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-: C. ON-SITE EVALUATION FOR EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL Hamilton County Soil and Water Conservation District 1108 South 9~' Street, Noblesville, IN 46060 Ph:317-773-2181 Fax:317-776-1101 Date: December 2, 2003 Project Name: Clay Terrace Present at Site: John South, Hamilton Co. SWCD; Mike Spazks, Louth This ReportProvided To TYPE OF EVALUATION Mr. Mike Sparks ~ Louth Fax: 815:8872 Initial X Routine Follow-up `pl ~03~~ l Carmel DOCS File Complaint Thls evaluation is intended to assess the level of compliance with 327IAC I S-S (Rule 5). It is also intended to ident~ areas where additional measures may be required [o control erosion and sedimentation. All practices recommended in this report should be evaluated as to their feasibility by a qualified individual with structural practices designed 6y a qualified engineer. All erosion and sediment control measures shall meet the design criteria, standards, and spec cations outlined in the 'Yndiana Handbook for Erosion Control in Developing Areas" or similar guidance documents. Current Site Information: Mass grading is well under way and storm sewer is being installed. Bridge across small stream is installed and backfilled. Disturbed land along the ditch and at the southern end of the site has been mulched. Additional parking areas have been paved or stoned. The pass through storm sewer along the west P/L is now functional. Soil stock piles are being made in the north-west corner of the site. Two parking areas on the west side should be stoned by the end of next week. The Following Items Have Been Evaluated and Assigned a Designation of: S =Satisfactory M =Marginal U =Unsatisfactory NA =Not Applicable Construction Site Management for Erosion and Sediment Control U (1) Disturbed areas have been adequately protected through seeding or other appropriate erosion and sediment control measures. U (2) Appropriate perimeter sediment control measures have been implemented. n/a (3) Conveyance channels have been stabilized or protected with appropriate sediment control measures. S (4) Erosion & sediment control measures are installed properly. S (5) Storm drain inlets have been adequately protected. N/A (6) Outlets have been adequately stabilized. S (7) Existing erosion & sediment control measures are being maintained. M (8) Public & private roadways are being kept clear of accumulated sediment or tracked soil. N/A (9) Erosion & sediment control measures have been installed and maintained on individual building sites. Status of Sediment Retention On-Site Site conditions present a high potential for off-site sedimentation. There is evidence of off-site sedimentation. Describe: X Please Keier to the l.~ommen[s aecnon o[ [ms Definitions Satisfactory: The item is currently in compliance with the Rule Marginal: A concern has been identified; corrective action is strongly recommended to remain in compliance Unsatisfactory: A violation has been identifed and the site is not in compliance; corrective action is required Not Applicable: Does not apply at this stage of construction _. ReoiseAa/9s Jason Dapp, Gradex ~ Fax: 573:3979 ~=, ON-SITE EVALUATION FOR EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL COMMENTS PROJECT NAME: ClayTerrace Page 2 The items checked below must be corrected prior to 12-17-03 ,unless otherwise noted. X Install an appropriate sediment control practice between construction areas and lower lying areas. The detention basin in the north west corner of the site needs to function as the sediment basin for that part of the watershed. The slotted riser needs to be backfilled with #8 stone and cut off at the correct height. The dam should be stable, seeded and mulched. Stormwater that flows east on the northern construction entrance, must be directed into the basin. Storm water that flows down the haul road at the very northern end of the site should also be directed into the basin. A potential channel has been left between the two stockpiles on the east side of the basin. This channel needs to be closed up and all discharge directed through the slotted riser. Replace/Repair silt fence and/or straw bale barriers. Entrench silt fence (6-8 in.) and/or straw bale barriers (4 -6 in.) and stake straw bales. Remove accumulated sediment from: sediment traps/basins, behind silt fence/straw bales, around storm drain inlet protection devices, streets and gutters (Do not flush with water) X Temporary seed, fertilize, and/or mulch: Soil stockpiles at the north end of the site. Permanent seed, fertilize, and mulch areas that are at final grade X Protect storm drain inlets: Xcurb inlets, Xdrop inlets_As inlets are installed. Fabric under the casting is not an approved practice for a functioning inlet. Reshape and stabilize sideslopes of : sediment traps/basins, detention/retention basin Install/Maintain construction entrance(s): Reshape and stabilize conveyance channels: Place greater emphasis on erosion and sediment control on building sites; contractors, subcontractors, material vendors, and others should be made aware of erosion and sediment control requirements. Appropriate perimeter sediment controls (e.g. silt fence) and stable construction entrances shall be utilized on all sites. Sediment tracked into the street shall be removed (do not flush with water) at the end of each work day. X Other Requirements: Repair the stone check dam for the outlet of the south basin. This south basin is to be mulched after the debris is removed. Raise by 18" the horse shoe rock dam protecting the existing box culvert on the east side. This report submitted by: -John B. South- P.E Revised 4 / 98 ON-SITE EVALUATION FOR EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL Hamilton County Soil and Water Conservation District 1108 South 9'h Street, Noblesville, IN 46060 Ph: 317-773-2181 Fax:317-776-I 101 Date: October 8, 2003 Project Name: Clay Terrace Present at Site: John South, Hamilton Co. SWCD; Mike Sparks, Lauth This Report Provided To Mr. Mike Sparks Lauth Fax: 815:8872 TYPE OF EVALUATION: ^ Initial X Routine Jason Dapp, Gradex Fax: 573:3979 ^ Follow-up Carmel DOCS File ^ Complaint This evaluation is intended to nssess the !eve! of compliance with 3271AC 1 S-S (Rule SJ. !t is also intended m identify areas where addi(iona! mearures may be required to control erosion and sedimentation. A!! practices recanmended in this report should be evaluated as to !heir feasibility by a qualified individua! with struc(ura/ prac(ices designed by u qualified engineer. Al! erosion and sediment con(ro! measures shall meet (he design criteria, standards, and specifications and/fined fist the "/ndiana Handbook for Erosion Control in Developing Areas" or similar guidance documents. Current Site Information: Mass grading is well under way and storm sewer is being installed. Bridge across small stream is installed and back£illed. Basin #2 is being removed and the water directed into basin #1 by the ditch. Basin #3 on the west side is removed. Several buildings are being constructed. Stone has been laid in several areas. The parking lots are to be stoned by November 10th. The sediment in the north east corner is removed and the pond is being constructed. No seeding has occurred. The Following Items Have Been Evaluated and Assigned a Designation of: S =Satisfactory M =Marginal U =Unsatisfactory NA =Not Applicable Construction Site Management for Erosion and Sediment Control U (1) Disturbed areas have been adequately protected through seeding or other appropriate erosion and sediment control measures. M (2) Appropriate perimeter sediment control measures have been implemented. n/a (3) Conveyance channels have been stabilized or protected with appropriate sediment control measures. U (4) Erosion & sediment control measures are installed properly. M (5) Storm drain inlets have been adequately protected. N/A (6) Outlets have been adequately stabilized. S (7) Existing erosion & sediment control measures are being maintained. S (8) Public & private roadways are being kept clear of accumulated sediment or tracked soil. N/A (9) Erosion & sediment control measures have been installed and maintained on individual building sites. Status of Sediment Retention On-Site Site conditions present a high potential for off-site sedimentation. ^ There is evidence of off-site sedimentation. Describe: n pease rcerer ro me ~,ummenrs ~ecuun m uus Defrnitinns Satisfactory: The item is currently in compliance with [he Rule Marginal: A concern has been identified; corrective action is strongly recommended to remain in compliance Unsatisfactory: A violation has been identified and the site is no[ in compliance; corrective action is required No[ Applicable: Does not apply a[ this stage of construction Rwi.eeA4/98 ON-SITE EVALUATION FOR EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL COMMENTS PROJECT NAME: ClayTerrace Page 2 The items checked below must be corrected prior to l 1-7-03 ,unless otherwise noted. Install an appropriate sediment control practice between construction areas and lower lying areas. ^ Replace/Repair silt fence and/or straw bale barriers. X Entrench silt fence (6-8 in.) and/or straw bale barriers (4 -6 in.) and stake straw bales. ^ Remove accumulated sediment from: ^ sediment traps/basins, ^ behind silt fence/straw bales, ^ around storm drain inlet protection devices, ^ streets and gutters (Do not flush with water) X Temporary seed, fertilize, and/or mulch: X Permanent seed, fertilize, and mulch areas that are at final grade Protect storm drain inlets: curb inlets, drop inlets- X Reshape and stabilize sideslopes of : ^ sediment traps/basins, X detention/retention basins ^ Install/Maintain construction entrance(s): ^ Reshape and stabilize conveyance channels: ^ Place greater emphasis on erosion and sediment control on building sites; contractors, subcontractors, material vendors, and others should be made aware of erosion and sediment control requirements. Appropriate perimeter sediment controls (e.g. silt fence) and stable construction entrances shall be utilized on all sites. Sediment tracked into the street shall be removed (do not flush with water) at the end of each work day. X Other Requirements: Improve the installed stone check dam for the outlet of the basin in the south-west corner of the bridge. Seed side slopes of new roadway. Permanent seed, stone or mulch disturbed areas as they come to grade. Before November, significant areas of the site need to be protected. Prevent storm water from entering the 146`" Street ditch. This report submitted by: John I3. South- P.E Reviser! 