HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplications I I ... - '"'t' ..... 'w (.2'-' J:iev, 1...j.-61, fl. C. Z<:rm. F),tJ'3f..lt J. r'r' ? S hp.e 7.3 /. -- _.- j /_ 9- 6 "2 ) ! ""?":}Ll ;q /?7 \ /i / .......,. NOTICE: !rhiS application must b~ ty:pewritten,accompanied by the information specified on the instruction sheet attac.hed herewith"and filed by the legal "wner$ of fifty ($0) percentum or more of the real astate in the area involved in this petitien at lea.st 1$ days prior t. date of the public hearing by the Plan Commissir.ID. Dat:.:J ;..,'- PETITION TO CHANGE ZONING ORDINAl'.JCE (To Be Filed In Duplicate) Plan Commission Docket No. .2Z,-t:.lz Nar.re of Applicant How~,.r'I E_ Gi 11::mr'l I,..Anp. Gi" Phone N..EiliQAn ~?7'3 Jld-;,"::;,Jr of Applicant McCot"dsville, Indiana r';:\";1.rJ )i" Owner Lo11is Dunson & Virginia Dunson Address 1004 W..' 64th Street . ,". '. Indian~olis, Indiana PrdH:i:3eS P.ffected,Street & No. 122'52 NortlJ Meridian Street Tndiana-polis Between ],.25 th street and 126 tb Street Lot Nos. in Addition Mete,s & Bounds Descri~tion Part of the Not'thHalf of the Southeast Quarter of Section 26,. Township 18 North, Range 3 East, complete legal descript.1on attached hert'lto. 6.077 acres more or less Plot Size approx.. 372 feet Fronting on Meridian (Uo S. Higpway 31) Date Property Was Purcha,secl . Nature&. Size of Improvement 'NQw Existing on Plot Residencejt warehouse C~2'OO square Street feet) and other ~purtei1ant struettn'es. Approximate Cost of Proposed Impr~vement $ 'hl~SENT ZONING " S2 REQ,UESTED ZONING B2 Att;e,ch on a separate sh.eet a detailed description of change applied for,Specii'&ing 'Jhethe!" Rezoninganojor Amendment or Supplement to the regulations of the Maeter p:~&.u.Z()ning Ordin811C"e Enacted October 2.7,1959. ... <.-.- ~ .. '"' ,,:, J';'lf;'.",g:b9~e information, .., ". r -c.. /__' -'_""'.< ~ , ~ ~ -:: ~..;~.... -',," ~ - . /"""~<'" s~;ate=oi__ln.diana,tcounty of ftL~1.-.j ::Sub9cr-ibed and sworn to before ,me this .'" '''t....:t # . 2 .. J.t,. COl1l!llission Expires JUL...Y -{ ,1963. I . - A Fee of$l~.OO To Be Paid To The Carmel Town Plan Commission Attaohed. Hereto. I /. ~ - W '"f .~ V I ____~ '.~ ._. (j Rev.. 1-1-61 ZA. Form Sheet No. 1 of2 Sheets .Date N()vp-mbf>.T> 11,' Qhl BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS APPLICATION FOR VARIATION FROM THE REQUJREMENTS OF THE MASTER .PLAN ZQNING ORPINANCE - . - . - - - ]~ Cordsville, Ind~ ,Name of Applicant Hpward Eo Gill and Irene Gill Phone Nq. Edison .5-2733 Name of Owner Leuis O.Dunson Address 100/1 1JI1est 64 th.. Indpls. 