HomeMy WebLinkAboutDrainage Report - 2001 Master Plan~SEGL i'~_~,, our - 6 ~o~i `. DOCS Drainage Report PARKWOOD WEST MASTER PLAN Duke-Weeks Construction Limited Partnership Indianapolis, Indiana March 2001 TABLE OF CONTENTS DRAINAGE SUMMARY & SITE MAPS ................................................................................. SECTION 1 DEVELOPED SITE DRAINAGE PLAN .................................................................................. SECTION 2 STORM SEWER CALCULATIONS ....................................................................................... SECTION 3 WATERSHED MAPS ..................................................:..................................................... SECTION 4 Woolpert Packwood Wesi Master Plan March 2001 Duke-Weeks Construction Limited Partnership DRAINAGE REPORT Existing Conditions The existing 36-acre site is located in the southwest quadrant of the intersection of Meridian Street and Interstate 465 in the City of Carmel, Hamilton County, Indiana. At present, the site is used for crop production with clusters of trees. Soil types present onsite include Crosby silt loam, Brookston silt loam, and Miami silt loam. Approximately 22 acres of the overall development currently drains to the southwest corner of the site. This comer of the site does not have an adequate outlet, therefore, the storm water will be dischazged into the I-465 side ditch. The dischazge into this ditch will be limited to the 10-year pre-developed runoff rate of the 3.96 acres that aze draining there currently. This release rate was dictated by the Hamilton County Drainage Ordinance. Since we are outleting into the I-465 drainage ditch, the developed conditions will also need to meet Indiana Department of Transportation Standards. These standards require that we control our outflow to the 25-year developed storm condition. Since we are releasing our 100-year developed conditions at the 10-year pre-developed rate, we are meeting this requirement. The allowable release rate from the site is 9.41cfs. According to the FEMA Flood Boundary and Floodway Map, Community Panel 180081 0012 C, the site does not lie in a floodplain. Proposed Conditions The proposed improvements include three multi-story office buildings, two parking garages, detention pond, underground detention, storm and sanitary sewers, and other associated utilities. The two outlots and the east parking garage will drain to the proposed detention pond, located on the north side of the outlots, and then into the underground detention system. The rest of the site will drain directly into the underground detention system through the storm sewer network. A 13.55" orifice plate will be placed on the outlet pipe from the underground detention system in order to control the release rate of the entire site. A proposed watershed map for this site can be found in Section 4 of this report The pond and underground detention system were analyzed using the SCS Method and the Advanced Interconnected Channel and Pond Routing (AdICPR) program version 2.11. The interconnected pond and underground detention aze designed to regulate the 100-year, 24-hour rainfall event to the 9.41cfs release rate. This design releases 9.40cfs into the 15" pipe that outlets into the I-465 side ditch on the north site of the property. Woolpert Parkwood West Master Plan March 2001 Duke-Weeks Construction Limited Partnership Normal Pool Acrea a Volume Pond A 826.00 0.23 2.06 Under 821.50 3.36 Deten. I Release Rate I 1.33 9.40 The site was divided up into several sub-basins. This was done to determine what area was going to each pond. The time of concentration was found for each individual basin by assuming travel time over grass and pavement. The curve number was calculated for each drainage basin based on the amount of impervious azea and grass azea within each basin and the type of soils that are found on site. Time of concentration calculations and runoff values for each of the sub- basinscan befound in Section 3 of this report. Conclusion The development of this property includes three multi-story office buildings, pazking garages, two detention ponds, underground detention, the extension of all necessary utilities, and the reduction of the storm water outflow. The proposed development of Parkwood West has been designed in accordance with the Hamilton County Regulated Drain Design Details and Standards, dated August 12, 1994. The post-developed release rate of 9.40cfs is equal to the ] 0- yeaz, 24-hour pre-development release rate, therefore, no adverse impacts are anticipated from this development. Woolped Packwood West Master Plan March 2001 Duke-Weeks Construction Limited Partnership • • • • 1. h ~ f a ~a ~.F ' ~>. ^ 1 '~~r~ f. v ~. •, - : `:_ ,_ 3 ai. ~.. .: { • ~~. • - • > r • ~a • . • _:.. k J • E • f ~ • 5 xi t [.w `'AA3 •' .. • • • NATIONAL F100D INSURANCE PR06RAM ~; i, ~LOODHIAY ~ ~~~ FLOOD BOUNDARY AND ~° FLOODWAY MAP CITY OF CARMEL, ~ _~f" INDIANA HAMILTON COUNTY iF{', a , {'-;' PANEL I2 OF 14 ISEE MAP INDEX FOR PANELS NOT PRINTED) t^' ti~F;~' `'S _'t' COMMUNITY-PANEL NUMBER 180081 0012 C EFFECTIVE DATE: MAY 19, 1981 federal emergency management agency federal insurance administration •••••••• -'~ O ~ P~,~~,~ooa pL 96TH' STREET HAMILTON C ~es+ MARION COUNTY EXTRATERRITORIAL ~ r HAMILTON COUNTY, INDIANA - SHEET NUS ~; EXISTING CONDITIONS Woolped Packwood West Master Plan March 2001 Duke-Weeks Construction Limited Partnership Project: Parkwood West Date: 03/01/2001 Location: US 31/ 96th Prepared by: SlP Area 1 Total: Use CN: Area 2 Area or % Soil Type CN CN x A Row Cro s SR, ood 1.18 B 78 ~. = -.9.2tQ4 Row Cro s SR, ood 1.19 C 85 0;15 #0 =- _r .0 Total: Use CN: Area 3 Area or % Soil Type CN CN x A Row Cro s (SR, ood 8.65 B 78 6747, Row Crops (SR, ood 10.00 C 85 _ -8,50 Woods fair) 0.34 B 60 ~21T%4 Woods fair 2.04 C 73 fi4892 0 Total: Use CN: Area 4 Area or % Soil Type CN CN x A Row Cro s SR, ood 0.48 C 85 ~ 4D:8 Woods fair 0.24 B 60 i4'4 Woods fair 0.59 C 73 - X43'0 Row Cro s SR, d 0.42 B 78 '3276 _Q Total: Use CN: Area 5 Use CN: Area 6 Area or % Soil Type CN CN x A Row Cro s (SR, ood 0.57 B 78 -m4446 Row Cro s (SR, ood 0.26 C 85 221' Woods fair) 0.64 B 60 ~ _384 Woods fair 0.24 C 73 X1752 Pavement 0.43 98 _'" ,42:14 Total: "~2=~5' Use CN: Area 7 Total: Use CN: Total: ~ Ovi8 Surface descri lion PAVED or UNPAVED .... un aved un aved un aved un aved Flow len th, L .....:......:............ft. 125 320 983 82 Watercourse slo e, s .................ft/ft 0.0096 0.0047 0.0068 0.0085 Avera a veloci , V fi ure 3-1 ......ft/s 1.580852 1.106126 1.330485 1.487527 0 Tt = U 3600 ...........Com used Tt..hr. ,U22 ' r080 "0'~D5 0.fJ~5' ~ DODO Bottom Width ....................ft De th ....................ft Left Side Slope ?:1 Ri ht Side Slope ?:1 Cross sectional flow area, a..........ft^2 0 0 0 0 0 Wetted perimeter, Pw ....................ft 0 0 0 0 0 H draulic radius, r=a/Pw Com ute r....ft 0 0 0 0 0 Channel slope,s ......................ft/ft Mannin 's rou hness coeff.,n.. See-next sheet V= 1.49 r^Z3 s^1/2 /n Com uted V...ft/s 0 0 0 0 0 Flow len th, L ........................ft. Tt = U(3600 V)...........Computed Tt..hr. ` _ 0,000 ~fFQ00 0000 0-000 ~-~„O~b00 Veloci ........................................ft/s Len th ...........................................ft Tt=V 3600v ......................Computed Tt..hr ,~~OOQ ~ 0000 - 0:000: . 0`000 ~,, , O U00 Watershed or subarea Tc or Tt.....hr ~ 0 2f5 0;~2~j OcS~~' 0~4~fi 0?Q54 Watershed or subarea Tc orTL....min T3 ,,,,25' ? ,,3'0 ~' °,e 2b , %g~~; 3 Project: Parkwood West Date: 03/01/2001 Location: US 31/ 96th Prepared By: SLP Advanced Interconnected Channel 8 Pond Routing (ICpR Ver 2.20) C7) Copyright 1995, Streamline Technologies, Inc. PARKHOOD HEST tOYR EXISTING CONDIT10N5 03!01/01 G:\SD\PROJECTS\58661\ENGR\CALC\DET\EX[STING\tOYR f xf ffxxfxx BaSln Sufmary - 2YR24HR fxfffxffxxtfxx,txxfax+ffxffxfffxxffxfxxxxefxfx ffx Basin Name: AREAL AREA2 AREAS AREA4 AREAS Group Name: BASE BASE BASE BASE BASE Node Name: - EX EX EX EX EX Hydrog raph Type: UH UH UN UH UH Unit Hydrograph: UH484 UH484 UH484 UN484 UH484 Peaking factor: 484.00 484.00 484.00 484.00 484.00 Spec lime Inc (min): 1.73. 3.33 4.D0 3.47 0.40 Comp Time Inc (min): 7.73 -3.33 4.00 3.47 0.40 Rainfall File: SCSII-24 SCSI!-24 SCSI)-24 SCSII-24 SCSII-24 Rainfall Amount (in): 2.64 2.64 2.64 2.64 2.64 Storm Duration (hr): 24.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 Status: ONSITE OFFSITE ONSITE ONSITE ONSITE Time of Conc. (min): 13.00 25.00 30.00 26.00 3.00 Lag Time (hr): 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Area (acres): 2.23 2.37 21.03 7.73 0.41 Vot of Unit Hyd (in): 1.00 1.00 7.00 1.00 1.00 Curve Number: 83.00 82.00 87.00 76.00 74.00 DCIA (%): 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 D.00 Time Max (hrs): 72.05 12.77 12.20 12.19 12.01 FIoN Max (cfs): 3.29 2.42 78.08 1.15 0.47 Runoff Volume (in): 7.16 7.10 1.04 0.78 ~ 0.69 Runoff Volume (cf): 9396 9468 79547 4895 1023 fff Basin Name: Group Name: Node Name: Nydrograph Type: Unit Hydrograph: Peaking Factor: spec Time Inc (min): Comp Time Inc (min): Rainfall File: Rainfall Amoun[ (iN: Storm Duration (hr): Status: Time of Cont. (min): Lag Time (hr): Area (acres): Vol of Unit Hyd (in): Curve Nlnriber: DC[A (%): AREA6 AREA7 BASE BASE EX EX UH UH UH484 UH484 484.00 484.00 4.00 7.46 4.00 7.47 SCSI-24 SCSII-24 2.64 2.64 24.00 24.00 ONSITE ONS[TE 30.00 56.00 o.oo o.oo 2.14 0.58 1.00 7.00 77.00 61.00 0.00 0.00 Time Max (hrs): 72.20 12.69 Flou Max (cfs ): 1.40 0.04 Advanced Interconnected Channel 8 Pond Routing (I CPR Ver 2.20) [2] Copyright 1995, Streamline Technologies, Inc. PARKHOOD HEST )OYR EXISTING CONDITIONS 03/07/01 G:\SD\PROJECTS\58661\ENGR\CALC\DET\EXISTING\70YR fffffffxxx Ba51n Summary - 2YR24HR fxfffffffxxfxxxxfxfffxfxxfffxffxxxfxxxxfxffff Runoff Volume (in): 0.83 0.24. Runoff Volume (cf ): 