HomeMy WebLinkAboutDept Report 08-19-03CARMEL/CLAY PLAN COMMISSION DEPARTMENT REPORT August 19, 2003 2h. Docket No.116-03 Z; (03070012); Fee Schedule -Ordinance Amendment Petitioner seeks a favorable recommendation on proposed changes to the Fee section of the Ordinance. Filed by the Department of Community Services. The Deparhnent of Community Services, as petitioner, requests that the Plan Commission forwazd a favorable recommendation to the City Council on a request to amend Chapter 29, the Administration Section of the CarmeUClay Land Use Regulations (see attached Ordinance). Approval of the amendment would revise the existing fee structure to be more reflective of the costs associated with processing individua] petition types in the way of staff time and other administrative resources. In addition, fees aze proposed to address newer application types and services currently provided and others to be provided by the department. If there are no concerns raised by the public or comments from Plan Commission members that remain unresolved at the end of the discussion on the item, the Department would recommend that the Plan Commission suspend its rules and that this item be forwarded to the City Council with a favorable recommendation. PCR-2003-0819 __ _, CRY OF CARMEL&CLAY TOWNSHIP ZANING ORDINANCE CARMEL CITY CODE CHAPTER 10: ZONING & SUBDIVISIONS ARTICLE 1: ZONING CODE CARMEL/CLAY ZONING ORDINANCE CHAPTER 29: ADMINISTRATION ~~`~ ~ME~D~E~~` 29.00 Administration. 29.01 The City Council. 29.02 The Commission. 29.03 The Board. 29.04 The Director. 29.05 The Clerk-Treasurer. 29.06 Filine Fees. 29.07 Parks and Recreation Impact Fees. 29.00 Administration. 29.01 The City Council. The authority and duties of the City Council established by this Ordinance and detailed herein are: 29.01.01 Consider amendments [o [he written zoning regulations. (See Section 31.06) 29.01.02 Consider amendments to the Zoning District Map. (See Section 31.06) 29.02 The Commission. The authority and duties of the Commission established by this Ordinance and detailed herein are: 29.02.01 Advise the City Council in writing on amendments to the written zoning regulations. (See Sectiorz 31.0 29.02.02 Advise the City Council in writing on amendments to the Zoning District Map. (See Section 31.0 29.02.03 Consider Development Plan applications for Planned Districts. (See Chapter 24) 29.02.04 Consider DP and ADLS applications for Overlay Zone Districts. (See Chapters 23A, 23B, 23C, 23D and 23~ 29.03 The Board. The authority and duties of the Board established by this Ordinance and detailed herein are: 29.03.01 Consider Special Use and Special Exception applications. (See Chapter 21) 29.03.02 Consider variance applications. (See Chapter 30) 29.03.03 Consider appeals. (See Chapter 30) 29.03.04 Final interpretation of zoning district boundaries. (See Section 4.06) Chapter 29: AdminisVation 29-1 as amended per Z-35I; Z-356; Z-365-OI Proposed Amendment Autumn Suxxner 2003 vl CITY OF CARMEL & CLAY TO WNSHIP ZONING ORDINANCE 29.03.05 Make decisions concerning the existence of nonconforming uses. (See Section 30.0 Sec. 29.03 amended per Ordinance No. Z-365-01. 29.04 The Director. 29.04.01 It shall be the duty of the Director to administer and enforce this Ordinance. All permits, Certificates of Occupancy and so forth are issued by the Director, and he shall be responsible for determining [ha[ all such permits required herein are in compliance with the terms of this Ordinance. He shall receive applications required by [his Ordinance, furnish prescribed documents and forms, issue notices or orders as may be necessazy, regulate and administer all matters pertaining [o zoning, subdivision and signage control within the jurisdiction of [he Commission, including the retention of all records related thereto with [he exception of official documents required to be retained by [he Clerk-Treasurer. All such records shall be open to public inspection during normal office hours, but shall not be removed from the office of the Director. 29.04.02 I~rovemen[ Location Permits. 1. Unless otherwise excluded, it shall be unlawful to construct, alter, repair, remove or demolish aay bnildine or structure or to commence tf~construction, or alteration of real estate, retrial - ,without first filing a written application with the Director and obtaining an Improvement Location Permit. 