HomeMy WebLinkAboutCorrespondence / :'\ u U LETTEij. OF TRANSMITTAL I I STOEPPELWERTH & ASSOCIATES, INC. ;7965 East 106111 Street Fishers, Indiana 46038 Phone (317) S49-5935 I FAX (317) 849-5942 DATE: October 21, 2008 JOB NUMBER: 47175 S3A TO: City of Carmel Department of Comm*nity Senrices One Civic Square Carmel, Indiana 46032 I ATTENTION: Angie Conn RE: Heather Knoll, Section 3A WE ARE SENDING YOU ] UPS [X] Cotirier ] Olher: COPIES SHEET DESCRIPTION NO. , I 1 Recorded Plat: (Mylar) 2 I Recorded Plat: (Paper) I 1 I I CD-Rom (Digital Files) I I I I THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked'below: I 170'" Appmval x .1 As ,Requested I For Review and Cumment x I FOI- Your Use REMARKS: If you have any questit.ns, please give me a call at (317) 570-4841. !P;;J~J/- Brett A. Huff Cc: Tim BetTy BAHlmdJ S,\471 i5S3\llluc _ Book\Agenry_ C()ITeSpflllll~ncc\TRANSCarmdDOCC(J1l1I1 0-21-08.DOC I P~TINUMPROPERTIES, LQ. 9757 Westpoint Drive, Suite 600 Indianapolis, IN 46256 I Phone: 818-2900 Fax: 863-2055 Letter of Transmittal To: City of Carmel Date: August 21,2008 . ATTN: Angie Conn Project: Heather Knoll RE: Section 3A , I Department of Community Services One Civic Square Carmel, Indiana 46032 From: Tim Berry We are sending you ~ attached D under separate cover via personal delivery the documents as listed: I COPIES DESCRIPTION 2 Flh91.~.I?_~.f.?_~.~lg.~!=!t.~r~, mylc(rs ! I these are transmitted for your action as indjdated belmv: I D for your use and/or file D retumed for corrections D for review & comment D please sign & retum original and _ caples [g] as requested 0 Retain one copy for your file o approved as noted D REMARKS: copy to file signed ~~ If enclosures are 1101 as Iioted, kindly I/OlifjJ us immediately. u u Page 1 of2 Conn, Angelina V -","""M'=~'~'c'~~'''''''':~''''''''''''''''''''"';"'~''''''':"'''''';''~"''''~__''"'''''''''~^'"7'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''~"'''.",M=_ From: Brett Huff [BHuff@Sloeppelwerthicomj Sent: Thursday, August 21, 2008 10:49 AM To: Conn, Angelina V; Tim Berry Cc: Hill, Dick B; Krueskamp, Theresa A Subject: RE: Heather Knoll 3A ! , I Attachments: ACAD-HK3A-Plat.dwg I I Terry, Attached is a ,dwg file of the plat for Heath~r Knoll Section 3 A'. I From: Conn, Angelina V [mailto:Aconn@carmel.in.gov] Sent: Thursday, August 21, 2008 10;37 AM I To: Tim Berry I Cc: Hill, Dick B; Brett Huff; Krueskamp, Theresa A I Subject: RE: Heather Knoll 3A , Time: I We cannot sign the plat until you send a .dgn or .dwg file of the plat to Terry Krueskamp; she is copied on this email. The plat Looks good. Please provide us with 1 mylar copy of the plat, for mike Hollibaugh to sign. After the plat is recorded, we will need 2 paper capi'es and 1 mylar copy of the RECORDED plat. Also, we would I like a pdf of the RECORDED plat. Thank you. Angie Conn, Planning Administrator Dept. of Community Services - Planning & Zoning 1 CiVIC Square, 3rd Floor City of Carmel, IN 46032 p. 317-571-2417 f. 317-571-2426 ,Bconn@carmel.in.goll . . '''''''''~'''''''~C-'':,'_'''''C'C'''-~~_~~'''~~'''''_''_'.'''.''",,",-,~~~,_ From: Tim Berry [mailto:TBeny@platinum-properties.com] Sent: Thursday, August 21,2008 10:23 AM To: Conn, Angelina V ' Cc: Hili, Dick B; Brett Huff Subject: RE: Heather Knoll 3A Let me know if this is ok. I will bring the mylar and paper copies to you once I get the ok. Thanks, Tim Berry Asst. Project Manager (317) 250-0588 (m) (317) 863-2062 (0) (317) 333-6265 (f) From: Conn, Angelina V [mailto:Aconn@carmel. Sent: Thursday, August 21, 2008 10:22 AM To: Tim Berry Cc: Hill, Dick B Subject: RE: Heather Knoll 3A You can send us a pdf to review to make sure everything is okay to submit. After thatwe would need 2 paper copies and 1 myla:r copy. 8/21/2008 ( " u 'U o5l0ctJpC:, S'? , It.. - , December 1, 2.005 ,"'/ ~"/ ./\ 4' t?tceVE:lJ ::oo.fj DOCS '~ 'f~\ \, , ~I /'1 Mr. Ed Fleming Cr .II"'.. EL Stoeppelwerth & Associates, Inc. 9940 AIlisonville Road ]A.ivIES B~~N.~'; j\llAYOR Fishers, IN 46038-2005 I ' RE: Heather Knoll Section 3-Project Review #2 I I I ..\.\ ../\ /\ \ /' \ \ ''-- '<J,/" Dear Mr. Fleming: The City has received your comment letter Jd drawings dated November 1 S, 2005 based upon the City review of October 7, 2005. I ' The comments from thc City review have been satisfactorily addressed with the following exception: I - ~ COMMENTS-CONSTRUCTION PLANS I 19, Please work with Crossroad Enginyrs to obtain approval of the drainage system. These comments represent the Department aD Engineering's second review of the construction plans for this project. We request that all responses to our corrunent1s be provided in writing. Failure to provide written responses may result in the delay of the review process. I It is critical that our office be made aware of~Il modifications made on the plans being resubmitted, particulariy if any such changes are considered "new" or fall oulside of our previous reviews. Please provide revised plans including all revisions. Please notify us of any changes and specifically state any changes, including changes resulting from Plan ' Conunission, BZA or other committee meetirlgs. . All bonds and perfonnance guarantees must t posted prior to Engineering Department approval of construction plans. Also, Board of Public Works and Safety apprbvals and any other govern ing agency approvals (if required) must be obtained prior to Engineering Department approyal. The Department reserves the right to provide!additional comments based on subsequent reviews. I .. If you have questions, contact me at 571-2441. Sin r 'I, .. , . '. I I I I I I I Mart Griffin, Department ofComm;unity Services John Duffy, Director Carmel Utilities Paul Pace, Distribution I Greg Hoyes, Hamilton County Surveyor's Office Greg lIko, Crossroad Engineers I Steve Broennarm, Platinum Propert'ies, L.L.c. Project File I Engineering Department Review I Gary R. Dune Assistant City nginecr Department of Engineering Cc: S:\DH lLL\H EA THERKNOLL3REV2 DEPARTMENT OF ENGINEERING I ONE CIVIC SQUARE, CARMEL, IN 46032 OFFICE 317.571.2441 rf\.X 317.571.2439 E1\WL dngineering@ci.carmel,in.us I I u u 05l 0600 Co ~'P Construction/Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan Technical RJview and Comment (Form 1) I Project Name: Heather Knoll Sec. 3 Plan Submittal Date: 11/18/05 Project Location Description: 1/2 mile Latitude and Longitude:Lat. 39- 59"- 00" Civi.l Hydrologic Unit Code: of Towne Road on north side of 141 st. 86- 12' 30" NE Section: County: Hamilton 5120201090060 ,.. - o :;:: ~ ,.. ,.. i: oS d ... t' City: Indianapolis .