HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplications-DP/ADLS I ~ LJ u Fahey, Joyce 0 From; Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Oobosiewicz, Jon C Monday, January 20, 2003 5: 17 PM Fahey, Joyce 0 Liilig, Laurence M; Hollibaugh, Mike P; Brewer, Scott I Docket Number Assignment - OP/AOLS; Hazel Oe[1 Corner, Lot 1 - The Overlook Joyce, Please print and fax this e-mail to the petitioner identified below and update the file. I have issued the necessary Docket Numbers for Hazel Dell Corner, Lot 1 ~ The Overlook (DP/ADLS). It will be the following: 10-03 DP/ADLS $728 + $794.80 ($728+$36.5 per acre @ 1.83 acres) Total Fee: $1,522.80 Docket No.1 0-03 DP/ADLS; Hazel Dell Corner, Lot 1 - The Overlook The petitioner seeks Development Plan and Architectural Design, Exterior Lighting, Landscaping & Signage approval to construct a multi-tenant commercial building. The site is located at the northwest comer of Hazel Dell Parkway and East 131 st Street. The site is zoned B-3/Business. Filed by Charles D. Frankenberger of Nelson & Frankenberger for GB Hazel Dell Property, LLC. Please note the following: . This Item appeared on the January 15, 2003 agenda of the Technical Advisory Committee. . Mailed and Published Public Notice needs to occur no later than Friday, January 24,2003. Published notice is required within the Indianapolis Star. . Twenty (20) Informational Packets must be delivered to Plan Commission Secretary Ramona Hancock no later than noon, Friday, Febmary 7, 2003. Failure to submit Informational Packets by this time will result in the tabling ofthe petition to tbe Tuesday, March 18, 2003, agenda of the Plan Commission. . Proof of Notice will need to be received' by this Department no later than noon, Monday, Febmary 17, 2003. Failure to submit Proof of Notice by this time will result in the tabling ofthe petition. . This Item will appear on the February 18,2003 agenda of the Plan Commission under Public Hearings. . This Item may also appear on the March 4, 2003 agenda of the Plan Commission Special Studies Committee. . The petitioner will need to provide one fully filled out Findings-of-Fact sheets for the DP the night of the meeting at which the Plan Commission takes final action on the request. Additional approvals required: . Variance · Secondary Plat Please contact Mr. Frankenberger at 844-0106 (Fax: 846-8782) with this information. Once the file is updated please return it to my office. Jon o if ~fJ // ;I 1/ I . Y~'0/ Tbanks, I I \\\ \. \ \ \ \ \ ~. -~ u u DEVELOPMENT AL PLAN APPLICATION Fee: $500.00 plus $25.00 per acre DATE: DOCKET NO.: Preliminary Final Amended or Changed Public Hearing Required Received By/Date Checked By Name ofproject: The Overlook Project Address: Northwext comer of Hazel Dell Parkway and 131 st Street ~ {::"Y "n" \~. .. \ 1j.:)'f'j~ . \ f\ .... c... (e..;: '\J'JC:J Legal Description: (To be type\vritten 011 separate sheet and attached) Name of Applicant: GB Hazel Dell Property. LLC Address: 600 East 96lh Street Suite 150, Indianapolis, IN 46240 Contact Person: Thomas Crowley Telephone: (317) 574-7320 Name of Landowner: American Partners. LP Phone: (208) 395-6200 Address: cIo Albertson's, IDe.. 250 Parkcenter Boulevard. P.O. Box 20, Boise, ID 83726 Plot Size: 183 acres Zoning Classification: B-3 District Present Use of Property: Vacarit land Proposed Use of Property: Uses permitted by applicable commitments and zoning classification NOTE: this application