HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication w u Tingley, Connie S From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Dobosiewicz, Jon C Monday. February 17, 2003 2:03 PM Tingley, Connie S Lillig, Laurence M; Hollibaugh, Mike P; Brewer, Scott I Docket Number Assignment - ADLS; Clay Terrace Connie, Please print and fax this e-mail to the petitioner identified below and update the file. I have issued the necessary Docket Numbers for the Clay Terrace (ADLS). They will be the following: 19-03 ADl.S 20-03 ADLS 21-03 ADLS 22-03 ADLS 23-03 ADLS $2,800 $728 $728 $728 $728 ($728+$2,072 ($36.5/ac. at 56.79ac.)) Total Fee: $5~712 Docket No. 19-03 ADLS; Clay Terrace - All Buildings Except A-4, B-19, B-22, & E-l Docket No. 20:.03 ADLS, Clay Terrac,e - Building A-4 Docket No. 21-03 ADLS, Clay Terrace - Building B-19 Docket No. 22-03 ADLS~ Clay Terrace- Building B-22 Docket No. 23-03 ADLS, Clay Terrace -Building E-l The applicant seeks approval of five, ADLS applications for the overall site and various buildings within the Clay Terrace development. The site is located at the southwest corner of US Highway 31 and East 146th Street. Filed by Mark Jang of Lauth Property Group. Please note the following: . These Items have been placed on the FebmalY 19,.2003 agenda of the Technical Advisory Committee. · Mailed and Published Public No.tice is not required. · Twenty (20) Informational Packets must be delivered to Plan Commission Secretary Ramona Hancock no later than noon, Friday, March 7, 2003. Failure to submit Il1fomlational Packets by this time will result in the tabling of the petition to the Tuesday, April 15,2003, agenda of the Plan Commission. . Proof of Notice is not required. · These Items will appear on the March 18,2003, agenda of the Plan Commission under New Business. · These Items may also appear on the Aprill, 2003, agenda of the Plan COmh1ission Special Studies Committee. Please contact Mark Jang at 575-3088 (Fax: 564-3088) with this information. Once the file is updated (copy of fax filed and file labeled on cover and intemal files) please return the it to my office. ~ <;2 -/7 -03 c2 ,':2. CJj/Yc- {!;I-" Thanks, Jon ..~,~- ~.>i-:;2 - ~= !=; 2 Tl__:E :.J ~ : ~ ~ ~. ~ ,,,,_~<(~'_ c~ ::,-,;;_,. cr,;::",:u:,c~~~:.;: ~':' .... i'.....~ ;;... ." - U. .... ,,---'" c~c:: Date ,- + ~~~@ ,J~N 31 2003 DOCS , 'I APPLICATION for'A:RCHmCTh~..u. DESIGN. LIGHTL."iG. and SIGNAGE ;(~:~ DOCKET NO. . FEE; 5728.00 I (Plus $36_50 per acre whpn NOT ~companied by a Development Plan) ; Name of Project: CLAY TERRACE - ~UILDING A-4 Address: 146TH & us HIGHWAY 31 Type of Project: RETAIL --i FREDERICK A. SIMMONS, AlA Applicant: (AGENT FOR LAUTH PROPE~TY GROUP) Phone No. 656-3500 Contact Person: MARK JANG Phone No. 575-3088 Fa.'"(. No. 564- 3088 Address: 9777 N .2COLLEGE AVENUE: Legal Description: To be typewritten 0'1 a separate sheet .Area (in acres) W/IN ztning Pun (tlZ386-02) Owner ofRca! Estate: CLAY TERRACE PARTNERS, LLC Cannel: XXX Clay Township~r Other Approvals Needed: Annexation: Y or N pARKING No. of Spaces Provided: 120 -l No. Spaces Required: 120 i DE.