6435 - 501 FLou Max (cfs): 3.36 0.22 Advanced Interconnected Channel 8 Pond Routing (ICPR Ver 2.20) (2) Copyright 1995, Streamline Technologies, Inc. PARKN'OOD VEST 10YR EXISTING CONDITIONS 03/01/01 G:\SD\PROJECTS\58661\ENGR\CALC\DET\EXISTING\10YR wxwxxxxxxx Basin SUmnary - 70YR24HR xwwwwwwxxwxwxxwxxxxxxxxxxxxxwxxxwxxwxw xwxxxx Runoff Volume (in): 1.87 0.85 Runoff Volume (cf ): 14543 7791 Advanced Interconnected Channel 8 Pond Routing <ICPR Ver 2.20) [11 Copyright 1995, Streamline Technologies, Inc. PARKUOOD VEST 10YR E%ISTING CONDITIONS 03/01/01 G:\SD\PROJECTS\58661\ENGR\CALC\DET\EXISTING\10YR xxx+xxxxxf Ba51n Summary - 10YR24NR fxxxrf xxfwffewxxf xr.xfxfxfxxfffffx+rf+fef:fxf fxx Basin Name: AREA1 AREA2 AREA3 AREA4 AREAS-- Group Name: BASE BASE BASE BASE - BASE Node Name: EX EX EX E% E% Nydrograph Type: UH UH UN UH UH Uni[ Hydrograph: UH484 UH484 UH484 UN484 UN484 Peaking Factor: 484.00 484.00 464.00 484.00 484.00 Spec Time Inc (min): 1.73 3.33 4.00 3.47 0.40 Comp Time Inc (min): 1.73 3.33 4.00 3.47 0.40 Rainfall file: SCSII-24 SCSII-24 SCSII-24 SCSII-24 SCSII-24 Rainfall Amount (in): 4.08 4.08 4.06 4.08 4.08 Storm Duration (hr): 24.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 Status: ONSITE OFFSITE ONSITE ONSITE ONSITE Time of Conc. (min): 13.00 25.00 30.00 26.00 3.00 Lag Time (hr): 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Area (acres): 2.23 2.37 21.03 1.73 0.41 Vol of Unit Hyd (in): 1.00 1.00 7.00 1.00 t.00 Curve Number: 83.00 82.00 81.00 76.00 74.00 DCIA (%): 0.00 0.00 0.00 O.DO D.00 Time Max (h rs): 12.05 12.17 12.20 12.19 12,00 Fl ou Max (cfs ): 6.62 5.05 38.88 2.79 1,09 Runoff Volume (in): 2.35 2.27 2.19 1.80 1.65 Runoff Volume (cf ): 19039 19516 166876 11285 2460 ... Basin Name: AREAb AREA7 Group Name: BASE BASE Node Name: EX EX Nydrograph Type: UH UN Unit Hydrog raph: UH484 UH484 Peaking Factor: 484.00 484.00 Spec Time Inc (min): 4.00 7.46 Comp Time Inc (min): 4.00 7.47 Rainfall File: SCSII-24 SCSII-24 Rainfall Amount (i n): 4.08 4.08 Storm Duration (hr): 24.00 24.00 Status: ONS[TE ONSITE Time of Conc. (min): 30.00 56.00 Lag Time (h r): 0.00 0.00 Area (acres): 2.14 0.58 Vol of Unit Nyd (in): 1.00 1.00 Curve Number: 77.00 61.00 DCIA (%>: 0.00 0.00 Time Max (h rs): 12.20 12.57 1 D `~~- 2.~ ~~ FI owl = 9. ~ ~ C~5 PROPOSED CONDITIONS art Packwood West Master Ptan 2001 Duke-Weeks Construction Limited Partnership • Client Sheet: ( of _ ___~_ Order No.: Computed by: Sl. C' Date: 3- l ~ ~ ~ Checked by: Date: Project: Parkwood West Proposed Conditions Date: 02/27!2001 Location: US 31/ 96th Prepared by: SLP B1 Use CN: B2 Area or % Soil Tvae CN CN x A Im ervious 0.95 98 `' Vii" Grass 0.23 C 74 ;~-X17`-,~D2 0 0 :~a0 Total: Use CN: 9~. B3 Total: Use CN: Total: 2=5 ~ 22`6 84 Area or % Soil Type CN CN x A Im ervious 1.72 98 ' ";°~F1;fi8~5& Grass 0.41 B/C 68 ~~27,:$8 '~, _ 0 -~ ~~~, --'- _ _~a Total: Use CN: 65 Total: Use CN: B6 Area or % Soil Type CN CN x A Impervious 5.3 98 X14 Grass .1.48 B/C 70 ;''1't)36 Water 0.23 100 __=23 - :'~,0 Total; °~7rT~1' Use CN: 92- Offsite Total: Use CN: Project: Parkwood West Date: 03/01/2001 Location: US 31/ 96th Prepared By: SLP Velocit .............. ..........................ft/s Len th ................ ...........................ft Tt=U 3600v ...... ........... Com uted Tt.. 0:040 X0.000' Ot000 ~, ,0 000 ~. ~ 0:000 ~0 000 O~ODO: Advanced Interconnected Channel 8 Pond Routing (ICPR Ver 2.20) 11) Copyright 1995, Streamline Technologies, Inc. PARKNOOD NEST 03/01/01 PROPOSED CONDITIONS G:\SD\PROJ\58661\ENGR\CALC-1\DETENT\PROPOSED\100YR24HR •~"•;iitte Node Maximum Conditions - 100YR24N ~~i~~{'~;;;e~i~~ay~~~rx+~~~~x++~++~3~3+N+t++at~ttt~i~~s~rii~~i~~~xa~+~a~~~i+a+. (Time units - hours) Node Group Max Time Max Stage Narning Max Delta Max Surface Max Time Max Inflow Max Time Max Outflow Name Name Conditions (ft) Stage (f t) Stage (ft) Area (sf) Inflow (cfs) Outf tow (cfs) OUT BASE 10.00 821.00 824.00 0.0130 93.60 12.87 9.40 0.00 O. DO PONDA BASE 75.36 831.97 833.00 0.0026 79791.88 72.00 42.47 17.68 1.33 UGDETENI BASE 12.67 828.48 828.50 0.0037 2887.44 12.02 56.67 12.87 9.40 UGDETEN2 BASE 12.88 828.67 829.24 0.0032 4842.05 12.00 38.67 12.02 73.49 UGDETEN3 BASE 72.87 828.48 829.17 0.0034 1794.36 12.00 41.90 72.00 31.95 Advanced Interconnected Channel 8 PoM Routing (tCPR Ver 2.20) [17 Copyright 1995, Streamline Technologies, Inc. PARKNOOD HEST PROPOSED CONDITIONS 03/01/01 G:\sD\PROJ\58661 \ENGR\CALL-1\DETENT\PROPOSED\100YR24HR ++++++rrrr 80S1n Summary - 100YR24H rr+xrxrrrrr+xxx+x+++++++++++++++++++++rrxrr+ r+r Basin Name: 81 82 B3 B4 BS Group Name: BASE BASE BASE BASE BASE Node Name: UGDETENI UGDETEN3 UGDETEN3 UGDETEN2 UGDETEN2 Nydrog raph Type: UN UH UH UN UH Unit Hydrograph: UH484 UH484 UH484 UH484 UH484 Peaking Factor: 484.00 484.00 484.00 484.00 484.00 Spec Time Inc (min): 1.87 0.93 2.00 1.20 1.47 Comp Time Inc (min): 1.87 0.93 2.00 1.20 1.47 Rainfall File: SCSII-24 SCS11-24 SCSI!-24 SCSI!-24 SCSI!