~ Phone' 317-818-2900 ~- .. l;. ::... 20 Township: 18N 3E Project Owner Namc: Contact: Mr. Steve Broermann Address: 9551 Delegates Row Propertiesl LLC FAX: State: IN 317-818-2910 Zip: 46240 E-Mail: Plan Preparer Name: Edward Fleming Affiliation: Stoeppelwerth EngineeJillg Address: 9940 AlIisonvillc Road City: Fishers Phone: 317-849-5935 FAX: State: IN 317-849-5942 Zip: 46038 E-Mail: Review Date: 12/05/05 I ~ Principal Plan Reviewer: J~hn B. South~.E. CP~SC . . .;: Agency: Hanulton County SOil and Water ConservatIOn DIstrict ~ Address: 1108 South 9th Street a City: Noblcsville s: Phone: 317-773-2181 Assisted By: State: TN Zip: 46060 E-Mail: j aim-sou th@iaswcd.org FAX: 1317-776-1101 I review has been completed and it has been determined that the requirements and intent of 327 lAC 15-5. on the following page(s). of this cover page when submitting the NOl to the Indiana Construction activities may begin 48 hours folio wing the submittal of to the ~ PLAN IS ADEQUATE: A coniprehensivc plan satisfies the D Please refer to additional information [2] Submit Notice ofIntent (NOI): Attach a Department of Environmental the NOr A NOT D A preliminary plan review has been review period. The reviewing authority revisions to the plan may be required at D Please refer to additional information o Submit Notice of Intent (NOI): Attach a Department of Environmental the NO!. A NO! must also be a comprehensive review will not be completed within the 28-day the right to perform a comprehensive review at a later date and time to address deficiencies. on the following page(s). of this cover page when submitting the NOI to the Indiana Construction activities may begin 48 hours following the submittal of to the SWCD, D PLAN rs DEFICIENT: Significant D Please refer to additional information o DO NOT file a Notice ofIntent for this o DO NOT commcnce land disturbing submitted, and notification has been were identified during the plan review. on the following page(s). until all deficiencies are adequately addressed, the plan rc- that the minimum requirements have been satisfied. Plan Revisions Deficient Items in be mailed or delivered to the Principal Plan Reviewer identified Review Section above. DNR, Division of Soil Conservation Page 1 of 1 Revised 12109/03. Form / 113/13/2005 11:513 3177769528 U HAMILTON CO SURVEYOR U PtlGE 131/133 ,Sl1itr Igr..~" Dm'lllll/lilrOlI Cormty Sqlum: :Nob/nllfl/(,; lrlt/iallll 4"('(;"";22JO October 13, 2005 I #s ~ OCr /tJ'lIto /)~ 2aJs Stoeppelwerth & Associates. Inc. A TTN: Ed Fleming I 9940 Allisonville Road Fishers. ll'J 46038-2005 VIA FACSIMILE: 849-5942 RE: Heather Knoll Section 3 Dear Mr. Fleming: We have reviewed the construction plans submitted to the Hamilton County Surveyor's Office on October 5. 2004 for thisiproject and have the following comments: 1. The proposed project fils in the incorporated area of the City of Cannel 2. The proposed project DOES NOr fall in a Carmel Wellhead Proteetion Zone. t 3. This project will be a Hamilton County Regulated Drain Subdivision. I 4. The proposed project tins jn the Stultz and Almond Regulated Drain Watershed. I 5. Please submit the fOnO~g procedural items to this office:, engineer's estimate, and all a:ssociated bonds fur. 120% of construction cost. 6. The HCSO believes Jt private tiles exist across this site and connect into the Stultz and Almond tile! Any of these tiles will need to be located; breathers set at the property line, and ebbed or removed across this site. If any of these tiles extend beyond the limits of Heather Knoll, they will need to be provided a positive outlet and a1lo~ed to continue to function. I would specific look at tile or drainage coming off Qf1the 2.62 acre parcel just east of the 146th Street entrance. 10/13/2805 11:50 31777695'28 U HAMILTON CO SURVEYOR U PAGE 82/83 7. This set of plans does.nbt.reflecttheSSD pipe.that was installed to pick up. the septic system perimeter: drains for the 3 houses along 146th Street. This is to be shown. in the plans and Fill become regulated drain with this section. Also, the trees will need to be moved around in this area to avoid the regulated SSD. I 8. The pond appears to only have 1.13 feet of freeboard based on the owrent design. Please show additional hontout lines that would give the pond the required 2 ~ of freeboard. 9. Please com.plete the pipe size and length labels on sheet C201. I 10. Ph~ase label the M.F.P.G. on lot 137. it. Please show the pipe Jrn structure 212 to 216 on sheet C200. 12. Please place a SSD riJ at the end ofthe S$D run from structure 212. This would be at the east proPerty line oflat 142. Please, add HGSO Detail SSD-3 to the construction plans. ~ISOt if you install a perforated SSD to drain a swale with less the 1 % of fall and dlant trees in the easement, how do you keep the roots out of the SSD? 13. The rear yard easement Ion lots 142 to 147 oeeds to be inlOrease to a 30' R.D.E. because it contains are regulated draln pipe. 14. The HeSO, as part of sL Water phase II, now requires 2' sumps in the last I structure before the discharge into the pond. The rule to determine which structure that the sump is pla<:ed in is that it must be within 15' of the edge of a public road. This can bb. a curb inlet if that is the last strUcture to me the 15' requirement. If it is a c~b inlet and was planned to be a box structure, the structure must be incre~ to a 48" round manhole with the sump. 15. In this set of plans. struJtures 206, 210. 