HomeMy WebLinkAboutCorrespondence - -""" ... \oJ \oJ 0: ... III ~ f9!3/LOO1 0.00 w ~ z ~~ ""ojecl: AI Projecl. I.l>Wt GrId ....1.... Lurntnoir. Schedule ... > ~ Project: AI Projecls Symbol I.oboI ....ro___l l_.. llJ" Oosct;pliOft ... ... " U ~ 0: '8200 0.6<&0 Cotdc. co.co CR2O-3Xl-~-HS 20' om C( l.WP lNR25O/C/U HOAr (COO.TtO lAMP) .8200 0.6<&0 Cotdco co.c. CR2O-JXl-2!lOOal-HS '2' om C( l.WP IMI~/C/U HORZ (Co.o.TED l.WP) Cotdco Dni9M< eonop,. 220-1'- 'OOUH 8500 0.690 Co<dc. roc;o PIal. I5OOC-D-'lXJUH 14.S'MG C( lAI.IP WXRlOO/C/U/I€D/O (co.o.rED lAMP) 8500 0.690 Go""'. .......,Of'Oy "'S-Hfl.-IQOWH 0' MG 7f1 C( l.WP IIllRlOO/C/uII€OIO (co.o.rEO l.WP) " 0: <C Q. SINCl[ SINCl[ SINCl[ SINCl[ P()ltIl SOUIICE COMPuTArlOOlS NlO QooCIlMI PIl()vIO(O 8'1': sPEC' C()llP()IIATION. 8nl IlO(HNloI(; lANE. '..0....."0....5. _ .62'9. o '0.0 b.O '0.0 o'oobo'oo o 'b.o b.o 'b.o o '0.0 b.o 'b.o o b.o bo b.o .0 b.o b.o b.o .0 b.o b.o '0.0 ~(l~ ..{J/'l '.. ..J V(/> ~~ ~..)r.Y~ I 1/16".1'-0" ~ O' S' ,$' 2$' [pJtQl~INl'il ~lQ)I]JJIRl~~ ~~'iI~ U@IXI'i1~INl@ [pJ1Lffil~ 50' M6 M~~1l( ~W~~~~NJ ~S$OCI~l~$ i~(f;. ARCHITECTURE 1001:01 lNliO~'f1H I?AAIl( ~'(4~~Qj~ 1~~!~~P[j)Li$, 11NI[Qi!AINI~ .w~@"1 @~<<;l (~r1) ~~1315 ~ INlIEW ~lU~W~~@ lFibJlR MARK SWANSON ASSOCIATES, INC. 55~ ~$T i OO'ill $m~~ ~~[g~~INI~~~l~~. ~INI[>>~~INI~ ~200 ll[VISI()ooS: A h. .1\ ~ & .+. iii. A CloTt: CloTt: 20 _ 200) 0IiM'N 8't: D. L. LDc:....... CH[O([lI IT: ... A _ _0 IT: .....__ PftOJ(Cl .....R: IlISA OIrctl SHEET ...-.: C-6 01: IX o COI'TllICH1 200~ _ s.NSOll ASSOOITtS. IIIC. MARK SWANSON ASSOCIA TES INC. ARCHITECTURE 10610 NORTH PARK AVENUE INDIANAPOLIS INDIANA 46280 317-844-1315 FAX 844-1758 LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL To: Carmel Dept. of Community Services One Civic Square Carmel, Indiana 46032 Date: 05-23-2003 Attention: Jon Dobosiewicz Regarding: MSA Office 45-03 DP/ADLS We are sending you: I~~ttached RECFJVED MAY 02'Cbange Order J iUU.) ~ , OOC~nstructiQh doc. o Under Separate Cover J. o Presentation Dwgs. o Shop Drawings i~, 1- I \,.,,: o Clarification dwg. ~(\\ \~. \. o Samples', / '; . ,(, . . 0 Rep'roc(l,Idbles o Preliminary Plans o Specifications I Copy of Letter o o For approval o For your use I For distribution o Review and Comment o Correct and Resubmit o For your files o Approved as submitted 0 Approved as noted I As Requested o Copies/Sets Number Description 10 copies 5-23-03 follow-up letter to 5-14-03 meeting with Jon Dobosiewicz and Mike Hollibaugh including: Sheet C-4, Site Development Plan with revisions. Sheet L-1, Landscape Plan with revisions. Sheet A-2, Building Elevations with revisions. Sheet A-2, South Sign Elevation. Sheet A-2, East and West Sign Elevations. Remarks: Copies to: Sianed: L/!K!~ ~~.:.~ _ _.n _ : ' - ---~~.~- I - Li. 'I ,: I: I tl'~- -- --- - '. I',' ' " +r:. ~-- , "'I )' - - _._-<"-- - ------ --.",..~-- ---- I ~_.__ -- -~ - - -- -- -- tt~ u . - - - --- _,--:, ,I. ----=- ., '", . .... ~- --if"Z 8 +- ?U:fI~:J"i::.3 5' -;i------ - Ii. - --------11-140-- --- --ii,.l-J/e4h'-f1it!--J-<:lr/'- ~"-, ------- . - ;r;t;f;l- f,:----YJ -UI. ->>"0 ~__n_n n 0#1-'-~'~ r'l/~g-~ - . '>-~ ~~~ q\l - -,--C~ ~- - - --- ~ rrrQ.frJ Q -- n$-i~.5"~:J.'"",,' - -z '~... .. - - . - -. - - - - .-O-----~~"iffJ- s;~~~ iifl --n'-r~"'--- - --- : II :r~~t' - , . ~tt --. ----~ (~~;:;;>r - ~3'(t>'-...:fiV;o.---.rf~ - - -. --.- '1 - --- ~WL''Mw~J''~~ - --.- ~ I ., -"h.T~ -~ ---.- .-.