-24 Rainfall Amount (in): 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 storm Duration (hr): 24.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 Status: ONS[TE ONSI TE ONSITE ONSITE ONSITE Time of Conc. (min): 14.00 7.00 15.00 9.00 11.00 Lag Time (hr): 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Area (acres): 2.50 1.18 6.43 2.13 3.82 Vol of Unit Hyd (in): 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Curve Number: 90.00 93.00 92.00 92.00 90.00 DCIA (X): 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Time Max (hrs): 12.04 11.99 12.07 12.02 12.03 Ftou Max (cfs): 13.99 7.79 36.11 13.55 22.86 Runoff Volume (in): 4.84 5.17 5.06 5.06 4.84 Runoff Volume (cf ): 43912 22167 118168 39144 67093 rxx Basin Name: 86 OFFS[TE Group Name: BASE BASE Node Name: PONDA UGDETEN2 Hydrograph Type: UN UN Unit Nydrograph: UH484 UH484 Peaking Factor: 484.00 484.00 spec Time Inc (min): 1.47 3.33 Comp Time Inc (min): 1.47 3.33 Rainfall File: SCSI!-24 SCSI!-24 Rainfall Amount (in): 6.00 4.08 Storm Duration (hr): 24.00 24.00 St aius: ONSITE OFFSITE Time of Conc. (min): 11.00 25.00 Lag Time (hr): 0.00 0.00 Area (acres): 7.01 2.37 Vol of Unit Hyd (in): 1.00 1.00 Lurve Number: 92.00 68.00 DCIA (%): 0.00 0.00 Time Max (hrs): 12-03 72.17 Fl ou Max (cfs): 43.06 2.64 Advanced Interconnected Channel 8 Pond Routing (tCPR Ver 2.20) [2] Copyright 1995, Streamline Technologies, Inc. PARKNOW NEST PROPOSEG CONDITIONS 03/01/01 G:\SO\PROJ\58661\ENGR\CALC-1\DETENT\PROPOSED\100YR24HR ffffffffff Ba51n Summary - 100YR24H fffffffffffffff+ffffffffffffffffffffffffffff Runoff Volume (iN: 5.06 7.25 Runoff Volume (cf ): 728802 70790 Advanced Interconnected Channel 8 Pond Routing (ICPR Ver 2.20) (1) Copyright 7995, Streamline Technologies, [nc. PROPOSED CONDITIONS FOR PARKNOOD NEST, 7~-UNDERGRND ++x+++++++ Input Report ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ________Class: Node_____________________________________________________________ Name: OUT Base Flou(cfs): 0 Init Stage(ft): 820 Group: BASE Narn Stage(ft): 824 Conment: Time(h rs) Stage(f t) 0 820 5 820.5 70 821 20 821 30 820.5 40 820 ________Class: Node__________________ Name: PONDA Base FIoN(cfs): 0 Group: BASE Connrent: Stage(fU Area(ac) 826 0.2323 827 0.266 828 0.302 829 0.34 830 0.376 831 0.4152 832 D_4557 833 0.4975 -------Class: Node-- Name: UGDETENI Base Flou(cfs): 0 Group: BASE Cortment: Stage(fU Area(ac) [Manhole, Flat Floor) ____________________________________ [nit Stage(f t): 826 Warn Stage(f U: 833 ]nit Stage(f U: 821_5 Narn Stage(f t): 828.5 821.5 0.07 825 0.01 828.5 0.01 ________CLass: Node____________ _____________________________________ Name: UGDETEN2 Base Fl ou(cfs): 0 Inii Stage(f t): 822.24 Group: BASE Uarn Stage(ft): 829.24 comment: Stage(fU Area(ac) 822.24 0.01 825.74 0.01 829.24 (Manhole, Flat Floor? 0.01 Advanced Interconnected Channel 8 Pond Routing (ICPR Ver 2.20) C27 Copyright 1995, Streamline Technologies, Inc. PROPOSED CONDIT )ONS FOR PARKNOOD VEST,7'-UNDERGRND •~~~»r+~~ Input Report '~+~+•~~rrffx+•x,~~+iryywf~xx+~f~eyta~a~eYa~x+~•+ix+~+++~~ ________Class: Node-______-___'_________'______________________________'_______ Name: UGDETEN3 Base FIoN(cfs ): 0 Init Stage(ft): 822.77 Group: BASE Uarn Stage(f t): 829.17 Comment: Stage(ft) Area(ac) [Manhole, Flat Floor) 822.17 0.07 825.67 0.01 829.77 0.01 ________Class: Pipe_____________________________________________________________ Name: L1 Group: BASE UPSTREAM Geometry: Circular Span(in): 73.55 Rise(in>: 73.55 I nvert(ft): 827.5 Manning's N: 0.073 Top Clip(in): 0 Bottom Clip(in): 0 From Node: UGDETENi Length(ft): 176 To Node: OUT Count: 1 DDUNSTREAM Equation: Average K Circular FIoN: Both 13.55 Entrance Loss Coef: 0.5 73.55 Exit Loss Loef: 0 821 Bend Loss Coef: 0 0.013 Outlet Cnt rl Spec: Use do or to 0 Inlet Cnt rt Spec: Use do 0 Stabilizer Option: None Upstream FNL1A Inlet Edge Description: Circular Concrete: Square edge u/ headwall t Downstream FHLIA Inlet Edge Description: Circular Concrete: Square edge u/ headwall Advanced Interconnected Channel 8 Pond Routing (ICPR Ver 2.20) l3] Copyright 1995, Streamline Technologies, Inc. PROPOSED CONDITIONS FOR PARK11000 NEST,7'-UNDERGRND r»xrrrrrr Input Repart rrrxrxxxxxxxxxrxxrrrrrrrrrrrrrrxxxxrxxxxxxrxxxxxrrrr»rr ________Class: Pipe_____________________________________________________________ Name: L2 From Node; UGDETEN2 Length(ft): 2960 Group: BASE To Node; UGDETENI Count: 1 UPSTREAM DOLINSTREAM Equation: Average K Geanetry: Circular Circular Flow: Both Span(in): 84 84 Entrance Loss Coef: 0.5 Rise(i N: 84 84 Exit Loss Coef: 0 Invert(ft): 822.24 821.5 Bend Loss Coef: 0 Marning's N: 0,013 O.D13 Outlet Cntrl Spec: Use do or tw lop Clip(in): 0 0 Inlet Cntrl Spec: Use do Bottom Clip(in): 0 0 Stabilizer Option: None Upstream FHNA Inlet Edge Description: Circular CMP: HeaduaLl 2 1 Downstream FHVA Inlet Edge Description: Circular CMP: Headwall 2 1 ________Llass: Pipe__________________________ _________________ Name: