HomeMy WebLinkAboutCorrespondence/Notes / ..~>> -.\ ,*f"""~t~~::~'ir7.: . ~~. -..' '.' ,-c'~" ';;}M~';;:" ,i .' '::' ." ~ ,~.;~~~~ ""\' "tU~'P''''';.''r'''' <, ,." - '. - . "+I;,~ CAR1WEL TOWN PLAN COMMISSION CAR,MEL, INDIANA May 2, 1961 Memo To File: The following is the rile copy ~hat was passed on the above date for zoning for the entire TOi-'mship . Do not remove from this file folder~ Don F. v!ar.r1pl er The.se Ordinances \,rere recorded on !,lay 3, 1961, as of 11 :40 A.H., in the .office of the County Recorder, in Hamilton County, state Of Indiana. u u PlAN COM.MISSION RESOlUTION: TRANSMITTING MASTER PlAN TO GOVERNING BODY FOR PASSAGE RESOLUTION WH EREAS, the Town Plan Comm iS5ion of the Town of Carmel, Indiana, has given eoreful study to the requirements of the Town and the adjacent unincorporated wea within the I'urisdiction of the Plan Commi$sion, and including all of Clay Town$hlpr Homi ton County, Indiana, for the establishment of a Moster Plan of Carmel, and WHEREAS, a Master Plan of Zoning, ThoroughFarG'S, Subdivision Control, Improve- ment Location Permits and Development plans have been prepared os a part of the Master Plan for Carmel and its Jurisdictional. Area, and WHEREAS, said Plans and Ordinances have been submitted to a properly advertised PublIc Heorlng, which hearing was held in the Carmel Grade School AJditorium on the 12th day of April, 1961, and all suggestions and criticisms have been given careful study and consideration, NOW TH EREFORE brtl It resolved, that the Town Plan Commission hereby adopts said ,vtuter Plan, and BE IT fURTHER RESOLVeD, that said Plan and Ordinance be recommended to the Town Beard of T rusteas of the Town of Carmel, Indiana, for passage, and that the Secn:~tory of the Commission is hereby directed to certify a copy of said Plan and Ordinance ~a the Board at their next meeting for consideration. Adopted th is 1st day of May r 1961. TOWN PLAN COMMISSION OF CARMEL, INDIANA By Pres! dent By Secretary .J ( r ... li ~r u u AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE IMPROV EMENT LOCATION PERMIT ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE AME:NDING THE IMPROVEMENT LOCATION PERMIT ORDI- NANCE OF TH E TOWN OF CARMEL, INDIANA., ORDINANCE NO. Z2., AS AM- ENDED, PASSED BY THE TOWN BOA.RD OF TRUSTEES OF THE TOWN OF CARMEL, INDIAN, ON THE 3RD DAY OF DECEMBER, 1957, TO READ AS FOLLOWS: AN ORDL~ANCE PROVIDING FOR THE ISSUANCE OF !I\/lPROVEMENT LOCA- TION PERMITS WITHIN THE JURISDICTION OF THE: CARMEL TOWN PLAN COMMISSION, AS A PART OF THE MASTER PLAN FOR THE TOWN OF CARMEL, IN DIAN A. NOW BE IT ORDAINED BY THE TOWN BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE TOWN OF CARMEL, INDIANA, UNDER AUTHORITY OF CHAPTER 174, ACTS OF 1947, GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF INDIANA AND ALL ACTS AMENDATORY OR SUPPLEMENTAL THERETO, S~s;U.on 1. Within the Town of Carmel, Indiana, and its Jurisdictional Area, no strlIcture, or improvement, or use of land may be altered, changed, placed, erected, or located on platted or unplatted lands, unless the structure, improvement or lISlE', and its location, conform with the Master Plan and Ordinance of the TO'NTI of Carmel and an Improvement Location Perm.it for such structure, im.provement or use has been issued. It is hereby declared that the intent of the permit requirements of this Ordinance shall not prevail with respect to a Farm. Secti.Q~ ,. The Building Commissioner of the Town of Carmel shall issue an Improvement Location Permit, llpon written application, when the proposed structure, inlprove- ment or UliJ e and its location conform in all res peets to the Mas ter Plan of the Town of Carmel, Indiana, Section 3. Every application for an Improveme-nt Location Permit shall be accompanied by a site plan, drawn to genIe, showing the location of the structure, in1proven1ent, or uS! e to be altered, changed, placed, erected or located, t.he dime>ns'ions of the lot to be improved, the siz.e of the yards and open spaces, existing a.nd proposed streets and a.lleys adjoining or within the lot, and the manner in which the location is to be improved. Application for an Improvement Location Permit shall be accompanied by a fe4!! of Seven Dollars and Fifty Cents ($7. 50), provided that application for an Improvement Location Perrnit for a.n "Accessory Building and Use" as defined in the" Zoning Ordinance of Carmel, Indi,ana - 1959", s hall be accompE1.nied by a fee of Five Dollars ($5. aD}. when not applied for coincidentally for a "Use" other than an II Acces Bory Building and Us eo ", Appli:::ation for an lm.provement Location Permit for a Business Convenience Center Pla.n shall be accompanied by a fee of Two Hun- dred Fifty Dollars ($250. ao). The fee shall be paid to and collected by the Building Cornmi9 s ioneY'. 1 '-..!. - ~ u u S e!'::Umo, 4. Any decision of the Building Commissioner of the Town of Carmel concerning the issuance of an Improvem.ent Location Permit may be appealed to the Board of Zoning Appeals when the decision in question involves a requirement of the "Zoning Ordinance of t 959, Carmel, Indiana", or t.o the Town Plan Commission when the decis.ion in question involves the requirements of other parts of the Master Plan, by any person claiming to be adversly affected by such decision. Section 5. A decision of the Town Plan Commiea ion may be reviewed by certiorari procedure as provided for the appeal of zoning cas es from the Board of Zoning Appeals. Section 6. Action on the violation of any provision of this Ordinance and the right of injunction against sl.lch violation shall be as provided by Chapter 174, Acts of 1947 of the Indiana General Assembly, and all Acts amendatory or supplemental thereto. S e<;tion 7. This Ordinance shall be in force and effect from and after its passage. Passed by the Town Board of Trustees of the Town of Carmel, Indianlii, on the _ day of , 1961. President, Town Board of Trustees of the Town of Carmel, Indiana ATTEST: Clerk-Treasurer of Carmel, Indiana - 2.- v \~ &1 b~(' u u MASTER PLAN ORDINANCE TOWN OF CARMEL, INDIANA AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE "MASTER PLAN ORDINANCE OF CARMEL, INDIANA. 195911, ORDINANCE NO. ZS, PASSED BY THE TOWN BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE TOWN OF CARMEL OF CARMEL, INDIANA, ON THE 2.7TH DAY OF OCTOBER, 1959, TO READ AS FOLLOWS; AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING A MASTER PLAN FOR THE TERRITORY WITH- IN THE JURISDICTION OF~THE TOWN OF CARMEL TOWN PLAN COMMISSION, CONSISTING OF A PLAN FOR THE PHYSICAL DEVELOPMENT OF THE TOWN AND JURISDICTION FOR THE PURPOSE OF GUIDING AND ACCOMPLISHING THE COORDINATED, ADJUSTED, HARMONIOUS D.SVELOPMENT OF THE TOWN OF CARMEL AND THE JURISDICTIONAL AREA. WHEREAS, the Town Plan Commission of the Town of Carmel has prepared a Master Plan for the Town of Carmel and its environs, including ordinances for its enforc~ment; has held public hearings on the Proposed 1vlaster Plan and Ordinances; and has by resolution adopted the Master Plan and recommended thereon to the Town Board that such plan and ordinances be adopted, all in accordance with Section 37 through 39 of the Chapter 174, Acts of 1947, as amended, General Assembly, State of Indiana, and, WHEREAS, The Town Plan Commission of the Town of Carm.el, Indiana, under the date of October 6. 1959, determined the environs of 9aid Town to be an area two miles distant at all points from the corporate limits of Carmel; delineated such area upon a map entitled, "Jurisdictional Area, Carmel, Indiana, 1959", adopted a reso- lution thereon and filed a copy of said map and resolution with the Recorder of Ham- ilton County. all in accordance with Chapter 174, Acts of 1947, as amended, General Assembly, State of Indian.a, and WHEREAS, The Town Plan Commission of the Town of Carmel, Indiana, under tbe date of January 2,8, 1960, considered a petition requesting joinder, forwarded by the Clay Township Trustee and the Clay Township Advisory Board, and being favorable to the petition, the Town Plan Commis!5ion recommended joinder to the Town Board of Trustee9 of the Town of Carmel, and the Town Board of Trustees subsequently pas 5 ed a resolution 5 etting forth the terms of the joinder, one copy of which was sent to the Clay Township Trustee and one copy of which Wag filed with the County Recorder of Hamilton County. Indiana, all in accordance with Chapter 46, Acts of 1959, Gen- eral As s embly, State of Indiana. Sei::bQ/n l. DESIGNATION. This ordinance shall be known and may be cited as the "Master Plan of Carmel, Indiana, 1961". S~<!::J;~. PURPOSE _ The purpose of this ordinance is to €>stablish a single unified code con- sisting of all planli, reports, and ordinances, plus supplemental details as contained in the report of the Carmel Town Plan COInmission entitled "Master Plan of the Town of Carmel, Indiana", that deal with the 5 llbject of planning and zoning, as a com- prehensive guide to the future growth and development of the Town and Jurisdiction. -1- u u z $~ctilln 3. CONTENT. The Master Plan consists of a report dated . 1961, entitled "Master Plan of the Town of Carmel and Clay Township, Indiana", to- gether with the provisions of the maps, charts, plans and ordinances which have heretofore or may hereafter be enacted concerning the following subjects: Zoning, Subdivision Control, Thoroughfares, Improvern.ent Location Perrnits I Schools, Parks. Recreation and Public Areas and a .~ eparate plan entitled "Cornprehensivp. Development Plan". Section 4. AUTHORITY OF THE MASTER PLAN. The layout, the location, relocation, ex- tenS! ion or widening of thoroughfares i the general des ign of neighborhoods and their street patterns; the I.lse of land; and the location of sites for schooh, parks, recrea- tion and other public us e" 5 bopping centers, and community facilities shall conform to the principles, policies and provisions of the Mas ter Plan. See l.i211.....i. EFFECT OF THE MASTER PLAN. The Town Board of Trustees of Carmel, In- diana, the B~)a.rd of County Commissioners of Hamilton COllnty, Indiana and the Township Trustees within the jurisdiction shall be guided by and give consideration to the general poHey and pattern of development set out in the Master Plan prior to the authorization, construction, alteration or abandonment of any public ins tallation, required or 'l'lecessitated in the interest of the physical development of the Town and Jurisdiction. Section 6. CONTINUING AUTHORITY OF THE CARMEL TOWN PLAN COMMISSION. The Carmel To'WIl Plan Commission shall from time to time consider and review pro- posals with respect to changes and amendments in the Master Plan and, upon con- clusion of such consideration including a public hearing thereon, shall certify to the Town Board of Trustees their report Dn such luatters. Section 7. MASTER PLAN ON FILE. The maps, charts, plans and ordinances which compris e the Master Plan are on file in the office of the Clerk- Treas urer in Carnu:>l, Indiana, and are available for public inspection during all regular office hours of the Clerk- Treas urer. Section 8. RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CLERK.. TREASUReR. The Clerk-Treas LIrer of the Town of Carmel is hereby ordered and directed to keep on file, for public inspection during all regular office hours, two copies of the Master Plan including maps, charts I plans a.nd ordinances refeI'red to herein. -2- u u SIE'(;rtq~ 9. AMENDMENTS. The Master Plan of Ca.rmel, Indiana, may be amended from time to time according to the procedLlre set forth in Sections 37 throLlgh 40, Chapter 174, Acts of 1947, as amended, except that, if the Town Board of Trustees desires an amendment it may direct the Carmel ToVltTl Plan Commission to prepare an amend- ment and submit it to a public hearing within 60 days after formal written request by the Town Board of Trustees. ~cUQJO. UL EFFECTIVE DATE. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and approval according to law. Passed and approved this _ day of , 1961. Pre!Jident, Town Board of Trustees of the Town of Carmel, Indiana :.,' ATTEST: Clerk- Treas urer of Ce.rrnel, Indiana ,.. , -3- V" "--! - ---- --_._----~------- ---- -- 1_ t I j- v u AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE THOROUGHFARE PLAN ORDINANCE CARMEL, INDIANA AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE "THOROUGHFARE PLAN, A SECTION OF THE MASTER PLAN OF CARMEL, INDIANA, - 1958", AS AMENDED, AN ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN OF CARMEL, INDIANA. ORDINANCE NO. Z4, PASSED BY THE TOWN BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE TOWN OF CARMEL, INDIANA, ON THE 1ST DAY OF JULY, 1958, TO READ AS FOLLOWS: AN ORDINANCE establishing a Thoroughfare Plan to promote the orderly develop- ment of the Town of Carmel, Indiana; and the territory within the jurisdiction of the Carmel Town Plan Commission. described on a map, entitled "Jurisdictional Area, Carmel, Indiana ", and filed with tbe Recorder of Hamilton County, Indiana; to improve health, safety, convenience and welfare of its re!ilidents; to the end that the highway system be carefully planned; that ne-w community centers grow only with adequate highway facilities; that the needs of industry, busine~s and agriculture be recognized in future growth; that residential areas provide safe and healthy 9 urroundings for family lif~; that the development of the Town and Township be COmmens urate with and promotive of the efficient and economical us e of public funds; for the purpoee of formulating definite policiE's for the laying out, development and improvement of public streets and highways and 9 ervicE's to platted and unplatted land. WHEREAS, the Carmel Town Plan Com.mission has prepared a Thoroughfare Plan for the Town of Carmel, Indiana, and the Jurisdictional Area, including an Ordinance for its enforcement; has held a public hearing on the plan and Ordinance; has by re- solution adopted the Thoroughfare Plan and recommended thereon to the Town Board of Trustees that said Ordinance be passed; all in accordance with Chapter 174, Acts of General Assembly of Indian.a for 1947, and all acts amendatory and supplemental thereto: NOW THEREFORE: BE IT ORDAINED by the Town Board of Trustees of the Town of Carmel, Indiana: S.~ction 1. SHORT TITLE. This Ordinance shall be known and may be cited as the "Thoroughfare Plan of Carmel, Indiana - 1959". Section 2. MAP OF THOROUGHFARES. The Thoroughfare Plan of the Town of Carmel, Indiana, conoists of a map entitled, "Major Street and Highway Plan, Thoroughfare Plan, Carmel, Indiana. Sheets 1 and Z", of 2, dated, 1961, which shows the location of existing and proposed thorough- fares within tbe jurigdiction of the Town Plan Commission, and is hereby declared to be Ill. part of this Ordinance. Notations I references, indications and other details shown on the Thoroughfare Plan are as much a part of thi!3 Ordinance as if they Were fully described in the text of this Ordinance. -1- , , u- (j- Section 3. DRAWING. A drawing entitled t'Typical Thoroughlare Cross -Sections, Carmel, Indiana" showfiI cross -5 ections for streets as designated on the "Major Street and Highway Plan, Thoroughfare Plan, Carmel, Indiana". Section 41. DESIGNATION OF THOROUGHFARES. The thoroughfares within the Jurisdiction of the Carmel Town Plan Commission are classified as to width and type in accordance with their function as a part of the Thoroughfare system, and are designated as Arterial, Feeder, and Residential Streets as shown on the Thoroughfare Plan. Such streets are to be provided with the right-of-way widths shown on the Thoroughfare Plan as set out in Section 5 of this Ordinance and arE' to be improved as required by the Town of Carmel Ordinance providing for the control of the s ubdivis ion of land, Ordinance No. Z8. ;2e~tiQK}. 