----.' ------ ./ - --t~', _.~ - -.-- #' !:::, u -- -~ - ~(t\ ~4ri" $'pDiPI~ . ~ ~: i " ~-~~ ~"4.~)\if5' ''; -.......- --t --- ell! \ . ' \.:; 0" II i ....1+---~-- - . ~ . " , ; ,:- --;-'8--c- ,. '-:r-,-a.:= .-.", - -,;.. -- -_ - . s--o q'!. 11 0 -.-:;>Q' . ~4.::J G. L:, - -- ~ ~-h __ - ..__ ----___._,7- ~ I; , ~, - ~._- "')1f'IO . , ., " ! II: ~ 111 d<( .-r------. II . IT'.r- " I , I -I~j>:, ' " I : I , r-1h~ I ~. , ~ ' , I I: L I! , ,( , I' P (r l jt il ~ '\ L ! \ I : - < !'" . WQ-;'" ~:S' ~ ~~ -cJ J^-W"", " , I " -Q-';-~-~:WW ~ ~3q IS , 'm_~~' .$'9jf.7':a~r.'g '- '$"""-5QQ. 'I<:}-" tJ - :iJ'II:'~ ~., 0 { ~~~ - ~ S.~: J"?~t'"' W""? J -- -~- - - - ------ - -- --- - - ;! 1'1, ' .h , '(J -",<:i/ - ~ -~~'t -dQ, .. ~" . /' - -- - ----- - - _"~U_'d . ," , ,~.. ~>~'^'7 ~ojA!5 MAY-0S-2003 08:56 FROM:HAMILTON CO HWY DEP 3177769814 U TO:317 571 2426 P.001/001 .U May 5. 2003 HAMILTON COUNTY HIGHWAY DEPAR~IJ-Eli!0 // p (JI~/ / o~ 1) .- /05',~/~ V Mr. Dennis L. Lockwood Mark S'vYi:lnson Associates, Inc. W610 North Park Avenue IndIanapolis, Indiana 46280 RE: ~~~:Q~:n~ldi~g"\, N of 1 06111 S1reet J E of Ruckle Street Clay Township Pear Mr. Lockwood: This letter serves to acl<nowledga ft=lceipt of a transmittal received 4/21/03 Mnt~jning the revised plans for the above-mentioned project.Aftgr reviewing the plans. the Highway Departmen1 has the following commen1s (I have maintaIned the numbering from the March 14, 2003 letter): 1. Per County Ordinance, tne!;llte plans will need to he certified by a licenseQ engineer or land surveyor. This will be required b~fore pennfts fire issued. 2. OK. 3. OK, 4. OK. 5. OK 6. OK. 7. Commerciaf Drive permits will be required for both ontrances. The road cuts and pny other u1i111y worl~ performed Within the rlghl Of way will also Med to be permitted. Please contact Mr. RQbb Chadwell. HIghvvay Permit Inspector, for the necessary forms and information. 8. The dedication of right of way documents will need to be submitted with the permit applfcations. 9. ADA compliant ramps must be instlillletl wfth the asphalt path along 1 oath Street. The path must remain at the back edge of the right of way; the curve in the path must be removed. 10. It appears that all other comments have been satisfactorily addressed. WhAn 1M penn its are appllea for, Items 7, 6 and 9 will be reviewed In the plans submitted with the permIts. If ~ou have any COmr'nent!;i or q"'Elstians regarding this letter or project, please feel free to contact me at any time. Thank jlou for your attention and cooperation. SincerE!ly, /t-18---~ 'Steven J. Broermann S1aff Engineer cc: Jon DObasieWICZ Jenny Chapman Robb Chadwell G:\lJse~s\s B\03tac:\04.0S.03sw<ln~onbldg.doc 1700 Soutll lOn, Street Noblcsvnre.ln. 46060 ~'.(o.hAmj]ron.l.!:!..e.Yll Office (317) 773-7770 Fax (317) 71(i..9814 , :'j' : I :fJ , ' ~~t ;;1 L._~~_~_: u ~Pt-_~t&L_~~I,L~"""'-__ - - - ~ - ~_ _ t':1.g.t""'!:!' .~.. P~6~~ (- ------ ':1 -~.i --- - -.- -----~4~. /Ob~~' --/~~ , , - - -- --~-I- -.--- d ~. "! '1 . M~~_ ~b .P fO::~t5_e~r:b_ ! ii' ---~- ""1- ~~~~.__51.~~~__ ~~~__rn , i'l I I "f"-- I ,~lj. _O>K:.. J s. OK...-~ -...tr ------ - - _ro__ :: I'. "VC I) ..~"'~ __v___ I -H - - - -- - -- -- - -- -- - I, ------_J-~- """:"""'" 6.c..d~~_____ ..'"'~. ....... ~-- -T-~r ~.- - '-r- -- - ---j'--- .I"l..... I ' ,;; -.,.,:-1 I - ,....---,~~ -- - --- I ,,~t- ~1'~ I, Y2.