~IGN.lNFORMATION Type of Building: IIN'; SPRINK ~ No. of Buildings: ONE i Square Footage: +/-30,000 Heigh~ 36'-0" No. ofStorie5~. : Type of Uses: RETAIL 1 , i i S~wer by: CITY OF CARMEL **BRICK, ARCH. CONCRETl CAST STONE, STEEL, GFRI GLASS, EFIS Exterior Materials: ** ! Colors: EARTH TONES i- Maximunl No. of Tenants: "~ ONE'- Water by: CITY OF CARMEL z: \shared\forms\PC appli~ation\adls :~- revised l2/3l/02 :!... ..' -i-~~~1-~~~-~='=~ ~.~~ - . I . ~ iJ.l I . ; ?~ ;:I~~~~" .:'=~~.~\ ~ ~':' U '-("VI.... , ~ l,,' . ~ I ~ . :=::. ~c.'-:::: u LIGHTING Type of Fixture: HID Height of Fixture: 25' -0" No. of Fixtures: SEE PLAN Ad~ti.onallighting: ACCF.N'i :10 Plans to be submitted showingfoot candle spread arproperty lines, per Ordinance. SIGNAGE No. of Signs: TBD Type :of Signs: Dimensions of each sign: NOTE: ALL SIGNAGE.WlLL BE IN CONFORMANCE W!PUD & THE CARMEL SIGNAGE ORDINANCE. Location(s): Square Footage of each sign: Total Height of each sign: ; LANDSCAPING >Ii Plans ZQ be submitted showing plant fypes. sizes, and locations ... '" '" '" ... >I' . ., '* ..tf'J * ... '" * "'oil '" :$ *i'" * · " '" >Ie '* · '" · * '" '" ... * '" =- · ... ... ... '" * ... · '" 1. the undersigl}c 'to/the best of my kn~);'..vledge and belief, submit the above infonnation as tnle and ~- /~: ? . \.lV' . /' . ~,>.,. , ;( ~ Si PROJECT ARCHITECT (AGENT FOR LAUTH PROPERTY GROUP) Title FREDERICK A. SIMKO AlA 1/31/01 (Print) Date *.***.*......****.**$$~***.*.*.*.*~*"'..* State of Indiana, 58: MARION county. i . State of Indiana, personally appeared I FREDERICK A. SIMMONS, AlA . and acknowledged the execution ofthef(:m;~9i.Dg.~trUJ,.'1.en~ this 31ST day of JANUARY _,20 ill....-.. ....,~ ,~r 2009 (CARLA K~, CARTWRIGHT) My Co . Notary ~blit?.~ --/ -;_.~/; - -.~--< ---- -. '"'-." . Z:\SHARED\FORMS\PC Application\ADLS z; \6hared\fOr~-\-i?ci"~'~'Plication\adlS revised l2/31!02 2 :.....: . 2>. ~, ~~ ~ j JAIV ~ft@ glyf90Jce Land Descriptions: DOCS Tract 1 u u A pan of the East half of the Northeast Quarter of Section 24, Township 18 North. Range 3 East, described as follows: Beginning at the NortheaS't comer of the Northeast quarter of Section 24, Township 18 North, Range 3 East; thence South along the East lone of 'said Quarter section 680.00 feet to a point; thence West parallel with the North line of said Quarter section 639.71 feet to an iron stake, said point being 666.0 feet. East of the West line of said East half; thence North parallel with the West line of the East half 680.00 fed to the intersection with the North line of said Quarter section; thence East on and along said North line 640.00 feet to the place of beginning. Containing 10 acres more or less. Subject to easement to Shell pipe line and U.S. Highway 31. Tract 2 A part of the East half of the Northeast Quarter of Section 24, Township 18 North, Range 3 East, described as follows: Beginning at a point 680.0 feet South of the Northeast comer of the East half of Section 24, Township 18 North. Range 3 East; thence South on and along the East line of said East half 680.3 feet to a point; thence West 1305.42 feet to the West line of said East half; thence North 680.3 feet to an iron stake; thence said point being 679,5 feet South of the Nonhwest