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Page 1 of 2 Conn, Angelina V From: Conn, Angelina V Sent: Friday, March 06, 2009 1:26 PM To: 'David Leazenby' Cc: Hollibaugh, Mike P; Keeling, Adrienne M; Brewer, Scott I; Hancock, Ramona B; Littlejohn, David W; DeVore, Laura B; Lillard, Sarah N; Holmes, Christine B; 'jmolitor@prodigy.net; Boone, Rachel M.; Tingley, Connie S; Duncan, Gary R; Donahue-Wold, Alexia K; Weddington, Trudy A.; Blanchard, Jim E; Martin, Candy; Stewart, Lisa M Subject: Docket No. Assignment: (SDR) CW Weidler's Addition, Lot 22 (#09030001 SDR) I have issued the necessary Docket Number for (SDR) CW Weidler's Addition, Lot 22. It is the following: Docket No. 09030001 SDR: CW Weidler's Addition, Lot 22 The applicant seeks site plan & design review approval for a new house and garage. The site is located at 644 2"d Ave NE. It is zoned R-3/Residence within the Character Subarea of the Old Town Overlay. Filed by David & Erica Leazenby. SDR Application Fee: $145.00 Total Fee: paid Petitioner, please note the following: 1. This item does not require review by the Technical Advisory Committee. 2. Mailed and Published Public Notice does not need to occur. ' 3. Proof of Notice is not needed. 4. The Filing Fee must be paid before issuance of the letter of decision. (Checks can be made out to the City of Carmel). 5. This Item will be reviewed administratively. David can be contacted at 317-294-5125. PETITIONER: refer to your instruction sheet for more detail. Planni~oning_prel'minar~r re_view_comrflents: p`1~~1f Please provide color samples for the building or color building elevations. o~,~ There is some concern with two of the larger windows on the building fagades. Will they be picture windows? ~C~2j' FYI -The rear and side yard setbacks can be 5-ft from the lot lines, if that was a concern. ~,1c~4j Please work with the City Forester Scott Brewer to preserve the front yard tree during construction of the home. ~~ Please provide a rough landscape plan showing where grass and planting beds might be located. ~~~' Please provide the lot cover %, which must be less then 45%. Lot cover includes pavement/concrete and building footprint. '~~°/b ~~, ~ There is a concern with the front yard setback. The average setback on the block is about 37 feet and the +~ median setback is about 41 feet. You show a 30-ft setback. / vt~ Will there be any fencing? If so, please provide the location and design details. C~'CXQ~~f n ~-C , ~o - ~+ ~` I I 0,~~'f Please provide any lighting fixtures design details, for those that will be mounted on the exterior of the building or on the site. he. h} Please provide the uic,~it of the nearest two contributing buildings so we can verify that your proposed building height complies with the ordinance. The nearest two contributing building are to the north and northeast of your site. See map: ham://www.ci.carmel,in.us/services/DOCS/DOCSZOchptrs/ZO%20Ch%2023D%20O1d%20Town% 20Fig%203%20Contributi ng%20(S umme r%202002%20v~df ~,~ The Dept would like to set up a meeting with you to discuss some additional concerns with details of the architectural building elevations. (JOSS~bte lx~ck~rd (~er~t~(~i Thank you, Angie Conn Planning Administrator Department of Community Services City of Carmel 3/6/2009 ~'~~1 q lb DOCKET NO. 0 I D 3ood) SDR DATE RECEIVED: taF`,~+ (Information above to be completed by Department of Community Services) ~ __..~ __ t1f1P~" ~~ °' "°y °~'°" CITY OF CARMEL AND CLAY e ~ ~ _ ° ~ ~ Department of Community Services '_ ~° - _ .