4 / 9R ON-SITE EVALUATION FOR EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL Hamilton County Soil and Water Conservation District ] 108 South 9`" SCreet, Noblesville, IN 46060 Ph:317-773-218] Fax:317-776-1107 Date: October 8, 2003 Project Name: Cl"ay~errace Present at Site: John South, Hamilton Co. SWCD; Mike Sparks, Louth This Report Provided To Mr. Mike Sparks Jason Dapp, Gradex Carmel DOCS Louth Fax: 573:3979 File Fax: 815:8872 TYPE OF EVALUATION: Initial X Routine Follow-up Complaint This evaluation is intended to assess the level of compliance with 3271AC 15-5 (Rule 5). It is also intended to identify areas where additional measures may be required to contra! erosion and sedimentation. All practices recommended in this report should be evaluated as to their feasibility by a qualifred individual with structure! practices designed by n qualifred engineer. Ald erosion and sediment control measures shall meet the design criteria, standards, and specifications outlined in the "Indiana Handbook for Erosion Control in Developing Areas" or similar guidance documents. Current Site Information: Mass grading is well under way and storm sewer is being installed. Bridge across small stream is installed and backfilled. Basin #2 is being removed and the water directed into basin #1 by the ditch. Basin #3 on the west side is ready to be removed as storm sewer is installed. Several buildings are being constructed. Stone has been laid in several areas. The parking lots are to be stoned by November 10tH The Following Items Have Been Evaluated and Assigned a Designation oG S =Satisfactory M =Marginal U =Unsatisfactory NA =Not Applicable Construction Site Management for Erosion and Sediment Control (1) Disturbed areas have been adequately protected through seeding or other appropriate erosion and sediment control measures. S (2) Appropriateperimeter sediment control measures have been implemented. n/a (3) Conveyance channels have been stabilized or protected with appropriate sediment control measures. S (4) Erosion & sediment control measures are installed properly. U (5) Storm drain inlets have been adequately protected. N/A (6) Outlets have been adequately stabilized. S (7) Existing erosion & sediment control measures are being maintained. M (8) Public & private roadways are being kept clear of accumulated sediment or tracked soil. N/A (9) Erosion & sediment control measures have been installed and maintained on individual building sites. Status of Sediment Retention On-Site Site conditions present a high potential for off-site sedimentation. There is evidence of off-site sedimentation. Describe: X Please Refer to the Comments Section of this Report Defrnitions Satisfactory: The item is currently in compliance with the Rule Marginal: A concern has been identified; corrective action is strongly recommended to remain in compliance Unsatisfactory: A violation has been identified and the site is not in compliance; corrective action is required No[ Applicable: Does not apply at this stage of construction tteotsed 4/98 ON-SITE EVALUATION FOR EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL COMMENTS PROJECT NAME: C1ayTerrace Page 2 The items checked below must be corrected prior to 10-17-03 ,unless otherwise noted. Install an appropriate sediment control practice between construction areas and lower lying areas. Replace/Repair silt fence and/or straw bale barriers. Entrench silt fence (6-8 in.) and/or straw bale barriers (4 -6 in.) and stake straw bales. Remove accumulated sediment from: sediment traps basins, behind silt fence/straw bales, around storm drain inlet protection devices, streets and gutters (Do not flush with water) Temporary seed, fertilize, and/or mulch: ^ Permanent seed, fertilize, and mulch areas that are at final grade X Protect storm drain inlets: Xcurb inlets, Xdrop inlets_As inlets are installed. Fabric under the casting is not an approved practice for a functioning inlet. Reshape and stabilize sideslopes of : sediment traps/basins, detention/retention basins Install/Maintain construction entrance(s): Reshape and stabilize conveyance channels: Place greater emphasis on erosion and sediment control on building sites; contractors, subcontractors, material vendors, and others should be made aware of erosion and sediment control requirements. Appropriate perimeter sediment controls (e.g. silt fence) and stable construction entrances shall be utilized on all sites. Sediment tracked into the street shall be removed (do not flush with water) at the end of each work day. X Other Requirements: Install silt fence along the south bank of the ditch. Installed a stone check dam for the outlet of the basin in the south-west corner of the bridge. Permanent seed, stone or mulch disturbed areas as they come to grade. Before November, significant areas of the site need to be protected. This report submitted by: John B. Sauth_ P.E. Revised 4 / 98 ATT00021 Pred, Tax map parcel numbers as listed below, Please include with the pre-submittal applications. Z have received the foundation release for 62,c1,o1. Per our conversation yesterday, you will issue application to Carmel for them today, yes? -----Original Message----- From: See, Kevin sent: Thursday, Ju1X 31, 2003 5:38 PM To: 'Stahl, Gayle H Cc: ]ang, Mark; Fred Simmons (E-mail) Subject; RE; Pre-submittal Meeting: clay Terrace Gayle, All of the tax parcel numbers for the clay Terrace Development are as follows: 16-09-24-00-00-010,000 16-09-24-00-00-010.001 16-09-24-00-00-011.000 16-09-24-00-00-012.000 16-09-24-00-00-013.000 16-09-24-00-00-014.000 16-09-Z4-00-00-015,000 16-09-24-02-07-005.000 16-09-24-02-07-012.000 16-09-Z4-04-03-014.000 16-09-24-04-03-015.000 16-09-24-04-03-016.000 16-09-24-04-03-017.000 Kevin see Project Manager Lauth Property Group (317)575-3035 Direct Fax: (317)564-3035 corporate Fax: (317)848-6511 email mailto:ksee@lauth.net web http://www,lauth:net D `P I IDS-% For more than 25 years, Lauth has been building business facilities for clients to lease or own throughout the United States. Lauth's years of solid experience, coupled with completed projects exceeding the S1 billion mark, make it a leading national privately held development and construction firm, ~auth delivers virtually any type of facility including office, industrial healthcare and retail from offices in Indianapolis, Charlotte, Denver and salt sake city. ---Original Message----- From: Stahl, Gayle H Cmailto:GStah1@ci,carmel.in.us] sent: Wednesday, July 30 2003 4;21 PM To: Adrienne Keeling; Ba~ibitt, Pamela A; Butler Angelina v; candy Feltner (E-mail); Dawn Pattyn; Ho t, Gary A; 7e~F Kendall. Jenny Chapman (E-mail)i Jerry Liston; Jim Blanchard; John South (E-mail); Ton oobosiewicz; Laurence Lilliggi Ramona Hancock; Sarah Lillard; Scott Brewer; Steve aroerman; William Akers; Dick Hill; Kate Weese; Mike McBride cc: see, Kevin Subject: Pre-Submittal Meeting: Clay Terrace The Dept. of Community service, Building & Code Enforcement division, has Page 1 0I/D 'd i[98'~H S~,LdI00SSd ~ SNONIV~[S ~'B~I 0[ £OOZ'LI'aaS DNR September 15, 2003 Frank O'Bannon, Governor Larry D. Macklin, Director Indiana Department of Natural Resources R~~\VED SEQ ,1 263 ppGS Division of Soil Conservation 402 W Washington Street VY265 InEianapolis, IN 46204-2]82 PH: 31]/233-36]0 FAX: 31]233-3662 Louth Mr. Patrick Shea 9777 North College Avenue Indianapolis, IN 46280 3~~ v ~~ ~~ VIA ItE: lay Terrace, _ ainilCounty, Indiazia a' Dear lOlr. Shea: MAIL # 7002 2030 0006 6403 5624 WARNING OF NONCOMPLIANCE This office has been notified by John South, PE, District Manager for the Hamilton County SWCD that your project known as Clay Terrace is out of compliance with the National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) General Permit Rule 327 IAC 1 S-S. It is the intent of the Division to resolve non-compliance issues and avoid referring this project to the Indiana Department of Environmental Management (IDEM) for an enforcement action. The erosion and sediment control plan submitted to the local Soil and Water Conservation District did not meet the requirements of the rule. An adequate erosion and sediment control plan is required by rule prior to the initiation of any land disturbing activity. Construction activity associated with this project has commenced without an adequate erosion and sediment control plan. You are currently operating without a permit and are in violation of 327 IAC I S-5. Please submit a revised erosion and sediment control plan that meets or exceeds the minimum requirements of the rule to the Hamilton SWCD on or before September 2S, 2003. The completed plan should be mailed or delivered to: Hamilton County SWCD John South 1108 S. 9`h Street Noblesville, IN 46060 Page 1 of 2 Clay Terrace, Hamilton County An Equal Opportunity Employer Printed on Recycled Paper The enclosed On-Site Evaluation documents that an insufficient effort has been made to comply with the conditions and requirements of 327 IAC 15-5. The report clearly outlines the deficiencies observed at the site and the requirements to bring the project back into compliance. Failure to implement and maintain appropriate erosion and sediment control measures is a serious violation and deserves your immediate attention. It is requested that on or before September 25, 2003 that corrective action is taken to address the deficiencies specified in the enclosed on-site evaluation. Orice corrective action has been taken to address the deficiencies, please notify John South so a follow up inspection maybe conducted. Staff will continue to inspect this site to monitor progress and assess compliance with-the Rule. Timely implementation and maintenance of erosion and sediment control measures is critical. in preventing off-site sedimentation. Failure to correct deficiencies associated with this site will result in a referral to the Indiana Department of Environmental Management and the initiation of an enforcement action. If you have any questions regazding the On-site Evaluation or require clarification on any issue, . please contact John South immediately at 317-773-2181. Since y, ~ ( ) Randy J. Braun, CPESC~V~,~-ACS-~-- Chief, Stormwater and Sediment Control Program Enclosure: On-Site Inspection Report cc: John South, Hamilton County SWCD ' Kenton Ward; Hamilton County Surveyor Cannel Dept. of Community Services Doug Wolf, Stonnwater Specialist Page 2 of 2 Clay Terrace, Hamilton County ON-SITE EVALUATION FOR EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL Hamilton County Soil and Water Conservation District 1108 South 9'~ Street, Noblesville, TN 46060 Ph:317-773-2181 Fax:317-776-1101 Date: August 26, 2003 Project Name: Clay Terrace Present at Site: John South, Hamilton Co. SWCD, Mark Bowling, Lauth This Report Provided To Mr. Mark Bowling ~ Jason Dapp, Gmdex Carmel DOCS Lauth Fax: 573:3979 File Fax: 815:8872 TYPE OF EVALUATION: ^ Initial X Routine ^ Follow-up ^ Complaint This evaluation is intended to assess the level ojcompliance with 327IAC I S-5 (Rule 5). It is also intended to identify areas where additional measures may be required to control erosion and sedimentation. All practices recommended in this report should be evaluated as to their feasibility by a qualified individual with structural practices designed by a qualified engineer. All erosion and sediment control measures shall meet the design criteria, standards, and specifications outlined in the "Indiana Handbook for Erosion Controfin Developing Aieas" or similar guidance documents. Current Site Information: Mass grading is well under way. Bridge across small stream is installed but not back filled. Sediment basins shown on the plan aze still not installed correctly. Foundation work has started on two buildings. Gas pipeline is installed. The Following Items Have Been Evaluated and Assigned a Designation of: S =Satisfactory M =Marginal U =Unsatisfactory NA =Not Applicable Construction Site Management for Erosion and Sediment Control U (I) Disturbed aeeas have been adequately protected through seeding or other appropriate erosion and sediment control measwes. U (2) Appropriate perimeter sediment control measwes have been implemented. n/a (3) Conveyance channels have been stabilized or protected with appropriate sediment control measures. U (4) Erosion & sediment control measures are installed properly. n/a (5) Storm drain inlets have been adequately protected. N/A (6) Outlets have been adequately stabilized. M (7) Existing erosion & sediment conVOl measures are being maintained. S (8) Public & private roadways are being kept clear of accumulated sediment or Vacked soil. N/A (9) Erosion & sediment control measures have been installed and maintained on individual building sites. Status of Sediment Retention On-Site X Site conditions present a high potential for off-site sedimentation. ^ There is evidence of off-site sedimentation. Describe: pease r[erer [o [ne r.ommems aecuun m uus Definitions Satisfactory: The item is currently in compliance with the Ru]e Maginal: A concern has been identified; conrective action is strongly recommended to remain incompliance Unsatisfactory: A violation has been identified and the site is no[ in compliance; corrective action is required Not Applicable: Does not apply at this stage of construction Revised 4/98 ' ON-SITE EVALUATION FOR EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL COMMENTS PROJECT NAME: ClayTerrace Page 2 The items checked below must be corrected prior to _9/5/03 ,unless otherwise noted. X Install an appropriate sediment control practice between construction areas and lower lying areas. Install sediment basins as shown on the plan. ^ Replace/Repair silt fence and/or straw bale barriers. ^ Entrench silt fence (6-8 in.) and/or straw bale barriers (4 -6 in.) and stake straw bales. ^ Remove accumulated sediment from: ^ sediment traps basins, ^ behind silt fence/straw bales, ^ around storm drain inlet protection devices, ^ streets and gutters (Do not flush with water) Temporary seed, fertilize, and/or mulch: ^ Permanent seed, fertilize, and mulch areas that are at final grade X Protect storm drain inlets: Xcurb inlets, Xdrop inlets_As inlets are installed. Fabric under the casting is not an approved practice for a functioning inlet. ^ Reshape and stabilize sideslopes of : ^ sediment traps/basins, ^ detention/retention basins ^ Install/Maintain construction entrance(s): ^ Reshape and stabilize conveyance channels: ^ Place greater emphasis on erosion and sediment control on building sites; contractors, subcontractors, material vendors, and others should be made aware of erosion and sediment control requirements. -- Appropriate perimeter sediment controls (e.g. silt fence) and stable construction entrances shall be utilized on all sites. Sediment tracked into the street shall be removed (do not flush with water) at the end of each work day. X Other Requirements: Submit new plans that reflect changes to the site design and erosion control plan. Drainage from road construction at south end of the project needs to be directed into a sediment basin. . This report submitted by: -John B. South- P Revised 4/98 ON-SITE EVALUATION FOR EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL Hamilton Cotmty Soil and Water Conservation District 1108 South 9°i Street, Noblesville, IN 46060 Ph' '17-773-~I81 Fax 317-776-I10] O ~ .I O 1/ Date: Z ©/~-~,,~ Project Name: t~=~`Q_~"~.~fE':4CEm Present at Site: john South, Hamilton Co. SWCD, ~ffU t? ~~ G~ .~ lJi[-%N ~~S%2CFC,7/LYd This Report Provided To: B $'P G/'A,DEX ~'~~~ ~ Au,H Co./s~,e s ~ 8s P.eiD,e/7Y ttJ.~Y 5 Su.ev~ro2 Fix A/.5 £i8'lZ Su~:~ ~~o ~"i/_E T isi,c%o i~5ti5 z O TYPE OF EVALUATION: o Initial ~ Routine O Follow-up o Complain4 This evaluation is itatended to assess the level ojcarnp/lance with 327 JAC I S-5 (Rule 5). /t is also intended to identify areas where additionnl measures mny he required to control erosion and sedimentation. Al[ practices recommended in this report should be evalunted as to !heir jeasibiliry by a qualifred individunf with structural practices designed by a qualified engineer. ,411 erosion and sediment control measures shall meet the design criteria, standards, and specifications outlined !n the °/ndinna Hnndbooh for Erosion Control in Developing Areas" or s ntilar guidnnee documents. // / Current Site Information: .,.1 ., To nation nf: 7-he NOIIOWIng hews Haut vw,.., ....,....-- _.._ .____e_. ., S =Satisfactory M =Marginal U =Unsatisfactory NA = No[ Applicable Construction Site Management for Erosion and Sediment Control OS M U NA (1) Disturbed areas have been adequately protected through seeding or other appropriate erosion and M U NA S M U ©M U NA S M S M SQ M Q M S M U U U NA sediment control measures. (2) Appropriate perimeter sediment control measures have been implemented. (3) Conveyance channels have been stabilized or protected with appropriate sediment control measures. (4) Erosion & sediment control measures are installed properly. (5) Storm drain inlets have been adequately protected. (6) Outlets have been adequately stabilized. (7) Existing erosion & sediment control measures are being maintained. U NA (S) Public & private roadways are being kept clear of accumulated sediment or tracked soil. U ~ (9) Erosion & sediment control measures have been installed and maintained on individual building sites. Status of Sediment Retentimt On-Site o Site conditions present a high potential for off-site sedimentation. o There is evidence of off-site sedimentation. Describe: Please Refer to the Comments Section of this Report Definitions Satisfactory: The item is currently in compliance with the Rule Marginal: A concern has been identified; corrective action is strongly recommended to remain in compliance Unsatisfactory: A violation has been identified and the site is not in compliance; corrective action is required Revisert a/va Not Applicable: Does not apply at this stage of construction ON-SITE EVALUATION FOR EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL COMMENTS PROJECT NAME: CL A: / ~,ei2/3GE Page 2 The items checked below must be corrected prior [o '0 ,unless otherwise noted. O Install an appropriate sediment control practice between construction areas and lower lying areas. _ O Replace/Repair silt fence and/or straw bale barriers. o Entrench silt fence (6-8 in.) and/or straw bale barriers (4 -6 in.) and stake straw bales. O Remove accumulated sediment from: 0 sediment traps/basins, O behind silt fence/straw bales, O around stornt drain inlet protection devices, O streets and gutters (Do not flush with water) O Temporary seed, fertilize, and/or mulch: O Permanent seed, fertilize, and mulch areas that are at final grade: O Protect stone drain inlets: O curb inlets, O drop inlets o Reshape and stabilize sideslopes of : O sediment traps/basins, Odetention/retention basins O Install/Maintain construction entrance(s): _ O Reshape and stabilize conveyance channels: o Place erecter emphasis on erosion and sediment control on building sites; contractors, subcontractors, material vendors others should be made aware of erosion and sediment control requirements. Appropriate perimeter sediment controls (e.g. silt fence) and stable construction entrances shall be utilized on all sites. Sediment tracked into the street shall be removed (do not flush with water) at the end of each work day. O Other Requirements: F and Revised J ~ 9R This report submitted by: i ~/ Date: August 26, 2003 ON-SITE EVALUATION FOR EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL Hamilton County Soil and Water Conservation District 1108 South 9°i Street, Noblesville, IN 46060 V Ph:317-773-2181 Fax:317-776-1101 ~ Y Project Name: *C• ay'I'errace ;, Present a[ Site~John'Soufh`FTamilton Co. SWCD, Mark Bowling, Lauth This Report Provided To Mc Mark Bowling Jason Dapp, Gradex Lauth Fax: 573:3979 Fax: 815:8872 TYPE OF EVALUATION: Initial X Routine Follow-up Q 1 ~~ Carmel DOCS File Complaint Tlris evalualton is intended to assess the level of compliance witle 327 /AC 15-5 (Rule S). It is also intended to identify areas where ndditional measures muy be required to control erosion and sedimentation. A//practices recommended in tlris report should be evaluated ns to !heir jeasibi[ity by a qualified individual with structural practices designed by n qualified engineer. All erosiar rind sediment control measures shall meet the design criteria, standards, and specificatimrs outlined in 8re "/ndiana Hmrdbook for Erosion Control in Developing Areas" or similar guidnnce documents. Current Site Information: Mass grading is well under way. Bridge across small stream is installed but not back filled. Sediment basins shown on the plan are still not installed correctly. Foundation work has started on two buildings. Gas is installed. The Following Items Have Been Evaluated and Assigned a Designation of: S =Satisfactory M =Marginal U =Unsatisfactory NA =Not Applicable U (1) Disturbed areas have been adequately protected through seeding or other appropriate erosion and sediment control measures. U (2) Appropriate perimeter sediment control measures have been implemented. n/a (3) Conveyance channels have been stabilized or protected with appropriate sediment control measures. U (4) Erosion & sediment control measures are installed properly. n/a (5) Storm drain inlets have been adequately protected. N/A (6) Outlets have been adequately stabilized. M (7) Existing erosion & sediment control measures are being maintained. S (8) Public & private roadways are being kept clear of accumulated sediment or tracked soil. N/A (9) Erosion & sediment control measures have been installed and maintained on individual building sites. Statas~~" S~of ''diment Retention On-Site X Site conditions present a high potential for off-site sedimentation. r e is evidence of off-site sedimentation. Describe: 1t pease teeter to ine comments secnon of tms tceporr Definitions Satisfactory: The item is currently in compliance with the Rule Marginal: A concern has been identified; corrective action is strongly recommended [o remain in compliance Unsatisfactory: A violation has been identified and the site is not incompliance; corrective action is required Not Applicable: Does not apply at this stage of construction Rev_a~ed 4/98 Construction Site Management for Erosion and Sediment Control ~ ~ ~ 1 ON-SITE EVALUATION FOR EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL COMMENTS PROJECT NAME: ClayTerrace Page 2 The items checked below must be corrected prior to _9/5/03 , unless otherwise noted. X Install an appropriate sediment control practice between construction areas and lower lying areas. Install sediment basins as shown on the plan. Replace/Repair silt fence and/or straw bale barriers. Entrench silt fence (6-8 in.) and/or straw bale barriers (4 -6 in.) and stake straw bales. Remove accumulated sediment from: sediment traps/basins, behind silt fence/straw bales, around storm drain inlet protection devices, streets and gutters (Do not flush with water) Temporary seed, fertilize, and/or mulch: ^ Permanent seed, fertilize, and mulch areas that are at final grade X Protect storm drain inlets: Xcurb inlets, Xdrop inlets_As inlets are installed. Fabric under the. casting is not an approved practice for a functioning inlet. Reshape and stabilize sideslopes of : sediment traps/basins, detention/retentionbasius Install/Maintain construction entrance(s): Reshape and stabilize conveyance channels: Place greater emphasis on erosion and sediment control on building sites; contractors, subcontractors, material vendors, and others should be made aware of erosion and sediment control requirements. Appropriate perimeter sediment controls (e.g. silt fence) and stable construction entrances shall be utilized on all sites. Sediment tracked into the street shall be removed (do not flush with water) at the end of each work day. X Other Requirements: Submit new plans that reflect changes to the site design and erosion control plan. Drainage from road construction at south end of the project needs to be directed into a sediment basin. ^~ 'N. C July 22, 2003 Mr. David George, PE American Consulting; Inc. 7260 Shadeland Station Indianapolis, IN 46256-0270 L `° REC ~ ~D ~~ ~ JUi 2.3 71IQ3 \~\~ O ROCS l ~ :=.C l ay;~'xrraee=Pro j ect'Reciew-tl3 Dear Mr. George: We have reviewed the drawing submitted for this project and offer the following comments: GENERAL INFORAMTION 1. I am including copies of the following with this correspondence (since it was not provided with the previous review letter): • Commercial Project Approval Procedures. • Performance Release Procedure. • Permit Data, Contacts, etc. • Commercial Permitting Procedures. I will send a copy of our Residential Subdivision and Commercial Irrigation System Requirements upon request. PROJECT COMMENTS ThroughouiPlans All Hand written changes noted by David George in the plan set received by this Department on June 23, 2003 should be incorporated into all affected sheets. When the statement "(see detail)" is made on the plans, please be sure to indicate on which sheet the detail is located. 