HomeMy WebLinkAboutCorrespondence w,,, o NELSON & FRANIffiNlJERGER A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION ATTOIt,NEYS-A T-LAW' JAMESJ. NELSON cl-IARt.Es D', FRANKENBERGER JAMEs E. SHINAy:ER LAWRENCE J,KEl\fPER JOHJ..rB.FLAtt" , of,counsel ' ,JANE B.,MERRILL ~21 J!1Isr 98th ~"E'r SurTE 220' lNuVtNAPOUS. INDIANA 46280 317-844-Oi06 F~:317-846-8782 ,-i~.~~-::---.- ., .r ; ".' July 25,2003 ~ RECH\/ED "",/l". lP 1 '\~~I,r I. t.. t.' , (. ....... DOCS / - --J I , , ' Jon Dobosiew:icz Department ,of Co!qJ11unity Services, One Ciyic Center Cannel, IN 46032 -,<~-. \ \ Re: Gershman Brown - The Overlook - Lot 1 ADLS Amendment - Doc~et No. 10-03-DP/ADLS Dear Jon: En9losed is a proposed Cornmitr'nel1t to which I hav:e attache,d ope black, and white photograph and tw:o colored photographs. Each photograph is of the s~me' AIM machine; narnely, the AIM QJ), the new Old National Bank bLiildingat Ii 6th and RaQgelin~. For comparison, r h;:tve also enclosed, a black ancl whit~ photogra,phof the, ATM at 421 and .Mi9hlgan. I believe the Old National A'r:M ruaximizes the brick and minimizys the AIM and, as such, it is the photograph of theOJd National A 1M machine that I ll1lye attached to the Commitment. Please'review and advise~ As alway~, I appre,ci;ateyour help.. Very truly yours, NELSON &. FRANKENBERGER c'--- Charles D.Fral1kenberger CDF/jtw Enclqsllre H:\Jane~\Gershman\lJI n '& ~Iazel Dell\Dobosie'wicz)ir 072503,doc i~7' " , .; / ," .~ u u t RECFlVED '1'L J'~ ?nr'l ~!U L\.I J;c1U -I DOCS ~, COMMITMENTS CONCERNING USE AND DEVELOPMENT OF REAL ESTATE , '. './ ,./ ........., ." _\.--.-' GB Hazel Dell Property, LLC, an Indiana limited liability company (hereafter "Gershman Brown") makes the following commitments (the "Commitments") to the PLan Commission (the "Commission") of the City of Carmel, Indiana: 1. Description of Real Estate. The real estate is Lot 1 in Hazel Dell Comer Subdivision, as per the plat thereof recorded with the Recorder of Hamilton County, Indiana, as Instrument Number 2003000049519, Plat Cabinet 3, Slide 175 (the "Real Estate"). 2. Docket Number. The applicable docket numbers are (1) 10-03 DPI ADLS and (ii) ADLS Amend 96-03 (03060013). 3. Commitments. With respect to the drive-tbm, for ATM services and automatic teller services, to be located on the north elevation of the building to be constructed upon the Real Estate and approved by the Special Studies Committee on July 1, 2003, the following commitments are made: A. The drive-tM! is permitted for financial institutions only, and, if a bank or financial institution no longer (i) occupies the building and (ii) utilizes the drive- thm for its customers, then the drive-thru and canopy will be replaced by an addition to the building to be approved through all applicable procedures; B. Between the columns supporting the northern end of the canopy, Gershman Brown shall install landscaping which shall provide screening and which shall be maintained at a height not to exceed three (3) feet; C. The ATM machine (i) shall be flush-mounted, within masonry on the wall, on the northern elevation of the building in a manner illustrated by the A TM machine in the three (3) photographs which are attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference as Exhibit "A", (ii) shall not be illuminated, and (iii) shall not display any Key Bank or other logos which identi fy the banl<- or financial institution occupying the building. 4. Effective Date. The commitments contained herein shall be effective upon execution and recordation with the Recorder of Hamilton County, Indiana. 5. Binding on Successors and Assigns. After the effective date, these commitments are binding upon Gershman Brown, each subsequent owner of the Real Estate, and each ";. u u other person acquiring an interest in the Real Estate, unless modified or terminated by the Conunission. These commitments may be modified or terminated only by a decision of the Commission made at a public hearing after notice as provided by the rules of the Conunission. GB HAZEL DELL PROPERTY, LLC, an Indiana limited liability company By: GB INVESTMENTS II, LLC, an Indiana limited Liability company, its sole member By: Thomas Crowley, Trustee STATE OF INDIANA ) ) SS: COUNTY OF MARION ) Before me the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said County and State, personally appeared Thomas Crowley, Trustee of GB Investments II, LLC, an Indiana limited liability company, the sole member of GB Hazel Dell Property, LLC, an Indiana limited liability company, and having been duly sworn, acknowledged execution of the foregoing Commitments. Witness my hand and Notarial Seal this day of July, 2003. My Commission Expires: Notary Public Residing in County Printed Name Prepared By: Charles D. Frankenberger, Nelson & Frankenberger, 3021 East 98th Street, Suite 220, Indianapolis, Indiana 46280 (317) 844-0106 H:\Tam:t\Gershman\131. & Hazel Dcll\Commitments 072503.doc 2 .' Of u \wJ 1,,-- I T' .~ - u u ~ I\r.Cr \\It.D , DOCS ERO~ON AND SEDIMENT CONT~l PLAN TECHNICAL REVIEW AND COMMENT Hamilton County Soil and Water Conservation District 1108 South 9th Street, Noblesville IN 46060 Ph~ 317~773~1432 or Email at john-south@iaswcd.org PROJECT NAME: CTh~Qverl09k7 '1fjlW \v'J / 03 ' SUBMITTED BY: Gershman Brown and Assoc, 600 East 96th Street, Suite 150 Indianapolis, IN 46240 317-574-7333 Mr. David George American Consulting Inc. 7260 Shadeland Station Indianapol i s, TN 46256 REVIEWED BY: John B. South P.E. Certified Professional in Erosion and Sediment Control PLAN REVIEW PROCEDURE: Plan Review Date: May 13, 2003 Acreage: 1.5 LOCATION: N.W corner of 13lth and Hazel Dell Parkway LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Sec. 28 TOWNSHIP: 18N RANGE: 4E CIVIL TO\VNSHIP: Clay SOIL SURVEY MAP SHEET: Soils have been disturbed. Site investigation is recommended. The technical review and comments are intended to evaluate the completeness of the erosion and sediment control plan for the project. The erosion and sediment control plan submitted was not reviewed/or the adequacy of the engineering design. All practices included in the plan, as well as those recommended in the comments should be evaluated as to their feasibility by a qualified individual with structural prac;tices designed by a qualified engineer. The plan has not been reviewed/or local, state, orfederal permits that may be required to proceed with this project. Additional information, including design calculatiom may be requested to jilrther evaluate the erosiOn and sediment control plan. The erosion and sediment control plan has been reviewed and it has been determined that tbe plan: X Satisfies the minimum requirements and intent of 327IAC 15-5 (Rule 5). Notification will be forwarded to the Indiana Department of Environmental Management. Proper implementation of the erosion and sediment controlplan and inspections of the constrw;tion site by the developer or a representative are necessary to minimize offsite sedimentation. The developer should be aware that unforeseen construction activities and weather conditions might ajjectthe pellormance ofa practice or the erosion and sediment control plan. Theplan must be aflexible document, with provisions to modifY or suhstitute practices as necessary. Revised 4 t 97 Cc: Carmel DOCS Ha. Co. Surveyor File .. ,. ... ( \ ( \ ERO'SiON AND SEDIMENT CONTRWL PLAN TECHNICAL REVIEW AND COMMENT Hamilton County Soil and Water Conservation District 1108 South 9th Street, Noblesville TN 46060 Ph- 317-773-1432 or Email at john-south@iaswcd.org PROJECT NAME: ~he,bYf:ilQ,b0 SUBMITTED BY: Gershman Brown and Assoc. 600 East 96th Street, Suite 150 Indianapolis, IN 46240 317-574-7333 , I (J- 0 3.4 DL5/lJ Mr. David George P American Consulting Inc. 7260 Shadeland Station Indianapolis, IN 46256 REVIEWED BY: John B. South P.E. Certified Professi anal in Erosion and Sediment Control PLAN REVIEW PROCEDURE: Plan Review Date: 3-11-03 Acreage: 1.5 LOCA TION: N. W corner of 131 th and Hazel Dell Parkway LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Sec. 28 TOWNSHIP: l8N RANGE: 4E CIVIL TOWNSHIP: Clay SOIL SURVEY MAP SHEET: Soils have been disturbed. Site investigation is recommended. The technical revie~w and comments are intended to evaluate the completeness CJf the erosion and sediment control plan/or the project. The erosion and sediment control plan submitted was not reviewedfor the adequacy of the engineering design. All practices included in the plan, as well as those recommended in the comments should be evaluated as to theirleasibility by a qualified individual with structural practices designed by a qualified engineer. The plan has not been reviewedfor local, state, orfederal permits that may be required to proceed with this project. Additional information, including design calculations may be requested to further evaluate the erosion. and sediment control plan. The erosion and sediment control plan has been reviewed and it has been determined that the plan: Satisfies the minimum requirements and intent of 3271AC 15-5 (Rule 5). Notification will be forwarded to the Indiana Department of Environmental Management. Refer to the comments section for additional information. X Does not satisfy the minimum requirements and intent of 3271AC ) 5-5 (Rule 5); deficiencies are noted in the checklist and in the comments section. Deficiencies constitute potential violations of the rule and must be adequately addressed for compliance. The information necessary to satisfy the deficiencies must be submitted: Proper implementation afthe erosion and sediment control plan and inspections afthe construction site by the developer or a representative are necessary to minimize ojrsite sedimentation The developer should be aware that unforeseen construction activities and weather conditions might affect thepe/formance ofa practice or the erosion and sediment control plan. The plan must be aflexible document, with provisions to modifj; or substitute practices as necesswy. Revised 4/97 ~JECT: The Overlook u u Page 2 of3 Yes No x lA x 18 X lC x 1D x IE Yes No x 2A x 2B x 2C x 2D x x x x x Yes No x x ARE THE FOLLOWING ITEMS ADEQUATELY ADDRESSED ON THE PLANS? (All Plans Must lnclude Appropriate Legelld~, SClIles, and North Arrow) (ltem<~ tlUlt are Not Applicable to lJd~ Project are designated by NA) PROJECT INFORMATION Project Location Map (Show projecf'in relation to other areas ofthc county) Narrative Describing the Nature and Purpose of the Project Location of Planned andlor Existing Ruads, Utilities, Structures, Highways, etc. Lot andlor Building Locations Lamluse of Adjacent Areas (Show the Entire Upstreom Watershed and Adjacent Areas Within 500 Feet of the Property Lines) TOPOGRArmC, DRAINAGE, AND GENERAL SITE FEATURES Existing Vegetation (IdentifY and Delineate) Location and Name of All Wetlands, Lakes and Water Courses On and Adjacent to the Site 100 'Year Floodplains, Floodway Fringes, and Floodways (Note iINone) Soils Information (If hydric soils arc present, it is the responsibility afthe owner/dcveloper /0 investigate the existence ofwetlonds ond to obtain permilsji'om the approprwte government agencies) 2E Existing and Planned Contours at an Interval Appropriate to Indicate Drainage Patterns 2F Locations of Specific Points Where Stormwater Discharge Will Leave the Site 2G Identify All Receiving Waters (If Discharge is to a Separate Municipal Storm Sewer, Identifj, the Name a/the Municipal Operator and the Ultimate Receiving Water) 2H Potential Areas Where Storm water May Enter Groundwater (Note if None) 21 Location of Storm water System (lnciude CIIlverts, Storm Sewers, Channels, and Swales) LAND DISTURBING ACTIVITIES 3A Location and Approximate Dimensions of All Disturbed Areas [i.e., Construction Limas] (Areas Where Vegetative Cover Will Be Preserved Should be Clearly Designated) 3B Soil Stockpiles and or Burrow Areas (Show Locations or Note if None) Yes No X 4A x 4B x 4C x 4D x 4E x 4F x 4G N/A 4H x 41 N/A 4.1 x 4K EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL MEASURES Sequence of When Each Measure Will Be Implemented (Relative to Earth Disturbing Activities) Monituring and Maintenance Guidelines for Each Measure Perimeter Sediment Control Measures (Location. Construction Detail. Dimensions, and Specifications) Temporary Seeding (SpecificotiortS, inciuding Seed lviix; Fertilizer, Lime, and Mulch Rate<\) Temporary Erosion and Sediment Contrul Measures (Location, Constructwn Detail, Dimensions, and Specifications) Permanent Erosion and Sediment Control Measures (Localion, Construction Detail, Dimensions, and Specification.\') Storm Drain Inlet Protection (Locotiol1. Construction Detail, Dimensions, and Specificatiuns) Stormwater Outlet Protection (Location, CortStruction Detail, Dimensions, and Specijlcations) Stable Construction Entrance (Location, Construction Detail, Dimensions, and Speclficatiuns) Erosion and, Sediment Control on Individual Building Lots (Specifications) Permanent Seeding (Specifications.: Including Seed Mix. Fertilizer, Lime.. and Mulch Ratesj Revised 4/97 '. ~. ER&.tON AND SEDIMENT CONTRW PLAN TECHNICAL REVIEW COMMENTS PROJECT: Page 3 of 3 Note: All erosioll tend sediment colltrol measures shown on/Ire plans amI referenced in this review must meet tire design criteria, standards, a1UI.~pecification." outlined in the "Indiana Handhook for Erosion Control in Developing Areas rr from the Jndiaml Department of Natural Resources, Divisioll of Soil Com'ervation or similar Guidance Documel1t.~. 20. Soil information (not just hydric soils) is required on the plan. On this site the original soil has been destroyed and what remains is compacted till. 4A. The draft sequence below can 'be tail.ored for this site. A sequence is required. 4B. Maintenance and monitoring, instructions are needed for each practice. See the lDNR Handbookfor controlling Erosion in Urbanizing Areas for maintenance instructions for each practice. 4D. Temporary seeding or mulch is required for the green space between the curb and the silt fence. I assume the rest of the site will be stabilized with stone. 4E. The existing inlet in the northeast corner needs to be protected prior to the start of construction, Please show on the plan and include in the constmction sequence. 4G. Provide a construction detail for existing yard inlet 107. 