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Dobosiewicz, Jon C
( .~
DObosiewicz, Jon C
Monday, February 17, 2003 2:27 PM
Tingley, Connie S
Lillig, Laurence M; Hollibaugh, Mike P; Brewer, Scott I
Docket Number Assignment -rSF,?'j~ Ridge at Hayden Run, Section One & Two (Secondary
Plap,.-''c_~,. __. '___
Please print and fax this e-mail to the petitioner identified below and update the file. I have issued the necessary
Docket Numbers for the Ridge at Hayden Run, Section One & Two (Secondary Plat). They will be the
24-03 SP
25-03 SP
p~ ?? I f)
Total Fee:
Docket No. 24-03 SP; The Ridge at Hayden Run, Section One (Secondary Plat and Construction Plans)
The site is located on the south side of West 141 st Street approximately one-half mile east of Shelbome Road. The site is
zoned S-llResidential- Estate.
Filed by Dennis Olmstead of Stoeppelwerth & Associates, Inc. for Centex Homes.
Docket No. 25-03 SP; The Ridge at Hayden Run, Section Two (Secondary Plat and Construction Plans)
The site is located on the south side of West 141 st Street approximately one-half mile east of Shelborne Road. The site is
zoned S-l!Residential - Estate.
Filed by Dennis Olmstead of Stoeppelwerth & Associates, Inc. for Centex Homes.
Please note the following:
· These items has been placed on the February. 19,2003 agenda of the Technical Advisory Committee.
. These items will be reviewed administratively by the Department.
Please contact Dennis Olmstead at 849-5935 (Fax: 849-5942) with this information. Once the file is updated
please return it to my office.
- -:--- \ \ 1;- I--i',-
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~OCJ' ~ '
F-ee: S5OO.00 or ($400.00}
DATE: _ F.eh:ruary_ 4 r 2003
The undersigned agrees that any amslructioo, reconstrudionr enlargement, telocat1on or alteratiOn-of si:ructu~ or
any change in the l.5e of land Of structures requestE:id by this appfrcation will comply with. and conform ro, all ~lcable laws
of the state of Indiana, and tile Zoning Ordinance of Carmel, Inlfrana - 1980, adopted under the authotily of Ads of 1979,
Public Law 178.,. Sec. 1, et seq. General AssemblY of the State of 1ndfana, and aU Acts amendatory thereto~
Name or Applicant:
Cent ex Homes _
Phone # ( 317 L 915-2200
Address of Appbnt:
6602 East 75th street, Suite 100, Indianapolis, Indiana 46250
Name of Owner.
Centex Home's
Name of Subdivision;
The Ridge At Hayden Run, Section Two
Legal Description (To be typewrittencf'D ~ sheet and atb1ched).
Area (in acn:s):
14.432 Ac.:!:: Number of Lots: 28
Length in miles ct fiew streets ,to be dedicated txI public use:
0.'40 miles
Surveyor certifying plat;
-::-Bern'1is D. Olmstead
Signature of Applicant
SUNEyOr's ~ and phone # 9940 Allisonville Road. Fjshers. Indiana 4h01R l117l 8~9..-S_q1L;
Thomas L. Kutz
I .
Land Development Manager
*"*~"4I<< k:I' 1, T .1-__JM,.J III + I ! 11 ..;; M~II f';"'+"T~Ultf,lil~~t*' ~iH I ~I~ r r I I .. r "'l d~"r" ~l l~b't4"" ~ t I~ Ill* STATE OF lNDI'ANA
County of Hamilton
Sefore-lllE, the undersigned, a Notary Public for Hamilton County, State at Indiana, personaUy appeare:J
Thomas L.. Kutz and acJcoowledge the executiOn of the foregoing instrument this 4 th' day of
Febn1ar:' . ~ 2003
My Commission Expires: 09/09/2006
5.1.10 Aoolication fer Secoo(iBlY Ptat"T~ {2 if necessary, of the secondary pfat and ttIe cmstruction
plans. rogether with supporting documents, shaff ~ to the Buildin9 Commissioner with this appllcatIotl and the
application fee as indicated in section 29~6 of the Zoning Ordinarrce.
Additional plans to be distributed ta necessary authoritiesbyapplk:ant.