3. Sheet C3.1 • This sheet should reflect changes made throughout. 4. Sheet C3.2 • Sidewalk should be provided on the west side of Clay Tersace Blvd between 146'" St. and the northern most parking lo[ access. • To Clarify, any utility easements on this site should be clearly labeled and dimensioned. • Adjust pipeline easement to reflect cursent location at northeast comer of site. • Show all utility easements, including any easement required parallel to the greenbelC along the eastern site boundary. 5. Sheet DEPARTM1Ih:NT OE ENGINEERING ONE CIVIC SQonRe, CnR.~tel, IN 46032 OFFICE 317.571.2441, FAx 317.571-2439 EstAa kweese®ci.cacmel.in.us JAA']ES BRAINARD, MAYOR Mr. David George July 22, 2003 Page 2 6. Sheet C4.1 • Will Structure #11 and Structure #6 be removed from gas pipeline easement? It is our understanding storm sewers are not permitted within this easement. • Storm sewer stmcture #7 should be shown on this plan. Currently there is no structure shown at this pipe junction. • It appears that roof drains in several locations are designed to be connected to storm sewer pipes in a "Blind T" type of configuration (no structure at connection). The preferred method would be to connect at a structure. • It appears that at the east leg of [he northernmost roundabout the pavement cross section transitions from a normal crown to an inverted crown. This should be modified to show a constant normal crow section or details should be provided showing how this transition will occur. • It appears that there is a small area of storm water detention at the northeast comer of the site over [he pipeline easement and within the future diamond interchange right-of-way at structure #8. The T.O.R. elevation of stmcture #8 is 832.5' which is below normal pool elevation of Pond #1 (833.0'). This will allow Pond #1 to surcharge thorough stmcture #8 and flow into US 31 R/W far before the 100 YR flood elevation is reached. • The outlet from structure #7 to pond #1 is 843.0, this is 10 feet above the normal pool elevation. Please provide details to show design intent at outfall. • More detail should be given describing the connection of the outfall structure of Pond #1 to the existing 30" CMP at Structure #66. Where will drainage from this stmcture cross under US 31? • The Clay Terrace Boulevard storm sewer structures shown on these plans east of the central, signalized intersection do not reflect the cuaent layout. I understand that the area just east of this center intersection will be constructed as part of the Clay Terrace Blvd. project (By HCHD); however, I don't believe this area is to be dedicated as right-of--way at this time. If if is not going [o be right-of--way, please remove the 130' right-of--way dimension on this area from the plans. • Structures 187C, 187D, 200, 201, 202 &203 should connect to structure #40 and routed thorough the detention system rather than tying into Clay Terrace Blvd. storm sewer. 7. Sheet C4.2 • Where is the offsite drainage from the west being directed? Please include stmcture numbers - for all storm sewer structures on this run of pipe and label stilling basin at outlet. • It would seem that a better pipe junction angle could be achieved at sanitary structure #6 & #2. Please coordinate with Jim Hagg with Carmel Utilities. • Please provide additional easement width as needed at the southeast comer of the site to allow all existing sanitary sewer lines on this site to be within a utility easement. • The storm sewer pipe (30") between structure #47 & #58 will be out of the ground at [he west end. Please adjust. Also, pipe between stmcture #56 & #58 has low cover. • Please indicate emergency flood routing on plans. 8. Sheet C5.3, C5.4, and al] other sheets • These should be changed to reflect the new storm sewer layout. 9. Sheet C8.1 • Please indicate on plans where concrete Swale/retaining wall sections will occur. • Truck Dock does not have adequate elevation information [o evaluate drainage. • All pond cross sections should be located on plans and referenced to detail sheets. Mr. David George July 22, 2003 Page 3 10. Sheet C8.2 Where is structure #100 (Detailed on this sheet) to be located. • Where are riprap stilling basins to be used. 11. Stmcture data table sheet C8.3 • Stmcture #187C & #187D are not on table. Please include. • Not all of these stmctures appear on plans. Will they be used or not? We reserve the right to provide additional review and comments upon receipt of revised construction drawings indicating new storm sewer structure locations. Please provide our office with a follow up letter and revised plans, indicating all revisions. A second review will focus only on revised items. It is critical that our office be made aware of all modifications made on the plans being re-submitted, particularly if any such changes are considered "new" or fall outside of our initial review. If you have questions, please contact Kate Weese or me at 571-2441. Sincerely, ~~~~~ Michael T. McBride, P.E. Assistant City Engineer Enclosures cc: M. Kate Weese, City Engineer Dick Hill, Assistant Director Department of Engineer Jon Dobosiewicz, Department of Community Services Laurence Lillig, Department of Community Services John Duffy, Duector of Carmel Utilities Jim Haag, Collection ,7~JL-10-2003 08 02 RMER I CAN CONSULTING I NC 7260 SHADFlANO STATION INDIANAPOLIS INDIANA 46256-3957 (31 n sal-ssso FA% (3171543-0270 wwwamercans.com REGISTRATIC)N INDLWA ~ OHIU I(ENiUCKY-MK;f1RiAN wNws-MisKww A4ARYLVJD-ARKMbAS scwrr+DAKrnA-lowA NEBRASKA-KANSAS TENNESSEE - WSCONSIN iLOWDA. WEST ViRGINLI (iEORCJA - A1GS651i'IT YENNMVANIA-NANO VIRGINN-ARNNBCttA c<xoRAm-culroRrvu ARILON1-WASEIIAKTON ALVIAMA• NEW YORK NEW RRSEY-lW WANA uxml cAROUNA. TExns lYlrvnff.TIWT.AWNE NORTH CAROLINA MACSn~i+uuTrs NORTH fMKOTA OFFICES INDIANARDL6, IN COLUMRVS, 011 $QE1TI I RENO, IN 317 543 0270 P.02i03 AMERICAN CONSULTING, INC. Archi[ecls Consrtltants Engineers July 9, 2003 Ms. Kate Weese City Engineer City of Carmel One Civic Square Cannel, Indiana 46032 Re: ~ca2y Tenace,a 146'" Street and US 31 Carmel, Indiana y~ *\ ~,o~ \~ Dear Ms. Weese: I am writing this letter as a summary of our meeting yesterday. The other meeting attendees were John Duffy with Carmel Utilities, Jon Dobosiewicz with Carmol DCS, Pat Shea with Lauth Properly Group, and Jeff Clayton with American Consulting, Inc. • The utility portion of the plans is satisfactory with Carmel Utilities. it is understood that minor adjustments maybe requested in the field, but the plans are satisfactory for construction. • The availability fee will be based on the full site area minus an area equal to the width of the frontage road tight-of--way by the length of the centerline of Clay Terrace Boulevard. A revised legal will be required by the time of the Board of Public Works meeting. • The project will appear before the Board of Public Works on July 16, 2003 at 10:00 a.m., to request approval of the water and sewer connections. The availability fee will be paid upon approval at the meeting. • Per Jon Dobosiewicz, right-of--way and plat vacation must move forwazd. This should be accomplished before the fmal development plan is appro ~, dd, _but could not until now since the property had not been closed upon.. _CJon the should also request that the final development plan be approved contingent upon vacation taking place. Jon agreed that the development plan could be approved on this basis. SL0009,RO.daC ' ARCHITECTURE STRUCTURAL CIVIL ENVIRVNMWTAL TRANSPORTATION PLANNING $URVEYINC, FORENSIC ENGINEERING IAMEY a `NIIIOTE1b PE, AVy l5 wRUS R. cnNNER ff IMIFSA KOVACS GRECARY I. HENNFKE, ff CHARLES P. UNTERFFINEq PE, ff MARLIN A.~KN(~1'.VI1,E5~,IR, fE JUL-10-2003 08 02 RMER[CRN CONSULTING INC AMERICAN C(:)NBULTING, INC. Ms. Kate Weese July 9, 2003 Page 2 317 543 0270 P.03i03 It is understood that the engineering review is not complete. Every attempt will be made to finalize review by the time of the Board of Public Works meeting, but it is not guaranteed. We understand that this is a very large, detailed project. Review of the plans, therefore, is not a quick task. There are many portions that must be constructed in order to have the road subgrade prepared for the county and the private development areas prepared before winter weather approaches. Because of this timeline, we sincerely hope that the engineering review can be accomplished in time for the Board of Public Works meeting and comments addressed. Please let me know if you find any errors or omissions fibm the meeting points above. Very truly yours, American Consulting, inc. D~ ~ . David C. George, PE DCG:ah cc: Mr. John Duffy Cannel Utilities Mr. Jon Dobosiewicz Carmel DCS Mr. Mark Jang Lauth Property Group Mr. Pat Shea Lauth Property Group Mr. Jeff Clayton American Consulting, inc. IN2002.OV6%.IND I o.L'fK.51.0009.R0.doc TOTRL P.03 :UL-10-2003 08 02 RMER I CRN CONSULTING I NC 317 543 0270 P.01i03 AMERICAN CONSULTING, INC. ~ Architects 72G0 Shadeland Station, Indianapolis, [N 46256 ~ COItSI[t'tQntS (317) 547-5580 FAX: (317) 543-0270 info~aamercons.com Engineers TELECOPIER COVER LETTER A.C-E- Project Nc.: A.C.E. Project: Please deliver the following pages immediately to: Name: Kate Weese Company: City of Carmel Fax number called: 317-571-2439 Date: July 10, 2003 From: David George Total number of pages, including cover letter: 3 Telecopier operator for this transmission: DCG ~"_= ~ REC~ ED -~ JUL 10 2003 `~~ aa~ ~' DOCS /,; . ~. < ~~ ~ .