41. Please show the construction entrance on the plan with a note that it may change location at the discretion of the contractor. Draft Erosion and Sediment Control Sequence for Typical Commercial Construction Site 1. Before construction, evaluate, mark, and protect important trees and associated rooting zones, unique areas (e.g., wetlands) to be preserved, and vegetation suitable for filter strips 2. Install construction entrance 3. Install perimeter BMPs (be specific) Provide eatihmoving instructions that compliment erosion and sediment control plan 4. Start mass earthwork Establish stone entrance and staging area Start building construction Finish grade and seed basins, slopes, swales and mounds Temporary seed all disturbed areas 5. Install storm and sanitary sewer and utilities 6. Install inlet protection as storm inlets are completed 7. Complete parking lots, roadways and curbs 8. Temporary seed all disturbed areas 9. Complete building 10. Final grade and landscaping ] 1. Complete final seeding 12, Maintain all erosion and sediment control practices until all disturbed areas are pemlanently stabilized Cc: Carmel DOCS Ha. Co. Surveyor File u One Civic Square Cannel, IN 46J32 (317) 571-2417 Fax: (317) 571.2426 u TD' ~J~rDm' ~. J Fax: [{,1/6 -'67e:2I5'?/ -5/7" Pages: V~ &/-1~~ y I . . Phone: Date: 3 70.- {J ~ Re~ cc= o Please Recycle o Urgent o For' Review D P.lease Comment 0 Please Reply p~ ~ -3//~3 n () One CiVic Square CarmEl, IN 46J32 (317) 571-2417 Fax: (317) 571-2426 To, CLut;-<~~&~ ~ifiiJn 5?j-SL7;' Phone: From:. ~- t/ P3ges:p~. ~ Oate: ,2.;;Zit -() . 3 ReI eel o Urgent o Far" Review 0 Please Comment 0 Please R.eply o Please R.ecycle ~~. /O~o3 Df'/..1fX-.S ~.~ ~ .' .~~ () () --~~"~-:-._~-~ C1 EL February 21,2003 ]AivIES BIV\E\ARD, MAYOR Mr. Charles D. Frankenberger Nelson and Frankenberger 3021 East 98th Street, Suite 220 Indianapolis, IN 46280 <or r~'-S \0" 0 3 RE: The OverlookJHazcl Dell Corner Lot I-Project Rcvic"~y #2 Dear Mr. Frankenberger: We have reviewed the construction drawings submitted for this project for the Febmary 19, 2003 Technical Advisory Conmuttee meeting. We offer the following comments: GENERAL INFORMATION This section is generally a repeat of the information given in our initial review. 1. The project site is currently located within current City of Carmel Corporate Limits. The following jurisdictions will apply. 2. Jurisdictions: 4l Street and Right of Way - City ofCarmeliBazel Dell Parkway and 131 <I Street. The interior streets of Hazel Dell corner are private . 'vVater, Salutary Sewer, Storm Sewer - City of Carmel. 4l Regulated/Legal Drains - Hamilton County Surveyor's Office. 3. Board of Public Works and Safety Approval Requirements: 4l Water and Sanitary Sewer Availability. . Commercial Curb Cut. Not applicable since the proposed curb cuts are on private streets. . Temporary Construction Entrance. Same requirements as for the Commercial Curb Cut. " Consent to Encroach Agreeurents for any permanent improvement to be installed within dedicated easements and/or dedicated right of way. If an irrigation system is planned for this project, additional Water and Sewer Availability approval will be required from the Board. o Secondary Plat approval. 1 am enclosing a schedule for Board of Pu blic Works and Safety meeting dates and agenda deadlines for your use. Please use the Engineering Department deadlines for submissions to the Board. Any submissioJl to the Board requires prior filial approval by the Carmel Clay Plan Commission and/or the Board of Zoning Appeals alld completioll of review by the Technical Adliisory Committee. All written requests to he place on the Board's agenda must include the appropriate Docket Numbers and the date (or date~) of approval by the Plan Commission alltl/or BZA. 4. Water and Sanitary Sewer Availability (acreage) and Connection Fees: " Availability (acreage) Fces are not applicable. The Developer paid these fees for the entire developmcnt. Connection Fees are based upon the average user factor tables from Section 9-35 (water) and 9-200 (sanitary) of our Utility Ordinance. The Connection Fees are $1,310.00 per EDU for \-vater and $795.00 per EDU for sanitary sewer. Please provide this office with detailed data regarding the proposed use of the buildings, square footage, etc. I am enclosing copies of our A verage User Factqrs for \Vater and Sanitary Sewers and our current fee schedule. I have also highhghted the Average User Factors that might apply to this development. Note: An)' deviation from tile COllnection Fee calculations listed ill our Ordinance will require Carmel Utilities llndIJoard of Public Works ((JUi Safety approvals. DEPARTMENT OF ENGli"EERING O\JF CIViC SQUARE, CARMEl, IN 46032 OFFICE 317.571.2441, F^""X 317.571-2439 E:,.IAlI. kwe",se@Cl.carmelinus ~ () n Mr. Charles D. Frankenberger February 21, 2003 Page 2 5. TAC Review/Drawings submitted for approval: We request that all comments and comment letters generated by this office be answered in writing and be accompanied by a drawing reflecting requested revisions. Final drawings will not be approved for construction until all issues have been resolved. All Carmel Utility issues must also re resolved. The design engineer must certify all drawings submitted for final approval. This office will require a minimum of five-sets of approved drawings after all issues have been resolved. The drawings will be stamped approved and signed by both the City Engineer and Director Carmel Utilities. The Developer/Owner will receive one-set which is to be maintained on the construction site at all times. Carmel Utilities will receive two-sets. Our Public Works Inspector will receive one-set and one-set will be maintained in the Department of Engineering. If more than the minimum five-sets are requested to be approved, the additional sets (maximum total of two additional) must be submitted with the five required sets. 6. Please be advised that any installation of signs, walls, irrigation systems, etc. within dedicated easements and/or dedicated right of way will require a Consent to Encroach Agreement between the OwneriDeveloper and the City of Carmel. This Agreement requires Board of Public Works and Safety approval. 7. Carmel Utilities does not subscribe to "Holey Maley" and should be contacted directly for all water malIl and sanitary sewer main locations. 8. Carmel Utilities will provide a separate review of this project for water and sanitary sewer issues. 9. I am including copies of the following with this correspondence: . Commercial Project Approval Procedures. s Performance Release Procedure. II Pennit Data, Contacts, etc. . Commercial Permitting Procedures. I will send a copy of our Residential Subdivision and Conmlercial Irrigation System Requirements upon request. BONDING REQUIREMENTS 10. Upon initial reviev.f, it appears the following bonding requirements may apply to this project: Performance Guarantees . Perimeter Monuments. Please provide individual, detailed cel1ified Engineers Estimates for 100% of the cost of labor and materials for the above improvement. Post a Performance Guarantees in the amount of the Engineer's Estimates. Tluee-year Maintenance Guarantees will be required upon release of the Performance Guarantee. Street CutlRight of Way Permit and Bonding Requirements Any work in dedicated right of way of Hazel Dell Parkway or 13 151 Street will require a Right of Way Pemut and a License and Permit Bond. Thc bond amount will be determined by the number of instances of work in the right of way (curb cut, storm sewer work, etc.) @ $2,000.00 per instance. Opcn pavement cuts in dedicated streets require approval by our Board of Public Works and Safety. From our initial review, it appears there are only two instances of work in our dedicated right of way, namely the sidewalk connections to thc asphalt paths in the Hazel Dell Parkway and 13l5t Street right of ways. PROJECT COI\-lMENTS 11. On Sheet C2" 1, it appears the following encroachments will require a Consent to Encroach Agreement between the Developer and the City of CarmeL it Parking lot encroachment into the 20' D.U. & S.L 011 the north side, sParking 101 cncroachment into the 30' D.U. & S.E. 011 the south side and southeast side. -:.. () () Mr. Charles D. Frankenberger February 21, 2003 Page 3 G Parking lot, pavement and dumpster pad encroachment into the 20" D,U. & S.E. on the west side. a Sidewalk encroac!unent into the 30' Greenbelt and D.U. & S,E. and the 25' Landscape and Drainage Easement on the east side, . Sidevialk encroachment into the 30' Greenbelt Easement on the south side. 12. The easements on the secondary plat do not agree with the easements on the construction plans (Sheets C2,1 and C3.I). . On the east side, the plat indicates a 30' Greenbelt. It'also indicates a 30" DU&SE but with no indication where this is. The construction plans show a propose 30' Greenbelt, a 25' Landscape and Drainage Easement and a proposed 30' DU&SE between the 60' Building Line and the 30' Greenbelt. . On the soulh side, the plat indicates a 20' Grecnbelt, It also indicates a 30' DU&SE with no indication where this is. The construction plans show a proposed 20' Greenbelt and an extension of the 30' Greenbelt with no identification. The plans also show a proposed 30' DU&SE between the 60' Building Line and the Greenbelt. . Tfthe proposed 30' DU&SE on the construction plans are correct, then are the areas on the north and west sides, between the building line and 20 DU&SE lines, also additional easements? Please clarify the easement issues. 13. Please provide an irrigation plan with proposed usages. The plan should indicate all encroachments into dedicated right of way and/or dedicated easements. 14. We note on Sheet C4.1, a detail for a masomy wall section. Where is this loca;ed? The above conmlents are based upon the Engineering DepaI1ment's initial review of the conslmetion plans for this project. Please provide our office with a follo.v up letter regarding this review and revised plans, indicating all revisions. Subsequent reviews will focus only on review comments. It is critical that our office be made aware of all modifications made on the plans being re-submitted, particularly if any such changes are considered "new" or fall outside of our initial review. If you have questions, please contact Kate Weese, Mike McBride or me at 571-2441. f)~ D~ Hill, Assistant Director Department of Engineering Enclosures cc: M. Kate Weese, City Engineer Mike McBride, Assistant City Engineer Jon Dobosie"iicz, Department of Community Services Laurence Lillig, Department of Community Services Jolm Duffy, Director of Carmel Utilities Paul Pace, Water Distribution Jim Haag, Wastewater Collection David C. George, American Consulting S:\PROJREV03\J-lDCORLOTI-REV2 COpy City of Carmel ~]) --'V VIA FAX: 846-8782 Original by mail February 14, 2003 Charles D. Frankenberger Nelson & Frankenberger 3021 East 98th Street, Suite 220 Indianapolis, IN 46280 Re: Gershman Brm,vnJThe OverlookINorthwest Comer Hazel Dell Parkway And 131 st Street/Docket No.1 0-03 DP; ADLS Dear Charlie: As you know, commitments concerning the use and development of the real estate were recorded as Instrument #9809838210 (the "Commitments"). The purpose of this letter is to confirm the conclusion of the Department of Community Services that coffee shops and ice cream shops are not considered "restaurants" prohibited by the Commitments but, instead, are among the uses permitted by the Commitments. Should you have any questions or comments regarding this, please call. Thanks. Sincerely, Michac P.HO~~~ ;f Director Department of Community Services Hazel Dell Comer, Lot 1 021403.rtf Page 1 ONE CIVIC SQUARE Ci\RtvlliL, INDL'\1~A 46032 317/571-2417 ~J) ~v One Civic Square Carmel, IN 4€032 (3i7) 571-2417 Fax: (317) 571-2.426 TD~~~-t~-~m= C;J=-J ,>' Fax: 6.y~ -cf}fd. Pages~ eX Phohe= Date: OI - /0-6(3 Re: cc: o Urgent o For Review o Please Comment 0 Please R9ply o Please Recycle T~ /L ~tV,vi~~t/~~c----J .' %- fJ'?t ~ 0" Fax: ,4"-71 5'> -? 6 Phone: u u On!! Civic Square Carmel, IN 4€032 (317) 571-24~ 7 Fax: (317) 571-2426 From: '--/~ ~ Pages: ~ Date: c:2 - /c;:J - 0(3 ~ -"~"-"~., ' ,- .~? RE:~~r-J/7)<z/)f ~H'r-f- ,r DOCKET NUMBER: /{l/tl32/){~s . .-1/ Ii. _. /..7 ;I PROJECT: .~t'-L. t, /,<--",--C/J'<c0 u u C J.!lJI'm el February 7, 2003 Charles D. Frankenberger Nelson & Frankenberger 3021 E. 98th Street Suite 220 Indianapolis, IN 46280 RE: The Overlook ~ NW Corner of 131 st Street and Hazel Dell, Gershman Brown - Docket No.1 0-03 DP/ADLS Dear Mr. Frankenberger: /- r:: /~I' 1-; C \r' \~ ~, ~ RECFIVED FEB 11 2003 DOCS I have received and reviewed the information for the above-mentioned project. At the present time, I see nothing in the plans that would hamper law enforcement efforts. If we can be of any further assistance to you, please contact us. Respectfully, ~v./~ Michael D. Fogarty Chief of Police MDF:vb cc: Dept. of Community Services rcement Agency Fa;;; (317) 571-2&12 (;'il7) 571.2500 A Nationally Accredite u u One Civic Square Carmel, IN 45032 (317) 571-2417 Fax: (317) 571-2426 From: ~ TOVPf-Y~~ Fax: i'7i: ~ j ? J' 0) Pbone: Pages:. ~ . Date: c2 -/lJ -CX-.3 Company: RE: DOCKET NUMBER: /0 -036 {'/!-- PROJECT:~~ ~ u NELSON .& FRANKENBERGER A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW u JAMES J. NEI::SON CHARI:.ESD. FRANKENBERGER J~ES,E. S'mN.AYER . iA WRENeE J. KEMPER JOHN'B~J!1A'IT df.counsel JANE Q. MERRiLl, February 7,2003 VIA HAND DELIVERY Jon C. Dobosie:,>vicz Departmentof CornmuXlitySerVices One CivicSilllare CamIel, IN 4603:2 Re: Gers.hm31~ oBr.owh ~ Northwest-Coilier 0(13.1 st Sti"eet ahd Hazel Dell P atkway- The 'overlook DbcketNo. 1 O~03 DP! ADLS Dear Jon: 3021.EA1>T 98th S1'IffiEI' SUl1lC 220 OOIANAJ'j)f,1S, INuIANA4tj2~O 317-844-0106 FAX: 3t7-846,8782 EnG16seq a~e 20 bro.chures for the upcoming Plan Commission hearing scheduled to occur on FebDiLafY 18,..2003. Should you have any questions orconmlents, please do nothesitate to .call me. Thank you. Very truly yours, NELSON & fRANKENBERGER CL Charles D..Frmiken.berger CDF/jlw Enclos.\lre,s H:\JarieiIGer:Jhrna,M31" & Hazel .DelhOobosie"iiGz#2 IIT020703.doc fJ.t". .~ X\) ~n..~-r '-' 'I' . 1 l\U'" .' ~.~ .(" ~)'0\~ u u One Civic Square Carme[, IN 4E032 (317) 571.2417 Fax: (317) 571-2426 ~ .hI ..... TQ: c-Jt~ ~~;l-~ ;:~-~ From~ 1-16 - J?g;;J., 0.. ' Fa:c . <5' 7/ _ ..5/"76 Pages: )hJ. .