must be filed in duplicate and accompanied by: (a) two (2) cDpies of the development plan which the applicant will be responsible fDr distribution among TAC members; (b) all neccssary supporting materials. The undersigned agrees that any constmction, reconstruction, enlargement, relocation or alteration of structure, or any change in the use of land or structures requested by this application will comply with, and conform to, all applicable laws of the State ofIndiana, and the Zoning Ordinance of Carmel, Indiana - 1980, adopted under the authority of Acts of 1979, Public Law 178 Sec 1~' seq". General Assemblyofthe7State of Indiana, and all Acts amendatory thereto. / GB ~~~l pq.', LLC ~ Thomas Crowley State of Indiana ) ) SS: County of Marion ) Before me the undersigned, a Notary Public for Marion County, State of Indiana, personally appeared Thomas Crowley on behalf of GB Hazel Dell Property, LLC and acknowledged the execution fur the foregoing instrument this 20th day of December, 2002. My Commission Expires: 5~/FdrJOg County of Residence: !/l/ll-/tJ,J u u EXHIBIT" A" Le2al Description Part of the Northeast Quarter of Section Twenty-Eight in Township Eighteen NOlih, Range Four East in Hamilton County, Indiana, described as follows: Commencing at the Southeast comer of said Northeast Quarter; thence North 89 degrees 35 minutes 24 seconds West (assumed bearing) along the South line of said Northeast Quarter Section a distance of 325.00 feet; thence North 00 degrees 20 :ininutes 43 seconds East, parallel with the East line of said Northeast Quarter, a distance of 45.00 feet to the point of beginning; thence continuing North 00 degrees 20 minutes 43 seconds East, parallel with said East line, a distance of 285.00 feet; thence South 89 degrees 35 minutes 24 seconds East, parallel with said South Line, a distance of 265.00 feet; thence South 00 degrees 20 minutes 43 seconds West parallel with said East Line, a distance of 227.93 feet; thence South 46 degrees 50 minutes 54 seconds West, a distance of 82.82 feet; thence North 89 degrees 35 minutes 24 seconds West, parallel with said South Line, a distance of 204.92 feet to the BEGINNING POINT, containing 1.694 acres, more or less. Together with non~exc1usive easements for ingress, egress and utilities as set forth in Declaration of Restrictions and Easements dated September 5 J 2000, and recorded September 7, 2000, as Instrument Number 200000044612. H:'Janet\Gershman\131" & Hazel Del1\Legal Description 1.694 acres.doc . r:' ;0 " . . u u Date DOCKET NO.: APPLICATION for ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN, LIGHTING. and SIGNAGE FEE: $700.00 (Plus $35.00 per acre when NOT accompanied by a Development Plan) Name of Project: The Overlook Address: North,vest comer of Hazel Dell Parkway and 131 st Street Type of Project: The Overlook Applicant: GB Hazel Dell Propertv, LLC Contact Person: Thomas Crowley Telephone: (317) 574-7320 Address: 600 East 96th Street, Suite 150, Indianapolis, IN 46240 Legal Description: To be typewritten on a separate sheet. Area ( in acres) 1.694 Zoning B-3 Owner of Real Estate: American Partners, LP A /?f'r>/J!IFD /.J DOCS Carmel: Yes Clay Township: Yes Annexation: ALready Annexed Other Approvals Needed: Development Plan Approval and Developmental Standards Variances PARKING No. of Spaces Provided: 62 No. Spaces Required: 49 DESIGN INFORMATION Type of Building: Single story, pitch roof No, of Buildings: .