HomeMy WebLinkAboutDept Report CARMEL BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS DEPARTMENT REPORT October 27, 2008 11-23h. St. Vincent Sports Performance Center The applicant seeks the following development standards variance approvals: Docket No. 08070002 V Docket No. 08070003 V Docket No. 080711004 V Docket No. 08070005 V Docket No. OS090013 V Docket No. 08090014 V Docket No. IlS090015 V Docket No. 08090020 V Docket No. 08090021 V Docket No. 08090024 V Docket No. OS090025 V Docket No. 08090026 V Ch. 23.B.09.D Ch.23.B.8.05.B.l.a Ch. 27.03.02 Ch.23.B.12.a Ch. 25.07.02-10 c) Ch. 25.07.02-10 c) Ch. 25.07.02-10 b) Ch. 25.()7.02-10 b) Ch. 25.07.02-10 b) Ch. 25.07.02-10 b) eh. 25.07.02-10 b) eh. 26'()4.02 Sloped roof exceeding 100' without change in plane. Increase in maximum first floor gross floor area over 4001.. Elimination of straight concrete curbs on parking islands Parking between US 31 & 90' build-to line Increase in wall sign area - east Increase in wall sign area - west Total number of signs Two signs facing one right of way Ground sign height Wall sign not facing a right of way - east Wall sign not facing a right of way - west Reduction in perimeter yard buffering The site is located at 13400 North Meridian St and is zoned S2/Single-Family Residential in the US 31 Overlay. Filed by Paul Reis of Bose McKinney & Evans LLP for Bremner Duke Healthcare Real Estate. south-bound vehicles. General Info: The petitioner is requesting to build a sports perfonnance and medical facility on the St. Vincent Cannel Hospital campus, with access from both that campus and from Main Street. The site lies within the US 31 Overlay and adjacellt to the Old Meridian District, and is comprised of two parcels measuring approximately 19.39 acres total. One parcel is zoned B-6 (Light commercial and office uses) and the other is Old Meridian/Mixed Medical (OM/MM). Analysis: Because of the unusual configuration of the site, as well as some green building and site design measures proposed by the petitioner, a number of variances have been requested. The northernmost parcel is triangular, with frontage on US 31; it is this parcel that the proposed center would be built on. This section of US 31 angles northeast, and the frontage of this parcel along US 31 is its longest frontage. The building would be highly visible for both north- and The building itself would be four stories tall, with offices housed at the east end of the building and a large gymnasium at the west end. The gymnasium would have a curved mctal roof n\lllling its length, which would necessitate the grant of the variance for the roof exceeding 100' without a change in plane. The gymnasium would also necessitate the granting of the variance for the flrst floor's gross floor area over 40%. The use itself would be permitted at this site, and would be considered part of the overall St. Vincent campus; however, the physical stmcture of the building-would not comply with all of the standards of the Overlay. The physical structure of the buildingis a direct result of the use ofthe building. The granting of the variances is unlikely to result in a negative impact to the surrounding area. The variances for butIeryard reductions, parking in front of the build-to line and curb-less parking result partly from existing conditions and from an intent to develop the site in a green manner. The site is part of the St. Vincent campus, which already has an extensive landscaped greenbelt along its US 31 frontage. Parking would be placed within the 90-foot build-to line, but the 30-foot greenbelt would remain, and would have additional landscaping planted. The proposed building itself would comply with the 90-foot build-to line. Currently, there is parking in front of the build-to line; the proposed building and parking lot would reconfigure that parking but would not place it any closer to US 31. The curb-less parking on islands allows for excess stoilllwater to flow into the parking islands, which are intended to be developed as drainage swales to help absorb and purify runoff. This both provides for enhanced landscaping, and reduces surface runoff, however, drainage swales will not work with curbed parking lot islands. There is an existing dwelling at the south end of the site, which gains access from Main Street This house will remain. A five-foot bufferyard is shown between the house and the adjacent commercial uses, and a minimum fifteen-foot buffer is required. However, the area is heavily wooded, and the reduced bufferyard is unlikely to impact either the subject site or adjacent sites. Increase in wall sign area: The proposed signage oriented west and east toward northbound and southbound trattic on US 31 would be allowed 75 sq. ft. when considering the distan~e from the US 31 right-of-way line. However, because these two signs are somewhat lengthy, and because the font is on the slimmer, more "delicate" side, the petitioner is proposing to have 100 sq. ft. signs instead. The "St. Vincent Sports Performance Center" sign is actually 1 0 1.7 sq. ft. - so perhaps the petitioner should "up" that request. However, the "St. Vincent Physical Therapy" sign is only 77 sq. ft. - so perhaps asking for 1 00 sq. ft. is not necessary. The Department feels these are reasonable requests considering the distance from US 31, the speed at which vehicles would be traveling down that road, and that the overall total square footage for wall signs is not being exceeded. 