5. POLICIES AND DIRECTIVES. a. Opening or Widening of ~treets. Whenever a street designated on the Thoroughfare Plan is to be platted as a part of a s ubdivis ion of land, the right-of-way width shall conform to the policies and specified designations and indications in the Thoroughfare- Plan, provided that where a street borders a tract of land to be s ubdivicled, thi" owner of such land s hall be reqlJ.ired to plat only one-half of the right-of-way width des ignated for such street, measured at ninety (90) degrees to the center line thereof. b. LocaUQR o.f Streets. Wherever the locations of streets are indicated on the Thoroughfare Plan as following existing roads or streets, or section or half-section lines, or other established property lines, they shall conform to such locationlll; however, streets lying wholly within a 9 ubdivision, and . not designated as following an existing road or a section line, may be va.ried in their alignment when such variance promotes the plan of a neigh- borhood development unit in accordance with good site planning principles, and if SI uch alignment provides for the continuity of traffic movement. Streets which follow irregular alignment, or indicate revers ed alignments or are not referenced to established lines, shall follow in a general manner the alignment shown on the Thoroughfare Plan. Their alignment 9 hall be subject to detailed surveys which may be made by the owners of land to be subdivided. Such surveys 5 hall be subject to the approval of the Carmel Town Plan Commission prior to the acquisition of land or the filing of sllbdivision plans affecting such streets. c. Conaiderat:i.QD. by Public Agencies. After adoption of the Thorollghfare Plan and this Ordinance, the Town Board of Trustees of the Town of Carmel and the Board of County Commissioners of Hamilton County, Indiana, shall be guided by and give consideration to the general policy and pattern of develop- ment set out in the Thoroughfare Plan in the authorization, construction, alteration or abandonment of public highways and related stractures. -2- 0- o d. I!l:iur.uu:e Qf Permj,t~. In the case of permits authorized by the Town Board of TrUBteeg of the Town of Carmel, Indiana, for the erection or alteration of 51tructures and other improvements, the permit(s) shall be huued only if the proposed street and thoroughfare rights- of-way as 9 et forth by thia plan will be protected from encroachment and, for planning and zoning purpos es, the propos ed street and thoroughfare right-ai-way lines will be cons ide red as the front line of lots and tracts bordering such streets and thoroughfares, S.ectiQ;Q g. CONTINUING AUTHORITY OF TOWN PLAN COMMISSION. SublJ equent to the adoption of the Thoroughfare Plan and the pas s age of this Ordinance, the Town Plan Commission may: a. Determine lines for new, extended, widened or narrowed thoroughfares in any portion of the Town of Carmel and the Jurisdictional Area. b. Certify to the Town Board of Trllstees the amended or additional plan under the same procedures as establi5hed for the certification and approval of the Thorollghfare Plan. Section 7. AMENDMENTS. I" In a.ddition to the provisions of Section 6 herein, amendments may be initiated as fo nows : 8., The Town Board of TrLlstees of Carmel, Indiana, may direct the Carmel Town Plan Commie g ion to prepare an amendment, as des ired. and s ubm.it it to public hearing within sixty (60) days after formal written reqllest by the Town Board of Trustees. b. The owners of fifty percentum (500/0) or more of the area of property abutting upon a street may also petition the Town Plan Commission re- qllesting an amendment to the Thoroughfare Plan, Section 8. AVAILABILITY FOR PUBLIC INSPECTION. Two copies of the Thoroughfare Plan and Ordinance and two copies of the typical thoroughfare Cl'099-Slections shall be kept on file in the office of the Clerk-Treasurer of the Town of Carmel, and shall be subject to public examination during the regular office hours of the Clerk-Treasurer. .. Section 9. VALIDITY. I' I) '" ., - <n 1 " If any title, Illection, clause. provision or portion of this Ordinance shall be held to be invalid or unconstitlltional by any court of competent jurisdiction, such decision shall not affect any other title, section, clause,provislion or portion of this Ordinance. -3- n ." " . w- cJ Sec.tion 10. WHEN EFFECTIVE This Ordinance shall be in force and effect from and after its passage according to law. Approved and pas 9 ed the day of . 1961. President of the Town Board of Trustees of the Town of Carmel, Indiana ATTEST: Clerk- Treas urer -4- .. u- MAJOR STREETS & (j, HIGHWAY PLAN THOROUGHFARE PLAN CARMEL INDIANA TyprCAL THOROUGHFARE CROSS-SECTIONS ",...XIMW Of.....EL.O?t4[Nr ~INI~Ij... Df-.rElOPW;..n f-~~"~' r J , I ' liNt _ ~!l*:=-~~ I .-. "JO..J' ----'I ~- -,.'-----f----II'-., "-.. . -!o.----r~Oll(II!T' LI~E L"."J _ ~ <- ~~::':t'''''''}~:'.:- L-=--- f+-,._. ,.,..-,,~~ '--" - ". .{ L,~t:- u----1 t---ttr~ "~O,"f.IH" CO" 60' "l'OT THORC1UGH~.~~~: F'l'I'O!'tlilT T 50-FOOT THOROUGHFARE HOJlil1...,L "0A('1I"" '~'l~ "',"VIi'll:' rll;Jr,Fh.;. ......1'"t:l- I lI"'/lll,ING ~"'-"IE~I ""~~~'~l! IlIIODlolIC...'-'Olt. 4ol' \_ \..0;(5 1I'~'I;l 1d-O\,o,Nr, T~.l~~lr: :N1l.HWl 5TPE(, iF![~~ f I. 1 "",", ,,",(C' . ....L..:!! . ~c. 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SA( ~t1"{AT'I ~1.Jh"11..U.'U:-1 ~l~~.---:8'~ -- lJNr; --f-- - , ._,-.-..~...-E-~'~~T~t~~~~ij":'."~' .~.\' - \a" -rR~I:-:.~~~-r;;~'~ -=-~- , - -~-;' 11.-....:.........''l--r.I''IPF,p T"r 1.1"'( -""-f:'" <~ ..' . ~-4-__~-'---+..~_ -~;~.=+-~-~~,:. '~--- 1[-'1['- -- -_.~ - -.--- 174 - FOOT LIMITED ACCE'3S THORO!JGHrARE DIIIIDE D I ~N!: ROADl'i1Y . "O"-(Iii':"l' .......i1==f-- _.~ <':'H, ._~~-------.,..,......... .. +-+--" ~-,'~c--" -~ L.lhf__y--_____ - - -- "" ~ ~ .,.. n...._.._.____...... ~ .", ~..""'<~ lI~T. "'-":"'~'li ":- ':...'::r.'t=---:-'~ u' -- :-~_ _-... __ _ 1'~'-1- P~(~\"!' ',- ~,.[ 20(1- FOOT LIMITED ACCESS THORO,'GHFARE QIVIDED L:'Nf. RO:'[lW~Y ,,7t: /ISt:.: _:. 4-.-"1.1 / +"-1 1/. "I ~ c..., , i ~~~..~ r~~~ '",--~-",,",,~~......~......... ~ ~_.'"""'-~~_~.;--'-"';"'.-\-"P:""~.:.:.~;--.~""..-~ ~ '0 '----Ii j'.- ~ ( ~- u u ZONING GRDIN i\NC:: TOWN OF CARMEL, INDIANA AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF CARMEL, INDIANA, 1959, ORDINANCE NO. Z7, PASSED BY THE TOWN BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE TOWN OF CARMEL, HAMILTON COUNTY, INDIANA, ON THE 27TH DAY OF OCTOBER. 1959, AND ALL ORDINANCES AMENDATORY THERETO, TO READ AS FOLLOWS: -'- ~ Section 1. Section 4, of said Zoning Ordinance of Carmel. Indiana - 1959, 15 hf>reby changed to read as follows: Section 1. IDENTIFICA TION, Wherever the word "TOWN" appears in this ordinancE', it shall be deemed to refer to tbe Town of Carmel, Indiana; the words "TOWl'; BOARD" refer to the Town Board of Trustees of thE' Town; the word "COMMISSION" rders to the Town Plan Commission; the word "BOARD" TE'fers to the Board of Zoning Appeals; the word "JURISDICTION" refers to the Town of Carmel, Indiana and thE' contiguous unincorporated territory lying within two (2.) miles of the ..:orporate litTlits of the Town of Carmel, and including all of Clay Township, Ha,rnilton County, Indiana, delineated upon a map entitled, "Carmel. Indiana, Jurisdictional Area, 1960", and filed with the County Recorder of Hamilton County, Indiana; the war,: "DISTRICT" refers to a section of the Town and Jurisdiction for which uniform re- gulations governing the Use, hE'ight, area, size and intensity of use of Buildings and land, and open spaces about buildings and other re'-luirements are herein esta.blished; the words "ZONE MAP" refer to a map entitled, "Carmel, Indiana, Zone Map, Sheets land 2", of G, dated 1961, and any amendments therE-to; the words "MASTER FLAN" refer to the complete plan, or any of its parts, for the df'velopment oi the Town and Jurisdiction prepared by the Commission and adopted in accordance with Chapter 174, Acts of 1947, General Assembly of Indiana, and all Acts arn.endatory or supplemental thereto, as are no\\' or ma y hereafter be in p(fect. Section 2. Section 5. of said Zoning Ordinance of CarInel. Indiana, 1959.is hereby changed by substituting a. new definition for the following words: Block, Developrnent Plan, Fann, Home Occupation, Loading and Unloading Berths, Lot Corner, Lot Ground Level, Mobile Home, Motel, Parking Area Public, Parking SpacE', Professional Office; and said Ordinance is hereby changed by adding certain new definitions in proper alpha- betical order as follows: BLOCK - A unit of property bounded by Streets and by Streets and/or Railroad rights- of-way, Waterways or other barriers. BLOCK FRONT AGE - Property having frontage on one g ide of a Street and lying be- tween the two nearest intersecting or intercepting Streets, or nearest intersecting Or intercepting Street and Railroad right-oi-way, Waterway, or other barrier. - 1 - w u BUSINESS CONVENIENCE CENTER - An architectural and functional grouping of retail stores, generally oriented around a supermarket or department store, and appropriate associa.ted and accE'ssory uses, which is the central featurE' of a 9ite plan composed of Building Area.!!, Parking Areas. Access Streets and Circulatory Ways for Vehicles and Pedestrians, Lands cape Res ervations and Flantations and other land features appropriate for its operation as a business enterprise, designed to serve res idential neighborhoods, or comrnunities, and which. conforms to the standards and requirements of this ordinance. DEVELOPM.SNT PLAN - A drawing, including a legal or site description of the real egtate involved which shows the location and size of all existing and proposed Lots, Buildings, Structures and Y al'ds; location and dimens ion of Building Lines and eas ernents i widths and lengths of all entrances and exits to and from 9 aid real estate; location of all adjacent or adjoining Streets; all of which pres ents a unified and organized arrangenlent of Streets, Lots, Buildings J and Public and Service facilities and other improvernents such as lanus cape development and Public Park- ing Areas I all of Wllich s hall have a functional rf>lationship to the real estate com- prising the planned development and to the Uses of properties im.mediately adjacent thereto. F ARJvl - A tract of land compnSlng an area of at least five acres which is devoted to agricultural operations,s uch as forestry; the gTowing of crops; pasturage: the production of live stock and poultry; the growing of trees, shrubs and plants; and other recognized agricultural pursuits and inclllding Accessory Buildings E'5sential to the operation of the farm. Accessory Buildings may include barns; c'-luipnlent and anim.al sheds; farn) residences for the owner, operator or farm assistants; r-oad- side sales structure for the sale of products produced on the farrn; and Signs dis- playing subject ITlatter directly related to the name of the products of the particular farm; but not including industrial or com.mercial operations Or structll.res. GARDEN AP,b.~RTMENTS - A structure arranged to accomlDodate three or more families J which does not occupy rnore than forty percent (40'7G) of the area of its site, which may be erpcted without height limitation, and which building and its 5 ite are planned in accordance with harmonious principles 01 architectural and landscape architectural design. HOME OCCUPATION - Any Use conducted entirely within a Dwelling and partici- pated in solely by members of the Family, which Use is clearly incidental and secon- dary to the Use of the Dwelling for Dwelling purposes and does not change the character thereof, and in connection with which th.ere is no conllDodity sold upon the premises except that which is produced thereon. provided that no sign, other than a nameplate not exceeding three (3) square feet in area, is displayed and provided further that such nameplate is attached to the Bu.ilding. In no event shall a barber shop, beauty parlor, gift or antique shop, tea roam or animal hospital, or photographic studio, be construed as a Home Occupation. INDUSTRIAL PARK - A single structllre or group of structures for industrial opera- tions forming s. comprehensive arrangelnent of buildings, grounds and access ways planned in accordance with harmonious principles of architectural and landscape archi- t~ctural design. and industrial management. -2- u u LOADING AND UNLOADING BER THS - The off-street area required for the receipt or distribution by vehicles of material or merchandise, which in this ordinance is held to be a twelve (12) foot by :forty-five (45) foot loading space with a fifteen (is) foot height clearance. paved with a suitable dust preventive or hard surface in accordance with Town specifications, LOT, CORNER - A Lot at the junction of and h.aving frontage on two or more inters e cting Streets, LOT GROUND LEVEL - For Buildings having walls adjoining one Street only, the elevation of the sidewalk or the established grade of the Street at the Front Lot Line at the center of the wall adjoining the Street; for Buildings having walls adjoining more than one Street, the average of the elevation of the sidewalk, or the sa.id established grade, at the center of the walls adjoining the Streets. a.nd for Buildings having no wall adjoining the Street, the average level of th.e ground adjacent to the exterior walls of tbe Building. Any wan approximately parallel to and not more than five (5) feet from a Street is to be cons idered as a.djoining the Street. MOBILE HOME - Any vehicle, including the equipment sold as a part of a vehicle, used as a conveyance upon Streets by either self-propelled or non self-propelled means and which is designed, constructed, reconstructed, or structurally altered in such manner as will permit the occupancy thereof a9 a Dv.relling, and which is both as ed and occupied as 11 Dwelling. bat having no foundation other than wheels, jacks, skirting, or other temporary 5 upports. MOT EL - A Building or a Detached Building, us ually not more than thirty-five (35) feet in height, used as Dwelling Units containing bedroom, bathroom and closet space, and each unit having convenient access to a Parking Space for the I..t5e of the unit's occupants. The units, with the exception of the apartment of the manager or caretaker, are devoted to the use of automobile transients and no unit cooking facili~ ties are offered. PARKING AREA, PRIV ATE - An Area paved with a hard lOurface in accordance with Town specifications, other than a Street, Place or Alley, designed for use or Qsed for the temporary pa"rking of motor vehicles for clients, customers or ernployees. PARKING AREA, PUBLIC - An area paved with a hard surface in accordance with Town specifications. other than a Street, Alley or Place designed for USe or used for the temporary parking of more than four (4) motor vehicles when available for public uge. whether free or for compensation, or as an accomn1odation for clients or customers. PARKING SPACE - A space other than on a Street or Alley designed for llse or used for the temporary parking of a motor vehicle, and being not Ies s than nine (9) feet wide a.nd tw"enty (20) feet long exclusive of passageways. At least ninety (90) square feet !ilhall be provided for n1aneuver areas and pas5ageways for each Parking Space. PROFESSIONAL OFFICE - An office in the Dwelling of a member of a recognized profesflion. !luch as an architect, attorney, dentist, engineer, physician, surgE"on, -3- w u or other professional personD provided that the professional service is per~ formed by 81 member or members of the family occupying such Dwelling and that no additional persons are employed in rendering B llch 51 ervice, and provided fur- ther that not more than fifty (50) percent of the floor area is devoted to such Use and provided also that no sign, other than a nameplate attached to the building, not exceeding three (3) 51 quare feet in area, is dig played. RESEARCH LABORA TOR Y STRUCTURE - A building for the accommodfation of Slcientific research facilities, such as electronic, engineering, chemical, medicai and similar laboratories, and planned and placed on its site in accordance with harmoniou.!3 principles of architectural and landscape architectural design. Section 3. Section 6. A. of said Zoning Ordinance of Carmel, Indiana - 1.959, 1S hereby changed to read as follows: . A. The Town of Carmel and the Jurisdictional Area is hereby classified and divided into thtrtaCM1 (13) districts designated as follows: , '. ~ s - 1 - Res idence District S-2 - Residence District R-l .Residence District R-2 - Residence Dil'ltrict R-3 - Residenc€' District R-4 - Residence District B-1 - Local Business District B-2 - General Business District B-3 Roadside Business District B-4 - Shopping Center District I-1 - Industrial District EC~l - Entrance Corridor District EC-2 _" l: <1 S~ctLon4. Section 6. C. of said Zoning Ordinance of Carmel, Indiana - 1959, is hereby deleted. Section 5. Figures 1. 