~ m ~" Division of Planning 8~ Zoning ~~<>°N °o SITE PLAN & DESIGN REVIEW APPLICATION & PROCEDURES Residential: $,1y5.`~Commercial: $374.00 PREPARATION AND APPROVAL PROCEDURE FOR THE CITY OF CARMEL & CLAY TOWNSHIP HAMILTON COUNTY, INDIANA Applicant Name: Applicant Addres Applicant Phone Applicant Fax Number: Applicant Email Address: d~A/%A/I242PH~sv ~~a ~ Cows Property Owner Name: ~~ mid lG_ pw/ Fr,}u b• /~e~oss~w Property Owner Address: ~~27~ erd ~~~~~ X23 0 ~pr /A/ ¢~, Z20 Property Owner Phone Da, y: 3 - Z~J¢-S/2-S Evening: Signature of filer: _ ~~.~d E- (.roc zt~~. (Printed Name THIS PROCESS MUST BE COMPLETE BEFORE AN IMPROVEMENT LOCATION PERMIT WILL BE ISSUED This checklist is to be followed in filing a petition. The Department will review each item to ensure it is complete. The application will not be considered filed with the Department until all items are complete. C~om~pleted /res/ No Petitioners shall contact the Planning & Zoning Division of the Department of Community Services (Planning ~V/ Department) toschedule apre-application conference, during which the petitioners will be advised of the details of the review procedures. It shall be the responsibility of the petitioner to become familiar with the regulations, policies and procedures of the City. If desired, a copy of the Carmel/Clay Zoning Ordinance may be purchased from the Planning Department. Review the document carefully. At the pre-application conference, the petitioner shall designate one contact person to work with the Planning Department for-the duration of the project. Contact: Department of Community Services City Hall, Third Floor One Civic Square Carmel, IN 46032 Telephone: 317/571-2417 1 of 3 Day: 3/7-ZCJ¢-S/ZS Evening: res No Basic Project Information. Address of Property: Tax ID Number: BCD Zoning: ~3 ~t~IC Current Use: VaCUn f" Proposed Use: S~/r ~e -~o...; ~., ~,o,.v~ P Please check appropriate box: i ~ ' !~ J ,~ New Construction ~' ` ^ Renovation/Addition ra No Recorded deed or recorded land contract. Must be the most recent recorded deed. l' ~ No Letter of consent. If you are leasing, buying on contract, or petitioning for property that is not legally in your name, the owner of the property must sign a letter giving his or her consent for the petition. res No Existing Features & Site Analysis Plan. Please provide us with: two (2) print copies of your propertysurvey or site plan, accurately drawn to scale, and one legible reduction at either 8.5" x 11" or 11" x 17" suitable for photocopying. The site plan must illustrate: 1. The subject property; ~ 2. ~ The location of all existing and proposed buildings, structures and improvements to be made to the subject property, including drainage and erosion control facilities and features; 3. 'Accurate dimensions of the parcel, buildings, parking areas and ingress/egress driveways; 4. Location, owner of record, zoning and use of adjacent properties, including the location, size and use of all structures within fifty (50) feet of the subject property; 5. 'Location, right-of-way and pavement width of all streets adjacent to the subject property; and 6. 'Proposed connections to public utilities. 7. `Location, size and type of all existing landscaping on the property. yes No Area Mao lease provide us with two (2) copies of an area or context map that shows the location of the subject property, the locations of public and utility facilities and the relationship of the subject property to the thoroughfare plans for the area. res No Architectural Design. Landscaping Lighting and Signage Information. For residential and commercial projects: 1. Two (2) copies of building elevations including dimensions, materials, colors and signage. 