HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication u u Fahey, Joyce D From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: DObosiewicz, Jon C Thursday, January 23, 2003 3:40 PM Fahey, Joyce D Lillig, Laurence M; Hollibaugh, Mike P; Brewer, Scott I Docket Number Assignment (ADLS Amend) - MacAllister Machinery Company, Inc. Joyce, Please print and fax this e-mail to the petitioner identified below and update the fiLe. I have issued the necessary Docket Number for MacAllister Machinery Company, Inc. (ADLS Amend). It will be the following: 14-03 ADLS Amend $364 Total Fee: $364 Docket No. 14-03 ADl.S Amend; MacAllister Machinery Company, Inc. Petitioner seeks amended Architectural Design, Lighting, Landscaping & SigJ.lage approval for a wall sign. The site is located at 9901 North Michigan Road. The site is zoned B-2 Business and is within the Michigan Road Corridor Overlay Zone. Filed by David Frazee of MacAllister Machinery Company, Inc. Please note the following: · This Item will not appear before the Technical Advisory Committee. · This is not a public hearing item and therefore will not require mailed or published notice in the newspaper. · Ten (10) Informational Packets must be delivered to Plan Commission Secretary Ramona Hancock no later than noon, Friday, January 24, 2003. Failure to submit Informational Packets by this time will result in the tabling of the petition to the Tuesday, March 4,2003, agenda ofthe Special Studies Committee. · This Item will appear on the February 4, 2003 agenda of the Special Studies Committee. PLease contact Mr. Ji m Shinaver at 844-0106 (Fax: 846-8782) with this information. Once the file is updated please return it to my office. Thanks, / ., a/0~~/C. ~f / (/ ;6 ~/03 Jon 1 u u Date DOCKET NO.: APPLICATION for ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN. LIGHTING. and SIGNAGE ADLS AMENDl\1ENT - SIGNAGE FEE: $350.00 ~ RECfI\JEO . ,,, tal ~~".l.oj . L IX") t .',. DOCS Name of Project: MacAllister Machinery Company, Inc. Address: 9901 North Michigan Road, Cannel, IN 46032 Type of Project: Wall Sign Applicant: MacAllister Machinery Company, Inc. Contact Person: Dave Frazee Telephone: (317) 543-0432 Address of Applicant: 7515 East 30th Street, P.O. Box 1.941, Indianapolis. IN 46206 Legal Description: To be typewritten on a separate sheet. - See Attached Exhibit "A" Area ( in acres) Approximately 8.51 Zoning B2 Owner of Real Estate: Harris FLP Cannel: Clay Township: X Almexation: Y or N Other Approvals Needed: None PARKING No. of Spaces Provided: NA No. Spaces Required: NA DESIGN INFORMATION Type of Building: NA No. of Buildings: NA Square Footage: NA Height: NA No. of Stories: NA Exterior Materials: NA Color: NA Maximum No. of Tenants NA Type of Uses: NA Water by: NA Sewer By: NA u u LIGHTING Type of Fixture: NA No. of Fixtures: NA Height of Fixture: NA Additional Lighting: NA * Plans to be submitted showing foot candle spread at property lines, per Ordinance. No. of Signs: 1 SIGNAGE Type of Signs: Wall Location(s): West elevation of building Dimensions of each sign: 12' x )' Square Footage of each sign: 36 square feet Total Height of each sign: 3' LANDSCAPING * Plans to be sub/nitted showing plans types, sizes, and locations. ****************************************************************************** JAN-2l-2003 10:36AM FROM-NELSON & FRANKENBERGER. U 3178468782 T-794 P 006/008 F-571 u I, the undersigned, to the best of my knowledge and belief, submit the above information as true and COrrect. By: **~**********~********.*****************~******************..*******.*~******* State of Indiana, COWlty of ~ ClhJ. () "("\ Before me the undersigned, a Notary Public for ~ '0 V\ Courity~ State of Indiana, personally appeared Daye Frazeel AG Division Manager for MacAllister Machinery COlllp~y, Inc:. and acknowledged the execution for the foregoing instrument this day ofJaiiuary, 2003. ,? " ss: My Commission Expires: ~ County of Residence: tf\~~ '^ Q).J...l" ,6().L.