8. Ind.. Premises affected, StreBt and No. 1?~~( North Meridian Street Indnls. Ind. 'Be.tween 12,th.. Street. and 126tho Street Metes and 'Bounds Descrit'tion,: (To be tyPewritten onseparate~ at.tached sheet.) 60077 Acres more or less Lot-Plot Si.ze apprqx. 372 feet. Fronting on Meridian (D.So Highway 31Btreet Date Deed was Recorded Nature and Size of ImproV8l1)?11ts Now Existing on Lot Residence. warehouse (/11)00 square feet) and other appurtenant structures.. Approximate Cost of Proposed Improvement 0 No chan~e ,Attach on a separate sheet a full statement of i7'ariation applied for under the requi.rements of ~1as.ter Plan Zonil1g Ordinance enacted October 27, 1959. * ;-* ~~-' ~f ~rf.;"-;i: -~- ~.~. *. "';~, -i~ -..~ ~i * i.~ ,~~ -~} * -!:~ -~(. ~~ ~~ ~~" i~n ':r,.* i~ it ,~} ';~' ~~ ~~ 'i} "* * .* -~~- ~:- * ~~ i~ STATE OF INDIANA~~"""-,, . COUNT"" Sf): The undersigned, having be.en dully sworn, upon oath says that the above J.nf.ormation is true and correct as he is if'Sorme.o and believes. ~ - "'... - ., "-' .. ~.~.R ~, ~eL/ Signc:tture of Appl.icant f 19 b I ~,FE:E' OF $15'.00 . '. T0 BE PAIn TO 'THE CARMEL TOWN BOARD OF ZONING AEPEi1LS, MUST ACCOMPANY THIS APPLICATION. **See instructions on attached shee,t. (j) & (!) /.7 :r; ~ ,,~ .>"7 .oz., 3'3 (.1 .~ -..- -1"'4-,?,- / ((]eC' 'I L.. 33 of),c re.s 'if"" q .7';-- Me I Ibt f /, 1~~ '1 ;:; c. ;r e. 5" I . 7 'if.i 11 Co r e .5 f : (;.017 ~-OJ ~J1.I~ 5.C 4 8""67, <13 tr ISj,/- ( 7~. '3 r I 'Q q. ,~ '2(;. - / Z" - 3 v " THOMAS .J. []W,E:NS u u .....05~PH .J. A~[;US PRES_bENT CHAIRMAN !:IF THE eQA~C AMERICAN ESTATES COMPANY REAL ESTATE 0 INSURANCE 5420 N. COLLEGE AVENUE CLIF"F"C1RD 1-9402 INDIANAPOLIS Legal Description Parts of the North Half(N~) of the Southeast QUarter (SEt) of Section 26, TownShip 18 North, Range 3 East, more particularly described as follows, to-wit: Beginning at a point in the center line10f U~S. HifShway31, distant No:nth 100 feet of the south line of said !!7i Section, thence West, parallel to said south line 740.35 feet, thence North 100 feet, thence East, parallel to said south line 815.14 feet to a point in the said center line of U.S. Highway 31; thence southwestwardly in and along said center line of U.S. Highway 31, 124.33 feet to a place of beginning, containing in all 1.788 acres more or less, subject to all legal rights of way; also Beginning at a point in the ce;ntElr-'line:L of U. S. Highway 31, distant north 200 feet of the south line of said !!4 Section; thence \test, parallel to said south line 815.1L feet, thence North 100 