comer of the said East half; thence East 1305.71 feet to the place of beginning. Containing 20 acres more or less. Subject 10 an easement to the Shell pipe line and U.S. Highway 3 t. Tract 3 A part of the Northeast Quarter of Section 24, Township 18 North, Range 3 East, located in Clay Township, Hamilton County, Indiana, being more specifically described as follows: Beginning at a point on the East line of the Northeast Quarter of Section 24, Township 18 North, Range 3 East, said Point of beginning being South 00 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds ( assumed bearing) 1360.30 feet from the Northeast comer of said Northeast Quarter; thence South 00 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds 680.35 feet ( measured, 680.20 feet Deed) on and along the East line of said Northeast Quarter to a point being North 00 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds 600,80 feet from the Southeast cotner of said Northeast Quarter; thence South 88 degrees 54 minutes 30 seconds West 1305.13 feet parallel with the South line of said Northeast Quarter; thence North 00 degrees 01 minutes 27 seconds West 680.20 feet; thence North 88 degrees 54 minutes 07 seconds East 1305.42 feet to the Point of Beginning. Containing 20.38 acres more orless, being subject to the right of way grant for U.S. Road Number Thirty One and the right of way grand for a frontage road adjacent to U.S. Road Number Thirty One, leaving 18.37 acres more or less. being subject to all applicable easements and rights of way of record. Tract 4 Part. of the East half of the Northeast Quarter of Section 24; Township 18 Nonh, Range 3 East. in Hamilton County, Indiana, more particularly described as follows: Beginning on the North line of the East half of the Northeast Quarter of Section 24. Township 18 North, Range 3 East 810.48 feet South 88 degrees 47 minutes 30 seconds West (assumed bearing) from the Northeast comer of said Northeast Quarter; thence South 00 degrees 02 minutes 45 seconds East parallel with the East line of said Northeast Quarter 310.00 feet; thence North 88 degrees 47 minutes 30 sewnds East parallel with said North line 170.00 feet; thence South 00 degrees 02 minutes 45 seconds East parallel with the said East line 369.8 feet to thc North iine of real estate described in a conveyance by Warranty Deed recorded in Deed Record 168. page 378 in the Office of the Recorder of Hamilton Counly, Indiana; thence South 88 degrees 51 minutes 20 seconds West parallel with the South line of said Northeast Quarter 665.09 feet to the west line of said East half thence North 00 degrees 00 minutes 50 seconds West on said West line 323.30 feet to a point 355.55 feet South of the Northwest comer of said East hal.f; thence North 88 degrees 46 minutes 42 seconds East 206.95 feet; thence North 00 degrees 57 minules 39 seconds East 355.68 feet to a point on the North line os said Northeast Quarter 1092.21 feet West of the Northeast comer thereof thence North 88 degrees 47 minutes 30 seconds East on said North line 123.73 feet to the Nonhwest comer of real cslate described in a conveyance by Warranty Deed recorded in Deed Record 209, page 