~ <-5 Phone: Daie~ 0:(.-- 7~c:x.3 Compan,: 7~ ~/Z.-~: ",,-=!,4C/ ~e~ DOCKET NllMBER: PROJECT:~ LdL c::~~ U' NELSON & FRANKENBERGER A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION A TTORNEYS-AT~lAW ..U JAMES J. NEI,.SON CHARLESD.fRANKENBERGER JM1ES E.,SIDNA VER U:WR'ENCE J. KEMPER JOHNB.FLATT of counscl JANE B. l\1ERRILL 3021 &sf.98th STREET SUITE 220 IND~4J\WoUS, IN[JIANA 46280 317"844:0106 FAX: 317-846-8782 February 3, 2003 /:~(:-~-:~":~>;:~... l::' . ~ ':.~\ t... . ., ,i- RFLF\\Wfl ' ~~ FEB 01 "-:~3 ',1 , I DOCS ! VIA HAND DELIVERY JOI1 C, Dobosiewicz Department ofCommunity Serv.ices One Civic, Square Carmel, IN 46'032 - ,/' '.;';~I\~\.1 . 1, ---..' , . Re: Gershman Brown - 131 st ahd Hazel Dell Northwest Comer- The, Overlook - Docket N6. 10-03 DP/ADLS Dear Jon: Enclosed for 'your file are copi'es of letters sent to the Technical AdvisQry COl1unittee, together with a lJ1ylar of the secondary plat and two copies ,of tbe. civil drawings. Should you have .any que~tiQhs or cot1lll1ents, please do not hesitate to can me. Thank yoll. Very truly yours, NELSON & FRANKENBERGER CL Charles D. Frc111kenberger CDF/jlw Enclosures H:'.lahCl\Ger,hrrfall\j 31"L &'Ha,el Dell\Dobosicwicz'TAC Itr.020303.doc ~ ., u NELSON & FRANKENBERGER A PROFESSIONAL CORPORA nON ATIORNEYS-AT.lAW u JAMES J. NELSON CHARLES D. FRANKENBERGER JAMEs E. SHINA VER LAWRENCE J.KEMPER JOHN B. FLATI of Ctlunsel JANE B. MERRlLL 3021 EAsr 98th !YrKEF:r SUITE 220 INDIANAPOus, lNntAkA 46280 317.s44-{1106 FAJ(:317~82 ! I " '/ /, '( ,:,'\ February 3, 2003 .t,' /"" A ,Ir.:~ . '}:..' f=~ BECf\~ED - [ itB 4 2003 g \~/: DOCS 1', '\ />' '-Ii, . /;.~> ",::: / r '/"r'"- ~.~ \\ \ \ Y '" ~ ---. J 2'..-Y' , - Steve Cash Hamilton County Surveyor Office One Hamilton Square, Suite 146 Hamilton County Judicial Center Noblesville, IN 46060 Re: The Overlook - NW Comer of 131 st Street and Hazel Dell, Gershman.Brown - Docket No. 10-03 DP/ADLS Dear Steve: Enclosed you will find a secondary plat and civil drawings pertaining to the above-referenced development. We look forward to discussing these plans with you during the meeting of the Technical Advisory Committee scheduled to occur on February 19, 2003. In the interim, should you have any questions or comments, please do not hesitate to call me. Thank you. Very truly yours, NELSON & FRANKENBERGER, P.C. c~ Charles D.Frankenberger CDF/jlw H:\Janet\Gershman\l3\ ~ and Hazel Dell\TAC Itr 013\ 03.doc u NELSON & FRANKENBERGER A PROFESSIONAL CORPORA nON A'ITORNEYS-AT-LAW u JAMES J. NELSON CHARLES D. FRANKENBERGER JAMES E. SHINA VER LAWRENCE J. KEMPER JOHN B. FrATI DC cDunsel JANE B. MERRlLL 3021 EAsr 98th 5TRmr SUITE 220 lNolANAPOus, INDIANA 46280 317-844-0106 FAX: 317-846-8782 Dick Hill Department of Engineering One Civic Square Cannel, IN 46032 ,- ." 1 '.,:(\ RECFlVED \':~\ FEB 4 2003 ~ DOCS 1::1 - l> \,.:' i ~_ __'y<' . .' ( .": - -. \. ~, , . -'-!..;J 1-L:':- February 3,2003 Re: The Overlook - NW Corner of 131 st, Street and Hazel Dell, Gershman Brown - Docket No. 10-03 DP/ADLS Dear Dick: Enclosed you will find a s~condary plat and civil drawings pertaining to the above-referenced development We look forward to discussing these plans with you during tbe meeting of the Technical Advisory Committee scheduled to occur on February 19, 2003. In the interim, should you have any questions or comments, please do not hesitate to call me. Thank you. Very truly yours, NELSON & FRANKENBERGER, P.C. c~ Charles D. Frankenberger CDF/jlw H:lJanet\Gershman\131" and Hazel Del1\TAC Itr 013103.doc u NELSON & FRANKENBERGER A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION ATIORNEYS-AT-LAW u JAMES J. NELSON CHARLES D. FRANKENBERGER JAMEs E. SHlNAVER lA WRENCE J. KEMPER JOHN B. FIATI of cnunsel JANE B. MERRILL 3021 EAsT' 98th Snwrr SUITE 220 lNvlANAl'Uus, INDwIA 46280 JI7-844"()106 FAX: 317-846-8782 February 3, 2003 , " , .' " -~.\ './- \ \ '\ - \ i~~.'J .() .......('...... : . \ r, f / 'j.'o.. ~__ r:\ .~.,f "'-..'J}'i JJ30Y i RECF/VED FEB 4 2003 DOCS Cannel Department of Community Serivces One Civic Square Cannel, IN 46032 ,~ I. \-' Re: The Overlook - NW Corner of 131 st Street and Hazel Dell, Gershman Brown - Docket No.1 0-03 DP/ ADLS Gentlemen: Enclosed you will fmd a secondary plat and civil drawings pertaining to the above-referenced development. We look forward to discussing these plans with you during the meeting of the Technical Advisory Committee scheduled to occur on February 19, 2003. In the interim, should you have any questions or comments, please do not hesitate to call me. Thank you. Very truly yours, NELSON & FRANKENBERGER, P.c. c~ Charles D. Frankenberger CDF/jlw H:lJanet\Gershmanl13I" and Hazel Dell\TAC Itr 013103.doc u u NELSON & FRANKENBERGER A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION ATfORNEYS-AT-lA W JAMES J. NELSON CHARLES D.FRANKENBERGER JAMES E. SHlNAVER lAWRENCEJ.KE;M.PER JOHN B.FIAlT of counsel JANE B. MERRiLL 3021 EAsr 98th Snw;r Sum:: 220 OOIANAPOUS,lNDlANA %280 317.844.0106 FAX: 317.846-8782 '/ February 3, 2003 ./. , 4\ :( . "~~~ \ F[ZECF;~[D '~J DO;S 1003 /J \ , '/' . ~ ! ,_.~~\--,,''''''' Ron Farrand Cannel/Clay Schools 5201 East 131 st Street Cannel, IN 46033 \/ \ Re: The Overlook - NW Corner of 131 st Street and Hazel Dell, Gershman Brown - Docket No. 10-03 DP/ADLS Dear Ron: Enclosed you will find civil drawings pertamrng to the above-referenced development. We look forward to discussing these plans with you during the meeting of the Technical Advisory Committee scheduled to occur on February 19, 2003. In the interim, should you have any questions or comments, please do not hesitate to call me. Thank you. Very truly yours, NELSON & FRANKENBERGER, P.C. c~ Charles D. Frankenberger CDF/jlw H:\Janet\Gershman\13ISl and Hazel Dell\TAC ltr 01 3103.doc u u NELSON & FRANKENBERGER A PROFESSIONAL CORPORA nON ATIORNEYS-AT-LAW JAMES J. NELSON CHARLESD. FRANKENBERGER ~AMES E. SlllNA VER LAWRENCE J. KEMPER JOHN B. FLA'IT of counsel JANE B. MERRILL February 3, 2003 John South Hamilton County Soil & Water Conservation 1108 South 9th Street Noblesville, IN 46060 Re: The Overlook - NW Corner of 1315t Street and Hazel Dell, Gershman Brown - Docket No. 10-03 DP/ ADLS Dear J olm: 1--- I \ \- \~ \J ~ 3021 EAsr98th 8TREEr SUITE 220 INUIANAPOUS,INnIANA 46280 317-844-0106 FAX: 317-846-8782 I~ 1!! h RECF/VED [8 1/ 2003 DOCS . -. [- -'\ ' / ~ ~- ~--~"' Enclosed you win find civil drawings pertaining to the above-referenced development. We look forward to discussing these plans with you during the meeting of the Technical Advisory Committee scheduled to occur on February 19, 2003. In the interim, should you have any questions or comments, please do not hesitate to call me. Thank you. Very truly yours, NELSON & FRANKENBERGER, p.e. e.~. Charles D. Frankenberger CDF/jlw H:\JaneLIGershman\I3I" and Hazel Del1\TAC 11:1' 01JI03.doc \ II \ , -I .' ~ '/ ,'" , "'-""""1' u u NELSON & FRANKENBERGER A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION ATIORNEYS-AT.LAW JAMES J. NElSON CHARLES D. FRANKENBERGER JAMES E. SlllNA VER IA WRENCE J. KEMPER JOHN B. FLATI of counsel JANE B. MERRIlL February 3, 2003 Bill Akers Carmel Communications 31 First Avenue NW Cannel, IN 46032 Re: The Overlook - NW Corner of 131 st Street and Hazel Dell, Gershman Brown - Docket No. 10-03 DP/ADLS Dear Bill: 3021 EAsr 98th SmElIT SUITE 220 INnIANAPOUS, INDIANA 46280 317-844-0106 F~:317-846-8782 _1-';'- \ ' I ,;'''' frfj ~ FE8 CF/I/ro .{ /)(l ltJtJJ vCS I' - r- 1'- Enclosed you will find a secondary plat and civil drawings pertaining to the above-referenced development. We look forward to discussing these plans with you during the meeting of the Technical Advisory Committee scheduled to occur on February 19,2003. In the interim, should you have any questions or comments, please do not hesitate to call me. Thank you. Very truly yours, NELSON & FRANKENBERGER, p.e. ~ Charles D. Frankenberger CDF/jlw H:lJanel\Gershman\l31 " and Hazel Del1\TAC Itr 013103.doc . \ , \ " \ I. I "/ ,.) , '; :/ u u NELSON & FRANKENBERGER A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION ATfORNEYS-AT-lA W JAMESJ. NELSON CHARLES D. FRANKENB~GER JAMES.E. SlIINA vER lAWRENCE J. J{EMPER JOHN B. FLATT ofcou~ JANE B. MERRILL 3021 EAsr98th STREET Sum; 220 INDIANAPOUS, INolANA 46280 317-844.0106 FAX: 317-846-8782 /. \ 1,' / .'. , /' ~f.<C0rf (/0 .oOCJ"l ~~ J . -1 February 3,2003 . -/ Michael Fogarty Office of Police Chief Three Civic Square Carmel, IN 46032 Re: The Overlook - NW Comer of 131 st Street and Hazel Dell, Gershman Brown - Docket No.1 0-03 DP/ ADLS Dear Mike: Enclosed you will find civil drawings pertaining to the above-referenced development. We look forward to discussing these plillls with you during the meeting of the Technical Advisory Committee scheduled to occur on February 19, 2003. In the interim, should you have any questions or comments, please do not hesitate to call me. Thank you. Very truly yours, NELSON & FRANKENBERGER, P.C. Ce-. Charles D. Frankenberger CDF /jlw H:lJanet\Gershman\131ol and Hazel Dell\TAC Itr 013103.doc u 'U NELSON & FRANKENBERGER A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION ATTORNEYS-AT-lAW JAMES J. NELSON CHAIq.ES D. FRANKENBERGER JAMES E. SlnNA VER lAWRENCE J. KEMPER JOHN B. FLATI of counsel JANE B. MERRILL 3021 EAsr 98th STREET SUITE 220 OOlANAPOUS, INDIANA 46280 317-844-0106 FACK;317~8782 February 3,2003 :03~:~~_.rr~ <~..) , (., , .. At .,...."'- . 4" ".\ Fr~ECFtVED \.~j - 4 2003 '~-I DOCS \1 I Paul Pace Carmel City Utilities 130 First Avenue SW Carmel, IN 46032 Re: The Overlook - NW Comer of 131st Street and Hazel Dell, Gershman Brown - Docket No. 10-03 DP; ADLS Dear Paul: Enclosed you will find civil drawings pertaining to the above-referenced development. We look fOfW'ard to discussing these plans with you during the meeting of the, Te<:hnical Advisory Committee scheduled to occur on February 19, 2003. In the interim, should you have any questions or comments, please do not hesitate to call me. Thank you. Very truly yours, 'NELSON & FRANKENBERGER, P.C. ~~, Charles D. Frankenberger CDF/jlw H:\Janet\Gershman\\31" and Hazel DeJJ\TAC Itr 013103.doc u u NELSON & FRANKENBERGER A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION ATIORNEYS.AT.LAW JAMES J. NELSON ~S D.FRANKENBERGER JAMES E. SHINA VER LAWRENCE J. KEMPER JOHN B. FIATr of counsel JANE B. MERRILL 3021 EAsr 98th S'rnE1rr Sum: 220 INDIANAPOUS, INDIANA 46280 317-844-0106 FAX: 317-846-8782 ......, 1'- REi l' fEO CFIIIED .( ')r, o ~IJ/jJ '()CS , ,'. \ .\ \ February 3, 2003 Gary Hoyt Office of Fire Chief Fire Station #1 Two Civic Square Cannel, IN 46032 " ! Re: The Overlook - NW Corner of 131 st Street and Hazel Dell, GershmanBrown -DocketNo. 10-03 DP/ADLS Dear Gary: Enclosed you will find. civil drawi~gs pertammg to the above-referenced development. We look forward to discussing these plans wjth Y,ou duri,ng the meeting of the Technical Advisory Committee scheduled to occur on February 19, 2003. In the interim, should you have any questions or comments, please do not hesitate to call me. Thank you. Very truly yours, NELSON & FRANKENBERGER, P.C. Oc-. Charles D. Frankenberger CDF/jlw H:\Janet\Gershman\131" and Hazel Dell\TAC lIT 013103.doc u u NELSON & FRANKENBERGER A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION ATIORNEYS.AT-LAW JAMES J. NELSON. CHARLES D. FRANKENBERGER JAMES E. SlDNAVER lAWRENCE J. KEMPER JOHN B. FlATI of counsel JANE B. MERRIlL 3021 EAsr 98tb S'rnEEr SUITE 220 1ND1ANAPOus, INDIANA 46280 317-844-01Ofi FAX: 317-1146-8782 February 3,2003 ~ R~C'r- F[8 ; WED . .I.7fl. DOCS >"J,.l L. Joe Cook Hamilton County Sheriff Department 18100 Cumberland Road Noblesville, IN 46060 Re: The Overlook - NW Comet of 13151 Street and Hazel Dell, GershmanBrown - Docket No. 10-03 DP/ADLS Dear Joe: Enclosed you will find civil drawings pertammg to the above-referenced development. We look fonvard to discussing these plans with you during the meeting of the Technical Advisory Committee scheduled to occur on February 19, 2003. In the interim, should you have any questions or comments, please do not hesitate to call me. Thank you. Very truly yours, NELSON & FRANKENBERGER, P.C. Cc- Charles D. Frankenberger CDF/jlw H:\1anet\Gershman\131 Sl and Hazel Dell\TAC ltr 0I3103.doc w u NELSON & FRANKENBERGER A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION ATIORNEYS-AT-lAW JAMES J. NElSON CHARLES D. FRANKENBERGER JAMES E. SlDNA VER lA WRENCE J. KEMPER JOHNB. FlATf of counsel JANE B. MERRILL 3021 EAsr 98th STREET SUlTE 220 INDIANAPOUS, INDIANA 46280 317-844-0106 FAX: 317-846-8782 February 3, 2003 .4 :{ R[CFlv.r:-D FEB <J ~ ;'1 ,-l,,),) DOCS Steve Broermann Hamilton County Engineering! Hamilton County Highway 1700 South 10th Street Noblesville, IN 46060 Re: The Overlook ~ NW Corner of 131 8t Street and Hazel Dell, Gershman Brown - Docket No. 10-03 DP/ADLS Dear Steve: Enclosed you will find' civil drawings pertammg to the above-referenced development. We look forwardt!? discussing these. plans with you during the meeting of the Tedmical Advisory Committee'scheduled to occur' on Febl1lary 19, 2003. Tn the interim, should you have any questions or comments, please do not hesitate to call me. Thank you. Very truly yours, NELSON & FRANKENBERGER, P .C. c-- Charles D. Frankenberger CDF/jlw H:'Janet\Gershman\13\ n and Hazel Dell\TAC Itr 013\ 03 ,doc u u NELSON & FRANKENBERGER A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION ATIORNEYS-AT-LA W JAMES J. NELSON CHARLES D. FRANKENBERGER JAMES E. SHlNA VER lAWRENCEJ. KEMPER JOHN B. FIATI' of coUJlSd JANE 8. MERRILL 3021 EAsr 98th 5TImIT SUITE 220 INDlANAI'Ous, INDIANA 46280 317.844-0106 FAX: 317.846-8782 February 3,2003 ~ r- R[CflVE:D rf.o 1 -, -0 -(. /"I... ';'I''':J DOCS '-"" \ ,.