HomeMy WebLinkAboutPacket'w ADLS/ADLS AMENDMENT APPLICATION (ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN, LIGHTING/LANDSCAPING, and SIGNAGE) ADLS Fee: $894 (plus $119/acre when not accompanied by a Development Plan App.) ADLS AMEND Fees: Sign only:.$296; plus $59/sign; Building/Site:,$595,p1us $59/acre ~.,. . (Note: fees are due after the applicatio ~c~¢el__ ves a do4ket number, and not before.) Date: 3 - ~ - L ~ ~~4,4 `~ - ~' Docket No. C~ (~ G 7J ~/ ~ ADLS - ~~ ~ ADLS Amend DP Attached Previous DP? Yes Name of Project: (~~~ Type of Project:_ Aaaress: ~~~IO PENl~Syt~Vla[JI~~, ~s?f"YIFI_t (N `{-c~03 f r~ ,,~~ ss'' ! f ~ -~ Project Parcel ID #: ~ Il` - ~ ~ - ~ ~ - (~ ~ - V V - ~ 1 Lf' . Legal Description: (please use separate sheet and attach) Name of a~ Applicant: ~ M ~"-~~~V ~ ~ ~~~~+ t ~l'YV Applicant Address: ~~~ ~~U ~ ~-N ~~' l ~.,y~ iV ~ ~~ Contact Person: ~ ~ f~ 17~A F(~('; hC_ Phone FaxNo.~i ~-r~~f- ~~~~ Email: ~IF"Ca/~" ~(~yl~,k.k"~`~ f~~~-_I~N. ~.~~~`~'~ Name of „_ Landowner: CYlF,2l `L~iL\~~ (-(07F_(_. ~~K; ~y~~'~.Phone:j17 - 577 -/ fR ~~~ Landowner Address: ~~~ "r N U R~~ ~~ N6(~j~cr./15 (~ F 1 S ~I ~/ S i ~fV ~(pQ~~ Plot Size: J ~ C "J ~- (/~ -~ Zonin Classification: l Present Use /~ of Property : t1~T c51~hiF~~; Revised: l2/172008 filename. ADLS&ADLS AMEND APP 2009 1 Proposed Use of Property: New Construction? Yes No '~ New/Revised Sign? Yes / No Remodeled Construction?: Yes No '•~~ New Parking? Yes No t~ New Landscaping? Yes No ~~ PARKING No. of Spaces Provided: DESIGN INFORMATION Type of Building: Square Footage: Exterior Materials: Colors: Maximum No. of Tenants: Type of Uses: Water by: No. of Buildings: Height: No. of Stories Sewer LIGHTING Type of Fixture: Height of Fixture: No. of Fixtures: Additional Lighting: * Plans to be submitted showing Fool-candle spreads at property lines, per the ordinance. LANDSCAPING * Engineered Plans to be attached/submitted showing plant types, sizes, and locations SIGNAGE No. of Signs: Type of Signs: S^~In h ~--- Location(s): ~ 01~. I 1-~ ~' ~L l 1 ~ (~ E~ (} ~ r ~ L' i k..~ { ~l (s-~r }'<! ~ ~ 1(~I C<'~ < i Dimensions of each sign: JLt- A-fi ASH Ef } ~"~ / ~ ~ :~ J' Square Footage of each sign: ~ ,~ Total Height of each sign: ~ ~~ l n~ nX ~ ~~'~~ U m ~" I~~1 ~ p ~` ~~ (,~ ~~ .:~ Cb! U~ C~lf.~-JC-s~ ~~~1P.~b - ~~.0(,,(~ TO t~-d~ a ReviseA. 12/17/2008 filename: ADLS&ADLS AMEND APP 2009 No. Spaces Required: 2 AFFIDAVIT I the undersigned, to the best of my knowledge and belief, submit the above information as true and correct. Signature of Applicant: ~~ !~ C~~ ~~ l ~'~y~ Title: ~ • n~ ~- I N D /\ ~ (70 fa= Date: '~ ~ 3 ~ ~~ (Print) State of Indiana, SS: County of ~~->~. Before me the undersigned, a Notary Public for l~l~U-~ County, State of Indiana, personally appeared and acknowledged the execution of the foregoing instrument this ;~, 3 ~ day of~~ , 20(i My .; _ Commission Expires:~,~~-y / Lr ~G? l /lii ~ ~ ~/~~,~ Notary Public ~"'-~ ~~ ~p¢Y p46 o * Sea& ~ ! *~! ®~dfi`e~si CarolGle ti, Curry Sea! P7otary Public; Stata of inc~iana i;amilton County M'~ w^t ; ss;nn `txRIrBS Revised: 12/17/2008 filenatnc ADLS &ADLS AMEND APP 2009 3 To Whom It May Concern: Hilton Garden Inn 13090 Pennsylvania Carmel, IN 