feet; thence East, parallel to said South line 889.93 feet to a point in said center line of U.S. Highway 31, thence Southwesterly, in and along said center line of U.S. Highway 31, 12'4.33 feet to the place of beginning, containing in all 1.91)9 acres more or less, subject to all legal rights of way; also Beginning at a point in the center line of U.S. Highway Bl,distant North 300 feet of south line of said Half Quarter Section; thence West parallel to said South line 889.95 feet; thence North 100 feet; thence East parallel to said South line 96L.72 feet to a point in said center line of U ..8.. Highway 31; then.ce Southwestwardly in and alan g said center line of U.S. Highway 31 to a place of beginning, containing in all 2.330 acres more or less, all in Hamilton Cotmty, Indiana. THOMAS ... OWENS 'CHA1F1MAH CFTHI;: E10AI"!O u u .JI:]S~PH ..I. AR~US PfillUillCENT AMERICAN ESTATES COMPANY REAL ESTATE 0 INSURANCE 5420 N. COLLEGE AVENUE CLIF"F"ORD 1-9402 INDIANAPOLIS I~ - /-(;/ " ~ 'tA/JtJ'rv!/ 4 ~ ~ - ~.JdEi~"~ '. ~~ -t/.JU t~~~cu ~ c;r'~ .~ 2lt.o ~ c;lA_DV Ia-~ k ft~ .Lkv -i6 ~ ~. ~ d J;<36o? en. ~-~ M. k ~ ~ .J t:-t:~~;tk jVJ ~~ h r~'--- 2T- ~I .~~ J-.~ ibJ.dL THOMAS ..J. OWENS CHA.IRMAr-r I;lF'THH: BOARD u u oJ05EF'H ..I. ARGU5 PRESIOE:NT AMERICAN ESTATES COMPANY REAL ESTATE 0 INSURANCE 5420 N. COLLEGE AVENUE CLIFFORD 1-9402 INDIANAPOLIS November 13, 1 9 6 1 I hereby give permission to Howard E. Gill to apply for a variance to the property located at 12552 NOrth Meridian Street, Hamilton County, Indianapolis, India.na, now in the name of Louis O. Dilllson and Virginia Dunson. i~ V. j)u-rv<'L-('~ Louis O. Dunson ~~./L~~ ~'tinia Dtmson \ ~. -+~ '.,.! '-....' " I ), I I' I. I ~' ! '.' , .1 ~ ~ ., ,I' .~ ':1 ~ --r .~ , ~, "j 1 " , t -t. 1 , .~'11 "I ;] ,,-'( 4, . .,' . I ~" " .1, . I -. 'J I" " \ -~. . i I ,. .j. 'I 1 ,1' .J -1 .,'\ ( , ~'i "tJ ~.~, ' "'j , .,....i >.1... _" ~'~~' -~-' :r '. , , ' .~"-~b. ,,- - -, r-". .. ...~,(...." ,,:>;.....:; 1\" ~ ~_~l~ . ~ '; <',!..-..... U#~~ ..., . ...., . ", I ' " .~. '" ",--. ~, " " . ~< ~ ~':'l-~. .. . : . ," ..~,.~ ". " .. , If, ~ :. ..^~, ,!;' ." "i; ,.' ,.--' .~ ,J~,~." " ~~: ~ / . ",;!! ~,' '",- ,. . I: I. " " , , . . ~,. . ~ - ,- \ . ~ " ~ '. \'- ~ " LeKalr>.aeriDtlon I' . P.n. 01, the llorlll --Bill Ci.ltot tbflSCmtbeut Quri.e~ (sit) of Section .26, ','G.WD~P is IOTt.h, Range 3!ASt" ~' partlouJ.arly' d..cr.~~ ...' t.UQIaIS, to-wi tz - /' ,i~ fieginniDg .~ a pom~ .1nthe cQter..l1nt) of U. S. DilDay 'I', cI1.t4nt Nor~h 'lOOf@8t. or the sOuth line'- of said Vi'S<tct1an, tbellO. '.st,parallel to Raid' lath ltae 1.40.)