214, and 220 will require the sumps in the I structures. The HCSO would prefer to see the sump moved to structure 218. instead of 220, but the structure would need moved closer to the road, if that is possible. I 16. The HCSO bas concems abDut the pipenm from structure 221 to 222, because in runs through. the S,L.E.IWe have no details on the sign that will be located. there and have a concern if it is a big masonry entrance' sign that will be located over our pipe, Please show the sign and provide detail so changeS can be made if necessary. I .17, The following HCSO Standard Detail5 can be removed from this set: 0-4, C1 -2, CT -4, CT-5. and CI'-6. Illuror some reason yOU believe these details are needed, please let me know. I 10/13/2005 11:50 317775'3628 U HAMILTON CO SURVEYOR U PAGE 03/03 18. Note for future projectPtatthe D.E.and L.M.A.E. will no longer bd:a1lowedto overlap. Comments will be made at the primary plat stage by our office, Carmel DOCS~ and the Cannell Urban Forester, to avoid future conflicts. I 19. The land$eape plans have a few conflicts with the Regulated Drain Easements. Trees are shown in the bsement behind lots 121, 142, 143; 144t 145, 146, and I 147 which contain regu,lated drain pipe. Other areas of concern are the SSD mentioned in comment 17 above and the common areas. In the common area, HeSO does not want any tree within 15' of the center line of the pipe. Please . I revIse. I I 20. Please note that further comments may be necessa.ry at a later date. Should you have any questions, I cL be reached at 317~776-8495. Sincerely. I .~ Ojjmp Greg Hoyes , Plan Reviewer I CC: Matt Griffin - Cannel DOCD John South -HCSWCD I Mike McBride - HCHD I Dick Hill- Cannel Engin~ng Crossroads Engineering I Steve Broennann - Platinum Properties I I i I I I I I I I U i CONSULTING ENGINEERS I I David J. Stoeppe1werth. 'P.E., P.L.S, Presiden" c.E.O. . I I - I Department of Comrminity Service' , One Civic Square Carmel, Indiana 46Q32 Attention: Angelina Conn I Dear Ms. conn:, i'. . Please find enclo~ed one copy of the Plat which was revised in accordance with the conunents listed in your letter dated October 5, 2005. Those comments were I addressed as follows: . I 1. The docket nuinber has been added to all sheets. 2. The flood~tatementlhas been added to Sheet No.4. ' (2) The Plans for Section 2 have Dot been recorded. Therefore; I cannot fill in the blanks. . I The Plan Commission sign off has been removed from all sheets but Sheet N b 4' ,I . urn e.r.. ' I The 75- ~ nght-of-ray has been corrected as requested. The source of title has been added. 'I . The new member has been added to the signature block. .' I . If you have any questions c0nceniing these revisions, please contact me at (31 7) 577-3400, ext. 22. . I . I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I S '\4 717553 \Blue -.-Book\A.gency _ Correspondence\TRAN5DepartmentofCommunityServiceConn I 0-0 7 -05 .doc EEF/jag I I I I /-.- 9940 Allisonville Road' Fishers. Indiana 46038-2005 . (317) 849.5935 . 1-800-728-6917 . FAX: (3 17) 849-5942 i I 4. 5. 6. 7. Cc: Steve Broermann v -" · LAND SURVEYORS Curtis C. Huff, P:L.S. Vice-President. c.o.a. RoM. Stoeppelwerih, P.E" I-'LS Prc$idcm Ernt'ri'L1~ October 7, 2005 Re: Heather Knoll, Section 3 Very truly yours, STOEPPEL WERTH & ASSOCIATES, INC. ti~{~~ Edward E. Fleming ~ '"""' ~ ~d vi /~ ~s<2> c.'" '~ <p f& .,/-: ClflIrffiei I I Calme , I '" \~, u t~agE9~~~- ) u I. ~ RtCt;/I()7J Ocr; 1 2005 iJOCs October 7, 2005 Mr. Edward D. Fleming Stoeppelwerth & Associates, Inc, 9940 Allisonville Road I Fishers, IN 46038.,2005 RE: Heather Knoll, Section 3 Job Number: 4717583 Dear Mr. Fleming: I have received and reviewed thJ information for the above-mentioned project. At the present time, I see nothing in the plans that would hamper law enforcement efforts. I If we can be of any further assistance to you, please contact us. Respectfu lIy, ~ b./~~~ Michael D. Fogarty...../' Chief of Police MDF:vb cc: Dept. of Community Services CH7) 571-2500 A Nationally AccJedil forcement Agency IF.." C'l] 71 57]1.-25JL2 , u u October 7, 2005 C1 . I '." F'" JA.1ViS BRAINARD, MA.YOR I I ML Ed Fleming I Stoeppelwerth & Associates, [nc. 9940 Allisonville Road II Fishers, IN 46038-2005 RE: Heather Knoll Section 3-project ReVier #1 Dear Mr Fleming: I - We have reviewed the construction plans submitted for the October 19,2005 Technical Advisory Committee meeting and offer the foHowing comments: EL ,I\" ~t'~ .;,,;:C,t~J~\} ;\,- c. 'h ') '\ 7~'-h \ :.1 \t:' # \. "1\J~l ~\J GENERAL INFORMATION This information was supplied with our initial review of the primary plat. I. The project site is located within current City of Carmel Corporate Limits. 2. Jurisdictions: I . G Streets and Right of Way - City of Carmel (Interior Streets); Hamilton County Highway Department (I 46lh Street). I Water - City of Carmel. . Sanitary Sewers- Clay Township Regional Waste District . Storm SewersJDrainage - Hanyllon County Surveyor's Offiee I City of Carmel (Review). Regulated/ Legal Drains - Hamilton County Surveyor's Office. 