46032 317-581-9400 We are requesting approval to change our existing exterior signage from bronze (daytime) to red (daytime). signage will continue to be white in the evening. Hilton Garden Inn brand standards call for this signage to be red day and night. So I am hoping that we can reach a compromise and agree to the red signage for the daytime. and white at night. I want to be compliant with our brand standards, but also feel this is necessary for our overall visibility. When the hotel opened, we had white signage on a light colored building which you can see in the attached photograph. It was virtually invisible during the day. We did apply for an amendment in 2006 which was approved to change to the bronze (daytime) color. This has increased our visibility and public awareness, but we continue to get feedback from our guests that think we are a new hotel because they have never noticed us before. Red signage would have a more immediate impact than the bronze. We also get guest comments that they drove right past us because they didn't notice our signs. As a brand, the red Hilton Garden Inn signage is a recognizable entity. It identifies us. And our brand is very popular with the traveling public. I hope that you will approve this color change. It has a very direct impact on our business. We cannot continue to have people drive by us and not recognize that we are a Hilton Garden Inn. HGI -Building letters Page 1 of 1 HGI -Building letters Joyce Ferguson Sent: Tuesday, March 03, 2009 3:03 PM To: Linda Poore Attachments: building letters.pdf (215 KB) Attached please find a copy of the HGI building letters from our Family of Signs Manual. For a light colored building we require red day. We recommend red at night but white can be used if necessary. The entire Family of Signs can be found at www.hiltonfranchise.com; click on the HGI logo at the bottom of the page; then design & construction in the middle of the page; a menu will pop up on the left hand side. Click on exterior sign standards -pass code is hilton2009. This will give you a PDF file with all our standard signs. Please be reminded that you will need to contact one of our approved sign vendors to manufacture and install your new signage. TIZis list can be found on supplier's corner under section 10. The closest vendor on our list to you would be Mike Mele at Kieffer Signs in Lincolnshire, IL - 847-415-5732. Please let me know if I can be of further assistance. Joyce Ferguson Manager-Identity-Exterior Signage Hilton Hotels Corp 755 Crossover Lane Memphis, TN 38].17 901-374-5192 Fax -901-374-5190 https://mail.hilton.com/O WA/?ae=Item&t=IPM.Note&id=RgAAAABDfYXjXUIST4z>Jda... 3/4/2009 , ,~` ~~_...~~.Ito~ LG~~R ®~~T 4.M4^ II9 V~~lli~~[~ NFS $" DE:.P (SELF CGNTAIVED^) CR 5" D5c? ;RE~C?e) ' ''la Rw+URN5 PA!\T~D AK'G 35462 h^='fALLIG' 5ILV=R (C^LC55 FINISH) - st:D F~C~a vw' 2rd SURrrtG 3N! 3G35.7C DIFFUS"cR , 1" S i'D. Rc:~ JSYIfEL~ R-_TA,NER."-, -RED L.S.D. IL! Ut'11"NPS!ON B" Dam? (=ELF C^N ~A1NEv) OR ~ :ter (~" ~CTE) ~ d ^' a. RE ~+RNS'~AINtcD Ai:zG 354C' MffTALL 1C SILVcR (C-LG55 FIN35H) - 4VLi1iaC : AG:.S • ~' S7D. \~t'N~; E JEWSU7" RE!AiNCRS - \~'Ht'fr Lc.D. ILLUMiNAT;CN .^,.~G° 7HK ~.LtM. a~2iDr.