HomeMy WebLinkAboutCorrespondence' c~,L~tt~-~ . ON-SITE EVALUATION FOR EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL Hamilton County Soil and Water Conservation District 1108 South 9"' Street, Noblesville, IN 46060 Email at john-southna iaswcd.org Ph: 317-773-2181 Fax: 317-776-1101 Dated 1-19-03 ~ ~- Q ~ 5 n Project Name: Riverview Commercial Site ~/ Present at Site: John South, Hamilton Co. SWCD, Anthony Fleming, Meyer Najem Construction This Report Provided To: Anthony Fleming / Carmel DOGS Meyer Najem Construction Surveyor 13099 Parkside Drive Fishers, IN 46038 Fax: 816-0952 TYPE OF.EVALUAT[ON: X Initial Routine ~ Follow-up ~ Complaint This evaluation is intended to assess the level of compliance with 327 LAC IS-5 (Rule 5). It is also intended to ident~ areas where additional measures may be required to control erasion and sedimentation. A[l practices recommended in this report should be evaluated as to their feasibility by a qualified individual with structural practices designed by a qualified engineer. All erosion and sediment control measures shall meet the design criteria, standards, and specifications outlined fn the "/ndiana Handbook for Erosion Control in Developing Areas" or similar guidance documents. Current Site Information: Pond at east end of site is roughed out. Storm sewer is being installed. Building pad and parking lot looks close to grade. The Following Items Have Been Evaluated and Assigned a Designation of: S =Satisfactory M =Marginal U =Unsatisfactory NA =Not Applicable Construction Site Management Tor Erosion and Sediment Control S (1) Disturbed areas have been adequately protected through seeding or other appropriate erosion and sediment control measures. S (2) Appropriate perimeter sediment control measures have been implemented. N/A (3) Conveyance channels have been stabilized or protected with appropriate sediment control measures. S (4) Erosion & sediment control measures are installed properly. S (5) Storm drain inlets have been adequately protected. N/A (6) Outlets have been adequately stabilized. S (7) Existing erosion & sediment control measures are being maintained. S (8) Public & private roadways are being kept clear of accumulated sediment or [racked soil. N/A (9) Erosion & sediment control measures have been installed and maintained on individual building sites. Status of Sediment Retention On-Site Site conditions present a high potential for off-site sedimentation. There is evidence of off-site sedimentation. Describe: n pease xeter ro me ~.ommenrs aecnon or rms Definitions Satisfactory: The item is currently in compliance with the Rule Marginal: A concern has been identified; corrective action is strongly recommended to remain in compliance Unsatisfactory: A violation has been identified and the site is not in compliance; corrective action is required Not Applicable: Does not apply at this stage of construction nerdseeaiva ,, ON-SITE EVALUATION FOR EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL COMMENTS PROJECT NAME: Page 2 Install an appropriate sediment control practice between construction areas and lower lying areas. Replace/Repair silt fence and/or straw bale barriers. Entrench silt fence (6-8 in.) and/or straw bale barriers (4 -6 in.) and stake straw bales. Remove accumulated sediment from: sediment traps basins, behind silt fence/straw bales, around storm drain inlet protection devices, streets and gutters (Do not flush with water) X Temporary seed, fertilize, and/or mulch: Disturbed areas left idle over 15 days should be stabilized with a straw mulch or equivalent cover. Permanent seed, fertilize, and mulch areas that are at final grade Protect storm drain inlets: o curb inlets, o drop inlets Reshape and stabilize sideslopes of sediment traps/basins, detention/retention basins Install/Maintain construction entrance(s): Reshape and stabilize conveyance channels: Place greater emphasis on erosion and sediment control on building sites; contractors, subcontractors, material vendors, and