L3 Fran Node: PONDA Length(f U: 63 Group: BASE To Node: UGDETEN2 Lount: 1 UPSTREAM DOUNSTREAM Equation: Average K Geanetry: Circular Circular Flow: Both Span(in): 5.5 5.5 Entrance Loss Coef: 0.5 Rise(in): S.5 5.5 Exit Loss Coef: 0 Invert(f t): 826 825.5 Bend Loss Coef: 0 Manning's N: 0.013 0.013 Outlet Cntrl Spec: Use do or tw Top Clip(in): 0 0 inlet Cnt r( Spec: Use do Bottom Clip(in): 0 0 Stabilizer Option: None Upstream FHVA Inlet Edge Description: Circular Concrete: Square edge u/ headwall 1 Downstream FNMA Inlet Edge Description: Circular Concrete: Square edge w/ headwall 1 Advanced Interconnected Channel & Pond Routing ([CPR Ver 2.20) f4) Copyright 1995, Streamline Technologies, Inc. PROPOSED CONDITIONS FOR PARKUOOD NEST.7'-UNDERGRND •iy~ie~~~• Input Report •~~ittr~»~+~~~~»wfr~wii~~f,~af.~~~wt+++~erisw;~;itx~t• -'--'---Class: Pipe---'----------'------'-----'--"--'-----'-----'-'---'---- Name: C4 From Node: UGDETEN3 Length(fU: 840 Group: BASE To Node: UGDETEN7 Couni: 1 UPSTREAM DOUNSTREAM Equation; Average K Geometry: Circular Circular Flow; Both Span(in): 84 84 Entrance loss Coef: 0.5 R ise(iN: 84 84 Exit Loss Coef: 0 Invert(fU: 822.77 821.5 Bend Loss Coef: 0 Manning's N: 0.013 0.013 Outlet Cntrl Spec: Use do or tw Top Cli p(in): 0 0 ]nlet Cntrl Spec: Use do Bottom Clip(in): 0 0 Stabilizer Option: None Upstream FHNA Inlet Edge Description: Circular [MP: Headwall 2 Downstream FHNA lnl et Edge Description: Circular CMP: Headwall - 2 Advanced Interconnected Channel 8 Pond Routing (ICPR Ver 2-20) [t7 Copyright 1995, Streamline Technologies, Inc. PARKNOOD NEST PROPOSED CONDITIONS 03/01/01 G:\SD\PROJ\58661\ENGR\CALC-T\DETENT\PROPOSED\t00Y ********** LiNK CONNECTIVITIY --- G:\SD\PROJECTS\58661\ENGINE-t\CALCUL-t\DETENT- Index link Fran To U/S D/S Nurber Name Node Node Link Type Geometry Geometry 1 Lt UGDETENI WT Pipe Circ. Circ. 2 L2 UGDETEN2 UGDETENI Pipe : Circ. Circ. 3 L3 PONDA UGDETEN2 Pipe Lirc. Circ. 4 L4 UGDETEN3 UGDETENI Pipe Circ. ; Circ. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Advanced Interconnected Channel & Pond Routing (ICPR Ver Z.20) [7) Copyright 7995, Streamline Technologies, Inc. COMPARISON OF 1YR 24HR STORM TO THE 03/07/01 EXISTING 2YR 24HR STORM G:\SD\PROJECTS\58661\ENGR\CALCS\DETEN\PR\1YR24HR xrrrrrxxrx 8a51n Sunmary - 1YR24HR xxxxxxxrxxxrrxrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrxx:rrrr»rrxxr xxx Basin Name: ALL Group, Name: BASE Node Name: OUT Hydrograph Type: UH Unit Hydrograph: UH484 Peaking Factor: 484.00 Spec Time Inc (min):. 2.00 Caro Time !nc (min): .2.00 Rainfall File: SCSI I-24 Rainfall Amount (in): 2.74 Storm Duration (hr): 24.00 Status: ONSI TE Time of Conc. (min): 15.00 Lag Time (hr): 0.00 - Area (acres): 25.44 Vol of Uni[ Hyd (in): 1.00 Curve Number: 89.00 DCIA (%): 0.00 Time Max (hrs): Flow Max (cf s): 12.07 50.79 /~ ~ ~-I. ~ ~ .C 15-5 ~ ~ ~ ~_ Runoff Vo(une (inl: 1.66 Runoff Volume (cf ); 753694 P(ec~Le lle~~e~ ~ur~o~~, Page 1 Station Len Drng Area Rnoff coeff Area x C Tc Raln (I) Total flow Cap full Vel Plpe Invert Elev HGL Elev Grnd / Rlm Elav Llne ID Line To Line (ft) Incr (ac) Total (ac) (C) Incr Total Inlet (min) Syst (min) (In/hr) (cfs) (cfs) (Ws) Sfze (In) Slope (°/) Up (ft) Dn (ft) Up (ft) Dn (ft) Up (ft) Dn (ft) 1 End 6.0 0.23 0 23 0.80 0.18 0.18 5.0 5.0 7.0 '1.29 214.6 2.39 24 90.00 830.40 825.00 830.80 825.53 831.10 831.53 UGD-1 Project File: LINE UGD-t.stm IDF File: Indystorm2000.IDF Total number of lines: 1 Run Date: 03-01-2001 NOTES: Intensity = 56.97 / (Inlet time + g.00) " 0.80; Return period = 10 Yrs. ; Initial tailwater elevation = 825.53 (R) ••a~~~o~St~r~,~~~~t~,I~tfoR••••••••••••••••••••••••. Page 1 Station Len Drng Area Rnoff coeff Area x C Tc Rain (p Total flow Cap full Vel Pipe InveR Elev HGL Elev Grnd /Rim Elev Line ID Llne To Llne (ft) Incr (ac) Total (ac) (C) Incr Total Inlet (min) Syst (min) (inlhr) (cfs) (cfs) (Ws) Slze (in) Slope (%) Up (k) Dn (k) Up (ft) Dn (k) Up (ft) Dn (k) 1 End 6.0 0.23 0.23 0.80 0.18 0.16 5.0 5.0 7.0 1.29 214.6 2.39. 24 90.00 830.40 825.00 830.80 825.53 831.50 831.50 UGD-8 Project File: LINE UGD-8.stm IDF File: Indystorm2000.IDF Total number of lines: 1 Run Date: 03-Ot-2001 NOTES: Intensity = 56.97 / (Inlet time + g.00) " 0.80; Return period = 10 Yrs. ; Initial tailwater elevation = 825.53 (k) ••~y~raa~ow~torm~ewer•T'ab~~atio!