7, 8 and 9 of said Zoning Ordinance of Carmel, Indiana - 1959, are here- by replaced with Figures 1, 7, 8 and 9 Revis ed; and a new Figure 10 is hpreby added to 9 aid Ordinance. Section 6. A new Section 17, which follows Section 16 of said Zoning Ordinance of Carmel, Indiana.-l959. is h.ereby add~d which reads 8.9 follows: Section 17.. BUSINESS CONVENIENCE CENTER PLAN, REQUIREMENTS AND PROCEDURES. A Businel513 Convenience Center Plan may be permitted by the Board as a Special Ex- ception in all Districts, and 5 ubject to compLiancE' with th.e following requirements and procedure in accordance with Section 21. -4- REQUIREMENTS ()~G'l;ri(;t in wMclJ UlS III FU- ~~ ~ml!!m lot n11/Z in Ul:Iuare taG! ~ dw@lUll3 unh in d.18- e?icl.lllnllicnred M1mlmllm Lot width 1n feGf in ~C!ll iUidkatoo M.!lsJmutll'l Building height in fool In ~utrlctG indicated Minimum from yard in pw c<ml of aV@lnge depth of 1012 ill bloc h MW.mnm rJ~ yaid (one) Man!mum sid<il Ytlli'dn (both Of lItl'O) fn peg cem of lot wIdth Minimum re&K yard in r~ (MJlIlIimum ground 11001 I.\J1etl in !:quaro feet in ~DtrlCt<J In- &llcotad. ) t~ of veh!cla pa!'WIl3 ~e w 00. prov1doo on 1hz m ~mm loi covwn~ I.n ~i' coot o~ lot VA.s!o:n ~leanlllce on comer ~ w V RESmI:NTi.AL USES AND REQUIREMENTS Slngle-FIUI:d!y D....elling 51,'52, RI, R"i:,R3, R4,~I, 1';1 &. ~S -:,1____ ~ _IS,OOO>:!t.t s'Z.__~ _ _ _ ~_ 1"1,0000:" Rl~_ _ _ ~ IOjoooar::J: F22 l!,. 1'.l~_ _ _ _ _ IO,()()O R3 ~__ _ _ _ _7,100 R4,ol&~'?__ _ '-.500 ';1___ _ __ _ __ _ 120 52_ _ _. ~ _ _ 100 RI_ _ _ _ __ _ _ IOQ R'l. f..1i\9_ __ __ 00 g3_~ ____ _~_~, 19.4, B1 t', fH 'X) '5I,Sl..Rl,Ri {; 1'3~ __ _ 75 R'S,R4, \';>1 L-R.'2 _ __ _ _ 35 20 TYPE OF RESIDENTIAL USE Two-Family DwelHng I R1.R~.R.4,P",,1':;2 &El~ 51 ~ _ _ _ _ _ 30 ()OO 52 &- Rl __ _~ _ _20,000 f.l.3 _ _ _ _ _ _ lO,OOO 12."3 f:, R 4 _ __ _ _ 3 (boO ~: E.,. wz _ _ _ __ - ]' "!50 ) Si, s'Z., ~R.I__.~ _ 200 B3 __ __ _ _ _ _ 100 RO\ __ __ __ _ _ _ _ bO R4r~1 (,. B2. - - - -50 <;, I, S L R 1 fy r.. '? __ _ 75 ~U , Q.4, r..1. S fH _ __ _ '3;; 10 ROAD i+1e ~""D"'+ e'l<ce~ f-h~+ "" i"h h"'"I'-"4 h GREY yo-J 'l>hol' b<z 75 ivJ """'"1'1''''''''' 4/M Multi -Family D~"eDlng R4,J3\j p',"2 E"r t:. c..J:( R4 _ _ _ L,5CO f3 I &- ~1 _ _ _ _ _ I,SOO E..C_ _ _ _ _ _ ---- 3,oooft. R~,e" &~1.______50 E.c. __. _ _ ~ _~ Zoo-i\. R4 B1 r..z EC 35 45 00 i'-JOI...H:. ~ 51,51. & R\ _ _ _ ___ __ 10' R2,R'3)!4,BI.l'!>1 &\:1:'>----5 10 2.0 ! ONE. ':l.-rORY 51. &- R.I _ _ _ _ _ _ I, 100 Sf,122 &.fB._ _ _ __~ R',i14,P.>>1 Er B1._ _ _ _'''1I TWo 5ioR)' 51 e. al_ _ . . __ _ __ 'lIOO 51,g~.It.B"'].____ __ _no R-:1 '..... el I;,..~"l.. (,,'1l Ofo,\E '35 Ye~ SI,<'1. I!:-RI__.__ _ ___ ~_20 F.I~_______ _ _10 R].R~,,~I (.1\1_. - -. - -- 5 1..0 1'5 S I . S 1. €.- R I _ _ _ _ _' I.sOtj R. '3 .:,. B 3 _ _ _-- 1,000 12.4,,81 & 5'2.- - --- ~Q() TWO ";)5 "(eJ;. R4, ~I & ~ 2 _ EC 20 * R4,r~1 L-rH_______ _ 5 ~c ~ R4,f-,1 E,-- BZ. __ _ _ _ 1.0 EC'.______ -$ R.1, BI t,,111 Ec. :5 w.. f1R~1 i'JJO Ufi~T~~ "Sarra 05"', 'T""rf~",il" D"H..lliCll!S" pi"'\. .od,j(ro.al ario ~,- d~~ \h...,~' t;"'~"'\-"' R 4 ...:. _ _.:.... __ . "?loo BI t..- r~2 . _ __ ZOo E C. -:.,c,(' ","" It. ~IQor .Qrd.1 pel' dW~!';"~~1 I,.!~,t OnD ,~o, each oI...ed',.~, j :~" :f-. 40 YaS Cfi/r'ri'la! 12c.Y1'Ge<l riG LIRE 1 n ~11-i-ro!lm',1.., d....afh~ f"l16>i btf'!1"'I'l'lIH-ed r,,~I,<l\\E.(" E.ntr.:o"c-Cl C"'r:~"r'O;~h";c~ /11 occct'"danc.._ wif'h;na dt;!~,,..,i"'lon of "'Gc"gOll.N. APAL1!'i'"[;\(]tff" "'oq"'''ll.'''~1 dl..d p.o-c;;ad",r<'. 0+ ~~.o.., 16 a..d Sec~;o'" '21. p p 'mAl> ~..n~ ~ ~4 ruiimmrun Lot nLBe ~I:hen me foHow~~ l1tliAty ~ll~mll r,ro innl:ll1od ona uKlll~d: A, Bnmwy S4;l"'OE 5~m Q. A~od fjiWi'lic Q1 cemw.mli.ty \>Jlllle~ rupply IlYnt@m C. B!Umn 8e"lt'rar S)"rltem 113 ithe n~e en ~-ut1llwtloo of t'.ny of the t.lbov~ d$SCrUwd iJtfiUty iylltem&. add the following <lEa<! 1n IlqUllIe teet [.0 tho m1rrJoourn LM i:l!&e S\. i... r=ctJ 'S 2 A, ':).000 itl. A 't.~ r:j, (dJOo- ~, 1000 r:), .~O{lO C' 30::-00 C, "}-ooo C j,coO w u CONTINGENT lJSES AND REQUIREMENTS TYPE OF USE DISTRICT(S) iN WHICH USE NUMBER OF PARKING SPACES TO [8 PERMITTED BE PROV 10 ED Boarding or Lodging I-Ioll~ R4,Bl&B2 One for each three occupants Church or Temple All, eJtcepl 84, &11 One for each 6 &eatn IIJ main audi- torium College or untV~ly All, except 84 & 11 One for each 3 sUld~nu and gaff Farm All Not applicable. FrAternity, smori.ty and student co- All eJlc@p1 ~', Yl ,R I,R'2, f:l3, M (,. r I One for ench 3 OCCUP!l[lt!l operative;] Home OccupatIon All e)/.c~r+ EC 1 f....- E. C 1 One additional Lodge or private club (which Is of a ' R4, Ill, >>2 & 83 One for each 125 square feet noor non-commercial characte.r) area of buildlng(s) Mortuary Ri!, 81, B2, B3 & 11 One for each 6 seaU in main a.udi- toriLlm Municipal or governmental buliding All One for each 125 oquare feel floor area of building(~) Nurll1ng home or homell for the aged R3, R4, 81, B2, B3 & 11 One for each 7 perllOnn Profelolllonai Office iil res! de-nee of All e't(c.ep+ Eel E- E. C2 TWQ addi tJ Dnal practicing prolellllional penon Plun! Nutnery All NOD requued Public UbrBry or museum Aii One for ea ch 125 9quare feet floor area of bullding(s) Schoo!, f"7i\l"~, public C)~ p.:>!"t>c:~iol All, except B4, & 11 One for ench 3 mernbero Of~ta ff plus one for each 8 ~atl\ in audiwrium Temporary Sign, pertaining to Jeane, All Not applicable hAre or Mle of a building or premines 4/61 FiGURE 7 CONT.INGENT USES - MAXIMUM HEIGHT DISTRICT(S) IN WHICH USE MAXIMUM BUILDING IS PERMITTED HEIGHT IN FEET ;,1,~'l)Rl. R2 & 83 25 R3. & R4 35 B1 45 84. 50 B2 & Ii 60 FIGURE a CA RMEL t1cNiscd -' \ \ , (,,1 C.~C;l PoL [lttCQ,PTltll'<l DISTRICT(S) IN WHICH '--' USE MA Y liE PERMI TTED REQUiREMENT DESIGNA TJON A i fporl or Hill! pan 51 b6 (Heliport). b12 (Airport). 8, h2, il (Aif~J, 12 (HelIport). j1. 1<1.12.112, p, fl. I. I. 112. v. 1O Artificial uk!: or 3 0/ ma1e acre. All cl, n, JI, p, rl. Ill. '1', '<I la-U"iJif'\c::I-a to"vQM 10"""<:;:6 Gof\~O~ ~ AU ~ -<:>> C-tt('l.;o,..... ,., I --+---.. - .~ ~-----,---- Cam51W'Y 0Gc ClemlllCtTy All el(~Cr~ 13'2) 1?4 &. II 1>16. c2, p, q, II, v, 'd Clinic or Medlcol Hullh (".ent~ ~'), R4.151,P..1,fH. & Jj hl, c3, hof.. j I. 1\3, ] I, f I, 17, 'rJ. Y COlIntry Chlb or Gol f Court$ All c l, d3, Jl, lt~. 11, p, 11, 17, 'd G re:e.nhOO:>i! . Commerdlll AJI €lIc,ep+ ~ b4. c6, f'J. II. 1 , k7, m4. 01. d. O. '<I. Y lWnpl till Ail except S! SZ&P.l 11.7, cO, g, h5. )1, Ita. 12, m3, nJ.I'... I. ~. 1 , IndllmiAi F'il.I'k All ~I, biO. c1, da, g, 1l.."3, i2, 1110.12, mG. n2. o. p, q~ fl,:ii, l1 ''If \1, Y Junk Y ud 1 \ c1, B, hi. 1-/., 11.11, 15. mll, 03, /1. Y, ". Y OClndergbnel1 01 Day N\lr:lery All e~c.ert R1. e. B4 1:>3, c8, (3, hi, 13, )1,1<12. p. fl. ~, Y Minelal Extraction, iJ,o,rlO'of ?It. Top /.0...11 e,,(eF+ R1.JR'J"R4,~'2 I'.B4 c9. c. hI. \6. il, 11.'3. rl, B~ I. uJ. Y. lot Soil Removal und their Sl0l8~e Area Mobile Home Park 1'11, e>:I ~Il b8, c6, 112, g. hi, jI, 111-3. 12. 0, p, q, .1, . , ul, y. "', y OuIOOor Thealet All e'l'(~l'+ R. 1, R 5, R4 I P.,l F.:.M c8, ie, 1<11, p. .1, i, I, V. ... y Outdool Commuci~ I R~cretlL1olltl] AI! c4, dl. g, hi. II, j3, 1t14, 12,111. p. r2. &. t. Emerpri..., y. "', y Penal 01 CcrrreCIIO'Ull Institution f.;, I;,.. 1\ b12, clO, e. g., k 15, IS. n3. p, II. Y -- PO<lU Tlllmmle:>lol1 Wne All p Pracllce GQIf - Dflvlng Range P.i1,~1/~3 ~> 11 c6, 17, j3. k16. 12, tl. t, Y Ptlvillc llecrcMlol1al D"'vClopr=m All c4, g. hI, J3, k2, 12, fl. Y. "'. Y PnxILlce TefmlMI, Whole-Mle fH L-rl bl0, d, <13, Ol. hI. IB, Jl, 1111, l4, m3, n2, p. .1,l.t,v.l'I.y f'lIbllc Camp ~1,S1,RI,F'>Z,r3~ & t\ b7, c6, dl, g, hI, j:l, 1<11. 12, ri, nl, 'J, 'of, Y I'ubllc o. Commd!.tcinl Snn!lnry Fill or 11 b7. ell, e. 19. j5, rl, ull v, b' ltcfu..t2 Dump Public Of ComlYKrcit.1 Sewllg& 01 A,II bl1. ell, e, kla. d. Ld. v. tl Gafbase Dhpo...l PLant Public 01 €mploye4 PlUkillll Are.na All e't(~ept "5 ~ ,<<:-1 &1<..1 b'2, p, IJ.. I. I, v, ~, y, z Public Purk o;r PMbHc Recreatlorlill p.,1I c<l,g,b!,j>:. k21. 12. l. v. w f 1\t,;i111y Publlc Utility SubotllUon 01 ExchAnge Al\ d, g, j4, RIB, fl. v, "1 Rad!" or Televblon Tower An IdU, p, II, v -- Railroad R1~I-or.Way nnd lloe.. E=tlal All hi, k20, fl, v 10 Rllilroa Opernd.on D.aiD.infl aoo eruding of lIloo-F!\rm Fo.....l l'.11.,63 & II b7.clO,ltJ.p, 1t7, Ill, ml, n2, rl. Y, "', Y aMi Anlmab. Commercially. c~celR Kennel tl,Ulng SLIlble . 51, S'Z.Rl,H\,r.,~, B~ (... I. \ bll, el0, b1, j1, ItRl. fill, IJ, v, W, ., SeJlr:oMI Pie\WIg (!j Hunting ~Q tt.1I bl, d. 14. 1<2:2, v, ~. y Shopping Center 1':.4 a2, b7, B' Jl, 1<2.3, ,3. illS. Ill, Q, p, n, f, a 1. v, y SUldJu.m Dr CoIiJ;::!Um B I, P..'l, B-S {.. II b7. c2. Ji, 11.34, 12, m2. nl. p. r2. n, t, v. Y , TourlC1 HGrnz R4 .Bl,6'2.J13~ b- II h1, c1, n, h1. \t2(J.. 11. v. y Trucb fll:1! r;;n T erTI'LiM.I f.l2, F.>"> & 11 cl, e. j.i, \tab, 1\\, nl!, p, rl, i. t,~, 1';1, Y U\}!V.; \...., ludcd in th( EC \'.nI;- OM 0 C',p,,:Q Cl'O" ~ EC 5ea 5<1~+~Qn 18 l:.- >>fiC1'> 1.1 D, 4- / ' !! Ihe natu~. of lile Sr....clul Exception lnllclvo:lll i1ttJ7e thon C!n<a of dI~ llDte.1, Ihoz appliCllllt mal' apply tr:>r an ImF'Vucmcnt I..oclltla:n P"-1mil for the Sp2c1111 8<c<:1pUoo ,.,hlc!lrr..olll c1o:<l':ly f!>I.!'.llan to rhe! prhnury aue; provided rh&! the reql1hern"nli of all Ill", lell\Utd Ul>2a '<illl ~ met. fiG UrIJ: g. SPeclA L EXCEPTIONS A NO REC'u fREMEI'< TS U~[?M.fL RO\J!"L. D ~a.' i:.~... g~:;pt:-al III me F1aure lnlUCIltot mal j ..II-m~l\t1 of LtJ~ oWlY to me !.fpe:cial BxcGjluOO .m~~. u 4/61 r~. REQUIREMENT $loqfl'lt. REQUIREMENT ~. Dl&lIlg. 4. cu.am.Pl.CA nON Of USE PSUoIITTED 12. I per 2 employees plu. 1 per 5 children 10 be nceomodll.tecl 1. lJItlt I~l 3. 1.MuGUln I 13. I per 2 "mplo~ plus 1 per mobUe home Jlnnd II. !.CellI a~ 14. 1 per :1 emplo~e3 plus 1 pet ~OO liquor" fut 01 uS&! area lli. I pdlr ;) employeel plIL1 1 per 10 Inmates lit e:JItlmllled cllpaclty b. MINIMUM LOT AREA 8. S &CRl-l including ~oo !Iq. ft. U\. 1 ~r 3 employees tILl 1 per drlvinS lee L II r' rnoWle llorne rund 1'7. I per camp alte nn 1 per e!.~in \I. 1600 Iq. ft. 9. nerOl 18. Telephone exchange - 1 per I!.mployee 3. llO 1:l:I. I't. h.' child 10. 2C BerleS lQ. I pel emplOj.ee per MIl ft -Ii. llti ,llOO SQ.. . 11. 40 acre:! 20, i per '2 ernp oyeel! where hudqull!lereO 5. ilO .OOil sq.. fl. &;UI 5.000 aq.l'I, 12. 80 llCreI 21 I per :)000 square. feel ~ borte over 11 (4) hol'flU 13. 320 aCl8 22. One 8, e acre 14, Two t1 meI reQlllrernenl !ar 23. 1 per 60 IlqUue feet of M.l8 area .. SAcra Single -fAmill' !)Veiling 24 3 per 4 eml'loYM.1 plus 1 ~ 4 ~u Iii. II acrel 25 1 per '). "mploye.eJ plILI <I '" cuuomer. lb. ~.Ibl:rfl, 26. 1 per employee pillS I per sle4!.ping accommodation c. MIHIMtll;l Y AllDS (Feel) 21. Two pront .~Id.e (each) Roar PrClll SHle (oach) RGMlI 28. I p<!'-r employee pill' I 1m each 6 SUII in main auditorium l. II & it 1. 100 A lIuttLng Raddenfial = 15 I. D1STAIKE Of PARKING AREA FROM RESiDENTIAL USE 2. i lj<ll $ll Aim~ Other Use ; 35 (Fe!'.l) 3. IS 10 S{I 8. e 1. I Q 4. tI 40 43 9. )50 150 160 ,L 2S 5. II - - -- 10. 100 }OO 100 3. :lO ll. 100 40 40 11- 300 300 300 4. 100 5. 300 d. IlUll.J){NG SeTQACK RlOM CENTER l.lNE OF INTERIm ROAn (Feel) m. NUMBER OF LOADING AND uN LOA DING BEJl.Ttl5 1. (,0 (Shall NOl Fnce 011 8Orderin{l rllBhway) 2. 50 1. 1 3. 115 2. ~ 3. Per Development Pion iii. IJ$1i F!1;lMlTTIID NOT Cuy,)mt THAN :toO PHET TO A RESIDENTLAI. 4. 15.000 squAre f:).el - L Over Hi, OOil feCI - 2 US!! li, Up 1<:1 ZOO bS!dl - 1 . WO 10 bOO ~s - 2 f. MiNIMUM GnOSS I'LOOR ARllA OF l'\lINCIPAL OUll.DING(5) over 500 \)eds ~ :.\ (SQulLre Fetel) $. Per FIgure 6 1. C - 2. OYer 1000 n. DISTANCE OF LOADING AND UNLOADING IlI!!l.'fH !'ROM RESIDEN- 3. Dc~ by Numbel of ChUd1\1In 10 \)e Accommorlaled TIll. L USE (Feet) <.. 600 1. 50 5. T\:fo tt~.$ Slnalg-FnmUy D....E\Hing '6. 1I}O 6. 61\} 3. 300 g. PLAM 011 L/l.t:lDSCAP'i! DEYlll..Dl"MIlNT TO BE SUDMITTED WITH o. 'PLA T APPROVED BY TI-ffi COMMISSION TO BE SUllMITTF.D WITH A Pl'UCATlOtl APPUCATlON b. MAXIMUM HEIGHT Of S~UCTUIlE (PC0t) p. DE\! EJ..Ci'MEHT PLAN TO BE SU(lMITTED Wlni APPI.ICA"fION 1. 11 2. An ~ by tl.~prlau: Stale m Fedenl AU=Y Il.. COVENANT llY OWNEIU> TO PEIU'E'I'l1A TE MAINTENANCE AND S. sllmell~ U~l In trial API'll.OVE'FlITURE IMl"ROVEMENTS 4. 45 6. 70 6.2tI r. MAXIMUM NllMll m. OF PRINCII'A L ENTAANCES FROM MAlOl\ l. peNCI>' THOROUGHfARE 1. 6-l'Got "'Uc I11'Mb ~;llero llCc<U3lble to the rc:bllC 1. 1 '.l. G _ feci! tl'U<: mcdl. won I<<: IIted B I grcund (l'1el 2 2 S, (I-fo:! ':11.<3 mm nwund plt\y fAlleo 4. So!!.a ....aU l)I' tl)Ud ~inmd fe-Dee 8 fe$( hl1Jh JI. ACCEPTAB1..E RlSLA TIOMSHIP TO MAIOR THOltOUGHFARE II. (\-bn tllro mor;t! Q,n!ng fl();&ldGDUallJ~ iii. Po.f,mod ~d !;::n.c:O B lcel M!1i I. THo:;l.OUGHPAlU-S Mmrr as ADEQUA 11i TO CARRY ADDITIONAL 1. A~m if;) ptncct Il.ll:\InlDij uell TRAFFIC ENGENDE\UID 8Y USE (I. 6- ~ ~lro I'/ldl a. 6-1oct C!ilid ~1lJe:!\ 1m lteh= Pump \l. OTHER AUTHOllJiY APP\l.O\! AI. lU';.:) Ul RED 10. il-fro'! t:ttro mea tlb~tlll8 Re.sl.dOilrto.l u~ J. Stnre Board of rlealth 2. .