'1. 120 6 Clear C,CC-B 2000 1400 f1/,3. 2',~, 120 10 Clear C, CC-2V 2000 1600 2'1,. 3" " 120 12. Clear C,CC-2"I 1000 1900 1'1. 2','.,~ 120 12 froS~ C, CC-2.V 1000 1750 i'l. 2'/,. \30 12 Clear C, CC-z.J 1000 1900 1'1. 2'1. 120 6 Clear C,CC-B 1000 1 BOO P!, 2'1." 120 12 Clear C. ('A.-'N 1000 1&10 1 ~J~ 2'!' 130 12 Clear C, ec-2\! 1000 1800 1 'I, 2" J' 120 12. Clear C.CC-8 2000 VlOO 1 'j, 2'1. 120 12. Clear C,CC-2.\J 1000 2400 PI> 2'/.. 120 12 Frosled C.CC~ 2000 2700 1 'j, 2'1. 130 12. Clear C,CC-'2\/ 1000 2800 1 'I. 2" .. 120, 6 ClOOr C.CC-ll 2000 2000 i '3l~ 3 120 12 Clear !;,CC-2V 1000 2800 1'1, '2.'1, 120 12. Clear C. t,C-'8 '2000 2800 .!jlh 3 120 12 frOSted 'C, eC.B 2000 '2700 1 \J~ 3 130 12 Clear G, ~v 100G '2000 PI...!.. 120 12- Clear C. CC-ll 'ZOOO 5000 1 'I. 3 1'2Q 12 froSted C.CC-B 2000 4850 ~~iB 0 ~3il 12 frosted C,CC-8 2QOO 4850 1'/. 120 G aear C. CC-8 2000 5000 1'1. 120 12 Clear ,C, eC.8 2000 5GOO 1'10 120 12 Frosted C.CC'8 2000 4850 1 ~!~ ~30 1'2 Clear C,CC-8 2000 5()()O 1'10- 130 1'2 FraSted C. CC-8 'looO 4850 1'/. ~ 120 12 Clear G.CC-8 2000 1 (1450 '2 120 12 frosted C,CC'8 'loon 10100 2 130 12 Clear C,eC.8 2000 10000 '2 130 12 rrooted C.CC-13 2t100 1(}QCD '2 120 12 C\e:aT C, CC-8 5()() 16500 '2. PiooU!;.1 symbols & Number Footnotes' Ordering Abbfe~\at\oO 100 T4 'E1') \:11 Mill Can DC6ayonet 75 T3 E11 Min'l Can .-1, ' , I" " I ' t' ' 'I: 1511 T4 DC Bayonet e,11 Mini Can i' '2f11l T4 DCeayonet 1011 Mini can El1 Mini CiIIi 5Il0 T4 158 T4 E\ 1 Mini Can ~,'. .' .',' ~ L'_:,"'.:<' A,' '.. ' '"":', " , ,..:;~:.. . 5"lmcOiS/FoomO~E;;S on For more c.urnOlele prooOC11l\jQrmal10n ,is,1 WI..\...S11,3<llB com 46 Feb 26 03 12:11F II T3 Sll'inlfl David Cremeans T( T3, T4 705-0300 F,? ~'.\ ) DOUBLE END lAMPS DOUBLE END QUARTZ Asuilabl~ protective shield"screening technique or bolhshall be used to protect people a'n~ surroundings from the possitJllity of a lamp shattering and from possible ultraviolet radiation: W~tts Bulb: .' '" . Base . Avg Pkg Lamp Class & Ra,ted LCL IVIOl Volts Qty Finish Filament Life(l1rsl Lumens (inl (in] 120 6 Clear C, C-f.\ 2000 1600 3'/. 120 12 Clear C, CC-l3 200D 1600 4"}" 120 6 Clear C, C-B 1500 2250 4l~f16 120 5 Clear C,CC~ 2000 2800 3'1, 120 12 Clear C. CC-l3 2000 2BOO 3" .. 120 12 Clear C. CC-l3 2000 3500 4"/" 120. 6 Clear C, C-8 2000 6000 . 