HomeMy WebLinkAboutCorrespondence /' Transmittal r TO: Chad Handley The Estridge Companies 14300 Clay Terrace Blvd., Suite 200 Carmel, IN 46032 FROM: Jamie Ford FAX: 317 -826-7306 DIRECT DIAL: 317-826-7306 WE ARE SENDING YOU: IZl Attached Via: 0 Mail 0 Fed Ex \ DATE: JOB#: PROJECT: 200 RE: 11.06.08 4409.001 Hunter's Creek Townhome Plat FAX#: NUMBER OF PAGES: TELEPHONE #: IZl UPS D Courier D Pick Up 0 Other 0 Fax # Copies Date DescriDtion 2 Paj:ler Copies 1 Mylar THE ABOVE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: D For approval IZl As requested D FOR BIDS DUE D For your use D For review and comment 0 Other REMARKS: COPY TO: File If enclosures are not as noted, kindly notify us at once. Offices in Indianapolis, Avon, Carmel, and Lafayette, Indiana r:\4kl4409\001 Idocsltransmittals\eslridge11 0608 ,doc ,,- ;;. EROSION ANn SEDIMENT CONTROL PLAN TECHNICAL REVIEW AND COMMENT Hamilton County Soil and 'Vater Conservation District 1108 South 9th Street, Noblcsvillc IN 46060 Ph- 317-773-1432 or Email at john-south@iaswcd.orl! PROJECT NAI\1E: Townhomes at Hunter's Creek SUHMITTED BY: Estridge Development 1041 E. Main Street Carmel, IN 46032 317-582-2456 Mr. Cort Crosby Sclmeider Corp. 8901 Otis Avenue Indianapolis, IN 46216 REVIEWED BY: John B. South P.E. Certified Professional in Erosion and Sediment Control PLAN REVIEW DATE: February 28, 2004 Acreage: 5 ac. LOCATION: SW corner of Marana Drive and Rohrer Road LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Sec. 24 TOWNSHIP: 18N RANGE: 3E CIVIL TO\\TNSHIP: Clay SOIL SURVEY MAP SHEET: 44 The technical review and comments are intended to evaluate the completeness of the erosion and sediment control p Ian for the project. The erosion and sediment control plan submitted was not reviewed for the adequacy of the engineering design. All practices included in the plCm, as well as those recommended in the comments should be evaluated as to their feasibility by a qualified individual with structural practices designed by a qualified engineer. The plan has not been reviewedfor local, state, or federal permits that may be required to proceed }vith thisproject. Additional information. including design calculations may be requested to further evaluate the erosion and sediment control plan. The erosion and sediment control plan has been reviewed and it has been determined that the plan: Satisfies the minimum requirements and intent of 327IAC 15-5 (I{ule 5). Notification will be forwarded to the Indiana Department of Environmental Management. Refer to the comments section for additional information. X Does not satisf)' the minimum requirements and intent of 3271AC 15-5 (Rule 5); deficiencies are noted in the checklist and in the comments section. Deliciencies constitute potential violations of the rule and must be adequately addressed for compliance. The information necessary to satisfy the dcficiencies must be submitted: Proper implementation of the erosion and sediment control plan and inspections of the construction site by the developer or, a representative are neceSSQfY to minimize off-site sedimentation. The developer should be aware that unforeseen construction activities and weather conditions might affect the pe/formance ofapractice or {he erosion and sediment control plan. The plan must be aflexible document, with provisions to modifY or suhstitute practices as necessary. Revised 4 I 97 :" ~ Townhomes at Hunter's Creek PROJECT: Page 2 of3 Yes No x JA x lB x lC x 10 x lE Yes No x 2A x 2B x 2C x 2D x 2E X 2F x 2G x 2H x 21 Yes No x 3A x 38 Yes No x 4A x 4B x 4C x 40 x 4E x 4F x 4G x 4H x 41 x 4J X 4K ARE THE FOLLOWING ITEMS ADEQUA TEL Y ADDRESSED ON THE PLANS? (All Plans Must Include Appropriate Legends, Scales, and North Arrow) (Items tilat are Not Applictlble to this Pro;ect lire designatel[ by NA) PROJECT INFORMATION Project Location Map (Show project in relation to other areas a/the county) Narrative Describing the Nature and Purposc of thcproJect Location ofPlallncd and/or Existing Roads, Utilities, Structures, Highways, etc. Lot and/or Building Locations Landuse of Adjacent Areas (Show the Entire Upstream Watershed and Ac(jacent Areas WUhin 500 Feet o/the Property Lines) TOPOGRAPHIC, DRAINAGE, AND GENERAL SITE FEATURES Existing Vegetation (identify and Delineate) Location and Name of All Wetlands, Lakes ami Water Courses On and Adjacent to the Site 100 Year Floodplains, Floodway Fringes, and Floodways (Note if None) Soils Information (IJhydric soils are present, it is the responsibility o/the owner/developer to investigate the existence of wetlands and to obtain permits pom the appropriate government agencies.) Existing and Planned Contours at an Interval Appropriate to Indicate Drainage Patterns Locations of Specific Points Where Stormwater Discharge Will Leave the Site Identify All Receiving Waters (if Discharge is to a Separate Municipal Storm Sewer, Identify the Name of the Municipal Operator and the Ullimate Receiving Water) Potential Areas Where Storm water May Enter Groundwater (Note IjNone) Locatioll of Storrnwater System (lnclude Culverts, Storm Sewers, Channels, and Swales) LAND DISTURBING ACTIVITIES Location and Approximate Dimensions or All Disturbed Arcas [i.e., Construction Limitsl (Areas Where Vegetative Cover Will Be Preserved Should be Clearly Designated) Soil Stocl{piles and or Borrow A reas (Show Locations or "Note if None) EROS10N AND SEDIMENT CONTROL MEASURES Sequence of When Each Measure Will Be Implemented (Relative to Earth Disturbing Ac/ivities) Monitoring and Maintenance Guidelines for Each Measure Pe."imeter Sediment Control Measures (Locatiorr, Construction Detail, Dimension.\', and Specifications) Temporary Seeding (Specifications; Including Seed Mix, Fertilizer, Lime, and J\;fulch Rates) Temporary Erosion .and Sediment Control Mcasures (Location, Construcllon Detail, Dimensions, and Specifications) Pcrmanent Erosion and Sediment Con1r'ol Measures (Location, Construction Detail, Dimensions, and Specifications) Storm Drain Inlet Protection (Local ion, Construction Detail, Dimensions. and Specifications) Stormwatcr Outlet Protection (Localion. Comtn/clion Detoil, Dimensions, and Specifications) Sta ble Construction Entrance (Location, Construction Detail, Dimensions. and Specifications) ErosiOIl and Sediment Control on Individual Ell ilding Lots (Specifications) Permanent Seeding (Specificotiol7s; Including Seed Mix, Fertilizer. Lime, and Mulch Rates) Revised 4 / 97 ,., EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL PLAN TECI-INI CAL REVIEvV COMMENTS PROJECT: Townhomes at Hunter's Creek Page 3 of 3 Note: All ero.~ion and sediment control measure.~ showlI on the phms and referenced in this review must meet the design criteria, standards, alld specifications outlbred ill the "buliaJ/a Hamlbookfof Erosioll Control in Developing Areas" from the lndiana Department of Natural Resources, Division of Soil Comefvatioll Of similar Guidance ])ocument~. 4C. Sediment Basin #2- The stone dam in the middle of a pipe run does fit the design parameters for a stone weir. The weir should have water with no velocity build up evenly across the face of the dam. This application has concentrated pipe flow against a narrow section of the dam. Little dead storage is available against the dam. I believe it will require more than one section of pipe to be removed to even build this practice according to the plan. 4G. Please revise paved area inlet protection. Because the inlets are in the middle oftbe streets and the building is close to the road, inlet protection that tits into the structure is recommended. 4J. Please provide instructions for building construction. Silt fence or similar practice is needed around the perimeter of each building during construction. Note: IDEM will be notified when the plan is approved. Cc: CaJ.111el DOCS Ha. Co. Surveyor File FEB 17 '04 07:50PM P.U1 ,'Kenton C. 