'Received By:
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Apart of the Southwest Quarter of Section 20, Township 18 North, Range 3 'EGist,
Hamilton County, Indiana, more particularly described as follows:
~A ~
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Commencing at the Northwest Corner ofthe Southwest Quarter; thence North 89
degrees 37 minutes 59 seconds East (Assumed Bearing) 1,326.23 feet along the North
line of said Quarter section; thence South 00 degrees 05 minutes 53 seconds West
623.05 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING; thence South 89 degrees 57 minutes 40
seconds East 166.67 feet to a point on a curve concave southeasterly, the radius point of
said curve being South 70 degrees 38 minutes 50 seconds East 325.00 feet from said
point; thence northeasterly along said curve 54.90 feet to a point on said curve, said
point being North 60 degrees 58 minutes 08 seconds West 325.00 feet from the radius
point of said curve; thence South 60 degrees 58 minutes 08 seconds East 190,00 feet;
thence South 07 degrees 17 minutes 30 seconds West] 34.13 feet; thence South 00
degrees 03 minutes 08 seconds West 83.06 feet; thence North 74 degrees 31 minutes 57
seconds East 67.46 feet; thence South 89 degrees 56 minutes 52 seconds East 51.47
feet; thence South 58 degrees 43 minutes 09 seconds East 104.22 feet; thence South 28
degrees 35 minutes 44 seconds East 99.64 feet; thence South 00 degrees 03 minutes 08
seconds West 97.03 feet; thence South 76 degrees 44 minutes 57 seconds East 209.26
feet; thence South 51 degrees 49 minutes 52 seconds East 140.00 feet; thence South 38
degrees 10 minutes. 08 seconds West 38.62 feet; thence South 51 degrees 49 minutes 52
seconds East] 97.65 feet; thence South 36 degrees 48 minutes 06 seconds West 153.61
feet; thence South 09 degrees 31 minutes 19 seconds East 51 .97 feet; thence South 61
degrees 37 minutes 34 seconds West 139.99 feet to a point on a curve concave easterly,
the radius point of said curve being N0l1h 62 degrees 01 minutes 08 seconds East
225.00 feet from said point; thence northerly along said curve 61.30 feet to a point on
said curve, said point being South 77 degrees 37 minutes 42 seconds West 225.00 feet
from the radius point of said curve; thence South 77 degrees 37 minutes 43 seconds
West 50.00 feet to a point on a curve concave southwesterly, the radius point of said
curve being South 77 degrees 37 minutes 43 seconds West 20.00 feet from said point;
thence northwesterly along said curve 28.35 feet to the point of tangency of said curve,
said point being North 03 degrees 35 minutes 50 seconds West 20.00 feet from the
radius point of said curve; thence South 86 degrees 24 minutes 10 seconds West 353.16
feet to the point of cllrvature of a curve concave northerly, the radius point of said curve
being North 03 degrees 35 minutes 50 seconds West 225.00 feet from said point; thence
westerly along said curve 32.47 feet to the point of tangency of said curve, said point
being South 04 degrees 40 minutes 18 seconds West 225.00 feet fi"om the radius point
of said curve, said point also being the point of curvature of a curve concave
southeasterly, the radius point of said curve being South 04 degrees 40 minutes 18
seconds West 20.00 feet from said point; thence southwesterly along said curve 27.72
feet to the point of tangency of said curve, said point being North 74 degrees 44
minutes 40 seconds West 20.00 feet from the radius point of said curve; thence North
74 degrees 44 minutes 41 seconds West 50.00 feet to a point on a curve concave
southwesterly, the radius point of said curve being North 74 degrees 44 minutes 41
seconds West 20.00 feet from said point; thence northwesterly along said curve 27.72
feet to the point oftangency of said curve, said point being North 25 degrees 50
minutes 21 seconds East 20.00 feet from the radius point of said curve, said point also
being the point of curvature of a curve concave northeasterly, the radius point of said
curve being North 25 degrees 50 minutes 21 seconds East 225.00 feet from said point;
thence northwesterly along said curve 182.91 feet to a point on said curve, said point
being South 72 degrees 24 minutes 59 seconds West 225.00 feet from the radius point
of said curve; thence North 89 degrees 56 minutes 52 seconds West 159.62 feet; thence
North 00 degrees 05 minutes 53 seconds East 809.96 feet to the place of beginning.
Containing 14.432 acres, more or less, subject to all legal highways, rights-of-ways,
easements, and restrictions of record.
The following agreement shall be included as a submittal with the final plat application.
The developer shall be responsible for any drainage problems including standing water,
flooding and erosion control, which arise or become evident at any time during the 3 year
maintenance period after release of subdivision bonds, and which is attributable to a
deficiency in subdivision drainage design or construction of drainage improvements.
This shall include all pipes, structures, swales, ditches and ponds which are pertinent
features to the proper drainage ofthe subdivision.
This responsibility of the developer shaH not, however, include problems which are
created, subsequent to the conlpletion of the subdivision improvements by the improper
grading by individual builders, or structures and improper grading installed or
accomplished by individual homeowners.
It is the intent of this requirements, that the developer shall, specifically, provide such
sub-surface drains, or storm sewers or ditches as are required to properly rectify any
drainage problem or sub-surface water problem which was not contemplated in the
original approved subdivision design, including, but not restricted to, disposal of sub-
surface water from footing drains of indi vidual lots.
ROAD IMPROVEMENTS: The typical agreement for existing contiguous Hamilton
County Roads which are substandard, with Hamilton County is:
The developer will put in 12 inch stone base to the required width of the road, and grade
the shoulders to a minimum of 6 feet width and construct proper side-ditches, or, provide
storm sewers and curbs. This will be the black top grade during construction of
subdivision. Then the county will come in and cut out 3 inches and put in 3 inch binder
asphalt after which the developer ,.vill be responsible for 1 inch of asphalt topping. This
is being done as joint projects between county and developer. An agreement shall be
executed, in writing, between the developer and Hamilton County specifically detailing
the exact work to be accomplished by the developer and that to be accomplished by the
County, and shall also state the road or roads or portions thereof which are included. If
the subdivision is contemplated to be almexed to the City of Carmel, then the agreement
shall include the City of Carmel Board of Public Warks as a signatory, which shall be for
the purpose of the City of Carmel agreeing to accept for maintenance and operation, the
improved road facility upon completion of said improvements and completion of
Thomas L. Kutz
Mary E. Bredlau
February 4, 2003
v U
9940 Allisonville Roat! /<:-:'
Fishers, Indiana 46038-2005 ~~'
Phone (317) 849-5935 I..,..~!
FAX (317) 849-5942 \;~
H~i ~ ?ti~~
February 4, 2003
Department of Community Services
One Civic Square
Carmel, Indiana 46032
Jon Dobosiewicz
The Ridge At Hayden Run, Section Two
WE ARE SENDING YOU [ X] liPS [ ] Courier [ J Othe'":
2 Sets Construction Plan
2 Secondary Plat
1 Utility Summary
1 Subdivider Agreement Form
1 Plat Application with Description
1 Transmittals to Agencies
THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below:
J For Approval
I X 1 As Requested
] Fur Review and Comment
x I For Your Use
Edward E. Fleming
Cc: Tom Kutz
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