4"1" 120 12 Clear C. C-8 2000 6000 4"1" 130 12 Clear C. C-8 2000 5950 411;.F. 120 6 Clear C,. ec-a 2000 8750 4"ie 120 12 Frosted C,e-8 2000 9300 411/e: 120 12 Clear c.ec...'! 2000 8750 4"(" 130 12 Clear C.C-8 2000 8750 4"(" 240 12 Clear C.C-S 2000 21500 -,0 'I" 208 12 Clear C.C...'! 2000 33000 10'1" 240 12 Clear C,C-a 2000 33000 10/" 2Tf 12 Ow C,C-8 2O(\l 33000 10'/" Product Syrnbols'& NumtJer Foolnotes Ordering Abbreviation 1 Oil T3 RSC 58887 -2,20 10~P 56909 C2,20 100T301tL 15D T3 RSC 53885 02,20 150T301tLlRP 58886 G 2,20 150T3O/S!Ct.oflP 58915 G 2,20 151JT31Q/S~ 20D T3 RSC 58917 -2,20 2lI1Jf3QJCL 300 T3 RSC 5892Q ""'2,20 3OlJT301CLlRP(EHM) 58'323 -2,20 JOIJlJQlCLlEHM) 58919 -220 JOlJT3l1/CL SOD T3 RSC 58865 -2,20 5ODT301ClJRP(FCl) 58683 -2.20 5llDT3O(FCZI 58856 -2,20 5lIlJT3(tQltU ) 58902 ~2.20 5OlJT3QJCL 1000 T3 RSC 58948 -220 1000T3O/CL 1500 T3 RSC 58B59 -2.20 15llDl3OJCL20W 56857 -2,20 1500T30/1;LZ4OV - 58858 -220 1500T3QJGL217V BI-PIN LAMPS BI-PIN IR Product Symbols & Number Footnotes Ordering Abbreviation 586830 4,5,6 J7BT40J1R 586870 4.5,6 51JBT'4llJIR . - - . I . . ., JYllfts gilib, '" Sa S8 '" .," 5T3QfCl../TA 1lJT3Q.oWAX 1013QrQ1AX6V 20T3QICIJAX 2OT4ClCUAX J5T4llJtL/AX 5DT4DiCLJAX 751 4ll1tLJAX 90T 4llJCL'AX Avg Pkg Lamp Class & Rated Volts QIy Finish Filament lIfe(hrs) Lumens 12 40 Clear C,AX 4000 000 12 40 Clear C,AX 4000 1320 Avg Pkg Lamp Class & Rated Volls Qty Finish' Filament Life rs) Lumens 12 40 Clear C, TR 4000 60 'I. 1 'I. 12 40 CI~ar C, AX 4000 130 l/~ 11/.4 6 40 Clea, C,M 4000 130 liB 1 'I. 12 40 Clear C,M 4000 320 'I, 1'/. 12 40 Clear C,M. 4000 320 11!d 1'J. 12 40 Clear C,AX 4000 600 1'/" 1'/, 12 40 Clear C,AX 4000 930 l'j. 1" " 12 40 i:;lear C.AX 4000 1450 1"/, 1'/, 12 40 Clear G.AX 4000 1800 1'/. 1 J/~ 37 BT4 GY6.35 50 B14 GY5.35 STARUTE@ BI-PIN LAMPS . . --, ~-....,,-....--- - , , ' , 11 ", , ~~iau~ 1~.u!~o - " 'Base,'."! Product Symbols & NumlJer Footnotes Ordering Abbreviation 5 T3 G4 58590 621,22 10 1'3 G4 58091 6,2t,22 58692 6,2.1,22 20 13 G4 58694 6,2122,23 14 GY6J5 58663 6,22 35 T4 GYf>.35 58672 6,22 5G 14 GY6.35 58676 5,22.23 t 75 14 G Y6,35 5l\68D . 6,22,23 ~ 00 T4 GY6.35 58684 6.22 ~ ~, ~ ~ '>5~ J For morc oomplete prodccl~formation visit ,w.'c'/.sylvanio..com S\'mbolsifaoln~,e" o~ p~~e 53.54 47 \ ~ ;: .' ., C 'H' ',,' . . H '":c~r,:~~'~ ~';~}~"':~:,~i;:i. ',~ ,- , ~