'Ward, Surveyor (P{iIJ11~ (317) 77f,cS4~5 (tax Ur7) 77~-9G1.5 SlIite 188 a/If J{dl1liltOll COIl1lty.s ! a~ Jv'oblE5l1illt, Indiana 4- ' ~ (l !\.. ~ ~~ fJOCS February 17,2004 The Schneider Corporation Attn: Cort Crosby 8901 Otis Avenue Indianapolis; IN 46216'- 1037 VIA FACSIMILE: 826~ 7200 Re: Townbomes at Hunter's Creek I have reviewed the. revised construction plans and secondary plat for the Townhomes at Hunter~s Creek and have 1he following comments: t 1, Please have the devetoper's contractor contact Jerry Liston, HCSO Inspector, to coordinate bring all existing structures and storm pipes into compliance with Hamilton County Regulated Drain Standards, 2. Proposed entrances off of Maran a Drive will require a crossing permit for each entrance. The crossing permits where not included in the submittal on February 6, 2004. 3. If all issues are resolved with the Chy of Carrnel~ please contact this office for final approval procedures. Should you have any questions. I can be reached at 317-776-8495. Sincerely, ~~ Plan. Reviewer Cc: Jon Dobosiewicz - Carmel DaCD Dick Hill - Carn1.el Engineering John South - HCSWCD Estridge Development Company y ~~ Schneider u January 26, 2004 D'?J sQ / ~ \~J / (-~; I ~ RECfNED jM~ ?p 2CQI~ DOCS Angelina Butler Carmel DOCS 1 Civic Square Carmel, IN 46032 RE: Townhomes at Hunters Creek Secondary Plat and Construction Plans TSC Job # 4409.001 Dear Angelina, The secondary Plat and construction plans for Townhomes at Hunter's Creek have been revised according to the September 19, 2003 TAC meeting and the comments received since that time. The revisions corresponding to your comments are: Secondary Plat and Construction Plans 1. The FIRM map number has been added to the plat. 2. As discussed with Jim Shinaver, the sidewalk will remain along Rohrer Road. 3. The Common Area has been added at the end of the land description" 4. A copy of the letter from Scott Brewer will be forwarded. 5. The location map has been added to sheet 1 of the plat. 6. The Docket numbers have been added. 7. The source of title and instrument number has been added to the plat. 8. No additional R1W dedication will be dedicated. 9. The plat will be signed and dated upon approval. 10. A copy of the covenants will be sent by the developer. 11. The monuments are now shown on the plat. 12. The R1W is labeled. 13. The walks in the R1W are now 5' wide. 14. The 3' grass strip between the walks and the curb has been added. Support Data 15. Comment letters from the review agencies and the corresponding response letters are attached. 16. No street lighting is planned. 17. The signage information will be provided by the developer. Please approve these revised plans or call me if you have any questions. Sincerely, ~c~ Project Engineer r:\4k\4409\OO 1 \docs\comm .doc ~~~~ THE SCHNEIDER CORPORATION Historic Fort Harrison 8901 Otis .~venue Indianapolis Indiana 46216-1037 317-826-7100 Toll free 800-898-0332 Fax 311-826-7200 www.schneidercorpccom NOY. 13. 2003 7: 35AM Nf,L50N FRANKENBERGER U NO, 0960 p, 1 u NELSON & FRANKENBERGER A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION ATTORNEYS AT LAW IAlvU:;S I. NElsoN CHARLES D. F1l..ANI<::h'NBliitOER lAMES E. SHINAYER LARRY 1. KEMPER JOHN :e. FLATT 01' COuNsEL JANE B. MERRIU... 3105 EAST 98TH STRnET SUIT]; 170 INDIANAPOL!S, INDlANA46280 317-844-01 06 FAX' 317.846.8782 FAX TRANSMISSION COVER SHEET Date: November 13, 2003 Fax: 571-2426 To: Angie Butler Company: Carmel DOCS From: James E. Shinaver Phone: 317-844-0106 Pages: ~ (including cover sheet) Subj ect: Townhomes at Hunters Creek C01nments: "''''OI<*",****..'''''oI<..***",*..****~***'I'.'''.i1'llI.''''''''''''I(<IIl*'''III'''***********"...****",..",,,,**,,,*"'***********110*"'**010"'* The information contained in !his facsimile message is inten,ded orily for the use of the individual or entity named above. If the reader or recipient of this message is not the intended recipient or an employee or agent of the intended rccipialt who is responsible for delivering it to 1he intended recipient, you m h~r~by notified that any tlissernination, distribution or copying of this COIllJ.llUnication is strictly pl"ofubited. If you bave received this cQmmunication in error, please notify us by tele;phone (collect) and return the origi11al Message to us at the above indicated address via the U.S. Postal Service. Rectlipt by anyone other than the intended recipient is not a waiver of an attorney-client or work product privilege. /' NOV. 13.}0'o3 7:36AM / NEL.SON FRANKENBERGER U ~" ':' // NELSON & FRANKENBERGER A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION AITORNEYS AT LAW JAMES J. NELSON CIlARLES D. FRANKENBERGER JA MES E. SHINA VER LARRY J. KBMPBlt JOHN B.l'LATI OF COUN$l:l lANt B. MERRiLL November 12, 2003 VIA FACSIMILE: 571u2426 Angie Butler Planning Administrator Department of Community Services One Civic Square Carmel, IN 46032 Re; TO\1inhome.s at Hunters Creek - Secondary Plat Application Dear Angie: NO, 0960 p, 2 u :) lOS BAST 9STH STREET SUITE 171) nIDlANAPQLIS, INDIANA %2S0 ) 17-844.(1 106 FAX; 317.34608782 /1 ~~ \~l/O') Cort Crosby and I have beetl. working through your letter dated September 24, 2003 r~garding the above matter. In regard to Item 2 requesting that the secondary plat show a 10' multi-use path along Rohrer Road, please note that this was not a requirement for this project. Instead, the e,usting sidewalk along Rohrer Road will be maintained. In the event construction occurs in any area of the existing concrete sidewalk, Estridge will repair the same to its former condition. In regard to Item 4 regarding a comment letter from Scott Brewer, r 'Will have Mark Webber of The Estridge Companies work with his landscape architect to provide you such a letter. My understanding is that all landscaping issues have been resolved, Finally, regarding Items 16 and 17 as it telates to street lighting plan and 5jgnage plan, these renderings and drawings were contained within the text of the FUn Ordinance and the exhibits attached to the PUD Ordinance, If fol:' some reason you need additional copies of those doc\lments, please contact me, and I will provide them to you. I have also reviewed the items referenced above with Jon Dobosiewicz, and my understanding is that Jon is in agreement with my responses above. Thank you for your assistance, and contact me 'With any questions. Very truly yours, NELSON & FRANKENBERGER JES/jlw oc: Jon Dobosiewicz (Fax: 571-2426) Mark Webber (Fax: 569-5146) Cott Crosby (Fslt: 826-7200) lI;'J~lIe1\&iI'idg,\'BlI,'er lIT Ill203.doc NOV. 13. 2003 7: 34AM NELSON FRANKENBERGER NO. 0957 P. 1/2 .-. Ii' ... NELSON & FRANKENBERGER A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION ATTORNEYS AT LAW JAMES I. NELSON CHARLF,S D. FRANKENBERGER JAMES E. SHlNAVER LARRY J. KEMPER JOHN B,FI...\ IT OF COUNSEL JANE R ~RRll.l.. ~\()'l EAST 98TH STREET SUITE 17() nmTANAPOUS, INDIJ\NA 46280 317-844-0106 FAX: 317 -846-8782 FAX TRANSMISSION COVER SHEET Date: November 13, 2003 To: Jon Dobosiewicz Company: Carmel DOCS Fax: 571-2426 Subj ect: Townhomes at H1.Ulters Creek From: J9mes E. Shinaver Phone: 317-844-0106 Pages: -I-. (including cover sheet) Comments: ~~~~.*******~*******~~*~.*........~.*.***********~**.........*~*..**.*.*.*.*....***~+***** The info:rmation contained in this facsimile message is intended only for the use of the indIvidual or entity named above. If the reader or recipient of this message is not the irttMded recipient or an employee or agent ofthe intended recipient who is responsible for delivering it to the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution or copying of this com:nnmication is strictly prohibited. If you have received this commullication in error, pltl'ise notify U8 by telephone (collect) and rctum the original meSSQge to us at the above indicated address via the U.S. Postal Service. Receipt by anyone OLhM than the intended recipient is not a waiver of lI1) attomey.c1icnt or work product privilege. NOV, 13. 