HomeMy WebLinkAboutD-1919-08 Vacate ROWDULY ENTERED FOR TAXATION Subject to final acceptance for transfer 2n daday of , 20 ??? ? Qld.l)I I )(?u?t lwtlitor d Hamilta County Parcel SPONSOR(S): Councilor(s) Sharp and Carter ORDINANCE D-1919-08 AN.ORDINANCE,OF THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF. CARMEL, INDIANA, TO VACATE A PORTION. OF THE.ALLEYS A&PLATTED IN SIMEON'HAWKINS ADDITION TO CARMEL WHEREAS,:the City of Carmel Redevelopment Commission has.filed a'petition thata portion ofsaid alleys irrthe City of Carmel, Hamilton-County,. Indiana be vacated, pursuant to l.C., 36-7-3-12; WHEREAS, the portion of the public right of way to be vacated is described as follows: See Attached Exhibit "A" as more' particularlydepicted on Exhibit "B" hereto; WHEREAS,.City of Carmel Redevelopment Commission and VFW Post #10003 constitute all of the owners4i fee simple or leasehold interest in and to the real estate that abutsaid alleys, as more particularlydescribed'in Exhibit "'A" hereto respectively; WHEREAS, the subject, properties surrounding the alleys,to be vacated have been rezoned to "C2" and are therefore subject.to the oversight of the Director of Department of Community Services;.'and WHEREAS, the:City.of Carmel Redevelopment Commission:will coordinate with a developer:to reddgelop the area surrounding the all-eys.to be vacated and'said redevelopment will not require said alleys. 'NOW; THEREFORE, BE. IT ORDAINED by the Common Council of the City of Carmel, Indiana, that the above described alleys be, and`hereby are vacated, and ownership thereof shall revert: to the adjoining Ownes,and successors, assigns, and grantees. PASSED by the,Common Council of the City of Carrhel„lndiana, this AS' day of rrv>Qre.1 2008i bya vote of 5 ayes and I nays. 2009001989 ORDINANCE $26c00 01/20/ ,'A09 11:26117A8 PGS Jenn'i'fer ? Hayden HAMILTON Coiunt.y Recorder IN Recorded as i-,esented COMMON COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF CARMEL N aT Z'Z7P2?EA-j T siding Officer Joseph C. Griffiths Richa d L. Sh rp, esident Pro Tempore p Pfloss'tJ John V. Accetturo ATTEST: Cordray, IAMC, Kevin Rider W. Eric Seide sticker Presented by me to the Mayor of the City of Carmel, Indiana this IS day of ?.e_ea?rr.9reh 2008; at 9: 3o Diana L. Cordray, IAMC, Clerk-Tre s rer Approved by me, Mayor of the City of Carmel, Indiana, this 16* day of ,A xpc-& ? 2008, at q:ao M. A Diana L. Cordray, IAMC, Prepared by: Trent E. Newport, P.E\ Crossroad Engineers, P 3417 Sherman Drive L"t, 1 (Xnes Brainard, Mayor Beech Grove, IN 46107 The Petitioners, City of Carmel Redevelopment Commission and VFW Post 410003, do hereby respectfully petition the Common Council of the City of Carmel, Indiana, for vacation of public alleys, one running from Main Street to 1 s` Street NW and the second running from I" Avenue NW to 2"d Ave NW, both located in the former Simeon Hawkins Addition to Bethlehem. The public alleys are located entirely within the corporate boundaries of the City of Carmel, Indiana. 2. The Public Way constitutes of two alleys that are generally bordered to the north and east by 1$1 Avenue NW, to the south by Main Street; and to the west by 2"d Avenue NW. 3. The Public Way sought to be vacated is a cross-shaped tract of ground consisting of approximately 0.14 acres (6,207.6 square feet), as shown in Exhibit B and described in Exhibit A attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. 4. The Petitioners need the Public Way vacated to redevelop the subject properties, which have been rezoned to "C2". The redevelopment will not require the public alleys. 5. The.Petitioners are the fee simple title owners of the Simeon Hawkins Addition that are contiguous to the Public Way sought to be vacated. 