others should be made aware of erosion and sediment control requirements. Appropriate perimeter sediment controls (e.g. silt fence) and stable construction entrances shall be utilized on all sites. Sediment tracked into the street shall be removed (do not flush with water) at the end of each work day. Other Requirements: This report submitted by: John B. South P.E. CPESC Revised 4/98 ~M ~~ Schneider October 6, 2003 Mr. Jon Dobosiewicz Department of Community Services City of Carmel One Civic Square Carmel, IN 46032 Re: RivenriewMedical Park° Pole Light Fixtures TSC-Project No. 3462.003 Dear Mr. Dobosiewicz: ~S~ 0 ~~ OVl~~~F/ DOCK, `'0(3 During a meeting with you on Thursday, October 2, 2003, we discussed the fact that Plum Creek Partners, LLC would like to exchange the originally approved exterior light pole fixture for another, very similar light fixture by another manufacturer. As discussed in our meeting, the architectural impact will be very minimal, and unless one had both "cut sheets" to compare, the differences between the two will be unnoticeable. We are including a copy of the original and now void cut sheet and a copy of the new proposed cut sheet. The new fixture is a UCL-Wnd-ANG-SLA17 with a PR5-5R20,BC6-5 pole. As mentioned in our meeting, the reveals shown on the fixture in the cut sheet will be solid metal on this project. Please give me a call if you have any other comments or need additional information. Sincerely, Janet Sterling, RLA Project Manager Enclosures S:\3k\3462\003\docs\correspondence\Cnl'-CARME W onD100603.doc CC: Corby Thompson Bryan Chandler THE SCHNEIpER CORPORATION Historic Fort Hanson 8901 Otis Avenue Intlianapolis, Indiana46216-1037 31]-826]100 Toll free 800-898-0332 Fax 3A-526-]200 wwwschneitlercory.com UCM UCS UCM UCM UCM UCL HEAD LUM SR LUM WND WND LUMINOUS STR STR ANG ANG BEL ANG HOOD ~~ WMA17 PCVS PMS PM SLA7 SLA17 ARM • PR3-3R8 2P-14 DB3-4R16,BBS4-24 PR5-5R20,BC6-5 POLE 16 ARCHITECTURAL AREA LIGHTING C • A Pole top luminaires with , reinforced spreader arm, pole fitter and pole extension. Twin pole top luminaires at 180°. Triple pole top luminaires at 120°. Slip fits any 3° O.D. pole top. Heavy three-ply opal glass with screw neck. Specify coated lamps for optium performance. Color: Black with inside of reflector painted whiCe. Lamp Lumen A B C 87215 Single 1 50W E-17 HPS 4000 15'/n 28'/e 31 Yz 8727MH Single 1 100W ED-17 MH 8500 153/a 283/a 31 Yz 87225 Twin 2 50W E-17 HPS 8000 15'/a 53'/e 3P/z 8722MH Twin 2 100W ED-17 MH 17000 15'/4 53Ye 31 Yz 67235 - Triple 3 50W E-17 HPS 12000 15'/a 4T/a 31'/z 8723MH Triple 3 t00W ED-17 MH 25500 15'/< 47Y< 31 Yz Poles for above luminaires -See Page 266 JUL-21-2003 11:17 FROM:HAMILTO }dWY.DEP 3177769814 T0: 571 2426 P.002~004 "__ .. ~Jr~~ °~~~ ",,M`Y HAMILTOn COUNTY HIGHWi9 YD.EPAI2~TMElYT a9rF OF 1p0\pr7 // \ -. July 21.2003 / J 10 ' `~ Ms. Janet E. Sterling t V~ ~ ~ The Schneider Corporation ~ ~ p- ,/~~FCF~ 8901 Otis Avenue ~ 1j FD Indianapolis, Indiana 46216-1037 ~, O~~,S ?OQ~ RE: rvemewd Aedical Park' \~ -~~ ' Revised"Secondary Plat and Site Plans ~T 3 of 146°h Street / E of Hazel Dell Parkway S ~~'' Clay Township Dear Ms, Sterling: This letter serves to acknowledge receipt of a transmittal received 711103 contalning the plans for the above-mentioned project. After reviewing the plans, the Highway Department has the following comments (I have maintained the numbering from my June 12, 2003 letter): Secondary Plat 1. OK. 2. OK. 3. OK. Site Plans 4. A Private Road Approach permit will be required for the wnstruction of the entranoe and the right in /right out. Please contact Mr. Robb Chadwell, Highway Department Permit Inspector, for the necessary fomis and information. The permit must be obtained before the start of any construction/demoiltion on site. 5. OK, 6, OK. 7. OK. 8. OK. 9. OK. 10" OK. 11.OK 12.OK 13. Please provide swale flow lines in the right of way. The flow lines must contain elevations every 100'. 