2003 7: 35AM NELSON FRANKENBERGER NO. 0957 P. Y2 __.. ,'.:I' .. NELSON & FRANKENBERGER A PROFESSIONAl CORPORATION ATTORNEYS AT LAW JANlES J, NELSON CHARLES D. FRANKBNllERG5R JAMES B, SHIN^ YBR l.ARRY-J. KEMPER JOHN B. FI.A TT OF COUNSEl. JANe B. MERRlLL 3105 EAST 9811-1 STREET sum 170 INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA 46280 317.&44.0106 fAX: 3JN46.8182 November 12, 2003 VIA FACSIMJLE: 571-2426 Dick Hill City of Carmel El'l.gineering Department One Civic Square Carmel~ IN 46032 ?<]~ \t\ 1/C Re~~~.1fmUrifit~$:~ Dear Dick: I assisted The Estridge Companies in regard to the zoning approvals for the above-referenced matter. Upon review of your letter dated October 9. 2003 to Cort Crosby. under "General Project Comments, Item 11", your last statement indicated "Is it a correct assumption that a variance will be requested for the interior streets to be private streets?' Please note that, in fact, the internal areas ofthe ptoject are a.etually private internal driveways. These will not be classified as private streets or public streets. Again, we have classified them as a private drive. Should you have any questions regarding this, please contact Jon Dobosiewicz. Jon was closely involved in the zoning approval process for this matter, and my understanding is he has agreed with my statements above. Contact me should you have Emy questions. v cry truly yours, NELSON & FRANKENBERGER JES/jlw cc: Jon Dobosiewicz (Fax: 571-2426) Mark Webber (Fax: 569-5146) Cort Crosby (Fax: 826-7200) H!\llmet\E;lIidge\HiIIlrr 111:/.IlJ.doo :.<,1. ---- .----- - EL (o.J u. ~ CI JAl-dES BRAI~ARD, MA..YOR October 9, 2003 I/O'J \~ d- t-; \ Mr. Cort Crosby, P .E, The Schneider Corporation 8901 Otis Avenue Indianapolis, IN 46216-1037 RE: Townhomes at Hunters Creek -Project Review #2 Dear Mr. Crosby: We apologize for the delay in our submission of these comments. This project was previously reviewed as Lockerbie TO\VIlllOrnes at Rohrer Road. We have reviewed the plans submitted for this project and offer the following comments: GENERAJ~ INFORJ\.1ATION 1. The project site is located ,,1thin current City of Carmel Corporate Limits. 2. Jurisdictions: .. Streets and Right of Way (Marana Drive and Rohrer Road) - City of CarmeL .. Water, Sanitary Sewers - City of Carmel. .. Storm SewerslDrainage - Regulated Drains/Hamilton Counly Surveyor's Office. 3. Board of Public Works and Safety Approval Requirements: .. Water and Sanitary Sewer Availability. o If an irrigation system is planned, additional water availability approval will be required from the Board of Warks. .. Secondary Plat approval. . .. Commercial Curb Cut Approval. Please provide this office with a letter of request and an 8 1;2 x 11 exhibit which indicates existing curb cuts, proposed curb cuts, all pertinent measurements and all existing and opposing cllrb cuts. Temporary construction entrances also require Board approval with the same requirements for submission to the Bourd, o - Any permanent improvement (including irrigation systems) to be installed within dedicated right of way or dedicated easements, This approval would require a Consent to Encroach Agreement between the Owner and the City of Carmel. A copy of our Irrigation System Requirements is available upon request. .. Please be advised that allY open p([l!emellt cuts of dedicated streets will require separate Board of Public Works alld Safety approm/. I am also enclosing a schedule for Board of Public Works and Safety meeting dates and agenda deadlines for your use. Please use the Engineering Department deadlines for submissions to the Board. Any sfihmissioll to the Board requires prior approl'al by the Carmel Clay Plan COl1lmi~'sioll and/or the Board of ZOlling Appeals (if applicable) alld completion of review by the Techllical AdllisOlY Committee. All written requests to be placed Oil the Board's agellda must illclude the appropriate Docket Number alld the date (or dates) of approl'al by the Plall Commission and/or the Board of Zoning Appeals (if applicable). DEPAliTMENT OF ENGIKEERlNG ONE CiVIC SQliARE, CARMEL, IN 46032 OFFICE 317.571.2441, FAX 317,571-2439 E~\'lAIL kweese@ci_carmeLin_us Mr. Cort Crosby, PE October 9, 2003 Page 2 4. T.AC. Review/Drawings submitted for approval: We request that all comments and comment letters generated by this office be answered in ""Titing and be accompanied by a drawing reflecting requested revisions. Final drawings will not be approved for construction until all Engineering Department and Utility Department issues have been resolved. The design engineer must certify all drawings submitted for final approval. This offlce will require a minimum of five-sets of dra""ings for approval after all issues have been resolved. The drawings will be stamped as approved and \\oill be signed by the City Engineer and Director of Carmel Utilities. The OWller will receive one-set which is to be maintained on the construction site at all times. Carmel Utilities will receive two-sets, our Public Works Inspector will receive one-set and one-set will be maintained in the Engineering Department. We ""ill accept and approve a maximum of two-additional sets for a total of seven-sets. However, the additional sets must be submitted with the required sets. 5. Please be advised that anv installation ofsif!flS, walls. il'riJ!atioll svstems. etc. withi" dedicated riJ!ht ofwav or dedicated easefllellt~ will require a Consent to Encroach AI!reemeltt with the City of Carmel. This AJ!reemellt requires BPWS aooroval. 6. Carmel Utilities should be provided drawings for review of water and sanitary sewer issues. They will provide a separate review regarding these issues. 7. Cam1el Utilities does not subscribe to "Holey Maley" and should be contacted directly for all water main and sanitary sewer main locations. 8. I am including copies of the following with this correspondence: .. Subdivision and Commercial Project Approval Procedures .. Pennit Data, Contacts, etc. . Performance Release Procedure .. Commercial Permitting Procedures .. Water and Sanitary Sewer Fee Data BONDING REQUIREMENTS 9. Right of Way Permit I Bonding Any work in the dedicated right of way of Marana Drive or Rohrer Road will require the posting ofa Right of Way Permit with appropriate bonding. Please contact Fred Glaser, our Right of Way InspectorlManager, to arrange appropriate pennitting for this project. It does not appear that there will be any construction activities in the right of way, other than work associated with and covered under the Performance Guarantee requirements. Performance/Maintenance Guarantees Please provide individual certified engineer's estimates for 100% ofthe cost oflabor and materials for the following improvements: .. Sidewalks (in dedicated right of way) D Streets (all curb cut construction in the right of way) D Water Mains .. Sanitary Sewers .. Perimeter Monumentation (if applicable-see Item #15) Provide individual performance guarantees based upon the certified engineer's estimates for the above improvements. Upon release of the performance guarantees, 3-year maintenance guarantees will be required. AVAILABILITY AND CONNECTION FEES 10. Availability and COIUlection Fees A vailabilityFces Based upon the legaldcscription on the plans, the following Availability (acreage) Fees arc applicable to this development: Mr. Cort Crosby, FE October 9, 2003 Page 3 Water - 5.0 Acres@ $1,OlO.OO/Acre = Sanitary Sewers - 5.0 Acres @ S1.365.00/Acre = Totals 5.0 Acres $2,375.00 Connection Fees Based upon information supplied by Estridge/Schneider, the following connection fees are applicable to tills project: 31 Total Units /26 3-Bedroom Units and 52-Bedroom Units. 