HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication~~ Sent: Monday, November 26, 2007 1:11 PM To: Stewart, Lisa M Cc: Coy, Sue E; Hollibaugh, Mike P; Keeling, Adrienne M; Brewer, Scott I; Hancock, Ramona B; Littlejohn, David W; DeVore, Laura B; Lillard, Sarah N; Holmes, Christine B; 'jmolitor@prodigy.net'; Boone, Rachel M.; Tingley, Connie S; Duncan, Gary R; Donahue-Wold, Alexia K; 'Brandon Burke'; Chastain, Jenny A; 'kevink@brenwick. com' Subject: Docket No. Assignment: (TAC) Village of WestClay, Sec 6003-B -The Little Gym (07110024 TAC) I have issued the necessary Docket Number for (TAC) Village of WestClay, Sec 6003-B -The Little Gym. It is as follows: Docket No. 07110024 TAC: Village of WestClay, Sec 6003-B -The Little Gym TAC Application Fee: $277.50 Total Fee: $277.50 Docket No. 07110024 TAC: Village of WestClay, Sec 6003-B -The Little Gym The applicant seeks approval for a building for play services for children. The site is located on Moultrie Street, southwest of the intersection of 131sT & Towne. It is zoned PUD/Planned Unit Development. Filed Brandon Burke of The Schneider Corporation. Petitioner, please note the following: 1. This item will be on the December 19 agenda of the Technical Advisory Committee (TAC). The petitioner must submit plans and review materials to all TAC members directly by November 23. (Failure to submit plans and review materials to TAC members by this time will result in the tabling of this petition to the January 16 TAC meeting. For a list of current TAC members go to: http://www.ci. Carmel. in. us/services/DOGS/TAC2007/TAC%20mem tiers%20revised %200 9.07.07.pdf ) 2. This item is subject to administrative review/approval only. 3. The Filing Fee is due on or before December 19. Department of Community Service's Initial Review Comments: 1.) Please provide 4-sided color building elevations. 2.) Please provide a landscape plan. Also, make sure Scott Brewer, City Forester, gets a copy ASAP. PETITIONER: Please wait to submit revised materials until after the Technical Advisory Committee (TAG) has met on this application. The resubmitted materials should include edits addressing any comment or requirements that arise from the TAC meeting. Additional comments may be made after the requested revisions have been submitted. Mr. Burke can be contacted at 826-6403 or fax 826-6410. Thanks. Angie Conn Planning Administrator Department of Community Services City of Carmel One Civic Square Carmel, IN 46032 ~Y. ~f DOCKET NO. ' J -I I I Vll~~ TAC DATE RECEIVED: C t~ii~~[- ' For Department Use Only IfE~EI vED `y a- c~q~. vc~ai a nci n vi vvi i u i iunuy .~ci v wca„_ TECHNICAL ADVISORY COMMITTEEOOCS 1 APPLICATION & PROCEDURES ~~O ~~ Qo <,o„ ~o ~ Fee: $277.50 Property Information .................................................................................... ParcellD': 17-09-29-00-20-004.000 Property Address: 131 st and Towne Rd Zoning District: PUD Overlay District (If applicable): Legal Description: To be typewritten separately. * Please attach a separate list for projects with multiple parcels. Attorney Information .................................................................................... Name: Phone: Email Address: Fax: Engineerlnformation ................................................................................... Name: The Schneider Corporation Arlriracc~ 12821 E New Market Street, Suite 301, Carmel, N 46032 Phone: 317-826-6403 Email Address: bburke@schneidercorp.com Fax: 317-826-6410 Ownerlnformation ...................................................................................... Name: Brenwick Development Company - \`.--~eyl Vl Krr y ~ I GL Address: 12821 E New Market Street, Suite 200 Phone Day:317-574-3400 Email Address: kevink@brenwick.com Project Descripfion ..................................................................................... Please Ir1CIUde a brief Summary/hlStOfy Of the pfOfeCt: The Little Gym project will be located in the Village of WestClay section 6003-B. the project will encompass an approx. 