2. ~wo (2) copies of additional information as requested by the Department. Additional information required for commercial projects: Two (2) copies of the lighting plan indicating location of existing and proposed lighting standards, the type and size of fixtures, and foot-candle limits. 2. Two (2) copies of the landscaping plan indicating the location of plantings, types and sizes of plantings, planting details, and mounding locations and details. 3. Two (2) copies of the signage plan indicating the location, size, materials and colors of any proposed signs. 2 of 3 EVALUATING YOUR PETITION Section 23D.4 (8-C) of the Carmel/Clay Zoning Ordinance states: Review. Review of the Application and Supporting Documents and Materials by the Director; following the receipt of the written application and required supporting information by the Director, the Director shall review the materials for the sole purpose of determining whether the application is complete and in technical compliance with all applicable ordinances, laws and regulations. If the materials submitted by the applicant are not complete or do not comply with the necessary legal requirements, the Director shall inform the applicant of the deficiencies in said materials. 1. Unless and until the Director formally accepts the application as complete and in legal compliance, it shall not be considered as formally filed for the purpose of proceeding to succeeding steps toward approval as hereinafter set forth. 2. Within ten (10) days of the formal acceptance of the application by the Director, he shall formally approve, deny, or request additional information about the petition. Approval or Denial of the Application by the "Commission". 1. An approved Site Plan & Design Review petition shall be valid for two (2) years from the date of approval. If construction of the building(s) has (have) not started at the end of the two (2) year period, the Site Plan & Design Review request must be re-submitted to the Director. 2. If an approved Site Plan & Design Review petition is (are) substantially altered, re-submittal to the Director for approval is required. 3. If the petition is denied by the Director, the Director shall provide the applicant with a copy of said reasons, if requested. 4. The applicant may appeal the decision of the Director, as specified in .Chapter 30. Z:ldocstshared~FORMS~PC Applications - currenflSite Plan Design Review 2004.rtf 01/03/2006 3 of 3 ~; ~,;. :;~ itc~E.'id~ ~~CS Parcel Warranty Deed This Indenture Witnessetll, that Paul Arnold and Peggy Arnold, husband and wife ("Grantor") of Hamilton County, State of Indiana, CONV Y(S) AND WARRANT(S) to David 1i. Leazenbv and Lrica D. Leazenbv, husband and wife of Hamilton County, in the State of Indiana, for the sum of One and no/100 Dollars ($1.00) and other valuable consider tion, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, the following described real estate in Hamilton County, it~the State of Indiana: Lots Numbered 21 and 22 in C.W Weidler' Sbudivision, an addition to the City of Carmel, Hamilton County, Indiana, as per plat thereof, recorded in Deed Record 113, page 36 in the Office of the Recorder of Hamilton (,Cunty, Indiana. Subject to taxes for 2008, due and payable it# May and November 2009, and subject to taxes payable thereafter. Subject to covenants, agreements, Property Address: 670 Second Ave. NE, ht Witness Whereof, Grantor has cat Peg t d STATE OF