HomeMy WebLinkAboutLetter of Grantxs, ,~~~y"°F~~qR~~~ CITY OF <~ Q ~ °~ CARMEL ~~~~~~~~~~~~//~~~~~~ll~~ ~I~~~~~ DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES Division of Planning & Zoning LETTER of GRANT July 2, 2003 Jim Shinaver NELSON & FRANI{ENBERGER 3021 East 98'" Street Suite 220 Indianapolis, IN 46280 Re: 4Hazel-Dell'Cornei. lot 1,-The Overlook Docket No. 96-03ADLS Amend -~ Deaz Mr. Shinaver At the meeting held July 1, 2003 the Special Studies Cormnittee took the following action regazding the Architectural Design, Lighting and Signage Amendment, (ADCs Amend) approval for the property located at the northwest comer of Hazel Dell Pazkway and Eas[ 131° Street. APPROVED: Docket No. 96-03 ADLS Amend request to approve ADLS Amend with conditions. The Committee voted five (5) in favor two (2) opposed thereby granting the petition. In order to assist the Department's review, please attach a copy of this letter when making application for permits regarding the improvements contained within this approval. Do not hesitate to contact me if I can be of further assistance Sincer//e>ly, - UG~'~ Jon C. Dobosiewicz Planning Administrator Department of Community Services 317-571-2417 cc: Jeff Kendall, Building Commissioner DOCS Dawn Pattyn Ramona Hancock Gayle Stahl 200302.96-03ADLSAmendpb