2. Every application for an Improvement Location Permit shalh when applicable, be accompanied by: a. a Site Plan, drawn to scale, showing locations of proposed and existing improvements, easements and rights-of-way and the appropriate dimensions; b. a legal description of the real estate involved; c. a sewer or septic permit, as appropriate; d. building elevations on all four sides of the proposed improvement; and, e. the necessazy detailed construction plans. In instances where application for an Improvement Location Permit is made for a business, indusvial, manufacturing, institution or multiple family structure, the Director may require detailed plans and information concerning vehiculaz and pedestrian traffic, parking facilities, loading facilities, lighting, fencing, landscaping, water and sanitary sewage facilities, storm water drainage facilities, signage, easements, common facilities and open spaces, Administrative Building Council approvals and so forth. 3. The Director shall approve or deny the Improvement Location Permit within five (5) working days of the receipt of the written application form and accompanying materials. The Improvement Location Permit shall be issued when [he proposed structure, improvement or use and its location conform in all respects to this Ordinance. 4. The Director shall issue an Improvement Location Permit for a vaziance use, a special use, an appeal use or a Planned District use only after the appropriate approvals have been granted. 5. No Improvement Location Permit shall be issued for the erection, reconstruction or structural alteration of any building before application has been made for a Certificate of Occupancy. 6. The Director, during his review of Improvement Location Permits, shall assure that all National Flood Insurance Program regulations pertaining to State and Federal permits, subdivision review, mobile home tie down standazds, utility construction, record keeping, water-course alteration and maintenance and building permit review procedures have been met. Chapter 29: Administration 29-2 as amended per Z-351; Z-356; Z-365-0] Proposed Amendment Autumn Summer 2003 vl CITY OF CARMEL & CLAY TOW NSHIP ZONING ORDINANCE 29.04.03 Certificate of Occupancv. 1. No land shall be occupied or used and no building hereafter erected, reconstructed or structurally altered shall be occupied or used, in whole or in part, for any purpose whatsoever, until a Certificate of Occupancy shall have been issued by the Director stating that the building and use comply with all of the provisions of this Ordinance applicable to the building, premises or the use of the district in which it is to be located. 2. Upon completion of the improvement covered by the Improvement Location Permit requiring a Certificate of Occupancy, the Director shall inspect the premises and, if his inspection shall reveal that the improvement has been completed in substantial conformity with this Ordinance and all other city codes or adopted state or national codes, he shall issue a Certificate of Occupancy. 3. A Certificate of Occupancy shall be applied for coincidentally with the application for an Improvement Location Permit and shall be issued within ten (]0) days after the lawful erection, reconstruction or structural alteration of such building or other improvement of the premises shall have been completed and inspected and approved by the Director. 29.04.04 Records of the Director. The Director shall retain records of the following items: 1. Copies of Improvement Location Permits plus associated building permits and informational materials. 2. Copies of Certificates of Occupancy, both permanent and temporazy. 3. Copies of demolition permits. 4. Approved and signed subdivision plat mylazs. 5. Approved and signed Development Plans. 6. Files on all activities of the Boazd of Zoning Appeals, the City Council and the Plan Commission, such as for the subdivision platting process, appeals, variances, special uses, Development Plans for planned districts, zoning amendments (text and map changes), nonconforming use determinations and zoning district boundary determinations. Said files should include, but not be limited to, application farms, newspaper published legal notices, record of the notice to adjoining and abutting property owners, plans and other required or necessary information concerning the application and minutes of the applicable body that pertain to the application. 