~ elOnautlcl ComlllhoiOil ollndlaru< J. SCIlEEtl PLANTING 'dl'lEU: ADUT1'1NG RllSlDllNTIA1.. USE 3, PlarmJnj\ Act - Secllon :'>8-1/2 (n~ :n:r=. effective ml all t1m,;tt:) 1. ~-fDGt bllI.~ 1I-~ 'Wi<ltb 2. il5 ~! llt:l~ B.eaOOntlol Dlmtct Of Uce v OUTDOOR A DVERTIS[I-lG SIGNS AND OUTDOOil ARTIFICIAL 3. G-fe:;l bat6ht tlj 6-rll4l tr1dlb LIGHTING SHAW. BE APPROVED BY TKI! COMMJ.[}3!ON 4. A~Ot>SO 10 GCl'Oell l'otIOI Sy~uoa from Street Vle'lt a. [l r~ bi~ llI.lm8 I)UeetD f(tI' g.lJ:~ ~ ... DISPOSAL OF uQUID AND OTHB W /I$71!S S"riA1..L MUT 1"l'lE A p. FRO'VA1.. 01' TI'I\l sTATE OOARO OF IIfALTH b. pM.mnro 8.'i'ACllB 1, ] ~ 5\ alllp10ps pl.Il$ 1 ~4 tsntD In ""Ait1JlG EC=l L NO BAlM. DEAD STORAGE. REPAIR WOJU( CH\ DISMANTUNG ON 2, 1 ~ \l c~fil'3D c:r Dl'ilD THEWT ~. 1 FI \l ~ !,1!lJ.n S par lklcWl <i. 1 pc' !i1 empW~ pl1:11l 1 per e Bt\I4o= y. NO PARY.ING IN THE FRONT YARD. EXCl!PT AS I'itOVIDED IN 5. ~ SECTION 15. G. 1 ~ g em~yeell fim chik 1. 1 !let II Elmpk>~ ~t:lB 1 po.r 11ll> !l{lU\fC foot or 1-l11ao IUfOO .. EX CEPT FOR AmOVE]) EXITS AND ENnlAP<lCBil. Ii. MASONRY S, 1 ~dLt:.:l1 WALl. ~-Fa;T IN HEIGHT AI'O 6-INCH!!l\ THICK rw;cTED AT 9. 1 p:N 4 {J::;6 p..'t::l 1 IS 00c= ,lu9 1 p3f 3 Bn1plO~ p!u$ lpo A.f(> lnlUID PRONT IJNE or BUJUJING AND MAY l'lo: n.roumm ~l.Il.l~b ALONG OOUNDARIES OF PARIGNG Al'lL\ ItS OETli'c'..tUN!!D IlY THE 10. I P 11 ~l;::9 ll;;J IllS~ OUI COMMiSSION FO:l THE R:OTECTION Of Jl.E.SIDml'tlA1l.Y WNOO 11. 1 pi' 11 Elmf'DF=1 00 USED AAQP9.TY ~1(1,/s..'V1~g PH)j. '5 u v FIG U R E. 10 ESSENTIAL ELEMENT S ENTRANCE CORR.IDOR DISTRICT E:l ~ ~ IJ rH. ,./ I04fdTH- LEGEI'JO .. ... ~ ill II. .. _ IllJILDINl:.5 ~ ~...;o.~ 01<... L~WN. "1<..1::.1. if:~~:~~:J R-E'<iIDEN-rlN.... I\R=A. I':'~RAfE~ IHI)M"'" -r- "'j'''' I({f_ I;m l' M:aT~OPQt-lT....N JPL.ilNNI:~; IN~ IN!:IIA''''''P(H.IS W. ~ u A, The Local Business Uses, numbers 1 to 12 inclusive in Section 15 are permitted on the tract 'of land proposed for a Business Conven- ience Center, provided that the proposed plan includes at least four (4) separate types of Local Bl19iness Uses as are specifically classified or implied in the categori€"s in Section l5, A. and provided further that not more than one of which s hall be an automobile 5 ervice, a9 set -forth in category 1 of said Section 15, A. B. The tract of land propos ed for a Bu.s ines s Convenience Cente r Plan 5 hall be of an area of not less than fifteen (15) acres and the average length of the tract shall not be greater than two and one-half (2.l/z) time3 the average width. C. The Board may order an Improvement Location Perrnit issued for a Business Convenience Center Plan in accordance with the procedure and provision of this ordinance and upon an affirmative finding by the Com- miS3ion that the following requirernents have been met by the owner or owners I or developers of the tract of land propos ed for a Busines s Con- venience Center Plan: 1. A Market Analysis (a) To determine the number, size and type of stores which could be expected to operate with a reasonable margin of profit in the propos ed center. (b) To evidence the advisability of locating the proposed center (where the developers propose to locate iO so as to serve an existing and potential customer demand. 2. A Financial Report (a) To include a statement of financial responsibility which demon- strates the ability of the developer of the center to proceed with and complete construction and development. 3. Traffic Study (al To include a corrlparative analysis of present capacity of street(s) adjacent to the propos eel center with potential capacity volumes, taking into consideration the effect the proposed center will have by engendering additional traffic. (b) To include a circulation plan fOT all streets (existing and proposed) which will show recommendations for controlling, signalizing, channelizing, storing and warning traffic. 4. Development Plan To include the following additional rey'uirements: -5- w u (a) A Plan of landscape development which shall inclllde, among otner considerations, an area of at least ten (10l feet in width along all streets, with the exception of approved entrances, which border the propos ed center, to be planted and maintained with trees and shrubbery to serve as a screen for the parking area(g). (b) A planting screen, consisting of sllitable shrubbery, main- tained at a six (6) foot height by six (6) foot width, to be planted wherever thE" propoSled center would abut residential us e. Ie) Provision for one off-street parking space (at least 270 square feet in area) per sixty (60) square feet of sales area in the center. (d) No buildings or paved areas (other than access drives) rnay be located clos er than fifty (50) feet to any area U5 ed or zoned for residential purposes, in order to create a greenbelt, and SLl.ch greenbelt shall be maintained as la.....'11 together with appropriate landscape development and screen planting hereinbefore specified. (e) :\n adequate number and proper arrangement of loading and unloading berths shall be shown in the developm.ent plan and pro- vided by the developer. 5. Sllbdivision Plat (a) A Preliminary Plat, approved by the Comn'lission sball be sub- mitted with the application for the propos ed center. 6. Other Authority Approval (a) Any other aLl.thority approval re<.{uired when applicable, such as State DepartInent of Health, State Highway Department, etc., shall aCcompany the application. 7. Outdoor Signs and Lighting lal The location, effect and ar.rangement of all outdoor advertising signs proposed to be erected shall be subject to the approval of the Comrnis51ion. 8. Architectural Control (a) Architectural plans of the building and structures propos eel to be constructed shall be subject to the approval of the Commiss ion. The CommissionTs approval shal1 be based on the architectural plans creating a unified design which will be in character and proper relations hip to the 5 urrounding areaS, -6- u u Section 7. A new Section 18 which follows the new Section 17 of said Zoning Ordinance of Carmel, Indiana - 1959, is hereby added which reads as follows; Section 18. ENTRANCE CORRIDOR DISTRICTS USES, REQUIREMENTS & PROCEDURE A. The following Uses, including Accessory Buildings and Uses, may be permitted In the EC-I Entrance Corridor District, subject to compliance with the following requirements and the procedure desi gnoted in Paragraph C. 1. Type of Use and number of parking spaces to be provided: Type of Use Number of Pork i n9 Spaces to he provi ded Bonk Churc h or T amp I e College or University One for each 12.5 square feet of floor area. One for each 6 seats in main fJuditorium. One for each 3 students and staff plus 1 per College or University vehicle. One for each 125 square Feet of floor area. One for each 125 square feet of floor area. One per 2 employees on largest shift. Office Building Radio or Television Studio Rdsearch Laboratory B. The following Uses, including Accessory Buildings & Uses, may be permitted in the EC-2 Entrance Corridor District, subject to compliance with the following requirements and the procedure designated in Paragraph C. J. Type of Use and number of Parking Spaces to be provided: Type of Use Number of Parking Spaces to be provided Bank Church or Temple CI inic or Medical Health Center College or University One for each 125 square feet of floor area. One for each 6 seats in main auditorium. One per 2 amployees pI us 4 per doctor, One for each 3 students & staff pi us 1 per college or university vehicle. Two spaces per dwelling unit. One per 4 beds plus I per doctor plus] per 3 employees plus I per hospital vehicle. One for each 2 employees plus l for each 51 eepl ng room. Gorden Apartments Hospital Hotel -7- w B. 1. (Continued-) Type of Use u Number of Parking Spaces to be provided Kindergarten or Day Nursery Lodge or Club Mortuary Motel Municipal or Governmental Building Newspaper Publ illMng Nur$ing Home or Home for the Aged Office Building Postal Station Publ ic Park Of Recreational Facil ity' Publ ic Parking Area (But not for compensation) Publ ic Uti! ity Sub!'.tati on or Exc hange Radio or Television Studio Research laboratory Restaurant School I Publ ic or Parochial Utility Company Business Office Whol eso I e Estob I i $hme nt One for each 2 employees plus 1 per 5 children to be accommodated plus 1 per kindergarten v<Cihicle. One for each 125 square feet floOf area. One for each 6 !Soh in main auditorium plus 1 per mortuary vehicle. One for each 2 employeesl plus I per unit. One for each 125 square feet fI oor area. One for each 2 employees. One for each 7 persom. One for each 125 square feet fI oor area. One for eaC h 1 25 square feet fI oor area. As determined by the Board. One per employee. One for each 125 square feet floor area. One per 2 employees on largest shift. One For aoc h 125 square Feet floar area. One for each 2 members of staff, pI us one for each 8 seats in auditorium. One for each 125 square feet floor area. One for each 3 employees or occupants (?he maximum number of employees or occupants to be used in determining spaces). -7 (1- w u C. The owner or owners of such tract of land involved which is proposed for a Use or Uses listed under Paragraphs A. Of B. above, in an EC-l or an EC-2 Entrance Corridor District shall have obtained approval of the Board in accordance with the procedure and additional requirements set forth in $ec- ti::m 21. Section 8. Section 17. I NDUSTRIAL USES &. REQlIl REMENTS of said Zoning Ordinance of Carmel, Indiana -1959, is hereby changed to Section 19, and each subsequent Section number is hereby increased so as to be in proper numerical sequence. Section 9. Subsection D of Section 21. SPECIAL EXCEPTIONS, REQUIREMENTS & PROCEDURES is hereby changed to read as follows: D. Entrance Corridor Districts Requirements and PrDcedures. Any Use I isted in Section 18. A. for the EC-l Entrance Corridor District I and in Section 18. B. for the 18. B. Entrance Corridor District, may be permitted by the Board as a Special Exception in the Entrance Corridor District in which it is permitted in occordance with the procedures dnd provisions of this ordinance dnd the Board may order an Improvement Location Permit issued for such Use or Uses upon an affirmative fi ndi ng by the Commission that the following additional require- ments have been met by the owner or owners, or developers of the tract of land proposed for such Use or Uses proposed to be located on a tract of land In the Entrance Corridor District in which such Use is permitted. 1. Development Plan To include the Fallowing items and conforming in principal with Figure \0. (a) The Development Plan shall show building lines established so that no building or structure shall be erected on any tract within the district nearer to the centerl i ne of any i nted or rood than si xty (60) feet, nor nearer than one hundred, twenty (120) feet to the property line of any bordering highway, and no building or structure shall be erected closer to the side I ine of a tract than thirty-five (35) feet and not closer to an adjoining Residence District than seventy-five (75) feet. -8- w u ~ (b) There shall be one principal entrance to anyone tract devoted to a tIS e permitted in an EC District, and that entrance shall be from the corridor parkway to the public parking area shown in Figure 11, and provided further that there shall be no direct entrances or exits from parking area or strLlctu.re into the frontal highway. (c) The owner or owners, or developers shall provide a plan for the installation of adequate facilities for the disposal oJ human and industrial wastes meeting the approval of the Indiana Depart- ment of Health and the Harnilton County I Indiana, Boa rd of Hea Ith. (d) The o',\lTIer or OVlJ11erS of the tract involved 5 hall establis h in the restrictions which are a part of the plat for the subdivision a perpetuating organization for the maintenance of the property, such as roads and planting areas, the approval of building plans and other improvelTIents, and the fll.ture rnaintenance of the tract. (e) No parking areas or loading docks may be erected or used front- ing on a bordering highway. Provisions for loading and unloading operations and handling of freight or matE-rials outside of buildings shall be located so as not to face On bordering high"""ays. ({) No part of a parking area for passenger vehicles shall be closer than twenty five (25) feet and nQ part of a loading and unloading area or parking area for trucks s hall be closer than one hundred (LOO) feet to an adjoining residential District. 1\11 parking, load- ing, and unloading areas sball be paved with a hard surface. (g) The areas in front and on the sides of buildings shall be clevE-loped in accordance with a well-designed landscape plan, and such areas shall be perpetually rnaintaillE'd. (h) The area between the corridor parking and any adjacent area zonC'd as a Residence District shall be planted and maintained with trel;'S and shrubber.y to serve as a screen. 2.. Subdivis ion Plat ~ (a) A Prelin"linary Plat, approved by the Con"lmission shall be sub- nlitted with the application for an Improverneut Location Pennit for a proposed use oC a tract of land in an r=C District. 3. 0 ther A.uthor ity Approval (a) Any other authority approval required when applicable, including but not limited to, State Department of Health, State Highway Departrnent, and such approval shall accornpany thE' application. -9- u ~ 4. Outdoor Signs and Lighting .. (a) The location, effect and arrangement of all outdoor advertis ing signs and lighting fixtures proposed to be erected or installed shall be subject to the approval of the Con11nission, and no signs shall be permitted in front of the building line. 5. Architectural Control (8) Architectural Plans of the building and structures proposed to be constructed shan be subject to the approval of the COlnmission. The Comrnis 5 ion '5 approval shall be bas ed on the architectural plans creating a unified des ign. Section lQ. The introductory paragraph of Section 2.4, BOARD OF ZONING APPCALS, of said Zoning Ordinance of Carrru~l, Indiana - t9SCl, is hereby changed to read as follows: BOARD 0 F ZONING .11~PPEALS, A Board of Zoning Appeals is hereby establis hed with membership and appointment provided in accordance with Chapter 174 of the Acts of the Indiana General Assembly of 1947 and all Acts now or hereafter amenda- tory or 5 upplemental thereto, S E;' C ti o_ILli. Paragraph A. of Section 26, FILING FEES of s aid Zoning Ordinance of Carrnel, Indiana - 1959, is hereby cbanged to read as foHows: A. For each application for a Certificate of Occupancy, the sum of Seven Dollars and Fifty Cents ($7. 50) 5 hall be paid to and collected by the Build- ing Commissioner, provided that for an application for aD "Accessory Building and Use" the sum of Five Dollars ($5. 