~ ~V3R. y ~ , ~s,LL. .---- TYrEC~L S:c9~G= ~c.i~lL NT:S !l B !t D ~ ARcA .~,rx. ~ I. ( ) ~-G >=emu- ~ sz: o~ ~Y.il'rE s~rr~vr. W 'R' ~r-_-_ ZFT. .~.N.r Y,~,~- ~~'"'+ ;~7 .5 N~7"f-'_ 2. - HC-I-iCL-245 24° 15'-i0" i6 3/+° 6=~ ~l" 9'-7 ~=" -~ ;o N.~ ~ 3 N~a, 5.4 N'=t 1 N;:y H.t51-E~t-305 r " 11-.:h° 8'-2" 4'-C- ~ ' '~v.3 ~. r~ 1.5 i1.3 9.rJ 1 i ? 7 H~'. {-j~, L-~S +1F".' 2~'v ~%3~ W•~' C~3i1 1~G.13 .:. f.'+ r:../ 12.35 ':i.1 `J i 1 ! i-iGI-ICL-'~75 Via" 51'-5' 33 ~1-" 13-7~ ''-3 i" Z"-rJ.2•^, 7.f~5 ~ =,5 1G.G iG.2 i 2 ~~r ~~: ~~ N .; o ~ s. v ~_ CITY OF CARMEL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES Division of Planning & Zoning LETTER of GRANT October 16, 2006 Linda Poore, General Manager Hilton Gazden Inn 13090 Pennsylvania Street Carmel, Indiana 46032 RE: Docket No. 06060013 ADLS Amend $iltou-Garden InnlSi¢naee Dear Linda: F^ ~ "~'~ yag S The Special Studies Committee of the Carmel Plan Commission took the following action at its meeting June 29, 2006 regarding the Architectural Design, Lighting, Landscaping & Signage Amendment (ADCs Amend) for the change in the color of the sign face for the Hilton Garden Inn Signage located at 13090 Pennsylvania Street, Carmel. APPROVED: Docket No. 06060013 ADLS Amend, Hilton Garden Inn Signage. The application for a new sign face was APPROVED as presented. In order to assist the Department's review, please attach a copy of this fetter when making application for permits regarding the improvements contained within this approval. Do not hesitate to contact me if I can be of further assistance. Sinc el~~ Matt L. Griffuy Planning"Adm;n,strator Department of Community Services 317-571-2417 cc: David Littlejohn cc: file ADLS Amend, Elil[on Garden Inn Sie age Whste ~hana~a~ LatEa~s - C61y I~e~quiramant Sf~~C I~tCAT~C)1~5: ~3~. ^ ~7ttE€ ~~bn irttBtPa~ ~r3n5`01rIl1L+t5 B" .t)~t} AlulTtti~Ut11 $7E ~Parnted tNhi .453 ~lurninum B~ckf ?3Z8 4Rthilst Poky Face S"'dWhittt Trt~rbcap i~aun~iatg - 2'' ~•~tap~ E ~ i t „~ ,~ ~ ~i~ ,t ~ ~ ~~ a !'~ i .' s h j. ~~ ~w _ •" 1.. ~~~ .-1y -'R ,.~ i ,~ .~~+1 i.. fr. ~ `f i ~~ k, y, w_~~ .~ 4 ~: t ~.~: ~, ~t~ 4M{Ac '~$I~~YP ~1~$CtiR da,Z~:si ~tti~`i ~2i3:5f{D3 ~~i~[1ltG~ ~ ~ttCPS ~~ ... f"} CU5T0~ ;,. ~ ~, , I Z. G~ 23'-9 1/8" 9'-9 7/B" ~~ 2'-1 1/4" 1 ~~ 3'-0" 0 .150" 7328 WHITE POLYCARBONATE `7 i'~9 1. ~~ I ;;, ~. lY P f:i _,,~ Q -„ rS C.e f~ •~' +J :1 ! j ~w _. _ ~,J e.. _ . nm ..~ ~- 2 ,,,,~ :a t ;y `_ ~y ISI .r n ~' ~ .4 r~l (,tJ ~: '~} lie ti 7 U' `.~ W C, ~~j,.if -G1~c~t STAPLED REI URNS U.L. APPROVED ELECTRICAL - 60MA.: AMPS, 120 VOLTS _ EYEBOLTS - NO MOUNTING TEMPUTE -YES INCLUDE WEATHERTITE COMPONENTS DISCONNECT SWITCH: EACH LETTER -SIDE EXT. FINISH -PAINT UCRYI SERIES 95 WHITE INT. FINISH - PAINT REFLECTIVE WHITE it GLASS NEON RISER DRAIN HOLES SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS FACES, RETURNS A TRIM CAP -ALL WHITE GRAPHICS DETAIL scut: NR .050 X 8" ALUMINUM RETURNS TRIM CAP - 1" JEWELITE: WHITE ALLANSON TRANSFORMER: AS REQUIRED NEON TUBE: 15MM: 6500 WHITE - AS REQUIRED D-2 HOUSING ~~~ " HILCI-2GCDTILJ-C _._..M4NV#n HILTON GARDEN INN AS NO1£O 2" J CLIP .063 ALUMINUM BACK FLEXIBLE CONDUIT ELECTRIC OUT PROVISION 3ElSOA RMG A-~ MGH CROSS SECTION SGIF: Nrs