INDIANA COUNTY OF HAMILTON Before me, a Notary Public in and for husband and wife, who acknowledged the exec stated that any representations therein contains Witness my hand and Notarial Seal this My Commission Expires: My County Of Residence Is: HTS# 2UR 1712 This instrument prepared by David L. I afCLrm, under the penalties of perjury, that I have h unless required by law. David L. Walsh Grantee mailing address-please send tax stateme restrictions and rights of way of record. IN 46032 this deed to be executed this;~,~aaY of, 2009. Paul Amold County and State, personally appeared Paul Arnold and Peggy Arnold, n of the foregoing Warranty Deed, and who, having been duly sworn, Lf G. y of , 2009. ,Notary Public ^rR~.PST. P RONHAM ~?i ~:. :+fi P.Ll ui MA=:h71'2 CO. RERIDENT ,,._ y; ~ fNy Comm. F_xp. OBl09/20~12 Ish, Attorney at Law, 865 W. Carmel Drive, Carmel, Indiana 46032 reasonable care [e redact each social security mm~ber in this document\ January 19, 2009 ttV~tl to: pULY ENTERED FOR TAXAT{ON G Subject to final acceptance for transfer a day of Fe~c~ . ~ , 20 ~ ~},j,(}~l~ CQ(xJt~,~QfC Aud'tor of Hamlftr>n County Parcel # ~~-tp-3p~O5.lY1-0~3Q,~ 1 lb-~~~ 3O- OS~Oa-O~o4.c~.Op \`/~, Parr! 2009004590 WgRR DEED $16.00 02/02/2009 02:32:23P 1 PGS Jennifer J Hayden HQMIl.70N County Recorder IN - _--Recorded as Presented--- - --- Warranty Deed This Indenture Witnesseth, that Paul Arnold and Peggy Arnold, husband and wife ("Grantor") of Hamilton County, State of Indiana, CONVEY(S) AND WARRANT(S) to David E. Lcazenbv and Erica D. Leazenb ~ husband and wife of Hamilton County, in the State of Indiana, for the sum of One and no/100 Dollars ($1.00) and other valuable consideration, the receipt ofwhich is hereby acknowledged, the following described real estate in Hamilton County, in the State of Indiana: Lots Numbered 21 and 22 in C.W. Weidler' Sbudivision, an addition to the City of Carmel, Hamilton County, Indiana, as per plat thereof, recorded in Deed Record 113, page 36 in the Office of the Recorder of Hamilton County, Indiana. Subject to taxes for 2008, due and payable in May and November 2009, and subject to taxes payable thereafter. Subject to covenants, agreements, easements, restrictions and rights of way of record. Property Address: 670 Second Ave. NE, Carmel, IN 46032 In Witness Whereof, Grantor has caused this deed to be executed this~~~'a of 2009. Peg> d STATE OF INDIANA COUNTY OF HAMILTON aul Arnold Before me, a Notary Public in and for said County and State, personally appeared Paul Arnold and Peggy Arnold, husband and wife, who acknowledged the execution of the foregoing Wattanty Deed, and who, having been duly sworn, stated that any representations therein contained are trp e. Witness my hand and Notarial Seal this~/l~ay of , 2009. Signature ,Notary Public My Commission Expires: My County Of Residence Is: HTS# 2081712 Printed: '~~ L,'.1-j°) Ann:?!-:~~~+! C;O. RESIDENT `_„~/ My Cornm. Exp. 08/09/2012 This instrument prepared by David L. Walsh, Attorney at Law, 865 W. Carmel Drive, Carmel, Indiana 46037 I affirm, under the penalties of perjury, that 1 have taken reasonable care to redact each social security number in this document unless required by law. David L. Walsh January 19, 2009 Grantee mailing address-please send tax statements/notices to: ~D~f,~~HD ~)~~ Ay'~,~„23~ ~dlDF'L5. ~ J'-A1 y~i~~0 r -ec o4 3-'-~ - ©`i i V I ~ J O ~ +~ ~ ' o o ~ Q V O ~ V O oUl WL OUL OUL ouL ouL I I ~ ~ _ _ _ Y _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Y _ Q Z N m !pQ V b ~ d QQF' `T !' ~ ~' m m S~; _ I - rage,- - - - _ _ ae _ ~ - I ~oa>< Pn[ D ~ ~ ~ Pwdr~ x - ~ ~ Kitchen e Wood Dq9 ~ i - o l ~ ~ Mud ~ L _ Entry EMa O I m 2 B y Garage ~ ' I I `~98'-~ ' 664 Living ~QQ'-Q' g ~~ Den 'n ~ r nl 1 Livin 98 -Q i <,Qv _ i~ 5 s!o e`~ s! ~ 0'-O~SETBACK 22'-0° m \'' 31'-0" ~~ cYi 52'-0" d' 30'-0" SEfBAC N m N V I I 1 First Floor Plan 0 4' 8 1 6' I ~/ ~ North ~II__~~MIA~M1~ (/d r'" bu~ic a ~. ~"+o `~ - ~n2+~l..e• plG ~jDr~'6 ~(f.fbiwf- zcN1~ 1S-~ it L~0.rnc-~ SLI~DQyPrI/ Q id Tci,.