211 in said Recorder's Office, being 968.48 feet West of said Northeast comer; thence South 00 degrees 12 minutes 30 seconds East on the West line of s'aid real estate 350.00 feel to the Southwest comer thereof; thence North 88 degrees 47 minutes 30 seconds East on the South line of said real estate parallel with said North line 125.00 feel 10 the Southeast comer of said real estate; thence North 00 degrees 12 minutes 30 seconds West on the East line of said real estate 350,00 feet to the North line of said Northeast Quarter; thence North 88 degrees 47 minutes 30 seconds East on said North line 33.00 feet to the place of beginning. ...' , .. . ~ u u Tract 5 Tract "A" in a Replat of Part of Walter's Plaza Replat, recorded in Plat Book 7 page 126 in the Office of the Rccorder of Hamilwn County, Indiana. Tract 6 Tract "8" in a Replat of Part of Walter's Plaza Replat, recorded in Plat Book 7 page 126 in the Office of the Recorder of Hamilton County, Indiana. Tract 7 Part of Lots #4 and #5 in Rolling Acres Resubdivision, an Addition in Hamilton County. Indiana, as recorded in Plat Book 2, pages 34 and 35 in the Office of the Recorder of Hamilton County, Indiana. being more particularly described as follows: Beginning 186.0 feet Northwesterly from the intersection of the line between Lots 3 and 4 with the West right of way line of U.S. Highway #31 and on said Lot line; thence Southwesterly 188.96 feet to a point on the Southwest line of Lot #5, distant 181.99 feet Southeast of the Northernmost comer of said Lot #5; thence Northwesterly on and along the Southwest line of Lots #5 and #4. 321.42 feet to the Weslernmost corner of Lot #4; thence Nonheasterly 30.1 feet the the Northernmost comer of Lot #4; thence Southeast 280.32 feet to the place of begiruring. ALSO: Lots. I, 2, and 3 in Rolling Acres Resubdivision, an Addition in Hamilton County. Indiana, as recorded in Plat Book 2. pages 34 and 35. in the office of the Recorder of Hamilton County. Indiana. EXCEPT: That portion thereof acquired by the Indiana State Highway Commission for a right of way purposes for project S 165 (14); Subject to a 25 foot access strip along the Easternmost end of part of Lot #3. ALSO: Part of Tract B in Walter's Plaza Replat. an Addition in Hamilton County, Indiana, as recorded in Pial Book 2, page 141, in the Office oflhe Recorder of Hamilton County, Indiana, being more particularly described as follows: Begiruring at the Southeast corner of said Tracl B; thence West on and along the South line of said Tract B. 417.53 feet; thence North perpendicular to said line 41 feet to a point on tlIe centerline of the Mount Carmel Inlerceptor Sewer; thence parallel with the South line of said Tract B on and along said sewer and the.extension thereof. 413.3 feet (434.15 riet measured) ID the West right of way line 44.15 feet (44.24 feet measured) to the.place of beginning. Subject to a utility easement 10 the Town of Carmel, recorded in D.R. #232, pages 78 through 81. lJ <; ABC 29' 15-1/8' 29' 15-1/8 24-1i4' 26' 14' 26' 14' 24-1/4' 26' 17-1/2' 26' 17-1I2'27-5/B' 20' 1 I - 318' 20' 11 - 3i8' 18 - 518' 20' 14' 20' 14' 21 . 