~~ ~Public SC\\\~ ~\.t.\L (printed Name) H;\Ianct\Harris\ADLS Apl'liClltion.doc 01/21/2003 11:44 FAX JAN-Zl-2D03 OB:43AM FROM-ftElSON & F~N8ERGER 317846sm 141001/001 U r-188 P.OOE/OOT F-5S2 OWNER CONSENT The owner hereby consents to .this Application and authorizes Charles D, Frankenberger and James E. Shinaver of the law firm of Nelson & Frankenberger and the representatives of MacAllister Mac:binety CompanYt Inc. to appear and represent the owner before the City of Carmel, Plan Commission. HARRlS FLP BY:~ . Roben Harris Date:..JJ 1A. ~ ( D ~ . H:\l3net\HllITis'lOWll~r COllsent.doc: RECEIVED JAN-ZI-Z003 11:52AM F RO~- TO-NELSON & FRANKENBERG PAGE 001 u u.. l::::XHI5IT '~" . I A tract ollhnd localed in the North one half of the SOIJlh Jlalt of Scclion 7, T 1 ~ NJ R3 E, Clay Township, HamilLon County, Stall;' or ]ndialla; being more partJ~uhrl)' bound and described as follows: Northeast Corner of said said point being in the NE . . :.'.:, .;~ ^.. . " Bcginnlngat a point Z.'02.5.00_.fE;"'~twedo!the NQrthea,sl,corner,or::8_~.id .:: North ~n,e ,hait of said South hall ot ~e(tiiQn 7, said point bcl.n~ the Polot or Beglnnln.trof this descriptioD;";..,:':::.;,~*.';;.<'!'. '.":';,,' ':'-" ;i~h:,~""""'j: " ",:.foi:' , Thence, south parallel to the E~9t line of said Section 7 a distanc~ of 400.00 feet;. . .'.: . . "',':;i"'~ .. Then'ce~":~ve 5t parallel t,o}he, ~ort~'li~eor.said So:.u~:~~~;H~~:~[:'Iai~. S~Ction 7,2.J:Hslance of 853.00 feet to a point,in..t)u~.cent~_r;l'.'~4!'''o{Indlana . . '." .w '-,' " " , , . . '.' ~_ _ .' ',.c:-....,"!"....,~'L.:,..~....~:"...;~ .'"':".~.". . . State Road No. ~'421; .,'. , ., ':.::'.:.... " Thence,' Norlh''I.'est~rlr alo:tg the center line of Indiana,"State RC20 No. ,(21, a distance of 426.15 feet to the, North line 0; said SouthhaH or said Section 7; Th~ncc.' ('~st i'IloI)g tile NeTth line of s;:!o;; Sodh h~lf of ~nid S~clic-n 7 a dist.:II:cc cf 1000. 00 fe(;:~ to th".. point of o('s~;-dn~. end cont~inir.g S. 51 aCl"(~5,mOre 0'1" less. but subject lO"ali 'Ictal h:ghw<:)'s a;ncl,~~.p''-lrlenancC'.s ~: lnCTl"unLo bt')onI:rn~. '~I'l<':,'; "" ',' ---,' _ c'>. ": ,:"::d';";:~L,'L_ {L. .,,>.:;~,.., '., .~_.-'-"r-'-"~~ "-~:- _n ~-'.-.---'-__m,~ i-' , .,;,".;. -r~t ", -:{~~~:.. u NELSON & FRANKENBERGER A PROFESSIONAL,CORPORATION ATTORNEYS-AT -LAW o ,JAMEs J"NELSON CHARLES D. FRANKENBERGER JAME~ E. SHINAVER, LAWRENCE J. KEMPER JOlIN Ii. FLAB FREDRIC LAWRENCE of co~el, JANEB. MERRILL 3021 EAST 98'rH STREET SUITE 220 INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA 46280 317"844"0106 FAX: 317"846-8782 January 21, 2003 >>t' ~.i:rFNtD ,'\;( '2 \ 'L~~~ - DOCS VIA RAND DELIVERY Jon Dobosicwicz Department of COTnnmhity Sel'Vices One CiVIC Center Cam,1el, IN 46Q32 Re: ADLS Amendment -Sign Application MacAllisterj\.f ay hi,nery GompanY/.Harris FLP DearJ on: Enclosed please finc\ theJolIowing: 1, A che'ck made payabk to the City ofCal'njel in the sum of $350.00 for the filing fee for this matter. 2,. One (1) <)riginal and one (t) coPY of a!l ADLS Amendment Applica'tlOiuegardihg sigrtage for this site, -],. Two (2) sainple brochures depicting the proposed signage for this site. In furtherance Oflt).y letter to you, dated January 17, 2003, MacAllister Machinery Company desires to resume the leg,al rron-confortning use of this real estate'. However, in order to do so, they must repla<:;e the sigllage, for the, site. My understanding IS that informational brochures will be du~ by noon on Friday, January 24; 2003, and thaJ this matter will be on tb~ agenda for the Special Studies Committee, meeting scheduled for February 4, .20Q::;:. Finally, my understanding is that this is not a noticed public hearing. Thank YOLl for your as.sistance, and contact me with any questions. Very truly yours, NELSON & FRA1\1KENBERGER JES/jl W Enclcfsures H:\Janet\Harris\DoboSlewiczHr.O 121 03,sloc