\ JayW. Alley Clay Township Regional Waste District 10701 N. College Avenue, Suite A Indianapolis, IN 46280-1098 ',1 I - ! .1 I Re: The Overlook - NW Corner of 131 st Street and Hazel Dell, Gershman Brown - Docket No. 10-03 DP/ADLS Dear Jay: Enclosed you will find civil drawings pertaining to the above-referenced development. We look forward to discussing these plans with you during the meeting of the Technical Advisory Committee scheduled to occur on February 19, 2003. In the interim, should you have any questions or comments, please do not hesitate to call me. Thank you. Very truly yours, NELSON & FRANKENBERGER, P.C. ~C- Charles D. Frankenberger CDF /jlw H:Vanet\Gershman\131" and Hazel Dell\TAC ltr 013103.doc u u NELSON & FRANKENBERGER A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION ATIORNEYS-AT.LAW JAMES J. NELSON CHARLES D. FRANKENBERGER JAMES E. SHINA VER lAWRENCE J. KEMPER JOHN B. FLAIT of counsel JANE B. MERRILL 3021 EAsr 98th Sl'REET SUITE 220 INnJANAPQlJS, INDIANA 46280 317-84+0106 FAX: 317-846-8782 February 3, 2003 1 F; REt')FJVED E8 J ;I,. DO;S ':IJ,~J Jeff Rice Ameritech 5858 N. College Avenue Indianapolis, IN 46220 Re: The Overlook - NW Comer of 131 st Street and Hazel Dell, Gershman Brown - Docket No. 10-03 DP/ADLS Dear Jeff: Enclosed you will find civil drawings pertaining to the above-referenced development. We look forward to discussing these plans with you during the meeting of the Technical Advisory Committee scheduled to occur on February 19, 2003. In the interim, should you have any questions or comments, please do not hesitate to call me. Thank you. Very truly yours, NELSON & FRANKENBERGER, P .C. ec- Charles D. Frankenberger CDFljlw H:\Janet\Gershman\13tSl and Hazel Dell\TAC ltr 013103.doe lJ u NELSON & FRANKENBERGER A PROFESSIONAL CORl'ORATION ATIORNEYS.AT.IA W JAMES J. NELSON CHARLES D. FRANKENBERGER JAMES E. sinNAVER lAWRENCE J. KEMPER JOHN B. FLAIT of colllJSd JANE B. MERRILL 3021 EAsT 98th SrREEr Sum 220 OOIA.NAPOUS,OOJANA 46280 317-844-0106 '!i'AX: 317-846-8782 February 3, 2003 ~. RECFIVED FEB 'i ~..o ''I "w'. '.1 :,"1 Barry McNulty Hamilton County Health Dept. Hamilton County Judicial Center, Suite 30 Noblesville, IN 46060-2229 DOCS Re: The Overlook - NW Corner of 131 5t Street and Hazel Dell, Gershman Brown - Docket No. 10-03 DP/ADLS Dear Barry: Enclosed you will find civil drawings pertaining to the above-referenced development. vVe look forward to discussing these plans with you during the meeting of the Technical Advisory Committee scheduled to occur on February 19, 2003. In the interim, should you have any questions or comments, please do not hesitate to call me. Thank you. Very truly yours, NELSON & FRANKENBERGER, P.C. Cc- Charles D. Frankenberger CDF/jlw H:\Janet\Gershrnan\13I "and Hazel Dell\TAC ltr 013103.doc w u NELSON & FRANKENBERGER A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION AttORNEYS-AT-LAW JAMES J. NELSON CHARLES D. FRANKENBERGER JAMESE. SHINA VER LAWRENCEJ. KEMPER JOHN B. FrATI of counsel JANE B. MERRllL 3021 EAsJ.' 98th STREET SUITE 220 INDIANAPOus, INDIANA 46280 317-844-0106 FAX: 317-846-8782 February 3, 2003 r-1 FF.Rc.C~!VEIJ -8 '; ','ir:? UllJ DOCS ' \ \ Pam Waggoner Indianapolis Water Company P.O. Box 1220 Indianapolis, IN 46206 --' -j . :l Re: The Overlook - NW Comer of 131 SI Street and Hazel Dell, Gershman Brown - Docket No. 10-03 DP/ADLS Dear Pam: Enclosed you will find civil drawings pe~aining to the above-referenced development. We look fornard to discussing these plans with you during the meeting of the Technical Advisory Committee scheduled to occur on February 19, 2003. In the interim, should you have any questions or comments, please do not hesitate to call me. Thank you. Very truly yours,.' NELSON & FRANKENBERGER, P.C. C?~ Charles D. Frankenberger CDF/jlw H:\Janet\Gershman\l31" and Hazel Dell\TAC lIT Q13I03.doc w u NELSON & FRANKENBERGER A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION ATIORNEYS.AT.IA W JAMESJ. NElSON CHARLES D. FRANKENBERGER JAMES E.SHINA VER IAmu;NCE J. ~WER JOHN B. FlAIT of counsel JANE B. MERRILL 3021 EAsr 98th Smm;;r SUITE 220 lNDIANAPOus,INDIANA 46280 317..844-0106 FAX: 317,~~!82 February 3,2003 '.. ~ . \ \ RECF/VED - FEB 4 20M _I I DOCS '-. , Phillip Bennett CarrneVClay Parks Department 1055 Third Avenue SW Cannel, IN 46032 Re: The Overlook - NW Comer of 13151 Street and Hazel Dell, Gershman Brown - Docket No. 10-03 DP/ADLS Dear Phil: . Enclosed you will find civil drawings pertalmng to the above-referenced development. We look forward to discussing these plans with you during the meeting of the Techpical A~yi~ory .Committee scheduled to occur on February 19, 2003. In the interirri:shollld .you have any questions or comments, please do not hesitate to call me. . Thank you. Very truly yours, NELSON & FRANKENBERGER, P.C. CL- Charles D. Frankenberger CDF/jlw H:'Janet\Ger.shrnan\131" and Hazel Del1\T AC Itr 013103.doc u u NELSON & FRANKENBERGER A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION ATTORNEYS.AT-lA W JAMES J. NEl50N CHARLES D. FRANKENBERGER JAMES E. SHINA VER LAWRENCE J. KEMPER JOHN B. FLAlT of counsel JANE B. MERRILL 3021 EAsr98lh S'flW:!' Surm220 INOWlAPOUS, INOlANA 46280 317-844-010t1 FAX; 317-846-8782 February 3,2003 ~ RECF/VED FF8 4 2:70,1 DOCS Ron Morris Indianapolis Power & Light Company 3600 N. Arlington Avenue Indianapolis, IN 46218 Re: The OverJook - NW Comer of 131 5t Street and Hazel Dell, Gershman Brown - Docket No. 10-03 DP/ADLS Dear Ron: Enclosed you will find civil drawings pertaining to the above-referenced development. We look forward to discussing these plans with you during the meeting of the Technical Advisory Committee scheduled to occur on February 19, 2003.. In the interim, should you have any questions or conlinents, please do not hesitate to call me. Thank: you. Very truly yours, NELSON & FRANKENBERGER, P.C. CL-- Charles D. Frankenberger CDF/jlw H:\Janet\Gershman\13151 and Hazel Dell\TAC Itr 013103.doc u u NELSON & FRANKENBERGER A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION . ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW JAMES J. NElSON CHARLES D. FRANKENBERGER JAMES E. SHlNA VER IAWRENCE J.KEMPER JOHN B. FlATT of counsel JANE.B. l\1ERRILL 3021 EAsT 98th STJw:r Sl'lTE 220 INDIANAPOllS, INDIANA 4628D 317-844-0106 FAX: 317-846-8782 February 3, 2003 ~. RfCFJI/ED FEB /i ";~~3 DOCS Rick McClain Cinergy 1441 South Guilford Road Cannel, IN 46032 Re: The Overlook - NW Comer of 131 st Street and Hazel Dell, Gershman Brown - Docket No. 10-03 DP/ADLS Dear Rick: Enclosed you will find civil drawings pertaining to the above-referenced development. vVe look forward to discussing these plans with you during the meeting of the Technical Advisory Committee scheduled to occur on February 19, 2003. In the interim, should you have any questions or comments, please'do not hesitate to call me. Thank you. Very truly yours, NELSON & FRANKENBERGER, P.C. c~ Charles D. Frankenberger CDF/jlw H:'Jam:I\Gershrnan\13 1" and Hazel De11\TAC Itr 013103.doc u u NELSON & FRANKENBERGER A PROJfESSIONAL CORPORATION ATTORNEYS~AT.LA W JAMES J. NELSON CHARLES D. FRAl"U(ENBERGER JAMES E. SIDNA VER LAWRENCEJ.KEMPER JOHN D. FU'IT o(cDunsel JANE D. MERRILL 3021 EAsr 98th SrnEEr Sum 220 INDIANAI'Ous, INDIANA 46280 317-&44.0106 FAX: 317-846-8782 - -- -~ - -:;:;-".-....... February 3,2003 ~. RECF/VED FEB!:' '-,~, '. .'1 DOCS " Sharon Prater Panhandle Eastern Pipeline Company P.O. Box 38 Zionsville, IN 46077 Re: The Overlook - NW Comer of 131 sl Street and Hazel Dell, Gershman Brown - Docket No. 10-03 DPI ADLS Dear Sharon: Enclosed you. will find civil drawings pertammg to the above-referenced development. We look forward t6 discussing these plans with you during the meeting of the Technical Advisory Committee scheduled to occur on February 19, 2003. In the interim,. shouid you hilV~-ariy questi~.ns or comments; please do not hesitate to call me. Thank you. Very truly yours, NELSON & FRANKENBERGER, P.C. c-- Charles D. Frankenberger CDF/jlw H:\Janet\Gershman\13 I" and Hazel Del1\TAC Itr 013103.doc JAMES J. NELSON CHARLESD.FR.ANKENBERGER JAMES E. SHINA VER lAWRENCE J. KEMPER JOHN B. FIATI' of cOllJlSel JANE B. MERRll..L Chuck Shupperd Indiana Gas Company P.O. Box 1700 Noblesville, IN 46060 u u NELSON & FRANKENBERGER A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION ATfORNEYS-Ar.lA. W February 3, 2003 Re: The Overlook - NW Corner of 131 sl Street and Hazel Dell, Gershman Brown - Docket No. 10-03 DP/ADLS Dear Chuck: 3021 EAsr 98th 8TREEl' SUITE 220 OOIANAPOus, INDIANA 46280 317-844.0106 FAJ{:317.~8782 ~ RECF/VED FEB ;j ;,~.", ~ .:~J '~\:t DOCS Enclosed you will find civil drawings pertalOmg to the above.,referenced development. We look forward to discussing these plans with you during the meeting of the Technical Advisory Committee scheduled to occur on February 19, 2003. In the interim, should you have any questions or comments, please do not hesitate to call me. Thank you. CDF/jlw Very truly yours, NELSON & FRANKENBERGER, P.C. CL-- Charles D. Frankenberger H:\Janel\Gershman\131" and Hazel Dell\TACltr 013103.doc u u NELSON & FRANKENBERGER A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION AITQRNEYS.AT.LA W JAMES J. NElSON CHARLES D. FRANKENBERGER JAMES E. SHINA VER LAWRENCEJ. KEMPER JOHNB.FIAlT of counsel JANE B. MERRILL 3021 E\sr 98th SmEET Sum: 220 OOIANAl'Ous, INDIANA 46280 317.844-0106 FAX: 317-846-8782 February 3, 2003 f." RECflVED FEB ; ~~v, DOCS Robert Hendricks Hamilton County Local Emergency Planning Committee 18100 Cumberland Road Noblesville, IN 46060-1624 Re: The Overlook - NW Comer of 13151 Street and Hazel Dell, Gershman Brown - Docket No. 10-03 DP/ADLS Dear Bob: Enclosed you will find civil drawings pertammg to the above-referenced development. We look forward to discussing these plans with you during the meeting of the Technical Advisory Committee scheduled to occur on February 19, 2003. ""In"the interim, should you have any questions or comments, please do not hesitate to call me. Thank you. Very truly yours, NELSON & FRANKENBERGER, P.C. Cc-- Charles D. Frankenberger CDF/jlw H:\Janet\Gershman\131 ~ and Hazel Dell\T AC Itr 0131 03.doc JAMES J. NELSON CHARLES D. FRANKENBERGER JAJ.'-fES E. SHINA VER LAWRENCE J. KEMPER JOHN B. FrATf of COUllSl.:1 JANE B. MERRn.L Mary Shultz Indiana Gas Company P.O. Box 1700 Noblesville, IN 46060 u u NELSON & FRANKENBERGER A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION AITORNEYS-AT-LA W February 3,2003 Re: The Overlook - NW Comer of 131 sl Street and Hazel Dell, Gershman Brown - Docket No. 10-03 DP/ADLS Dear Mary: 3021 EMf 98th SrnEF:r Sum 220 OOIANAPOus, INDIANA 46280 J 17-844-0106 FAJ(:317-~782 1- RECFiVED Ff8 : "'1" . " DOCS Enclosed you will find civil drawings pertaining to the above-referenced 'development. We lookrorward to discussing these plans with you during the meeting of the Techn~cal Advis,?ry C;:ommittee scheduled to occur on February 19, 2003. In the interim, should you have any questions or comments, please do not hesitate to call me. Thank you. CDF/jlw Very truly yours, NELSON & FRANKENBERGER, P.C. Cc- Charles D. Frankenberger H:'Janet\Gershman\131" and Hazel DelllTAC Itr 013103.doc u u NELSON & FRANKENBERGER A PROFESSIONAL CORPORA.TION ATIORNEYS-AT.LAW JAMES J. NELSON CHARLES D. FRANKENBERGER JAMES E. SJDNA VER LAWRENCEJ. KEMPER JOHN B. FLAlT of counsel JANE B. MERRll.L 3021 EAsr 98th Sl1lrnr Surrn 220 OOIANAPOUS, OOIANA 46280 317-844-0106 F~:317~8782 February 3, 2003 ~ RECFIVED F FP. ,~,.,) -~ .~. "'..} DOCS Jeff Farmer Time W amer Cable 3030 Roosevelt Avenue Indianapolis, IN 46218 Re: The Overlook ~ NW Corner of 131 sl Street and Hazel Dell, Gershman Brown - Docket No. 10-03 DP/ADLS Dear Jeff: Enclosed you will find civil drawings pertammg to the above-referenced development. We look forward to discussing these plans with you during the meeting of the Technical Advisory Committee scheduled to occur on February 19, 2003. In the interim, should you have any question's orcommeilts, please do not hesitate to call me. Thank you. Very truly yours, NELSON & FRANKENBERGER, P .C. C'c.- Charles D. Frankenberger CDF/jlw H:lJanel\Gershman\13]5l and Hazel Del1\TAC llr 013103.doc u u NELSON & FRANKENB~RGER A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION A170RNEYS-AT-IA W JAMES J. NElSON CHARLES D. FRANKENBERGER JAMES E. SHINA VER LAWRENCE J. KEMPER JOHN B. FIATI of counsel JANE B. MERRILL 3021 EAsr 98th S'rnEEr Sum: 220 1N1IIANAPOUS, INDIANA 46280 317.844-0106 FAX: 317-846-8782 February 3,2003 ~ RECFIVED r-~"'a. ....D 'l~: ~ DOCS Scott Brewer Dept. of Conununity Services One Civic Square Cannel, IN 46032 Re: The Overlook - NW Comer of 131 st Street and Hazel Dell, Gershman Brown - Docket No. 10-03 DP/ADLS Dear Scott: Enclosed you will find civil drawings pertaining to the above-referenced development. We look forward to discussing these plans with you during the meeting of the Techn,ical Advisory Committee scheduled to occur on February 19, 2003. In the interim, should you have any questions or comments, please do not hesitate to call me. Thank you. Very truly yours, NELSON & FRANKENBERGER, P.e. CL-. Charles D. Frankenberger CDFljlw H:\Tanet\Gershman\131" and Hazel DeIl\TAC ltr 013103.doc u u NELSON & FRANlCENBERGER A P~OFESSIONAL CORl'ORATION ATfORNEYS.AT-LAW JAMES J. NELSON CHARLES D. FRANKENBERGER JAMES E. SHINA VER LAWRENCE J. KEMPER JOHN B. FIATI of counsel JANE B. MERRilL 3021 EAsr 98th S'nu;zr SUITE 220 INDIANAI'OUS, INDIANA 46280 317-844-0106 FAX017-846-8782 February 3, 2003 1 RECFIVED F-FB . '~i!e ,.. ";' DOCS Jeff Kendall Deputy Building Commissioner One Civic Square Carmel, IN 46032 Re: The Overlook - NW Comer of 131 st Street and Hazel Dell, Gershman Brown - Docket No. 10-03 DP/ADLS Dear Jeff: Enclosed you will find civil drawings pertammg to the above-referenced development. We look forward. to discussing these plans with you during the meeting of the Technical Advisory Conunittee scheduled to occur on February 19, 2003. . In the interim, 'should you have any questions or comments, please do not hesitate to call me. Thank you. Very truly yours, NELSON & FRANKENBERGER, P .C. c~. Charles D. Frankenberger CDF/jlw H:lJanet\Gershman \131 ~ and Hazel Dell\ T AC Itr 013103 ,doc u u NELSON & FRANKENBERGER A PROFESSIONAL coRPORATION ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW JAMES J. NELSON CHARLES D. FRAi'lKENBERGER JAMES E. SHINA VER LAWRENCE J. KEMPER JOHN B. FIATI of c<iunsel JANE B. MERRILL 3021 EAsr98th Suw:r SUITE 220 INDIANAPOus, INDIANA 46280 317-844-0106 FAX: 317.846-8782 February 3, 2003 ~ RECFIVED rr"""o 1 'F",~1.t:) rtbJ j Tom Skolak Carmel Postmaster 275 Medical Drive Carmel, IN 46032-9998 DOCS Re: The Overlook - NW Comer of 131 st Street and Hazel Dell, Gershman Brown - Docket No. 10-03 DP/ADLS Dear Tom: Enclosed you will fmd civil drawings pertammg to the above-referenced development. We look forward to discussing these plans with you during the meeting of the Technical Advisory Committee scheduled to occur .on FebruarY,19, 2003", In the interim, should you have any questions or comments, pleas'e' do riot hesitate to call me. Thank you, Very truly yours, NELSON & FRANKENBERGER, P.C. c:. Charles D, Frankenberger CDF/jlw H:Vanet\Gershman\131" and Hazel DelI\TAC Itr 013103.doc F' JAN,.3H003 03 :35PM "r FRO"'", NELSON, & FRr'~N&ERGER U 31iS4ssrS2 NELSON & FRANKENBERGER A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION ATTORNEYS AT LAW JAMES). NELSON CHARLES D. ~BlS'R.OER JAMES 2. SHINA VER LARRY J. KEMPER. ,10HN S. FLATI FRED FuC LAWRENCE 011 COUNSEL JANE l;l. MERRILL FAX. TRANSMISSION COVERSHEEi Date: Jar..uary 31,2003 To: Jon C. Dobosiewicz Company: Cannel DOCS Fax: 571-2426 From: James E. Shinaver Phone: 317-844-0106 Pages; 3 (including COVer sheet) Commen~: Re: Gershman Brown - 131 sl Street and Hazel Dell Parkway Lot 1 - The Overlook - Variance Application U T-Il 0 Ha1!003 HI2 3021 fAS'f 98TH STREET SUITE 220 lNDlANAPOLlS, INDlANA 46280 3 I7 -844-0106 FAX: 317-846-8782 '" 'I:' . ,J' I I ..