26 3-Bdrm. @ 1.00 EDUlUnit = 26.00 EDU 5 2-Bdrm. @ 0.81 EDUlUnit = 4.05 EDU Total 30.05 EDU Water Connection Fee 30.05 EDU @ Sl,31O.00/EDU = $39,365.00 Sanitary Sewer Connection Fee 30.05 EDU @ S 795.001EDU = $23.890.00 Totals 30.05 EDU @ $2,105.00IEDU = $63,255.00 . If an irrigatioll system is planned for this development, additional Water Connection Fees will be assessed hased upon the recommendation of the Director of Carmel Utilities. o Any deviation from the COllnection Fee calcula/iolls listed in Ollr Ordinance will require Carmel Utilities and Board of Public Works and Safety approvals. $ 5,050.00 $ 6.825.00 $11,875.00 GENERAL PROJECT COMMENTS 11. Sheet CI02 o Legend Item B - Sidewalk width requirement is 5 feet. Please make the necessary adjustments to the drawings wherever applicable. . Regarding the east curb cut onto Marana Drive, please revise the entrancc to accommodate the alignment of the left turn lane of the development with the left turn lane of Offutt Drive. o A point of concern involves the distance from the end of the median to the edge of pavement at this east curb cut. The concern is that vehicles making left turns from the development to travel west on Marana will use this space to "cheat or hedge", thereby creating a safety issue at this location. Perhaps this area could be delineated with striping or other means to indicate that vehicles twning lcft should avoid this area. D Is the curb indicated on the south side of Marallll an existing curb? If so, are they to remain? . ls it a correct assumption that a variance will be requested for the interior streets to be private streets? 12. Sheet C103 . It is also our assumption that the storm sewcr system will be a private system. . Are the sarlitary sewer mains constructed and contained wholly within dedicated easements? 13. Sheet C701 . AJ:e the water mains constructed and contained wholly within dedicated easements? 14. Sheet C802 o Provide a right of way pavcment section. This would apply to those portions of the two curb cuts within the dedicated right of way of Maran a Drive. 111e minimum pavement section would be 1" #11 HAC Surfacc, 3" #9 HAC Binder and 9" #53 Compacted Stone Base. o Minimum sidewalk width is 5 feet. 15. Please provide a set of drainage cales for the project. SECONDARY l'LA T COMMENTS 16. Concrete mODuments are Ilornlally a requirement for perimeter boundaries of secondary plats. Will this development be required to replacc the existing rehars (with caps) with concrete monuments? Mr. Con Crosby, PE October 9, 2003 Page 4 17. On Sheet I, there is no rebar indicated at the northwest corner of the site? Was the rebar marking this corner not found? 18. On Sheet 3, right side, paragraph 2 referencing the Hamilton County Highway Department and the Hamilton County Board of Commissioners. Since this area has been annexed into the City of Carmel, tills wording needs to be revised to indicate the new jurisdiction. The City Engineer has not reviewed these construction plans. We reserve the right to provide additional comments upon her review and upon receipt of drainage cales. The above conmlents are based upon the Engineering Department's initial review of the construction plans for tills project Please provide our office with a follow up letter and revised plans indicating all revisions. Second and subsequent reviews wiII foclIs only on revised items. It is critical that this office be made aware of all modifications made on the plans being re~subrnitted, particularly if any such changes are considered "new" or fall outside of our initial review. If YOll have questions, contact Kate Weese, Mike McBride or me at 571-2441. To;d~ Dick Hill, Assistant Director Department of Engineering Enclosures Cc: M. Kate Weese, City Engineer (w/o ene1.) Mike McBride, Assistant City Engineer (w/o ene!.) Fred Glaser, Right of Way InspectorfManager Jon Dobosiewicz, Department of Community Services (w/o cnel.) John Duffy, Director Carmel Utilities (w/o encl.) Paul Pace, Carmel Utilities (w/o cncl.) Jim Haag, Carmel Utilities (WID enc!.) S :\PROJREV03ITWNHOMEHUNTCRREV2 OCT 08 '03 09:00AM P,l !KentoTI C. IJ,val'dl SIJrli/?VOr , rJlh'IJIlr () t7) 77r.i"~4~S '-r.l.~ (3 I;') 7 7 [~'.91,S:J. S SHifr IIIS Onl' J(i1mi{tDl1 COIWry Square .Nobll:wilif. !mliD/w 46(160'22 October 7,2003 The Schneider Corporation Attn: Cort Crosby 8901 Otis Avenue Indianapolis, IN 46216-1037 VIA FACSIMILE: 826-7200 s\{ \j'? ./ ~} I have reviewed the preliminary construotion plans and secondary plat for the Townhomes at Hunter's Creek and have the following comments: 1, This project with be a Hamilton County Regulat~ Drainage Subdivision. subj ect to approval from the Hamilton County Drainage Board. 2. Please submit the following procedural items to this office, petition for regulated 5ubdivision, non.-enforcement request for subdivision, engineer's estimate, and all associated bonds for 100% of construction cost. The applications arc available on our webs i.te at W\WI.,co,hamilton.in.us/ gOY / survey/surveyor .asp. 3. The existing run of.stOX'M pipe and structures on the southem b01U1dary of the project will need to be brought up to Hamilton County Regulated Drain Standards, i.e. grout work; flowline/benchwalls, and castings, from the western dry detention basin to the U.S. 31 ROW, The wooded areas over this existing storm sewer will need to be cleared of all vegetation. The developer's contractor will be required to bring all existing structures and storm pipes into complianee with Hamilton County Regulated Drain Standards. . 4. The existing Hunter's Creek South Regulated Dra.in outlets. south of Marana Drive on the we:rt side of Rohrer Road. Upon a site visit. the outlet was found to be obstructed with sedimentation and debris. This regulated drain outlet will need to be extendec4 with pipe, to existing: structure EIOO, while maintaining a minimum of2' of cover. OCT 08 '03 09:01AM P.2 5. Label Hunter~s Creek South drains on the plans. 6. Proposed entrances off of MaranaDrive will require existing underdrains to be replaced 'Nith HDPE pipe across entrances. It is believed the underdrain lies behind the curb appl'OKimately 1 foot. The location of under drain will need to be field verified. 7. Proposed entranoes off of Marana Drive will require a crossing permit for each entrance. 8. Show em.ergency spillway and overland routing for both dry d~tention basins on the project. 9. Add Developer's Fax number to sheet CIOO. 10. Show and label existing regulated drainage facilities and easement of sheet ClOD and secondary plat. 11. Hamilton County Surveyor's Office suggests placement of 6" SSD in bottom of dry detention basins in acoordance with our standards; 12. Add silt fence designation 10 the legend on sheet C 1 04 ] 3. Add all appropriate Hamilton County Regulated Drain Standards to sheets e80l and C802. 14. No landscape planting will be permitted or allowed withi~ the proposed and existing regulated drainage easements or dry detention basin per Indiana Code 36-9-27-33 (d). 15. Please add adjacent land owners to construction plans and secondary plat. 16. Please add the following note to constructions, "Approval Pending - Not for Construction." 17. Please add the following note to CI04~ "Additional erosion control measures may be required in the field by the inspector:' 18. Please add the location of water mains and the sanitary lateral to building 8, to the:: storm sewer profile sheets. 19. Change the instrument munber for the storm -sewer easement on the southern boundary Qfthe property to the correct instrument number. I believe you will find the correct instrument number to be 8929320. not 8329320. OCT 08 103 09:01AM P.3 20. Please show the recorded eaSement for the storm sewer on the east side of Rohrer Road on the construction plans. I believe you will find this easement to have instrument number 8929321 llfid was recorded on December 29, 1989. 21. Please note the additional comments may be warranted at a Later date. Should you bave any questions, I can be reached at 317*776-8495. Sincerely, ~~ Greg R. Hoyes Hamilton COWlty Surveyor's Office Cc: Jon Dobosiewicz - Carmel DOeD Dick Hill- Carmel Engineering John South - HCSWCD Estridge DeveLopment Company :. ~~'1i- . f ~<".