~~~ u u Copy For Plan Commission Members April 15,2003 My Name is; Jack Edwards I live in Home Place, Indiana My Address is; 10475 Cornell Street Indianapolis, Indiana 46280-1441 (317) 846-8920 edwardsj@iquest.net I am here to speak in favor of the Mark Swanson Building being proposed in Home Place. Mark Swanson has shared his plans with the GHPNA (Greater Home Place Neighborhood Association) board members, he has also shown us a rendition of the front elevation and a model of the new building he plans to build. I believe this new building will be a great asset and improvement to our community. The way he has softened the face (South Side) of the building, a slight step-back from the center to both ends, still '"in general" a flat face, along with the decorative aspects he has used to not only enhance the appearance of the building but also functions to screen the roof mechanicals. The building has been designed to blend in with neighboring properties. He has designed a building that is in keeping with the spirit of the overall Home place Overlay Plan for the Business District. IE: Keeping the Village Concept This is a building designed by Mark Swanson for Mark Swanson in a community he has been an active member in, and he plans to remain so. We have all seen examples of his work in the Carmel-Clay Area, A CFD station and the John W. Hensel Township Government Center in Home Place and two new CFO stations in western Clay Township, among others. I am proud of the design and effectiveness of the buildings he has done. T know Mark will have a special feeling for this building, his building, he now proposes. I urge the Plan Commission to approve Mark Swanson's building plan, and help in any way they can to bring this project to completion. J believe it is important to the Home Place Community that we see new investment and new business buildings being built, Especially buildings that have excellently designed to fit in with the neighborhood and the Home Place Overlay Plan. Thank You, for your time f1ac& ..1. &~ **************** Y.s' - D3 :D.~ I~ <.. ,:: MA-ltK ~......~~ b,,) \ 7 . ~K S~.sb~: PI&>&ib5L~. , ~ 5~ ~ 'E~,~lPME,!.ll" , .5)~: PLe~!~.J ~ ~ ~-~-~ ') Ml~fl'A'L-S!.J L 1 b}fr fuT~ 2- A>&L\C-'. ,- ..- - _..... - ~~ E,bw~S ',__ .Ita r=~Vb~ .- ~,\~ c...vPrrt.~ '. It...) ?A'IIb<<L N' c...\(. " ~ 11. V~'PN ~~. - ~'t.. ~1Ei'~ ~Tn"'lt>~N~ 'h'S-i1~ '1'b .s,~ t~~. ~ ~~ ~1"tM p~ ~ ~.~ ~~ _~i::"Jtn1...., z:p~,~p;.c..c.. 1467F1fJ. ~~ , - -_:. ~- -- '-I/Jr/03 (a~'-i~ IS~ ~:s u u I City of Carmel CARMEL/CLAY PLAN COMMISSION -MEMORANDUM- Date: April 1 0, 2003 To: Plan Commission Members From: Jon C. Dobosiewicz Department of Community Services Re: April 15th Plan Commission meeting - Department Reports Please find enc1osed.the Department Reports for the AprillSth Plan Commission meeting. An additional Agenda has been included. > As a reminder both Committees will meet on April 22 (Tuesday). The Special Studies Committee meeting will begin at 6 PM and the Subdivision Committee will begin at 7 PM~ If you have any questions please give me a call at 571-2417. Page 1 ONE CIVIC SQUARE CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 317/571-2417 APR-10-2003 14:12 FROM:HAMILTON CO~HWY DEP 3177769814 ~ TO:317 ">71 2426 W P.001/001 HAMILTON COUNTY HIOHWA Y DEPARTMENT March 14, 2003 Mr. Mark Swanson Mark Swanson Associates, Inc. 10610 North Park Avenue lndlanapolis. Indiana 46280 RE:~~~t\~~i18~ N-of106ttrStreerrEof RucKle Street Clay Township Kf.: .~ A ro ,Cf.'lt/ '1/"",'" - .' 