~•' _i_~~~`y IF YOU DO NOT RECEIVE ALL OF THE PAGES, PLEASE CALL US BACK AS SOON AS POSSIBLE, USING THE TELEPHONE NUMBER LISTED. Comments: Cc: John Duffy 571-2426 Jon Dobosiewicz 571-2426 Mazk Jang 564-30 Pat Shea 5643082 7eff Clayton 1N2002.0968 ,~\~iT Clay Terrace /, ~.. - dcg\document2 EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL PLAN TECHNICAL REVIEW AND COMMENT Hamilton County Soil and Water Conservation District 1108 South 9th Street, Noblesville IN 46060 Ph- 317-773-1432 or Email at 'ohn-south iaswcd,or PROJECT NAME: SUBMITTED BY: REVIEWED BY Clay Terrace Mr. Joe Downs Louth Property Group 9777 N. College Ave. Indianapolis, IN 46280 Mr. David George American Consulting 7260 Shadeland Station Indianapolis, IN 46256 John B. South P.E. Certified Professional in Erosion and Sediment Control PLAN REVIEW PROCEDURE: Plan Review Date: June 17, 2003 Acreage: ?? LOCATION: SW corner of US31 and 146°i Street LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Sec. 24 TOWNSHIP: 18N RANGE: 3E CIVIL TOWNSHIP: Clay SOIL SURVEY MAP SHEET: 44 The technical review and comments are intended to evaluate the completeness of the erasion and .sediment control plan for the project. The erosion and sediment control plan submitted was not reviewed for the adequacy of the engineering design. All practices included in the plan, as well as those recommended in the comments should be evaluated as to their, feasibility by a qualified individual with structural practices designed by a gualifred engineer. The plan has not been reviewed for local, state, or federal permits that may be required to proceed with this project. Additional i»formation, including design calculations may be requested to further evaluate the erosion and sediment control plan. The erosion and sediment control plan has been reviewed and it has been determined that the plan: X Satisfies the minimum requirements and intent of 327IAC 15-5 (Rule 5). Notification will be forwarded to the Indiana Department of Environmental Management, Refer to the comments section for additional information. Does not satisfy the minimum requirements and intent of 327IAC 15-5 (Rule 5); deficieucies are noted in the checklist and in the comments section. Deficiencies constitute potential violations of the rule and must be adequately addressed for compliance. The information necessary to satisfy the deficiencies must be submitted: Proper implementation of the erosion and sediment control plan and inspections of the construction site by the developer or a representative are necessary to minimize off-site sedimentation. The developer should be aware that unforeseen construction ac[ivities and weather conditions may effect the performance of a practice or the erosion and .sediment control plan. The plan must be a flexible document, with provisions to modem or substitute practices as necessary. Revised 4 / 97 PROJECT: Clay Terrace Page 2 of 3 ARE THE FOLLOWING ITEMS ADEQUATELY ADDRESSED ON THE PLANS ? (All Plans Must Include Appropriate Legends, Scales, and Norilt Arrow) Qtems lbat are Not App[iea6le to t/eis Project ate designafed by NA) Yes No PROJECT INFORMATION X lA PfOjeCt Location Map (Show project in relation to other areas of [he county) x 1B Narrative Describing the Nature and Purpose of the Project x IC Location of Planned and/or Existing Roads, Utilities, Structures, Highways, etc. x 1D Lot and/or Building Locations x lE Landuse of Adjacent Areas (Show the Entire Upstream Watershed and Adjacent Areas Within 500 Feet of the Property Lines) Yes No TOPOGRAPHIC, DRAINAGE, AND GENERAL SITE FEATURES X 2A Existing Vegetation (Identify and Delineate ) x 2B Location and Name of All Wetlands, Lakes and Water Courses On and Adjacent to the Site x 2C 100 Year Floodplains, Floodway Fringes, and Floodways (Note if None) X 2D Soils Information (/jhydric soils are present, it is the responsibility of the owner/developer [o investigate the existence of wetlands and to obtain permits from the appropriate government agencies.) x 2E Existing and Planned Contours at an Interval Appropriate to Indicate Drainage Patterns x 2F Locations of Specific Points Where Stormwater Discharge Will Leave the Site X 2G Identify All Receiving Waters (lfDischarge is to a Separate Municipal Srorm Sewer, ldent~ [he Name of the Municipal Operator and the Ultimate Receiving Water) X 2H Potential Areas Where Storm water May Enter Groundwater (Note if None) x 2I Location of Stormwater System (include Culverts, Storm Sewers, Channels, and Swa[es) Yes No LAND DISTURBING ACTIVITIES x 3A Location and Approximate Dimensions of All Disturbed Areas ~i.e., Construction Limits) (Areas Where Vegetative Cover Will Be Preserved Should be Clearly Designated X 3B Soil Stockpiles and or Borrow Areas (Show Locations or Note ijNone) Yes No EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL MEASURES x 4A Sequence of When Each Measure Will Be Implemented (Relative to Earth Disturbing Activities) x 4B Monitoring and Maintenance Guidelines for Each Measure x C01T1tReDt 4C Perimeter Sediment Control Measures (Location, Construction Derail, Udmensions, and Specijcations) X 4D Temporary Seeding (Specifications; Including Seed Mix, fertilizer, Lime, and Mtdch Rates) x 4E Temporary Erosion and Sediment Control Measures (Location, Construction Ue[ail, Dimensions, and Specifications) X 4F Permanent Erosion and Sediment Control Measures (Location, Construction Detail, Dimensions, and Specifications) X 4G Storm Drain Inlet Prot¢Ction (Location, Construction Detail, Dimensions, and Specifications) X 4H Stormwater Outlet PrOteetion (Location, Construction Detail, Dimensions, and Specifications) X 41 Stable CO[IStrUCtlon Entrance (Location, Construction Detail, Dimensions, and Specifications) x 4J Erosion and Sediment Control on Individual Building Lots (Specifications) X 4K Permanent Seeding (Specifications; Including Seed Mix, Fertilizer, Lime, and Mulch Rates) Revised 4 / 97 EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL PLAN TECHNICAL REVIEW COMMENTS PROJECT: Clay Terrace Page 2 oft Note: All erosion and sediment control measures shown on the plans and referenced in this review must meet the design criteria, standards, and specifications outlined in the "/ndiana Handbook for Erosion Control in Developing Areas"from the /ndiana Department of Natural Resources, Division of Soil Conservation or similar Guidance Documents. Comments- Sediment basin details: Show the size of the riser on the plan. The riser should be a minimum of 2 feet tall. Please adjust elevations. Provide an elevation for the top of the riser. Note: The erosion and sediment control plan incorporates the gas line relocation. Perimeter practices will need to be installed prior to work done on for the gas line. Cc: Carmel DOCS Ha. Co. Surveyor Ha. Co. Highway IDEM File OB/111 2003 07:58 F.1S 317 313 8513 L1CiTH PROPERTY t~]001 ax' ~. ~u~ i _ 1'~' i RECFII~FD JUP~ 11 2fi3 °' DOCS .c,,. - ,` FACSIlVIILE COVER SHEET TO: Fred Simmons FROM: Patrick Shea COMPANY Simmons FAX'dBY: Patrick Shea FAX: 656-3501 FAX: (317) 564-3082 PHONE: PHONE: (317) 575-3082 CC: DATE: 6/11/03 Transmirting 8 pages, including cover sheet. Wuesog! CovGdenWllry Yotfoa; 7bu co.c anee[ aad the nulevglc enckord wlJt ilrn ~w me the ryivorc, m~tdmtiel propmq. of We xmJC, and tlw mataWe en pivdvged c®mm,icado¢s mtmdrd wW) fm We ,scdfR. m4 6me6f ®d lotbtmrdm of me miaded.eci~ian i.diomd oba~e I(YW are ml We mmdd >~V~oC Yoo ue I~acbs mtlficl ifiw ®Y rt.~cr, diuloewc. mPYm& d'smbioioq or the mtinc of eoy oma anion m tNumce m dK mn¢ots of this asntmluno u micuy prmtbircd, and moY raWt io legal liabl"ry m you Drt. K ym hm ard.cd dm trmvnissioo in cmL plmee ooofY m immc~ely a tle above rele9hooe oumberand afrmga fwteooo oftlds vmsmusion ro u9. COMMENTS: Fred, Attached is a wpy of the ACE/HCHD INDOT Permit Application. 9~ N. College Ave_ Indianapolis, IN 46280 (317) 848-650o fx (317) 848-6511 wanv.lauthproperty.com 06inYliu~GGeu7.l~,6.~r1.Y 017 8-18F48~h1ciU-i~v uW~x~ilf~yli P~YERTY" ~~ I~ 002 317 543 62'70 P.61i07 .~iMERICAN CONSULTING, INC. A ATCItlfeCXS 7260 Shadeland Station, Indianapolis, IN d6256 COnSllllan$ (317) 547-5580 FAX: (377) 543-0270 Engineers inrn®amerwns.aom TELECOPIER COVER LETTER A.C.E. Project No.: IN20020942 A, C.1= ProJeet Rangeline Road at Clay Terrace Please defrver the following pages immediately to: Name: Patrick Shea Company. Lauth Propsty Group Fax number called: 317-848-6511 Date: June 10, 2003 From: JosephR Schmettzer Total number of pages, including cover letter: 7 Telecopieroperatorforthistransmission: UserJRS IF YOU DO NOT RECEIVE ALL OF THE PAGES, PLEASE CALL US BACK AS 500N AS POSSIBLE, USING THE TELEPHONE NUMBER LISTED. Comments: Copy of INDOT permit app. with our original transmittal. The permit was sent out on 4/14/03. Let me know if you need anything else_ Thanks. 1\d:\in20°20942\061 °03, doc 06/11/200) Oi:56 F.9% Jli 8d8 B51J LaITH PROPERTY' CQOOJ J UN-10=2003 10 27 fN1ERiCRN CONSULTING INC 317 543 0270 P, 02107 AMERICAN CONSULTING, INC, A~chitecis COItS/111QiJ~S Eggineers 9za;o sl~l~ srap~, Indianapolis, II1 a~2s6 (317) 549-5580 FAX: (319) 543-0270 inSoQamecrorts.com LETTER OF TRAl~TSMITTAL To: Dwane Myers INDOT-Greenfield Dist 32 5.9roadmray Greenfield, IN 48140-2247 We are ®Endased sending Yom ^ 8eparetery DelWer by: Tlme: Date: emarks; Date: 0 411 02 0 0 3 Project Name: RangeRne Road Project Number: IN20020942 ® Mall ^ As Requested '^a ^ Messenger ^ Fa Youc Irrformation ^ OvemigM ®For Your RevI6W S COmmerr! ^ ^ Please return: ^ Copies to this ot;ie~ pies of Trans; ~+aosure: ro: verytrulyyours American Consulting, Inc. 08~1i1iG00~~07:16b.~,~.Y J17 348w^'rJleiu-sv tz~yULI l~ 1NCPERTY /° BOND AND/OR PERMIT FEE 11VAIVER Stria Form 35`63 fFiS2-w) AowoRa crsam Uoa,d wmmvnb isaz ~joo:t 317 543 0279 P.r~3/07 STATE OF INDIANA DEPARTMENT OF TRAN870RTATlON ~~~~ ® Driveway ^ FirmvatloG ^ Pole We ^ t3Adpo etlachraern ^ Mlttmgeneous nv feUawmp a mme a paR tithe apoUmoon fora oevarn~em otllansporfatbn perxm. ® PaTOrmance tgMbwaived ® Damxl tae is walwl 1ppGtautt tigreec to promptly restore the toad surface. N91+waY ebudltfes. righlbf-ways or elt)r other Depertrnerlt oiTranaportatWn's propecry disturbed ry the Work inmrpa2Lad in said appli®tlon end perrttit in es good andlUtxt ay 8 wee picot to the Ume of perfamtihg said wwk and m the satlsfaetion tf the Depar4netd of Tranaporta5on. WpG~tt agrees ro assume responstDlUty for au maintenanrs costR If in the opinion of the Department of Trarttiporta6on said maintettenre caste afire re a msuk otsaid worts. [ a understand DY the appfi®nt that if 71e above pro~isdne ere not carried out m the aetlelaepon of Ne DepatUttent of TrenspoAatian, ptxfomtmtce pods and payment of permit fees wUl be requited for fuhue petmita turol wrh flme Ihat the above provisions are tallied out st3lis(at3arily. ~ppUtaatt agrees fo rnalnlain oonlydtlora~btuW untl the Irtdlana Department of 7rmrspdMlion has satiefatdority completed oisaid work, ~jnatu2 t tb rutme of eppfi Mme QanCy Cr01~38r1 Fiatni lion Couvly Hlghvay Depertteanf ddrstd Numuer, A+aeG ahi ZfP mde) 1700 S. lOM Street, NobFasvi lle, IN 66060 akohons number 317 ) 17r))7p ' D n c m 3 c 0 gNg 8' 08/11/2003 07:57 F.~LS 317 848 6513 Lr?L?'H PROPERTY J11N-16-2603 10v27 RMERICAN CONSULTING iNC DRNEWAY PERMIT SNfa Fwm 18sb (Re /300) ` Appmred b'Y Slate 9oeld of ADeounk, 2000 ~J 005 317 543 0270 P.04i07 STATE OF INDIANA tND1ANA DEPARTMi=NT OF TRAN3PORTA710N Type of Pemlil- ^ Pdrale Omeway ^ M1iilWt CommercYal DrNevray ^ Sub-minDrCOmmerr~l orNeway ^ Major Canmerasl Driveway Class Class Class Class DIatIR Suba'rJr"tt Suh6eye! telophetle nutidlor 6seenfietd lsdianapolis ( 317 )35Fr2s1i Uri.exaY kdlnc r' I1S 31 and Raageline Road, Cereal, Nadi (ton Coonty Reference pt number ^ Lapel deaciption of Pa~celaatfa~lled (AO drfvetvay applications) Ezis4i ng rjlgbtbf~r ^ 20 year Certified Tide Search or Tnle-Insurance ~ attached (AO ammential driveway applications) . Plasent use of PeM1LRSY , Ezisti ng 5{gnalized istorsectioD PmPoced use ofParesl(s) i adjacent Petals Owned alq 7 a taxllrDllad b11 applleanh Relocation and mRStruetidl of FZatlgellua Road to eoonecF US 31 and 1dGth Sirvst. isprovr~nis to eiistfng iRterseetion is necessary r for increased traffic wla~s. Bond raluead: aYae, Pant Bum edtd nell/ael O Yes ®No $ APPLICATION FEE (Make check orbankdrahpayeola m'Indiena 0epafbnenf of TranspOAetion) i S SPECULL PROVLSpN3: I I THE APPLIfAiITAGREEB TO INDEMNIFY, DEFEND, EXCfAFATE, AND FIaLD HA1iW.ESSTHE STA7E OF INDUWA, fTS OFFICIALS AND EMPLOYEES FROM ANY LIAHMY DUE'f0 Lass, DAMAGE, INJURIES. OR OTHER CASUALTIES OF WHATSOEVER qNO. OR BY WHOMSOEVER CAVSED, TO 7HE PERSON OR PROPERLY OFAM'ONE ON OR OFF ThIE RtGKr~F-WAYARLSING OUT OF.OR RESULTING FROM TiIE ISSUANCE OF TN)6 PERMR OR THE WORK CONNECTED TNEREwrtH, OR FROM THE INSTALlAT10N, EXI3TFNCE, USE, MAINTENANCE t'.ONDrtIONS, REPAIRS. ALTERATION. OR REMOVAL OFANY EOUB+MEN7OR MATEWAL, VJNETHER DUE IN WHOLE OR W PART To TW[: NEGLIGENTACTS OR OMISSIONS (L) OFTNE STATE fl'S OFFICMLB, AGENTS, OR EMPLOYEES: OR (2) OF THEAPPLICANT, HIS AGENTS. OR EI„e~LOYEES, OR OTHER PERSONS ENGAGED W THE PERPORaMANCE OF THE WORK, OR (3) THE JOefT NEGLIGENCE OF ANY OFTHEM; IIJC WDING ANY CLAIMS ARTS WG OUTOF THE WORp.1EN'S COMPE " T10NACT OR ANY OTHER tAW, ORDINANCE ORDER OR DECREE THE APPLICANT ALSO AnREE$ TO PAY rV,1 REAQONABLE EKPENSES ANO ATTORNEYS FEES INCURRED BY OR MPOSED ON THESTATE INCONNECIION F~EWfIiI W THE EVENT THATTNE APPLICANTSHALL 0[1FAULT UNDl3t THE PROVISIONS OF TF05 PARAGRAPH. SlSnatue DtD DDrsRnt Primed asnie DfpamaAWlketll --~/ //r~ Named or fzefion ~L I7oh County Highway Depart®nt ~ Telepbene number ' ( 317 ) 773-7770 Address (mmiherend street DfN, slale~ Z1Pmdel 1700 S. IOfh Straeta~Nobiesvi lla, IM 9(060 aY B 3 i; 0 n 6 E ~S 3m 6 c 3 SUBMR ALL 4 COPIES O Bur1i-lire een~ ~ : ib ~ ~iS J 17 8 ~19r-M~itk 1 c:~1N (.UrtiI.