4,561 sgit building with parking for play services for children. I, hereby swear that I am the owner/contract purchaser of property involved in this application and that the foregoing signatures, statements and answers herein contained and the information herewith submitted are in all respects true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. I, the undersigned, authorize the applicanPto~as4on~my.beh. If with regard to this application and subsequent hearings and testimony. Signature of Owner: Date: f I ~) 7/ a7 (Printed Name) r Area (acres): 0_25 1 of 2 S:\FORMS\PC Applications -current\TAC only 2006.doc revised: 01/02/2007 r • • City of Carmel Technical Advisory Committee Application for TAC Review -Instruction Sheet 1. Allow plenty of time for the Department of Community Services (DOGS) staff review and the Technical Advisory Committee (TAG) review process (approximately 30-45 days). 2. INFORMATION NEEDED for formal DOGS staff and TAC review: a. One original and one copy of the completed TAC review application with Legal Description attached. b. Two copies of location map showing location of site in question, zoning and existing land use of all adjacent properties. c. Two copies of all plans drawn to scale with all dimensions and depicting all existing and proposed structures, elevations, landscaping, drainage, lighting, signage and any other supporting documentation to fully understand the proposal. 3. After DOGS staff review the petitioner will be notified of the Docket Number, Meeting Date, Fees and any outstanding information needed to process the application. 4. Filing Deadline: A complete application package of the above-referenced information must be submitted to DOGS and to the TAC Members (list attached) at least 15 days prior to the meeting date. The determination of a complete application submittal is at Staff discretion. 5. Filing Fee: The filing fee, as determined by staff, must be paid at least 12 days prior to the meeting date. Failure to pay the filing fee by this time will result in the item being held off the TAC agenda. 6. The property owner, property owner's attorney, or someone with the property owner's Power of Attorney must be present at the Carmel Technical Advisory Committee meeting. 7. Generally, applications are acted upon by the Committee in one meeting. However, TAG, at its discretion may table an item at any time. 8. The Technical Advisory Committee generally meets the Third Wednesday of each month at 9:00 am in the DOGS Conference Room, City Hall -Third Floor, One Civic Square, Carmel, IN 46032. Agendas are sent to petitioners in advance of the meeting. 2of2 S:\FORMS\PC Applications -current\TAC only 2006.doc revised: 01/06/2006 .. ~.. RECEIVEp VILLAGE OF WEST CLAY-LITTLE GYn4 NOV 1 g X007 Report on Water Distribution, Sanitary Sewer and Stomt Sewer System /~ ~,,,, _„vJ Water Distribution The potable water to the site will be provided by [he City oCCarmel Water Utilities. Connection onto the existing main will be made at [he following location: ^ A 2" ductile iron water service lateral will be extended from an proposed 8" ductile iron water main along the south side of liarleston Street. The proposed 8" watermain will be extending from and existing 8" ductile iron watermain at the south west comer of Taft Circle. Approval for [he extension of water mains will be required from the Indiana Department of Environmental Management, and all mains will be designed and installed in accordance with the City of Carmel Utility roles and regulations. 2. Sanitary Sewer Sanitary sewer effluent for [he site will be accepted by [he Clay Township Regional Waste District (CTRW D). A lift station is proposed along the Eas[em boundary of [he site which will pump effluent via a force main into the existing 18" interceptor located in Springmill Road. Two additional lift stations are proposed within the Village of WestClay to serve areas which cannot be served by gravity sewers. One will be placed within the common area located along Hoover Road, South of [he Claridge Farm entrance. I[ will serve [he Southem third of [he project, and will pump North into the gravity system described above. The station is temporary in nature, and will be taken off line upon extension of [he interceptor proposed to the South and East shown in [he CTRW D's master plan. The second station is also temporary, and is located along [he project's Westernmost boundary near 126's Street. The station will also pump to [he gravity sewers to [he East, and it serves [he portion of [he project located West of Towne Road. Proposed Section 6003-B Little Gym will be serviced by a proposed 6" sanitary lateral. A proposed 8" sanitary sewer main will be extending from an 8" existing sanitary main located on the north west comer of Taft Circle. Approvals for [he design and cons[mction of the sanitary sewers must also be obtained, from CTRWD, iPs consultant and from [he Indiana Department of Environmental Management. 