~ Leazenby Residence (664) 2nd Avenue, Carmel, 1N Site Plan SCALE, 9/32"=1'-0" parr: 03.03.09 A o 0 2 racE: 2 of 4 1/ ~\i REVISE: 7th Street OUL L e ----------~~AS~ _ u, OWNER: CARL AND II JAN CLAYTON ` ZONING: R-3 ~ USE: HOUSE 3R: ANTHON AY JG: R-3 (OUSE OWNER: CHRISTIAN AND CAROLYN JANSSSEN ~ ZONING: R-3 ~ USE: HOUSE North 664 loe a 10' Pme 12" Plne R-3 og~ ~ 0 _ - s- o enaaie N89'S9 59 W 144.93 ,s'~ OWNER:RONALD NEWLIN ZONING: R-3 USE: HOUSE ~-- - OWNER: RONALD NEWLIN ZONING: R-3 USE: HO USE - - - ~ OWNER: BRENDA CHAMNESS ZONING: R-3 USE: HO USE h Q~ I Area Plan ~~ 0 16' 32' 64' II II WNER: PAUL AND P GGY ARNOLD Z NING: R-3 I~y/ ,y .> -ei ~l~\ '~Q~ N y81 N 7 G _~ OWNER: DENISE HOWELL ~ ZONING: R-3 N~ 1 OWNER: DENISE HOWELL ZONING: R-3 - - - NTS Thoroughfare Map \~ LOCATION f2esidence (664) 2nd Avenue, Carmel, IN SCALE: nATE: I /32"=1'-0" 03.03.09 A Pnr,E: I of 4 00 (x` REVISE. 1 1 Demerly Architects ARCHITECTURE / INTERIORS ~ PLANNING e~ ~~f G ~~I~d / ~ Q House South ~. ~w ~ d ~~ ~ 2 Exterior Elevation q ~ d,D~ 0 4' 4' 8' ~~ -Wl I ~J~~pf'~~~~ ~~~~~. ,I ~p~~`~' ~~~~~ Q „~.. r ., ;.. 7 ii y: ~~ ~r ~ .~;~ had d a ~pa~~~~ -~~-~ I I I I I I I I House East Exterior Elevation 0 4' 4' 8' I I I I I I II I I L _ _ . _ - _~ - _ _ . -~ ium~ h House West Exterior Elevation 0 4' 4' 8' ~/ ,w~r,~ ~ ~2 ~ l~" - ~~ lne,~~ ~'~dAnS ~wl-ec-Han ~U~nw/- VD~ ~U~pa/;u(~pOiiJ~^ Leazenby Residence (664) 2nd Avenue, Carmel, IN Exterior Elevations -House SCALY.: 3 / 32"= I'-0" DATE: 03.03.09 rncE: 3 0( 4 REVISE: A2oi ~. __`_ ____ _ ___ __ _______ ___J -~ - House North Exterior Elevation 0 4' 4' 8' Garage South Exterior Elevation 0 4' 4' 8' har d. i P~ u ~A~-- Garage West n Exterior Elevation 0 4' 4' 8' Garage North Exterior Elevation 0 4' 4' 8' Garage East Exterior Elevation 0 4' 4' 8' ~/ Leazenby Residence (664) 2nd Avenue, Carmel, IN Exterior Elevations -Garage scAEe, 3/32"=1'-0" Dare: 03.03.09 PAGE: 4 of 4 REVISE:: AZO2 I 7th Street ~ NER: ~ NINC: R-3 OUL L 1/ 40~ A5F ~ I o ~ i l i i I n 0 OWNER: CARL AND ~~ JAN CLAYTON I e ZONING: R-3 USE: HOUSE iR: ANTHON AY JG: R-3 LOUSE I OWNER: CHRISTIAN AND CAROLYN JANSSSEN ~ ZONING: R-3 ~ USE: HOUSE , North 664 ""~"~ 0 9 ~ ~ o "'-} ~ fi ro0 I^ o OWNER:RONALD NEWLIN ZONING: R-3 USE: HOUSE OWNER: RONALD NEWLIN ZONING: R-3 USE: HOUSE I -~ OWNER: BRENDA CHAMNESS ZONING: R-3 USE: HOUSE I Area Plan ~/ 0 16' 32' 64' II - - _ II WNER: PAUL AND P'GGY ARNOLD 7_ NING: R-3 OWNER: DES HOWELL ZONING: R-3 OWNER: DENISE HOWELL ZONING: R-3 Lot Coverage: House First Floor: 1150 SF - ---Garag>=Fnst-Fluor- - -6G0 SF Exterior Covered Areas : 455.5 SF Building Area Total: 2265.5 SF NTS Thoroughfare Map Lot Area: Covered Area: 31% Lot Coverage 7250 SF 2265.5/7250=.31 PROJECT LOCATION Leazenby Residence (664) 2nd Avenue, Carmel, IN Area Plan SCALE: I /32"=1'-0'~ DATE: 03.03.09 PAGE: 1 of 4 ItE VISE: Aooi Demerly 1lrehitects ~- i ` ~ ARL'HITECI'URE / INTERIORS / PLANNING Lol xl io' vm~ 0 .n M O ~Y Plne 3 I.