14. OK. 15. OK. 16. The pavement section for 148' Street must match the ezlsting pavement. I have Included a copy of the sedlan from the 1464i Street construction plans. 17. Please provide a detail of the depressed curb to be used across the entrances. 16. Please note that the median curb of 146s' Street is an B" curb. 1700 South 10'" 3tree[ Office (317} 773-7770 Nobicsvillc, In. 46060 www.co.hamilt~n~n_us Fax {317) 7769814 JUL-21-2003 11:17 FROM:HRMILT0~0 HWY DEP 3177769814 T0:?17 571 2426 P.003~004 19. The current concrete right Ot way markers wIN need to be removed and relocated to the new right of way Imes per the secondary plat. If you have any questions or comments conceming this letter, please feel free to contact me at anytime. Sincerely, Steven J. 9roermann Staff Engineer cc: Jon Doboslewicz Jerry Liston G:413ER31SB103~c107.2t -0amowl aeMBhazdell.doc JUL-21-2003 _11:17 FROM:HRMILTON 0 HWY DEP 3177769814 T0: 7 571 2426 P.004~004 'i 3. '~ r_ti ~ Mok 6 or~7 . Existing Ground U - - "~ Typ, For III Sections 3:~ fox ~URFCf~~FO ~s 70D3 L I`~I•rN S~ >ZW QkUfiwEldT ~EcfloN U„e St~,s«,a.~ ~M ~£t Q 13 15 22 26 2 LEGEND Geotextiles For Underdroin Note: All dimensions ore in mm unless o#herwise specified See landscaping plans for treatment on the median. Full Depth Pavement: 90 kg/nrz HMA Surface , SMA on 165 kg/rrtz QC/QA HMA Intermediate 19.0 mm, Mainline on 240 kg/rrY~ OC/QA HMA Bose 25A mm, Mainline on 165 kg/rtt2 HMA Base C 25.0 mm, Mainline on 270 kg/rttz OC/QA HMA Bose 25,17 mm, Mainline. Multi-use Path: 60 kg/mZ HMA surface 9.5 mm, Shoulder, on 120 ,kg~rrtz HMA Intermediate 19.0 mm, Shoulder, on 150 mm Type "0 compacted Aggregate for base, (size no. 53) Underdroin (Pipe, Type 4, Circular, 150 mm) Concrete Curb Mao~ifr+~ Combined Concrete Curb And Gutter, Type C Concrete Center Curb Type C Sodding •- Nursery Seeding [ETON COUNTY AY ~UEPART~ENT flLE pp ---~y - suave soak S~~TS' _ Cif~O55 SEti I I~~J CDNMACT 3 P1~JECT 66 PR-98-0005 JUL-21-2003 11:17 FROM:HAMILT0~0 HWY DEP 3177769814 T0~7 571 2426 P.001~004 HAMILT~~ CO~I~TY HIG,~f WA Y D~PAR TM~1 YT, JGRF~F~ FAX TRANSMITTAL SHEET 00 ~ Sj~OFa Y #PAGES (INCLUDING COVER SHEET):( DATE: zI , 2003 TO: COMPANY: TITLE: FROM: TITLE; SUBJECT: FAX#: ~ 1 PAX#:(317) 77b-9814 K ~o me r7~ .cc ~irr y ~ N a~ 1700 3outb,l0° Street Office (317) 7737770 Noblesville, ln. 46060 www.co.bamilWOSn.us Fax (317) 776-9814 FAX #: NUMBER OF PAGES: See Below RECEIVED JUL 1 2GG3 DOCS Historic Fort Harrison ~ 8901 Otis Avenue Indianapolis, IN 46216-1037 ~ Telephone: 317/826-7100 ~ 800/898.0332 ~ www.schneidercorp.com TO: Mr. Jon Dobosiewicz City of Carmel One Civic Square Carmel, IN 46032 Transmittal DATE: 07/01 /03 JOB #: 3462.003 PROJECT: Riverview Medical Park RE: Revised Constr. Plans Secondary Plat Approval FROM: Janet Sterling FAX: DIRECT DIAL: 826-7322 WE ARE SENDING YOU: ^ Attached Via: ^ Mail ^ Fed Ex TELEPHONE #: (317)571-2400 ^ UPS ®Courier ^ Pick Up ^ Other ^ Fax # Co ies Date Descri lion 1 Co of Revised Construction Plans 1 Seconda Plat FEE 1 Revised Seconda Plat we revised the electric easement er Client and Ciner THE ABOVE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: ® For approval ®As requested ^ FOR BIDS DUE ^ For your use ®For review and comment ^ Other REMARKS: Dear Jon, I'm sending revised plans because the County Highway Dept. had several comments we needed to address (Street signs, pavement sections, etc.). Additionally, the client wanted us to move a trash enclosure closer to the office building and add a sidewalk on the easUwest road between the office and immediate care. At this point I believe we have addressed all comments we received for Primary and Secondary Plat approval. Please call if you have any questions/comments. Thanks, Janet Sterling (826-7322) if enclosures are not as noted, kindly notify us at once. Offices in Indianapolis, Avon, Carmel, and Lafayette, Indiana s:13k1346210031doalwrrespondencelsewndary plafldobosiewicz070103.doc r~ ~~~°~ .RECEIVED ,. ,~ . DpCS June 12, 2003 Janet Sterling, RLA The Schneider Corporation 8901 Otis Avenue Indianapolis, IN 46216-1037 RE: Riven_riew Medical~Park,_SecondaryPlat TSC Job #3462.003 Dear Ms. Sterling: ~3sQ q~. I have received and reviewed the materials for the above-mentioned project. At the present time, I see nothing in the plans that would hamper law enforce- ment efforts. If we can be of any further assistance to you, please contact us. Respectfully, ~~~~,~~- Michael D. Fo arty Chief of Police MDF:vb ca Dept. of Community Services (317)571-2580 ,~- :*, >- ~a ~~ ,~ .