00) shall be paid to and collected by the Building Cornmissioner, when not applied for coincidentally for a "Use" other than an "Accessory Building and Use. Il Section 12. This Ordinance shall be in full effect from and after its passage. Passed by the Town Board of Trustees of the Town of Carmel, Indiana, this dayoi _____1961. President, Town Board of Trustees Carmel, indiana AT T ES T: Clerk- Treas urer, Carmel, Indiana - 10- ~I- ~: ...'f'Ii> ,--,vi 5~ ," l- MASTER PLAN ORDINANCE TOWN OF CARMEL, INDIANA AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE lIMASTER PLAN ORDINANCE OF CARMEL, INDImA, 19591', ORDINANCE NO. Z5, PASSED BY THE TOWN BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE TOWN OF CARMEL OF CARMEL, INDIANA, ON THE 2.7TH DAY OF OCTOBER,1959, TO READ AS FOLLOWS: AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING A MASTER PLAN FOR THE TERRITORY WITH- IN THE JURISDICTION OF~THE TOWN OF CARMEL TOWN PLAN COMMISSION, CONSISTING OF A PLAN FOR THE PHYSICAL DEVELOPMENT OF THE TOWN AND JURISDICTION FOR THE PURPOSE OF GUIDING AND ACCOMPLISHING THE COORDINATED, ADJUSTED, HARMONIOUS DEVELOPMENT OF THE TOWN OF CARMEL AND THE JURISDICTIONAL AREA. WHEREAS, the Town Plan Commission of the Town of Carmel has prepared a Master Plan for the Town of Carmel and its environs, including ordinances for its enforcement; has held public hearings on the Proposed Master Plan and Ordinances j and has by resolution adopted the Master Plan and recom,mended thereon to the Town Board that such plan and ordinances be adopted, all in accordance with Section 37 through 39 of the Chapter 174, Acts of 1947, as amended, General Assembly, State of Indiana, and, ' 1__. WHEREAS, The Town Plan Commission of the Town of Carmel, Indiana, under the date of October 6, 1959, determined the environs of said Town to be an area two miles distant at all points from the corporate limits of Carmel; delineated such area upon a map entitled, IIJurisdictional Area, Carmel, Indiana, 1959", adopted a reso- lution thereon and filed a copy of said ll.1.8.p and resolution with the Recorder of Ham- iltonCounty, all in accordance with Chapter 174, Acts of 1947.85 arrlended, General Assembly, State of Indiana, and WHEREAS, The Town Plan Commission of the Town of Carmel, Indiana, under the date of January 28, 1960, comlidered a petition requesting joinder, forwarded by the Clay Township Trustee and the Clay Township Advisory Board, and being favorable to the petition, the Town Plan Commission recommended joinder to the Town Board of Trustees of the Town of Carmel, and the Town Board of Trustees subs equently pa.ssed a resolution setting forth the terms of the joinder, one copy of which was sent to the Clay Township Trustee and one copy of which Was filed with the County Recorder of Hamilton County, Indiana. all in accordance with Chapter 46, Acts of 1959, Gen- eral Assembly, State of Indiana. S edio,,\ L_ ,- DESIGNATION. This ordinance shall be known and may be cited as the "Master Plan of Carmel, Indiana, 1961 to. - SjI'cliol1 2. PURPOSE - The purpo51 e of this ordinance is to establish a single unified code con- siDling of all plans, reports, and ordinances, plus supplemental details as contained in the report of the Carmel ToV'.'11 Plan Commission entitled "Master Plan of the Town of Carmel, Indiana". that deal with the subject of planning and zoning, as a com- prehensive guide to the future growth and development of the Town and Jurisdiction. -1- \.' ~ ~ D '} Section. 3.. CONTENT. The Master Plan consbts of a report dated . 1961, entitled "Master Plan of the Town of Carmel and Clay Township, Indiana", to- gether with the provisions of the maps, charts, plans and ordinances which have heretofore or may hereafter be enacted concerning the following subjects: Zoning, Subdivhlion Control, Thoroughfares, Improvement Location Permits, Schools. Parks, Recreation and Public AreaS! and a separate plan entitled "Comprehensive Development Plan". S ehtion 4. AUTHORITY OF THE MASTER PLAN. The layout, the location, relocation, ex- ten~ion or widening of thoroughfares; the general design of neighborhoods and their street patterns; the us e of land; and the location of sites for schools, parks, recrea- tion and other public uses, !ilhopping centers, and community facilities shall conform to the principles. policies and provis ions of the Master Plan. Section 5. EFFECT OF THE MAST ER PLAN. The Town Board of Trustee!! of Carmel, In- diana, the Board of County Commissioners of Hamilton County, Indiana and the Township Trustees within the jurisdiction shall be guided by and give consideration to the general policy and pattern of development set out in the Master Plan prior to the authorization, construction, alteration or abandonment of any public installation, reql.1ired or necessitated in the interest of the physical development of the Town and Jurisdiction. S e c:tio!4 fL. CONTINUING AUTHORITY OF THE CARMEL TOWN PLAN COMMISSION, The Carmel Town Plan Commission shall from time to time consider and review pro- pos ab with respect to changes and amendments in the Master Plan and, upon con- clusion of such consideration including a public hearing thereon, shall certify to the Town Board of Trustees their report on such matters. Section 7. MASTER PLAN ON FILE. The maps. charts. plans and ordinances which compris e the Master Plan are on file in the office of the Clerk-Treasurer in Cannel, Indiana, and are available for public inspection during all regular office hours of the Clerk- Treasurer. Sechgn ~. RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CLERK-TREASURER. The Clerk-Treasurer of the Town of Carmel is hereby ordered and directed to keep on file, for public inspection during all regular office hours, two copies of the Mas te r Plan including maps. charts, plans and ordinances referred to herein. -2- ~' ;~ : Section 9. AMENDMENTS. The Master Plan of Carmel, Indiana, may be amended from time to time according to the procedure set forth in Sections 37 through 40, Chapter 174, Acts of 1947 t as amended, except that, if the Town Board of Trustees deaireli an amendment it may direct the Carmel Town Plan Commission to prepare an amend- ment and smbmit it to Ii public hearing within 60 days after formal written request by the Town Board of Trustees. Section HI... EFFECTIVE DATE. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its pall! 9 age and approval according to law. Passed and approved this _ day of 1961. President, Town Board of Trustees of the Town of Carmel, Indiana ;i:':'" ATTEST: Clerk-Treasurer of Carmel, Indiana Tl o D " c, -3- d , ~ " ~ , " ", I 'IG,' - ~ I l r~ ZONING ORDINANCE TOWN OF CARMEL, INDIANA /~ &1 ~/ AN OHDINANCE AMENDING THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF CARMEL, INDIANA, 1959, ORDINANCE NO. Z7, PASSED BY THE TOWN BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE TOWN OF CARMEL, HAMILTON COUNTY, INDIANA, ON fHE 27TH DAY OF OCTOBER, 1959, AND ALL ORDIN/\NCESAMENDATORY THERETO, TO READ AS FOLLOWS: ~ction 1. Section 4. of said Zoning Ordinance of Carmel, Indiana - 1959, IS hereby changed to read as follows: Section 4.. (l. IDENTIFICATION. Wherever the word "TOWN" appears in this ordinance, it shall be deemed to refer to the Town of Carmel, Indiana; the words "TOWN BOARD" refer to the Town Board of Trustees of the 'T'owni the word "COMMISSION" refer;; to thE' Town Plan Commission; the word I'BOARD" refers to the Board of Zoning Appeals; the word "JURISDICTION" refers to the Town of Carmel, Indiana and the contiguous unincorporated territory lying within two (2) miles of the corporate limits of the Town of Carmel, and including all of Clay Township, Hamilton County, Indiana, delineated upon a map entittecl, "Carmel, Indiana, Jurisdictional Area. 1960", and filed witb the County Recorder of Hamilton County, Indiana; the wor-":' "DISTRICT" refers to a section of the Town and Jarisdiction for which uniform re- gulations governing the Use, height, area, size and intensity of Use of Building.:> and land, and open spaces aboat buildings and other requirements are herein established; the words" ZON E: MAP" refer to a map entitled, 'ICarmel, Indiana, Zone Map, Sheets 1 and 2", of 2, dated 1961, and any amendments thereto; the words "MAS T ER PL/\.N" refer to the complete plan, or any of its parts, for the development of the Town and Jurisdiction prepared by the Commission and adopted in accordance with Chapter 174, Acts of 1947, General Assembly of Indiana, and all Acts amend3.tory or supplemental thereto, as are now or may hereafter be in ",ffpet: S e c t illn 2--L- Section 5. of said Zoning Ordinance of Carmel, Indiana, 1959 is hereby changed by substituting a new definition for the following words; Block, Development Plan, Farm, Home Occupation, Loading ~nd Unloading Berths, Lot Corner, Lot Ground Level, Mobile Home, Motel, Parking Area Public, Parking Space, Professional Office; am'::' said Ordinance is hereby changed by adding certain new definitions in proper alpha- betical order as follows: BLOCK - A unit of property bounded by Streets and by Streets and/or Railroad rights- of-way, Waterways or other barriers. t BLOCK FRONT AG E - Property having frontage on one s ide of a Street and lying be- tween the two nearest intersecting or intercepting Streets, or nearest intersecting or i> intercepting Street and Railroad rigbt-of-way, Waterway, or other barrier. -1- f :: BUSINESS CONVENIENCE CENTSR - An architectlual and functional grouping of retail stores, generally oriented around a s upernlarket or depa rtment 5 tore, and appropriate associated and accessory uses, which is the central feature of a site plan composed of Building Areas, Parking Areas, Access Streets and Circulatory Ways for Vehides and Pedestrians I Lands cape Res ervations and Plantations and other land features appropriate for its operation as a bus ines s enterpris e, des igned to 5 erve res idential neighborhoods, or communities. and which conforms to the standards and requirements of this ordinance. ; DEVELOPMENT PLAN - A drawing, including a legal or site description of the real estate involved which shows the location and size of all existing and proposed Lots. Buildings, Structures and Yards; location and dimens ion of Building Lines and eas ements; widths and lengths of all entrances and exits to and Ironi s aid real estate; location of all adjacent or adjoining Streets; all of which presents a unified and organized arrangement of Streets. Lots. Buildings, and Public and Service facilities and other improvements such as lands cape development and Public Park- ing Areas, all of which shall have a functional relationship to the real estate com- prising the planned development and to the Uses of properties irnmediately adjacent thereto. d FARM - A tract of land compnsmg an area of at least five acres which is devoted to agricultural operations, such as forestry; the growing of crops; pasturage; the production of live stock and poultry; the growing of trees, shrLlbs and plants; and other recognized agricultural pursuits and including Accessory Buildings essential to the operation of the farm. Accessory Buildings may include barns; eqllipment and animal sheds; farm residences for the owner, operator or farm assistants; road- side sales structure for the sale of products produced on the farm; and Signs dis- playing subject matter directly related to the name of the products of the particular farmj bat not including industrial or commercial operations or structures. GARDSN AFAR Tl...1ENTS - A structure arranged to accommodate three or more families. which does not occupy mOre than forty percent (4070) of the area of its site. which may be erected without height limitation, and which building and its site are planned in accordance with harmonious principles of architectural and lands cape architectural design. HOME OCCUPATION - Any Use conducted entirely within a Dwelling and partici- pated in solely by members of the Family, which Use is clearly incidental and secon- dary to the Use of the Dwelling for Dwelling purpos es and does not change the character thereof, and in connection with which there is no comlTlOdity solei upon the prenlises except that which is produced thereon, provided that no sign, other than a nanleplate not exceeding three (3) square feet in area, is displayed and provided further that such nameplate is attached to the Building. In no event shall a barber shop, beauty parlor, gift or antique shop, tea room or animal hospital. or photographic studio, be construed as a Home Occupation. -:: INDUSTRIAL PARK - A single structure or group of structures for industrial opera- tions forming a comprehensive arrangernent of buildings, grounds and access ways planned in accordance with harmonious principles of architectural and lands cape archi- tectural design. and industrial management. -2- LOADING AND UNLOADING BER THS - The off -street area required for the receipt or distribution by vehicles of material or merchandisE', which in this ordinance is held to be a twelve (12) foot by forty-five (45) foot loading space with a fifteen (15) foot height clearance, paved with a suitable dust preventive or hard surface in accordance with Town specifications. :;c LOT I CORNER - A Lot at the junction of and having frontage on two or more inters ecting Streets. LOT GROUND LEVEL - For Buildings having walls adjoining one Street only, the elevation of the sidewalk or the established grade of the Street at the Front Lot Line at the center of the wall adjoining the Street; for Buildings having walls adjoining more than one Stre~t, the average of the elevation of the sidewalk, or the said established grade, at the center of the walls adjoining the Streets, and for Buildings having no wall adjoining the Street, the average level of the ground adjacent to the exterior walls of the Building. Any wall approximately parallel to and not more than five (5) feet from a Street is to be cons idered as adjoining the Street. '" MOBILE HOME - Any vehicle, including the equipment sold as a part of a vehicle. used as a conveyance upon Streets by either self-propelled or non self-propelled means and which is designed, constru.cted, reconstructed. or strllctu.rally altered in such manner as will permit the occupancy thereof as a Dwelling, and which is both llS ed and occupied as a Dwelling bu.t having no foundation other than wheels, jacks, 51 kirting, or other temporary supports. MOT EL - A Building or a Detached Building, us ually not more than thirty-five (35) feet in height, us ed as Dwelling Units containi~room, bathroom and clos et space, and each unit having convenient access to a Parking Space for the use of the unit's occupants. The units I with the exception of the apartment of the n"lanager or caretaker, a re devoted to the us e of automobile trans ients and no unit cooking facili- ties are offered. PARKING AREA, PRIVATS - An Area paved with a hard surface in accordance with Town specifications, other than a Street, Place or Alley, desig-ned for use or used for the tempora.ry parking of motor vehicles for clients, customers or employees. PARKING AREA, PUBLIC - An area paved with a hard 51 urfaee in accordance with Town 51 pecifications. other than a Street, Alley or Place des igned for us e or us ed for the temporary parking of more than four (4) motor vehicles when available for public us e, whether free or for compensation. or as an accomrrlOdation for clients or customers. -;: PARKING SPACE - A space other than on a Street or Alley designed for use or used for the temporary parking of a motor vehicle, and being not les s than nine (9) feet wide and twenty (20) feet long exclusive of passageways. At least ninety (90) sqllare feet shall be provided for maneuver areas and passageways for each Parking Space. ~. PROFESSIONAL OFFIC E - An office in the Dwelling of a member of a recognized profes II ion, S Llch as an architect, attorney, dentist, engineer, phys ician, surgeon, ,- I -3- or other professional person. provided that the professional service is per- formed by a member or members of the family occupying st.l.ch Dwelling and that no additional persons are employed in rendering such service. and provided fur- ther that not more than fifty (50) percent of the floor area is devoted to such Use and provided also that no sign, other than a nameplate attached to the building, not exceeding three (3) square feet in area, is displayed. RESEARCH LABORATORY STRUCTURE - A building for the accommodation of 8 cientific res earch facilities. such as electronic, engineering, chemical, medic al and similar laboratories, and planned and placed on its site in accordance with harmonious principles of architectural and landscape architectLlral design. Section 3. Section 6. A. of said Zoning Ordinance of Carmel, Indiana - 1959, is hereby changed to read as follows: . A. The Town of Carmel and the Jurisdictional Area is hereby classified and divided into twelve (12) districts designated as follows: " S - 1 - Re 9 idenc e Die trict S-2 - Residence District R-l - Residence District R-2 - Residence District R-3 - Residence Digtrict R-4 - Res idenee District B-1 - Local Business District B-2 - General Business District B-3 - Roadside BLlsiness District B-4 - Shopping Center District I-I - Industrial District EC - Entrance Corridor District Section 4. Section 6. C. of said Zoning Ordinance of Carmel. lndiana - 1959. 