HomeMy WebLinkAboutCorrespondence ~.-J v :;'/;eJl :;11 lOGl Iw+ .~""1th~~"" s.owc;:3;:C'~lQ. kl}? '\?J~;'."'~~r>:::J11,1 :,::O:~-;1 It':dic.i:::-..'l'ioiln D- t'l1.(l,;lili~ U0:k' 3 i/lc.u ;;orrn:ioiiJ~QJt.1 'l}a~!tO~ ;) ~1.Z ~:104"'i21(.) h'j ,'fj:t~!02r' thf,St. '~,h~':~o~ Gc'ntl~iZ:n~ WCDt~~~~ yo~ ;yov,rSJ:t1, nOil :r ll'- ~}~~~lor .} L1 Ll <'111n.;.I ;';qJltiJ::li{:tD1en.c.&~ " J \. ../: Apr;tl .l;9i3' 1961 '!4v.. Arthur Ro,&enfii'ld 445 Spl"in gnrJ.l 1 Lano Indiattapoli-s, IndiQ,n~ Ret~~ ?,ertlit1on Fo~'i. Zo~n:f5 Chanse . 'DGc1-!:;et.1" ~tS1Z DQt:'l.r M3:'\. RQsmtf~l(L: . The O.su.....11.el r.i:otrtl ~-.:L0.TI Gom...,...... sesel€Jti.0~ . ,,'~ril 18ft 1961" vQted t9 ~~Ol;!tf'~ rrt"u.~t\.~e.s tJ ht,t;tYdUl:.'" petition. '0;' " . . e&." Th'Pra~,eon given; f:Q> .> .'X. .% e:coJll;J~n(j,$.t';on f'Qr' de11J..gJ. t1~.'B.... t. 11a.. ...:t.' "fJ."CU .tl.1<i" :r.'lot 1'1. e. at~.~ '~'.11,'......mi" .m.i....i!.ll'..mil. 1..0.....t....S..1ZS...~q..,.'.tt.~r.~mon't, ~B, snotm in Ftlssu:ra lot t', I{aE.lte:c '!1't;:j;~~ aha. thes.dd~aBe being 1ne"')r~O(:l't.. ' .'" 'r. +.l"'nlv 17'Q'lUN,~ " "" ... ...,. oJ .. . Il1 re~U1ar .r..:d .. " BOaJ;~d. of DOn .lti l1a~p!1.e:r .tl!Lne CQ1Qrt!.i, $ B1ohlSi::? u W", CARMEL TOWN PLAN COMMISSION CAR.MEL, INDIANA April 5, 1961 Nemo to File: Ref: Docket # 3-61Z Public meeting held this date- Discussion Followed- Decision withheld until April 18, 1961 Don rlampl er fY' oJ v ~ MlU'ch. 22. 19M. .Mr~ j\.gthuf' Rm;!erifeld 445 Spr:7.rJgm.! 11 Lane Tn<.'11ana.POlis" tndiana Ref: Petit! on POl:" ~ezonln.g Carmel. Plan COll1l!1ission Doe.ket # 3...61Z Dea:l:'MJr.. 'Rofienf eld: The Catme 1 Town Pl~n Comm:f Marcb' 31t 1961,. reed ved your pe 1961,: a$ '1 :00 llaM. fOf tbe public the Carmel. Water Tteatmeot Plant. I' mf':dfw <, U CARilfEL U TOWN PLAN COMMISSION CARl'fEL, INDIANA February 20, 1961 Mr. Harold Kaiser Carmel, Indiana Re: Building Permit De ar JYfr. Kai ser : In reference to your request for a building permit to construct an apartment building at the Southvlest corner of East 11 a. in street and Southeast 3rd'~Avenue, in Carmel, this. office denies this request~ This property in question is nO'tl zoned R-2 and must be rezoned R-4 bei'ore a permit can be issued. Very truly yours, ~~+, Don F ~ vTaiupl er Building Commissioner u u Carme.l, Indiana February 20, 1961 CA~{ffiL PLANNING COMMISSION CarmelJl Indiana ATTENTION: Don i'Jampler Dear Sir:' Please iS$ue a Building Perrtiit for an Apartment House to be loc8.ted at the Southwest CQrner of East Main Street and Southeast 3rd Avenue, Carmel, Indiana. This Lot.. is 91' x 260' . Ver71 truly yours, ~~~~ HAROLD L. KAISER,Re~ltor .{