-L Square Footage: 12,677 Height: 2 No. of Stories: 1 Exterior Materials: Limestone, Brick, EIFS, glass, black aluminum frames, shin,gles Color: 25 Maximum No. of Tenants -2. Type of Uses: As permitted by applicable commitments and zoning classification Water by: Carolel Sewer By: Cannel s:\forms\adls.app Revised 1117/00 .~ u u ~ ..- LIGHTING Type of Fixture: Ornamental Height of Fixture: 16', exclusive of base No. of Fixtutes: 7 pole lights and 12 goose-neck, wall-mounted accent fixtures Additional Lighting: 1 wall pac in screened dumpster area * Plans to be submitted showingfoot candle spread at property lines, per Ordinance. SIGNAGE No. of Signs: As permitted by Sign Ordinance Type of Signs: As permitted bv Sign Ordinance Location(s): As pennitted by Sign Ordinance Dimensions of each sign: As permitted by Sign Ordinance Total Height of each sign: As permitted by Si gn Ordinance LANDSCAPING * Plans to be submitted showing plans types, sizes, and locations. ****************************************************************************** The undersigned agrees that any construction, reconstruction, enlargement, relocation or alteration of structure, or any change in the use of land or structures requested by this application will comply with, and conform to, all applicable laws of the State of Indiana, and the Zoning Ordinance of Cam1el, Indiana - 1980, adopted under the authority of Acts of 1979, Public Law 178 Sec. 1, et. seq. General Assembly of the State ofIndiana, and all Acts amendatory thereto. I, the undersigned, to the best of my knowledge and belief, submit the above information as true and correct. ...~ GB Ha~d.l-ry~L~ / . / B: .. u ~ u ****************************************************************************** State of Indiana ) ) SS: County of Marion ) Before me the undersigned, a Notary Public for Marion County, State of Indiana, personally appeared Charles D. Frankenberger and acknowledged the execution for the foregoing instrument this 20th day of December, 2002. My Commission Expires: -S-/1-,200% County of Residence: /11 /Jill oil-I s:\forrns\adls.app Revised 11/7/00 . (6126- u u EXHIBIT" N' Le2al Description Part of the Nor1heast Quarter of Section Twenty-Eight in Township Eighteen North, Range Four East in Hamilton County, Indiana, described as follows: Commencing at the Southeast comer of said Northeast QUaI1er; thence North 89 degrees 35 minutes 24 seconds West (assumed bearing) along the South line of said Northeast Quarter Section a distance of 325.00 feet; thence North 00 degrees 20 minutes 43 seconds East, parallel with the East line of said Northeast Quarter, a distance of 45.00 feet to the point of beginning; thence continuing North 00 degrees 20 minutes 43 seconds East, parallel with said East line, a distance of 285.00 feet; thence South 89 degrees 35 minutes 24 seconds East, parallel with said South Line, a distance of 265.00 feet; thence South 00 degrees 20 minutes 43 seconds West parallel with said East Line, a distance of 227.93 feet; thence South 46 degrees 50 minutes 54 seconds West, a distance of 82.82 feet; thence North 89 degrees 35 minutes 24 seconds West, parallel with said South Line, a distance 0[204.92 feet to the BEGINNING POINT, containing 1.694 acres, more or less. Together with non-exclusive easements for ingress, egress and utilities as set forth in Declaration of Restrictions and Easements dated September 5, 2000, and recorded September 7,2000, as Instrument Number 200000044612. H:lJanet\Gershmal1\13\" & Hazd Del1\Legal Description 1.694 acres.doc u NELSON & FRANKENBERGER ,A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION ATTORNEYS.AT,LAW u JAMES J. NELSON CHARLES D, FRANKENBERGER ,JAMES E. SlllNAVER LAWRENCE J. KEMPER ,JOHN'B; }'LAIT 'FREDRIC LAWRENCE ~ -- .