18 hereby deleted. c "" Section 5. Figures I, 7, 8 and 9 of said Zoning Ordinance of Carmel, Indiana - 1959, are here- by replaced with Figures l, 7, 8 and 9 Revis ed; and a new Figure 10 is hereby added to s aid Ordinance. Section 6. A new Section 17, which follows Section 16 of said Zoning Ordinance of Carmel, Indiana, -1959, is hereby added which reads as follows: . Section 17. '" BUSINESS CONVENIENCE CENTER PLAN, REQUIREMENTS AND PROCEDURES. A Business Convenjence Center Plan may be permitted by the Board as a Special Ex- ception in all Districts, and subject to compliance with the following requirements and procedure in accordancE' with Section 2.1. " = -4- II RESm!ENTIAL USES A.ND REoumEMENTS 4/M ....... -- TYPE OF RESIDENTl.AL USE REQ l..IlltEMENT S Singl.z.FamUy DweJ1.l.ng Two-Family Dwelling M~Jlti-farnUy DwelUng D!artct in \:lid dll U:l:2 All pa- 51,'52,1<1, r;lL,R3,R.4,BJ,Bl E.-B3 RLR3,R4,P.>l,r.o2 !>-B3 p 4 ,l3i, 13'2 & ECJU, rw1lOO. R4-- _ _ - - - '2. Sa::> ~ MilJIlA mum lot ll1l',e in MjIUU'f<) ~L _ __ _ _ _IS,Ooo>C11i! 51.__ - __ _ 30,OC 0 S2_____ - - - !'l,ooOq<:f 52 &RI -- - __7-0,000 81 & ~1 _____i'.~ ; ~ ~ d\1elllDn I.mll tn dO$- RL__ - - - .10,000 '~l1I" [>,3 _._ _ _ _ __ 10.000 E.C______ - 3-fX,oo,' lltielL!l ir.rd!CI1K04 !'HI:.- ~~___ -- \ O.COO R'5 (" R4- - - - 3,G>OO 12.3- - - - _ _ _ 1.'1.00 PI: (,.- f3Z.._ - __3)"'..50 R4.131 (.. in ___"',500 ~.lnimum lot wt..hh In feC!\t in "'1 _ - - - - - _ _120 .,1 '" 2.. e...R.I__ __, 'Zoo R4,~1 E..- ~l. ._ _ ~ -- 50 , ~cu ind1cai0d 5~_ _ _ __ - __ _ 100 B3___ -- .- - -- 100 E. c. . - n _ _._ _'Zoo\,'l\ 1<1_ _ - - - - -- IOD R!)_ - - .-- _W) atfrf'5:._____ 8e R4,P.-1 &- B2. _ ~ __ - -50 1i!5________~ R<l,Bl e,. Bt 50 MllJtLmum Bulldlng height in SI,SZ,R',RZ & W3___ IS '::;1, ~7.,R\ So 1"33_ ____ _ '25 - "'-4 35 I:' ~ 4S feel in diBHlcu j ndicll tlild l<'3,R4,P.>l (,R'2-- -'--- 3S R J , R.4, B I , F,.. l? 1. - - - _% ~1 b.O EC. NONE. 1j. Minimum front yard in pel! 20 :0 R4, ~I & 1')2. ---- .- _20 CI2:7l! of !l\l~age de pili of lots E.C_ - -- -- . ~ I.n b Icc It SI51&R1. __ __10 ~\~1_ ~Il~ -=~ __ - ... _. ..0 f2 4,1';1 s. r,1. _ _ ,_ _ __ _ !i MlAtmum side yard (one) R1,R~,AA,Bl. r,1 & f:l3__ -5 _10 E.c ~ 'Fn.1<,4 ,FlI f.. ~L____ -- __5 M.inllJUlliD silk Y 11 rds (both 01' 7.0 to R4,f'>i (,- J3l -- - - - - 2.0 tuO) In ~ cent of lot width EC_ - -- -- - 'ii M!n!mum rear yard In feet 2.0 :5 R4J E;d f..-Wl. IS Ec.. ~ (MJ.n!ml\lm ground floor llJ16.a ONE. ':lTOQ.'( FIR<;, TWO UI-.lITS, 5~\P'nd ..,..., SI, 'S'l & Rl _ 1,500 1n J:::q!!llK'e fe2t in dilJ.trictll 1n- S1. &- RI-- _ __ _ ._ I, ~oo "-~-- 'T=-f~",iI'I DUJ~I!il')~s" fill.... ..ddi\~ 51,122 &.I'il~__ __ - 900 R3 & 63 _ ---~ 1,000 a.,.<I'tl\ .Ft d",,,iI;,,~ ...~,+; d!co.'.a.d. ) - R4,B! R 5,!i4. r:L' v P"'l_ __ _"'n (.. 1'51 _ _ - -- ~oo R4------- _:,oC> .I}I!Q "3"O~.:r:. Bl (.. BI .- -- - 'Zoo 51 e:..12.1 _ _ _.. _ '1'00 --.- -- 51,R.1. (.r'B _ - ---. _ 7 1..0 E C. . (.00 <;'1 H. Rll R.4~e' ~ r?l'L. .- .'-12 "ICb. ll'e,,! pe- d,-,--,,!ill"'~ "",1' . MfJj~ of vehicle p!l.Eking On<r .fa-,' eac.h dwelr;,,,! Q~3C~ !'JO 00 provided 00 tfua ONE TWO ~4n ;+ k\lt MaJlHnum lot covuag.e in per 3.5 35 40 Clil.l11 of lot V inion clenrrl.l'l:Ce on corner Ye~ Y<2'S. Yo~ !G1 CDr'/71(J! 1i?G->I1sac:/ F1G lIRE 1 lI: il\ulh-f4",',I'1 oIw12lit'nq ,-n~ bE: ~!"r'I'1ittd ,,., H)>Il \'E-(" E.nh-er>c." C".~,d41" Di.,h",cI- 1'1 sec.or-donee. wi~h th~ J~t;....'~li>n of "GAaOg t-I ApA.Ii\T'!;! I!t.l"f H ,. (ltl'.o;"1l ""~1 4 nd p<i>C.a.,d u'.... ,~'Se(,..~ /1>" ll:'l d -J "Sed '-on 1\ . 'If< " No Il'Op:;roc2ntll tOO ~u1rod rriinimum Lot &!W \!fMn the foll.owing ulUHy sY\ltoma llle il1lltaUGd Ilnd utilized: A, Sammry Setlfer Syatom D, A ~od pbUc or eomJm!J14ty ""lJIter llUpply oyBtem C. &Mm lkl~C-i' SyeIiZm In tnG [I~t2: 4r.l' oon-ut!Uz.nt1lm of ony of tMlt<bove deecrlMJd utLUty system!, add the foll('Jwlng o.rea In cq"llr~ foot to me mlnhnum lnl cl<>e Si. A. ~ S i!, A. 1000 .. A, 1..COO ~, ~o e,. 3000 1':>. 2/'J00 c' '5aoo c' 7.000 C' looe:') 1." 'i. ~. ~ '" "~ -2J ,vb ,j."-O', II.? ~. "". '.l> .0 di " 0" '0 ,. '" 0" l!2# ..~;l 'J}.;;, Op ""'" D' ~ ,.p..,. . . " .." , 4 ,,'-'"~ tp .'" (tQ>;. '" ~ ".._fi: '" .. ~~.'-"'il~~.' ~) '", &" GIS' o ~ <0 <tl d9~-~O <S ~ "t:~ it:rG' "~ <l'!fl !.;.I ..," a, <t EJIl. 0;; ",' , '0 o_~ ; . ~ ~ rt "'" o. '< 'II .11> ~ 0 .., OlT " ,\.so '; +'';'i" "/.... ,;. ::-',10." :\ --j. 4,"- :'....i f 1l,} co.- ,,~ ~', ~.. . _,.t" -l'!:";;>' !of' .. " '0 '6 l?00QDW !t!)., 0, ,..~~~~~ ,~~~ to .~@n~U~i!~ , m , I> f' ai,,"" . ~~ .. . ~~ ~. ," .~ ," '" ",,' . ll' '" g " /~ It, .-'-./16 . . ~ .1i> ,ij~ :!, ... , ~ ... (lIP. ~ . .. ,j. ~l I ... 'J!l:' '" .,.6GJ ", ,,' ~.' .0 ;'It. I\"-r+ '* ~1~ 'lQ '~~-' ... '. J ~ "~o'i: ,...... , '~ :'ii1 ~ !il " 1: tiQ'" "~~ .j.j)e ~.. !" ~! ,hI ='a~ !bolO ~ 1I -;: " ."", . . '"~ 0' ~~ ~ .~ ~~ . Ot> ,~o ,/. ~ v ($ .... , . ."':~ <II . " ., .~: . " II;,?' (f.~ : ~; v- ~ t.e n ..lJ; 'l\: I" '1M .....A', to- ~ a . " 1, .~ -., .; ... >;) ; .. s: ~ ~-1 '."E' .,. ~, . '-. ED i!if3:l ~ .~.. Q;!D .. . JI' ~ ,~ 18 (jit(1 'J 0 1 ~ ~ +,'"'j, d 0 '$ ",. "" ., @ .<Ie " ~ ~~4 tl jI "" :' t . . , \;.'>'<l, e c, "'t!.. o ~o ,,~. .. ,.~.; '. B ""p .. (0.':',. ~ '.. <If,,. ~ . dl' fo. .. "'Gb" .. ~ ,,- .~.II,} ~ 0.1"6 Ib ~ <:!"~ii;" oI:> .~ ~$ oii* i'?, ~ . ~:'& f.[ :D -.Jo~ ~ ~:';'0 -'1 ,.:o;.r~ CONTINGENT USES AND REQUIREMENTS 4/~1 TYPE OF USE DlSTRICT(Sj IN WHICH USE NUMBER OF PARKING SPACES TO IS PERMITTED BE PROVIDED Boarding or Lodging House R4, B1 &E2 One ror each three occupants Church or Temple All, except 84, &11 One for each 6 leats in main audi" tori UITl College 01 urn venity All, except B4 & 11 One for ea ch 3 students and staff Farm A 11 Not applicable Fraternity, sorority and student co- A 11 except ':Ii. SZRI,R?1"J3,M errl One for e.ach 3 occupants operatives Home Occupation All One additional Lodge Or private club (which is of a R4, B.1, >>2 & B.3 One for each 125 square feel t100r nOll-commercial character) area of building(!) Mortuary R4, ai, B2, 8:l & [1 One for each 6 ~eat3 in main audi- torium Municipal or governmental building All One for each 125 square feel floor area of building(s) Nursing home or homes for the aged R3, R4, B J , D 2, B 3 &: 11 One for each 7 persom Professional Office in residence of All Two additional pract.icing professional penon Plant Nursery All Non requited Public Library or museum All One for ea ch 125 square re.el floor area of building(s) School, pr'''dte, I'obhc ~r par'm:hjal All, except B4, & I L One for each 3 membeu of staff plus one for each 8 seats in auditorium Temporary Sign, pertaining to lea~e, All Not applicable hire or sale of 3 building or premises FIGURE 7 CONTINGENT USES - MAXIMUM HEIGHT DISTRlCT(S) IN WHICH USE MAXIMUM BUILDING IS PERMITTED HEIGHT IN FEET ~1. ~2,Rl, R2 & 83 25 R3. & R4 35 B1 45 B4 50 92 & 11 60 CA RMEL l2ev/saJ HGURE 8 4/c, / I . e,Pi'1CI AL 1!.!tC:!1lF"TI!;l1'l DlSTRICT(S) IN WHlCH USE MA Y BE PERMITTED RE()UiP.EMENT DESIGNA TION Airp<.ll'lOf Heliport 51 b6 (HeU;>oll), biZ (Airport), !!. i'l2, II (AilJ>MI), ill (H"lipon), jt, Id, l'l, nOl, p, II, " t, L!2. v, ... .- 10-- ^nHlcl~ll..ake of 3 or more acrel All d, 11, jl, p. rl. u J, ~. ." D~lnQ'11 c..o.-."QTl;QP'\~q em, toQ- Pb,.. ,"\1 ~ <;<Il~.;P"" I~ I .-. - - - - - - - __ __~~T_ - CBmelecy or CremJll.Olf All e~.::(:r~ 131) B4 &- r I bib., c2, p, q, r1, Y, ti Clinic or Medlc~1 ~lel1lth C4lIuer R~JR4,BI,51,e; f., If bl, c3, llli. Jl. k3, d, 11. l.",. Y COl.llIll'Y Clllb or Golf COliftl At! c 1, dJ, J 1; 1\5, II, p, r 1, tt, " G=nhouoe. COI11~rciJll AJ\ t'!)(cept ' G4 b4, c 6, f2, hI. k'1, rn4. n1. d. v, "'. V -. HOtlf'll41 AM excep4 ~I, 51 f.,. Rj b7. eG, g, 1'15, II, k9, i&, mb, 01, p, I, t. 't, Y Industrlal PMk All aI, b10. c1. d3, g, b3, Jll, ~lQ. I'd, m6. u'l, 0, p, q, d, L t. v, "',] lunk Yard 1: , cl, C, hi, L4, hilI. 15, mS. n3, Ii, v, "', y - Kindergarten 01 DAY Nur=y A.1l ei<CCft p."{ &B4 b3, elil, f3, I'll, 13, jl, kIll. p, rI, 11, y Mineral ExttDCtion, Bono... I'll, Top A II e""'e~+ ~11R.~.R~,P,1 e.a.s, ell. e. h.j" l~. jl, 0:3. d. I, I. uS, " tf Soil Removal and their Storage A rSIi MohJ.le Home Park f'Jl,63 ~ 11 bl!, ca. clll. g, Ill, ]1. kU, 12, ll. p, q. rl. ii, ul, Y. 't{, y - Outdoor Thul.!lI All e"'tp-+ R.l1R5.R4,P.l'2. &B4 ca, iO. kIl, p, II, ~, I, Y, .... 1 Ouldoor CommelclJll Rec'e..!lltonJll AU cot!. 0:11, g, hi, II, j3. 1114, 12. 01, p. '2, I. I. Emerpil.. v. "'. y PeMI 01 CO;recUo/llll I nl~lht['OO ~1 f..lt bl2, c10, 11., ll, 11.15. 15c, n.'l, p, 11, Y Peo....021 Tluumlwon l..inc: All p Pll!oCllce Golf-Orbing Range Bl,e~,P..3 E,- 11 eEl, i7, ], r1, v, 1 Prl vOle lIecreallOf\jll DeVlllClprni!oOl "II c4, g, hI. JJ. 11.2. 12, rl, If, \:1. Y Prodw:e Telmlnnl, Whol~ll<llc 1'3'2&11 bLO, c7, d3. e. Ill. IS. )t, till. 14. m3, 112. p, Il,D.I.~,'d, Y Public Camp -:>1,<;1 ,R 1 ,P.:'l,r.,3 &ll b7, d. dl, g, h.l, J3. 1t11, 12, Il, ijl, Y. .." Y Public or Commacial Sanilnry Fill Of II b?, c 11. ", I II , j.'l, 11. u1, 'II, .. Refuu Dump i>ublic or Commercial Se....a~ or A.II bU, cll, ~. 11.19, rl, ull Y, w Garboge Dbpo$81 ?Iallt Public or Employee Pukl"{l Areal Ail ellGCpt ~I,'n 6- 1<.1 b2. p. d, 0, I, ", ~. y, z Public ?uk ar PubHc RecrCBtlonal All c4, 8. hI. ]2, k21, 12, t, Y. '" Faclllly Pub\j~ UtlHty SubatDlloll (R E~chaug'i: An c1. g. )4. k18. rl, 1'. y lladio Of Tctel1iAloa Tower All k19, p, '1. v Rllllroad aJght -of - Way alld Uw. Ew,eminl All hI, k20. II, Y co Rnllrcad OJ'e.rarlon R&l.1inB And Breeding of Non -farm 1'0",1 B"l,BS b- II b1.c!O,hl,P, ~1, 13, ml, n&, fl, t..., P aM Anlmnh, Commercially, except KcnnaJ aLdl.nll Stable , ~I. S" RI, BI.f!>2, B!l L- I. 1 b.'l. cJO, bt, J1. ~llt, ml, II. '1/, "", ]' ScatilM I P ll!h1 n Ii or KWlllng I.od(le tI.I1 bi, cI, f4, liZ\!, v, <:/,y Slopping CenlCf 1'lo4 mil. b'. g, n, k1l3. 13. m3, nl, o. p, D. I, 'II, v, Y - SlAl.dhm Ol' Coll~um BI1P'.1)BlI Eo- 11 b'1, c2, JI, k24, 12, mll, 01, p. rll, a. t, 11. Y TDUl'111 HOmll ~4 I B 1,52.,6:3 Er I 1 bI, d. U. I'll, kall, II, v, y Trud Frolljllt TerminAl Fn, B'S ("I~ c1. e, jl. k:!.5, 14. rl8. p. 11, " t, V, I't. Y U!.C1l '1m l..dad ." th( 1:.: E~llno:D c....r;J".. tK. , EC ~a<il ~t~on \8 f,... ~+iO>'1 1.1 p. II the nature of me Spoxinl F.JlcOfI'II01l Invol1111O more Ih4n Dn2 of m~ 1I~. the nppllcnlH /Day I1pply fot I1n lmp?Oll;l.mMt l..ocaUC31 Penn.j! foe me Spechl Encep;Uon wbleh moe.l cloc:i:'ly rcletlzl ,t'! Ihe p;:lrnalY y~; provl<.!c.d lhlll the roQu1rementD of nIl dle Idnt<MILlOOlJ wUl b:J me!. PIGURE g. Sl'ECLH liXCEPT10NS AND RJ!OUQEMENTS c:.A"MtL Rrrv I'SE. D f'lOTt.. ll:;:) Df (i n~mbol in thl: Figure Indicale! that the requiremelHl or tb llt::1/;{iJ D ppl Y lo (he Special Exception ....here locnted. 4/(,,1 I R~t. R EQUI REJv\ENT RQqmt. R EQUI REM ENT Dcsig. De~ig. D CJ.ASSII'ICA nON OF USE PfR,>llTHD 12_ I per 2 employus plus i per;', ell ildren !o be accomooaled 1- Lighl Indunrin 1 3. lrldu,trl al 13. I per 2 ~.mpl"Y2e, pills I rer m<)blle home land 2. Local Bu&lnoeu H. I p<'r :l employee., pill' I per 50t) ,quare feel of u"'" al'e.ll 15 I poer 3 employee. plu. 1 per 10 IJlmall:! . r e!IIlm nled capacity b. MINIMUM LOT AREA ~ 5 acres including 2500 MI. rt It, 1 per 3 employees plu, 1 per dri,lng lee 1. II per mobile home ,rnn~ 1'; I per c.mp ,ite and I per cabin 2. 1500 sq. fl ~. 6 acre, 18. feJephone Exchange. 1 per elllployee :> I J 0 M1 fl per child 10 20 .acre! H I per t'.mplovl',j!; pe' <Ill h 4. 2,').000,q. It 11. 4Q ncres 2() I per 2 employees wh~re he.dquartered 5. 'to .000 "l, ft. plul 5. D(;;} .q. fl. 12 ij() acre. 21 I per 5000 ,quare. feet per hor~ over (auI (4) hONe, 13. 320 acre. 22 One 6. One acre J4 T..o lim~ rer.wireJnent fo, 23 I pe.r 60 lIiluue feer of ..1",. .rM 7. ;) ,Il\: re.J Si ngle. Fa m! I y 1)",,,111111' 24 3 per 4 employee. plu5 1 hr 4 .~. u 15. 2 acre.! 2b I per 2 employe'" pIllS 4 or ennonre" Ita 300<.,"~ 211. ] per employee pIll' I pel 3!eeping accommodalloJl r MINIMUM YARDS (Feel) 2'1 T".o Fronl Side (each) Rear From Side (eachl Rear 28 I per employee plus I for each 6 ",ah;,n main andtloriLlnJ 1 II # # I, 100 A burting Re!ldr.nrla 1 ' 75 1- DIS'rANCE OF PARKING AREA FROM RESiDENTIAL t'SE 2. # :>0 50 Ahuuing Other 1I~ ' .J5 i Feel) 3. ff 10 30 ~, It 20 iI I. 10 .1 (! 40 11-0 9 150 150 lSO 2. 20 O. q n 10 100 100 100 3 5G 6. JOO 4-0 40 11. 300 300 :JOO 4 100 : 300 d StHWrNG SETBACK FROM CENTER LINE OF rNTER!OI\ ROAD (feet) m NUMBER OF LOADING At.m UNLOADil"-i0 BERTHS 1- 40 (Shall .'101 Face on Bordering HJghway) " ;',0 1- L ~. 3. 8,) " 2 .. -- .1 Pcr Developmelll Pl.n e. USE PERMITTED NOT CJ.OSER THAN 300 FEET TO A RESIDENTIAl. .1. 15.000 squ are feet . ] Over l~l nOt) f~el 2 USE b. Up to 200 !Jeds . 1 200 10 500 t>ed, - 2 f MINIMUM GROSS FLOOR ARE.'> Of PRiNCfPH BUILDING(S) oyer .:;00 bed. 1 (S<!uafe reet) 6. Per figure 6 1. Y 2. Over 1000 n DISTANCE OF LOADING A ND IrNLC!~.D[NG BERTH FROM RESiDEN- 3. Delcrmlned by Number of Chl1uren to be .~ ccammodaled TlA L USE {Feet"! 4. 4DO 1. 50 5. Two IJmel Slngle-farntly Dwelllllg 2 100 6. 672 .. :_lnn g PLAN OF LA N DSCA PE DEVELOPMENT TO IlE $U6MJ TTEll WlTH 0 ?LA l' .^. PI'ROVED BY THE COM/'.1iSSlON TO BE SUBMITTED WITH APPLlCA nON ....PPU,~A TION h. MAXIMUM HEIGHT OF STRUCTURE (Feet) ., DEVELOPMENT PL-\N TO BE SUBMITTl:D Win, .A PPL1CATION J. # 2. A. required by applopIj~te Stat'" or Feder~1 Agency 4 COVENA NT 8'1 OWNERS TO PERPLTtiATE MAINTENANCE AND 3. Sll.mc u Ughl Indu.mlal Po PPP.DV l FUT lJRl: J MPROV EMENT:;. 4. 45 5. 70 5.25 r MAlilMUM NUMBER OF PRIN' If'!\ I. ENTRA NCES FROM MAlaR l. FENCE THClROUGHF."RE 1. 6- fOOl wire mcLh where acceulble lO the public 1- 1 2. 6.fOl'/1 "'i.e rnem when located at ground level " ~ . 3. 