'f:".O I 10 .~ ,'l, DOCS <III ':; Dear Mr. SWanson: rills letter serves to acknowledge receipt of a comment letter receIved 3/5/03 for the above-mentioned project. Plan sheets showing the revi,sions were notlnc1uded In the transmittal. Please forward copies of the revisions for final review and approval. In your comment letter, you mention that you would be certifying the plans as licensed Architects; per COl.lnty Ordinance the site plans must be certified a licensed engineer or land surveyor. All other Items will be reviewed when the revised plans are submitted. If you have any comments or questions regarding this letter or project, please feel free to contact me at any time. Thank you for your attention and cooperation. Sincerely, /!;!!~ Staff Engineer cc: Jon Dobasiewlcz -~.-,- Jenny Chapman G:\USERS\S8\03ttlol04" 1 OcOSswansonbldg,doo 1700 SOlltlllO'" Street NOblesv!llc. In. 466tiO ~'WW .co.hsmJ.lt.o.nJ.n,.u 5 Office (317) 7'13.7770 Fn)j; (311) 77609814 ~ u u NA TURAL RESOURCES PLAN REVIEW AND COMMENT Hamilton County Soil and Water Conservation District 1108 South 9th Street~ Noblesville IN 46060 Ph- 317-773-1432 or Email at john-south@iaswcd.org Project N ame- ~~k S~SQ:tt~~lHmgo Location- 106th and Ruckle Street Sec. 2 T-17N R-3E Acreage- 1 ac Owner/Deve1oper- Mark Swanson and Associates 10610 N. Park Avenue Indianapolis, IN 46280 Engineer- same Plan Review Date: March 18, 2003 Soils Infoffi1ation: Brookston silty clay loam- this soli is dark colored, silty in texture and on depressional uplands. It is deep and very poorly drained with moderate permeability. It has high available water for plant growth and high organic matter content. It has compact till starting at a depth of 40 to 60 inches. The main soil features that affect the urban development uses are seasonal high water table, high potential frost action, moderate shrink-swell potential, moderate permeability and ponded surface water. Crosby silt loam, 0-3 percent slopes- this soil is light colored, silty in texture and on sloping uplands. It is deep and somewhat poorly drained with slow permeability. It has high available water for plant growth and medium organic matter content. The soil has compact till starting at a depth between 20 -40 inches. The main soil features that affect urban development uses are seasonal high water table, moderate shrink-swell potential, high potential frost action and slow permeability. Additional information about soils is available in the "Soil Survey of Hamill on County". The engineer and/or developer should consider the need for an onsitc soils investigation. I have reviewed the plans for this project and have the following comments: fI This site is less than five acres and does not need to submit an NOT for Rule 5. 9 Site construction plans should include an erosion and sediment control plan. The following elements aTe recommended: Construction Entrance Perimeter silt fence Inlet protection Seeding plan and specifications Construction sequence .,. w u Construction details Should you have questions concerning these comments, please contact me. Plans Reviewed By: John B. South P.E. Ccrtilled Professional ill Erosion and Sediment Control Cc: Jon Dobosiewicz, Carmel DOCS Jenny Chapman, County Surveyor Steve Broermann, County Highway File MAR 18 '03 03:34PM 0~ P.1/1 U"0 .'l\Cl1l01l C. 'Ward, SUl'lIeyor '1'Iil11/t' (.1l'7) 776-84.'15 'TII.\ (j17) 776-.'