- of counsel JANE B.'MERRILL 3021 EAST. 98mSTREET SUITE 220 INDIANAPOLIS, INIlIAliA 46280 317-844-0106 FAX: 317-846.8782 De'fember 20, 2002:: VIA HAND DELIVERY Jon Dobosiewic.L.: , City of Camel Department of Community Development One Civ.:ic Square Carmel, IN 46032 ,. J' , ~.~~:~~ 1:Y~'l~' 0<;~~ rfS '\'}.\~ ~~" \:..... " , " , . " RE: GBHazel Dell Property, LLC/The OverloQk Development Plap Application ;lnd ADLS Application Dear JOh: Enclosed please (ind olJe (1) original a.,nd one (1) GOpy of both a Development Plan AppJicationand all Ants Application for the above referenced matteF.T have also enclosed two (2) sets of the relevant plans'" elevations. and drawings for this matter. Please contact me should you have any questions. Very truly Yours~ NELSON &FRANK-eNBERGER {!~ Charles D. Frankenberger CDFllqt Enclosure H:IKELL YICHARLlEIOVERLOOKIDOBOSIEWIC;Z l':TR 122002,DOC. _ .41 ~ :orm P...~,lb.d bySI'lIe Boc.rd of A~counlB BOY"~ By.t..",.. M\lnole. In w IJENERAL FORM NO, ~'152. (HE"'. !'iHnl RECEIPT DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES ,~~(~J N~ 2527 FUND /1 _ ~7 0-- . '", CARMEL IN.. 17 .."7' (l 2d.) ,''J RECEIVED FROM .x!Ji~ ?a"j.!Ld:zLt>41ifl~ LLC ~,/t:;f !> (/ (/ THE SUM OF .J=-; ,/-<1'--- ~=-O"01:t:.-AHS-'-"~ ,.J' r.A ~~. '1;' :::w ON ACCOUNT OF S 7!i2!i .~ '?'.-<!'U~ bF PAYMENT TYPE '" AMOU~T ,(~:;;{( ~l.t!fljj~ / ;'c" /;i, 'l ~~ CASH CH K ft/I.:=> M.O. C~e:~~ I OTHER AWTHO~ilD SIG~" UR~ ~F.T e.c. 8.C. . V ~ i.,.~ $ {)(J.::~V ! I ~IGN ADDRESS -_H'_~_, . .~_.._. .._.,..... -/- ~~~;;.~;~:~~~JlN~ ~!hTPK-&d~;:NA " .. . -~-V" SIGN PeRMlT , CA TlON d s- 3 ?-t:~3 ~ '; ~ IE R&:P.IV~D: ---...:.... "__._. .~~::--.-_ PEMUr NUMBER: _._.. ______._. ' 6: D. [<4,-,-,- Dew.. 4:1"'-7' L. c c.. , ' ~ I><!E elf' fit; SlNESS -"':~_.'~~",-~~ .~"., 'r<> L '4~",-"",-"'!7C_ ____ P/{ONl':(~-'_:J.o>. 7 Dt ~ ~ .. '.~IIJREsS; .c:.s=:.....::-. .'1 f._.~!?_~._,,__ CITY / "'S'~;:c, ___. '__ STAT"-: _ !l:l._ZIt. .1~=40 ':XOPE,R"lY OWNER ~________~~~~ A.. A~'i:)\lc PHONE: . --,---- _.-....~-- ---.-... .._--~----_. .... . . ;ODRl!.~S: .. ..------,..-..--.~_. _. __~ CITY, ______. ,S<' A 1'1;: -_"..JI~:.. ,_ ". :'CONlNG DISTRICT: .-:J?:~_.__ o VERLA Y ZON13: 31_.._ 421 _ 431__ OLD lDWN: YES__..@_,._ RI)QlIJI{ED APPROV AI.$: ?I,u C00l1lO"'o. Dock" # __~____ IlZA Docket #_______.___ _._ DOCS 0nlL.._ 1\ AN lMPll.OVEMENT LOCA nON PERMiT REQUIl(J;D FOR Tilt! BU1LDINGITEN/I.NT SPAtH? _. _'_'_... ..__.. ~F YES, STATE PBRMIT NUMBER rSSUCD __'_""__ 'lGN1'YPE-ei.rcle O"e; . WAU ~ ROoP Pll.OIECTlNG SUSPENDED PORCH WlNJ>OW OTH}.. '0. 01' Sr:D~~ - J!!.t.SIGN ST A 1lJS.ein:k '?P,rop,.,t, ,e'po",e(,), NEW, ~" EXiSTING . ~ERMANEN1' ~0 NF.J!ALL SIGN Hll1Gltr FROM GROU:>m: 2t t.. =_ Fr. OVllRALL SlGN DIMENSIONS: --E.. 0',-_,;-,,1'. x.. '~'i'o' or At- SIGN ARk:A: llequ,.<ci '"'' ,-~;,____ SQ,Fl'. !"?","'ble _..::l:-2'~_ SQ. JoT. COW&S: ~'--~.:"~, ~". . / 0 J -! ~l2." UlLOING OR TENANT SPACE PRONl'AGE DIMF.NSION, 140'- ilA""-1<~FT. BUIl1>I:'-lG TYPE: -...0_---. _'__ ..____~_,.._. __.... __... ' ;TllACK OF SIGN A{OM N1:MESl' RtG!:rT.OF.;W A Y: t2 {) ,- ------ ....------~-.--_..- .,.- --.. _u_.______.._.~, JGO DIMeNSIONS: <J;I,," '" 2 ~ " , LOG(J IS +.74- PERCENT OF SIGt! ,'JI.i ..