3. Board of Public Works and SafetyRequirements: " . . Water Availability I . If an irrigation system is plannrd for this development. additional Board of Public Works and Safety Water Availability approval will be required. This also applies to planned swimming pools and/or clubhouse. .1' .' -' '. - Temporary Construction Entrance (ifapphcable and ifloeatcd at a location other than plarined . permanent entrances) I . Please be advised that any open Cllts of dedicated streets will require separate Board of Public Works alld SafetyupprovuL I .. Any permanent improvement ~including irrigation systems) to be installed within dedicated right of way or dedicated easements. This approval would require a Consent to Encroach Agreement between the 0\\11er and the City of Carmel! Secondary Plat approval. I I am also enclosing a schedule for Board of Pub lie Works and Safety meeting dates and agenda deadlines for your use. Please use the Engineeriryg Department deadlines for submissions to the Board. AllY sllbm issio II to the Board requires prior approval bJ' tire Carmel Clay Plan Commission undlor the Board oJZo/lillg Appeals. (if applida ble) alld completion oJreview by the Technical Advisory Committee. AI/written requests to be placed 0/1 tire Board's agellda III list inelude tlte appropriate Docket Number and the date (or dates) oJapproval by tbe PIau CommissioJ/ andlor the Board aJZoniflg Appeals (ifapplicable. 4. T.A.C. Review/Drawings submitted for approval: We request that all comments and dommentletters generated by this office be answered in vlIiting and be accompanied by a drawing reflectirlg requested revisions. Final drawings wi II not be approved for I construction until all Engineering Department and Utility Department iSSUES have been resolved. The design engineer must certify all drawings ~ubmitted for final approval. This office will require a minimum of four- sets of drawings for approval after ~11 issues have been resolved. The drawings will be stamped as approved and will be signed by the City Engihecr and the Director of Carmel Utilities. The Owner will receive one-set I ~ DEPAHTMENT OF ENGINEERING I ONE CiVlC SQUARE, CAR\!EI., IN 46032 OFFICE 317.5712441 FAX 317.571.2439 E I . . 0~' [' MAlL engtneeflng,-~CI.carmc .1ll.US I ~ L u u 8. , I which is to be maintained on the construction site at all times. Carmel Utihtieswil\ recei've one-set, our Pubhc Works Inspector will receive dne-set and one-set will be maintained in the Engineering Department We will approve an additional two-sets of drawings, totaling six-sets if desired. The additional sets must be provided ...:ith the minimum four-sets! Please be advised that any installatiorl of signs, walls, irrigation systems, etc, within dedicated right of way or dedicated easements will require a Cdnsent to Encroach Agreement with the City of Carmel's lliLard_Qf Public Works and Saf.elY, I Carmel Utilities should be provided drawings for review of water issues. They will provide a separate review regarding these issues. I Carmel Utilities does not subscribe to "Holey Moley" and should be contacted directly for all water main locations. I I am including copies of the following with this correspondence: .. Subdivision Project Approval Pr'ocedures .. Performance Release Proc'edure . Subdivision Building Permits . Permit Data, Contacts, etc. . Street Sign Specifications 5. 6. 7. BONDING REQUIREMENTS 9, Individual Performance Guarantees will be required for the following subdivision improvements: .. Streets I . Curbs co Watcr Mains .. Street Signs .. Sidewalks and lor Asphalt Paths (builders lot sidewalks, right of way sidewalks adjacent to common areas and perimeter right of way I sidewalks/paths may be bonded separately). Asphalt paths and/or sidewalks located within common areas arc not required to be bonded. The Hamilton County Surveyor~ill require bonding for Storm Sewers and Monuments & Markers. We will not require duplicate bondi~g for these items, Sanitary Sewers are under the jurisdiction of Clay Township Regional Waste District. The amount of the Performance Guar1antee is based upon a certified Engineer's Estimate for 100% of the cost of labor and materials to construct thb individual improvements, tobe provided by the design cngineer. , Please provide detailed Engineers Estimates for each improvement including unit costs, quantities, materials and types of materials, etc. Upon co~pletion and release of individual Performance Guarantees, a three-year Maintenance Guarantee will be required. The Maintenance Guarantee amount is based upon 15% of the Performance amount for Streets and Curbs and 10% of the Performance amount for all other improvements. Performance Guarantees may be Performance or Subdivision Bonds., Irrevocable Lctters of Credit or Cashier's/Certlfied/Official Checks. :Please refcrenee the enclosures for more detaIled explanation of our procedures., I .. A V AILABILJTY AND CONNECTION FEES 10. Availability (acreage) Fees must beipaid after all other Engineering Department requirements have been satisfied and prior to start of construction activities (the exception is that you are allowed to move dirt on site). Availability Fees are basedup6n total platted acreage forthc development at the current rate of $ 1,01 000 per acre for Water A vailabi lity. Based upon the primary plat indicated acreage, the following Availability Fees would apply: I Water - 26.358 Acres@ $1,01 O,OOI1}cre = $26,621.58 Connection Fees are currently $] ,310,00 for water per single-family residence, Connection Fees are paid when the infrastructure has been corr!pleted, satisfactory test results obtained and the subdivision has been released for permits, Connection FeJs are paid on a ~ basis. if an irrigation system is p!alllledfor this, or any future section of the development, additional Water Connectioll Fees w~ll be assessed ba,ved upon the recommendation of/he Director of Carmel Utilities. I COMMENTS-CONSTRUCTION PLANS I .. . II. Sheet C200 - 'Nhy is there no median on Heather Knoll Parkway to be consistent with Sections 2 and 3? ] 2. Any off-site easements must be secuted prior to the Department of Engineering approving the drawings. . .. u u 13. Please provide ADA ramps where the ,entrance crosses the asphalt path and require their construction at all interior street intersections. I 14. In the Asphalt Path Detail, please revike #53.aggregate to #53 stone. . 