HomeMy WebLinkAboutCCM-11-17-08City of Carmel Office of the Clerk-Treasurer COMMON COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA MONDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 2008 - 6:00 P.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS/CITY HALL/ONE CIVIC SQUARE MEETING CALLED TO ORDER I . INVOCATION 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3. RECOGNITION OF CITY EMPLOYEES AND OUTSTANDING CITIZENS 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES a. November 3, 2008 Regular Meeting 5. RECOGNITION OF PERSONS WHO WISH TO ADDRESS THE COUNCIL 6. COUNCIL, MAYORAL AND CLERK-TREASURER COMMENTS/OBSERVATIONS 7. ACTION ON MAYORAL VETOES 8. CLAIMS e Payroll • General Claims o Retirement 9. COMMITTEE REPORTS a. Finance, Administration and Rules Committee b. Land Use, Annexation and Economic Development Committee c. Parks, Recreation and Arts Committee d. Utilities, Transportation and Public Safety Committee ONE CIVIC SQUARE CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 317/571-2414 1 10. OLD BUSINESS 1 1. PUBLIC HEARINGS First Reading of Ordinance Z-525-08; An Ordinance of the Common Council of the City of Carmel, Indiana, Amending the Sunset Provision of the Carmel Drive - Range Line Road Overlay Zone in the Carmel Zoning Ordinance; Sponsor: Councilor Rider. 12. NEW BUSINESS a. First Reading of Ordinance D-1919-08; An Ordinance of the Common Council of the City of Carmel, Indiana, To Vacate a Portion of the Alleys As Platted in Simeon Hawkins Addition to Carmel (Public Alleyways - one runs from Main Street to I" Street NW and the second runs from 151 Avenue NW to 2nd Avenue NW); Sponsor(s): Councilor(s) Sharp and Carter, b. Resolution CC-11-17-08-01; A Resolution of the Common Council of the City of Cannel, Indiana, Amending the Contract with Cannel Professional Firefighters Association (Local #4444); Sponsor: Councilor Snyder. 13. OTHER BUSINESS 14. ANNOUNCEMENTS 15. EXECUTION OF DOCUMENTS 16. ADJOURNMENT 1111 DOS CC Mecting Agenda COMMON COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES MONDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 2008 - 6:00 P.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS/CITY HALL/ONE CIVIC SQUARE MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor James Brainard, Council President Richard L. Sharp, Council Members W. Eric Seidensticker, John V. Accetturo, Joseph C. Griffiths, Luci Snyder, Kevin Rider, Clerk-Treasurer Diana L. Cordray and Deputy Clerk-Treasurer Lois Fine. Councilor Carter was not in attendance. Mayor Brainard called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m George Davis, Cannel Police Chaplain, pronounced the Invocation. Mayor Brainard led the Pledge of Allegiance. ' RECOGNITION OF CITY EMPLOYEES AND OUTSTANDING CITIZENS: There were none. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Councilor Griffiths made a motion to approve the Minutes from the November 3, 2008 Regular Meeting. Councilor Rider seconded. There was no Council discussion. Council President Sharp called for the question. Minutes were approved 6-0. RECOGNITION OF PERSONS WHO WISH TO ADDRESS THE COUNCIL: There were none. COUNCIL MAYORAL AND CLERK-TREASURER COMMENTS/OBSERVATIONS: Councilor Snyder announced that Clerk-Treasurer Diana L. Cordray had been appointed Chairman for the 2009 Finance and Intergovernmental Affairs Committee by the President of the National League of Cities. Council President Sharp presented an update on behalf of the majority of the Council regarding the additional finding requested by Mayor Brainard for the current proposed Keystone Avenue project. 1 ACTION ON MAYORAL VETOES: There were none. CLAIMS: Councilor Seidensticker made a motion to approve claims in the amount of $3,110,295.72. Councilor Griffiths seconded. There was no Council discussion. Council President Sharp called for the question. Claims were approved 6-0. COMMITTEE REPORTS: Councilor Snyder reported that the Finance, Administration and Rules Committee had not met. Councilor Griffiths reported that the Land Use, Annexation and )economic Development Committee had not met. Council President Sharp reported that the Parks, Recreation and Arts Committee had not met. Councilor Seidensticker reported that the Utilities, Transportation and Public Safety Committee had not ' met. OLD BUSINESS There was none. PUBLIC HEARINGS Council President Sharp announced the First Reading of Ordinance Z-525-08; An Ordinance of the Common Council of the City of Carmel, Indiana, Amending the Sunset Provision of the Cannel Drive - Range Line Road Overlay Zone in the Cannel Zoning Ordinance. Councilor Seidensticker made a motion to move this item into business. Councilor Griffiths seconded. Councilor Rider addressed the Council. There was brief Council discussion. Council President Sharp opened the Public Hearing at 6:11 p.m. Seeing no one who wished to speak, Council President Sharp closed the Public Hearing at 6:11:15 p.m. Councilor Griffiths made a motion to suspend the rules and not send this item to committee and vote this evening. Councilor Rider seconded. There was no Council discussion. Council President Sharp called for the question. The motion was approved 6-0. Councilor Snyder inquired of Councilor Rider for more detail. Councilor Rider referred to Adrienne Keeling, Department of Community Services, to present this item to Council. There was no Council discussion. Councilor Griffiths made a motion to approve Ordinance Z-525-08. Councilor Rider seconded. There was no Council discussion. Council President Sharp called for the question. Ordinance 7-525-08 was adopted 6-0. u 1) NEW BUSINESS Council President Sharp announced the First.Reading of?Ordinance D-1919-08; An Ordinance of the Common Council of the City of Carmel, Indiatia,'To Vacate-a Portion of the Alleys As Platted in Simeon Hawkins Addition to Carmel (Public Alleyways - one runs;from Main Street to I" Street NW and the second runs from I" AvenueN-W to,2"d Avenue.NW). CouncilkSeidensticker p ade a motion to move this item into business. Councilor Rider seconded. Councilor Snyder presented-this item to Council. There was no Council discussion. Council President Sharp.referred Ordinance i)--1919-09 to the Land Use, Annexation and Economic Development Committee for further review and consideration. Council President;Sharp announced Resolution CC=11-1748-01; A.Resolution of the Common Council of the City of Cannel;lndiana, Aniendiiig the Contract with Carmel Professional Firefighters Association (Local #4444). Councilor Griffiths made a motion to move this itenvinto business. Councilor Snyder seconded, presented this item to Council and'referrcd`to Orbie Bowles; President,.Carrrrel. Professional Firefighters Association, Local 44444, to address the Council. There was brief Council discussion. Councilor Griffiths made a,motion to approve Resolution CC-11-17-08-01. Councilor Rider seconded. There was`no Council' discussion. Council President,Sharp;ralled for'the.question: Resolution CC-11=17-08-01 was adopted 6-0. OTHER BUSINESS There was noire. ANNOUNCEMENTS There were none. EXECUTION OF DOCUMENTS ADJOURNMENT Mayor Brainard adjourned the,meeting at 6123 p.m. Respe idly submi?lgd aJJ( Clerk-Treasurer Diana L. Cordr , Ira I c Approved, f // M or James Brainard. 41 ATTE)T Clerk-Treasbrer Diana L. Cordray C 1 I/17/0& CC Mee?iii?:?finulea 3