> O:~b~T:'. ~q~.';=>"" ...~: ;;~ '.!1i ':'\ 111 _ ~ '" . OJ. ~ "" : ,~I'fY,~QF '~ARM.t/,' ~" ~- ; ',Deparime~Cf..Cp~m~}1~ S~nrjc~::;; " ~.:-" ~.t!-4 ~~~ ~.. ~:...! -{1f< ~'.J.' 1'~ ...~~:. -..,.-. ,:,"?J "I.-a, .J One Civic Square Carmel, IN 4C032 (317) 571-2417 Fax: (317) 571-2426 Fax .1 My'~ s {..-,iVlQV.QVJ FI{. N-el~ ~ To: .M r . ~ vilv:tlCeVl BeYJJ4/ Fax: 8Lj{p - 878& ~ Phone: From: .,A, . ~u+ {~V-- Pages: '-I Dati!!: C{- 2 i.j- 0 5 Re: R:~ vi UU l-e iI-f IS cc= o Urgent ;aFor Review 0 Please Comment 0 Ph:lase Reply 0 Please Recycle CSVlJ( !R ~vFuy fJC/.,U1..-, fUrS(/Vt (.3)... (tJfC( City of Carmel VIA FAX: 846-8782 Original by mail September 24, 2003 James Shinaver Nelson & Frankenberger 3@2:h:E 98th Sh'"'...t~Ll~t( 220 3JO~ [ 98f'\1 SJ I SIe ) f 6 Indianapolis, IN 46280 RE: Townhomes at Hunters Creek- Secondary Plat Application Dear Mr. Shinaver: This letter is in response to your Secondary Plat Application for the Townhomes at Hunters Creek. This review will be administrative only and will not require public notice. Please complete the following items: SecondaryPlatl Constmdion Phms L Please place FIRM flood map number and flood zone on plat. 2. Please show a lO-ft separated multi~use path along Roher Road, per the ATP. 3. Include Common area in legal description. 4. Provide copy of comment letter from Scott Brewer, Urban Forester. 5. Please place a location map on sheet I of the plat. 6. Please place PUD docket no (93-03 Z) and secondary plat no (138-03 SP) on sheet 1 of plat. 7. Please place source of title instrument number on sheet 1 of plat and in legal description. 8. Will any land be dedicated or reserved? If so, place on plat. 9. Show surveyor's signature and date. 10. Please provide a copy of the covenants. II. Show concrete monuments at the corners of the perimeter. 12. Please show Marana and Roher Rd Rights-of-way and label width. 13. Sidewalks are required to be 5-ft wide (within the road right-of-way). 14. Please pull sidewalks closer to Townhomcs to have a grass strip between sidewalk and road (3-5 feet, on-site). Support nM~ 15. Letters of approval from surveyor, highway department, soil & water conserv., fire, engmeermg, utilities, schools, BPW. 16. Please provide a Street lighting plan & cut sheet. 17. Please provide a Signage Plan. If you have any questions or if I may be of assistance, please do not hesitate to call. Sincerely, Angelina Butler Planning Administrator Town homes HuntcrsCreek -SP Page 1 ONE CIviC SQUARE CARMEL, INDLf\NA 46032 317/571-2417 EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL PLAN TECHNICAL REVIEW AND COMMENT Hamilton County Soil and Water Conservation District 1108 South 9th Street, Noblcsville IN 46060 Ph- 317-773-1432 or Email at john-south@liaswcd.org .- PROJECT NAME: \~).~ 03SQ Mr. Corl Crosby Sc1meider Corp. 8901 Otis Avenue Indianapolis, IN 46216 SUBMITTED BY: Estridge Development 1041 E. Main Street Carmel, IN 46032 317-582-2456 REVIEWED BY: John B. South P.E. Certified Professional in Erosion and Sediment Control PLAN REVIEW DATE: September 11, 2003 Acreage: 5 ac. LOCATION: SW corner of Marana Drive and Rohrer Road LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Sec. 24 TOWNSHIP: 18N RANGE: 3E CIVIL TOWNSHIP: Clay SOIL SURVEY MAP SHEET: 44 The technical review and comments are intended to evaluale Ihe completeness of the erosion and sediment control plan for the project. The erosion and sediment conlrol plan submitted was not reviewedfor the adequacy of the engineering design. All practices included in the plan, as well as those recommended in the comments should be evaluated as to theirfeasibility by a qualified individual with structural practices designed by a qualified engineer. The plan has not been reviewed/or local, state, or federal permits that may be required to proceed with this project. Additional information, including design ca/culations may be requested to further evaluate the erosion and sediment control plan. The erosion and sediment control plan has been reviewed and it has been determined that the plan: Satisfies the minimum requirements and intent of 327IAC J 5-5 (Rule 5). Notification will be forwarded to thc Indiana Department of Environmental Management. €J;Refer to the comments section for additional information. . X Does not satisfy the minimum requirements and intent of 3271AC 15-5 (Rule 5); deficiencies are noted in the d",kl;" .n" ;n th, ,"mm,"" ,.,Hon. O,fidend" eon,titoto pot,nH.1 v;olatlon, ofth' rnle .n" mn,t be adequately addressed for compliance. The information necessary to satisfy the deficiencies must be submitted: Proper implementation of the erosion and sediment control plan and im;pections of the construction site by the developer or a representative are necessary to minimize offsite sedimentation The developer should be aware that unforeseen construction activities and weather conditions might aff!!ct the performance of a practice or the erosion and sediment control plan. The plan rnust be aflexible document, with provisions to modify or substitute practices as necessary. Revised 4/97 r".. PROJECT: Page2of3 Yes No x IA X lB x IC x ID x IE Yes No x 2A x 2R x 2C x 2D x x 2E 2F 2G x x x 2H 21 Yes No x 3A x 3B Yes No x 4A x 48 x 4C x 4D x 4E x 4F x 4G x 4H x 41 x 4J x 4K Townhomes at Hunter's Creek ARE THE FOLLOWING ITEMS ADEQUATELY ADDRESSED ON THE PLANS '? (All Plalls Must include Appropriate Legends, Scales, ami Nortll Arrow) (Items tllat are Not Applicable to this Project are designated by NA) PROJECT INFORMATION Project Location Map (Show project in relation to other areas of the county) Narrative Describing the Nature and Purpose of the Project Location of Planned andlor Existing Roads, Utilities, Structures, Highways, etc. Lot and/or Building Locations Landuse of Adjacent Areas (Show the Entire Upstream Watershed and Adjacent Areas Within 500 Feet of the Property Lines) TOPOGRAPHIC, DRAINAGE, AND GENERAL SITE FEATURES Existing Vegetation (Identifl and Delineate) Location and Name of All Wetlands, Lakes and Water Courses On and Adjacent to the Site 100 Year Floodplains, Floodway Fringes, andFloodways (Note If None) Soils Information (lfhydric soils are present, it is the responsibility of the owner/developer to investigate the existence of wetlands and to obtain permits from the appropriate government agencies.) Existing and Planned Contours at an Interval Appropriate to Indicate Drainage Patterns Locations of Specific Points Where Stormwater Discharge Will Leave the Site Identify All Receiving Waters (Jf Discharge is to a Separate /Iluniclpal Storm Sewer, IdemifjJ the Name of/he Municipal Opera/oj" and the Ultima/e Receiving Water) Potential Areas Where Storm water May Enter Groundwater (Note if None) Location of Stormwater System (Include Culverts, Storm Sewers, Channels, and Swales) LAND DISTURBING ACTIVITIES Location and Approximate Dimensions of All Disturbed Areas [i.e., Construction Limits] (Areas Where Vegetative Cover Wi!! Be ['reserved Should be Clear(v DeSIgnated) Soil StocI\piles and or Borrow Areas (Show Loco/ions or Note IjNone) EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL MEASURES Seq uence of When Each Measure Will Be Implemented (Relative to Earth Disturbing Activities) Monitoring and Maintenance Guidelines for Each Measure Perimeter Sediment Control Measures (Location, Construction Detail, Dimensions, and Specifications) Tempurary Seeding (Specifications, In eluding Seed /Vii);, Fertilizer, Lime, and Mulch Ra/es) Temporary Erosion and Sediment Control Measures (Location, Constructioll Detail, Dimensiolls, and Specifications) Permanent Erosion and Sediment Control Measures (Location, Construction Detail, Dimensions, and Specifications) Storm Drain Inlet Protection (Location, Construction Detail, Dimensions, and Specifications) Stormwater Outlet Protection (Location Construction Detail, Dimensions, and Specifications) Stable Construction Entrance (Loca/ion, Construction Detail, Dimensions, and Specificatiolls) Erosion and Sediment Control on Individual Building Lots (Specifications) Permanent Seeding (Specifications; Ineluding Seed Mix, Fer/ifizer, Lime, and Mulch Ra/es) Revised 4/97 EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL PLAN TECHNlCAL REVIEW COMi\1ENTS PROJECT: Townhomes at Hunter's Creek Page 3 of 3 Note: All erosion ami sediment control measures shown on the plllns tlllt! referenced in this review mllst meet the de,fign criteria, standards, and specifications outlined in the "lnditma Hafldbookfor Erosion Control in Developing Areas rr from the Indiana Department of Natural Resources, Division of Soil Conservation or similar Guidllnce Documents. 