375 sq. ft. is allowed (if considering the west and east signs as facing a public right-of-way) and 350.09 is requested (per the drawings of proposed signs). Number of signs: This site would nonllally be allowed two signs (plus any exempt, incidental directional signage) _ one facing US 31 and one facing 131 st St. The petitioner is proposing four signs ~ tbree wall and one ground sign. The three wall signs would be oriented west, east and south. The ground sign would be located at the entrance off of 131 SI SL The Depal1ment feels that these sif,lJls would enhance the building and properly identifY it for patients and visitors. Two signs facing one right-of-way: Because the Petitioner if requesting to have two signs facing south towards 131,1 St., a variance is required. The logo wall sign and the ground sign at the entrance go against the Sign Ordinance for number of signs oriented towards one public right-of-way. The Department, however, is in support of this variance, because there is over 1,000 teet between the entrance off 131 sl St. where the ground sign is located and the building, where the logo wall sign is located. There is a good chance one would not see the logo wall sign until more closely approaching the building. Ground sign height: The ground sign height is proposed at 9'6". This size is the same as the other ground signs located at the other entrances to St. Vincent 'sHospital off of Old Meridian SI. For consistency, directional and recognition purposes, the Department prefers that this sign match the other existing signs. Wall signs not facing a right-oj~way: The signs proposed to face west and east toward northbound and southbound traffic OIl US 31 would not be directly facing a right-of-way, thus requiring a variance. This has become a common request for many buildings located along US 31. The Petitioner feels that signs facing west and east would have better exposure to traffic along US 31. The Department agrees, to a certain extent. While we would prefer the sign faces north, we are not opposed to the variance requests for west and cast facing signage. Findings of Fact: Increase in roofplane/first floor square footage 1. The approval of this variance will not be injurious to the public health, safety, morals, and general welfare of the community because: the design of the building arises from its intended use, and will be palt of an overall campus; the building meets the overall intent of the US 31 Overlay. 2. The use and value of the area adjacent to the property included in the variance will not be affected in a substantially adverse manner because: the design of the building arises from its intended use, and will be part of an overall campus; the building meets the overall intent of the US 31 Overlay. 3. The strict application of the terms of the Zoning Ordinance to the property will result in practical difficulties in the use of the property because: the functionality and overall design of the building might be lessened if it met the Ordinance in temlS of square footage and roof length. Findings of Fact: Parking between build-to line and US 311reduced perimeter bufferyard I. The approval of this variance will not be injurious to the public health, safety, morals, and general welfal-e of the community because: the variances are related to existing conditions at the site, which would not be greatly changed by the proposed development. 2. The use and value of tbe area adjacent to the property included in the variance will not be affected in a substantially adverse manner because: the variances arc related to existing conditions at the site, which would not be greatly changed by the proposed development. 3. The strict application of the terms of the Zoning Ordinance to the property will result in practical difficulties in the use of the property because: a variance to provide for reduced parking would likely be necessary. Findings of Fact: Elimination of straight curbs for landscaped parking lot islands 1. The approval of this variance will not be injurious to the pubIichealth, safety, morals, and general welfare of the community because: drainage swales are proposed for the parking lot islands, which would enhance landscaping, reduce surface water runoff, and help purifY water on-site. 2. The use and value of the area adjacent to the property included in the variance will not be affected in a substantially adverse manner because: drainage swales are proposed for the parking lot islands, which would enhance landscaping, reduce surfacc water runoff: and help purifY watcr on-site. 3. The strict application of the terms of the Zoning Ordinance to the property wiII result in practical difficulties in the use of the property because: drainage swales do not function if storrnwater cannot reach them. Findings of Fact: Increase in wall sign area 1. The approval of this variance will not be injurious to the public health, safety, morals, and general welfare of the commnnity because: the increase in the sign area of the wall signs will provide better readability without any detrimental or adverse effect on the public health, safety, 111ora1s or general welfare of the community. 