15. Sheet C802 - Please revise the Curb J6int Detail such that the maximum spacing between curb joints is to be , .. I 10 [eetfor tangents and 5 feet for curve sections. 16. Sheet C802 - Please revise the Curb J6int Detail such that thc maximum spacing between expansion joints is to be 50 feel. I . 17. Sheet C802 ~ Please remove the detail with the title, RESIDENTlAL STREETS ONLY that discusses limits of full depth granular backfill. This conflicts with both the City standard backfill requirements and the City standard open cut patch detail. I 18. Sheet C802 - Please remove the two notes regarding bedding, haunching, and backfill and one note regarding minimum cover. I 19. Please work with Crossroad Engineers to obtain approval of the'drainage system. 20. Sheets C600 and C60 I - Ple.ase add City standard storm sewer backfill notes to each sheet. 21. Sheets C600 and C601 - The "FULL bEPTH GRANUL.\R BACKFILL" notes need to reference the stornl sewer backfill note that is to be addedlto these sheets. 22. All paving within the existing and proposed City right-of-way shall conform to the requirements of the Department of Engineering. Please ad~ a note to the drawings that the Contractor shall contact the Department of Engineering to schedule a pre-construction meeting to review the Department's construction requirements, staff notification requir~ments, required inspections for certain stages ofthe work and to review the authority of the Departmerit as it relates to work within the existing and proposed City right-of- way. I 23. Sheet C402 - The road cross"section should show a total width of27 feet instead of24 feet. 24. Sheet C405 - There are several referehces to 14151 Street; please revise to 146th Street. 25. Sheet C801 - The Rigid Pipe Bedding Detail needs to reference the City standards for bedding and backfill. 26. Please contact the City GIS Department for new City standards related to primary and secondary plat electronic submission requirements. The City expects that submittals will be made in accordance with these requirements. I 27. Please add a note to the subsurface dr~in detail and all other appropriate locations that the pipe for the subsurface drain is to be double wall Hancor Hi-Q or equivalent. 28. Sheet C803-Landscape Plan . I . Please remove the landscape plan from plans submitted for Department of Engineering approval. The Department of En gin eel ring does not approve the landscape plan. I These comments represent the Department of Engineering's initial review of the construction plans for this project. We request that all responses to our comments be p~ovided in writing. Failure to provide written responses may result in the delay of the review process. i 11 is critical that our office be made aware of aU modifications made on the plans being resubmitted, particularly if any such changes are considered "new" or fall outsi!de of our previous reviews. Please provide re"ised plans including all revisions. Please notify us of any changes and kpecifieaHy state any changes, including changes resulting from Plan Commission, BZA or other corrm1itlee meetingk. . . . All bonds and performance guarantees must be Iposted prior to Engineering Department approval of construction plans. Also, Board of Public Works and Safety approvals and any other governing agency approvals (if required) must be obtained prior to Engineering Department appr9val. I The Department reserves the right to provide additional comments based on subsequent reviews. If you have questions, contact me at 571-2441. Sincerely, G,ryR. Du ""'~ Assistant C Engineer Department of Engineering Enclosures ; u u Matt Griffin, Department of Community Services (w/o enc1.) John Duffy~ Di.rector carmel.Utilitiesl(WfO encl.) Pal.llPace, Distribution (w/a enc!.) Greg Hayes, Hamilton County Surveyor's Office (w/o ene!.) Greg Ilko, Crossroad Engineers (w/o Imcl.) Steve Broermann, Platinum Propertiek, L.L.C. Project File I Engineering Department Review I I I Cc: s:\D HILL \HEA THERK}JO LL3 REV I October 5, 2005 '. u ~ ~ &tallY City of Carmel VIA FAX: 849-5942 Original by mail Edward Fleming Stoeppelwerth & Associates, Inc. 9940 Allisonville Rd. Fishers, IN 46038 I RE: Heather Knoll, See 3 (#05100006 SP) - Secondary Plat Application Dear Mr. Fleming: This letter is in response to your Secondary Plat 'Application IDr Heather Knoll, See 3. It is anticipated that you will I be heard at the October 19 T AC meeting, where additional comments may be voiced. Please complete the following: Plat J. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Please add docket no. 051 00006 S~ on plat......... Place the flood sLaLement.on the plat.../" FiJI in all instrument nos. referred tb on the plat. Please remove the Plan Commissioh signature block on all sheets, except Sheet 4.v Re-Iabel the right of way on 146th Street as a 75' ~ R1W.'