HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication u u Tingley, Connie S From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Dobosiewicz, Jon C Monday, February 17,20036:31 PM Tingley, Connie S Lillig, Laurence M; Hollibaugh, Mike P; Brewer, Scott I Docket Number Assignment (ADLS Amend) - 5/3 Bank (99 East Carmel Drive) Connie, Please print and fax this e-mail to the petitioner identified below and update the file. I have issued the necessary Docket Number for 5/3 Bank (ADLS Amend). It will be the follo\ving: 35-03 ADLS Amend $364 Total Fee: $364 Docket No. 35-03 ADLS Amend; 5/3 Bank (99 East Carmel Drive) Petitioner seeks amended Architectural Design, Lighting, Landscaping & Signage approval for a wall sign.. The site is located at 99 East Carmel Drive. The site is zoned B-8/Business. Filed by Greg Cunningham of Premier Sign Group for 5/3 Bank. Please note the following: . This Item will not appear before the Technical Advisory Committee. . This is not a public hearing item and therefore will not require mailed or published notice in the newspaper. . Ten (l0) Informational Packets mllst be delivered to Plan Commission Secretary Ramona Hancock no later thannool1, Friday, February 21,2003. . This Item will appear on the March 4, 2003 agenda of the Special Studies Committee. Please contact Greg Cunningham at 613-4411 (Fax:?/3 - '111.2 ) with this information. Once the file is updated (copy of fax filed and file labeled on cover and internal files) please return the it to my office. ~ ;-;[--03 (J 1:tlf)~. c;r Thanks, Jon 1 u ,U One Civic Square Carmel, IN 4E032 (317) 571-2417 Fal<: (317) 571~242S :: ~-;;7~ Phone: tR} ~ -/ftf I / From: ~:7~~-< Pages: Date: .;2 -/ f-() "3 Re: cc: o Urgent o For" Review D P.lease Comment 0 Please Reply o Please Recycle J4~~~r: J~~~ \ .. u u Or ~ Date DOCKET NO. Application for Architectural Design., Lighting and Signage Name of Project: ADLS AMENDMENT Fee $364.00 F. ~ -\- L \ ""If j .~ A __ L / / ,-~;"'--~ ,-~~!>:-. ~ RECFlVED FEB 11 2003 DOCS Address: C\'t f.:....\- L,""""o../ D,1.v,{ Type of (\ ,< '. Project: L'{~\.r..<.\_') >:1....."'.,\."'') ~1'S;_"'"\-L Applicant: ~{<.ry,:, f ( ~ :.....-. Lor hr. l- (\(. Phone No. v,\''1~11 Contact Person: G f ..Q'1 C l.d\ v.. . '", ,l i\......... Fax No. U 1"\- Ll,"" "\.- Address: ,1,;/ b t; t; )..",,1 <J r .{ ~ t Phone No. u \~, '1"tl' Legal Description: To be typewritten on a separate sheet Area (in acres) Zoning Owner of Real Estate: W': ll. ~~ ') R.<.... \ -l Y ~ I C l.I P Clay Township: Annexation: Y or N Carmel: Other Approvals Needed: Parking No. of Spaces Provided: No. Spaces Required: Desi2D Information Type. of Building: No. of Buildings: Height: No. of Stories Square Footage: Exterior Materials: Colors: Maximum No. of Tenants: Type of Uses: Water by: Sewer by: 1 u u LIGHTING Type of Fixture: Height of Fixture: No. of Fixtures: Additional Lighting: * Plans to be submitted showing Footcandle spreads at property lines per the ordinance. SIGNAGE No. of Signs: Type of Signs: Location(s): <i~ (..&.,,\- L~,...."d Dr \ \ \ lA\'I"'! "i "\~'l\ Dimensions of each sign: - \ ",f- 1 Square Footage of each sign: '1~. ~<b lJ\"\... \\ Total Height of each sign: ..