114' , . . HF~ . ;Mount FPL Po e Top HFR Arm Maunl . Disc HFPR Pole. Top'- a-Isc HFRO Arm Mounl- Dame HFPRO Pole Top. Dome HFSVIHFSH Arm Mount - Disc HFPSV/HFPSH Pole Top- DIsc HFSOV/HFSDH AnI! Mount - Dome HFPSDV/HFPSDH Pole Top. Dome \I1PtS I'PI1/"P2~II'PS' " ~RlITOf'rrt~-tE'N SSE RI E S Arm Mount r-:A--;_ r-=A--, ..a} .... j l 8 -" Large DIsc Dome Pole Top Mounl r- A ---, r- A ----. Tl ~"""1l - T1 -8 ~~ m~ 'CD~ Large Disc Dome LUMINAIRE EPA Includes 6" bracket. Hilton "argo (HF"> Hilton II Disc Top (HFR) Hilton II Dome Top (HFFlOI Hilton II Small Disc To HFSViHFSH HiIlon II Small Dome Top (HFSDViHFSDH) I- 090' D130' T90' TN1Z0' Q90' JA 3.1 52 5.3 6.8 3.3 3.7 52 5.2 6.1 H 4.1 5.7 5.7 1.4 1.8 2.1 2.9 2.9 3.7 22 2.5 3.4 3.4 4.4 LUMINAIRE ORDERING INFORMA liON Select appropriate choice from each column to formulate order code. Refer to example below. lumina Ire lamp light Soun:e J.w... line Lumlnalre OpUuns Prellx D IstrlbuUun Wallage Vullage3 FInish Hlltolll Small Hurlzutal 3 - Type III 100 PSMH.Pulse-Start Metal Hali\ F Flat Clear ~T - Mutti T3Pl BRZ - Bronze PGI120V - Sullon Type Disc Top FT - Forward 150 320 Watt Tempered )lK - Blac~ PCI208V - Button T\'1le HF5H. Arm Mount Throw 175 MH - Metal Halide Glass -/" -'Ol"W PlP - Platinum PiuS PCl240V - Button T\'1lB HFPSH . Pole Topt 5 - Type V Square 250 175,250 Watt - BUF - Buff PC1277V - Sutton Type Dome Top 320 HPS - HiQh Pressure Sodium WHT-While ll-less !.amp HFSOH - Arm Mounl 100,150,250 Watt. GRN - Green HFPSOH . Pole Tapt Hillol ~ Small VerUesl 2 - Type II 100 PSMV'Pulss-Sl3rt Metal Halide C~lar 0 eeall Disc Top 3- Type III 150 175, 250, 320 Watt 45 - Ugh! Gold HFSV' Arm Maunl FP - Perimeter 175 MH - Melal Halide M!tlllic HfPSV, Pole Top' Fa rward Throw 250 175, 250 Watt 20 - Charcoal Dome T up 5 - Type V Round 320 HPS - High Pressure Sodium Metallic HFSDV. Arm Muunt 100,150 Watt HfPSDV - Pule Top' 94 -Slue Metallic Hillolll Vertical 3 - Type lit 250 P~~~-~,U1Se-Sl3rt Metal Halide PCE120V - External Photoce1l6 S9 - Dar~ Disc Top FP - Perimeter 320 20 400 Watt PCE20SV - External PhotocellS Green HFA - Arm Mount Forward Throw 400 (S"I>.;1X~~~,~~ ""~. '.J PGE240V - External PhotocellS 21 - Tomato HFPR. Pole TOpl 5 - Type V Round MH - Metal Halide PCE2nv - External PhotocellS Red Dome Top HfRD - Arm Mount 250, 400 Watt LL - LeSS !.amp 55 - Black HFPRD - Pole Top' HPS - High Pressure Sodium 50 - WMe 250 400 Watt 51 - Oarl: HiIloD La~D Vertlul 3- Type III 750 PSMV - Pulse-Start Metal Halide PCR - Photoelectric Control Re~ FP - Perimeter 1000 750. 1000 Watt Receptacle] 70U - AlIec HFl- Arm Mount Forward Throw MHR'- MetalHali~e Reduced LL - Less !.amp Silver HFPl' Poie Top' FA - Automotive 1000Watl Metallic Forward Throw HPS - Hi9h Pressure Sodium 5 - Type V Square 7502 Watt I I I IL I I I I I EXAMPLE OF A TYPICAL ORDER 1 HFL 5 1000 MHR F MT PLP peR 201 1- When ordering pole top fixtures lor tenon mounting, a pole top adaptor must be ordered. 2. Multi Tap is not available in 75DW High Pressure Sodium. Specily voltage required. 3- For international voltages, eonsuil factory. 4- MT - Multi Tap is shipped sfandard unless olherwise specified. Mulli Tap consists of 120V, 208V. 240V, and 277V_ Multi Tap is pre-wired for highest voltage. Alternate voltages will require lield re-wiring. 