*.....**......******...****.*$*.*..*..****.****~+++.....**.*.~..*.***.********.******~.**** The information contained in this facsimile message is im~ded only forme use of the individual or entity named above. If the reader or recipient of this message is not the intr;:nded recipient or an employee or agent of the intended recipient who is responsible for ddivering it to the intended recipient. you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution or copying of this communication is strictly prohibited. If you have received this communication in error, please notify USe by telephone (collect) and return the original message to us at the above indicated address via the U.S. Postal Service. R~cipt by anyone other than the- intended recipient is nor a waiver of an attorney-cli.:nt or work product privilege. " FROM-KELSON & FR}"VCNBERGER U 31 rS4SSrS2 U T-IIO P.OO2l003 F-112 JAN-31-Z003 03: SSPM NELSON & FRANKENBERGER A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION ATTORNEYS AT LAW JAMES J. NHT.SON CHAKLESD.FRANKENBEROER JAMES E, SHlNAVER LARRY J. KEMPER JOHN B.FLArr FR.ED RIC LAWRENC~ OF COUNSEL JANE B. MI::RRTLL ~O:!l EAST 98TH STREET SUITE 220 INOrANAPOI.IS, INDIANA 4(iZ80 317-844-0 106 FAX; 317.846-871i2 January 31,2003 VIA FACSIMILE: 571-2426 ~ --- /- ,,< ," ~6 /'( ',," ". I}; '"'- 0" . --/ . i/ ~t.Cn\jtD ~\ Jh\'\ ij\ 1~~)~ ~j\ DOCS /)- 1~\:..", '~'d-:' .\ ,A Jon C. Dobosi~wic2 Department of CornmunilY Services One Civic Square Carmel, IN 46032 Re: Gershman Brown-Hazel Dell Parkway and ]31$~ Street Lot 1 - The Overlook - Variance Application " -;/ .:.../ Dear Jon: <:"'1.'-:,/ . ---- - ,/, \,,/ l(i"CI~Y Enclosed please tmd a copy of the site plan for the above-referenced maner. My understanding is that Charlie hag pteviously discussed With you the need for a variance. It is my understanding that the variance penains to Section 14.6 - Landscape Requirements - in the B3 Business District. Pursuant to Section 14.6, ''\vhorc n lot ot' pa!'eel ill w~ fVL l...u;:,iuc)l:i IJW.Vll::i~ lIIlU a.buts or adjoins across a street, a parcel ?,oned or used for residential pllIposes, a green belt or lawn area with l'l minimum width of 30 feet shall be provided along the abutting or adjoining property line.'~ Although the proposed layout for this site provides a 30 foor green belt on th~ eastern border of the property, it only proposes a 20 foot green belt area along the southeast corner and sooth property line of the site. I have marked these areas with a black marker. Our filing deadline for a variance is nex.t week. I was hoping you could confirm for me that my understanding is correct. In the event this site requires additional variances, I was hoping you could please notify me of the additional variances. Finally, please fax me a copy of the applicable variance applicfltion to be submitted for this project. Thank you for your assistance in reviewing this matter with me. Contact me with any questions. Very truly yours, NELSON & FRANKENBERGER JES/jlw Enclosure H:\1aneIlGel'1lhl1lru\\IJI' II. RlIz.1 DeU\!)obQ~igwT;-Z Ill" OIJIOJ.~oc JAN-3H003 03: 3GPM <i FROM-NELSON & FP"'~eNBeRGER U 3178468782 u T-110 P.003/003 F-112 '-I, ' J 1111'-1 1A1UlI.I~ I.OCAltP I PER 1HE S<:HNl:IIlEll COIU'OIUll1CH .', PIAIS, PMJ flI04.1l0 I ~~ I ,'" l , 'It 111 d1f+aUMIfM \...-1 ...-"..",,-~ ...-~ .., ~~r- Q ,_~-"j-P"DPAl1'MIll'lT ... .- C ClIOO:l:fICJIl 8 11 l.z PoLY. .' Pllllwtl i ! .. ,,1 I (......l ! ~ -- N 1IO'2Il'~. '16.00' (CI) "1lO'\)~"E: (Ill tsw COR, NE: 1/'1, $l5c ~~fl SH-R~ E ElIWS PWC PER ROAD PRDoI:CT u u One Civic Square Carmel, iN 4E032 (31 T) 571-2417 Fax: (317) 571-2426 /C/ To~~i#'~ / F3)C ~ -17~ Fro~~~ Pages: Phone: Date: /-020--- &5 Re~ cc: o Urgent o Far- Review o Please Comment 0 prease Reply o Please Recyele JAN 13 '03 05:19PM u :Kl'1l1lJll C 'Ward, Sut/lt'YOl' J i'IiOIIl' [3 T7) 771;-$195 '(/1,1' (}!7J '77L~-~)<5:1& January 13, 2003 ~b 11 1.141/1 ill/tIJ OOes t{ltlJ Nelson & Frankenberger Attn: Mr. Charle3 D. Frailkenberger 3021 East 98t~ Street, Suite 220 Indianapolis, IN 46280 VIA FACSJMILE: 846-8182 131'1 Street 8J:ld Hazel Dell Parkway- The Over1o.?'Y /tJ /1/.34 p//A2'X5 Dear Mr. Frankenberger: /0 --- tJ'?.b c A .R.(; We have the follOWing comments In reference to our review of the site for tbe abt;Jve rtlferel'lct:d project: I, An outlet permit will be required for drainage into the Mitchne available on our web sire at W'rVW.co.hamilton.In.us. Link to Depa 2. Provide OUI" office with the followinjJ: drainage plan showi calculations for our review. Should. you have any questions please oontact me at 776.8493. Thank y Sincerely, ~,('~ ~; ChaPU~' Plan Reviewer Cc; City ofCrannel.Engineer City ofCarme!-Department ofCoromIJnity Services Hamilton County Department of Soil Conservation S Hamilton COWlty Highway Department P.U1 ....... ,,"' .... r ~.. . .', \..') /' ,t < "'l~"" :' ( r~ 1 ~ j, ~ "~" . \ 1....."',~../ ' :J ~ \ (;, ie,) )j'c.:) (;~;';,.::'~'~" i', l.'\".2.2.j<.' u c~ -----Original Message---- From: Akers, William P Sent: Tuesday, January 14, 2003 11:44 AM To: Dobosiewicz, Jon C; Ullig, Laurence M Subject: TAC meeting 1-15-03 I will not be able to attend the TAC meeting on Wednesday Morning due to another meeting I have to attend here. Please accept my apologize for missing the meeting. The following are some general comments that need to be noted: West Carmel Center, Block B- The Goddard School --Address has been assigned..will have to contact me to obtain it. West Carmel Center,Block B~ Unique- Specialty group ----Since there are two seperate structures on this parcel...There will be one unique address for both buildings. Each building will be designated with an "A" or "B". Contact me for the address. Village of West Clay Section 1 0004-A No comment---Addresses have been completed Old Meridian Professional Building --No comment as of now Riverview Medical Park --No comment Hazel Dell Corner, Lot 1 ~-The address committee will have to meet on this project, since it contains Multi-tenants in one shell building...Address will be available at a later date. It will probably be one address for the entire building with numerous Suite numbers assigned to each space. Ritz Charles ---No comment Carmel United Methodist --use same address as Church"since it is exisiting building Foster Addition. Lot 3~ Windows & Siding of Indy No comment..use existing address w u One Civic Square Carmel, IN 48J32 (31 T) 571-2417 Fax: (31 T) 571-2426 I?he~ Re:a-7,1//l6/,6.~ /A-V / /.,..-~-. / I " From: ~jJl"Csf) 8- // Ak-eM Pages: c::( 0..1:13: /- /'..y::'- 00 To: (J -1a/4 ~--J.L~/l k./2;'V' f'Yb ~ /7Ja V 57/- 5/7h Fax: cc: o Urgent 0 For Review 0 Please Comment 0 Please Reply o Please Recycle /1/;2~/ 2Je// &/}~r- /~ vt/vdc~ .. ... u ..,,' u EL ~ ~f.CFlVED JAN 10 2003 DOCS Cr JAMES BRA.1NARD, .NIAYOR January 10, 2003 Mr. Charles D. Frankenberger Nelson and Frankenberger 3021 East 98th Street, S~ite 220 Indianapolis, IN 46280 RE: The Overlook/Hazel Dell Corner Lot I-Project Review #1 /0/ tJ3 -1 3/~L<- /Z' ..- 03.6 C/f- Dear Mr. Frankenberger: We have reviewed the drawings submitted for this project for the January 15, 2002 Technical Advisory Committee meeting. We offer the fonowing comments: GENERAL INFORMATION 1. The project site is currently located within current City of Carmel Corporate Limits. The following jurisdictions will apply. 2. Jurisdictions: . Street and Right of Way - City of Carmel/Haze 1 Dell Parkway and 131'1 Street The interior streets of Hazel DeH comer are private. . Water, Sanitary Sewer, Storm Sewer - City of Carmel. 3. Board of Public Works and Safety Approval Requirements: o Water and Sanitary Sewer Availability. o Commercial Curb Cut Not applicable since the proposed curb cuts are on private streets. . Temporary Construction Entrance. Same requirements as for the Commercial Curb Cut. o Any permanent improvement to be installed within dedicated right of way. . Consent to Encroach Agreements for any permanent improvement to be installed within dedicated easements. If an irrigation system is planned for tills project, additional Water and Sewer Availability approval will be required from the Board. o Secondary Plat approval. I am enclosing a schedule for Board of Public Works and Safety meeting dates and agenda deadlines for your use. Please use the Engincering Department dcadlines for submissions to the Board. AllY submission to the Board requires priorjinal approval by the Carmel Clay Plall Commission alld/orihe Board of Zoning Appeals a1ld completio1l of review by tile Techllical AdvisOlY Committee. All written requests to be place 011 tbe Board's agemlamust include the appropriate Docket Numbers and the date (or dates) of approval by the Plafl Commissioll and/or HZA. 4. Watcr and Sanitary Sewer Availability (acreage) and Connection Fees: . Availability (acreage) Fees are not applicable. The Developer paid these fees for the entire development. . Connection Fees are based upon the average user factor tables from Section 9-35 (water) and 9- 200 (sanitary) of our Utility Ordinance. The COIJlHxtion Fees are $1,310.00 per EDU for water and $795.00 per EDU for sanitary sewer. We will eventually require detailed data regarding proposed use ofthe buildings, square footage, etc. DEPARTMENT OF ENGIKEERING ONE C(vl( SQUARE, CAfuvlEL. IN 46032 OmCE 317.571.2441, FAX 317571-2439 E~l"\!L kwee.,e@ci.carmel.in.lls ".. ..... u u Mr. Charles D. Frankenberger January 10, 2003 Page 2 I am enclosing copies of our Average User Factors for Water and Sanitary Sewers and our current fee schedule. I have also highlighted the Average User Factors that might apply to this development. Note: AllY deviation from the Connection Fee calculatiollS listed in our Ordinance will require Carmel Utilities and Board of Public Works and Safety approvals. S. TAC ReviewlDrawings submitted for approval: We request that all comments and comment letters generated by this office be answered in writing and. be accompanied by a drawing reflecting requested revisions. Final drawings will not be approved for constlUction until all issues have been resolved. All Carmel Utility issues must also re resolved. The design engineer must certify all drawings submitted for final approvaL This office will require a minimum of five-sets of approved drawings after all issues have been resolved. The drawings will be stamped approved and signed by both the City Engineer and Director Carmel Utilities. The Developer/Owner will receive one-set which is to be maintained on the construction site at all times. Carmel Utilities wilI receive two-sets. Our Public Works Inspector \vill receive one-set and one-set will be maintained in the Department of Engineering. If more than the minimum five-sets are requested to be approved, the additional sets (maximum total of two additional) must be submitted with the five required sets. 6. Please be advised that any installation of signs, walls, irrigation systems, etc. within dedicated easements will require a Consent to Encroach Agreement between the Owner/Developer and the City of Carmel. This Agreement requires Board of Public Works and Safety approvaL Installations within dedicated right of way require separate Board approval 7. Carmel Utilities does not subscribe to "Holey Maley" and should be contacted directly for all water main and sanitary sewer main locations. 8. Carmel Utilities will provide a separate review of this project for water and sanitary sewer issues. 9. I am including copies of the follov:ing with this correspondence: o Commercial Project Approval Procedures. . Perfom1ance Release Procedure. e Permit Data, Contacts, etc. e Commcrcial Pennitting Procedures. I will send a copy of our Residential Subdivision and Commercial Irrigation System Requirements upon request. BONDING REOUIREMENTS 10. Upon initial review, it appears the following bonding requirements may apply to this project: Performance Guarantees ., Perimeter Monuments. Please provide individual, detailed certified Engineers Estimates for 100% of the cost of labor and materials for the above improvement. Post a Perfonnance Guarantees in the amount ofthe Engineer's Estimates. Three-year Maintenance Guarantees will be required upon release of the Performance Guarantee. Street CutfRight of Way Permit and Bonding Rcquir'cments Any work in dedicated right of way of Hazel Dell Parkway or 131" Street will require a Right of Way Permit and a License and Pennit Bond. The bond amount will be detemlined by the number of instances of work in the right of way (curb cut, storm sewer work, etc.) @ $2,000.00 per instance. Open pavement cuts in dedicated streets require approval by our Board of Public \Xl arks and Safety. PROJECT COMMENTS 11. Please provide drainage calculations. We reserve the opporiunity for further review and submission of comments regarding drainage upon receipt of such calculations. ~~ .w u u Mr. Charles D. Frenkenberger January 10,2003 Page 3 12. The drawings seem to indicate that not all of the asphalt paths in the right ofway of Hazel Dell Parkway and 131 st Street have been constructed (i.e. the paths in the southeast comer are shaded and labeled as existing public sidewalk while the remainder of the paths are left white. I believe these paths have been constructed and exist. 