~71 NAG PNCPE,YT~ STATE OF INDIANA f~o08 317 543 0270 ?.05107 INDIANA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DRIVEWAY PERME'~ SPECIAL PROVISIONS t_ The permittee shall at all times protect the pavement surface and rigMof-way from damage due to the use of heavy equipment, and shall provide and use approved pads, planks or dirt cushlari to protect against other damage. Immediately before any saetion.of the highway is to be placed back in use for traffic, the z° pennitiee shall remove all excess dirt and sweep the pavement surface to ellminate unnecessary dust ~ hazards. ~ • ~ m 2. The surtace course shall meet Department of Transportation Standard Specl}Icstions for smoothness. m a 3. The sub•grade on which the pavement is to be placed shall be compacted thoroughly prior.to placing the pavement. - 4. -The permittee shall tx3 responsible for the proper replacement of any driveway pipes or sidewalks that x are disturbed during the work.,Drainage on shoulders, dkches or otherwise on.the rightgf-way-shall not z be obstructed, - c 5. The permittee shall not disturb nor.manipulate any existing traffic control devices. Any damage to a traffic m a control device shall be repaired immedately at the parmittee's expense and by a State Prequalified Contractor. Contact the Signal Technician at the appropriaze DisMct Office (see telephone numbers on page 2), five days prior to doing work in the rightof--way for undergroynd appurtenance locations. ~ m 6. The Indiana Department of Transpartatlon reserves the right to restrict mnstruetion aelivides during rooming and afternoon rush hour treffic periods if conditions wertant. z 7, FINISii1NGt - A. Upon direction of the State Inspector, any disturbed vegetation area will.be covered by four inches ~ 3 minimum top soil compacted flush to surrounding earth. g o B. Ground cover speclfhation shalt referto current "Seeding and Sodding" specifications in the Indiana z Department of Transportation Standard Specifications. m 8. Work shall be performed in accordance•with The approved plans. 9. The interface between existing pavement and new pavement will be prepared as follows: A. Care should betaken when excavating next to existing pavement in order to protect the structural ~ Integrity of the pavement. c h e widening material. B. The sut}grade in the widened area shall be compacted prior to the placing of t G. Existing bituminous surface roads should be longitudinally saw cut when adding auxiliary lanes to achieve a tight, Gean, uniform connection. D. When concrete auxiliary lanes are constructed, anchor bolts shall be placed as specified in the 9 Indiana Department of 7rensportatlon Standards (5.0 tt. center to center). Driveway cacti shall be s constructed using Ear Construction as specified In INDOT standards. ~ E. The surface of new auxiliary lanes and wos6ng pavement shall be of homogeneous material. s 70. Add'dionel auxiliary lanes and tapers should besbped az Vs"/ft. and aggregate shoulders should be sloped at ~"/ft'. Bituminous shoulders should be sloped at V:"/ft. 06~11~O~i:i~7.ZP.7~LX Jli S~t8Rf1l~SCRN COhLSIATING INCPERTF 317 543 02'79 ~00~~ t DRIVEWAY PERMIT SPECIAL PROVISIONS CONTINUED Page 2 of 2 ~t 1. Rebcation, alteratbn or addition of appurtenanoes, necessitated by this permk shall ba done as a part of this permit. Indiana DepaRment of Transportation appurtenances may include such items as. underground conduR, signal poses, controllers, signs, light standards, guardrail, etc. Relocatlom, alteration or addition of such appurtenances will be accomplished at the applicant's expense. 12. All permanent pavement markings requlred due to the construction shall be installed by the permittee at the direction of the Indiana Department of Transportation's Distrlct Traffic Engineer. i3. Ali driveways using pipes must have slandard flared metal pipe ends. 14. The maximum grade change for a major cgnimercial driveway approach is ± 3~h and t 6~k for a minor commensal driveway. Any variation to theii@ maximum grade changes must be clearly Indicated on the approved set of~permit drawings. 15. Ali work on highway rightof--way suthorizetl by this permit must be compteted wkhln one (1) year after the permit is Issued. Once construction authorized by the permit Is Inkiated k must be completed within thirty (30) days, unless otherwise expressly approved as a special condition. 16. The execution of the Access Control Document if required, and all work indicated on the approved permk plans must be completed before the bond can be released. 17. The applicant is responsible for contacting the Indiana Department of Transportation District Office to schedule a preconstruction conference with the District Regulatory Supervisor. t8. Ail exposed earth surfaces shell be treated for erroslon control. INDOT DISTRICT OFRCES Crawfordsville District P. O. Box 667 Crawfordsville, IN 47933 (317) 362-3700 Fort Wayne District 5333 Hatfield Road Fort Wayne, IN 46808 (219) 4849541 Greenfield Ditrict P. 0. Boz 887 Greenfield, IN 46140 (317) 4627751 Seymour District P, O. Box 550 Seymour, IN 47274 (812) 5225649 LaPorte District P. O. Box 429 t.aPorte, fN 46350 (219) 362~'i125 Vincennes District 2526 N. 6th Street Vincennes, IN 47591 (812) 882-0330 • OguiY1lelOGGW' ~ 1G%Ga J17 8-t8wai'tticiu-w l:ul`~UL, i~ 1NCPERT'i 317 543 0276 ~P~ 07/'3'7 - CHECKLIST FOR A COMMERCIAL DRIVEWAY PERMIT APPLICATION ^ 4 copies of Driveway Permit application (Form 1945R), Application must be in the m~rne (s) of the property owner(s). ^ 4 copies of plans drawn by a professional azchitect, engineer, or land surveyor at engineer's scale The following must be shown on these plans: ^ 1. A design of the access points with dimensions suSiciently obvious so anyone could build from the P~• 02_ The R/W, centerline, curbs, mediate, existing pavement markings, crossovers, ditch lines, existing draine and location of each, drawn at engineer's scale 1 "=2P/ 1 "°30'. 03. J?.sosting Jane widths and proposed lane aherations if applicable. NOTE: If Iaae afigntneat9 are altered, fitIl width resurfacing will more than likely be required, from beginning to end of project a4. Line drawing, 500 feet each direction from property line indicating access poial and iruersections. Draws at engineer's scale 1"=i0'. a5. On site drainage - be6ore sod aftcr grading, must be shown on a grading plea or contoured on the driveway for additional rmzoff caused by the improvement. 06. Side ditch pipes w~ be a minimum of IS inches, but drainage should be calculated to determine if larger Pipes are regtim'ed- . a7. Drives requiring deceleration lases sad tapers must be shown. a8. A site plan showing parking area and. buildings mast accompany this application. 09. , Proposed traffic control plan ^ 10. All Major Corametcial Driveway Applications (access requiring auxiliary lanes) must include cross sections from beginning to end of project. OI Driveway PermitJ3ond (Form 41523) must accompa~ the application. Consuls with Permit Inspector inr amount ofbond. Power ofAttorney must be attached. Bond and application must bear the same name ~roP~Y Owner). Dl Proof of Ownerslsip - 20 years certified title search of title insurance. OI Legal Description (Warranty Deed). / ~~ Zo /I Anticipated traffic ti3af wt~ be geaer~ed per peek hour is 63s vPx sad Per day is 6 ~~ VPD. Speed. Liatit is 3 ~ MPIL Sigaatized intersection within 500 ieet are shown oa pleas. FOR PERMiT INSPECTORS TJSE ONLY Sign Distance ls: ExistingDtainage Conditions; ^ Excellent ^ Good o Farcelleat v Qood ^ Satisfacrory ^ Nfarginal ^ SatLs{ai,-tory ^ Mar~ga~al c Nor Satisfactory ^ Not Satistactory Recommend: n Approve[ ^ Denial n Needs further Review PLEASE RETURN CHECKLIST WITH APPLICATION APPLICATION # CHECKLIST REVIEW/APPROVED 13Y TOTfiL P. 0'] LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL ATTN TO: Fred Simmons DATE: JOB NO. 5992cm01 135 N Penn Suite 1175 RE: Indianapolis, IN 46204 FROM: WE ARE SENDING YOU X^ Attached Shop drawings ~ Prints Copy of Letter ~ Change Order ~X Via Plans 0 COPIES DATE NO. DESCRIPTION 1 5/15/03 Rangeline Road Plans THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: For approval 0 Reviewed as submitted ~ Resubmit copies for approval For your use ~ Reviewed as noted 0 Submit copies for distribution As requested 0 Returned for corrections ~ Return corrected prints For review and comment REMARKS: Copy to: If enclosures are not as noted, please notify us at once. signed: Patrick Shea Samples ~ Specifcations Clay Terrace Patrick Shea Courier the following items: ~~~ ~. LAU~x ;: 9777 N. College Avenue Indianapolis, Indiana 46z8o (3t7) 848-6500 (3t7) 848-65u [fax] 06/11/,200) OB:1J F.~1S Jli 8~t8 B51J LaUTR PROPERTY ~ 001 ;. LAUTH OEVEIOPMENT CON$TRU CTION ~`' ~' RECFI~~EL~ JpN 11 2GG3 ~' DOCS ~\ ;, , FACSIMILE COVER SHEEj~T TO: f~ ~ Si N+vw~„ s FROM: '1"i~' ~.~. COMPANY FAX: PHONE: CC: ~Se- ~( FAX'd BY: FAx: PHONL': DATE: Transmitting? pages, including cover sheet. 1Vactin+: Cwfdamfay 17nlirc Tbis com sheen aed the muvials eorlnsed rviib this tranmimm x tlt< pri+aa_ cmfukvtial pmprrry of We seandu, and dm mav+iils am pdNkLed eemmooiaioos uvmded sdely fir dae adpt mg bevefrt sad infavudaa of ~ iemadd mripievt iodicvd abova IfYw am oa the invaded rtcPieee You am hemby nodfied du, any m.iav, disdwwa copymb dianluue~ a d,e alma of any odur acdoa a mliaom m ,h<r ran of mi: ^^ is avi 1Y PmhiEi'ed- and may rtvh m lepl Iubiliry m your pan. [/ you have rtceiwd du, vansmlssioo M enW. Please notify us imama,dY u Ae abmm vJephaoe oumher and amnee for ~vwo of dux umamissioo ie tic. COMMENTS: Fra ~ , 9777 N_ College Ave. Indianapolis, IN 46280 (317) 848-6500 fx (317) 848-6$11 www_lauthproperiy.com 06/11/2003 08:13 F.1S 31i 8d8 8513 LCC'fH PROPERTY' I~00? RESOLUTION N0.3-24-03-1 A RESOLUTION CONCERNING THE ISSUANCE OF BONDS AND FINANCING OF PROJECT FROM REDEVELOPMENT FUND WHEREAS, the Hamilton County Redevelopment Commission, ("the Commission") acting with approval of this Board, has created the U.S. 31 Ramps Economic Development Area, (°the Area") generally located on both sides of U.S. 31 south of 146' Street in Clay Township, Hamikon County, Indiana; and, WHEREAS, on July 3, 2002, the Commission issued its County Option Income Tax Revenue Bonds of 2002 in the amount of Four Million Six Hundred Forty Thousand Dollars ($4,640,000) to finance the wnstruction of public infrastructure within the eastern part of the Area in order to promote economic development within the Area; and, WHEREAS, Lauth Property Group, on behalf of Clay Terrace Partners, LLC ("the Developer") has appeared before the Board of Commissioners to request this Board to authorize the Hamilton County Redevelopment Commission and the Hamilton County Redevelopment Authority to enter into a lease and to issue bonds ("the Bonds") to pay the costs of the construction of roads and public infrastructure serving the west side of the Area ("the Public Parcel"), including but not limited to the following: a. The construction of Rangeline Road south from 146"' Street to U.S. 31. b. Improvements to Rangeline Road on the east side of U.S. 31. c. Improvements to the U.S. 31 intersection with Rangeline Road including traffic signals. d. Relocation of public util'~ties along the former Frontage Road; e. Part of the costs of the acquisition of right of way from the Developer. 