20. Be more specific. Please name the receiving stream as near to the property as possible. 3B. Provide info. 4A. The plans show pad seeding but the sequence does not require it. Recommend installing the outlet for the basin before seeding. Until the site is stabilized, the storm pipes must discharge into the basin and outlet through the inlet. Recommend a slotted riser on the basin outlet. Please review statements 11 & 12. 40. Slotted riser recommended for permanent basin outlets until the project is completed. Recommend inlet protection for two inlets along south property line. Please revise paved area inlet protection. Because the inlets are in the middle of the streets and the building is close to the road, inlet protection that fits into the structure is recommended. 4J. Please provide instructions for building construction. Silt fence or similar practice is needed around the perimeter of each building during construction. Note: IDEM will be notified when tbe plan is approved. Cc: Carmel DOCS Ha. Co. Surveyor File C <8lJrJIJl:Jl e R .tlurtrrn.ent l\ ,,)::- PFrJI'JED 11\ rl"iI'1 StP.IJ '.!. '.: DOCS September 9, 2003 J. Cort Crosby, P.E. Schneider 8901 Otis Avenue Indianapolis, IN 46216-1037 RE: Townhomes at Hunter's Creek Secondary Plat & Construction Plans TSC Job # 4409.001 Dear J. Cart Crosby: I have received and reviewed the materials for the above-mentioned project. At the present time, I see nothing in the plans that would hamper law enforce- ment efforts. If we can be of any further assistance to you, please contact us. Respectfully, ~b.;~ Michael D. Fogarty Chief of Police MDF:vb cc: Dept. of Community Services (317) S7li-2500 A Nationally Accredit orcement Agency Fa" (317) 571-2512 SEP-04-2003 07:59 FROM:HAMILTON CO HWY DEP 3177769814 TO:317 571 2426 P. 001 "001 HAMILTON COUNTY HIGHWA YDEPARTMENT September 4,2003 ....-(---~--._- /\ \\ t~: ~ Li' 8. R[Cf/VED l:7~\ 'EP I 4 2C'{J3 '~\ DOCS ~/ ;~, ". . -. Mr. J. Cort Crosby The Schnelder Corporation 8001 Otis Avenue ((J) ::.~;;~:;:~ ...~ 7~ ~OOAQ~r:y:;'PJat cti'n~;C-olJ$.tructIQn p~s N ori\:iiarana-S'rive-'rWorRohrer Roaij Clay Township VIA FACS1MILE Dear Mr. Crosby: This letter serves to acknowledge receipt of B transmittal received 913/03 containing the plans for the above.mentioned project. After reviewing the plans the Highway Department has the following comments; 1. It appears that this projec1lieS entirely within the limits of the City of Carmel. Therefore, all future comments should be forwarded to the City. If you have any information contrary to this !Statement, please contact me imme;diately. If you have any questions or comments conc@lming this letter, please feel free to contact me at anytime. Sincerely. /L/~'-- Steven J. 8roermann Staff Engineer cc: Jon Dobosiewicz Jerry Liston G:\USERS\SBI03t.ac\D9-0+03huntersoreek.ctoc 1700 South 10'" Street Nol:tlcsville. In. 46060 www.co.b a ooJJll>,p...ltl.&i Omce (317) 773..7770 Fax (317) 776-9814 u NELSON & FRANKENBERGER APROFESSIONAL CORPORATION ATTORNEYS.AT.LAW u JAMES J.J~ELSON CHARLESD.,tfRANKENBERGER JAMES.E, SHINAVER LAWRE.~C;:E,.J. I}.E.MI'ER ;rOIINB. FLATT FREDRIC,LAWRENCE of COUllScl JANE B. ME"RRILL 3105EA.ST"98TH STltEBT SUITE 170 INDIANAmUS, INmANA 46280 317.844.0106" . FAX:!317.;1l46-8782 September 3, 2003 .~~~ A\~" ,,\._1~: I~/ l~ /. '\--/. . '.<","^ /:.,'" . REi ~ . ", Sf' -Cfl10r: t;fJ J c/) DOCS lOa? Via.Hand Delivery City ofCan'nel Attenfion: Jon Dobosiewicz Re: Estridge Townholues' 9/17/03 T ACMeeting :Secondary'Plat Submittal Dear J OIl? For the above matter, enclosed. plea&efiipd the following: 1. Copies of letters sent to all TAC Members on September 2, 2003, 2, A set of Plans Which wer,e submitted to all TAG members. 3. A Secondary Pl'atapplication. Plea~e confinn for one that thi~ matter will be places on the TAC ag~nda for its September 15,2003 meeting. Also, please send me a;copyofthe TAG-agenda; Also~ after you have reviewed the Secondary Pial Applieation, please ~dvise 111C ofthe filing feesQ that myclknt canpa.Y the same. . ThanK you for Y0Uf help and contact me, With any questions. /""/ Very' TRllyc Yours, ,.......---- cc: Cort ,Crosby Mark Webber . FRANKENBERGER, P.c. ' JES!cjc ~nclosures H:-\hi.riel\Estridge\Dobosie';'~'icz II i.. 090J03t-doc ,ii .... u ~.., Schneider u August 28, 2003 ~ RECF/VED 8[p 3 2003 DOCS Jerry Liston Hamilton County Surveyor's Office One Hamilton County Square, Suite 146 Hamilton County Judicial Center Noblesville IN 46060 RE: Townhomes at Hunter's Creek Secondary Plat & Construction Plans TSC Job #4409.001 Dear Jenny: One copy of the secondary plat and construction plans for Townhomes at Hunter's Creek is enclosed. These plans will be reviewed at the September 17, 2003 Carmel TAC meeting. Please forward your review comments to me or call if you have any questions. Sincerely, I(}. J. Cart Crosby, PE Project Engineer JCC/cct Enclosures r:\4 k\4409\OO 1 \docs\tacOS2903 ,doc 4Gk:tc;l THE SCHNEIDER CORPORATION Historic I'ort HeHison 8901 OtiS A-Jellue Indiana polis, Indiana 46216-1037 317-826-7:100 Toll free 800-898-0332 Fa" 317 -826-7200 www_schneidercorp.com ., u ~~ Schneider u August 28, 2003 John South Hamilton County Soil & Water 1108 South 9th Street Noblesville, IN 46060 RE: Townhomes at Hunter's Creek Secondary Plat & Construction Plans TSC Job #4409.001 Dear John: One copy of the secondary plat and construction plans for Townhomes at Hunter's Creek is enclosed. These plans will be reviewed at the September 17, 2003 Carmel TAC meeting. Please forward your review comments to me or call if you have any questions. Sincerely, J.~ros;:V ~ Project Engineer I JCC/cct Enclosures f:\4k \4409\001 \docs\tac082903.doc .11 rt:aJ"J ~~-2002 THE SCHNEIDER CORPORATION HistoriC FOlt Harrison 8901 Otis AVEnuo Indianapolis Indiana 46216-1037 317-826-7100 Toll fl80 800-898-0332 ['ax 317-826-7200 WWW..5Chfle~derear-p.com ~. u '-~ Schneider u August 28,2003 Dick Hill Dept. of Engineering One Civic Square Carmel, IN 46032 RE: Townhomes at Hunter's Creek Secondary Plat & Construction Plans TSC Job #4409.001 Dear Dick: One copy of the secondary plat and construction plans for Townhomes at Hunter's Creek is enclosed. These plans will be reviewed at the September 17, 2003 Carmel TAC meeting. Please forward your review comments to me or calf if you have any questions. Sincerely, cJ~ J. Cart Crosby, PE Project Engineer JCC/cct Enclosures r:\4 k\4409\OO 1 \docs\tac082903_ doc ~~1,i.1 THE SCHNEIDER CORPORATION Historic Forl Hdrrison 8901 Otis Avenue IndianapoliS Indiana 46216-1037 317-826-7100 foil free 800-898-0332 Fax 317-826-7200 WWW_E;GtliieidercoqJ.COrTl u ~~ Schneider u August 28,2003 John Duffy Carmel Clay Utilities 130 First Avenue SW Carmel, IN 46032 RE: Townhomes at Hunter's Creek Secondary Plat & Construction Plans TSC Job #4409.001 Dear John: One copy of the secondary plat and construction plans for Townhomes at Hunter's Creek is enclosed. These plans will be reviewed at the September 17, 2003 Carmel T AC meeting. Please forward your review comments to me or call if you have any questions. Sincerely, J. rdcros~ Project Engineer JCC/cct Enclosures r:\4k\4409\OO 1 \docs\lac082903.doc 4Q? {;1,)fI0J):!' ~hfJ<- _( UL THE SCHNEIDER CORPORATION Historic Fort Harrison 8901 OtiS AVMLle Indianapolis. Indiana 4G216-~O?,7 317-826-7100 Tall free 800-898-0332 Fa, 31"1-826.7200 WW',Ar5ch Il e ide reo rp. r:.:D rn u ~~ Schneider u August28,2003 Bill Akers Carmel/Clay Communications 31 First Avenue NW Carmel, IN 46032 RE: Townhomes at Hunter's Creek Secondary Plat & Construction Plans TSC Job #4409.001 Dear Bill: One copy of the secondary plat and construction plans for Townhomes at Hunters Creek is enclosed. These plans will be reviewed at the September 17, 2003 Carmel TAC meeting. Please forward your review comments to me or call if you have any questions. Sincerely, /i C~bY' PE Project Engineer JCC/cct Enclosures r:\4k\4409\001 \docsltac08290 3 .doc /1()~:. ~ '6a/J(/j, I::: 1\I6:!