••••••••••••••••••••••P•e• Station Len Drng Area Rnoff coeff Area x C Tc Rain (I) Total flow Cap full Vel Pipa Invert Elav HGL Elav Grnd I RIm Elev Line ID Line To Line (k) Incr (ae) Total (ac) (C) Incr Total Inlet (mIn) Syst (min) On/hr) (efs) (cfs) (Ws) Size (in) Slope (%) Up (k) Dn (k) Up (k) Dn (k) Up (ft) Dn (k) 1 End 30.0 0.48 0.48 0.69 0.33 0.33 5.0 5.0 7.0 2.31 3.56 4.55 12 1.00 826.30 826.00 826.95 826.59 830.18 831.00 UGD-9 Project File: LINE UGD-9.stm IDF File: Indystorm2000.IDF Total number of lines: 1 Run Date: 03-Ot-2001 NOTES: Intensity = 56.97 / (Inlet time + g.00) " 0.80; Return period = 10 Yrs. ; Initial tailwater elevation = 826.59 (R) ••~y~r~~o~i~t~r~i~~wer~ab~~atior~•••••••••••••••••••••••• Page 1 Station Len Drng Area Rnoff coeff Area x C Tc Raln (I) Tota! flow Cap full Vel Pipe Invert Elev HGL Elev Grnd /Rim Elev Llne ID Line To Llne (ft) Incr (ac) Total (ac) (C) Incr Total Inlet (mIn) Syst (min) (in/hr) (cfs) (cfs) (Ws) Size (in) Slope (°/) Up (ft) Dn (k) Up (ff) Dn (ff) Up (ft) Dn (ft) 1 End 30.0 0.35 0.35 0.70 0.24 0.24 5.0 5.0 7.0 4.25 4.36 6.06 12 1.50 826.45 826.00 827.32 826.80 830.78 831.00 UGD-10 i Project File: LINE UGD-10.stm IDF File; Indystorm2000.IDF Total number of lines: 1 Run Date: 03-01-2001 NOTES: Intensity = 56.97 / (Inlet time + 9.00) ^ 0.80; Return period = 10 Yrs. ; Initial lailwater elevation = 826.80 (H) ••~y~~~ow~torm~ewer~ab~l~tio~••••••••••••••••••••••P~e• Station Len Drng Area Rnoff coeff Area x C 7c Rain (I) Total flow Cap full VeI Pipe Invert Elev HGL Elev Grnd I Rim Elev Llne ID Llne To Line (ft) Incr (ac) Total (ac) (C) Incr Total Inlet (min) Syst (min) (In/hr) (cts) (cfs) (fUS) Slze (In) Slope (%) Up (ft) Dn (ft) Up. ~ (ft) Dn (ft) Up (ft) Dn (ft) 1 End 30.0 0.22 0.00 0.63 0.14 0.00 5.0 0.0 0.0 0.00 0.00 0.00 12 2.00 826.60 826.00 0.00 826.63 831.49 831.00 UGD-11 Project File: LINE UGD-11.stm IDF File: Indystorm2000.IDF Total number of lines: 1 Run Date: 03-01-2001 NOTES: Intensity = 56.97 / (Inlet time + 9.00) " 0.80; Return period = 10 Yrs.: Initial tailwater elevation = 826.63 (ft) Page 1 Station Len Drng Area Rnoff coeff Area x C Tc Raln (I) Total flow Cap full VeI Pipe Invert Elev HGL Elev Grnd I Rlm Elev Line ID Line To Line (ft) Incr (ac) Total (ac) (C) Incr Total Inlet Syst (min) (m(n) (inlhr) (cfs) (cfs) (ft/s) Size (in) Slope (%) Up (ft) Dn (ft) Up (ft) Dn (ft) Up (ft) Dn (ff) 1 End 30.0 0.22 0.00 0.63 0.14 0.00 5.0 0.0 0.0 0.00 0.00 0.00 12 2.00 826.60 826.00 0.00 825.44 831.26 831.00 UGD-12 Project File: LINE UGD-12.stm IDF File: Indystorm2000.IDF Total number of lines: 1 Run Date: 03-01-2001 NOTES: Intensity = 56.97 ! (Inlet time + g.00) " 0.80; Return period = 10 Yrs. ; Initial tailwater elevation = 825.44 (ft) ••~j~d~~o~S~b~,'~~~e~-i~a~ul~a~o1~•••••••••••••••••••••••• Page t Station Len Drng Area RnoH Area x C Tc Rain Total Cap Vel Pipe Invert Elev HGL Elev Grnd /Rim Elev Line ID coeft (I) flo f ll Line To incr Total Incr Total Inlet Syst w u Size Slope Up Dn Up Dn Up Dn L)ne (ft) (ac) (ac) (C) (min) (min) (in/hr) (cfs) (cfs) (fUs) (In) (%) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) 1 End 30.0 0.18 1.87 0.75 0.14 1.36 5.0 6.9 6.3 8.62 11.68 3.45 24 0.27 825.08 825.00 826.55 826.50 831.26 831.00 UGD-13 2 i 120.0 0.49 1.69 0.75 0.37 1.23 5.0 6.3 6.5 8.01 11.31 3.34 24 0.25 825.38 825.08 826.75 826.57 830.96 831.26 13-3 3 2 80.0 0.54 1.20 0.72 0.39 0.86 5.0 5.9 6.7 5.72 5.75 3.68 18 0.30 826.22 825.98 827.45. 827.22 830.48 830.96 3-4 4 3 73.0 0.15 0.66 0.73 0.11 0.47 5.0 5.3 6.9 3.23 5.77 2.18 18 0.30 826.44 826.22 827.54 827.48 831.03 830.48 4-5 5 4 74.0 0.51 0.51 0.71 0.36 0.36 5.0 5.0 7.0 2.53 2.55 3.70 12 0:51 827.32 826.94 828.13 827.75 830.40 831.03 5-6 Project File: LINE UGD-13.stm IDF File: Indystorm2000.IDF Total number of lines: 5 Run Date: 02-28-2001 NOTES: Intensity = 56.97 / (Inlet time + g,00) " 0.80; Return period = 10 Yrs. ; Initial tailwaterelevation = 826.50 (fl) ••~~dr*a~o~ir~~r~n~~v~er~ab~~{~or~••••••••i••••••••••••••• Page 1 Station Len Drng Area Rnoff Area x C Tc Raln Total Cap Vel Plpe Invert Elav HGL Elev Grnd I Rim Elev Llne ID coeff (I) flow full Line To Incr Total Incr Total Inlet Syst Slze Slope Up Dn Up Dn Up Dn Line (ft) (ac) (ac) (C) (min) (min) (Inlhr) (cfs) (cfs) (ft/s) (In) (%) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) 1 End 30.0 0.26 1.43 0.74 0.21 1.04 5.0 8.2 5.9 6.14 6.64 3.48 18 0.40 825.12 825.00 826.60 826.50 831.30 831.00 UGD-14 2 1 152.0 0.38 1.15 0.74 0.28 0.83 5.0 7.3 6.2 5.12 5.78 2.90 18 0.30 825.58 825.12 827.15 826.79 830.40 831.30 14-7 3 2 114.0 0.60 0.77 0.71 0.43 0.55 5.0 6.4 6.5 3.55 5.73 2.01 18 0.30 825.92 825.58 827.40 827.28 829.60 830.40 7.15 4 3 114.0 0.17 0.17 0.71 0.12 0.12 5.0 5.0 7.0 0.84 2.36 1.39 12 0.44 826.92 826.42 827.52 827.45 830.80 829.60 15-21 Project File: LINE UDG-14.stm IDF File: Indystonn2000.IDF Total number of lines: 4 Run Date: 03-Ot-2001 NOTES: Intensity = 56.97 / (Inlet time + g.00) ^ 0.80; Return period = 10 Yrs. ; Initial tailwater elevation = 826.50 (ft) ••~~rafi~ow5torm~ewer•T~~ab~~atio!