-, LANDSCAPING * Plans to be subn'litted showing plant t)pes, sizes, and locations * ***** * * * * * * *** **** * * * * * * ** **** ***** * * * ** ** * I the undersigned~ to the best of my knowledge and bebef, submit the above information as true and correct. Signature of Applicant: Title: Date: (Print) * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * State of Indiana, ss: County of Before me the undersigned, a Notary Public for State of Indiana, personally appeared execution of the foregoing instrument this day of My Commission Expires: Notary Public County, and acknowledged the ,20 2 SIGNAGE 1 SCALE: 118"=1' ~- \' \''''~ 1 / ~. t rl 1 g REcnVED ;Im .",.. ~ m I F iff h ;hi rd Bank " ~~ JMI D~C~:fth Third Bank /' .'- / 14.39sq.ft.(logo size: 41.25"hx50.22"w = 18% sign area) 79.88 sq. ft.- D.. /' .-......- / ...... ~~ ------." Location: if 'UC Sheet ~\~ Customer: V 'Fifth Third Bank 106'~6" --'--- .'--'~...~. --.r~--'~""""~~....o<r:"", . ...-.-=___"--_ ,,~".-.: ----- -1'fjlFifth Third Bank Account Executive: Greg Cunningham Date: 01/20/03 NEW SIGN SCALE: 1116"=1' . /' 0... /.......... ~J~~ ----.. 45.34sq. ft. - ~',l .............'.-w- -~-~~::ISIP.',.,.. ,. ~,..~............ - -0- l:JJ This drowlng wos crested to assist YOJ In vialJBHztng our proposal. The o~glnol Id.. herein Is tho propoorly 01 Premier Sign Group. F'9rmfsslOl1 to copy or revise Ih It d rowlng ca n only be obtolned through wrlnen agreement with Preml.r Sign Group ~...., C :2rX'rAU~I'fS~(rI'.t;) ILLUMINATED SIGN: HALO-LIT CHANNEL LETfERS REfER TO 5/3RD MANUAL fOR SPECS (REfERENCE SIGN CODE: WLB72H) QTYl EXISTING SIGN SCALE: 1116"=1' 99 E CARMEL DRIVE 1 ~Jign_. 740 EAST 152ND STReeT INDlANAPOUS. IN. 46205 3'17.6131_11 31176131441. It'Dx X APPROVED BY I FlI F. ,....l'~F. DATE SIGNAGE 1 SCALE: 114"=1' "t') 23.-3" l\ )f 'l-; 411/4" III Fifth Third BanI< / t , 14.39sq.ft.(logo size: 41.25"hx50.22"w ILLUMINATED SIGN: HALO-LIT CHANNEL LElTERS REFER TO 5/3RD MANUAL FOR SPECS (REFERENCE SIGN CODE: WLB72H) QTYl X APPROVED BY DAlE I ~r' ~ 1"....1""':. 99 E CARMEL DRIVE 1 b ,~ f 1~-~ J:=~ - t<) m Fifth Third Bank LL)(:n1ion: :3, h:Jr: ~jhH~t Gu:..1om,=r: Fifth Third 8:)nk ,'),,-:t'OIl1lt r;xe,~llli\I'): Grafl (;lllll1in~::JhQllI U:.\te: 02/13/0:; Cc -- lO $: ~ N N 18010 sign area) ihla dr.wlng W8S crested 10 ...Iot you In visualizing OU' ~ropocal. Th<> originAl Id.... herein's the ~ropo11y 01 nr<>mi<>, Sign G,ou~. Pennlasion 10 copy or revJ.. 'hi. drawing ean only be obtained through written agreement Wllh PremIer Sign Group r.C"oP.'rN'J-I' 0 ~~n "'-L .......fl! f.UI "r.l.:I B~Jigp_. 740 EAST 52ND STREET INDlANAPOUS, IN. 46200 ..17,&131_'n ..17.&1344111 'f'8x WHITE BACKGROUND CABINET I NON-ILLUMINATED: . While portion of logo to be;;l fabricated obinet with .100 <lluminur:1 fdce, · cahlnet to be pilinted W'fandottc FI1'th Third Bank White #1Af-'R-0210G. · Sign to he mOlJntfld to exterior wall WI n.b'ilCk"f!tS '--.----1 JQD~ Fifth Third Bank LOOO SHIELD CABINET I BACIC-LIT & FACE-LIT: · Logo shield to be fabr iC<lted alumln Jm C'dbinet · Outside or rnhlnet to be p.:jlnte::l Wjlandolte Fifth Tlllrd Bank Blue-Black #8'\HU-33714. · I.'lslde of cabinet to be painted MAP White. - Back to be .1875- thick clear ~fl, Subsurface 3M Scotchcal Diffuser #3633-70 may be required to soften edge around perimeter of shield. · (S~, (/I & l3i to be routed out and p\;shed thru with .375- thick clear plex. Plex to have surface appl1OO3M Scotchcal White #3632.20 ltranslucent) & 3M SOOtchcal Red #3632-33 (translucent). · ShIeld to be back-lit and face-lit with white neon. · WL829H: 60ma remote transformers, location to be determined. · WlB49H, WlB72H' 60ma Internal transformers. · logo shield to be mounted to white background cabinet with '1,50' st.and-off!'