13. We request that all future drawings submitted for this project identify and dimension all right of way lines. We reserve the right to provide additional review and comments upon receipt of detailed construction drawings and drainage calculations. The above comments are based upon the Engineering Department's.initial review. Please provide our office with a fol1ow up letter regarding this review and revised plans, indicating all revisions. A second review will focus only on detailed construction plans. It is critical that our office be made aware of all modifications made on the plans being re-submitted, particularly if any such changes are considered "new" or fall outside of our initial review. If you have questions, please contact Kate Weese, Mike McBride or me at 571-2441. 7J)JjL Dick Hill, Assistant Director Department of Engineering Enclosures cc: M. Kate Weese, City Engineer Mike McBride, Assistant City Engineer Jon Dobosiewicz, Department of Community Services La urence Lillig, Department of Communi ty Services John Duffy, Director of Carmel Utilities Paul Pace, Distribution Jim Haag, Collection S :\PROJREV03\I-lDCORLOTl ;.J: ( ) EROS! AND SEDIMENT CONTRO - LAN TECHNICAL REVIEW AND COMMENT Hamilton County Soil and Water Conservation District 1108 South 9th Street, Noblesville IN 46060 Ph- 317-773-1432 or Email at john-south@iaswcd.org PROJECT NAME: The Overlook /,;:.~- 03 'f' /'Zi - D3.b -2::;),,,-X~ C'/j SUBMITTED BY: Mr. Charles Frankenberger Gershman Brown Associates Nelson and Frankenberger 3021 E. 98th Street Suite 220 Indianapolis, IN 46280 REVIEWED BY: John B. South P.E. Certified Professional in Erosion and Sediment Control PLAN REVIEW PROCEDURE: Plan Review Date: 1-10-03 Acreage: ? LOCATION: NW comer of 131 st and Hazel Dell Roads LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Sec. 28 TOWNSHIP: 18N RANGE: 4 E CIVIL TOWNSHIP: Clay SOIL SURVEY MAP SHEET: 51 The technical review and comments are intended to evaluate the completeness qfthe erosion and sediment control plan for the 'project. The erosion and sediment control plan submitted was nol. reviewed for the adequacy of the engineering design. All practices included in the plan, as well as those recommended in the comments should be evaluated as to theirfeasibility by a qualified individual with structural practices designed by a qualified engineer. The plan has not been reviewedfor local, state, or federal permits that may be required to proceed with this project. Additional information, including design calculations may be requested to further evaluate the erosion and sediment control plan. The erosion and sediment control plan has been reviewed and it has been determined that the plan: Satisfies the minimum requirements and intent of 327IAC 15-5 (Rule 5). Notification will be forwarded to the Indiana Department of Environmental Management. Refer to the comments section for additional information. X Does not satisfy the minimum requirements and intent of 327IAC 15-5 (Rule 5); deficiencies are noted in the checklist and in the comments section. Deficiencies constitute potential violations of the rule and must be adequately addressed for compliance. The information necessary to satisfy the deficiencies must be submitted: Proper implementation of the erosion and sediment control plan and inspections of the construction site by the developer or a representative are necessary to minimize off-site sedimentation. The developer should be aware that unforeseen construction activities and weather conditions might affect the performance of a practice or the erosion and sediment control plan The plan must he aflexible document, with provisions to modifY or substitute practices as necessary. Revised 4/97 I ERO~N AND SEDIMENT CONTRO~LAN TECHNICAL REVIEW COMMENTS j.'/ PROJECT: The Overlook Page 2 of2 Note: All erosion and sediment control measures shown on the plant. and referelfced in tllis review must meet the design criteria, standards, and specifications outlined in tire "Indicrna Hamlbookfor !irosion Control in Developing Areas" from the Indiana Department of Natural Resources, Division of Soil Conservation or similar Guidance Documents. Detailed site plans including grading and erosion control are needed. This project is less than 5 acres but is part of a larger conunon plan of development. Requirements for Rule 5 will apply. Cc: Carmel DOCS Ha. Co. Surveyor File .. .. u u Cr EL JAMES BRAINARD, Ml\YOR January 10, 2003 J\llr. Charles D. Frankenberger Nelson and Frankenberger 3021 East 98th Street, Suite 220 Indianapolis, eN 46280 /'0 -- 037 RE: The Overlook/Hazel Dell Corner Lot l-Project Review #1 / /O/OjlP Dear Mr. Frankenberger: ~ RF.CFIVED JArl 10 2003 DOCS :b~~zx:s c,,;;. We have reviewed the drawings submitted for this project for the January 15,2002 Technical Advisory Committee meeting. We offer the following comments: GENERAL INFOR1\.lATION 1. The project site is currently located \vithin cunent City of Carmel Corporate Limits. The following JurisdictiollS will apply. 2. Jurisdictions: o Street and Right of Way - City ofCarrnel/Hazel Dell Parkway and 131 st Street. The interior streets of Hazel Dell comer are private. o Water, Sanitary Sewer, Storm Sewer - City of Carmel. 3. Board of Public Works and Safety Approval Requirements: o Water and Sanitary Sewer Availability. o Commercial Curb Cut. Not applicable since the proposed curb cuts are on private streets. o Temporary Construction Entrance. Same requirements as for the Commercial Curb Cut. o Any permanent improvement to be installed within dedicated right of way. . Consent to Encroach Agreements for any permanent improvement to be installed within dedicated easements. Ifan irrigation system is plalUled for this project, additional Water and Sewer A vailability approval will be required from the Board. o Secondary Plat approval. 1 am enclosing a schedule for Board of Public Works and Safety meeting dates and agenda deadlines for your use. Please use the Engineering Department deadlines for submissions to the Board. Any submission to the Board requires prior final approval by the Carmel Clay Plall Commission alld/or the Board of Zoning Appeals allll completion ofre~'iew by the Technical Advisory Committee. All written requests to be place on the Board's agenda must include the appropriate Docket Numbers and the date (or date~) of approlJlll by the Plan Commissioll alld/or BZA. 4. Water and Sanitary Sewer Availability (acreage) and Connection Fees: o Availability (acreage) Fees are not applicable. The Developer paid these fees for the entire development. o Connection Fees are based upon the avel'3ge user factor tables from Section 9-35 (water) and 9- 200 (sanitary) of OUI Utility Ordinance. The COlUlection Fees are $1,310.00 per EDU for water and $795.00 per EDU for sanitary sewer. We will eventually require detailed data regarding proposed use of the buildings, square footage, ete. DEPARTMENT OF ENGINEERING ONE CIVIC SQUARE, CARMEL.'IN 46032 OFFICE 317.571.2441, FAX 317.571-2439 EMf\IL kweese@,:icarmel.in.us u u Mr. Charles D. Frankenberger January 10, 2003 Page 2 I am ene losing copies of our Average User Factors for Water and Sanitary Sewers and our current fee schedule. I have also highlighted the Average User Factors that might apply to tills development. Note: AllY deviatiofl from the Connection Fee calculations listed in our Ordinance will require Carmel Utilities and Board of Public Works and Safety approvals. 5. T AC ReviewlDrawings submitted for approval: We request that all con1h1ents and comment letters generated by this office be answered in writing and be accompanied by a drawing reflecting requested revisions. Final drawings will not be approved for construction until all issues have been resolved. All Carmel Utility issues must also re resolved. The design cngincermust certify all drawings submitted for final approval. This office will require a minimum of five-sets of approved drawings after all issues have been resolved. The drawings will be stamped approved and signed by bofu the City Engineer and Director Carmel Utilities. The Developer/Owner will receive one-set which is to be maintained on the construction site at all times. Carmel Utilities will receive two~sets. Our Public Works Inspector will receive one-set and one-set will be maintained in the Depar1ment of Engineering. If more than the nlinimum five-sets are requested to be approved, the additional sets (maximum total of two additional) must be submitted with the five required sets. 6 Please be advised that any installation of signs, walls, irrigation systems, etc. within dedicated easements will require a Consent to Encroach Agreement between the Owner/Developer and fue City ofCarrnel. This Agreement requires Board of Public Works and Safety.approval. Installations within dedicated right of way require separate Board approval. 7, Carmel Utilities does not subscribe to "Holey Maley" and should be contacted directly for all water main and sanitary sewer main locations. 8. Carmel Utilities will provide a separate review of this project for water and sanitary sewer issues. 9. I am including copies of the following with this correspondence: o Commercial Project Approval Procedures. " PerfOillmllce Release Procedure, OIl Permit Data, Contacts, etc. . Commercial Permitting Procedures. I will send a copy of our Residential Subdivision and Commercial Irrigation System Requirements upon request. BONDING REQUIREMENTS 10 Upon illltial review., it appears the following bonding requirements may apply to this project: Performance Guarantees OIl Perimeter Monuments. Please provide individual, detailed certified Engineers Estimates for 100% of the cost of labor and materials for the above improvement. Post a Performance Guarantees in the amount of the Engineer's Eslima tes. Three~year Maintenance Guarantees will be required upon release of the Performance Guarantee. Street CutlRight of Way Permit and Bonding Requirements Any work in dedicated right of way of Hazel Dell Parkway or 13] st Street will require a Right of Way Permit and a License and Permit Bond. The bond amount \vill be determined by the number of instances of work in the right of way (curb cut, stoml sew.er work, etc.) @ $2,000,00 per instance. Open pavement cuts in dedicated streets require approval by our Board of Public Works and Safety. PROJECT COMMENTS 11. Please provide drainage. calculations. We reserve the opportunity for further review and submission of conmlents regarding drainage upon receipt of such calculations. '"' u u Mr. Charles D. Frenkenberger January 10, 2003 Page 3 12. The drawings seem to indicate that not all of the asphalt paths in the right of way of Hazel Dell Parkway and 13151 Street have been constructed (i.e. the paths in the southeast comer are shaded and labeled as existing public sidewalk while the remainder of the paths are left white. I believe these paths have been constructed and exist. 13. We request that all future drawings submitted for this project identify and dimension all right of way lines. We reserve the right to provide additional review and conmlents upon receipt of detailed construction drawings and drainage calculations. The above comments are based upon the Engineering Department's initial review. Please provide our office with a follow up letter regarding this review and revised plans, indicating all revisions. A second review will focus only on detailed construction plans. It is critical that our office bc made aware of all modifications made on the plans bemg re-submitted, particularly if any such changes are considered "new" or fall outside of our initial review. If you have questions, please contact KateW eese, Mike McBride or me at 571-2441. 7J)jL Dick Hill, Assistant Director Department of Engineering Enclosures cc: M. Kate Weese, City Engineer Mike McBride, Assistant City Engineer Jon Dobosiewicz; Department of Community Services Laurence LiIlig, Department of Community Services John Duffy, Director of Carmel Utilities Paul Pace, Distribution Jim Haag, Collection S:\PROJ REV03\HDCORLOT I u u <81rtnllJent ~ RECF\VED JAN 9 2003 DOCS January 8, 2003 Charles D. Frankenberger Nelson & Frankenberger 3021 E. 98th Street Suite 220 Indianapolis, IN 46280 RE: Gershman Brown _131st and Hazel Dell Parkway /?)/#3? ~ /~L.s /0 -p3' 6 /)4 The Overlook - ADLS/DP C Dear Mr. Frankenberger: I have received and reviewed the information for the above-mentioned project. At the present time. I see nothing in the plans that would hamper law enforcement efforts. If we can be of any further assistance to you, please contact us. Respectfully, ~iJ44 Michael D. FogartY Chief of Police MDF:vb cc: Dept. of Community Services Ca?l5711-2500 A Nationally Accredit orcement Agency f:"" (317) 571-25Jl2 u u City of Carmel Fire Department Headquarters 2 CIVIC SQUARE CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 Voice (317) 571-2600 Fax (317) 571-2615 Fire Prevention Bureau Charles D. Frankenberger Nelson & Frankenberger 3021 East 98th Street, Suite 220 Indianapolis, IN 46280 RE: Gershman Brown, 131s' St. & Hazel Dell Parkway /(J-'O.de? JJ,P42JL6 /0-'03..6 c"4 LETTER OF APPROVAL The undersigned has reviewed the proposed plans for Gershman Brown I 131 st St. & Hazel Dell Parkway and has approved the plans subject to the following: 1. Is the proposed building to be a sprinklered building? If so a meeting will need to be set up to discuss the location of the Fire Department Connection. We would also request an exterior access door directly to the riser room. 2. Our office would like to request a set of plans indicating the water utilities on the site and locations of existing fire hydrants. 3. Will building have a basement? 4. If the building is provided with a fire alarm system, we request that the fire alarm enunciator panel be located at the main entrance of each building. 5. We are requesting that a Knox Box be installed on the building for fire department emergency access. If the building is sprinklered, we will be requesting fire department connection caps availabie through the Knox Company. 6. Please respond to the above noted condition(s) in writing and submit to our office prior to the scheduied Technical Advisory Meeting for this project. Date: Januarv 8. 2003 By: Gary Hoyt, Fire Marshal Carmel Fire Department v u One Civic Square Carmel, IN 4E032 (317) 571-24H Fax: (317) 571-2426 To:CLv2~~~fl~~ From' yp-e- Fax: J'yb - F7 fOJ., Pages: G ' Phon!'