/ . Please add the source oftitle.../ I Please add Lm'j Watson, Member to the BPW signature block. I Please submit a revised Secondary Plat after the TAC meeting with the above-mentioned changes. Once these changes have been made and comments address1ed, please produce .a Mylar copy for signature by this Department. Two paper copies of the plat must be filed with the Mylar prior to recording, and three paper copies and a Mylar of the recorded plat must be submitted following tecording. Our approval of the secondary plat (signature) will be forthcoming upon revision of the plans according to the items listed above. Also, the staff has been advised that \ove cannot J.esent a Secondary Plat to the Director for signature from this point forward until Terry Krueskamp (tkrueskamp@cdrmel.in.gov) in InfOlmation Systems has received an e-mail with an electronic file attached (MicroStation .dgn is prJferred, or AutoCad .dwg of the subdivision) and it (the e-mail) has been copied to Matt Griffin (mgriffin@cmmell.in.gov) and myself (acoJU1@carrnel.in.gov). (Also, Matt Griffin would also like a .pdf file, as we move towardl a paperless office.) If you have any questions or if I may be of assistance, please feel free to call. I Sincerely, kc- ..... Angelina Conn Planning Administrator File: 05100006 SP-Heather Knoll, See 3.00e Page 1 ONE CIVIC SQUARE CAR.J.'\ffiL, INDIARA.. 46032 317/571-2417 " u u 1 - . ,-- -~<~'~~:-".;- - ~]- .' HI. - - -,I ~ J ; "-CII'1',SF-'GmMEL . '. ' , 'De~tl~~~.o,i:~Jri1!f1~~~_~~rvices . .; ;.~_~ :':r ~...*l "~~ ":_ I~... .~r '4. ;:;-~~_j .l~"'~V;l'.,:.a ~,~..J'lIri One Civic Square Carmel, iN 46032 (31 T) 571-2417 Fax: (31 T) 571-2.42.6 Fax To: Ea F\.ze~;~ ~4q - ~9L(2- From: AV\~\L Cavtt1 -Z JO~~-OS I I ~e: H-ea.thu I61b\J, <;.uJ is CCI o U'!I.nt 0 For RnView 0 Pl....lco_ent I Fax: Pages: Phone: Date: o Please Reply o prease Recyele u ..', LETTER OF TRANSMITTli I STOEPPELWERTH & ASSOCIATES, INC. I 9940 Allisonville Road I Fis~ers, Indiana 46038-2005 Phone (317) 849-5935 FAX (317) 849-5942 DATE: October 4, 2005 JOB NUMBER: 4717583 TO: CTE 71 02 Lakeview Parkway W cst Drive Indianapolis, Indiana 46268 ATTENTION: Ron Lauritsen RE: Heather Knoll, Section 3 I I WE ARE SENDING YOU [ X] UPS [ coLer I ] Other: COPIES SHEET I DESCRIPTION NO. I 1 Set Construction Plans I 1 Secondary PI~t I I I I I ] For Approval as checkeJbelOW: I [ X ] AslRequested I ] For Review and Comment THESE ARE TRANSMITTED X) For Your Use REMARKS: f1~(.1~ I Edward E. Fleming Cc: Matt Griffm I Ken Brasseur . I EEF/rneb S :\47175S3\Blue _ Book\G eneral_ Corresponden re\ TR>\NSCTELa uritsen 10-04-05.DOC DATE: TO: ATTENTION: u . U LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL I STOEPPELWERTH & ASSOCIATES, INC. I . 9940 Allisonville Road I Fishers, Indiana 46038-2005 Phone (317) 849-5935 FAX (317) 849-5942 October 4, 2005 JOB NUMBER: 47175S3 Hamilton County Sunreyor's Office One Hamilton county'lsquare Suite 188 Noblesville, Indiana 46060 Greg Hoyes RE: Heather Knoll, Section 3 WF. ARE SENDING YOU r X] UPS r ] cojri" ] Other: COPIES SHEET I DESCRIPTION NO. t Set Construction IPlans 1 Outlet Request I 1 Check No. 22904 for $150.00 I 1 Drainage Petition I t Non-Enforcement Petition I 1 Check No. 22903 for $100.00 I THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: J For Approval x I For Your Use REMARKS: Cc: Steve Broermann [ X ] As Requested [ I I ] For Review and Comment fJ&,;( ( ~ Edward E. Fleming EEFfmeb S:\4-71 75S3\BI ue _ Boo k\Agen ey _ Correspondencc\ TRANSHamiltonCoun tySu rveyorHoyeslO-04-05 .DOC u. I U LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL I STOEPPELWERTH & ASSOCIATES, INC. I 9940 Allisonville Road Fisllcrs, Indiana 46038-2005 I jPhone (317) 849-5935 I FAX (317) 849-5942 DATE: October 4,2005 JOB NUMBER: 47175S3 TO: Hamilton County Soil 1& Water 1108 South 9th Street Noblesville, Indiana 46060 ATTENTION: John South RE: Heather Knoll, Section 3 WE ARE SENDINC YOU [X] UPS [ ] Jurier I ] Other: COPIES SHEET DESCRIPTION NO. 1 Set Constructionl Plans I 1 ll" x 17" Exhibit I 1 o & M Manual I I I I I ] For Approval I as checked below: I X JI AreQUOS'''' ] For Review and Comment THESE ARE TRANSMITTED X] For Your Use REMARKS: Thank you, fi-v-A( ~~ Edward E. Fleming Cc: Steve Broermann EEF/meb S: \4 7175S3\Blu e _ Book\Agency _ Correspondencc\ TRANSHamiltonCountySoil& W a terSouth lO-04-05.DOC I U I U LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL I STOEPPELWERTH'& ASSOCIATES, INC. I 9940 AlIisonvilIe Road I Fishers, Indiana 46038-2005 IPhone (317) 849-5935 FAX (317) 849-5942 DATE: October 4, 2005 JOB NUMBER: 47175S3 Clay Township Regional Waste District 10701 North College ~venue Suite A .1 Indianapolis, Indiana 46280 TO: ATTENTION: Jennifer Bruner RE: Heather Knoll, Section 3 WE ARE SENDING YOU [X] UPS [ ] coLer I ] Other: COPIES SHEET I DESCRIPTION NO. 2 Sets ConstructionlPlans 2 Secondary Plat I 1 Wasteload Application Packet I 'I 1 1 THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: ] For Approval [ X ] As Requested [ l I ] For Review and Comment X 1 For Your Use REMARKS: Cc: Matt Griffin Steve Broermann ~e::~? ~ EEF/meb S :\4 717553\BI ue_Book\AgenCJ'_ Correspondence\ TRAN5ClayT ownshipRegionalW asteBrll nerl 0-04-05.DOC I U I U LETTEj OF TRANSMITTAL STOEPPELW~RTH & ASSOCIATES, INC. I 9940 Allisonville Road I Fishers, Indiana 46038-2005 Phone (317) 849-5935 FAX (317) 849-5942 TO: October 4, 2005 I Carmel Water Department 760 3rd Avenue SW I Carmel, Indiana 46032 JOB NUMBER: 47175S3 DATE: ATTENTION: John Duffy RE: Heather Knoll, Section 3 WE ARE SENDING YOU [X] UPS [ J coLier I ] Other: COPIES SHEET I DESCRIPTION NO. 1 Set Construction I Plans 1 Secondary PIlat I 1 I NOIWater Main Extension Application I I I I I I For Approval I as checked below: I [ X I AslRequested [ J I ] For Review and Comment THESE ARE TRANSMITTED X] For Your Use REMARKS: f~c;~ Edward E. Fleming Cc: Matt Griffin Steve Broermann EEF/meb S :\47175S3\Blue _ Book\Agency _ Correspondencc\ TRANSCarm elW ate rDepa rtm en tDuffy I 0-04-05. DOC w. U LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL I STOEPPEL WERTH & ASSOCIATES, INC. I 9940 AIlisonviIle Road I Fis~ers, Indiana 46038-2005 !Phone (317) 849-5935 FAX (317) 849-5942 DATE: October 04, 2005 JOB NUMBER: 47175S3 TO: Carmel City Engineer One Civic Square Carmel~ Indiana 46032 ATTENTION: Dick Hill RE: Heather Knoll, Section 3 WE ARE SENDING YOU [X] UPS [ ] coLer I I Other: COPIES SHEET I DESCRIPTION NO. t Set Construction I Plans 1 Secondary PI~t I 1 Storm Computations I I I I I I For Approval I as checked below: [ x 1 AslReQUested [ ] I I For Review and Comment THESE ARE TRANSMITTED x J For Your Use REMARKS: ffL~ (. ?