$ teet, thenc.Sorth 100 tut., tneuCMlut., '~ to paid awth line 815.1.4 r..tt.o ,a pOint in tlW ,Ud: center lineot U ~' ,S.Higbway 31. tbance .~t.h"8et.~111n tnd aJ.ong Aiel ~~r Un.- ot U.8., H1'bny, 31, 124.~) f..t toa ~lace ,of be~:lna,o_ta1Jl1og 10 aU .~.. 78ft &O%'e,' 1lO~ or . UIII ,subjeetto lldl legalrlgbta r4 1)z.;n &leo '. - '.. .- ' Qtlg1nning at . potnt in UitI.Qen'terl1ne ot tJ. s. H1g'lnrij' ]1. dilJtant not'.tb "..',' " 200 flJ.~ or the aouth line ot -tel'iIi .Sect.iQn; tMnce Weot,paJ'aUe,l..t.o S;~id aouthU,M81~.U teet, t~D.cellortb lOOr..tj thence iaat,paraUel to sa.id," " ": SOuth liM889.93 t..t to a pout in said. center ll.D.. of U. S .B:l.ihw~y 31, .. , " ~n~ amat..tel"lJ, in and &long sa!.d cmiter Uno of D.. s. 1U.,bMt 31, , l24..:3, t...., to t;heplaceof- beg1rmlni. ~ont&in1ng ~ al:1. 1.9S9 aon. 1l0re' or J.all!l!I, subject to ..u legal rigbt.. of 111111 al.ao ,- , n.gfnnillg at a point in the center 1111. ot tl. B. Rlgbway )1j d:1.tantNorlb 'i) 300 ,t.." of south line of sdd Bill Qua1"t.r se.ctlonJ thenc. ..st.. parallel to .' iJai4 SoQthl1nfl 889.95 feet} thence Morth 100 feet; t.hence iaet parallel to' , Mid "SoUth 11n.964~72"f'e..t: to a' point' in saiCi> aentfllr-line ;"otu .,S. Highway,,-31,; ,. -";.... thtmce SCRlthlrOUtmLrdl.y in and &long ,aid c.nter line of U'.. ~. Kia"""" 31 to "pl&~ of be(1nn~gJl coataioiAg 1n &11 2.3]0.. l..cre3 JaOl'e or;a.....:, ' au 1D a.utoa Count7, Iad1ua. ''''''\~" \ ~': " "t. :~ ~ . . .'f,.. :1 ':. '- ", " ,'.';". .' '~:.~ . . ..~.{. ~.--':~,-., "[' THOMAS. Ll. OWENS C HAIR MAN OF" THE BO.AR D u u ~r:lS~PH oJ. AIHIUS pAIUilDENT AMERICAN ESTATES COMPANY REAL ESTATE. INSURANCE 5420 N. COl.-LI;;GI;; AVI;;NUE CLIFTORD 1-9402 INDIANAPOLIS _J.~~)J~r.~Uw ~Jl r~'~;~~ (M.L .b,~e.e>.0 -""'U Dzv ~--L t1/UaJ, <..J aJ.2.0 ~rL0~ 00. r'lVA/rrW-vJ 7 ~ ~ 1 ~ ~ /7~'U- ~~ ~L~ ~ "f ,a.v ~, ~ Jt;~~. , JJ ~JL ~ ~ k-u--e.(1./ -ircU~ ~~. ~ b . &J'V~J ~~v fgyyJ .:tVud ~, . . . . ;?L~~ t ,!(J!e -.-J I LJI ) LLLLLD .. _.tYII ..,.. ID - c oC : ;; i .. .. . :z: ! 5 i . ! -- -j ~1II 'N ~ ~ --..,..- I ~ RES. VI 6-.2348 . r JOE DEE AMERICAN ESTATES CO. RE:ALTORS BU5. CL 1-9402 5420 COL.L.EGE AVENUE INDIANAPOLIS v~ ~ .......... :-----.. - /' /' I ~ ~Qv;~ "- ~ ~ -=-=- . {1~ '& ~I /-'// //" ~~-,' --"" }, ~it~r, . lA f'. i' ~ !, _ ~ i ~,~N~ t,,~ "-.,' ~, ',', ' -,\ .' '\ ' , . ~ ?::.~: r ~', ~. ;t.~ i '--" ~ ~ t ~~ ~ f , 1: ~ I ~~. t. ~ 11 ~I'i ----... ~'\ -, (\l ~ ~\ (-) 1~ ~ ~ G "~ I- ~~ \1 I' ,.I ";.. ~ (A~:' C\' ,; " p ~ /\.... ,: I ..... ' -,,\:" .......... ~ r,"-.., Xl