HomeMy WebLinkAboutCRC-2008-7 Approval to Sell Pennsylvania St Property L?,4 ?_? 4 - r 7 r o -?- RESOLUTION'NO. Of C30 - ' RESOLOTION OF THE'CITY OF. CARMEL REDEVELOPMENT CQMMISSiON RATIFYING AND APPROVING' THE SALE OF' CERTAIN EXCESS REAL PROPERTY ACQUIRMIN CONNEC'T'ION. WITHA,PUBLIC'RIGHT-OE'=WAY PROJECT WHEREAS, the City of Cannel 'Redevelopment (26ibmissiom (the "Commission"). governing ,bony of the City of Cannel Department of' Redevelopment (the " Department"),- ,. pursuant to a,2006.Bond for public road improvements, specifically including,Project No. 06-15 (PennsyNaoia Street-iWrd to -106`s"Streets) (the:"Project" );:has.certain=rights regarding the real property acquired,for the Project; End WHEREAS, as part of the Project; the City'of Carmel, iridiana (her"einafter, the ''City") acquired certain property located at I_0407 and` 10409 Pennsylvania Street in Carmel, Indiana (the "Property") f6i the purpose of expanding Pennsylvania Street; and WHEREAS, only a porti& of the -Property is necessary' for right-of-way for the Pennsylvania-Street :expansiou (the `Right=of-Way Area");;and: WHEREAS, the Property,excludrng the Right=of-Way Area (the."ReriiairidEC Property" ), is not needed for any other public purpose: and. W11EREAS, the, legal description of the Remainder Property is set forth on Exhibit A attached lferetorand WHEREAS; the. City,- by and through it"s' Board of Public Works and Safety (the `BPW"), pursuant to Resolution No- 08-20-08-01 and Resolution "No. d8; 20-08-02,. both. of which were adopted August 20, 2008 (the " BPW Resolutions'),, approved the safe of -the Remainder Property subject to (ij certain conditions set forth in the 13PW Resolutions; (ii) the approval of the'sale of the Reinainder'Property by`the.Common Council of the City of Carmel, Indiana and (iii), the approval and ratificatian_ of the sale'by any other applicable tnd'nicipaleen[ity including'the City'of Carmel Redevelopment Authority and/or the, Commission. NOW, THEREFORE, BE, IT RESOLVED by the;:Commission, governing.body of;the Department,=as follows', 1. The, sale of `'the Remainder Properly is hereby ratified and approved pursuant to the terms and.condit_ions,ofthe BPW Resolutions, 2. The Commission liereby designatesIthe BPW as its agent-for purposes of completing the sale ofs(he Remainder Proper{y. 1993780 1-MaC Resolution of Taw ;Board nt°Public?W,orks-and Safety. ADOPTED this 20'h day of'August,,200$. CITY OF CARMEL REDEVELOPMENT Co1NIMISSioN Mcinber. Member i 18336o_r©ac 2 Secretary. EXHIBIT 'A Lot Numbered 12 and 15 feet byparalIel lines off the South s I & of Lot Numbered 11 and 10 feet by parallel lines off`the North side of Lot Number f3 in Penn; View Heights, First Section, an addition in Hamilton County, Indiana, as,per plat thereof, recorded.Li Deed Record 139, pages 355-356 in the Office of the'-Recorder of'Hamiiton County lridiana. EXCEPTNG, Twenty-five (25) feet, taken by-parallel lines, off-the=entire west.side of.the described property. AS'WELL AS THE FOLLOWING PROPERTY:. 'Lot Nutnber,l3 in Penn-View. Heights,, First Section an.addition in_13amilton,,County, Indiana per plat thereof. recorded in Deed Record I39, pages 355-356 -in the Office of the Recorder of Hamilton County; Indiana and `the,North Half of vacated. 104"' Street; being 25 feet in width by parallel lilies with, the South line of said Lot Number 13, recorded ]November 1`6, f965 ill Miscellaneous Record 87, Page,100 in. the-Office of the Recorder of said Cgtlnty. EXCEPT. 10 feet by parallel lines off the entire>North sidcof Lot Number f1i'n Penn-ViewHerohts. ALSO EXCEPTING, Twenty-five- (25) feet,,=taken by parallel line`s, off the entity west side of the described-properly. 1 lao719_I a)OC