-l002 THE SCHNEIDER CORPORATION I-lic,toric Fort Hamson 8901 Otis A'ienue Indlenapolis_lndlana 45216-1037 31/-826-7100 Toll free 800-8903-0332 Fex 317-826-7200 www.schneldercol-p,<.:om u ~.., Schneider u August 28, 2003 Scott Brewer Dept. of Community Services One Civic Square Carmel, IN 46032 RE: Townhomes at Hunter's Creek Secondary Plat & Construction Plans TSC Job #4409.001 Dear Scott: One copy of the secondary plat and construction plans for Townhomes at Hunter's Creek is enclosed. These plans will be reviewed at the September 17, 2003 Carmel T AC meeting. Please forward your review comments to me or call if you have any questions. Sincerely, I71C J~rt Crosby, PE Project Engineer JCC/cct Enclosures r:\4kI4409\OO 1 \docsltac082 903. doc /1()'~ 'i\.8~ '6Cl/}uj, ',-_ 1%2-:<002 THE SCHNEIDER CORPORATION HistOriC Fart Harrison 8901 Otis Avenue Indianapolis Indiana ~6216-1037 317-826-7100 Toll tree 800.898-0332 Fax 31/-826-7200 www_schneidercorp,CDrII u '-~ Schneider u August 28, 2003 Mr. Steve Broermann Hamilton County Highway Department 1700 S. 10th Street Noblesville, IN 46060 RE: Townhomes at Hunter's Creek Secondary Plat & Construction Plans TSC Job #4409.001 Dear Steve: One copy of the secondary plat and construction plans for Townhomes at Hunter's Creek is encfosed. These plans will be reviewed at the September 17, 2003 Carmel T AC meeting. Please forward your review comments to me or call if you have any questions. Sincerely, J. riroSbY' PE Project Engineer JCC/cct Enclosures r:\4kI4409\OO 1 Idocsltac082903. doc ~~ THE SCHNEIIlER CORPORATION Historic Fort Hamson 8901 OtiS Avenue Indianapolis Indiana 46216-10TI 317-826-7100 Tell free BOO-g9S-0332 Fax 317-826-7200 www.5chnerdercorp_cam .- u ~~ Schneider u August 28, 2003 Jim Blanchard Assistant Building Commissioner One Civic Square Carmel, IN 46032 RE: Townhomes at Hunter's Creek Secondary Plat & Construction Plans TSC Job #4409.001 Dear Jim: One copy of the secondary plat and construction plans for Townhomes at Hunter's Creek is enclosed. These plans will be reviewed at the September 17, 2003 Carmel T AC meeting. Please forward your review comments to me or call if you have any questions. Sincerely, J~ro;~ Project Engineer JCC/cct Enclosures r:\4k\4409\001 \docs\tac082903.doc ~~l61 THE SCHNEIDER CORPORATION Historic Fort Harrison 3901 Otis Avenue Indidnapolis. Indlall" 46216.1037 317.826.7100 Toll free 800-393-0.332 FdX 317-826-7200 www5chl1eldercorp cem u ~~ Schneider u August28,2003 Gary Hoyt Office of Fire Chief, Fire Station #1 Two Civic Square Carmel, IN 46032 RE: Townhomes at Hunter's Creek Secondary Plat & Construction Plans TSC Job #4409.001 Dear Gary: One copy of the secondary plat and construction plans for Townhomes at Hunter's Creek IS enclosed. These plans will be reviewed at the September 17, 2003 Carmel TAC meeting. Please forward your review comments to me or call if you have any questions. Sincerely, rj J. Cart Crosby, PE Project Engineer JCC/cct Enclosures r: \4k\4 409\00 1 \docs\tac08290 3 .doc ~?:'{3f THE SCHNEIDER CORPORATION Historic Fort Harrison 8901 Otio, Avenue Indianapolis. Indiana 46216-1037 317-826-710D Toll rree 800-398-0332 Fax 317-826-7200 www schneidercor"p com , u ~., Schneider u August 28, 2003 Todd Snyder Carmel/Clay Parks Department 1055 Third Avenue SW Ca rmel IN 46032 RE: Townhomes at Hunter's Creek Secondary Plat & Construction Plans TSC Job #4409.001 Dear Todd: One copy of the secondary plat and construction plans for Townhomes at Hunter's Creek is enclosed. These plans will be reviewed at the September 17, 2003 Carmel TAC meeting. Please forward your review comments to me or call if you have any questions. Sincerely, J. firoS PE . Project Engineer JCC/cct Enclosures r:\4k\4409\OO 1 \docs\tac082903. doc /If)z{!(M0 ~~2-2001 THE SCHNEIDER CORPORATION HlstollC FOlt Harrison 8901 Otis A~8nue Indianapolis. Indiana 46216.1037 317.326-7100 Toll free 800-398-0332 Fax 317-.326-7200 W'NW, s ch ne ide:corp_ co m u ~~ Schneider u August 28, 2003 Dean Groves Cinergy 1441 South Guilford Road Carmel, IN 46032 RE: Townhomes at Hunter's Creek Secondary Plat & Construction Plans TSC Job #4409.001 Dear Dean: One copy of the secondary plat and construction plans for Townhomes at Hunter's Creek is enclosed. These plans will be reviewed at the September 17, 2003 Carmel T AC meeting. Please forward your review comments to me or call if you have any questions. Sincerely, \!J J. Cort Crosby, PE Project Engineer JCC/cct Enclosures r:\4k\44091001Idocs\tac082903.doc 4Q~~61 THE SCHNEIDER CORPORATION Historic Fort I~arnson 8901 OtiS A'jellue Ind lanapolis, Indiana 46216.W37 317 .8267100 Toll free 800-898.0332 Fax 317 -826- 7200 V'iWW.s.cl1I1ei de rcor-p, co In .- u ~~ Schneider u August28,2003 Ron Farrand Carmel/Clay Schools 5201 E. 131 st Street Carmel, IN 46033 RE: Townhomes at Hunter's Creek Secondary Plat & Construction Plans TSC Job #4409.001 Dear Ron: One copy of the secondary plat and construction plans for Townhomes at Hunter's Creek is enclosed. These plans will be reviewed at the September 17, 2003 Carmel TAC meeting. Please forward your review comments to me or call if you have any questions. Sincerely, cjL J. Cort Crosby, PE Project Engineer JCC/cct Enclosures r:\4k\4409\OO 1 \docs\tac082903~doc 4Q~ilff THE SCHNEIDER CORPORATION Histonc Fori Harrison 8901 Otis Avenue Indianapolis, Indiana 46216~1037 31?~825~7100 Toll lree 800~898~0332 Fux 317~826~7200 '~vww.schneidercorp COm u ~~ Schneider u August 28, 2003 Michael Fogarty Office of Police Chief Three Civic Square Carmel, IN 46032 RE: Townhomes at Hunterls Creek Secondary PIal & Construction Plans TSC Job #4409.001 Dear Michael: One copy of the secondary plat and construction plans for Townhomes at Hunter's Creek is enclosed. These plans will be reviewed at the September 17, 2003 Carmel T AC meeting. Please forward your review comments to me or call if you have any questions. Sincerely, w J. Cort Crosby, PE Project Engineer JCC/cct Enclosures r:\4k\4409\OO 1 \docsltac082903doc An~, ~ 'ea/}0, '( - 1962-20OZ THE SCHNEIDER CORPORATION Historic Fort Harrison 8901 OUs Avenue Indianapolis Indiana 46216-1037 317-826-7100 Toll free 800-898-0:332 Fa" 317-826-7200 wWw.