~b2~ Sultr J SS One :H<lmlf!iJll Cat/III)! Srjlflll-( ."iYIIMesvilk Illellllml 4bO(;o..:u J(; March t 8, 2003 Mark Swanson Associates Inc. Attn: Mr. Dennis Lockwood 10610 North Park Avenue Indianapolis. IN 46280 VIA FACSIMILE: 844-1758 Re: Mark Swanson Associates, Inc. Dear Mr. Lockwood: We have reviewed the plan a.nd drainage report submitted on March 5, 2003 for this project and we have the fotlowingoomments: 1. Label the existing regulated drain (Vemon Asher Drain) and easements which are located on the east and west sides ofyol.J.r site. 2. An outlet permit is required. The application is available on our website at www.cQ.hamilton;in.lls. Link to Departments, then to Surveyors. 3, For the connection to the existing inlet along Park Ave~me, "the existing 2'x2' structure will need to be replaced with a 3'x 3' structure. 4. Per County Ordinance, storm water drainage is not permitted to enter roadside swales. The drainage will need to all be taken to the east or an ann to the Vernon Asher Drain could be extended to your site. Please call me with any questions. Thank you. Sln~.~ ~ ~~an Plan Reviewer Cc; Carmel-Engineer, Carmel-DOCS He Department of Soil Conservation Services, He Highway Department ,F uu _) u Dobosiewicz, Jon C From: Sent: To; Subject: Akers, William P Monday, March 17,20034:11 PM Dobosiewicz, Jon C; Lillig, Laurence M T AC Meeting I will be unable to attend the T AC meeting on Wednesday March 19th. Below are some comments I would like to have passed on Please: Indiana Development Training Center----No comments Meridian North Medical-----The address for this property will be off , what wiill be corrected as W Smokey Row Rd(not W 136th 8t). it will not get a Meridian 8t address. (Ask Laurence for clarlfiaction on this.. .Public Safety will not allow it to be off of Meridian st unless there is access off of there). The Medical office next door was addressed incorrectly when it was assigned a long time ago. I'm not gOing to continue addressing incorrectly, just because someone else did it that way. I believe Adam was advised of an address a couple years ago on this. The only change..is it should be W Smokey Row Rd, not W 136th St.(as mentioned above). Mark Swanson Building---Will have to getback with them on address...need to check to make sure the address they say works in that area. Town Pointe----I will need a street name for "An and nB"(stub street). I would like to see a monumnet sign put up as you leave Village of West Clay and enter this neighborhood(President Street). Easier for Public Safety to find it. Wexley Chase----working on addresses now--would like to see Monument signs seperating the two developments they border wlth(Aberdeen Bend & Hayden Run). Ballantrae-----Need 1 street name Eagle Ridge-mRevised addresses completed---if Dave has not received them..please let me know and I can get him the list. Meridian Music-----Still thinking about address assignment---the previous one give to Gary Murray will not work..(he is clear). I will give him one as soon as possible. Carmel City Center Parcel 2A---No comments at this time...will wait to see future building layouts/plans. Thanks for passing this along. Bill Bill Akers 911 Operations Supervisor IDACS Coordinator Carmel Communications Center 311st Ave NW Carmel,lndiana 46032 Office# 317-571-2586 Voice Mail# 571-2577 FaX# 571-2585 Pager# 365-0061 CeJ/# 727-8507 1 MAR-14-2003 15:25 FROM:HAMILTON C(.;rWY DEP 3177769814 TO:31071 2426 P.001/002 HAMILTON COUNTY HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT RE: Mark Swansoll ~uiJdinQ N of10Gth Street I E of RlJckle Street Clay Township ~ ~ ~\<~ C"\ y.:~v ~~~ ~'0 ~l~ .;""... f"\.