••••••••••••••••••••••P•8• Station Len Drng Area RnoH coeH Area x C Tc Rain (I) Total flow Cap full Vel Pipe Invert Elev HGL Elev Grnd /Rim Elev Llne ID Line To Line (ft) Incr (ac) Total (ac) (C) Incr Total Inlet (min) Syst (min) (inlhr) (cfs) (cfs) (ft/s) Size (in) Slope (°/) Up (ft) Dn (ft) Up (ft) Dn (ft) Up (ft) Dn (ft) 1 End 6.0 0.62 0.62 0.45 0.28 0.28 15.0 15.0 4.5 1.27 214.6 2.43 24 90.00 830.40 825.00 830.80 825.51 831.50 831.50 UGD-16 Project File: LINE UGD•16.stm IDF File: Indystorm2000.IDF ~ Total number of lines: 1 Run Date: 03-01-2001 NOTES: Intensity = 56.97 / (Inlet time + g.00) ^ 0.80; Return period = 10 Yrs. ; Initial tailwater elevation = 825.51 (ft) Page 1 Station Len Drng Area Rnoff coeff Area x C Tc Raln (I) Total flow Cap full Vel Pipe Invert Elev HGL Elev Grnd I Rlm Elev Line ID Line To Llne (ft) Incr (ac) Total (ac) (C) Incr Total Inlet (min) Syst (min) (in/hr) (cfs) (cfs) (fUs) Size (in) Slope (%) Up (ft) Dn (ft) Up (ft) Dn (ft) Up (ft) Dn (ft) 1 End 107.0 0.04 0.04 0.85 0.03 0.03 5.0 5.0 7.0 0.24 3.56 2.25 12 1.00 827.07 826.00 827.28 826.18 831.20 831.00 UGD-18 Project File: LINE UGD-18.stm IDF File: Indystorm2000.IDF Total number of lines: 1 Run Date: 03-01-^.001 NOTES: Intensity = 56.97 ! (Inlet time + g,00) ^ 0.80; Return period = 10 Yrs. ; Initial tailwater elevation = 826.18 (ft) Page 1 Station Len Drng Area Rnoff Area x C Tc Rain Total Cap Vel Pipe Invert Elev HGL Elev Grnd /Rim Elev Llne ID coeff (I) flow full Line To Incr Total Incr Total Inlet Syst Size Slope Up Dn Up Dn Up Dn line (ft) (ac) (ac) (C) (min) (min) (inlhr) (cfs) (cfsj (k/s) (in) (%) (k) (ft) (k) (k) (k) (ft) 1 End 103.0 0.11 2.27 0.41 0.05 1.55 8.0 8.4 5.9 9.13 11.79 3.74 24 0.27 825.26 825.00 826.69 826.50 832.28 831.00 UGD-19 2 1 117.0 0.01 2.16 0.41 0.00 1.51 5.0 7.9 6.0 9.08 11.26 3.66 24 0.25 825.57 825.28 827.01 826.79 832.73 832.28 19-20 3 2 102.0 0.62 2.15 0.70 0.43 1.50 7.0 7.4 6.Z 9.27 11.62 3.50 24 0.25 625.83 825.57 82].36 827.19 830.25 832.73 20-22 4 3 75.0 0.66 1.09 0.70 0.46 0.76 7.0 7.0 6.3 4.79 5.69 3.19 18 0.29 826.55 826.33 827.71 827.56 830.25 830.25 22-23 5 4 125.0 0.43 0.43 0.70 0.30 0.30 6.0 6.0 6.6 1.99 2.38 3.15 12 0.45 827.61 827.05 828.30 827.87 829.90 830.25 23-25 6 3 128.0 0.44 0.44 0.70 0.31 0.31 6.0 6.0 6.6 2.04 2.36 3.36 12 0.44 827.38 826.83 828.10 827.56 829.90 830.25 22-24 Project File: LINE UGD-19.stm IDF File: Indystorm2000.IDF Total number of lines; 6 Run Date: 03-Ot-ZOOi NOTES: Intensity = 56.97 / (Inlet time + 9.00) ^ 0.80; Return period = 10 Yrs. ; Initial taiiwater elevation = 826.50 (ft) ••Ayd~a~ow~tor~n~~v~er~`t~~ab~~t~ori •••••••••••••••••••••••• Page 1 Station Len Drng Area Rnoff coeff Area x C Tc Raln (I) Total flow Cap full Vel Pipe InveR Elev HGL Elev Grnd /Rim Elev Line ID Line To Line (ft) Incr (ac) Total (ac) (C) Incr Total Inlet (min) Syst (min) (inlhr) (cfs) (cfs) (fUs) Size (in) Slope (°/) Up (ft) Dn (ft) Up (ft) Dn (ft) Up (ft) Dn (ft) 1 End 6.0 0.26 0.26 0.57 0.15 0.15 14.0 14.0 4.7 0.70 214.6 2.04 24 90.00 830.40 825.00 830.70 825.38 837.53 831.65 UGD-26 Project File: LINE UGD•26.stm IDF File: Indystorm2000.IDF Total number of lines: 1 Run Date: 03-01-2001 NOTES: Intensity = 56.97 / (Inlet time + 9.00) " 0.80; Return period = 10 Yrs. ; Initial tailwater elevation = 825.38 (ft) ••~ydra~ow~torm~ewer•1'~ab~~tio~•••••••••••••••••••••••• Station Len Drng Area Rnoit coeff Area x C Tc Raln (I) Total flow Cap full Vel Pipe Invort Elev HGL Elev Grnd I Rim Elev Line ID Llne To Line (ft) Incr (ac) Total (ac) (C) Incr Total Inlet (min) Syst (min) (in/hr) (cfs) (cfs) (fUs) Size (In) Slope (%) Up (k) Dn (ft) Up (ft) Dn (k) Up (k) Dn (k) 1 End 12.0 0.22 0.22 0.63 0.14 0.14 9.0 9.0 5.7 0.79 10.07 5.03 12 8.00 826.96 826.00 827.34 826.20 831.68 831.00 UGD-27 Project File: LINE UGD-27.stm IDF File: Indystorm2000.IDF Total number of lines: 1 Run Date: 03-01-2001 NOTES: Intensity = 56.97 / (Inlet time + 9.00) ^ 0.80; Return period = 10 Yrs. ; Initial taiiwater elevation = 826.20 (ft) ••~yd~~ovv~t~ mS!w !`~'!b!l~to~•••••••••••••••••••••••• Page t Station Len Drng Area RnoN coeH Area x C Tc Raln (I) Total flow Cap full Vel Pipe Invert Elav HGL Elav Grnd I Rim Elev Lina ID Line To Llne (k) Incr (ac) Total (ac) (C) Incr Total Inlet (min) Syst (min) (in/hr) (cfs) (cfs) (ff/s) Slze (in) Slope (%) Up (H) Dn (ft) Up (ft) Dn (ft) Up (ft) Dn (ft) 1 End 14.0 0.47 0.47 0.56 0.26 0.26 10.0 10.0 5.5 1.44 10.07 5.48 12 8.00 827.12 826.00 827.91 826.26 830.34 831.00 UGD-31 Project File: LINE UGD-31.stm IDF File: Indystorm2000.IDF - Total number of lines: 1 Run Dale: 03-01-2001 NOTES: Intensity = 56.97 / (Inlet time + g.00) ^ 0.80; Return period = 10 Yrs. ; Initial tailwater elevation = 826.26 (ft) ••~y~r~a~o~i~t~rr~i~~wer~bti~tiort•••••••••••••••••••••••• Page 1 Station Len Drng Area Rnoff coeff Area x C Tc Raln (I) Total flow Cap full Vel Plpe Invert Elev HGL Elev Grnd I Rlm Elev Llne ID Llne To Llne (ft) Incr (ac) Total (ac) (C) Incr Total Inlet (mfn) Syst (min) (inlhr) (cfs) (cfs) (fUs) Slze (in) Slope (%) Up (ft) Dn (k) Up (ft) Dn (ft) Up (ft) Dn (ft) 1 End 29.0 0.38 0.38 0.64 0.24 0.24 13.0 13.0 4.9 1.19 7.96 3.18 12 5.00 826.45 825.00 826.91 825.50 830.75 831.00 UGD-32 Project File: LINE UGD-32.stm IDF File: Indystorm2000.IDF Total number of lines: 1 Run Date: 03-01-2001 NOTES: Intensity = 56.97 / (Inlet lime + 9.00) ^ 0.80; Return period = 10 Yrs. ; Initial tailwater elevation = 825.50 (ft) Page 1 Station Len Drng Area Rnoff Area x C Tc Raln Total