>, Shield tn be C8ntef'fld in white background, NOTE Stro<e width trv eilch set of letters i,; mMlfi1-rJ ff~)IJI QriSlill31 arcwor!r;:o ilcc;)rnrnodate 'leon. ADDITIONAL SPEClFK:ATIONS: · Ul approval required. · Disconnect switch location to be determined. · Ek'Ctrical exit locations to be detP.rmined. STRIPE DETAIL NOT TO SCALE BACK-LIT LEnERS: - "Fifth Third BanJc' copy to be fc.lbrlc3ted aluminum back-lit letters. · Outside of letters to be painted Wyandotte Firth Third Bank: Blue-Rlaci< #8AHU-33714. -Inside to be painted MAP White. -Back to be .1375' thick clearlexan. 3M Scotchcal Diffuser #3635-70 may be requIred to soften edge aroul1d perimeter of letters. - Internal Uluminatior. with white nsot) as required. · W1.829H: SOma remote transformers. location to be de-cermlned. · WLB49H, WlB72H: GOma int.emal transformers. · l.p.tt.ers to be mOU:'lted to Willi WI 1,50" st<lndoffs. tJrake formeo ..-- ~lT':'~' 7. ".:"':-J---"il :ex.ln fa,:e ;[u U I i") neon j~;~~~num~i _._~.1 :;;.:__ FACE.LIT RULE LINE: · Rule lirleto be brake formed aluminum. · Out!;ide of cabinet to be painted Wyandotte Fifth Third Bank Red #~AHU-33709. .1~15!de to be Pi1[llted MAP White. - Face to be .1875' thick clear brake formed ;exan wI surface applied 3M Scotcl1cal Red 13632.33 (tr3nslucentl and subsurface appFed 3M ScotcJ-:c:l1 Diffuser 1#3635-70. · Intel nal iIIuminal:\Ol' of with red nwn as required, - WLB29H: 60ma remote transformers. location to be determined. · WlB49H, WlB72H: 60ma Internal transformers. · WLB29H: Ru'e line to be mounted flush to wall. - WLB49H, Vvl872H: Rule line to b~ mounted to wall wi 1.50' stand-offs. w~'JlTetters - Back-Ilt HorIzontal. Specifications . Wllhams Realty Group . CommeccI21 Real Estate Se...ices . December 9,2002 Mr Greg Cunningham Premier Sign. 740 East 52nd Street Indianapolis, IN 46205 . Dear Greg: Premier Sign Company, Inc. has permission from Williams Realty Group to install a canopy sign on the fa~ade of 99 East Carmel Drive located 99 East Carmel Drive, in Carmel, Indiana for Fifth Third Bank. I am enclosing a Legal Description along with the 99 East Carmel Drive Tenant Sign Requirements and Site Plan. Please feel free to call should you have any questions. Sincerely, I ;/"0 ~ ~v'1'/. ~uL-d Kathy R. Darnell Commercial Property Manager -. 9830 Bauer Drive Indianapolis. IN 46280 PHONE: 317.574.5480 FAX: 317.829.2052 WEBSITE: wr-group.com <~, . EMPLOYE' PARKINGOJ ~ II CUSTOI.IE,~ PARKING W U () 11\: !~III'~ ! 11l.I1J:Ct~":':,~' i ,; ':'\ '---rc--....~~ 0 BANK ~ (; . co. i ==0 ORIV=.' UP ;- -;~O .'0 !, lun I I ! I I i I Fifth ~ "~'l:'" '1"~U'f'ItQ' Th I rtl 1--l}J I I I i I I I I .:1 CUSTOMER 0 B" k .\ ~E PARI K;N~ I '1 ~ I V f\c.11tN.'T L" 1!:1ItU.,'.tO' " 9. nO! I 1 ! I I I l,Wl- V ! i.' 1 i : I ["I "'. j TP:lo..~t."I''tdr L:L T- I I I .,. I I 1 n;j. I CUSTOMER 0 .~!h PARKING i:) "':11 ';:I D': CI~ !EAST ,. .. . EXISTING DRJVE o o ~:-'\! '"'0 ~'Izr . 