\~ \.- '\J~'V March 14, 2003 Mr. Pennis L. Lockwood Mark Swanflon Associates, Inc::. 10610 North Park Avenue Indianepolis, Indians 46280 Dear Mr. LOCkwood: This letter serves to 6Gknowledge receipt of a tran!lomittal received 315103 containing the plans for the above-mentioned project After reviewing the pl~ns. the Highway Department nas the following comments: 1. Per County Ordinance. the site plans will need to be certified by a licensed engineer or land surveyor. 2. Storm water from the entr8nr;e and parking lots will not be permitted to drain onto the street. Per County Ordinance. storm water drainage is not permitted to enter roadside :>wales, 3. The Gonneetlon 1,0 the sanitary sewer must be made on Park Avenue. The. will require that only one street be cut to make the connection to the sanitary sewer and install the storm water outlet. 4. Include HCHD Standard Plan U-8 for the road cut patch. The area of road 10' north and 10' south of the road <:l,Jts will need 10 be milled off end replaced with HAC surface. 5. A swale Is reqlJlred along 106111 Street to aceol'l'1modate the roadside drainage. Elevations must be sl'1Own every 100' In the swale. 6. The pavement section for the entrances within the right of way must consist of e 9- stone base, 3" HAC binder and 1" HAC surfaGG. Please correct the pavement within right of way detail on Sheet C.5. 7, Comrnereial Drive permits will be required for both entrances, The road tu1:s Elnd any other utility work pel'folil1ed within the right of way wll1 also need to be pennitted. Please contact Mr. RObtJ Cnadwell. Hlgnway Perrnltlnspector. for the necessary forms mld information. a. The dedicatiorl of right of way documents will need to be submitted wilh the permit applications. 9. Please be aware that further comm..ents may be necessary at a lat,er date. If yotJ have any comments or questIons regerding this letter or project. please feel free to contact m$ at any time. TMnk you for your attention and cooperation. Sincerely, eJ(!!'~ Staff Engineer CC: Jon Doboslewic2 Jenny Chapman Robb Chadwell 1700 South lO'h Street NOblesvlll().ln. 4(\060 G :\USER.S\S8\03tuo\03-1 ~.-o2.swa rnlo"bl~g .doc Office (317) 773-177Q www.I":().hJtmilto~ Flllx (317) 77(,..9B14 fiMAR-~~-~33 15:25FRDM:HAMILTON C(.)HWY DE? 3177769814 '. ,..-.----- I ' C/ ' TO:317 "'71 2426 U P.002/002 ----- Flowable Fit 1~ em.lMINOUS SURFACE. ". HAC BI'n.JMINOUS BINDfR. 8 I HAC 5' MINIMUM (SEE NOTE '#4) NO SCALE NOTES i 1. The existing pavement i9 la be sowcut to pro1Jide 0 cleon break. 2. Trllnch spoil is lobe r~moved fram the work :oile and di$posed 1)1 cut 01 the ri.,hl-of-I'I(l)'. 3. F1owoble F111{1.1:. Conlrolled-low.;..Slren9lh~MaIElr'QI, cr fl~wable Mortor) 'is \0 be pcured into the tren~h ta aerveas ba ddill , t,o the dimension.s ~od speciflr:aUOl\$ lisleclin this det~~. 4. The os~hQlt potch is to canSi$t of CI mll'\imum of 5 (five) lnch!>:s of 9itllminolJ5 l3ioder, 8. HAC and ~ (ene) rnc~ of .Bi'tlJminou$ Surface, 11. HAC. If the elCisUl1g pO\lemen~ Is \htcker thon [;, (Sill) incl1es. addllilli\C11 binder is to be used to malch tM existing poycJtllml thickness. IN NO CASE \5 LESS THAN, a (Sl.X) INCHES OF ASPHA.LT TO BE usED. . 