Cap Vel Plpe Invert Elev HGL Elev Grnd I Rlm Elev Llne ID coeff (7) flow full Line To Incr Total Incr Total Inlet Syst Slze Slope Up Dn Up Dn Up Dn Llne (ft) (ac) (ac) (C) (min) (min) (Inlhr) (cfs) (cfs) (ft/s) (In) (%) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) 1 End 132.0 0.37 1.41 0.70 0.26 0.84 11.0 11.0 5.3 6.61 7.02 3.74 18 0.45 825.59 825.00 827.52 827.00 831.35 831.00 UGD33 2 1 246.0 0.71 1.04 0.50 0.35 0.59 8.0 8.0 6.0 3.51 5.76 1.99 18 0.30 826.33 825.59 828.02 827.74 830.44 831.35 3330 3 2 81.0 0.33 0.33 0.70 0.23 0.23 5.0 5.0 7.0 1.61 2.37 2.05 12 0.44 827.19 826.83 828.24 828.08 831.87 830.44 30-29 Project File: LINE UGD33.stm IDF File: Indystonn2000.IDF Total number of lines: 3 Run Date: 03-Ot-2001 NOTES: Intensity = 56.97 / (Inlet time + 9,00) " 0.80; Raturn period = 10 Yrs. ; Initial tailwater elevation = 827.00 (ft) ••Q~~~o~GSts~,~~~~t,I~tfoR•••••••••••••••••••••••• Page 1 Station Len Drng Area Rnoff coeff Area x C Tc Rafn (I) Total flow Cap full Vel Pipe Invert Elev HGL Elev Grnd /Rim Elev Line ID Line To Line (ft) Incr (ac) Total (ac) (C) incr Total Inlet (min) Syst (min) (in/hr) (cfs) (cfs) (fVs) Size (in) Slope (%) Up (ft) Dn (ft) Up (ft) Dn (ft) Up (ft) Dn (ft) 1 End 6.0 0.22 0.22 0.63 0.14 0.14 9.0 9.0 5.7 0.79 10.28 4.29 12 8.33 826.50 826.00 827.14 826.20 831.82 831.00 I UGD-34 I li i Project File: LINE UGD-34.stm IDF File: Indystorm2000.IDF Total number of lines: 1 Run Date: 03-01.2001 NOTES: Intensity = 56.97 / (Inlet time + g.00) " 0.80; Return period = 10 Yrs. ; Initial tailwater elevation = 826.20 (ft) Page 1 Station Len Drng Area Rnoff Area x C Tc Raln Total Cap Vel Pipe Invert Elev HGL Elev Grnd I Rim Elev Llne ID '. coeff (I) flow full Line To Incr Total Incr Total Inlet Syst Size Slope Up Dn Up Dn Up Dn '. Line (ft) (ac) (ac) (C) (min) (min) (inlhr) (cfs) (cfs) (ff/s) (In) (%) (ft) (ft) (ff) (ft) (ff) (ft) ~. 1 End 62.0 0.18 0.60 0.68 0.12 0.39 5.0 6.7 6.4 12.27 12.52 4.53 24 0.31 826.19 826.00 827.80 827.61 831.50 829.00 POND-36 2 1 180.0 0.42 0.42 0.64 0.27 0.27 6.0 6.0 6.6 6.67 7.04 4.06 18 0.45 827.50 826.69 828.74 828.12 832.61 831.50 i 36-37 I I Project File: LINE POND-36.stm IDF File: Indystorm2000.IDF Total number of lines: 2 Run Date: 02-28-2001 NOTES: Intensity = 56.97 / (Inlet time + 9,00) " 0.80; Return period = 10 Yrs. ; Initial tailwater elevation = 827.61 (ft) ••~~~,~,'~ts~,S~rlr~t~~t1~b~•••••••••••••••••••••••• Page 1 Station Len Drng Area Rnoff coeH Area x C 7c Raln (1) Total flow Cap full Vel Pipe Invert Elev HGL Elev Grnd /Rim Elev Llne ID Line To Line (ft) Incr (ac) Total (ac) (C) Incr Total Inlet (min) Syst (min) (in/hr) (cfs) (cfs) (fUs) Size (In) 31ope (%) Up (ft) Dn (ft) Up (ft) Dn (ft) Up (ft) Dn (ft) 1 End 50.0 0.03 0.03 0.85 0.03 0.03 5.0 5.0 7.0 0.18 3.56 2.02 12 1.00 826.50 826.00 826.68 826.16 831.20 831.00 UGD-54 Project File: LINE UGD-54.stm IDF File: Indystorm2000.IDF Total number of lines: 1 Run Date: 03-01-2001 NOTES: Intensity = 56.97 / (Inlet time + 9.00) ^ 0.80; Return period = 10 Yrs. ; Initial tailwater elevation = 826.16 (ft) Page 1 Station Len Drng Area Rnoff coeff Area~x C Tc Raln (I) Total flow Cap full Vei Plpe Invart Elev HGL Elev Grnd I Rim Elev Lino ID Line To Line (ft) Incr (ac) Total (ac) (C) Incr Total Inlet (min) Syst (min) , (in/hr) (cfs) (cfs) (fVS) Slze (In) Slope (%) Up (ft) -Dn (ft) Up (ft) Dn (ft) Up (ft) Dn (ft) 1 End 60.0 0.03 0.03 0.85 0.03 0.03 5.0 5.0 7.0 0.18 3.56 1.73 12 1.00 826.60 826.00 826.78 826.20 831.20 831.00 UGD-55 Project File: LINE UGD-55.stm IDF File: Indystorm2000.IDF Total number of lines: 1 Run Date: 03-01-2001 NOTES: Intensity = 56.97 / (Inlet time + 9.00) ^ 0.80; Return period = 10 Yrs.: Initial tailwater elevation = 826.20 (ft) Page 1 Station Len Drng Area Rnoff Area x C Tc Rain Total Cap Vel Pipe Invert Elev HGL Elev Grnd /Rim Elev Line ID coeff (I) flow full Line To Incr Total Incr Tofal Inlet Syst Size Slope Up Dn Up Dn Up Dn Line (k) (ay (ac) (C) (min) (min) (In/hr) (cfs) (cfs) (fUs) (In) (%) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (k) 1 End 40.0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 1.4 0.0 5.08 5.75 3.66 18 0.30 825.12 825.00 826.22 826.10 911.00 831.00 UGD-56 2 1 151.0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.6 0.0 5.08 5.73 3.26 t8 0.30 825.57 825.12 826.75 826.43 911.00 911.00 56-57 3 2 149.0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.54 2.98 4.25 t2 0.70 827.11 826.07 827.81 826.79 911.00 911.00 57-58 Project File: LINE UGD-56.s1m IDF File: Intlystorm2000.IDF Total number of lines: 3 Run Date: 03-01-2001 NOTES: Intensity = 56.97 / (Inlet time + 9.00) ^ 0.80; Return period = 10 Yrs. ; Initial tailwater elevation = 826.10 (fl) i~•••••~•••~~~~~••••••••••••••••••~•~~••••• vropn: v.ncoa wfn calf: oxa3aal Lw.non: eem snn mS USJI Gnp.rse 6Y: JVP 1 3 ] < 6 8 ] 6 B 10 11 Ix 1] 1{ 15 18 Ix 10 Ip x0 31 n x] z< eurlen Egni llon len. 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