29.05 The Clerk-Treasurer. It shall be the duty of the Clerk-Treasurer to retain the official copy of the Zoning Ordinance and all amendments thereto and the official zoning district map. All official zoning materials shall be available for public viewing in the office of the Clerk-Treasurer during normal office hours. 29.06 Filing Fees. Applications and petitions filed pursuant to [he provisions of this Ordinance shall be accompanied by [he filing fees hereinafter specified, and shalt be paid [o the City of Carmel and collected by the Department. On or before December 31" of each year, the Director shall determine if there has been an increase in the Consumer Price Index (United States city average) prepared by the United States Department of Labor, by comparing the arithmetic mean of the Index for July, August, and September of the current year with the same three-month period of the preceding yeaz. If there has been an increase, the increase shall be stated as a percentage of the arithmetic mean for the three-month period of the year preceding the current year (the Adjustment Percentage). The Adjustment Percentage shall be rounded to the nearest one-tenth of one percent (0.1%) and may not exceed four percent (4%), unless otherwise provided by ordinance. Whenever the Director determines that there has been an increase, the Director may make a corresponding adjustment Chapter 29: Administration 29-3 as amended per Z-351; Z-356; Z•365.OI Pronoced Amendment Autumn SwxFner 2003 vl CRY OF CARMEL&CLAY TOWNSHIP ZONMG ORDINANCE to the filing and inspection fees (including late fees) that are assessed under this Chapter 29.06, in order to recoup increases in personnel and adminisvative costs within the Department. However the adjustment may not be greater than the Adjustment Percentage determined under this paragraph. The adjusted fees as determined by the Director under this paragraph take effect on January 15t of the succeeding year. 29.06.01 Filing Fees. 1. Primary Plat $750.00 ~(~ plus $ I f~.0(i X51}0 per lot 2. Amended Plat or Replat $250.00 ~E~F11-Jat) plus i (M}.Of} per !;>t (Primary, Secondary or Plat Vacation) 3. Secondary Plat $750.007AEkf~) Ius'9Qt0,(1(tperlot 4. 1Lark Sta@e¢ 250.0(} 45. Zoning Ordinance Amendment $750(HI ~AQbFl4? plus $ i 0@CH}?5 ttQi per acre (text or map/rezone) ~foo Pt18A fbcdaenaeuee 57. Developmental Standards Variance a. Sin€!e-family (primary residence) b. All other H:F9. Use Variance/Special Exception ~9. Subdivision Regulations Waiver ~! 0. Special Use & Special Use Amendment r.! t. Development Plan lA~ l2. Amended Development Plan a-1-63. Appeal i~94. Architectural Design, Lighting, and Sign Approval 4 3 [ 5. Amended ADLS a. sifn only b. buildin /g site ~4 16. Horizontal Property Regime Review +517. Commitment Amendment $ t 250.00 plus $100.00 »er acre varianerr~eefu~e.E tj. $250.00 plus $75.OCi tae each additional variance request b. $950.00 Dlus $450.00 foe each additional variance o•equest $1250.00 k05EA.{-l0 plus $ E(KLfK- per acre $750.00 t33(k08 plus $350.fM) ~0-t~1 for each additional waiver request $750.00 ~30,0lZ plus $ 900.00 tamer acre $750.00 X00 00 plus $ E 00.00 ~Ste10 per acre $750.00 Fi39.139 plus $500.00 ~ acre $12,5.00 8:9® $750.00 ~Q,00 (plus $100.00 3S:f)0 per acre when not accompanied by a Development Plan) $3304)0 ~ a. $250.00 plus $50.00 per sign b. ~500.OOplus $SO. der acre $1000.00 plus $100.00 a3~lB per lot $1000.0080&90 per commitment Chapter 29: Adminisvation 29-4 as amended per Z-351; Z-356; Z-365-O1 Prooo~ed Amendment Autumn Summer 2003 vl CITY OF CARMEL & CLAY TOWNSHIP ZONING ORDINANCE i ~. 6Ppd ';<`De+vRr SiQ~ ~fimm ik eveesn a. cxsiaHemtuati mekRrtartnm ~eaarmeaaerrt:aaG m~ekeRntuxa 'm,10. 'fl'eo9rneear& dr9ais®aT tC®mamnakG.ee~ ~5:nt7. 3'~ak"~m Heteaasaed .~,m~iyses ~denueen ~,`,-22. SJmm~r-0~ ~fdk9~OL`a~kB 23. "5'aP¢a$ ~tak~evrsda~m ~~nurtaa (time extension to beeirt conserucGon.. or extension for oroiect .•onr ietkrr. a. $ f 25.(M7 b. 3350.(10 ti2S(~ rKy 750.0 50(1.0€} $75_QKi Errs cFra.r• e if forgrimar~eskdence 150.00 24. ~$a-78ewa~Pae• ~~ (when Dreviously identified $150.00 tser &Y.e-review issues have nut been carrecied or plans are so poodv conceived and prepared that review cannM take place a R?