5. Thllc ~l::islin9 PQvemenl is to be tack e..,oted -prior te the lQ~n9 of new ClJpi'l-alt. Tock coat i$ ~o be QPlltied CIS !lJleellted in tnlli latest si~ndard lNDOT s~e!:incoHQns. Sections 409 and 902. 6. The nl!W surface IS 10 be sloped at lM 'some rote as the existing $\J(foce. 7. A 2 (two) inch wide bfJl1d' or crock sealant is 10 be applied alot"l9 the joinl bet.....een lhe lltisting end new asphalt surloce. Seclanlis lo be opplie<.1 in accordence with INDOT specificalions, SediOl'l 305. 8. The f10wable tnl mix is to contgio. far ev~ry C\Jbic yard .of batch motl:t;ol. no more thon 50 Ibs 01 portland Cemellt. na mare U\Orl SOO'lbs. of TyPe.F lIy osh Qnd no'more lhan 500 lbs Qf water. 9. The compressivl! $\rer\glh of lhe flo'Kobll: fiH is nol -~Q ,exceed'IOQ. PSI al28 dar-:- ROAD CUT 'PATCH ..;. FLOWABLE FILL BACKFlLL I HAMILTON COUNTY HIGHWAY-: DEP ARTMENT. RE\I1SEC; STANOARfl PLAN ~,,-;.;(~ A~?ROV€.O; :" " '--;:'''"z7~9j-z.;.., , ,.IlJi1t ~-"_~ U~8 --'"~---- w ~ CARMEL/CLAY TECHNICAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE AGENDA <<~~)~// f.c , ,~t~'-'; ~;0. - Date: March 19, 2003 Place: Department of Community Services Conference Room 3rd Floor - Carmel City Hall 9'00::1 m q.?O ~ m 9'40::1 m 10'00~m 10'10::1 m 10':)0 am Indiana Development Training Center (Development Plan) The applicant seeks to construct a building addition. The site is located at 11075 North Pennsylvania Street. The site is zoned B-5/Business. Filed by Richard F. Steldt of Richard F. StelOt and Associates for 1. B. & M. 1. M. of Indiana, Inc. Meridian North Medical (Development Plan) The applicant seeks to construct a multi-tenant building. The site is located at the southwest comer of 136th Street and US 31. The site is zoned B-5/Business and is within the US 31 Overlay Zone. Filed by Adam Dehart of Keeler-Webb Associates for F. C. C. Development Corporation. Mark Swanson Building (Development PI) j- 03 VfJ /A'Pt.~ The applicant seeks to construct a multi-ten uilding. The site is locate 550 East 106th Street. The site is zoned B-5/Business an orne Place District Overlay Zone. Filed by Mark A. Swanson. Towne Pointe (Primary Plat) The applicant seeks approval of a Primary Plat for a 28-10t residential subdivision on 25.1:1:: acres. The site is located on the northeast comer of West 131st Street and Towne Road. The site is zoned S-I/Residence - Estate. Filed by the Elliot Wright Group, LLC. Wexley Chas.e (Secondary Plat and Construction Plans) The applicant seeks approval of a 40-10t residential subdivision on 29.974:1:: acres. The site is located on the north side of West 126th Street, Vz mile west of Towne Road. Tbe site is zoned S-l/Residence - Estate. Filed by David Warshauer for GWZ.2 Development, LLC. Ballantrae Subdivision (primary Plat) The site is located on the south side of 146th Street 1/4 mile west of Spring Mill Road. The site is zoned S-llResidence - Very Low Intensity. Filed by David Barnes of Weihe Engineers, Inc. -Next Page- Co, ~"i~:1S ';-10 CDrnpanv Fa~.~!~~t[f::~~~ ~n!.fo!v!?;d ~rn; th~:,:; ("} (0 1 t::'; C'} ~".~:A..A;;j.,~ .. d:.LL.~"j.... ::j;~j7i.i r;""h t-- Dlc- iJ(<:- 9~ 1~ 4- U\...