5- Tri.Tap is shipped standard for C-Ulapplicalions. Tri-Tap consists of 12DV, 277'1. and 347V. Tri-Tap is pre-wired lor highesl voltage. Alternate voltageswill require field re-wiring. 6- External photocell is compatible with Hillon II only. ]_ PCR compatible with Hillon large only, peR factory installed and prewired for highest voltage. Alternate voltages will require field rewiring ACCESSORY ORDERING INFORMATION Descrlpllon Order Number PC 120V - Ph oloeell 122514 PC20BV - Photocell 122515 PC240V - Photocell 122516 PC277V - Photocell 122517 PC4BOV - Photocell 122518 FK120V - SinQle Fusing FK120V F'I.277V - Single Fusing FK277V OFK20S, 240V - Double Fusing DFK20B.240V (Accessories are field installed) Descrlpllon DFK480V - Double F~sing FK347V. Single Fusing HFL FP HSS - Hovse Side Shield HFR FP HSS - House Side Shield HFSHMFSV FPI3 HSS - House Side Shield HFSV 2 HSS - House Si~e Shield BKA-RBO-WM-"-CLR Wall Mount Plate 'Black only. Order Number DFK480V FK347V 4343004' 156383' 168505' 158505' 123113GlR ~~ HILTON FLAT LENS ~ '.~ Hilton La.rge Hilton II Disc Top ~ - Hilton II Dome Top Hilton II Small Disc Top Hilton II Small Dome Top u U THE HllTON@ FLAT lENS SERIES LSI's Hilton Flat Lens fixtures uniquely combine the high performance and benefits of traditional vertical burn technology, with full cut-off distribution, afforded by a flat lens. Specially designed reflectors provide uniform, high performance lighting while the flat glass lens ensures the full cut-off distribution as defined by IESNA. Offered in three sizes. the Hilton Series gives you quality lighting and architectural appeal. SPECIF leA nONS HOUSING large: One-piece spun aluminum housing with bottom door access. HiIlon II and Hilton II Small: Round spun aluminum housing with a choice of two top-access covers (disc or dome). DOORS/TOP COVER FASTENERS Large: Four stainless steel captive door fasteners provide secure closure and allow easy access with no loose hardware. For ease of installation, the door frame is field- removable. Hilton 11: Three stainless steel captive top-cover lasteners provide secure closure and allliw easy access with no loose hardware. The top cover is attached to housing via a tether clip, which frees both hands while servicing. UGHT SOURCES Pulse-Start Metal Halide, Super Metal Halide, Metal Halide, Metal Halide Reduced Envelope, or High Pressure Sodium. Clear lamp is supplied as slandard REFLEGORS/DISTRIBUTION PATTERNS large: Type III (3), Perimeter Forward Throw (FP), Automotive Forward Throw (FA), and Type V (5). Hilton II: Type III (3), Perimeter Forward Throw (F~), and Type V (5). Hilton II Small: Type II (2) vertical only, Type III (3), Forward Throw (FT/FP).and Type V (5). All but Hilton II Small reflectors are field rotatable. Photometric data is tested in accordance with IESNA guidelines. LENS/GASKET The flat tempered glass lens, measuring 1/8" in thickness, is sealed to Ihe cast aluminum lens frame (large) orinto the bottom of the top access housing (Hilton II and Hilton II Small) with continuous EPDM extruded gasketing. SOCKETS