HomeMy WebLinkAboutDept Report 03-18-03
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March 18, 2003
3h. Docket No. 29-03 Z; Clarion North Hospital Campus PUD (Rezone)
The applicant seeks to rezone a 107.367 acre property from B-3, B-6, and S-2 subject to
the US 31 Overlay Zone to a Planned Unit' Development District. The site is located at
the northwest comer of US 31 and 116th Street.
Filed by Joseph M. Scimia of Baker and Daniels for Clarian Health Partners, Inc.
4h. Docket No. 30-03 DP/ADLS; Clarian North Hospital
The applicant seeks Final Development Plan and Architectural Design, Lighting,
Landscaping & Signage approval for a hospital and medical office building. The 68.164
acre site is located at the northwest corner of US 31 and 116th Street. There is a proposal
filed to rezone the site to a Planned Unit Development' District.
Filed by Joseph M. Scimia of Baker and Daniels for Clarian Health Partners, Inc.
The applicant is seeking two actions by the Plan Commission, one approval and one
recommendation. The recommendation concerns a request to rezone a I 07 -acre tract at the
northwest corner of Us 31 and 116th Street from the current B-3, B~6, and S-2 subject to the US
3 I Overlay Zone to a Planned Unit Development District. The other requested action is that of
approval regarding a development plan and ADLS for the hospital and medical office building.
While the City Council will take fmal action on the proposed Planned unit Development the Plan
Commission, as indicated in the PUD, would have final jurisdiction over development plan and
ADLS approval for projects located within the development. Please refer to the information
packet provided by the applicant for an overview of the proposed facility as well as a general
layout of the remainder of the site contained within the PUD.
The applicant has spent considerable time with the department in reviewing the site for
compliance with the Comprehensive Plan, made appropriate modifications, and proposed
altemative design approaches where appropriate to transition the uses and development standards
showing sensitivity to the adjacent medium and low intensity residential uses. The request for a
PUD is desired over the traditional zoning classifications contained within the Ordinance to
adequately address this complex a facility and the transitioning of uses and standards required to
provide sensitivity both is design and buffering to adj acent residential uses outside the US 31
Corridor Overlay. In addition to illustrating to the Plan Commission how this proposal conforms
to the Comprehensive Plan the applicant should be prepared to discuss, in detail, the
improvements they propose to construct to accommodate the traffic generated by the uses
proposed for the site. Additional discussion will likely continue regarding this topic at the
Committee level.
The Department recommends that this item be forwarded to the Subdivision Committee on
March 25th for further discussion. Please note that this is the night the Special Studies
Committee has scheduled a special meeting to discuss the Mining Ordinance. We believe
that the PUD application alone warrants special consideration by the Subdivision
Committee and the evening of the 25th would provide a time consistent with the meeting of
the Special Studies Committee.