~ ~ ~ n ~- y ~ I I G ~ i ~i V I L N (/~ 0 I ~ ' o I o ~ ~ ~ Q I ~ u o I ~ ~ V O I I I OUL OUL OUL WL OUL OUL I I ,--CEDAR FENCE - - -_ 'a. Y I Y Q - - _ _ - _ ~ ~wz I N - - - ~, - - slptE£T o ~ m QQ`v W AC - rage- - I ~ ~ ~ - Pwdr "~~~~i ~ ~oa~ Pnt ° ° ~ ~ ~ - D I ~ Kitchen wood Dqq o ~ EnIrY Mud L 98'-6" ~ I -~ J- o --- I ~P E~ 2 8 y Garage 98 -0" I~ 6 64 Living ~ QO O" Living Den pQF" 5 ;, U Sao \'dn --_- Q4, ~~~ ~ 0'-0" SETBACK 22'-0" m •}~ 31'-0" 5 '/ v 52'-0" ~ e m ~ ~ - ~ - - - - ~ - - - - - - - - - I \`. J'...CEDAR FE _1 Y~ ~ I _ ~ First Floor Plan 0 4' 8' 16' ~~ North X98 0"~ PLANTING BEDS Leazenby Residence ~' ' (664) 2n d Avenue, Carmel, IN Site Plan scn~: 3/32"=1'-0" oArE: 03.03.09 WAGE: 2 of 4 00 xrvise: 1 1 i i i i i i i i -~ -~ ~ ~-~ House East Exterior Elevation 0 4' 4' 8' ~~ , . I I I I~I G----_-~-----~ ~~b h House West Exterior Elevation 0 4' 4' 8' ~/ Leazenby Residence (664) 2nd Avenue, Carmel, 1N Exterior Elevations -House SGLE: 3/32°=1'-~" oA7E: 03.03.09 PAGE: 3 of 4 REVISE: A2oi House South Exterior Elevation 0 4' 4' 8' House North Exterior Elevation 0 4' 4' 8' Garage South Exterior Elevation 0 4' 4' 8' Garage West Exterior Elevation 0 4' 4' 8' Garage North Exterior Elevation 0 4' 4' 8' Leazenby Residence (664) 2nd Avenue, Carmel, IN Exterior Elevations -Garage DATE: 03.03.09 A PAVE: 4 vP 4 ~ O / ~\ NF.\'ISF: 1 i I I I I East ~-~-----~----~ ~ Streetscape Elevation 0 4' 4' 8' Garage East Exterior Elevation 0 4' 4' 8' LeU~~~b~ ~~~ ~-~`~ I I ~ ~ I onEaa2 ~ ~ I PROFESSIONAL MEN! HERE'S A SUGGESTION NOTE the "den" shown on the plan. If you need an office in your home, it should make a good one. Cut a door through the reception hall and your patients or clients wouldn't have to enter your home at all. The large reception hall has a closet for coats and a chair or two might even be placed in it for the comfort of your callers. Atwood has a good layout in other respects, too, but the plan does not show this office possibility. I BeD Roon barn DeD loon I ^'6%10'6 13 ~6.E II'd I LO CLO HALL Lto LLO. LLO. RbOF BeURoan ~~ SeDROOn I n.6%130 13~6x1r6 ~ The ~4twood ,%ELOHD FLOOR }tIRCH ----~Z'o------ °00" fic[PLU[ DINING ROOM j LIVING&0011 ~ Id~O%14'.6 it I4~0%16'0' c - Den /J IbOXib6 Ff25T FLOOR PLAN 14 ~ Q~I~e~ C h~~S1~~e-~ - ~c-S . ~~. ,, ., S PACE has been saved and useless steps avoided by the stair arrangement in this house. The main stair is accessible from the kitchen as well as the front hall, and since it is only three steps up to the landing, the effect is practically the same as a hall. That means direct access fi-om the kitchen to the front door is possible without going around through the pantry, dining room and living room. The Newcomb D11:;NG RM. ;; ~, 14'0°x12'0 'y' LIVING KM. ~ QED RM birD RM. ~eJ 14'-6'x16`6 ~ 12`6x12'-6" rl 130x12'b' KITCFI~NPIIALL~~ i ~ ~~p NALL ~'IRJT ~s a~x~2o fECOND FLOOR RooF f FRONT AND BACK STAIRWAY I N O N E 7 AS you can see from the plan, the main body of this house is only 28 by 27 feet on the ground. The second floor ceiling line is really less, because this is a story-and-a-half house. Yet, you have here three bedrooms, [he [wo smaller having considerably over one hundred square feet each of floor space. In addition, you have five closets extraordinarily large, even with cut ceilings. After all, it's the number and size of the bedrooms that is the index to the size of a house, and here is one that scores high. The Morley will fit a 35 or 40-foot lot. D1NItVG-RN1 ~~~ L1VI NG-RM lr9"z 1D-a" ttALL~i - The .~- ~ FO RGI-1 Morley 1 FIRST FLODR PLAf~ SECOND FLOOR PLAN 6 ONLY SKILLFUL PLANNING COULD PRODUCE SUCH A SECOND FLOOR LAYOUT ~. 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