Porcelain mogul base sockets. All sockets are pulse"rated. FINISHES Each fixture isfinished with DuraGrip~, LSI's baked-on polyester-powder finishing process. The DuraGrip polyester finish withstands extreme weather changes without cracking or peeling and is guaranteed for five full years. Standard finish colors are bronze, black, platinum plus, buff, while, and green. DECAL STRIPING LSI offers optional color- coordinated decals in 9 standard colors to accent the fixture. Decals are guaranteed for five years against peeling, cracking, or fading. BALlAST High-power factor CWA ballast designed for -20' F operation. The removable ballast tray features a Quick-disconnect plug. BRACKETS large Arm Mount: 2-1/2' x 6-7/8' x 6' extruded aluminum bracket is standard. Bracket and housing attach to round pole with through-bolts and a one-piece, back-up pole nut plate (included with fixture). A round Pole Plate (RPP2) is provided as standard for mounting to 3' - 5' round poles. Hilton II and HiIlon \I Small Arm Mount: A 2-1/2' x 5-3/8" x 6'Iength extruded aluminum bracket is shipped standard. A round Pole Plate (RPP2) is provided as standard for mounting to 3" - 5" round poles. Pole Top: The cast aluminum mounting hub conceals the wiring compartment and mounts directly to LSI's unique 'pole-lOp mounting plate", via a high-strength grade five steel bolt with nylon insert and split lock washer for double locking. Support arms consist of four 11/16" 0.0. aluminum rods and are pre-wired for ease 01 installation. POLES Refer to Poles/Brackets section of catalog for pole information. c@us lISTED listed fDr wellDcalions. PHOTOMETRies For detailed photometric data, please visit our web site at WWVI.lsi-industries.com. H FL Type FP - Vertical HFL Type 5 - Vertical HR Type 5 - Vertical 1# U&~lln& sy.r.etJUl\r 10000 A11i<mce Road + Cincinnati, Ohio 45242 + (513)793-3200 FAX (51 ))984- 1)35 . www.lsi.induslries,com ( ( ( .{ --=, ..., b b il ~ t-'" ... Di"l ~ ete r ~Vl" u Wf1.shington 10'-0" :t Pedestrian Past Uhington - US Globe wlFiniall.Jlminaire LUMINAIRE SPECIFICATIONS Slyle: Height: Widlh: Material: Globe/ Panels: Finish: Wattngel Lamping: Distribution: Voltage: Options: Washington - r 1 S Globe w/Finial 41" t (w/Out Finial 3 r :t) I61C t Cast Iron Polycarbonate Prime Paid Mercury Vapor (100. 175 or 250 Waft) High Pressure Sodium (70, 100, 150 or 200 WatO lvfetal Halidel175 or 250 Walt) InCilndescenI Symmetric Asymmetric 120, 208, 240, 277 or 480 Firtial OpliOnll1 Photo Control - Button Type Available LAMP POST SPECIFICATIONS Style: Heighl: Light Center: Base: Mrt/erial: Finish: Access Door: Anchor Bolls: Bolt Projec/ioTl: Bolt Circle: Options: Washing Ion It 10 Pedes/rilln 10'-0" j: 11"-11"1:. 17" 1: Diameter 1 Piece, Heavy Wall Cast Iron, per A.S. T.M.. A 48-83 Class 30 Iron Oride Red - Prime Pllint Locafed in Base (3) 3/.(' x 24" + 3" Hook (Fully Galvanized) r Required Above Foundation 12 W' j: Dillmeler Post Height Availableas a ViI/a or Washington 10'-0", 11'-0", 12'-0", 13'-0", 13'-2", 14'-5", 16'-2" or 17'-1":t. Also Available in Washington Style Utilizing Sleel Shafts in a Variety of Heights. 