4..foot wire mew around play aIM 4.. Solid 101011 01 IOlid balnted fence B feel high , ACCEPTABLE REL6, TlONSI11P TO MAJOR THOROUGHFARE 5. 4- foor wire meLh a uning Relldenllal U>e G. Palmed board rence 8 feel nigh I THOOOUGHFAREl) MUST BE ADE(llJATE TO CARRT ADDITIONAL i. A dequare 10 prote.cl ll. butting ure TRAFFJC ENGENDERED BY USE a. 6.fool wire me3h 9. Il.fo<< ..,1Id painled fo, Refute Dump u OTHER AUTHORITY r\PI'ROV.\:. RE-i)UIRW 10. 6-fOOl. wile meili ~bUltlllg Reoldenlial \Joe I Slate Boar~ of He.l!h 2 A erorra.ulie. Comrniuion of j ndlallli j. SCREEN PLANTING WHERE ABUTTING RESIDENTIAL USE 3 Pl.nninll Act - Seeli on -)8 -1/2 (TI~ll tcrnrr. effective Hall time3) 1. 6-foor helghr y 6-fool. wlddt ~ 2S feet Awning Residemlll.1 Dlaulcl or U3e y OUTDOO~ AllVERT1S!NG SIGNS AND OUT DOOR ARTlFlCiAL ... 3. 8. fOOl helghl by 6- root width LIGHTING S~IA LL BE A Pf'ROV ED BY THE COMMISSION 4. AdeQUDle to 6Creen ~o"'e! SubarAlion horn Streel View t. a feet hlgh nlOfi(! atreeu (or Refuee Dump '" DISPOSAL OF W)UID AND OTHER WASTES SHAI.L MI:ET THE AP. ?ROV AL OF THE 5T... n. BOARD OF HEAL TH k. PARKING SPACES I. 1 frer 2 employ0t'.o pha 1 per .. ee.1I in wDIIlnB Nom ~ NO SA L ES . DEAD STOR.~ GE. REPAiR WORK OR DI;;M... NTUNG UN '<l. 1 per 2 cus'tOJl1e.fll or member. TilE LOT 3. I per 2 employees plus 3 pet doclor 4. I per 31 emplo~elI plu. 1 per 6 tludenl. y NO PARKING IN THE f-~ONT Y ARJ). EXCEPT AS Pl<OV IDED IN 5. 30 SECTION 15 6. 1 ~ 3 emplo~' per 9hUt >-- 7. 1 per 3 employee. plul I f"U 125 .quMe leel Q/ ull'.l areI'. ,. EXCEPT FOR APPROVED EX1TS AND ENTRANCES. A MASONRY 8. 1 additional WALL 4.FHT IN ~IEIGHT AND 6.INCHESTHJCK I>RECTED A r 9. 1 p2r 4 Mdn. plWl 1 par d OC1.01 plus I pel 3 employ~. ph1' 1 ~r REf) UIRED fRONT LINE OF BlJIWING AND MAY BE RE(>UlRED I booplljJl ,.",hlc1e ALONG BOl! NDARIES OF I'ARK!NG A REA AS f)ETERMtNED BY THE 10. 1 ~ 2 employ~t on laIgenl llhlft COMMISSION FOR THE ?ROTECTlON OF RESIDENTlA I.LY ZONED ]1. I per 2 employeen OR USED I'I<OPERTY Fi<;: ~ ~'I""",e/ ReI"lST~O A, The Local Business Uses, numbers 1 to 12 inclusive in Section 15 are permitted on the tract of land propos ed for a Bus ines s Conven- ience Center, provided that the propos ed plan includes at least four (4) separate types of Local Business Uses as are specifically classified or implied in the categories in Section 15, A, and provided further that not more than one of which shall be an automobile service, as set forth in category l of said Section 15, A. B, The tract of land proposed for a Business Convenience Center Plan shall be of an area of not less than fifteen (l5) acres and the average length of the tract s hall not be greater than two and one-half (2.l/z) times the average width, C. The Board may order an Improvement Location Permit issued for a Bus ines s Convenience Center Plan in accordance with the procedure and provision of this ordinance and upon an affirmative finding by the Com- mission that the following requirements have been met by the owner or owners, or developers of the tract of land proposed for a Business Con- venience Center Plan: l, A Market Analysis (a) To determine the number, size and type of stores which could be expected to operate with a reasonable margin of profit in the proposed center. -,:/ " (b) To evidence the advis ability of locating the propos ed center (where the developers propose to locate it) so as to serve an existing and potential customer demand, 2.. A Financial Report (a) To include a statement of financial responsibility which demon- strates the ability of the developer of the center to proceed with ~ and complete construction and development. 3. Traffic Study (al To include a comparative analysis of present capacity of street(s) adjacent to the propos ed center with potential capacity volumes. taking into cons ide ration the effect the propos ed center will have by engendering additional traffic. (b) To include a circulation plan for all streets (existing and proposed) which will show recommendations for controlling, signalizing, channelizing, storing and warning traffic. 4, Development Plan To include the following additional requirements: -5- (a) A Plan of landscape development which shall include, among other considerations, an a rea of at least ten (10) feet in width along all streets I with the exception of approved entrances I which border the propos ed center, to be planted and maintained with trees and shrubbery to serve as a screen for the parking area(3). (b) A planting screen, consisting of suitable shrubbery, main- tained at a 5 ix (6) foot height by six (6) foot width, to be planted wherever the proposed center would abut residential use. (c) Provision for one off-street parking space (at least 270 square feet in area) per sixty (60) square feet of sales area in the center. (d) No buildings or paved areas (other than access drives) may be located closer than fifty (50} feet to any area llsed or zoned for residential purposes, in order to create a greenbelt, and such greenbelt shall be maintained as lawn together with appropriate lands cape development and 5 creen planting hereinbefore specified. (e} An adequate number and proper arrangement of loading and unloading berths shall be shown in the development plan and pro- vided by the developer. 5. S u bdi vis ion Plat (a) A Preliminary Plat, approved by the Commission shall be sub- mitted with the application for the proposed center. 6. Other Authority Approval (a) Any other authority approval required when applicable, such as State Department of Health, State Highway Department, etc. I shall accompany the application. 7. Outdoor Signs and Lighting (a) The location, effect and arrangenlent of all outdoor advertising signs proposed to be erected shall be subject to the approval of the Commission. 8. Architectural Control (a) Architectural plans of the building and structures proposed to be constructed 5 hall be subject to the approval of the Commis 5 ion. The Commission's approval shall be based on the architectural plans creating a unified design which will be in character and proper relations hip to the surrounding areas. -6- Section 7~ A new Section 18 which follows the new Section 17 of said Zoning Ordinance of Carmel, Indiana - 1959, is hereby added which reads as follows: Section 18. "Ee" ENTRANCE CORRIDOR DISTRICT USES, REQUIREMENTS & PROCEDURE, The following us es, including Acces sory Buildings & Uses. may be permitted in the "Ee" Entrance Corridor District, subject to compliance with the following requirements and procedure: A. Type of Use and number of Parking Spaces to be provided: Type of Use Number of Parking SpaceS! to be provided Bank Church or Temple Clinic or Medical Health College or Univers ity Center One for each 125 SCJ.llare feet of floor area. One for each 6 5 e"ats in main auditorium. One per Z employees plus 4 per doctor. One for each 3 students & staff plus 1 per college or university vehicle. Two spaces per dwelling unit. One per 4 beds plus 1 per doctor plus I per 3 employees plus 1 per hospital vehicle. One for each 2 employees plus I per 5 chil- dren to be accommodated plus 1 per kin- dergarten vehicle, One for each 125 square feet floor area. One for each 6 s eats in Hlain auditoriurn plus 1 per mortClary vehicle. One for each 2 employees, plus 1 per Clnit, Garden Apartments Hospital Hotel Lodge or Club MortClary Mote 1 MuniCipal or Governnu:>ntal Building One for each 125 54Clare feet floor area. Newspaper Publishing One for each 2 employees, Nunii ng Horne or Home for the Aged One for each 7 persons. Office Building One for each l25 sqClare feet floor area, Postal Station One for each 125 sqllare feet floor area. Public Park or Recreational Facility As determined by the Board. Public Parking Area (But not for compens ation) -- Public Utility Subs tat ion or Exchange One pe r employee. Radio or Television Studio One for each 125 square feet floor area. Radio or Television Tower One per employee per shift, Res earch Laboratory One per 2 employees on largest s hiLt. Restaurant One for each 125 square feet floor area, School, Public or Parochial One for each 2. members of staff, plus one for each 8 seats in auditoriurn. One for each 3 en1ployees or occupants (the maximum number of ernployees or occupants to be us ed in determining 5 pacesl. Storage W are-hous e -7- Type of Us e Number of Parking SpacE's to be provided Utility Company Business Office Veterinary Hospital for Small anima 15 and Kennel Wholes ale Establishment One for each 12.5 square feet floor area. One space per employee, pIllS 4 additio- nal space. One for each 3 employees or occupants (the maximum nllmber of employees or oCcllpants to be LlSed in detern:1ining spaces). B. The owner or owners of 5 llch tract of land involved which is propos ed for a use or uses listed under paragraph A, above, in an "Ee" Entrance Corridor District shall have obtained approval of the Board in accord- ance with the procedure and additional requirements set forth in Section 2.1. Section 8__ Section 17. INDUSTRIAL USES & REQUIREl'k}:=NTS of said Zoning Ordinance of Carmel, Indiana - 1959, is hereby changed to Section 19, and each subsequent Section number is hereby increased so as to be in proper numerical sequence. Section 9. Sllbsection D of Section 2.1. SPECIAL EXCEPTIONS, REQUIREl\'lENTS & ~~ROCE- DURES is hereby changed to read as follows: D. II EC" Entrance Corridor District Requirements and Procedures. The Uses listed in Section 18 may be permitted by the Board as a Special Exct!option in the Entrance Corridor District in accordance with the pro- cedures and provis ions of this ordinance and the Board rnay order an Irnprovement Location Permit isslled for slIch use or LISE'S llpon an affirmative finding by the Commission that the following additional re- quirements have been met by the owner or owners, or developers of the tract of land proposed for such use or uses proposed to be located on a tract of land in the II EC 11 District. 1. Development Plan To include the following items and conforming in principal with FiglIre 10. .. (a) The Development Plan shall show building lines established 50 that no building or strllcture shall be erectedon any tract within the district nearer to the centerline of any interior road than sixty (60) feet, nor nearer than one hundred, twenty (120) feet to the property line of any bordering highway. and no blIilding or or structllre shall be erected closer to the side line of a tract than thirty-five (35) feet and not closer to an adjoining Residence District than seventy~five (75l feet. -8- .. (b) There shall be one principal entrance to anyone tract devoted to a use permitted in the EC District, and that entrance shall be from the corridor parkway to the public parking area shown in Figure 11, and provided further that there shall be no direct entrances or exits from parking area or structure into the frontal highway. (c) The owner or owners, or developers shall provide a plan for the installation of adequate facilities for the disposal of human and industrial wastes meeting the approval of the Indiana Depart- ment of Health and the Hamilton County, Indiana, Board of Health, (d) The owner or owners of the tract involved shall establish in the restrictions which aTe a part of the plat for the subdivision a perpetuating organization for the maintenance of the property, 5 uch as roads and planting areas. the approval of building plans and other improvements, and the futllre maintenance of the tract. (e) No parking areas or loading docks may be erected or us ed front- ing on a bordering highway, Provis ions for loading and unloading operations and handling of freight or materials outs ide of bLlildings shall be located so as not to face on bordering highways. (f) No part of a parking area for passenger vehicles shall be closer than twenty five (25) feet and no part of a loading and unloading area or parking area for trucks s hall be clos er than one hundred (100) feet to an adjoining residential District. All parking, load- ing, and unloading areas shall be paved with a hard surface, (g) The areas in front and on the sides of buildings shall be developed in accordance with a well-des igned lands cape plan, and s uen areas 5 hall be perpetually maintained. (h) The area between the corridor parking and any adjacent area zoned as a Residence District shall be planted and maintained with trees and shrubbery to serve as a screen. 2. S ubdivis ion Plat (a) A PreliIninary Plat, approved by the Commission shall be sub- mitted with the application for an Improvement Location Permit for a proposed use of a tract of land in the EC District. 3. Other Authority Approval .... (a) Any other authority approval required when applicable, including but not limited to, State Department of Health, State Highway Department, and such approval shall accompany the application, -9- 4. Outdoor Signs and Lighting ~ l al The location, effect and arrangerr.ent of all outdoor advertis ing signs and lighting fixtures propos ed to be erected or installed shall be subject to the approval of: the Commission, and no signs shall be permitted in front of the building line. 5. Architectural Control (al Architectural Plans of the building and structures proposed to be constructed shall be subject to the a.pproval of the Commission. The Commission's approval shall be based on the architectural plans creating a unified des ign. Section 10. The introductory paragraph of Section 2.4, BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS, of said Zoning Ordinance of Carmel, Indiana - 1959, is hereby changed to read as follows; BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS. A Board of Zoning Appeals is hereby established with rnembership and appointment provided in accordance with Chapter 174 of the Acts of the Indiana General Assen1bly of 1947 and all Acts now or hereafter amenda- tory or 5 upplemental thereto. Section 11. Paragraph A, of Section 26, FILING FEES of s aid Zoning Ordinance of Carmel, Indiana - 1959, is hereby changed to read as follows: A. For each application for a Certificate of Occupancy, the SUlTI of Seven Dollars and Fifty Cents ($7. 