06/11/200) 08:14 FAY J17 848 BS1J L4CT$ PROPERTl ~ OOJ WHEREAS, the amount of land owned by the Developer to be used for private development and construction of the Public Project is sixty-seven (67) acres; and, WHEREAS, approximately 16 aces of the Developer's land is to be dedicated as public right of way for the Public Project and 4 acres will be restricted to prohibit the construction of buildings, and to reduce the costs of said land should it ever be needed by INDOT for construction of subsequent public improvements; and, WHEREAS, the amount of land to be dedicated by the Developer and subject to restriction of use is substantially disproportionate to the percentage of land dedicated by Developers of the land for public right of way; and, WHEREAS, the fair market value of the land being dedicated by the Developer would make it almost impossible for the Public Project to be construed without resorting to the provisions of the redevelopment statute; and, WHEREAS, it is reasonable for the Commission to pay the fair market value of the right of way to be dedicated and reserved by the Developer up to the amount of Four Million Seven Hundred Eighty-eight Thousand Dollars ($4,788,000), which represents the Developers cost of the 20 acres being dedicated and reserved, less 10% or 6.7 acres of the total acreage of the Developers land which would be reasonably and ordinarily dedicated as part of a typical commercial development. IT IS THEREFORE RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners of Hamilton County as follows: That the Hamilton County Redevelopment Commission and the Hamilton County Redevelopment Authority initiate such procedures and approvals as are necessary 06!1112003 08:1 F.-1S 317 8:18 651J LaL'TH PROPERT'F to enter into a Lease Agreement and issue Bonds to finance the costs of the Project ~oo~ inGuding construction costs not to exceed Three Million One Hundred Thousand Dollars ($3,100,000), as shown in Exhibit A; right of way costs to be paid to the Developer not to exceed Four Million Seven Hundred Eighty~ight Thousand Dollars ($4,788,000); engineering design fees and construction inspection fees; a debt service reserve fund sufficient to pay the largest semi-annual interest payment on the Bonds; capitalized interest for thirty-six (36) months; and normal and customary issuance costs incurred for the issuance of the Bonds. 2. The 16 acres of right of way and 4.1 acres reserved for the V-ramp shalt be dedicated as public right of way at or before the payment of Four Million Seven Hundred Eighty-eight Thousand Dollars ($4,788,000). The dedication of the 4.1 acres reserved for the V-ramp shall be subject to a license agreement reserved by the Developer, ("the Licensed Real Estate'). The Developer shall be permitted to use the Licensed Real Estate for parking, landscaping, and related uses. The County may terminate the license agreement without compensation to the Developer or its successor in title no sooner than 180 days before bids are received by a public agency to construct road improvements upon the Licensed Real Estate. In the event the Board of Commissioners is informed or determines that the Licensed Real Estate will not be used for road improvements, the Board agrees, after notice and hearing, to vacate the public's right of way interest in the Licensed Real Estate. 3. The lease rental payments used to pay the principal and interest on the Bonds shall be paid from tax increment generated from the parcels of real estate located 06/11/2003 08:1:1 F.~.Y 317 818 8513 L~L°I'H PROPERTY' 005 within the Area and west of U.S. 31. 4. Prior to the sale of the Bonds, the Developer shall execute a Taxpayer Agreement guaranteeing semi-annual payments to the Commission in the amount of the principal and interest on the Bonds, and the payments shall be secured by a first lien upon the land of the Developer, served by the Project 5. The County Attorney, the Hamilton County Redevelopment Commission and the Hamilton County Redevelopment Authority are authorized and requested to initiate all procedures and approvals necessary to finance of the Project under the terms and conditions set out herein. ALL OF WHICH IS RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners of Hamilton County this 24°i day of March, 2003. BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF HAMILTON COUNTY Steven A, Holt ATTEST: Altman ~~~ h? /~ Robin M. Mills, Auditor :, C Date: April 18, 2003 Re: Clay Terrace Retail Development Clay Terrace Boulevard Meeting on April 17, 2003. The following were in attendance: Joel Thurman-HCHD Steve Broermann -HCHD Jim Neal -HCHD Mike McBride - City of Carmel Kate Weese - City of Carmel Clint Sparks -ACE David George -ACE Jeff Clayton -ACE Joe Downs - Lauth Property Group Below is a summary of the meeting's notations: A. Desien: L Pavers at Roundabouts -Joe Downs and Clint Sparks will meet at 8:00 am on 4/18 to resolve this issue. The city and the county will both be consulted afterwards. The county is recommending that the pattern be revised. In addition, the exact color and material of the paver must be agreed upon and specified. 2. Drainage - City of Carmel requested a proper drainage design for the brick paver area. HCHD/ACE and Lauth/ACE will research and design a proper drainage. This design is dependent on final paver material selection. The City of Carmel is OK with proposed drainage. 3. Crosswalks - JD to discuss the matter with City of Carmel. Crosswalks will need to be illuminated with flashers. 4. Clint Spazks requires control points and references from Benchmark Surveying. JD to follow-up on 4/18. DEPARTMENT OF ENGINEERING ONE CIV[c SQcARE, CARMEL, IN 46032 OFFICE 317.571.2441, FAx 317.571-2439 Page 1 EMAIL kweese®ci.cartnel.in.us JAMES BRAINARD, MAYOR ~AMES I3RAINARD, MAYOR 5. There are several instances where sewer lines cross Clay Terrace Boulevard. Need to determine which contract this work is included. It may be preferable to include in road contract to eliminate opportunities for delay. Need to resolve by 4/30. ~NUW~IS", Sl~ov~~weA" 6. City of Carmel requested slip road esign to be 12" + 5" + L t>~ 7. ACE/HCDC has now indicated concrete transition curb between asphalt and brick pavers. 8. Signal controller to be located at southeast comer, in the landscaped island. Signal controller is approximately 2 ft by 3 ft by 5 ft and can be landscaped on three sides. 9. New access road to Eagle Creek Nursery: a. Discussed the possibility of Eagle Creek fighting the new access configuration. This issue could surface at the next Carmel City Council meeting. Allowing the existing curb cut location to remain causes serious problems at the new intersection and will not be allowed by INDOT. 10. INDOT permit requirements: a. Issues regarding US 31 turn lanes to northbound Clay Terrace Boulevard. • A&F has issued required information for design of this tum lane as of 4-3-03 based on options identified by INDOT. HCHD/ACE submitted permit application to INDOT on 4-14-03. Steve Fehribach (w/ A&F) was contacted via conference call. Steve will contact INDOT and relay all information to Jim Neal at the County. Clint will also continue to push INDOT on the permit. B. Schedule: ACE/HCHD to complete Construction Documents for Clay Terrace Boulevard by May 2, 2003. 2. HCHD/ACE submitted permit application to INDOT on 4-14-03 (4-6 weeks review and approval process) 3. First Public Advertisement by the County is scheduled for 5-15-03 and 5-16-03 DEPARTMENT OF ENGINEERING ONE Crnc SQUARE, CARMEL, IN 46032 OFFICE 317.571.2441, FAx 317.571-2439 Page 2 EMAIL kweese®ci.carmeLin.us L JAMES BRAINARD, MAYOR 4. Second Public Advertisement by the County is scheduled for 5-22-03 and 5-23-03 5. Plans and Specifications will be available on 5-15-03 6. Bids aze due on 6-9-03, for public opening 7. HCHD to coordinate retrieval of approval to bid from Hamilton County Board of Commissioners, current schedule is as follows: a) HCHD will collect and analyze bids on June 9, 2003 (Hamilton County Board of Commissioners meeting date). b) HCHD anticipates that contractor will be selected on this date, but notice to proceed will not be issued until INDOT permit is issued for this project and TIF bonds have been secured. Contractor to mobilize and start construction on August 8, 2003 and complete following items by December of 2003: a. Install all underground utilities. ~G~ b. Install gravel base. c. Install asphalt binder. d. Etc. 9. Contractor to remobilize in Spring of 2004 to complete remaining portion of their contract. Mark Jang to provide schedule of dates for contractor to return and complete work in 2004. This language to be incorporated into contract. C. Miscellaneous. 1. HCHD will provide blanket permit for the curb cuts and utility crossings, once our site design is complete, reviewed and approved. Joel Thurman to discuss with County Attorney how blanket permit to be discussed, and to follow up with Pat Shea of Lauth (Repeat from 4-3-03 meeting minutes). 2. Lauth submitted application for the right out to at West End ofproject 146`s Street to HCHD on February 18, 2003. 3. Lauth to submit application for temporary construction access from both 146ei and existing Frontage Road no later than 4/4/03. Anticipated permit issuance date is 4-16-03. DEPARTMENT OF ENGINEERING ONE Cnnc SQUARE, CARMEL, IN 46032 OFFICE 317.571.2441, FAx 317.571-2439 Page 3 EMAIL kweese®ci.carnteLin.us HCHD/ACE will create mechanism for Louth to review and approve hardscape samples prior to installation. 5. HCHD/ACE provided a rough estimate of $2.8 million for the Clay Terrace Boulevard construction, qualifications are as follows: a) Includes material cost for both conspans, but excludes foundation and installation. b) Includes pavers. c) Includes traffic signal. d) Includes Eagle Creek Access Road e) Includes RR through lane east of US 31 6. Conspan action list: a) In an effort to expedite construction, Louth will pre-order conspans and pay the supplier directly (Approximate material, delivery and tax is $140,000) b) Louth will be reimbursed from HCHD for the above item c) Louth will provide the Hamilton County Attorney with a draft agreement for consideration d) Conspan requires 2 weeks to prepare shop drawings, 1 week for shop drawing review and approval, 6 weeks for fabrication and 3 weeks for installation drawings (concurrent with fabrication), installation of large structure is 2 days. e) Matt Knight at Hamilton County is required to review and approve Conspan shop drawings since the county is now considering this stmcture a bridge. Louth to coordinate submittal to Matt Knight. 