6. No individual, other than the Petitioners, owns property that abuts the Public Way. 7. The Petitioners represent as follows:. A. The Public Way sought to be vacated will not hinder the growth of orderly development of Carmel, nor of the neighborhoods contiguous to or in which the Public Way is located. B. The vacation of the Public Way will not leave any adjoining or interested property owner(s) without access to their real estate by means of public way or street nor make such difficult or inconvenient. C. The vacation of the Public Way will not hinder the public's access to any church, school, or other public building of place. D. The vacation of the Public Way will not hinder the use of the Public Way by any neighborhood in which it is located or to,which it is contiguous. 'WHEREFORE.,the,Petilioner respectfully requests the vacation of the-above described Public Way: State of Indiana ) ass: County of Hamilton ) Carmel Redevel' enfcommission Sign'. re zts 5, OLO1 Printed Name /0 2? a Date Le Heforeme, a Notary Public in,a.for said County and State, personally appeafed Le I 3,0(;4s -„and acknowledged ihe,execution of the, foregoing "Petition to Vacate" as his/her -vol ntary act and deed. WITNESS my-hand and Notorial Seal this' d w day of Oc.i-eber , 2001'. 'Notary Public k,,J,lce- (Printed:Signature) My Commission Expires: Ncvemb« 5,,,aaI(. My County of Resisdence: '••:s. '+? SHERRY S. MIELKE - a-.,cnn,.•: Hamilton Cnunry. ? MyCommIs on Expires + „,v November 5, 2016 WHEREFORE, th_ e Petitioner "respectfully"requests the vacation of the above described Public Way,. fe State of Indiana )SS: Courity of Hamilton ) Before me,,a Notary..PubiicIn:a for said County-and State; personally; appeared (YlelLxA l 4gku and acknowledged it e,execution oi,the,foregomg "Petition to Vacate" as his/her voluntay act and,deedl. WITNESS my hand and Notorial Sea] thi's _(Stay of OLkuLe, , 2047. Notary Pub t& ?' nerr S. H:,LAlt.c. (Print'ed' Signature) My.-Commission Expires: (Uj,jP mi tz t;"moo ! i, My?ounty of Resisdencet. ,SHERRY--S:MlECKE ELK HamIon {3Unty NfpCOmmisvonExpir"es `__ Novemhar.5, 1il.affirm,•under the penalties for perjury, thati Have taken: reasonable'care to redact,each. Social Security number: in tlis;docuuient unless required by law" V.FW Post 016003 .7D . v i C"V4/"U Si 6 ature ALLEY VACATION EXH B T 'A' PART OF MON RAMS ADDITION TO BETI&E M NOW CAME" AN ADDIT 0q IN HAMTON COUNTY, BiDIANA, AS PER PUT THEREOF, RECORDED IN DEED RECORD $0, PAGE 44% N THE OFFICE OF THE RECORDER OF HAILTON COUNTY, DIDIANA, more particularly described as follows: The East-West alley, 10 feet in width, going from the East right-of-way line of 2nd Avenue NW to the West right-of-woy line of tsl Avenue NW, said Alley being adjacent to Lots 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 In said Simeon Hawkins Addition. ALSO, PART OF SIMON HAWK618 ADDIITM TO BETIO,EIEN NOW CARNELI, AN ADDITION N HARETON COUNTY, NDUINA, AS PER PUT THEREOF, RECORDED N DEED RECORD 80, PAGE 44t, N THE OFFICE OF THE RECORDER OF HAISLTON COUNTY, NDIANA, more particularly described as follows The North-South alley, 10 feet In width, going from the North right-of-woy line of Main Street to the South right-of-way line of 1st Street NW, said Alley being adjacent to Lots 5, 6, 8, 9, 13 and 14 in said Simeon Hawkins Addition. ALSO, PART OF NSTRUIB?RT MMER 200500HOOOTI BEND PART OF SIIEON HAW= ADDITION TO BE_ RLEHEH NOW CARIEL, AN ADNTION N HAMTON COUNTY, NMU, AS PER PUT THEREOF, RECORDED N DEED RECORD $0, PAGE 441, N THE MICE OF THE RECORDER OF HAIMTON COUNTY, BBS111AAIM more particularly described as follows: SEGDNNO at the Southwest Comer of Lot 8 In said Subdivision; Thence lost on the South Line of said Lot 8 a distance of 41.90 feet; Thence North parallel to the West Line of said Lot B a distance of 4.00 feet; Thence West parallel to the South line of said Lot 8 a distance of 41.9 feet to the West. Line of said Lot 8; Thence South on said West Line to the PUCE OF Kama. I, Trent E. Newport, a Registered Land Surveyor in the State of Indiana, do hereby certify that the above description was prepared by me, or under my direct supervision, on July 28, 2008 from the Simeon Hawkins Addition to Bethlehem Plat, found in the Office of the Recorder of Hamilton County, Indiana as Deed Record 30, Page 441. E. Mr 1Q g15TERF0 0??. PREPARED BY: No. 29600021 STATE OF TRENT E. NEWPORT 4k- INDIANA LAND SURVEYOR ! INDIANA ca qNn 0\1 NO. LS 29600021 nusawn mu ..w 0.0 ro.m ALLEY VACATION, SIMEON HAWKINS' AO_DITION TO DETHLEHFM (NOW CAR'MEL) EXHIBIT 'B' 50 AIM TM ?