3 ~ 9 EAST CARMEL DRIVE ' . . ~~ARKING DEVELOPMENT"PLAN -~l --~ --- ..~..--.. ~ . ------ I .~ L' o c:) (} Ifr~ Existing Building II EXISTING PARK1NG :eXISTING PARKING EXISTING PARKING : Ore- I. rr'1 X :J: ...... CD ....... -I co 00 DO I I I i'.l.i'lI(INQ : air.\. j ll\IlllCll 0' S'-leu .u~U'AtJ ~ I ".Ll:t Pelt ~Q s; c, ~ulL""a ~~ u i. I \I VJ~U 1IWU.\. 0' Sl'o;U r.I:YlbC,J ~' 'lUJtI)IC...',lJeU tr.l'I~'} . I H...."cAlla (SI.,IO'r .~ I lOr.a.t...U db q Q EXISTING DRIVe N e I -~ A Eaton & Lauth l:m burKort ossociates EXHIBIT A 99 EAST CARMEL DRIVE LEGAL DESCRIPTION Part of the Southwest Quarter of Section 31, Township 18 North, Range 4 East in Hamilton County, Indiana, being more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the southwest comer of said quarter section; thence North 01 degrees 04 minutes 45 seconds West along the west line thereof a distance of 1752.81 feet to a point on the centerline of Cannel Drive; thence North 89 degrees 55 minutes 00 seconds East along said centerline a distance of 290.00 feet to a railroad spike at the Point of Beginning; thence South 01 degrees 04 minutes 45 seconds East parallel with the west line of said quarter section a distance of 348.55 feet to a 5/8 inch rebar with yellow cap marked .Schneider Engr. COfll."; thence North 89 degrees 55 minutes 00 seconds East parallel with the centerline of said C~el Drive a distance of 200.99 feet to a 5/8 inch n:bar with yellow cap marked .Schneider Engr. Corp."; thence North 00 degrees 24 minutes 05 seconds East a distance of 348.51 feet to a railroad spike on the centerline of Cannel Drive' thence South 89 degrees 55 minutes 00 seconds Wr;;st. along said cr.:ntr:rline a distance of 210.00 feet to the Point of Beginning. Containing 1.664 acres, more or less. INmAL .-+r~ I SIGN CHART (a) Non-Freeway: SINGLE TENANT & MULTI-TENANT BUILDINGS (Ground Floor & Multi-Level) Distance of Sign from Street Right-of-Way Building Q'ninimum of Frontage :Maximum Maximum Height 5 feet) (Tenant Unit) Sign Area of Ground Sign 5 - 50 feet under 50 feet 30 sq. ft. 6 feet 51 - 100 feet 45 sq. ft. 6 feet 101 - 150 feet 60 sq. ft~ 6 feet - 151 - 300 feet 75 sq. ft. 6 feet 51-100 'feet under 50 feet 35 sq. ft. 6 feet 51 -100 feet 60 sq. ft. 6 feet - 10.1 - 150 feet '80 sq. ft. 6 feet 1:51 -300 feet 95 sq. ft. 6 feet 101 - 300 feet under 50 feet 40 sq. ft. 6 feet 51 - 100 feet 75 sq. ft. 6 feet 101 - 150 feet 90 sq. ft. 6 feet 151 - 300 feet 105 sq. ft. 6 feet over 300 feet under 50 feet 50 sq. ft. 7 feet 50.. 100 feet 90 sq. ft. 7 feet 101 - 100 feet 100 sq. ft. 7 feet 151 - 300 feet 115 sq. ft. 7 feet 300 + feet 150 sq. ft. 7 feet 35 Dobosiewicz, Jon C (j u From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: These were received today: Hurrle Orthopaedic 3830 W 96th SI Fifth Third Bank 99 E Carmel Dr Windows & Siding 431 S Range Line Tingley, Connie S Monday, February 17, 2003 3:42 PM Dobosiewicz, Jon C; Lillig, Laurence M; Hollibaugh, Mike P; Brewer, Scott I; Pattyn, Dawn E Morrissey, Phyllis G new submittals ADLS Amend Premier Sign Group Jim Leahy 613-4411 ADLSAmend Premier Sign Group Jim Leahy 613-4411 DSV (3) Dave Cremeans 705-0200 I have placed Ihem on the appropriate shelves behind the reception area. ct 1 ....,_\~ ~~t,.;) ~~w.~