HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication 1\ \.-J u Fahey, Joyce D From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Dobosiewicz, Jon C Thursday, January 23, 20034:33 PM Fahey, Joyce 0 Lillig, Laurence M; Hollibaugh, Mike P; Brewer, Scott I Docket Number Assignment (ADLS Amend) - Carmel United Methodist Church Joyce, Please print and fax this e-mail to the petitioner identified below and update the file. I have issued the necessary Docket Number for Carmel United Methodist Church (ADLS Amend). It will be the following: 16-03 ADLS Amend $364 Total Fee: $364 Docket No. 16-03 ADLS Amend; Carmel United Methodist Church Petitioner seeks amended Architectural Design, Lighting, Landscaping & Signage approval for a ground sign. The site is located at 621 South Range Line Road. The site is zoned B-3 Business. Filed by Nancy Leonard for Carn1el United Methodist Church. Please note the following: · This Item will not appear before the Technical Advisory Committee. . This is not a public hearing item and therefore will not require mailed or published notice in the newspaper. · Ten (10) Informational Packets must be delivered to Plan Commission Secretary Ramona Hancock no later than noon, Friday, January 24, 2003. Failure to submit Informational Packets by this time will result in the tabling ofthe petition to the Tuesday, March 4, 2003, agenda of the Special Studies Committee. · This Item will appear on the Februal'Y 4, 2003 agenda ofthe Special Studies Committee. Please contact Joel Hall at 575-1805 (Fax: 575-1825) with this information. Once the file is updated (copy of fax filed and file labeled on cover and intemal files) please retUrn the it to my office. 6L-r!--CLf- f:f;r ;' /~ r\ ,/..-; / /J , / ) '--y>'/lJ~c 1)2 3/~ ~ I . I) / {/ I ~ ~ AO~ '1~1C1 , <\" ~ d.1~\' .~ Thanks, Jon 1 LJ LJ Fahey, Joyce D From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Oobosiewlcz, Jon C Thursday, January 23, 20034:33 PM Fahey, Joyce 0 Lillig, Laurence M; Hollibaugh, Mike P; Brewer, Scott I Docket Number Assignment (ADLS Amend) - Carmel United Methodist Church Joyce, Please print and fax this e-mail to the petitioner identified below and update the file. I have issued the necessary Docket Number for Carmel United Methodist Church (ADLS Amend). It will be the following: 16-03 ADLS Amend $364 Total Fee: $364 Docket No. 16-03 ADLS Amend; Carmel United Methodist Church Petitioner seeks amended Architectural Design, Lighting, Landscaping & Signage approval for a ground sign. The site is located at 621 South Range Line Road. The site is zoned B-3 Business. Filed by Nancy Leonard for Carmel United Methodist Church. Please note the following: · This Item will not appear before the Technical Advisory Committee. o This is not a public hearing item md therefore will not require mailed or published notice in the newspaper. . Ten (10) Informational Packets must be delivered to Plan Commission Secretary Ramona Hancock no later than 11oon, Friday, January 24, 2003. Failure to submit Infonnational Packets by this time will result in the tabling of the petition to the Tuesday, March 4,2003, agenda of the Special Studies Committee. . This Item will appear on the February 4, 2003 agenda of the Special Studies Committee. Please contactJoel Hall at 575-1805 (Fax: 575-1825) with this infoTI11ation. Once the file is updated (copy of fax filed and file labeled on cover and internal files) please retum the it to my office. Thanks, ~//+ =--:2 --;?-y.-Q? ~ Jon ~'~l' ~ t/ --;A~,-L 'l~ f./J ,,'1 /',. J ~ L ~~.:...---C~~ ~59-- tPooo u u Date DOCKET NO. . on for Architectural Desi Ii ADLS AMENDl\1ENT Fee $350,00 Address: t 2 i UN I L ~ . t, /cw~/~<- Ad. ,y 's';" reI - /J1IJIoh'h'vAf {'~')N. &~. IN , Type of Project: /7l()NV~ I- J:s--v v Applicant: {lArl'vUP (1-.; i l ~ lfi.{ Jwcl,'~ f ClwrJ Phone No. Contact Person: /!/diN<:y Lc.ojtJcy2/ '/:v.rll('" Phone No. Q %J."..- A.0'-C.OOO Address: (,21 5: ;e.^"oJ~<- ;Cr!. ~frJ.., T~ ytllJ<.. Legal Description: To be typewritten on a separate sheet Area (in acres) Zoning /J2 7:Q. t3r:.v-.::. fT}.7;v;(<c:::. ~ f i-k ;C:'rlt- Owner of Real Estate: ,ht<-~ 1.,'< I- CA."","."I ~,J Cw-~, IA/ Carmel: V'. Clay Township: I/' Annexation: Y or N Other Approvals Needed: Parkill1:!: No. of Spaces Provided: No. Spaces Required: Design Information Type of Building: No. of Buildings: Height: No. Square Footage: Exterior Materials: Colors: Maximum No. of Tenants: Type of Uses:_ AdPoint, Inc. JOEL HALL Vice President Water by: Sewer by: 616 STATION DRIVE CARMEL, IN 46032 317-575-1805 MOBILE 317-989-9586 FAX 317-575-1825 www.sign-a.rama.com i.i '. u u LIGHTING Type of Fixrore: Height of Fixture: No. of Fixtures: Additional Lighting: * Plans to be submitted showing Footcandle spreads at property lines per the ordinance. SIGNAGE Z /fAl J I.J c../1 Type of Signs: L1rl"r:l /J1,JNV h'l'" vi- /2td. 5"f. (NE) No. of Signs: Location(s): &/""'<-- d.f. KIt.k......lv(...,nd. ., v Dimensions of each sign: LJ'A/I IS 11- s/~J'c.G . LJ' .I .J 7 .\::. 2'/ .t'~ $/ G<- " Square Footage of each sign: S}-.v d,t""c"'" /5 3 ~ 2 Y I ( 7 Z r"7/~) /<-r s;cl. . v ~ Total Height of each sign: 9' !' 1/ tv Co. IJ tv,.d 3... (., 0" eclv Vrvv~ LANDSCAPING * Plans to be submitted showing plant types, sizes, and locations ******************************************** I the undersigned, to the best of my knowledge and belief, submit the above information as true and correct. Sig~ture of ()y J I , / ApplIcant: /~ -rU \1 (( --l b-L I Kr~'- - (Print) * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * Title: I/f) Sj'-/-/l-;2~ 1-2/-0) Date: State of Indiana, 55: County of Before me the undersigned, a Notary Public for State of Indiana, personally appeared execution of the foregoing instrument this 2000 My County , and acknowledged the day of Expires: Notary Public Commission 2 -? . /1 j~ <l! " ::c " ;1 -L .- c.... ~~ c ',~d!j" 'a_'a___'--'-n'a_'~~'--'l-'-~'-""""""""-_d_'-~'.~","-==='''-'--'-~'=-'l ~*A*AAM..q Brick Monument Note..; / - -. Gemi,ni Letters. I Carmel Unitod Mel:hodi!3t Cllurch ~,.." .." _ ., Aluminum Cf:tblnet. Nclncy Leonard, contact ~ _ ~~'"'.~ _..L:~::~J~~li02__~=_________,__,..J .......~"'- ~.'\,.. ~ ~ )\ 1 \. I \ ; \ '! '\ \. ,~_.t~. '\ o \. '\ "l, $ll. ~ " -~ "~\"'-v~ '1. <~~ ~, '~~~~\ l.~ " ~" I 1: "'o,~ A"?:*-~;?~ '. ! 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