~ Edward E. Fleming Cc: Matt Griffin Steve Broermann EEF/meb 8:\4 7175S3\BI ue ~ Book\.Agency _ Co rrcspond coee'I. TRANSCarm c1CityEngineerHillIO-04-05.DOC DATE: TO: ATTENTION: u .. U LETTEj OF TRANSMITT AL STOEPPELWERTH & ASSOCIATES, INC. I 9940 Allisonville Road I Fishers, Indiana 46038-2005 I Phone (317) 849-5935 FAX (317) 849-5942 October 4, 2005 I Carmel Clay Communications 31 First Avenue NW I Carmel, Indiana 46032 JOB NUMBER: 4717583 Bill Akers RE: Heather Knoll, Section 3 WE ARE SENDING YOU [ X] UPS [ ] coler . I ] Other: COPIES SHEET I DESCRIPTION NO. t Set Construction Plans I 1 . I Secondary Plat I I I I I as CheCkedl below: I [ X ] As IReqUested [ I THESE ARE TRANSMITTED 1 For Approval x J For Your Use REMARKS: ] For Review and Comment tLc-JL ~_I ~ Edward E. Fleming Cc: Matt Griffin Steve Broermann EEF/mcb s: \47175S3\H1ne _ Rook\Agcncy _ Con-espondcnce\TR'\NSCarm e1ClayCom m unica tiollsAkersl 0-04-05.DOC u U LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL I STOEPPELWERm & ASSOCIATES, INC. 1 9940 AlIisonville Road Fishers, Indiana 46038-2005 !Phone (317) 849-5935 FAX (317) 849.5942 DATE: October 4, 2005 JOB NUMBER: 47175S3 TO: Carmel Cia)' Parks D~partment 1055 Third Avenue S\f Carmel, Indiana 46032 ATTENTION: Mark Westermeier RE: Heather Knoll, Section 3 WE ARE SEl\T{)ING YOU [X] UPS [ ] coler I ) Other: COPIES SHEET I DESCRIPTION NO. I 1 Set Construction Plans I 1 Secondary Pla't I I I 1 I I ] For Approval I as checked below: I [ X ] As!Req nested [ 1 I ] For Review and Comment THESE ARE TRANSMITTED X] For Your Use REMARKS: 0-(r7/lC-1 ~ Edward E. Fleming Cc: Matt Griffin Steve Broermann EEFlmeb S :\47] 7'1S3\Bl ue _ Book\AgeuC)'_ C orrespoudcuce\ TRANSCarm flClayPa rks OcptW cstcrm eier 1 0-04-05.DOC DATE: TO: ATTENTION: u U LETTEj OF TRANSMITTAL STOEPPELWERTH & ASSOCIATES, INC. I 9940 AlJisonville Road Fis'hers, Indiana 46038-2005 , IPhone (317) 849-5935 FAX (317) 849-5942 October 4, 2005 JOB NUMBER: 47175S3 Carmel Clay Schools I 5185 East 131 st Street Carmel, Indiana 460323 Ron Farrand RE: Heather Knoll, Section 3 WE ARE SENDING YOU [X] UPS [ ] cJrier I ] Other: COPIES SHEET I DESCRIPTION NO." 1 Set Construction Plans I 1 Secondary PI~t I I I I I as checkedl below: I [ X ) ASIRequested [ ] " I THESE ARE TRANSMITTED ] For Approval x 1 For Your Use REMARKS: ] For Review and Comment fJ-~{?"--:- Edward E. Fleming Cc: Matt Griffin I I Steve Broermann I EEF/meb S:\47175S3\Bl ue _ Book\Agency _ Correspondence\ TRANSCarm elCla)'Sch oolsFarrand 1 D-04-05.DOC , I U I U LETTER. OF TRANSMITTAL I STOEPPELWIERTH & ASSOCIATES, INC. 19940 Allisonville Road Fishers, Indiana 46038-2005 Phone (317) 849-5935 FAX (317) 849-5942 DATE: October 4, 2005 JOB NUMBER: 47175S3 TO: Office of Fire Chief Fire Station No.1 Two Civic Square Carmel, Indiana 46032 ATTENTION: Gary Hoyt RE: Heather Knoll, Section 3 WE ARE SENDING YOU [X] UPS [ ] coLer I ] Other: COPIES SHEET I DESCRIPTION NO. 1 Set Construction Plans I 1 Secondary Plat I I I I I I THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: ] For Approval [ X ] As Requested J For Review and Comment x I For Your Use REMARKS: &l~ ( 1-~ Edward E. Fleming Cc: Matt Griffin Steve Broermann EEF/meb s: \47175S3\Blue_Book\Agency _ Co rrespondcnce\ TR4.NSOfficeOITireCh eitlIoytlO-04-05.DOC DATE: TO: u W LETTER. OF TRANSMITTAL I STOEPPELWfERm & ASSOCIATES, INC. 9940 Allisonville Road I Fishers, Indiana 46038-2005 I Phone (317) 849-5935 FAX (317) 849-5942 October 4, 2005 JOB NUMBER: 47175S3 Office of Police Chief Three Civic Square Carmel, Indiana 46032 ATTENTION: Michael Fogarty RE: Heather Knoll, Sectio~ 3 WE ARE SENDING YOU [ X] UPs [ ] coLer I ] Other: COPIES SHEET I DESCRIPTION NO. 1 Set Construction Plans I 1 Secondary PI~t . I I I I I I I I THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: ) For Approval X 1 For Your Use REMARKS: [ X ] As Requested ) For Review and Comment a c..-vl C;. ?-I Edward E. Fleming Cc: Matt Griffin Steve Broermann EEF/meb S:\47175S3\Blue _ Book'~>\gencL Correspondence\ TRANSOfficellPoliceF ogartyl 0-04-05.DOC u . U LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL I STOEPPELW:ERTH & ASSOCIATES, INC. ~9940 Allisonville Road Fisihers, Indiana 46038-2005 Phone (317) 849-5935 FAX (317) 849-5942 DATE: October 4, 2005 JOB NUMBER: 47175S3 TO: Hamilton County Health Department One Civic Square Suite 30 Noblesville, Indiana 46060 ATTENTION: Jason Lemaster RE: Heather Knoll, Section 3 WE ARE SENDING YOU [ X] UPS [ coLer I ] Othu: COPIES SHEET I DESCRIPTION NO. 1 Set Construction Plans I 1 Secondary Ph..t I I I I I ] For Approval I as checked below: I [ X ]' Ar"lU"ted ] For Review and Comment THESE ARE TRANSMITTED X} For Your Use REMARKS: tlV?l {~ Edward E. Fleming Cc: Matt Griffin Steve Broermann EEF/meb S:\47175S3\B1 ue _ Boo k\Agency _ Correspondence\ TRANSHa m i ItonCounty Heal! hLem astu 1 0-04-05.DOC DATE: TO: ATTENTION: u U LETTEj OF TRANSMITTAL STOEPPELWERTH & ASSOCIATES, INC. I 9940 AIliSOIlvilJe Road I Fishers, Indiana 46038-2005 IPhone (317) 849-5935 FAX (317) 849-5942 October 4, 2005 Hamilton County Loc~1 Emergency 18100 Cumberland Rclad I Noblesville, Indiana 46060 JOB NUMBER: 47175S3 Roberts Hendricks RE: Heather Knoll, Section 3 WE ARE SENDING YOU [ X] UPS [ ] coLer I ] Otbel-: COPIES SHEET I DESCRIPTION NO. 1 Set Construction Plans I 1 I Secondary Plat I I I I I I THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: ] For Approval x 1 For Your Use REMARKS: [ X ] As Requested ] For Review and Comment f} u-.J- (, '/ ~ Edward E. Fleming Cc: Matt Griffin Steve Broermann EEF/meb . S:\47175S3\Blue _ Book\AgencL Con-esponden eel TRANSHam iltroCounty LocalE m ergen ry Hendricks 1 O-04-0S.DOC u, U LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL I STOEPPELW~RTH ~ ASSOCIATES, INC. 9940 AlIisonville Road I Fishers, Indiana 46038-2005 , Phone (317) 849-5935 FAX (317) 849-5942 DATE: October 4, 2005 JOB NUMBER: 47175S3 Hamilton County She~iff Department 18100 Cumberland Road I Noblesville, Indiana 46060 TO: ATTENTION: Lt. Joe Cook RE: Heather Knoll, Section 3 WE ARE SENDING YOU [X] UPS l ] coLer I ] Other: COPIES SHEET I DESCRIPTION NO. t Set Construction Plans I 1 Secondary Phlt I I I I I I as checked below: I [ X ] As Requested [ ] I THESE ARE TRANSMITTED ] For Approval X] For Your Use REMARKS: Cc: Matt Griffin Steve Broermann ] For Review and Comment f.l~(H Edward E. Fleming EEF/meb S:\4 7175S2\Bl ue _ Book'l.6.gency Correspondencc\ TRANSHam il ton Coun tySheriffCoo kll- 24-04.DOC DATE: TO: ATTENTION: u U LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL I STOEPPELWERTH & ASSOCIATES, INC. I 9940 Allisonville Road Fishers, Indiana 46038-2005 iPhone (317) 849-5935 FAX (317) 849-5942 October 4, 2005 .JOB NUMBER: 47175S3 Department of Community Services Urban Forester One Civic Square Carmel, Indiana 46032 Scott Brewer RE: Heather Knoll, Section 3 WE ARE SENDING YOU [ X] UPS [ ] coLer I ] Other: COPIES SHEET I DESCRIPTION NO. 1 Set Construction Plans I 1 . i Secondary Plat I I I I I THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: ] For Approval X] For Your Use REMARKS: r X ] As Requested . I I I I For Review and Comment a&-/- (. '? ~ Edward E. Fleming Cc: Matt Griffm Steve Broermann EEF/meb S :\47] 75S3\B1 De ~ Book\Agency _ Correspondence\ TRANSU rba nForesterBrewer] 0-04-0S.DOC I U I U LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL 'I STOEPPEL WERTH & ASSOCIATES, INC. 19940 Allisonville Road ' Fisihers, Indiana 46038-2005 Phone (317) 849-5935 FAX (317) 849-5942 DATE: October 4, 2005 JOB NUMBER: 4717583 TO: Brighthouse Networks 3030 Roosevelt A venu~ Indianapolis, Indiana 16218 ATTENTION: Jeff Farmer I RE: Heather Knoll, SectioJ 3 WE ARE SENDING YOU [ X ] UPS [ 1 coler I ] Other: COPIES SHEET I DESCRIPTION NO. 1 Set Construction Plans I 1 I Secondary Pla,t I I I I I THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: ] For Approval [ X ] As Requested [ ] I ] For Review and Comment X] For Your Use REMARKS: 7'12 ~ c;J ~ Edward E. Fleming Cc: Matt Griffin Steve Broermann EEF/meb S :\4717SS2\B1ut' _ Boo k\lJ ti I ity Correspondencc\ TRANSBrightbouseFann er 11-24-04.DOC u U LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL I I STOEPPEL "1ERTH & ASSOCIATES, INC. 19940 Allisonville Road Fishers, Indiana 46038-2005 Phone (317) 849-5935 FAX (317) 849-5942 DA TE: October 4, 2005 JOB NUMBER: 4717553 TO: Indianapolis Power &Light Company 3600 North Arlington !Avenue . I Indianapolis, Indiana f6218 Ron Morris ATTENTION: RE: Heather Knoll, Section 3 WE ARE SENDING YOU I X ] UPs [ ] cllulier I I J Other; COPIES SHEET I DESCRIPTION NO. 1 Set Construction Plans I 1 Secondary Plat I I I I I THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: ] For Approval [ X ] As Req uested [ ] I ] For Review and Comment X] For Your Use REMARKS: au.--.A~;2L Edward E. Fleming Cc: Matt Griffin Steve Broermann EEF/meb s: \4 7175S3\Blu e _ Book\U tHitL Cones pondence\ TRANSlndiana polisPower&LightMorrislO-04-05.DOC DATE: TO: ATTENTION: U" I ',,' . I U LETTEj OF TRANSMITTAL STOEPPELWERTH & ASSOCIATES, INC. I 9940 Allisonville Road Fishers, Indiana 46038-2005 I JPhone (317) 849-5935 FAX (317) 849-5942 October 4, 2005 JOB NUMBER: 4717583 Vectren Energy 15900 Allisonville Roa(l I Noblesville, Indiana 46060 Chuck Shupperd RE: Heather Knoll, Section 3 WE ARE SENDING YOU [ X] UPS [ ] coLer I ] Other: COPIES SHEET I DESCRIPTION NO. 1 Set Construction Plans I I I 1 Secondary Plat I I I I I I I as CheCkedl below: I [ X 1 AslRequested l I I I I THESE ARE TRANSMITTED ] For Approval x I For Your Use REMARKS: ] For Review and Comment pjl~c;. }~ Edward E. Fleming Cc: Matt Griffin Steve Broermann EEFJmcb S :\4717SS3\B1 ne _ Bunk\ U tilitL COlTespon dence\TRANSV ectren Encrgysh uppcrd lO-04-05.DOC . . I U I . U LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL I STOEPPELWERTH & ASSOCIATES, INC. I 9940 Allisollville Road 1 Fishers, Indiana 46038-2005 IPhone (317) 849-5935 FAX (317) 849-5942 ATTENTION: October 4, 2005 Cinergy PSI I 100 South Mill Creek Road N oblesville, Indiana 46060 I Shirley Hunter JOB NUMBER: 4717583 DATE: TO: RE: Heather Knoll, Section 3 WE ARE SENDING YOU [ X] UPS [ I coler I ] Other: COPIES SHEET I DESCRIPTION NO. I 1 Set Construction Plans I 1 Secondary Plat I I I I I THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: ] For Approval [ X ] As Requested [ ] I ] For Review and Comment X] For Your Use REMARKS: fLr.-.A(?~ Edward E. Fleming Cc: Matt Griffin Steve Broermann EEF/meb s: \47175S3\BI ue _ Book\ Utili ty _Cor respondencc\ TRANSCinergyPSIH un ter] 0-04-05.DOC DATE: TO: ATTENTION: I U I (- LETTER OF TRANSMITTA"i I STOEPPELW~RTH & ASSOCIATES, INC. 9940 AlIisonville Road Fishers, Indiana 46038-2005 I IPhone (317) 849-5935 I FAX (317) 849-5942 October 4, 2005 JOB NUMBER: 47175S3 SBC 5858 North College A ~enue Indianapolis, Indiana 46220 Jeff Rice RE: Heather Knoll, Section 3 WE ARE SENDING YOU [X] UPS r ] coLer I ] Other: COPIES SHEET I DESCRIPTION NO. t Set Construction Plans I 1 Secondary Pla't I I I I I THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as CheCkedl below: I I [ X ) ASIReqUested [ ] 1 For Approval X] For Your Use REMARKS: 1 For Review and Comment f1-~ t:('. ? ~ Edward E. Fleming Cc: Matt Griffin Steve Broermann EEF/meb S :\4 7 J 75S3\BI uc _ Boo k\Uti litL Correspondence\ TRANSSBCRice 1 0-04-05. DOC