50) 5 hall be paid to and call ected by the Build- ing Con"lmis s ioner, provided that for an application for an "Acces 50ry Building and Use" the sl1m of Five Dollars ($5.00) shall be paid to and collected by the Building Commissioner, when not applied for coincidentally for a "Usell other than an "Accessory Building and Use, " Section 12,. This Ordinance shall be in full effect from and after its passage. Passed by the Town Board of Trustees of the Town of Carmel, Indiana, thi.s day of -I 1961. President, Town Board of Trustees C a rn"le 1, India.na ATTEST: Clerk- Treas urer. Carn-leI, Indiana -10- AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE IMPROVEMENT LOCATION PERMIT ORDINANCE /~ & I ~~ AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE IMPROVEMENT LOCATION PERMIT ORDI- NANCE OF THE TOWN OF CARMEL, INDIANA, ORDINANCE NO. Z2, AS AM- ENDED, PASSED BY THE TOWN BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE TOWN OF CARMEL, INDIAN, ON THE 3RD DAY OF DECEMBER, 1957, TO READ AS FOLLOWS: AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE ISSUANCE OF IMPROVEMENT LOCA- TION PERMITS WITHIN THE JURISDICTION OF THE CARMEL TOWN PLAN COMMISSION, AS A PART OF THE MASTER PLAN FOR THE TOWN OF CARMEL, INDIANA. NOW BE IT ORDAINED BY THE TOWN BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE TOWN OF CARMEL. INDIANA, UNDER AUTHORITY OF CHAPTER 174, ACTS OF 1947, GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF INDIANA AND ALL ACTS AMENDATORY OR SUPPLEMENT AL THERETO. Section 1. ...:.. Within the Town of Carmel, Indiana, and its Jurisdictional Area, no structure, or improvement, or us e of land may be altered. changed. placed. erected, or located on platted or unplatted lands. unless the structure. improvement or use, and its location, conform with the Master Plan and Ordinance of the Town of Carmel and an Improvement Location Permit for such structure, improvement or use has been issued. It is hereby declared that the intent of the permit requirements of this Ordinance shall not prevail with respect to a Farm. Section 2. The Building Commissioner of the Town of Carmel shall issue an Improvement Location Permit, upon written application. when the proposed structure, improve- ment or use and itS location conform in all respects to the Master Plan of the Town of Carmel. Indiana. S~ct:i.on 3. o " Every application for an Improvement Location Permit shall be accompanied by a site plan, drawn to scale, showing the location of the structure, in~provement. or U9 e to be altered, changed. placed, erected or located. the dirnensions of the lot to be improved. the size of the yards and open spaces, existing and proposed streets and alleys adjoining or within the lot, and the manner in which the location is to be -, improved. Application for an Improvement Location Permit shall be accompanied : by Q foe of Seven Dollars and Fifty Cents ($7. 50), provided that application for an :: Improvement Location Permit for an IIAccessory Building and Use" as defined in ': the "Zoning Ordinance of Carmel. Indiana - 1959". shall be accompanied by a. fee ~ of Five Donars ($5. 00). when not applied for coincidentally for a llUsel1 other than ~.. an "AcceB5IOry Building and Use". Application for an Improvernent Location Permit r for a Budnes!:! Convenience Center Plan shall be accompanied by a fee of Two Hun- dred Fifty Dollars ($Z50. 00). The fee shall be paid to and collected by the Building CommiS!il ione:r . ~."l r ,- , , 1-: " n. , ! -1- ".- 0# ,. I . I Sec::UQ:o....i. Any decision of the Building Commissioner of the Town of CarnH~l concerning the issuance of an Improvem.ent Location Permit may be appealed to the Board of Zoning Appeals when the decis ion in question involves a requirement of the l'Zoning Ordinance of 1959, Carmel, Indiana", or to the Town Plan Commission when tbe decision in question involves the requirements of other parts of the Master Plan, by any person claiming to be adversly affected by such decision. S~ctiQn 5. A decision of the Town Plan Commiss ion may be reviewed by certiorari procedare as provided for the appeal of zoning cases from the Board of Zoning Appeals. S "",diaD ~. Action on the violation of any provlslOn of this Ordinance and the right of injunction against such violation shall be as provided by Chapter 174, Acts of 1947 of the Indiana General As sembly. and all Acts amendatory or supplemental thereto. Section 7. This Ordinance shall be in force and effect from and after its pas sage. Passed by the Town Board of Trustees of the Town of Carmel, Indian~. on the _ day of . 1961. President, Town Board of Trustees of the Town of Carmel, Indiana ATTEST: Clerk-Treasurer of Carmel, Indiana -2- I ' 4 AN OR 011\ ANC E AlvlENDING TH E TI-IOROCGHFARi: PLAi.J uRDINANC::: C AH.I\l EL, IN DI AI\: \ . / j'/ / _ b 3- AN ORDIN/\J'..J"Ct~ Al-.1ENDING THE "THOHOl~GHF'ARE PLAN, A SeCTION OFfl-lC::; MASTER PLAN OF CARI\,lEL, INDIANA, - 19",8", AS Al\1J:.:01Di:~D, AN Of(DINANCS OF THE TOWN OF CAR1\lEL, 1)\01.\=".'\, URDI>u\r~CE NO. Z4, h\.-)SED BY TH!'::: TOWN BOARD OF TRUSTeES OF THE~ TOWI\ OF CARLL::':!., Jj\;UI.\N\, O.N [H.E 1ST DAY OF JULY, 1958, TO RSAD /\5 FOLLO'Y\"S: AN ORDn\~NC C establishing a Thoroughrare Plan to prornate the orderly develop- ment of the Town of Carmel, Indiana; and the territory within the jurisdiction of the Cannel Town Plan Com.mission, described on a n1:"p, f'ntitled "Jlll'isdictional Area, CaTl~nel, Indiana", a.nd fileel wIth the Recorder of Harni.lton Cou.nty, Indiana; to irnprove health, safety, convenience and welfare of its res idents; to th(" end that the highway system be carefully planned; that new community centers grow only with adequate highway faciliti,es; that ttl'? needs of industry, business and agriculture be recognized in future growth; that resiupntial areas provide safe and healthy surroundings fur farnily life~ that the devp1opr:nent of the Tuwn and Township be COlunlensurate with and promotive of the efficient and economical use of public funds; for the purpose of formulating definite policies for the laying oU.t, developnl,:>nt and ir:nprovement of publ1c streets and highways and services t,) platted and unplatted land, WHER:::AS, ttw Carmel Town Plan Con1mission has prepared a 'Thoroughfdre Plan for the Town of Carrnel, lndiana, and tbe Jurisdictional Area, inclllding an Ordinance for its enforcen'1ent; has held a public hePiring on the plan anJ Ordi.nance; bas by re- solution adopted the Thoroughfare F'lan and recor11rnenJed thereon to the Town Board of Trustees that said Ordinance be passed; all in Clccorda.ncp with Chapter 174, Acts or General As s embly of Indiana fo r 1947, a nd a ll3.C'ts a rnenelatory and s upplernental thereto: NOW THER.F~f'ORE: BE IT O.HDAl~!:~D by the Tovvn Board of Trust(>E'S of the Town of Cannel, Indiana: Section I., SHORT TITL E. This Ordinance shall be known <:l.nd nn.y he cited as thE" "Thoroughfare }'lan of Carmel, Indiana - 1959". Section 2. fvlAP OF THOROUGHFA.RES, The Thoroughfare Plan oJ the Town of Carrnel. Indiana, consists of a rnap entitled, "}"lajor Street and Highway Plan, Thoruughfare Plan, Carmel, India.na, Sheets 1 and 2.", of 2, dated, 1.961, which shows the location of existing 2:1l1d proposed thorough- fares within the jurisdiction of the Town Plan Comnl1ssion, and is hereby dEc.'elared to be a part of this Ordinance. i'\otations, rc->ferences, indications and other details shown on the Thoroughfare Plan are as niLlch a part of this Ordinance a.s if they were fully de-scribed in the text of this Ordinance. - L - + .; Section J. DRAWING. A drawing entitled !'Typical Thoroughfare Cross-Sectjons, Carmel, Indiana" shows cross-sections for streets as designated on the 11l'vlajor Street and High,way Plan, Thoroughfare Plan, Carnlel, Indiana!'. Section 4. DESIGNATION OF THOROUGI-IFARES. The thoroughfares within the Jurisdiction of the Carmel Town Plan Cornmission are classified as to width and type in accordance with their function as a part of the Thoroughfare system, and are designated as Arterial, Feeder, '-l.nd Residential Streets as shown on the Thoroughfare Plan. Such streets are tu be provided with the right-oC-way widths shown on the Thoroughfare Plan as set out in Section 5 of this Ordinance and are to be improved as required by the Town of Carmel Ordinance providing for the control of the subdivision of land, Ordinance No. 28. Section 5. POLICIES AND DIRECTIVE~S. a. OpE-nint:! or Widening of Streets. Whenever a street designated on the Thoroughfare Plan is to be platted as a part of a s ubclivis ion of land, the right-of-way width shall conform to the policies and specified designations and indications in the Thoroughfare Plan, provided that where a street borders a tract of land to be subdivided, the OVvt1er of such land shall be required to plat only one-half of the right-of-way width designated for such street, measured at ninety (90) degrees to the center line thereof. b. Location of Streets. Wherever the locations of streets arE' indicated on the Thoroughfare Plan as following exis ting roads or streets, or s pction or half -5 ection lines, or other es tabl is hed prope rty lines, they shall conforrn to such locations; however, streets lying wholly within a subdivision, and not designated as following an existing road Or a section line. may be varied in their alignment when such variance promotes the plan of a neigh- borhood development unit in accordance with good site planning principles. and if Sllch alignment provides for the continLlity of traffic rnovernent. Streets which follow irregular alignrnent, Or' indicate reversed alignm.ents or are not referenced to establis hed lines, 5 hall Collow in a general n-lanner the alignrnent shown on the Thoroughfare Plan. Their alignment shall be subject to detailed surveys which rnay be made by the owners of land to be s ubdi vided. Su ch s lHveys 5 hall be 5 ubject to the approval of the Carmel Town PI an Commis s ion prior to the acquis Hion of land or the filing of subdivision plans affecting such streets. c. Consideration by Public Agencies. After adoption of the Thoroughfare Plan and this Ordinance, the Town Board of Trustees of the Town of Carmel and the Board of County Commis 5 ioners of Halnilton County. Indiana, s hall be guided by and give consideration to the general policy and pattern of develop- ment set out in the Thoroughfare Plan in the authorization, construction, alteratIon or abandonrnent of public highways and related structures. -2- $ d. lss uance of Permits. In the cas e of pe rrnits authorized by the Town Board of Trustees of the Town of Carmel, Indiana, for the erE'ction or alteration of structures and other improvernents, the' p0rmit{s) shall be issued only if the proposed street and thoroughfare rights- of-way as set forth by this plan will be protected from encroachment and, for planning and zoni.ng purposes, the proposed street and thoroughfare right-of -way lines \",ill be cons idered as the front line of lots and tracts bordering such streets and thoroughf<l.res. Section 6. CONTINUlj\;G AUrHORITY OF fOWN l:-'LAN CONIJ'vlbSIOK. Subsequent to the ad.option of tbe Thoroughfarp I-Ian and the passage of this Ordinance, the Town 1--'lan Conlrni!>sion rnav: a Deterrnine lines for new, C'xtended, widened or narrowed thoroughfares in any portion of thE' Town of CAnTlel and the Jurisdictional Arpa. b. Certify to the Town Board oJ Trustees the arnended or additional plan under the same procedures as established for the cc"rtification and approval of the Thoroughfare }-lan. Section 7, AME:NDI'vlENTS. In addition to the prOVISIons of Section 6 herein, amendrnents rnay be initiated as follows~ a. The Town Board of Trustees of Carrnel, Indiana, rnay dirl"ct the Carmel Town Plan Cornrniss ion to prepare an arnendlnent, as des ired, and s ubrnit it to public hearing within sixty (60) Jays after formal written request by the Town Board of Truster's. b. The ownp rs of fifty per Cf'nt ur:n (') 0/0) 0 r mor (' of the ar ea of property abutting upon a street n1ay a150 petition the Town ~lan Cornrnission re- questing an amendment to the Thoroughfare 1:1an. Section 8. i\. VAILABILITY FOR PUBLIC fNSP I::~C nON. Two copies of the Thoroughfare I--"lan anel Urdinance and two copies of thl" typical thoroughfare cross-sections shall bE' kept on file in the office of the Clerk-Treasurer of the Town of Carmel, and shall be subject to public exarnination during the regular office hours of the Clerk-Treasurer. Section 9. VALIDITY. If any title, section, clause, provision or portion of this Ordinance shall be held to be invalid or unconstitutional by any court of cOIT1petent jurisdiction, sllch decis ion shall not affect any other title, section, clause,provision or portion of this Ordinance. -3- <II ~ Section 10. WHEN EFFECTIVS This OrdinancE' shall be in forc"" and effect from and aft1:,r Its passage according to law. Approved and pass eel the day of , t 9b I, President of the Town Board of Trustees ,)f the Town of CdY1Tll:,1, Indiana ATT ES T: Clerk-Treasurer ~4- C/' ,~ MAJOR STREETS & HiGHWAY PLAN THOROUGHFARE PLAN CARMEL INDIANA TYPICAL THOROUGHFARE CROSS-SECTIONS h1AX~MUhl ()("'EU:)I~N-'" hil1HI~ Cs(VEU)Fi>WI';NT I J:r:~~.; .~~ ""~f--- -' --JO~ l.".. _~~.., r----'" ''-' I ----=-!-I').~-~~C1f"U1' 1.I:N1: L._.,j ~~..- ....aQ~~rNJIll~. ~~~. _ .-.. ~""+-r'....Jrl--"~ , ~,,'. -,~ i...lH[ _ t~------------i ~ 1'60' , - ,JtQIJi'CtT'r ,~, 60'FOOT irlOHOUGHFM'E 'I\Oil!.~n 50-FOOT THOROuGHrARE .(I~t2Al "I"OaO."Ar ")0' (f. 110....1"'" r~I'Io'II...: l..A.o!fS -I ~A.h;i"'l) L."IU.~ "'C>1JtlDI.[ 'WOOIF-:/i-r'..,lli.....' 101. L.l~[' .~ !::IO"'tH>Gl T,lU:f~!C 1I'1hlOtll "'''~fno\l) !U,(r1' '.-ttS fi..llrdllooll.Tf:-o . lIt"I..i('- .< TO .- ..r1Of'J ......."....~.- u ,."j ""O!"EPI;l' ~_ II' .-----ir~II-- \.'M -.--- '-45< -oJ ~;r-~ --- +L,,~~;"--.:..:J -- '.UfOtllTf I..l~f -t-----...o'-------: ~:,,~ .,~ r - --1.0'- '.' r ~j I I.. ill f ~..'" '::1.:-:.'~ -40; ~ ~, ~'.' T ,- !-'~, ~Ou,:,....'-.i '-1' t AO-FOOT THOROUGHFARE ..{JfUIIAL _/)!l.o..a, ..." .. . ,""I(,'!. '"C'R va.,."".; "'1'...."..( "'I-..~'n_" De.:R-:I"lG iIroQ"II'lI_f -:lC-".<;atro'" ''loi(l ,oi ..;....,..(, '."'HI/,: _._!:S I Itolill.,*"(jj L"'''l~~ '.,!. I..hle:!' rop IlIIO'/l.'l(i rru~,.:-c. .Ir...ou'!' 1-ol.1~lo,jC l"IOl'ttlAt ROI,D\sA.f' ~"'l" IlIOYINg '''PP'lG 1,"A~"tl- ",nHQoT PA,q';IH9l I'"".):l;Sf-tlLE b{)(Jt'IC..tU:;J....:)r,J.{.. ",.i..!a "'(LA; iIplOv~ TIli,.l,Jtjlj<; .l./l'll\",...~ L~~' ""'o~["n E~ . . ~- -t!- -.-{. _,,~__ Ll"'E 1 to' ~ ~ ..; ". . 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"1./1010 '!<I!C1 J"" 'Ioi~~c-"r[; Tw-r DA.lllltUM O[v,ElGP'.(l'H f'Olli n~[ Itl;""0'''''''''''' I,. l,"'flU.. 1.~("':5 T..r I'!,t~t........o- 5ECilOl'll I~OIG.1E~ ''["i'I[ NIl'f!lIL,U D-f...fLl~..lllr,..T WloIlOll -"OVtO nF, ."""0 ..~IAf[ 1M 'WAlL UUA!l;l'II'fna TO'L1IH"hl':lrl)oN CO"orROL Cll!"'lIfl'\-'H~t rcrr- J"r:CI~tC !:lJHIUUH 11If"tKl"lt- "~J.ll S"N~a..os ~!iol~ ilE:aulI''1iC>>ENrs ~O'FOOT THOROUGHFARE III(Wtl:UL AO~_'r' "''''1'' j,,"~' ~Qti!I iW(IV-..e Tru-r:l"IC 'lI"IHU)l"lT ....1fJ(1fol~1 ......l:olDI..[ ~OII'K."'lltHl ,1\,,'(- ~I'" ":"R,.,.fK L.\i'I'f:5 -t jIlo..-'4~t"''9 .....!'tfSl .IM.', , L&H~" '-0" ~""I:r.;C T n"'i"~lr;: C111 it/jIJ"!' IlUtk!..g! ..., I -I I ~"- ..\..'----~~...~l "'(1 t-I>J!o"(Il:'",\" 1.10(( .."'_""; .^T jtf: t~.lal"'''lfO rr.,'HI "ALI.-!i ~Ia(..(~.... 1I1[,nrpA:.. cn"""[R';i-'l, .t"'l; I!'<lOUIHIIAL. DIIH!lCT~ -~~ · .!-~ - -kl.- PIlilOl'~RT"" U:IoI1t -r--- - - .('\' ~ PARKWAY tUIIU....C( '$lIl1l1.iic'r _._---'---.....................--.......~ """r '-0 Ttl'l"''''';JiO-UI''llllilJfll.r.n"---...--.----..., ,/;::~ l .pot ~ l~A!')Pr..T'''' '_liII€ Lb..., <0"""" PLAN T""~=CQL ClJl- C[ - SAC pa;CFI"f~rT II...... -"~ .l "..~rl_ --:=::~-~--=1:-_- I ~~---~ ...J.:..J........,.. -... --=1:r::J-_~r --------------.....~-___.........._,_.... ~-~ !"AtoP!:'-;' ~~~+' " ,- .~ . :l'~'~- --1-1'-- LM to' ~ 1 eORDER PARKWAY ~~"H_ H.O~o;-1 C::;;~ --~-'--~ ~ ~-l-a- -- HlOJ>U'tl' L.,"I-1 I tI'HlI~l~ J;:!' "M'_ ~.~ ........... -'~' ..-~ I-:~ .}.. "-~,,~~""'w r I":.[M' Of LOTa L1~. ,,' l~ _~;;-~~~ ~: 'I' , " ro' ~.~ 174 - FOOT LIMITED ACCESS THOROUGHFARE DIVIfJ[ D LANE ROADWAY ~"1ll"f~TT .",,_3!,~~1_;_4_;; ~'~,~...~- .:.-;~._-~ ." ;;:~~ ~;';:~-":_...,~-' :;:C-~-,~~ ""~:~''':~ji}- ,~~- '-- - - -~~OCl----- --- -- .-- I .rr~lll'l' 200' rOOT LIMITED "-CCESS THOROJGWARE DIVIDED Lr.NE RQIi.DWAY /2" C ~ I Se ;) ~ It. I Mf fA(WOI'Ttt.N ~l "r-tI'H,RS, INC f~OIA_.,a,rOI...lS .~~~.:~