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I'~!1rcb. 7: 1962
l1r" nut! }\1~s;, Howard :tA Gill -
NicCordav:tll~1I Itl,aiQlua
Ro.; Ps-tit.lou for Rszon1tie;
Plan Oo:::;;mt o (J:j,on Do-c:\:i3t Ho.~ :a :612-
De'C!.~ Bra o.nCl. !-u-s. Gill;
Tr'.);st3~H'J $ -,..tiofS l.n
,G: vote to. r~$ny 'the
Tho C.o.l"m::Jl TQlfrL1
t'3gu1.arse-osion 11a!'oh
:;;\~OV~ f.\C;IDed }?Qt1tiGt) 9
Carmel, Ind.
Jan" 1 8 , 1 9 62
Carmel Town Plan Commission,
Carmel, Ind.
Concerning property at 12552
North Meridian St. or part of the north half(1!2)
of the South east (1!4) of section 26, Township
18 north, range 3 east containing in all 'approx-
imately 6 acres; more or leS5.
A Dr. Howard Gill, veterinary, has petitioned.
to rezone the above area for business. It haa
been eata.bliahed that this is a resid.ential zone
and not for business purposes . Any kind of bus....
inose in a-bove area is highly objectionable. I
have property on north side of the land at 12552
N. Meridian and wish to subdivide my land into
lots 100 X 200 feet or more and they would face
an objectionabe business place at the front of
the homes. Gentlemen, I ask you to consider we
home owners :/1.11"'. Graves I Mr. Pain tar, T'JIr. Bland
and myself. Would you HELP US KEEl: THE ARF..A RES...
I DEN T LL\.L l'
Yours very truly~
Harold Ho Whidden
l!'T'Om Harold Whidden
R 2 Box 27~.
Ca:rme 1 In.a----' ,
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Carmel Town Plan Comm1sBl.on~
Carmel, Indiana.
/3 C> r~u~t.e J ~d/1Ld~
January 1', 1962
Re: Carmel To"\'ffi Plan Commission Doclcett No. 22-612
Howard E. and Irene Gill
The above petition for rezoning 'l'ras presented ta the
Plan Commission, meeting in regular session, on
January 16, 1962. It was decid.ed, after discussion,
that no action be taken until the next regular meeting,
February 20, 1962!~
rJ-<v- ---;. uJ ~. ~
Don F. Wampler
Building Commissioner
I ,
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We, the undersigned, respectfully requeBt. the consideration, ,by
the members of the Plan Commission, of the followi'ng pe:titiorz in
behalf of the request 'of Dr. Howard Gill for a permit to own and
operate a Veterinary Hospital on .If.aad#j1.
Tne unqersigned are all owners an.dleT exhib.itors ar trainers of
fine pleasure and show horses, thoroughbred or standardbred gorses.
In add it i on, each is a res.id-en t and taxpa yer in Ham il ton Count y.
We wish. to ea}l to your attention the impartancfJ of having Dr.
Gt'll located in .this district. Some of the und<e-rsigned have
sufferedthe loss of valuable ttOrses because of th? excess.ive dis~
tanee ( 40 mUe.s p.nd mOTe) Dr. Gill m1),sttrav~l to rea.ch these
ani.mals. In emergency cases ti'me is an imp,oetan't factor.
It is i,mportant to each sertous-mdnded horse owner to have tIle
best possiblecq.re available jor ,his animal, whether it is only
a pet. pony,,@. favor~t,e pleasure horse', fine show horse, famous
stall ion or brooa-mare or a va,lu,able raCle. horse.. We each respect
Dr. Gill .lor his abil ity as, a vet~rinarian and have the utmost
CQn.fidenc,e in him because he is q horse specialist.
91.~(I(~dJ t12v~~
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lvIgr. S.ehi",l t zer-land Farm s
. /f/ ..,,7
Dan Hollibaugh
Holly Lane F~rms
~/~,~~.. ~
mest lOath ~
3 ... N, blesville
ButtorMood R0ad
1J;;.Jl~ ~U4B,;;L!
Maple La:n~ East ,Llbth
\12 - ,J
MapLe Lane East "~16th
€~ ~ ~V/\---'
"t\/ - ,
J/~~- -
W:hl te
East 3BthStr
Alnut 6-2434
1 8,
December 27, 1961
MI'. R.P. Roblee
475 Emerson Road
Carmel, Indiana
Dear Mr. Roblee:
I called you today but you were out. The reason for this letter
is that we will be leaving for Florida for most of the winter
very shortly and I am very much interested in keeping North
Meridian Street as clear as possible of DDg Kennels and other
activities that might be as bad.
We have the Hoosier Acres, which you no doubt know about, and also
the former Brown home, between our Hoosier Acres and the new
John Kirk Furniture place. Mr. Kirk, I know] is interested in
building a nice home in this territory so I would like to register
as one being against any activity that would tend to lower the
residential opportunities of this area.
If you have any qoestions, I would be glad to talk to you and
look forward to s8eing you at one of the Boa~d meetings later.
Very truly yours,
CO., INe.
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