2. The use and value of the area adjacent to tbe property included in the variance will not be affected in a substantiallJ." adverse manner because: the increased sign area of the wall signs are consistent with wall signage on the other multi-level, Illulti-tenant buildings in the area and will not in any way affect the use or value of the adjacent area. 3. The strict application of the terms of the Zoning Ordinance to the property will result in practical difficulties in the use of the property because: the wall signs are oriented toward US 31 but are significant distances from right-of-way; therefore, the increased sign area is needed to make the signs readable to the traffic traveli'ng north and south on US 31. Findings of Fact: Number of signs 1. The approval of this variance will not be injurious to the public health, safety, morals, and general welfare of the community because: the additional wall signs and the ground identification sign will provide the necessaIY identitication for the Sports Perfomlance Center without any detlimental or adverse effect on the public health, safety, morals or general welfare of the community. 2. The use and value of the area adjacent to the property included in the variance will not be affected in a substantially adverse manner because: the additional wall signs and the ground monument sign are consistent with wall signage on the other multi-level, multi-tenant buildings in the area and will not in any way affect the use or value of the adjacent area. 3. The strict application of the terms of the Zoning Ordinance to the property will result in practical difficulties in the use of the property hecause: the additional wall signs on the east and west facades and the ground monument sign are not permitted under the Ordinance; however, these signs are critical to the identification of the Sports Performance Center to the traffic on US 31 and to properly direct traffic to the Center from 13181 S1. Fi ndings of Fact: Two signs facing one right-of-way 1. The approval of this variance ""ill not be injurious to the public health, safety, morals, and general welfare of the community because: the ground identification sign will be a benefit to the general public and to the community by providing identification ofthe entrance to the development from 131 st St. 2. The use and value of the area adjacent to the property included in the variance will not be affected in a substantially adverse mannerbeeause: the ground monument sign is consistent in design and location with similar ground identification signs in the area. 3. The strict application of the terms of the Zoning Ordinance to the property will result in practical difficulties in the use of the property because: the ground monument sign is not permitted under the Ordinance and is critical to the identification of the entrance to the development from 131 st St. Without this sign, clients, patients and visitors will most likely travel to. Old Meridian S1. and access the development from the main St. Vincent Hospital entrance which is inuch less convenient. Findings of Fact: Ground sign height 1. The approval of this variance wiD not be injurious to the public health, safety, morals, and general welfare of the community because: the ground identification sign will be a benefit to the general public and to the community by providing identification of the entrance to the development from 131 st St. 2. The use and value of the area adjacent to the property included in the variance will not be affected in a substantially adverse manner because: the ground monument sign is consistent in height with similar ground identification signs in the area and with the grolUld signage on the St. Vincent Hospital campus. 3. The strict application of the terms of the Zoning Ordinance to the property will result in practical difficulties in the use of the property because: the ground monument sign must be located at least 70 feet from the centerhneof 13151 St. and visibility of the sign is critical to the identification of the entrance to the development from 13151 8t. Without the increased height, this sign will be significantly less visible to the clients, patients and visitors. Failure to see the sign will cause such people to most likely travel to Old Meridian Street and access the development from the main 8t. Vincent Hospital entrance which is much less convenient. Findings of Fact: Wall signs not facing a right-of-way 1. The approval of this variance will not be injurious to the public health, safety, morals, and general welfare of the community because: although the facades 011 which the wall signs are to be placed do not directly abut US 31, the east and west facades are oriented to the northbound and southbound traffic. The placement of these signs will not have any eftect or impact on the safety of travel on US 3 J nor on the public health, safely, morals or general welfare of the community. 2. The use and value of the area adjacent to the propert:J.' included in the variance will not be affected in a substantially adverse manner because: the proposed placement ofthe wall signs is consistent with wall signage on other multi-level, multi-tenant buildings in the area and will not in any way afTect the use or value of the adjacent area. 3. The strict application of the terms of the Zoning Ordinance to the property will result in practical difficulties in the use of the property because: the location of US 31 and the orientation of the building to the highway, wall signs must be oriented toward US 31 from the east and west facades to have the best readabi lity. Recommendation: The Dept. of Community Services recommends positive consideration of Docket Nos. 08070002-5, 08090013-15,20-21, and 24-26 V after all concems have been addressed.