-schlieidercorp_com u ~~ Schneider u August 28, 2003 Robert Hendricks Hamilton County Local Emergency Planning Committee 1717 Pleasant St., Ste. 100 Noblesville, IN 46060 RE: Townhomes at Hunter's Creek Secondary Plat & Construction Plans TSC Job #4409.001 Dear Robert: One copy of the secondary plat and construction plans for Townhomes at Hunter's Creek is enclosed. These plans will be reviewed at the September 17, 2003 Carmel TAC meeting. Please forward your review comments to me or call if you have any questions. Sincerely, o<lC J.l6'rt Crosby, PE Project Engineer JCC/cct Enclosures r: \4 k \4409\001 \docs\tac082 903. doc /1 n. ;;a/y:j ~~-2002 THE SCHNEIDER CORPOHAT10N Historic Fort HarrisDn 89U1 Otis .l\v8llUe IndialliJpolls Inulana 46216-1037 317.326-7100 Toli free 800-898-0332 Fax 317 -826-7200 www schnerdercorp Com u '-~ Schneider u August28,2003 Chuck Shupperd Vectren Energy PO Box 1700 Noblesville IN 46061-1700 RE: Townhomes at Hunter's Creek Secondary Plat & Construction Plans TSC Job #4409.001 Dear Chuck: One copy of the secondary plat and construction plans for Townhomes at Hunter's Creek is enclosed. These plans will be reviewed at the September 17, 2003 Carmel TAC meeting. Please forward your review comments to me or call if you have any questions. Sincerely, r;x1c ' J. ~ Crosby, PE Project Engineer JCC/cct Enclosures r: \4k\4409\OO 1 \docs\tac082903. doc ~~~ THE SCHNEIDER CORPORATION Hist8ric Fort Harrison 890'l 01is Avenue Il1dionopol15. Indiana 46216-103l 317-826-7100 roll free 800-898-0332 Fa,,317-626-7200 WWw.sctllleiuEn.:orp com l u ~.., Schneider u August28,2003 Jeff Farmer Brighthouse Networks 516 E. Carmel Drive Carmel, IN 46032 RE: Townhomes at Hunter's Creek Secondary Plat & Construction Plans TSC Job #4409.001 Dear Jeff: One copy of the secondary plat and construction plans for Townhomes at Hunter's Creek is enclosed. These plans will be reviewed at the September 17, 2003 Carmel TAC meeting. Please forward your review comments to me or call if you have any questions. Sincerely, e:J J. Cort Crosby, PE Project Engineer JCC/cct Enclosures r:\4k\4409\OO 1 \docs\tac082903.doc ~q,1.j{ THE SCHNEIDER CORPORATION HistOriC Forl Harrison 8901 Dti, Avenue Indianapolis. Indiana ~6216-10.17 3'17-,926-7100 Toll free 8DO-g9.g-0332 Fax 317-826-7200 WW'^,_'E,C h neid e reo r-p. com u '-., Schneider u August 28, 2003 Phillip Garsia Carmel Postmaster/United States Postal Service 275 Medical Drive Carmel, IN 46032-9998 RE: Townhomes at Hunter's Creek Secondary Plat & Construction Plans TSC Job #4409.001 Dear Phillip: One copy of the secondary plat and construction plans for Townhomes at Hunter's Creek is enclosed. These plans will be reviewed at the September 17, 2003 Carmel TAC meeting. Please forward your review comments to me or call if you have any questions. Sincerely, J.1Zro~, PE Project Engineer JCC/cct Enclosures r:\4k\4409\OO 1 \docs\tac082903.doc 4Q~) &.erJ/J0, I 96:1-20iV THE SCHNEIDER CORPORATION Historic Fort Harrison 8901 OtL" Avenue Indi3118polis. Indiana 46216-1037 317-826-7100 Toll free 800-898-D332 Fa> 317-826-7200 www.;.;chnr~id€rc()i p.COrH ii' u ~~ Schneider u August 28, 2003 Ron Booher Cinergy PS I Customer Project Coordinator 1441 South Guilford Rd Carmel, IN 46032 RE: Townhomes at Hunter's Creek Secondary Plat & Construction Plans TSC Job #4409.001 Dear Ron: One copy of the secondary plat and construction plans for Townhomes at Hunter's Creek is enclosed. These plans will be reviewed at the September 17, 2003 Carmel TAC meeting. Please forward your review comments to me or call if you have any questions. Sincerely, (jC J. Cort Crosby, PE Project Engineer JCC/cct Enclosures r:\4k\4409\OO 1 \docs\tac082 903 ,doc ;1 (), :;a/}((] ~t2-20m THE SCHNEIDER CORPORI\T10N Historic Fart Harrison 8901 OtLs Avenile IndianapnlLs, Inrlidna 46216-1037 317-826-7100 Toll free 800-898-0332 Fax 31/-826-7200 WWW.Schll12idefCOrp_corn Dobosiewicz, Jon C Subject: Tingley, Connie S Wednesday, September 03, 20034:23 PM Brewer, Scott I; Butler, Angie; DObosiewicz, Jon C; Hollibaugh, Mike P; Lillig, Laurence M; pattyn, Dawn E New Submittal From: Sent: To: Just rec'd ~_._"""'"~..-'"'=.- Ce.}!~IiI.tl)'1r.o~~J'~!::~JPfl~!:%.r?;,C,~e,~~:', ;, do \.l~.'{.:''''~' ,_"~~,,-,, ''''~'J>1 ,....~H'l, ""'.., oJ "," Jim would like you to confirm that th is will be placed on the T AC agenda for Sept 15, 2003. SP Jim Shinaver 844-0106 1 have placed the file on the PC shelf behind the reception area. ct 1 .' .? ({2 ~\-\t2il::--. ./~,...,:, _'._ -. -l i..! , . .<'.'; , " /.(. ". . ~ :\ ,~L ().& " / r7; ';":.J i~ -~. ~ /'^' - \ I .. . /1.." ~~,... r1 <2- "i'in V MeN AMAR &' Associates David H. McNamar, Attorney at Law Email: dfmcnamanr/!.mcnamarlaw.com of Counsel: Schultz & Pogue, LLP 11611 N. Meridian St., Suite 706, Carmel, IN 46032 Telephone: (317) 569-2570 Vivian S. Preston, Paralegal Email: vspreston({i.)mcnamarlaw.com I I I Monument Circle Suite 3350 PO Box 1883 Indianapolis, IN 46206.1883 Tt:I~pholle: (317) 632-3350 Facsill1i]~: (317) 632-3353 Website: ""ww.mi;;Il~Jnarlaw.com.. December 16, 2002, City of Carmel, Indiana Attn: Honorable Mayor James Brainard One Civic Square Carmel, IN 46032 Carmel Plan Commission 2040 Bast 109th Street Indianapolis, IN 46280 City of Carmel City Attorney Attention: Douglas Haney, Esq. Carmel, IN 46032 City of Carmel Clerk/Treasurer One Civic Square Carmel, IN 46032 Ladies and Gentlemen: City of Carmel City Council 815 Mountain Ash Court Carmel, IN 46033 City of Carmel Plan Commission One Civic Square Carmel, IN 46032 Indiana Political Subdivision Risk Management Commission 311 West Washington Street One Civic Square Suite 300 Indianapolis, IN 46204 Pursuant to IC 34-13-3-8 and IC 34-13-3-10, this Jetter shall serve to notify the City of Carmel of a claim against that City and its administrative agencies by United Brethren Church and Hunters Creek Office Park, LLC by Brad Hill and Jim Reed. ("Hunters Creek Office Park") address, currently, and at the time of the loss, is P.O. Box 183, Fishers, IN 46038. ; The Hunters Creek Office Park, LLC ("Hunters Creek") has requested a change in zoning classification to permit the development of real estate for office use. The subject real estate is 5 acres located north of U . S. 3 I between 13151 Street and 141 st Street, north and east of the Meridian Village Plaza, and southwest of the corner of Rohrer Road and Marana Drive. lt is the site of the vacant Carmel Brethren Church. The decision of the council to deny Hunters Creek Office Park's rezone request ignored the objectives and policies inherent in the Comprehensive Plan and Overlay Ordinance. Furthermore, the Council's decision to deny the rezone application prohibits Hunter's Creek from using the Real Estate in a manner which is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan, the Overlay Ordinance, and the land uses and zoning classifications which exist in the Corridor. The City of Carmel disregarded its established policy pertaining to this area and failed to adhere to the statutory dicttites onndiana Code 36-7-4":603. The Council, by failing to adopt the Ordinance (i) acted arbitrarily and capriciously and denied Petitioner the right to due process of law; (ii) violated the civil rights of Petitioner; (iii) ignored the statutory dictates of Indiana Code 36-7-4-603; (iv) unduly interfered with Petitioner's rights to use the Real Estate and rendered the Real Estate valueless; (v) failed to extricate the Real Estate from the unreasonable existing zoning u~es which bear no real and substantial relationship to public health, safety and welfare; and (iv) effected the taking of the Real Estate without compensation, in contravention of the Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments of the Constitution of the United States.42 U. S. C. S 1983. The purpose of this letter is to inform you of the claims of the United Brethren Church and Hunters Creek, pursuant to the Indiana Tort Claims Act, the same being IC 34-4-16.5-1, et seq. as well as 42 D.S.Co 91983 et seq. The amount of damages sought is unknown at this time. However, the actions of the City of Carmel have caused these parties extensive damages, as evidenced by the fact that Hunters Creek has been denied the opportunity to build its desired commercial enterprise on the Real Estate. Further, inasmuch as there are other property owners within the Corridor area that are similarly affected by then arbitrary and capricious actions of the City of Carmel's agencies a class determination would be appropriate. Finally, if for any reason you feel the above notice does not constitute full and complete notice of the claim pursuant to the Indiana Tprt Claims Act, please notify me and I will provide you with whatever additional documentation you desire, to the extent that I am able. . , tiTS, DFM:me