~._--_._..__._- '-- -- - - ~.F. THERE ANy EXrSTfNG S,LONS ON THIS, SITE! {F..n:S.lD.'I'LI,IN_ ,A,!o', 1O~"",,_~ S'''''-~__~~._,,_. ' """"''' ~e:..oc" """"- . . -..- ....--.---- -'-'-'-~.._- ---- -.~--- ---------.-. '-.. .......'.....-.--..... , )PPING tEN') E/{ OR COMPlEX NAM~ THE. 0 VE,eJ.oo K ~l(nFY THAT A PIC'ru~;~1fl9 SIGN WILL :~~:~~;r:~.~~-;:~;~~.~~;:__----- ----. COMMUl\ITY SERVICES WlTIllN ONE (1) WEEK APTER lllUlCTIDN OF TIlE SIGN. -OR-- I WOULD PREF'!!R A 190.00 INSPECTION PEE BE ADDED TO TIlE COST OF'mlS PeRMJT 1'0 COVEl< -- THE COS.,. OFTIiB STAPP OP TliE DEPAIn-lolENT OF COM1I{{JNlTY SERVICES TAKING nus PICTURF 2. (Q.tlli}; 01' THl'FOUOWING bOCt1MENT AT/ON ARE REQUiRED FOR TIlE REVIEW OF rIDS Sl(, \1lT: . .. COMr..tETED APPL!CA TI0N · SITE j'LAN (del'ie';.g .11 d,""",o",. '<<b,,*, and P,opo,Cd $ign IDC'tion) · SIGN IlLEV A 1'1 ONS (d.piCfj~e aU d'neIlSion,. copy 5Jld COlor) · BlJIlJ)lNG OR 'reNANT SpAC.E e/'liVATION (depu,tiDg l""",g, dim""""", ,orl prOp"'ed aign loc"ion) · l.ANDSCAPE PLAN I lUq uin!d fur groUnd 'ig.. (d,pieting lbe rl,,,, ing, man". heigh" lhd noJ'per) >/I See Samples Attached PERMrr PERS: rr APf>1.1CA1'lON ., ,-,..., .... ....... $35,00 lREetrON ................. ........ '.. $28.00 PEl!. SIGN FACE PLUS $1.$0 P Ell. SQt! A1m 1'00'" OVER. 32 SQUARE FE}~i CEM~NT OF SIG~" FACE IN AN EXIS11NG CABlNET-$28.QO PLUS 11..50 PER. SQUAAE FOOT OYER :;2 SQUARE l'FI' ' I'/"'''nl;~.. A.l .... . .... ....... ...... k.'I, (.......'c...V .;12M2 ,emellels)' Sign '~'rA1.iI AppHCJl.ric)n u u l' . [i~: Page 2) ':lIE UNDllRSIGNED CER1 J1>lES TllA T TIlE FORp.r.olNG SIGNA 1'l!llEs, S1 II TEMtl/1S AND ANSWhllS llER~.lN COllrCA1N;.. !, NO 'I1lr; INI'ORMA. 'l1lJN 1fP.lU!\VI1'11 SlIBMITrED AlU! IN ALL lU;SPECl'S TaUE AND CORRECT, AND THIS SIGN Wll BE l'llEcrED AND MAIl'ITAlN);p IN ACCOl1DANal wrrn ALL AI'PLlCl..8LE LAWS OF 1'1fP. STA'CE OF INDIANA, AND 111' · ;ONIlro ORDlNANCll QPCAll.MllUCLA'II TOWNSHIP, lM>IANA AND ALL ACTS AMENDAtORY TJllllU!l'O, AND SnAt. (ll! Ell oct'!'-\) Wlnrll'< S[X (6) MONTl!S or TIm DATE OF ISSUANCE OR 1IDS PBllMlT 15 NULL AND YOlO. PI!R1HllR, TIlE UNt>ERSlONl;o CffilUPlED BY SIONlNG THIS APPl.JCATlON THAT AlL REPRESENCATIVES 01' Th' j.)tI'A'~U'MEN'r OF COMM(lNlTY SERVICES ARE ADVISORY. . BUSINESS OWNER'S AND PROPERTY OWNER'S SIGNATURE G. B. Hazel Dell Property, LLC, an Indiana limited liability company By: SIO>; COMPANY: _.~ W~__~"'-V _.__ CONT AtT PBRSON ::g.,vC!;>_ ..l::'~~e&... PlION.IJ.(:lJ."?)?:>1'8> .\ODRESS:_5 ~Eft.2-~f1""'Oe._ J:~,=: _ CITY: . /lVOfJ..'!'~_.:__ STAll>: .fr:... 21~::t 4.:2.." & !TiE FOLLOWING ITEM.!< AlUl CONCBRNS BY STAfF OR fRlOR. COM'MITMENr9 TIJAT MUst liB ADHEIlliD TO A.'> CONDffiON OF TH./! ISSUANCE Of Tills FBRMlT (pLEASE INITIAL EACH ITEM INDNIDtJAl.r. Y): ') X . l. ....___-........._ _.... ;.) x........~.~__._. J) "__.. ~ ..___ I.J> x_~_..__ ~ j) x....__...._ , SIGN Fl3RMIT APPUCATlON $ --....~,;:(..,_':: -. .-- ----~--.._-~.._- - .--..--...-. ,2? ~ . S ___..........___.. _. __ _________ SlGN ERECTION, Improvement Perw.i( rNsPECTION FEE (RequiJ'r.:d if photography not provided) $90.00 OR Photo wiU be provided $ ~ b l)..:. ....... rOTMI'EB '_._ ,...,-. ..... __. .__......_..,.... l'EllMrr ISSUED 9Y:_. __._ _._____ FEE RECElYED BY: (~~_~.. '.' ; ,-:'~!~_:':~.":~::~-'--'--,'~_:,:-.' 'l-r"~ : i ,v. i: PAID SirAMt':.. :'" ., .1__ ~ . 11 EtEASED ST AMI': : ... . 2003 : FEB 2, c.. 1 ~ Ct..c::,,_.....oc-;;c. ...1