3. Storm Sewer The surface runoff on the site will be conveyed by a system of swales and pipes to a network of retention lakes within the Village of WestClay. In accordance with the requirements of the Hamilton County Surveyor's requirements, the retention lakes will provide storm water management control in order to restrict the discharge rates onto the site's various outfall points. The discharge points for the site are as follows: ^ Elliot Creek; which traverses [he site along the Northern third, then crosses 131` Street and leaves the site just East of the existing 8.5 acre lake on [he Perez parcel. ^ Claridge Farms Legal Drain; which was sized per the County Surveyor's calculations, to accept a 146 acre drainage area [ha[ lies within the boundary of the Village of WestClay. Connection onto the Claridge Farm drain will be made at an existing 36" concrete pipe just South of the existing mound bordering the Perez property, and will address drainage problems evident a[ [hat location. ^ Clay Creek; Which traverses the site along the Southem third, then crosses Iloover Road near the proposed N:\ 1238\070\dces~cewrepn. dce c- common area South of Claridge Farm entrance. ^ Brendle Legal Drain; which flows along the site's Western boundary, [hen crossed 126`s Street West of Towne Road. VOWC Little Gym will construct a parking lot with an internal drive to the west of Moultrie Street. The runoff will be conveyed through the existing storm sewer system into the existing Village of Wes[Clay detention lake network. It is the intent that all main storm sewer lines and all lines interconnecting lakes and serving as outlet points be petitioned [o be accepted by the County Surveyor as regulated drains. A limited portion of the storm sewers that serve [o drain rear and side yards may remain within the maintenance jurisdiction of the project's homeowner's association; however, most storm sewers and all retention lakes will be maintained by the County Surveyor. Subsurface drains, or pavement base drains, aze proposed to be installed under the street curbs, in order to provide an outlet point to home sump pumps, and in order to intercept groundwater seepage before reaching and compromising the pavement stability. 4. Erosion Control During all phases of the construction the Site General Contractor and all Subcontractors shall exercise measures to prevent the erosion of soils due to [he action of water and wind. All erosion and sediment control measures shall be implemented prior to earth moving activities. Sediment in mn-off water shall be trapped by [he use of such methods as debris basins, siltation sumps and silt fences until the disturbed area is stabilized. These shall be in place before any land alterations/grading. Trapping devices shall be periodically inspected during dry periods and after each rainfall event by the Site Contractor. Trapping devices shall be replaced if determined to be incapable of performing intended function of sediment [rapping. The Contractor shall have available on the construction site a water source capable of applying water to dry exposed soil in order to prevent wind erosion. The application rate and manner shall be such that soil moisture is attained and no surface run-off is created. N:\1238\070\docs\scwrcprt.doc Land Description - VOWC Little Gym A part of Block "C" of the Village of WestClay, Section 6003-B, the Secondary Plat of which is Recorded as Instrument Number 2007013950, Plat Cabinet 4, Slide 264, in the Office of the Recorder, Hamilton County, Indiana, located in the Southeast Quarter of Section 29, Township 18 North, Range 3 East, Clay Township, Hamilton County, Indiana, described as follows: Commencing at the northwest corner of said Block "C", thence along the north line of Block "C" North 89 degrees 44 minutes 14 seconds East a distance of 410.92 feet; thence South 00 degrees 11 minutes 59 seconds East a distance of 16.23 feet to the Point of Beginning, thence South 00 degrees 11 minutes 59 seconds East a distance of 106.00 feet; thence South 89 degrees 48 minutes 01 seconds West a distance of 104.21 feet; thence North 00 degrees 11 minutes 59 seconds West 106.00 feet; thence North 89 degrees 48 minutes 01 seconds East 104.21 feet to the Point of Beginning, containing 0.25 acres, more or less. RECEfVED NoV1 y-•,, DOGS