!: Rer;:t:/C) A qilrJ d:; J o Urgent 0 Far Review 0 Please Comment 0 Please Reply Date: /~ ?-?Ja CC~ o Please Recycle ~OC/rZr!- A0, )ty 4le.t:.( C:>.a-i.~ -~ o)'-~.v JAN-06-2003 13:54 FROM:HAMILTON en HWY DEP 3177769814 U TO: 317 571 2426 U P.001/001 HAMILTON COUNTY HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT \ ': January 6,2003 ,/. . ~ RECFIVED JAN 6 2003 DOCS M~, Charles D. Frankenberger Nelson & Frankenberger 3021 East 98th Stree~, SuIte .220 Indianapolis, Indiana 46280 Oersham Brown ~ The Overlook / tJ ~ oat? ))/ k~ ADLS/DP / 0 ~{) 3b CJJ A N of 131&1 Street IW of Ha:z:el Dell Parkway Clay Township Dear Mr. Frankenberger: RE: This letter serves to ~€kl1owledge receipt of a transmittal received 1/2103 containing the plans for the above-mentioned project. Af1er reviewing the plans the Highway DepElrtment has the followIng comments: 1. It appears that this project lies entirely within the limits of the City of Carme1. Therefore, all future comments should be directed toward the City. If you have any information con1raty to this statement, please contact me Immediately. If you have any questions Or comments concerning this letter, please feel free to contact me at anytime. Sincerely, ~L~- Staff Engineer cc: Jon Dobosiew[CZ Jenny Chapman G:\USf':RS\SHI03!':!C\Q1..o5-o396I'Shfll'Tlbrown_doo 1700 South lOI~ Str~et Noblesville, In. 46060 1'I-WW.co, ItAmiUl)!.'.:.in. 11! Office (31 7) 773-7770 Fax (317) 77(,.-9814 u NELSON & FRANKENBERGER A PROFESSIONAL-CORPORATION ATfORNEYS-A.T,LAW . . u JAMES J, NELsoN C~S:D: ~NBEItGER JAMESE. SHINAvER LAWRENCE'J. KEMPER JOliN B; E'IATT of C!luru;el JANE B. MERRILL Jon C,,-Dobosietvicz Departh1enrof Community Setvi:ces One Civic Square Carmel,: IN 4603"2 , <C~ll~?~ ',\."I~ //!,:':" &: :'>,,'\ D,ecemher 31, 2ocf~" ~t.Ct\'Jr~ '::~J '"_-!, \ !l.l-\ 't. ; -1 \ vl\\'\ ~ I,:: I J.:') "'.' aU;) .'" \ v ,,,-<I ~~/ /~~>l ~::. . ". , "\ " '/ I e-li Fl~ " ~e: Ger,shm,an Brown - 131st and Hazel Dell Nqrthwest C~mer - The Overlook Dear Jon:,. 3021 EAsr98th STREET SUITE 220 INDiM'AI'Ous,1ND1ANA 46280 317-844-0106 FAXi 317,846-8782 Encl0sep. for you.r file are letters sent to the Technical Advisory Committee, together with the. plans enClosed therewdh. Ibave ,also enclosed a smaller, colored version of the plans. Should you have miy questi'onsor comments, please. do llQt hesitate to call me. Thank you. Very truly yours, NELSQN & FRANKENBERGER C'--- Chades D. Frankenberger CDE Ij lW Enclosures' H:\Iallct\Gefshmail\l} 1 "'& HazeJ D,ell\D9o,?siewiez II, 1231,02.doc u u NELSON & FRANKENBERGER A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW JAMES J. NELSON CHARLES D. FRANKENBERGER JAMES E. SHlNAVER LAWRENCE J. KEMPER JOHN B. FLATI' FREDRIC LAWRENCE of counsel JANE B. MERRILL 3021 EAST 98TH STREET SUITE 220 INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA 46280 317-844-0106 FAX: 317-846-8782 December 30, 2002 Steve Cash Hamilton County Surveyor Office One Hamilton Square, Suite 146 Hamilton County Judicial Center Noblesville, m 46060 Re: Gershman Brown - 131 st Street and Hazel Dell Parkway The Overlook - ADLSIDP Dear Steve: Enclosed are plans for the development of the northwest comer of 131 ~t Street and Hazel Dell Parkway. We look forward to discussing these with you during the meeting of the Teclmical Advisory Committee scheduled for January 15, 2003. In the interim, should you have any questions or comments, please do not hesitate to call. Thank you. Very truly yours, NELSON & FRANKENBERGER c- Charles D. Frankenberger CDFljlw Enclosures H:Val1etIGershmal1\131" & Hazel DelllTAC Itr 123002.doc u u NELSON & FRANKENBERGER A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW JAMES J. NELSON CHARLES D. FRANKENBERGER JAMES E. SHINAVER LAWRENCE J. KEMPER JOHN B. FLAT!' FREDRIC LAWRENCE of counsel JANE B. MERRILL 3021 EAST 98TH STREET SUITE 220 INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA 461.80 317-844-0106 FAX: 317-846-8781. December 30,2002 Ron Fanand Carmel/Clay Schools 5201 East 13151 Street Carmel, IN 46033 Re: Gershman Brown - 131 SI Street and Hazel Dell Parkway The Overlook ~ ADLS/DP Dear Ron: Enclosed are plans for the development of the northwest comer of 131 sl Street and Hazel Dell Parkway. We look forward to discussing these with you during the meeting of the Technical Advisory Committee scheduled for January 15, 2003. In the interim, should you have any questions or comments, please do not hesitate to call. Thank you. Very truly yours, NELSON & FRANKENBERGER ~ '--- Charles D. Frankenberger CDF/jIw Enclosures H:\Janet\Gershmal1llJl" & Hazel DelllTAC llr I 23002.doc lJ u NELSON & FRANKENBERGER A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION ATTORNEYS.AT-LAW JAMES J. NELSON CHARLES D. FRANKENBERGER JAMES E. SHINAVER LAWRENCEJ. KEMPER JOHN B. FLATT FREDRIC LAWRENCE of counsel JANE B. MERRil..L 3021 EAST !)8TH STREET SUITE 220 INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA 46280 317-844-0106 FAX: 317-846-8782 .,' December 30, 2002 John South Hamilton County Soil & Water Conservation 1108 South 9th Street Noblesville, IN 46060 Re: Gershman Brown - 131 5t Street and Hazel DellParkwa y The Overlook - ADLS/DP Dear John: Enclosed are plans for the development of the northWest comer of 131 st Street and Hazel Dell Parkway. We look forward to discussing these with you during the meeting of the Teclmical Advisory Committee scheduled for January 15, 2003. In the interim, should you have any questions or comments, please do not hesitate to call. Thank you. Very truly yours, NELSON & FRANKENBERGER C-? L-. Charles D. Frankenberger CDF/jlw Enclosures H:Vanet\Gershman\131"& Ba<el DelllTACllr 123002.d.oc u u NELSON & FRANKENBERGER A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW JAMES J. NELSON CHARLESD.FRANKENBERGER JAMES E.SHINAVER LAWRENCE J. KEMPER JOHN B. FLATT FREDRIC LAWRENCE or counsel JANE B. MERRll.L 3021 EAST 98TH STREET SUITE 220 INmANAI'OLlS, INDIANA 46280 317-844-0106 FAX: 317-846-8782 December 30, 2002 Michael Fogarty Office of Police Chief Three Civic Square Carmel, IN 46032 Re: Gershman Brown - 131 sl Street and Hazel Dell Parkway The Overlook - ADLS/DP Dear Michael: Enclosed are plans for the development of the northwest comer of 13151 Street and Hazel Dell Parkway. We look forward to discussing these with you during the meeting of the Technical Advisory Committee scheduled for January 15, 2003. In the interim, should you have any questions or comments, please do not hesitate to call. Thank you. -_._-~,. Very tmly yours, NELSON & FRANKENBERGER /C.::? /' C C- Charles D. Frankenberger CDF/jlw Enclosures H:VuoetIGershmaLl\131" & Hazel DelllTAC Itr 123002.doc u i \ U NELSON & FRANKENBERGER A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW JAMES J. NELSON CHARLESD.FRANKENBERGER JAMES E. SHINAVER LAWRENCEJ.KEMPER JOHN B. FLATI FREDRIC LAWRENCE of counsel JANE B. MERRILL 3021 EAST 98rn STREET SUITE 220 INDIANAPOLIS, IJlilllAJl/A 46280 317-844-0106 FAX: 317-846-8782 December 30, 2002 Dick Hill Department of Engineering One Civic Square Carmel, IN 46032 Re: Gershman Brown - 131 sl Street and Hazel Dell Parkway The Overlook - ADLSIDP Dear Dick: Enclosed are plans for the development of the northwest comer of 131 sl Street and Hazel Dell Parkway. We look forward to discussing these with you during the meeting of the Technical Advisory Committee scheduled for January 15, 2003. In the interim, should you have any questions or comments, please do not hesitate to call. Thank you. Very truly yours, NELSON & FRANKENBERGER C'l-. Charles D. Frankenberger CDF/jLw Enclosures IHlanel\Gershma1l113 I" & Hazel DelllTAC lIT 123002.doc u u NELSON & FRANKENBERGER A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW JAMES J. NELSON CHARLESD.FRANKENBERGER JAMES E; SHINAVER LAWRENCE J. KE.MPER JOHN B. FLATI FREDRIC LAWRENCE of counsel JANE 8. MERRll.L 3021 EAST 98TH STREET SlflTE 220 INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA 46280 317-844-0106 FAX: 317-846-8782 December 30, 2002 Paul Pace Carmel City Utilities 130 First Avenue SW Carmel, IN 46032 Re: Gershman Brown - 13Ist Street and Hazel Dell Parkway The Overlook - ADLS/DP Dear Paul: Enclosed are plans for the development of the northwest comer of 13151 Street and Hazel Dell Parkway. We look forward to discussing these with you during the meeting of the Technical Advisory Committee scheduled for January 15, 2003. In the interim, should you have any questions or comments, please do not hesitate to call. Thank you. Very truly yours, NELSON & FRANKENBERGER C~.L Charles D. Frankenberger CDF/jlw Enclosures H:Vanet\Gershman\131" & Hazel Dell\TAC itr 123002.doc u u NELSON & FRANKENBERGER A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW JAMESJ. NELSON CHARLESD.FRANKENBERGER JAMES E. SHINAVER LAWRENCEJ. KEMPER JOHN B. FLATI FREDRICLAVVRENCE of counsel JANE B. MERRll..L 3021 EAST 98TH STREET SLUE 220 INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA 46280 317-844-0106 FAX: 317-846-8782 December 30, 2002 Gary Hoyt Office of Fire Chief Fire Station # 1 Two Civic Square Cannel, IN 46032 Re: Gershman Brown - 131 st Street and Hazel Dell Parkway The Overlook - ADLSIDP Dear Gary: Enclosed are plans for the development of the northwest comer of 131 st Street and Hazel Dell Parkway. We look forward to discussing these with you during the meeting of the Technical Advisory Committee scheduled for January 15, 2003. In the interim, should you have any questions or comments, please do not hesitate to call. Thank you. ---... Very truly yours, NELSON & FRANKENBERGER C <--. Charles D. Frankenberger CDF/jlw Enclosures H:VulIetIGershmaIlI131" & I-lazel DelllTAC Itr I 23002.doc u u NELSON & FRANKENBERGER A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION ATTORNEYS~AT-LAW JAMES J. NELSON CHARLESD.FRANKENBERGER JAMES E. SHlNAVER LAWRENCEJ. KEMPER JOHN B. FLATT FREDRIC LAWRENCE of counsel JANE B. MERRILL 3021 EAST 98TH STREET SmTE 220 INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA 46280 317-844-0106 FAX: 317.846-8782 December 30,2002 L. Joe Cook Hamilton County Sheriff Department 18100 Cumberland Road Noblesville, TN 46060 Re: Gershman Brown - 131 st Street and Hazel Dell Parkway The Overlook - ADLSIDP Dear Joe: Enclosed are plans for the development of the northwest comer of 131 st Street and Hazel Dell Parkway. We look forward to discussing these with you during the meeting of the Technical Advisory Committee scheduled for January 15, 2003. In the interim, should you have any questions or comments, please do not hesitate to call. Thank you. Very truly yours, NELSON & FRANKENBERGER c'e-. Charles D. Frankenberger CDF/jlw Enclosures H:\/anct\Gcrshman\131" & Hazel DelllTAC trr 123Q02.d~c u u NELSON & FRANKENBERGER A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW JAMES J. NELSON CHARLES D. FRANKENBERGER JAMES E. SHINAVER LAWRENCE J. KEMPER JOHN 8. FLATT FREDRIC LAWRENCE of counsel JANE B. MERRILL 3021 EAST 98m STREET SUITE 220 L'IDlANAPOLIS, INDIANA 46280 317-844-0106 FAX: 317-846-8782 December 30, 2002 Bill Akers Carmel Communications 31 First Avenue NW Carmel, IN 46032 Re: Gershman Brown - 131 st Street and Hazel Dell Parkway The Overlook - ADLSIDP Dear Bill: Enclosed are plans for the development of the northwest corner of 131 st Street and Hazel Dell Parkway. We look forward to discussing these with you during the meeting of the Technical Advisory Committee scheduled for January 15, 2003. In the interim, should you have any questions or comments, please do not hesitate to call. Thank you. Very truly yours, NELSON & FRANKENBERGER C:<--.. Charles D. Frankenberger CDF/jlw Enclosures H:'JallelIGen;lu11l1ll1IJl' & Hazel Dell\TAC ltr 12J002.doc u u NELSON & FRANKENBERGER A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION ATTORNEYS.AT.LAW JAMESJ. NELSON CHARLES D. FRANKENBERGER JAMES E. SHINAVER LAWRENCE J. KEMPER JOHN B. FLATI FREDRIC LAWRENCE of counsel JANE B. MERRILL 3021 EAST 98TH STREET SUITE 220 INDlANI\.POLl5, INDU.NA 441280 317-844-0106 FAX: 317-846-8782 December 30,2002 Steve Broermann Hamilton COlmty Engineering! Hamilton County Highway 1700 South 10th Street Noblesville, IN 46060 Re: Gershman Brown - 131 sl Street and Hazel Dell Parkway The Overlook - ADLS/DP Dear Steve: Enclosed are plans for the development of the northwest comer of 13151 Street and Hazel Dell Parkway. We look fOlWard to discussing these with you during the meeting of the Technical Advisory Committee scheduled for January 15,2003. In the interim, should you have any questions or comments, please do not hesitate to call. Thank you. Very truly yours, . NELSON & FRANKENBERGER ~~.. Charles D. Frankenberger CDF/jlw Enclosures H:\Janet\Gcrshman\13I" & Hazel Dcll\TAC lIT 123002.doc u u NELSON & FRANKENBERGER A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION ATTORNEYS-AT. LAW JAMES J. NELSON CHARLES D. FRANKENBERGER JAMES E. SHINAVER LAWRENCE J. KEMPER JOlIN B. FLATf FREDRICLA~RENCE or counsel JANE B. MERRILL 3021 EAST 98TH STREET SmTE 220 INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA 46280 317-844-0106 FAX: 317.846-8782 December 30, 2002 Jay W. Alley Clay Township Regional Waste District 10701 N. College Avenue, Suite A Indianapolis, IN 46280-1098 Re: Gershman Brown - 13151 Street and Hazel Dell Parkway The Overlook - ADLS/DP Dear Jay: Enclosed are plans for the development of the northwest corner of 131sl Street and Hazel Dell Parkway. We look forward to discussing these with you during the meeting of the Teclmical Advisory Committee scheduled for January 15, 2003. In the interim, should you have any questions or comments, please do not hesitate to call. Thank you. Very truly yours, NELSON & FRANKENBERGER C' -----... Charles D. Frankenberger CDF/j1w Enclosures H:IJanet\GcrshmanIIJ)" & Hazel DelllTAC Itr 123002.doc u u NELSON & FRANKENBERGER A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW JAMES J. NELSON CHARLES D. FRANKENBERGER JAMES E. SHINAVER LAWRENCEJ. KEMPER JOHN B. FLATT FREDRIC LAWRENCE of counsel JANE B. MERRn..L 3021 EAST 98TH STREET SUITE 220 INDIANAI'OUS, INDIANA 46280 317-844-0106 FAX: 317-846-8782 " December 30,2002 Jeff Rice Ameritech 5858 N. College Avenue Indianapolis, IN 46220 Re: Gershman Brown- 131 st Street and Hazel Dell Parkway The Overlook - ADLS/DP Dear Jeff: Enclosed are plans for the development