7. (Repeat for record) HCHD and Louth discussed means and methods of providing temporary access to Walter's Plaza and Eagle Creek Nursery during constmction; preliminary concept are as follows: a) HCHD will build a new access road for Eagle Creek nursery and segment of Clay Terrace Boulevard between US 31 and future Walter's Plaza entrance, while maintaining current access. b) Louth will remove old access roads. Eagle Creek Nursery and Walter's Plaza residents will use the new access roads as described above. DEPARTMENT OF ENGINEERING ONE Crnc SQUARE, CARMEL, IN 46032 OFFICE 317.571.2441, FAx 317.571-2439 Page 4 EMAIL kweese®ci.carmel.in.us ~AMES BRAINARD, MAYOR L c) HCHD will maintain these access roads until Clay Terrace Boulevard is complete and permit is issued. Joe Downs and Kate Weese must execute the maintenance agreement of Clay Terrace Boulevard. There will not be athree-year maintenance bond in this road contract; therefore, the maintenance agreement needs to be effective by September 1, 2004. (Repeat for Record) HCHD raised concerns with current design of right-out to 146"' Street, and with the design ability to discourage both inbound left turns from west bound 146"' and outbound lefts to 146`h. HCHD to issue formal comment letter to ACE, and ACE to revise design. 10. Joe Downs provided legal descriptions of Clay Terrace Boulevard and all other parcels to be deeded to Hamilton County. 11. Additional ROW maybe required to accommodate maintenance of Conspan structures. Clint Sparks to review and advise by 4/30 meeting. 12. The resolution to vacate a portion of Walters Drive and the old Frontage Road Right of Way has been submitted to the Hamilton County Attorney. 13. The County will execute the Utility Agreement dealing with the Cinergy/PSI relocation. This topic was discussed at the 4/17 meeting. 14. Need to name the eastlwest roadway at the Center Court. (post meeting note: City of Carmel wants this road to remain private) Next meeting is scheduled for Apri13Q 2003 1:30PM at the HCHD's office. Cc: all attendees Mike Howard -Hamilton County Attorney Steve Fehribach - A&F Engineering Pat Shea - Lauth Property Group Eric Mallory - Lauth Property Group Robert Rydell - Lauth Property Group Dave Ruggles - Lauth Property Group Gary Shelton - Lauth Property Group Mike Hollibaugh - City of Carmel DEPARTMENT OF ENGINEERING ONE Crvlc SQUARE, CARMEL, IN 46032 OFFICE 317.571.2441, FAx 317.571-2439 Page 5 EMAIL kweese®ci.carmel.in.us JAMES BRAINARD, MAYOR C DEPARTMENT OF ENGINEERING ONE CIVIC SQUARE, CARMEL, IN 46032 OFFICE 317.571.2441, FAx 317.571-2439 Page 6 EMAIL kweese®ci.carmel.in.us ,JAMES BRAINARD, MAYOR _ y//g/o3 ~ 'PhPr~15. -- ~ ~__ Z ~ I • . PV~evb~ . P~~ uclar Ge~.r+~Y i4~tgcr~(~_~___~~'4`> _, 1 _RO_ ~c~~ lu~_o1~ Q~5~v~9^T-n.~ w~7~~ i_j-J?,p~}~G_. _ Z l . SNov C~vhYa s_~~ +-~.9-rs~s _ 1 _ 4' ~LsZN_P~S ~S.~S __~"" Y~S~-_~.5,_-/./°Q_0._- _'-.~. c.._. S R~+~ A3 a~~ ___ .. _._v --- - ---~.._----- --- ' - _ - _ _ - _ - - - .__ -_. April 8, 2003 Mr. Jon Dobosiewicz City of Carmel One Civic Square Carmel, IN 46032 Re: Clay Terrace Carmel, Indiana Dear Mr. Dobosiewicz: ® ®~ LAUTH ~ ~~ DEVELOPMENT CONSTRUCTION '~'%p/p ~ ~~CC~ As you may be aware, on January 21, 2003, the Carmel/Clay Plan Commission approved Docket No. 144-02 PDP, a petition to approve a Preliminary Development Plan. Since that time we have worked diligently with the governing authorities to finalize the project's design and engineering. In accordance with Section 12, Article B of Ordinance No. Z-386-02, the Director shall approve without conditions, approve with conditions or disapprove the Final Development Plan ("FDP"). Please consider this our formal application. I am attaching herewith two (2) copies of our Final Development Plan. I look forward to receiving your usual prompt response to this application and please do not hesitate to call me with questions. Operations cc: Eric Mallory Paul Reis Mark Jang 9777 N. College Avenue Indianapolis, IN 46280 ph 3 V.848b500 fx 317.848.6511 www.lauthproperty.com Charlotte Indianapolis Denver Lauth Property Group o~ F~ • AN2o„~~~ CitV of Carmel <*o~ ~o o~ i~~~ VIA FAX: 543-0270 October 16, 2002 Jeff Clayton American Consulting Inc. 7260 Shadeland Station Indianapolis, Indiana 46256 RE: Clay Terrace, Preliminary Construction Plans Dear Mr. Clayton: COPY This letter is in response to your preliminary construction plan filing. The Following comments need to be addressed and/or plans/applications updated accordingly. 1. Provide plans for improvements to Rangeline Road south of US 31. 2. The plat vacation of Walter's addition must be submitted. 3. Minimum ROW for Rangeline Road is 90'; minimum ROW for 146`h Street is 75' (65' shown on plans) 4. File letter with plans to the State (INDOT) for comments. 5. Identify ROW and building setback lines. 6. 20' building setback shown for building at the southeast comer of Rangeline Road and 146`h Street, 45' is required. 7. Landscaping is required on the islands within the area of the proposed pipeline easement. 8. Landscape strip: S shown; 10' required along 146`h Street. 9. Illustrate pathways along Rangeline Road north and south of US 31 and 146"' Street. 10' asphalt paths required per Alternative Transportation Plan. 10. Add additional islands in parking lots to break up long, continuous stretches or parking spaces. 11. Define exact street ROW lines. Ensure 30' landscape buffer between ponds/parking ROW. 12. Relocate proposed signs from intersection of Rangeline Road and US 31 onto project real estate. 13. Minimum setback (tree preservation easement) from the west and south property lines is 50'. Revise in area adjacent to lots in Walter's addition. 14. Show 8' fence location; 50' setback, 8' fence, and 10' from parking azea. Page 1 ONi CIVIC SQUARE CA&'~ff.L, INDIANA 46032 317/571-2417 The above comments are based on the Preliminary Construction Plans dated October 4, 2002. We would anticipate plans with greater detail in the future. Sincerely, Jon C. Dobosiewicz Planning Administrator Clay Terrace- Prelim. Construction Plans Cc: Joe Downs Lauth Property Group 9777 N. College Ave. Indianapolis, Indiana 46280 Page 2 ONE CIVIC SQUARE CARbiEL, INDIANA 46032 317/571-2417 ... ~->.~ ~y cF egpyP 449 Q `9 • ;_~~~ Cit of Carmel VIA FAX: 848-6511 November 26, 2002 Mr. Joe Downs c® Vice President, Development Lauth Property Group 9777 N. College Ave. Indianapolis, Indiana 46280 RE: Clay Terrace, Coordination of required approvals & Development Plan Review Dear Joe: This letter is designed to bring greater clarity to the process of approval for the Clay Terrace project. The following comments need to be addressed and/or plans/applications updated accordingly: 1. Carmel TAC has not seen plans for the construction of Range Line Road. Provide plans for improvements to Rangeline Road including south of US 31 for review by TAC. These plans should include an update to the Traffic Study prepared at the time of the rezone based on the improvements that are now being proposed. 2. The plat vacation of Walter's Plaza Replat has been submitted. Approval must occur prior to approval of the PDP by the Plan Commission. 3. A Plat Vacation must be filed for Walters Rolling Acres (area where Carmel Motel used to stand) where Range Line Road and storm water facilities will be constructed. 4. A request needs to be filed with the Carmel City Council to vacate the existing frontage road. The proposed Preliminary Development Plan with detention ponds, parking areas, and a building encroaching into this area cannot be approved by the Plan Commission until the City Council vacates this area of r-o-w. As part of this request you should provide an explanation as to why the City would desire to vacate the right-of--way to a private entity so the State, County, or even City would have to come back later and reacquire it for the anticipated improvements to US 31 regardless which ramp option is chosen. I would encourage an alternative of perhaps requesting a reduced setback and/or an encroachment into the frontage road right-of--way. It is not likely the City will vacate this right-of--way. 5. A request needs to be filed with the Carmel City Council to vacate the portion of Walter Street you desire to be vacated. The Preliminary Development Plan as proposed with setbacks cannot be approved by the Plan Commission until the City Council vacates this area of r-o-w. Page 1 ONF CIPIC SQUARE CARDiEL, INDIANA 46032 317/571-2417 _, .., ,. 'r ~' 6. Preliminary Development Plan review: a. Drainage calculation must be submitted to the Carmel Engineering Department for review and approval prior to approval of the Preliminary Development Plan. b. Illustrate pathways along Rangeline Road. c. Add additional islands in parking lots to break up long, continuous stretches or parking spaces. Six (6) percent of total parking area is required per the PUD, provide an exhibit illustrating this. d. A 30' landscape buffer is required between ponds /parking and the US 31 r-o-w. e. Add both ramp areas and delineate the required landscape setbacks. f Provide the required landscape areas adjacent to the standalone building at the northwest corner of the site and all other stand alone buildings. g. The building on the plans identified as "Restaurant" is set 56' from the existing US 31 r-o-w. The PUD required a 90'setback. Revise building location. h. Remove the proposed signs at the Range Line /US 31 intersection from the right-of- way. i. Provide the location of all other ground signs on the plans. j. Respond to comments contained within the letter from the County Highway Department dated November 19, 2002. 7. Provide a specific report on how the proposed plan conforms to Section 13 of the PUD Ordinance regarding tree preservation in future ramp area. 8. Forward a letter with Preliminary Development Plan attached to the State (IlVDOT) requesting any and all comments. Copy DOCS on this letter. The above comments are based on the information submitted to date. Please forward a copy of this letter to your design team and attorneys. Sincerely, Jon C. Dobosiewicz Planning Administrator Cc: Steve Broermann, Hamilton County Highway Department Kate Weese, Carmel City Engineer Michael Hollibaugh, Department of Community Services Director Michael A. Howard, Attorney for Hamilton County Page 2 ONE CIVIC SQUdRE C:1RbIEL, INDIANA 4G032 317/571-2417 ~(LGv1 1'~,'~ ° 3 Development Plans 5. Provide plans for improvements to Rangeline Road south of US 3 L 6. File letter with current plans to the State (INDOT) for comments, copy DOCS. +~ 7. Landscape strip: S shown; 10' required along 146~h Street. 8. Illustrate pathways along Rangeline Road north and south of US 31 and 146`h Street. 10' asphalt paths required per Alternative Transportation Plan. 9. Define exact street ROW lines. Ensure 30' landscape buffer between ponds/parking ROW. 10. If signs are to be located at the intersection of Rangeline Road and US 31, thus expanding the project real estate then you will also need to show 8' fence extended to south line of project real estate (provide fence along Walters Plaza south to existing nursery site. 1 i ~ ~/3 % 3 GL R`C ,.. ~'. p1~++°u?5 ScasN of V,5 31 a i 4 - j -- - -~ ! ~ ° ~ ~dr'._I 6 ~ ~o Z/ P~-rwS 5.. bf US 31 / S17YS7E_ ~.~7 1SC. ~ . Pma.S a ~ S o F uS 3- _Ncd. z6f ~oz /purs vR_u.+~~ ~..-irc.-~ Roc.c.~,~~'~s ' ' i Dobosiewicz, Jon C From: Babbitt, Pamela A Sent: Monday, May 12, 2003 1:39 PM To: Brewer, Scott I; Butler, Angelina V; Dobosiewicz, Jon C; Hollibaugh, Mike P; Lillig, Laurence M; Pattyn, Dawn E Subject: new submts Clay Terrace DP-~US31 and 146 Street. Contact mark Monroe 580-4848. i