/^sy??y 0 50 100 SCALE; 3" _ :50' 1ST ST. NW -- ? LOT 14 i LOT 13 I T ? LE T_29 ; LQT S Z 165' 165' z 825' 825' 825' r 825' l LOT 7 g y ?.Y I LQLI AL I l?QL1L ° ,rc r P? I ?? I EX R? L825' 825' 825' 825' I - ? - - - MAIN S1R€ET - - - City of Carmel, Board of Public Works and Safety: Approved on thi? day of 20 Mavo James Brainard r ILAL411 Member ary Ann Burke Mel ri Watson ATTE T: /? (/ andre R Johnson, Diana L. Cordray, erk Treasurer eputyOerkfor July 31, 2008 Board of Public Works and Safety One Civic Square Carmel, Indiana 46032 RE: PUBLIC ALLEY VACATION Dear Board,Members: Mr. Trent Newport of CrossRoad Engineers, representing the Carmel Redevelopment Commission (CRC) and the Keystone Development Company, has requested the Board provide a favorable recommendation to the City Council for the vacation of public alleyways: One alley runs from Main Street to 1n Street NW and the second runs from 1S9 Avenue NW to 2nd Avenue NW. Both alleys are located in the former Simeon Hawkins Addition to Bethlehem (now known as Carmel). The vacation of these alleyways is associated with the future Carmel Redevelopment Commission (CRC) project to construct mixed use development contained within the entire above stated block. Proposed construction consists of a four story complex above ground With two levels below grade for parking. This project will not require public alleyways Within its boundaries. Keystone Development Company obtained approval from the CRC on June 16, 2008 to begin the design to redevelop this block. We have reviewed the legal descriptions and exhibits provided.in support of the Petition to Vacate Public Alleyways which the Board will consider atthe August.20, 2008 meeting. Per the current City procedure for vacating public right-of-way, the Department of Engineering is responsible for reviewing the legal descriptions and exhibits provided for the vacation. Based upon the information provided to the Department of Engineering, the legal descriptions and exhibits appear to accurately describe and depict the public right of way to be vacated. Sincerely, Michael T. McBride, P.E. City Engineer Enclosures \\aons2\user data\eng\shared\DHIINBPWOS\PETfrIONTOVACATECRCKEYSTONE DEVEIAPMENT.DOC IDEPAIUMENT OF ENC IVIMCNG ONE CIVIC SQUARE. CARMEL, IN 46032 Oettec 317571.2441 Eaz 317 571,2439 ESwL engineeringWilrinel-M F,111' JAN\il;s Bi(AINARD, MAYOR ALkgust 11, 2008 Ms:. Diana. Cordary; Clerk"-T easurler City.of Carmel' One;Qvic, Square Cartel, IN-46032 Dear Ms..Cordraym- The Carmel Redevelopment. Commission and the Keystone Development Company are requesting a vacation of public alleys 'as pari of-the redevelopment of the adjoining land, ?Oich will not require. the alleys., Please 'find enclosed 'a petition to Vncate,;a proposed Ordiance to Vacate Property, as well,as a`letter to the,Board,of Public, Works.and'Safety`from the-Cify Engineer addressing this proposed vacation ofalleys. As a representative for the Carmel-Redevelopment Commission, it is my intention to present this 'matte'r to thc, City- Council for action: in the Form of adoption. of the attached Ordinance. We would.appreciate the first available =date for a public hearing before the Council. Thank you; fonyour•atte6tion and feel Free to-contacl meat (3-17)'780-1555 ext, 1 14 or tnewoort0ecrossroadengineers.com.. .Sincerely, CrossRoad Engineers, P.C. Trent E. Newport,:P.E., L.S. Vice-president