of the northwest corner of 131 EI Street and Hazel Dell Parkway. We look forward to discussing these with you during the meeting of the Technical Advisory Committee scheduled for January 15,2003. In the interim, should you have any questions or conunents, please do not hesitate to call. Thank you. Very truly yours, NELSON & FRANKENBERGER C-"~ Charles D. Frankenberger CDF/jlw Enclosures H:'Janel\Gershman\131" & Hazel DelllTAC Itr 123002.doc u u NELSON & FRANKENBERGER A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW JAMES J. NELSON CHARLES D. FRANKENBERGER JAMESE. SHINAVER LAWRENCE J. KEMPER JOHN B. FLATI FREDRIC LAWRENCE of counsel JANE B. MERRILL 3021 EAST 98TH STREET SUITE 220 INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA 46280 317-844-0106 FAX: 317-846-8782 December 30,2002 Barry McNulty Hamilton County Health Dept. Hamilton COlmty Judicial Center, Suite 30 Noblesville, IN 46060-2229 Re: Gershman Brown - 131 sl Street and Hazel Dell Parkway The Overlook - ADLSIDP Dear Barry: Enclosed are plans for the development of the northwest corner of 13151 Street and Hazel Dell Parkway. We look forward to discussing these with you during the meeting of the Technical Advisory Committee scheduled for January 15, 2003. In the interim, should you have any questions or comments, please do not hesitate to call. Thank you. Very truly yours, NELSON & FRANKENBERGER c-~ Charles D. Frankenberger CDF/jlw Enclosures H:Vanet\Gershman\13I" & Hazel DelllT AC Itr 123002,doc u u NELSON & FRANKENBERGER A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW JAMES J. NELSON CHARLES D. FRANKENBERGER JAMES E. SHINAVER LAWRENCE J. KEMPER JOHN B. FLATI FREDRIC LAWRENCE of counsel JANE B. MERRILL 3021 EAST 98TH STREET SUIrE 220 INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA 46280 317.844.0106 FAX: 317-846-8782 December 30,2002 Pam Waggoner Indianapolis Water Company P.O. Box 1220 Indianapolis, IN 46206 Re: Gershman Brown -131 5t Street and Hazel Dell Parkway The Overlook - ADLS/DP Dear Pam: Enclosed are plans for the development of the northwest corner of 131 st Street and Hazel Dell Parkway. We look forward to discussing these with you during the meeting of the Technical Advisory Committee scheduled for January 15, 2003. In the interim, should you have any questions or comments, please do not hesitate to call. Thank you. Very truly yours, NELSON & FRANKENBERGER c;: "'----- Charles D. Frankenberger CDFljlw Enclosures H:\Jal1etIGershmanII31" & Hazel Dell\TAC llr 123002.doc u u JAMES J. NELSON CHARLES D.FRANKENBERGER JAMES E. SIIINAVER LAWRENCE J. KEMPER JOHN B. FLATT FREDRIC LAWRENCE of counsel JANE B. MERRILL NELSON & FRANKENBERGER A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW 3021 EAST 98TH STRJ;;J;;T SUITE 220 INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA 46280 317.844.0106 FAX: 317.846-8782 December 30, 2002 Phillip Bennett Carmel/Clay Parks Department 1055 Third Avenue SW Carmel, IN 46032 Re: Gershman Brown - 131 sl Street and Hazel Dell Parkway The Overlook - ADLSfDP Dear Phillip: Enclosed are plans for the development of the northwest comer of 131 st Street and Hazel Dell Parkway. We look forward to discussing these with you during the meeting of the Technical Advisory Committee scheduled for January 15, 2003. In the interim, should you have any questions or comments, please do not hesitate to call. Thank you. ~ Very truly yours, NELSON & FRANKENBERGER c'L- Charles D. Frankenberger CDF/jlw Enclosures 1-I:\Jal1etIGershmanl13I" & Haze] Dell\TAC ltr 123002.doc u u NELSON & FRANKENBERGER A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW JAMES J. NELSON CHARLES D. FRANKENBERGER JAMES E. SHINAVER LAWRENCEJ.KEMPER JOIINB. FLATI FREDRIC LAWRENCE of counsel JANE B. MERRILL 3021 EAST 98TH STREET SUITE 220 INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA 46280 317.844.0106 FAX: 317-846-8782 December 30,2002 Ron Morris Indianapolis Power & Light Company 3600 N. Arlington Avenue Indianapolis, IN 46218 Re: Gershman Brown - 131 st Street and Hazel Dell Parkway The Overlook - ADLSIDP Dear Ron: Enclosed are plans for the development of the northwest corner of 13151 Street and Hazel Dell Parkway. vVe look forward to discussing these with you during the meeting of the Technical Advisory Committee scheduled for January 15,2003. In the interim, should you have any questions or comments, please do not hesitate to call. Thank you. Very truly yours, NELSON & FRANKENBERGER C::'!-.. Charles D. Frankenberger CDF/jlw Enclosures H:V'L1CIIGcrshmanlt31" & Hazel Dell\TAC lIT ] 23002.dac u u NELSON & FRANKENBERGER A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW JAMES J. NELSON CHARLES D. FRANKENBERGER JAMES E. SHINAVER LAWRENCE J. KEMPER JOHN B. FLATI FREDRIC LAWRENCE of counsel JANE B. MERRILL 3021 EAST 98m STREET SUITE 220 INmAN.4.POLIS, INDI.4.NA 46280 317-844-0106 FAX: 317-846-8782 " December 30, 2002 Rick McClain Cinergy 1441 South Guilford Road Carmel, IN" 46032 Re: Gershman Brown - 131 sl Street and Hazel Dell Parkway The Overlook - ADLS/DP Dear Rick: Enclosed are plans for the development of the northwest comer of 13151 Street and Hazel Dell Parkway. We look forward to discussing these with you during the meeting of the Technical Advisory Committee scheduled for January 15, 2003. In the interim, should you have any questions or comments, please do not hesitate to call. Thank you. ---- Very tmly yours, NELSON & FRANKENBERGER C~~ Charles D. Frankenberger CDF/jlw Enclosures H:\Junet\Gershmun\l31" & Hazel DeUlT AC lIT 123002.doc w , \ U NELSON & FRANKENBERGER A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW JAMES J. NELSON CHARLESD.FRANKENBERGER JAMES E.SHINAVER LAWRENCE J. KEMPER JOHN B. FLATI FREDRIC LAWRENCE of counsel JANE B. MERRILL 3021 EAST 98TH STREF;T SUITE 220 INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA 46280 317-844-0106 FAX: 317-846-8782 December 30, 2002 Sharon Pra.ter Panhandle Eastern Pipeline Company P,O. Box 38 Ziollsville, IN 46077 Re: Gershman Brown - 13151 Street and Hazel Dell Parkway The Overlook - ADLS/DP Dear Sharon: Enclosed are plans for the development of the northwest corner of 131 sl Street and Hazel Dell Parkway. We look forward to discussing these with you during the meeting of the Technical Advisory Committee scheduled for January 15, 2003. In the interim, should you have any questions or comments, please do not hesitate to call. Thank you. Very truly yours, NELSON & FRANKENBERGER C~L- Charles D. Frankenberger CDFljlw Enclosures H:\J.net\Gershmun\131" & Hazel DelllTAC lIT 123002.<10< u , " v NELSON & FRANKENBERGER A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION ATTORNEYS.AT"LAW JAMES J. NELSON CIL\RLES D. FRANKENBERGER JAMES E. SHINAVER LAWRENCE J. KEMPER JOlIN B. FLATT FREDRIC LAWRENCE of counsel JANE B. MERRILL 3021 EAST 98TH STREET SlllTE 220 INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA 46280 317.844-0106 FAX: 317-846-8782 December 30, 2002 Chuck Shupperd Indiana Gas Company P.O. Box 1700 Noblesville, IN 46060 Re: Gershman Brown - 131 st Street and Hazel Dell Parkway The Overlook - ADLS/DP Dear Chuck: Enclosed are plans for the development of the nOlihwest corner of 131 sl Street and Hazel Dell Parkway. We look forward to discussing these with you during the meeting of the Technical Advisory Committee scheduled for January 15, 2003. In the interim, should you have any questions or comments, please do not hesitate to call. Thank you. - Very truly yours, NELSON & FRANKENBERGER CL- Charles D. Frankenberger CDF/jlw Enclosures H;'J,"eIIGershmanI131" & Hazel DelllTAC ltr 123002,doc w u NELSON & FRANKENBERGER A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW JAMES J. NELSON CHARLESD. FRANKENBERGER JAMES E. SHINAVER LAWRENCE J. KEMPER JOHN B. FLA'IT FREDRIC LAWRENCE of counsel JANE B. MERRILL 3021 EAST ?13TH STREET SUITE 220 INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA 441280 317-844-0106 FAX: 317-846-8782 December 30,2002 Robert Hendricks Hamilton County Local Emergency Plann.ing Committee 18100 Cumberland Road Noblesville, IN 46060-1624 Re: Gershman Brown - 13151 Street and Hazel Dell Parkway The Overlook ~ ADLSIDP Dear Robert: Enclosed are plans for the development of the northwest comer of 13151 Street and Hazel Dell Parkway. We look forward to discussing these with you during the meeting of the Technical Advisory Committee scheduled for January 15, 2003. In the interim, should you have any questions or comments, please do not hesitate to call. Thank you. Very truly yours, NELSON & FRANKENBERGER /' ~ Charles D. Frankenberger CDF/j lw Enclosures H:\Jouet'IGershnmnI131"' & Hazel DelllTAC Itr 123002.doc u u NELSON & FRANKENBERGER A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION ATTORNEYS.AT~LAW JAMES J. NELSON CHARLES D. FRANKENBERGER JAMES E. SHlNAVER LAWRENCE J. KEMPER JOHN B. FLATT FREDRIC LAWRENCE of counsel JANE B. MERRILL 3021 EAST 98TH STREET SmTl!: 220 INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA. 46280 317-844-0106 FAX: 317-846-8782 December 30, 2002 Mary Shultz Indiana Gas Company P.O. Box 1700 Noblesville, IN 46060 Re: Gershman Brown - 131 st Street and Hazel Dell Parkway The Overlook - ADLSIDP Dear Mary: Enclosed are plans for the development of the northwest comer of 131 st Street and Hazel Dell Parkway. We look forward to discussing these with you during the meeting of the Technical Advisory Committee scheduled for January 15,2003. In the interim, should you have any questions or comments, please do not hesitate to call. Thank you. Very truly yours, NELSON & FRANKENBERGER c__ Charles D. Frankenberger CDF/jlw Enclosures H:Vanet\GershOlan\131 " & Hazel DelllTAC ltr 12300Ldac u u NELSON & FRANKENBERGER A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW JAMES J. NELSON CHARLES D. FRANKENBERGER JAMES E. SHINAVER LAWRENCE J. KEMPER JOHN B. FLATI FREDRIC LAWRENCE of counsel JANE B. MERRILL 3021 EAsT98rn STREET SmTE 220 INDlANAI'OUS, INDIANA 46280 317.844-0106 FAX: 317.846.8782 .: December 30, 2002 Scott Brewer Dept. of Commlmity Services One Civic Square Carmel, IN 46032 Re: Gershman Brown - 13151 Street and Hazel Dell Parkway The Overlook - ADLS/DP Dear Scott: Enclosed are plans for the development of the northwest comer of 131 sl Street and Hazel Dell Parkway. We look forward to discussing these with you during the meeting of the Technical Advisory Committee scheduled for January 15, 2003. In the interim, should you have any questions or conUl1ents, please do not hesitate to call. Thank you. Very truly yours, NELSON & FRANKENBERGER c" --- Charles D. Frankenberger CDF/jlw Enclosures H;\Janet\G erSlmlan\ 1 31" & Hazel Dell\T AC ltr 123002.doc u u NELSON & FRANKENBERGER A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW JAMES J. NELSON CHARLES D. FRANKENBERGER JAMES E. SlDNAVER LAWRENCE J. KEMPER JOHN B. FLATT FREDRIC LAWRENCE of counsel JANE B. MERRILL 3021 EAST 98TH SUEET SrnTE 220 INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA 46280 317-844-0106 FAX: 317.846.8782 December 30, 2002 Jeff Kendall Deputy Building Commissioner One Civic Square Carmel, IN 46032 Re: Gershman Brown - 131 sl Street and Hazel Dell Parkway The Overlook - ADLSIDP Dear Jeff: Enclosed are plans for the development of the northwest comer of 131 sl Street and Hazel Dell Parkway. We look forward to discussing these with you during the meeting of the Technical Advisory Committee scheduled for January 15, 2003. In the interim, should you have any questions or comments, please do not hesitate to call. Thank you. Very truly yours, NELSON & FRANKENBERGER C"--- Charles D. Frankenberger CDFljlw Enclosures H:\Janet\Gel>~man\131" & Hazel Dell\TAC llr 12300Z.doc u u NELSON & FRANKENBERGER A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW JAMES J. NELSON CHARLES D. FRANKENBERGER JAMEs E. SHINAVER LAWRENCE J. KEMPER JOHN.B. FLATT FREDRIC LAWRENCE of counsel JANE B. MERRILL 3021 EAST 98TH STREET SUITE 220 INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA 46280 317-844.0106 FAX: 317-846-8782 .. December 30, 2002 Jeff Fanner Time Warner Cable 3030 Roosevelt Avenue Indianapolis, IN 46218 Re: Gershman Brown - 131 s! Street and Hazel Dell Parkway The Overlook - ADLSIDP Dear Jeff: Enclosed are plans for the development of the northwest comer of 131S! Street and Hazel Dell Parkway. We look forward to discussing these with you during the meeting of the Technical Advisory Committee scheduled for January 15,2003. In the interim, should you have any questions or comments, please do not hesitate to call. Thank you. --- Very truly yours, NELSON & FRANKENBERGER ("'" c.:--... Charles D. Frankenberger CDF/jlw Enclosures H:\Janet\Gersllman\t3I" & Hazel Dell\TAC Itr 123002.doc u u NELSON & FRANKENBERGER A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION ATTORNEYS-AT -LAW JAMES J. NELSON CHARLES D. FRANKENBERGER JAMES E. SIIINAVER LAWRENCE J. KEMPER JOHN B. FLATI FREDRIC LAWRENCE of counsel JANE B. MERRILL 3021 EAST 98TH STREET SUITE 220 INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA %280 317-844-0106 FAX: 317-846-8782 December 30, 2002 Tom Skolak Carmel Postmaster 275 Medical Drive Carmel, IN 46032-9998 Re: Gerslunan Brown ~ 131 sl Street and Hazel Dell Parkway The Overlook - ADLSIDP Dear Tom: Enclosed are plans for the development ofthe northwest corner of 131 SI Street and Hazel Dell Parkway. We look forward to discussing these with you during the meeting of the Technical Advisory Committee scheduled for January 15, 2003. In the interim, should you have any questions or comments, please do not hesitate to call. Thank you. Very truly yours, NELSON & FRANKENBERGER c' L--. Charles D. Frankenberger CDF/jlw Enclosures H:lJanetIGershmanl131" & Hazel Oell\TAC Itr 123002.dac u u Dobosiewicz, Jon C Subject: Fahey, Joyce 0 Friday, December 20, 2002 3:59 PM Dobosiewicz, Jon C; Lillig, Laurence M; Lawrence, Kelli A; Brewer, Scott I; Pattyn, Dawn E; Hollibaugh, Mike P Submittals From: Sent: To: Received Friday, 12/20 The Overlook The Overlook ~'fF>vJharles Frankenberger '~"C Charles Frankenberger ~,,@ti\f.ig 'if r~ t'r ~I l5~l.~ p~ ,-,-~ IE~j;t"I~~'~l "V..r ~~. \ S ~ ~ . \ ~ ~c... The new files are on the PC shelf behind my desk. JZr ETd~ Planning and Z6ning Department of Community Services City of Carmel One Civic Square Carmel, IN 46032 317/571-2417 (Phone) 317/571-2426 (Fax) Email: jfahey@cLcarmel.in.us 1