17"::: Diameter It T I;at~fi L' ~G?5,~ I ::."; ~"~\ \: .b4-" I ~ --' ( J ; \ I' -\ \, J7 / ........ ~. '-----.J- r.:f ,'-- 12.'1"" !: 0 Bolt CirclE ANCHOR BOLT OET AIL SPRING CITY ELECTRICAL MFG. CO. P.O. Drawer A, Spring City, PA 19475. Phone 610-948-4000 · Fax 610-948.5577. .. "" ..~- y ~~.~V - ----.,-~---- --- -- IHR[ /fA Y {J'l'NINt,S IN.. 51,'IArf /(i? W!.I.,' rNAINI,' '\ lTffJS SNAil Br ORIIll 0 i ~v fI[W BY CGWIRAC/IJI? I . I\(~) fl/" ~; I~.I~/r!.\'r:' , :,1 SIt It/X lJ(.f rs' HI lit I NUfS. nAf WAs/I{R5 ANO /(X'KIYASlQ]rS I '.\ Cf7 !i'[ClPfAO,r /lffll Iff A !JlrRPRtXY CO/-fR NtH H{AfHlRPRW f#l/t { IN {j5[ (51[ loP '''''o,WH' fT BAS[ PlAIr ~~rm ai'/fN!A/lOV) I . L--n------~<f~=4 .... t ~ -[~~/: ~~~:. . .~'.--I '.'-. f/1-1tlX f'lfJN&' fir N I 01(?/l/1 Jf1IlI I M/I tWO I H'ASllflr' ~ 11 , I" I -' , ~ \~ r- '.. ., - I 11 , .1 .L:---",> < I f I, ..I'J.... n~~:-J ^ L a- 11'" _I II 1YP~ "D2 II I, "._.~_._...... (/JrJl{ a;lIJHiI/RCS[,fClfl(I}IZON)L .. .sm r. IVY /10 1.'11 NAOIIf ('lOIJI IIl/CII/- lll/l" HII)llt /Ii J/1" VAllhUI: CAS! A/WIN/I/.I ANlI S171# AII/AI/M/l( amI: RIIlr'ACfl/1 1'01. JrANI/(WA II /lNISlI. 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IfAs//IM,;ION .\(~UIIS.J S IIWIIINlAI m~~[ 411;11" HfIJ III 15 1/8" I)IA UA 111r'IA1: CAS r Atl/UINtl!l ClOl1r ItYfRAC/lj-[ I'()! yeARIIONAI! I1N61( l'fr'lilr PAINI III/N I/N6/1 PAINl S/f/Ir'IIfN JfilIIA!.!S AtAYJI {IN CI A'iSIC III At/( IAAlPlNC' 115 WAIl J./{lAI IlAfIIJ! (lAAlPS 81' iJf/l/!'~r;J va /Acr I)f) 111 f 5()CKU MOC{J/ RAV' ...... POST [J1r'ACK[{ snaf/f../1110N.5'__ __ . . _ ... 'o. .~. ....._ siJi/~_h"~__,_,,,u- --- 'w;"~iiiiic!{}N ,W,fPII 5/NCL[ lit/air 11;1(' (ROil BO!IOM Of /?/i'A(}<.[f !iJ HOI!(}iI tJllf.'MINAIRf Ilf!~fll ""I7?OJf POS! 10 f or WiIINAIRr AM/fRIAI: CIISI AIlIAI/M/AI IINI.'i/l !'/,YJ./I'IWNI IlIlN IINl.SlIl'AlNI .vILA'lf1/{ mll/lll.l'. A(h'OI(},v C1AS'i/C III ACK ] 1/2" OIA X ,r IIIC/! (/0 Aea 1'1 /(filINAIM) f L6 o' .," f,] f' '''r! "(I d. .... ~.-..__. ---- ~.._..- -.~ -- ~ ~ ~?,/ . ~~ _TO "___. _._ .._.~__--........ ", 111)t) X -/"II},W; l,YN I ( 11(101 riff III I NlII ANI) I H:1\/I/{,' ,. f -!1 -I -~ r- Sllf/UO j-}y' /I'II/IOO!" IIMl;V /'O~I.51 r ai/fA IION.S' ,~iH.( .... . '-'m... IIII()I! 11011 (lNll/r' llA.\r .IIA IrMAI: S7IAIT BASE -- - - -,- - - -- . . ~ ---- - . .. II!h'[ /fA r (JI'!N/Nr,:~ IN . SHiff T 10h' /UJlINAlllr \ I[[{JS SHALL hr ORlfLU) IN f/aD Br COIYfRAr./(}/r' I'. J 1/1" '1 r ..., 'V' J~. /, I,. ..1 ,f /. , ~1 S II. fll X IIIV IS '111/f NUTS. flAI WASllr!r>~ IItV/J I OC/(J(lA.Vi! A's ffAWIN(,'/(W .Il!1l .10' r}" . f.! "/(l j/t~. 11" OIA!.!/IIN /IAZ',7/' I CAua IlIIAI/IIfII, Sfl.ll I.((JN()/lll/I ((JN~'lmlr:!ltW h'Jlia:i'si./i' (;WIo."/T![A VY WAll CAsflRON rU? II S 1M. II ,,/u~} ('I/I<';'.m i'!.7i/{ PANI illlk ilil'/!I/ l'AfAlf YIiIt,lfN IIf/f/A,t!:, /fr.;r,)T(W ctAS.W; 81110' t OCA 1m IN fJA 5t 10 COINOOf HUIlIIAM) /II}/ r IN S 1/ II SllAf 1 SlWlrY/J #fIll 11,11 iliA/) III % 1'0(/(11 .sIm;'Y1r U1m/NI VN IYS 1/4-20 SO//AIt'/. NUl Iff./OIlJ 101N.S/IJI HWI {)fI'()I/ {i/rlOSlI/ /fANIJ I/Olf /(W (''ROIINO Sf/fO (511JO Sfll'l'/If./lRY OI/lINS) M I" % .f0. I of" 1l00/( (rill! r (,'I/! 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