-J u~ ~~'h .,'tJ:'\ '.:. ~~ 0~~ e~:~aJrtnllce][llt March 7 I 2003 Dennis L. Lockwood Mark Swanson Associates, INC. 1061 0 North Park Avenue Indianapolis, IN 46280 RE: MSA Office TAC submission Dear Mr. Lockwood: I have received and reviewed the information for the above-mentioned project. At the present time, I see nothing in the plans that would hamper law enforcement efforts. If we can be of any further assistance to you, please contact us. Respectfully ~kuP :D. ~t~ Michael D. FOgaj~ ! Chief of Police M OF :vb cc: Dept. of Community Services /317) 57I-25D1} A Nationally Accredit. forcement Agency !Fax CDl7! 57JL-25:n.2 LJ(J u One Civi~ Square Carmel, IN 45J32 (31 T) 571 -24i 7 Fax: (317) 571-2426 To:71~~ F'-II-/7~~ From: ~ V...s -5 Fax: Pages: Phone: Datel 3 -/0-& 3 Re= eel o Urgent o For Review o Please Comment 0 Please Reply o Please Recycle 1/1(! ~ TO~~~-/ Fax: ?iLf-/1~ p Phone: !5 if if - / 3 / ~ Re~ u u o Urgent One Civic Square Cannel, IN 4E032 (317) 571-2417 Fax: (317) 571-2426 From= ~ o Please Recycle Page.s~ Date: .3 -/0-03 cc= o Far Review 0 Please Comment 0 Pf.ease Reply -1~~r: 7~~~ w u City of Carmel Fire Department Headquarters 2 CIVIC SQUARE CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 Voice (317) 571-2600 Fax (317) 571-2615 Fire Prevention Bureau Denn is Lockwood Mark Swanson & Associates 10610 North Park Avenue Indianapolis, IN 46280 RE :(Jvlark~Sw~'lns6~()Tf,ice'_~Lii Id i~ LETTER OF APPROVAL The undersigned has reviewed the proposed plans for Mark Swanson Office Building and has approved the plans subject to the following: 1. Is the proposed structure to be protected by an automatic fire sprinkler system? If so, a meeting will need to be scheduled with our office to discuss the location of the fire department connection. We will also request an exterior access to the sprinkler riser room. 2. What is the height of the structure and will the structure contain a basement? 3. We are requested the purchase of a Knox box for the building for fire department emergency access_ If a sprinkler system is required, we also will require fire department connection caps also available through the Knox Company. An application for Knox product's ca be obtained through our office_ 4_ 5. 6. Please respond to the above noted condition(s) in writing and submit to our office prior to the scheduled Technical Advisory Meeting for this project. Date: March 7, 2003 By: Gary Hoyt, Fire Marshal Carmel Fire Department Vv' Ui~ LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL To: Carmel Dept. of Community Services One Civic Square Carmel, Indiana 46032 Date: Attention: Regarding: 03-04-2003 MARK SWANSON ASSOCIA TES INC. We are sending you: o Presentation Dwgs. ARCHITECTURE I Preliminary Plans o Specifications 10610 NORTH PARK AVENUE INDIANAPOLIS INDIANA 46280 MSA Office T AC submission o Under Separate Cover I Attached o Shop Drawings o Change Order o Clarification dwg. o Construction doc. o Samples o Reproducibles o Copy of Letter 0 o For distribution o For approval 0 For your use I Review and Comment 0 Correct and Resubmit o For your files o Approved as submitted 0 Approved as noted o As Requested 317-844-1315 FAX 844-1758 /'<'\S~ I I]] i Copies/Sets /:~)., -z v~ copy each " ~ ~ r \\:\ ~~f; ~~ ~\ ;<.:\(~ '" ~\ )><_/~ jq /V) <;:;) .~~ )':..] ,~ '( ^ ""./ . Number T-01 C-01 C-02 C-03 C-04 C-05 C-06 L-01 .) 1 copy o Description Title Sheet. Boundary Survey/Site Conditions Plan. Site Grading/Storm Drainage Plan. Utilities Site Plan. Site Development Plan. Site Details. Point Source Site Lighting Plan. Landscape Plan. Storm Drainage Report. Drawings submitted for Carmel/Clay Technical Advisory Committee Members project review. Copies to: Signed: L?(X:~