~~ ANationallyAccredit 1;~~.E•'forcementAgency a e ]F : (317D 57fl-2512 June 11, 2003 Mr. Jon Dobosiewicz Carmel Planning Department One Civic Planning Department One Civic Square Carmel, IN 46032 Re: Riverview Medical Park, Secondary Plat TSC Project No. 3462.003 Dear Mr. Dobosiewicz: Please find attached a copy of the Secondary Plat and support information per the secondary plat checklist. Although we are not on the agenda for the June 18'" TAC meeting we are asking for review comments so they may be addressed, and pending Primary Plat approval, our Secondary Plat process will move quickly. Please give me a call if you have any other comments or need additional information. Sincerely, W1u~~ JanetBterling, RLA Project Manager Enclosures S93k13662W03~tlocsYOrrespontlence\SECONDARV PLATCARMEL UTILITIES.doc THE SCMNEIDER CORPORATION Hlsloric FOn Harrison 6901011s Avenue Intlianapolls, Intllana 46216-103] 31 L626-]100 Toll tree 800.898-0332 Fax 31 ]-ffi6-]200 www.scnneitlercorp.com ~ ~. A Rr~CrIVED Transmittal ,- P4~y zz fol,3 DOCS ~ ,- ~~ A~,.. Historic Fort Harrison ~ 8901 Otis Avenue Indianapolis, IN 46216-1037 ~ Telephone: 317/826-7100 ~ 800/898-0332 ~ www.schneidercorp.com TO: Mr. Jon Dobosiewicz Carmel Planning Department One Civic Square Carmel. IN 46032 FROM: Janet Sterling FAX: DIRECT DIAL: WE ARE SENDING YOU: ^ Attached Via: ^ Mail DATE: JOB #: PROJECT: R E: FAX #: NUMBER OF PAGES: TELEPHONE #: 05/22/03 3462.003 146'" and Hazel Dell Parkway Riverview Medical Plat ^ Fed Ex ^ UPS ®Courier ^ Pick Up ^ Other ^ Fax # Co ies Date Descri lion 1 Set of Construction tans, Prima Plan and Seconda Plan THE ABOVE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: ® For approval ^ As requested ^ FOR BIDS DUE ^ For your use ®For review and comment ^ Other REMARKS: Jon, I will submit a Secondary Plat Application in the next week or so. S~e~ ~,kq Thank you, Janet ~iP~ing. X ~~~~ COPY TO: If enclosures are not as noted, kindly notify us at once. File Offices in Indianapolis, Avon, Carmel, and Lafayette, Indiana s:\3kV3462\003\docs\transmmalsldobosiewicz052303.doc Mr. Jon Dobosiewicz Carmel Planning Department One Civic Square Carmel, IN 46032 ~~ Schneider Re: Riverview Medical Plaza -Primary Plat TAC Comments TSC job no. 3462.003 Dear Mr. Dobosiewicz: RI:~~.i~~,,FD DuCS As you know we have been working through rezoning procedures on our project at the southeast corner of 146th Street and Hazel Dell Parkway. At the same time, we are also taking our primary plat through Carmel's approval process. We attended TAC meetings in November and January and received several TAC comment letters. At this time we have responded to the following people and departments: Scott Brewer -Carmel City Forester Dik Hill -City Engineering Jenny Chapman -Hamilton County Surveyor Gary Hoyt -Carmel Fire Marshall John South -Hamilton County SCS Paul Pace and Jim Haag -Carmel Utilities We plan to present our Primary Plat to the Carmel Plan Commission at the June 17 meeting. Therefore, we hope to get any further comments from you before that time. We have also included a copy of our secondary plat. I will be turning in an application for secondary plat approval in the next week or so. Please feet free to call me at 826-7322 if you have questions. Sincerely, Janet Sterling, RLA Project Manager S:\3k\3462\003\docs\PI an n ingTAC052003. doc `%% V I JP~Zkf' THE SCNNEIDER CORPORATION Historic Fort Harrison 8901 Otis Avenue Indianapolis, Indiana 4621&1037 317-826-7100 Tall free 80P898-0332 Fax 317-826-7200 wwwschneidercorp. com