-review fee will be assessed. 2S, ~ZA Hlear•fim~ ~Dt'taser a. residential petition b. commerciaB petition a. $125.00 Ddus ~$75.~00 for each additional variance reeques¢ b. $500.fX}~tlus 325000 for each additional variance segues[ -~:~~r, Tr'99m~Q8~ ~~Pm119Q $-3b27e b66anen~ eReemaaai 8~em®o•R ~xveeoa ~2~, ~B9¢ ~95QAHPbaImS@' ~~rmAAQ X329. .~~%9H~i~4' ~PB~--kF'~ ~9-S6B9Y5S ~ePHmBQ $!0.000.60 AnnuaE E'ermi¢ $ t 6,006.60 $ 125.60 + $25.60 per acre $1000.00 Annual Permi¢ Chapter 29: Administration 29-5 as amended per Z-35I; Z-356; Z-365-OI Proposed Amendment Autumn Summer 2003 v] CRY OF CARMEL & CLAY TOW NSHIP ZONING ORDINANCE 29.06.02 Improvement Location Permit Fees (filing, inspection fees, and Certificates of Occupancy (C/O) are required on all new construction). Industrial, Institutional, and Commercial: Structures, additions, swimming pools, and accessory buildings (including public buildings and private schools) $364.00 plus $0.18-Ida per gross sq. ft., ~'-. ~piirabke inetaic* inspections 1--3, 3;1!-aad-S 2. Single-family 3. Two-family dwelling 4. Multi-family dwelling (of any construction type or ownership classification) 5. Dwelling Additions: P~ b. ~'-,gin..... .~-a.>a.n~- 6. Detached garage or carport esp-te~we -~ $364.00 plus $0.10 per sq. ft: xc~F-LAP-s~- ~glicable -inspections ~;~~. $364.00 plus $0.10 per sq. fr. ~vz~t ?3~q€ksq- f~, ..C .,.,d 41 `..-,.~v-aic°a: -a+cal ~?~3 ~a$ applicable inspections '.. ', ?--~-T-~.ro,°°' .G. $364.00 plus 250.6)QD 4-~5-5tb per unit, plus applicable inspection fees , '~, ^ an:~F $ 125.0[1 plus $0.12 per sq. fr, and applicable inspection flees .. fa.o.. 1 7 2 ^ .,.,.i G T~ -~-a, ,r,+nn~~. ... F've.. 1 1 1 ^ .,.,.d G m ~ $125.00 3E}30 plus applicable inspection fees '. °~-~=•'a.,~ TG. 7. Residential accessory buildings or $75.00 2.630 plus $0.1003 per sq. ft. over structures with or without i 50300 sq. ft. of total floor azea, plus permanent foundations (excluding applicable inspection fees ','-r-~-a.,~°°'^. all residential accessory buildings under 120 sq. fr., farm buildings under 400 sq. fr., ac~ixgle-G'arRi4y k AN`I.:lo. L1~..,,. TJ.~L~ F,.: a:..,. .. :.ti _ ien~ _.,. ~.:1., t,,....o 9pdE~ $ ~~l . ..e C.. ...J...:,...~ .,.60...6.,., '.... .....F.'ie time ..., s. ..t.........,r,.., t,h .. c..... 1 o a n....a c Chapter 29: Administration 29-6 as amended per Z-351; Z-356; Z-365-01 Pmoosed Amendment Autumn Sulnreer 2003 vl CRY OF CARMEL & CLAY TOWNSHIP ZONING ORDINANCE h~-:':~, Structural Modification (Exterior or Interior Remodeling): a. Residential $ I ZS.U(> 363U, plus applicable inspection €~~:; -~. b. Commercial, Industrial & Institutional c. Moving or changing location of building or structure (except mobile homes and other building with non- permanentfounda[ions) ~-~ 9. Residential Swimming Pool: Single- familyresidential (Excluding portable pools two feet, nine inches (2' 9") or less in depth) ,, c, „. Tn nF n~i ~' a.o....~..,zT :~ faHtilYj b. 29.06.03 ®ther Fees Spa-Bees: l3. Temporary Use Permit (up to eighteen Month (@81 month temporary permit, $265.00, plus $0. @ 8 ~ per sq. ft. and applicable inspection fees? :aad-4. $ t 25.fitl 3t~K;, plus inspection fees. $250.00, ~G3-5®plus $0. ! U U5 per sq. ft. of total pool azea plus patio azea, plus applicable inspection fees ~r-4-a~3. a $250.00, plus applicable inspection tees fl6, -'Taartn®o¢aav Use Ex4rensi®n dS. Teennaeo'aav Sien H6. Special Eveao6 Peeaaaifl (5 day permit) fl7. Siai Evene Extension (up to 5 davsp 18. Sign_permit application 19 Sign installation -Improvement permit 20. Time ExBensi®n Review (one time $75.OU u t~iL~ six months 75.00 I$ 25.UQ 7$ S.IXD 75.00 33.30 $3U.OU per Bien face plus $1.6U per su. ft. 150.00 Chapter 29: Administration 29-7 as amended per Z-351; Z-356; Z-365-01 Proposed Amendment Autumn der 2003 vl CrfY OF CARMEL & CLAY TOWNSHIP ZONING ORDINANCE extension lgy[art cur~trur.[ion, Ur nne tine e.vicrea:m ror fini=:h'(n~~gnsiiuciinn) -~~-dke~uews• ~~~~when Drcviousfv idcr±u tied i~suss have nom hcen rr~n-cetc~ c,~L~ns arr poorly nrnccived an~r~ed That rr.?irw an~oi take pl;i~c_.a I2e_rC~i!ew (ee ~sild=~e asr-e5sed.'~ a. residcn;ial a. 3125.iX1 b. commeecial b'~ $25(1.6(1 2d. ~Oaet R,ur®eeadseseesQ ~ Nlodi$icatinns of scone oI wark atter permit has been i.sued a.residentual a. $[25.(10 b.commercial b.. 250.00 R¢saadl ~eseaarYa 1 ~Baea >E$etsaema9 $ 56.(K1 per request (no charge ut~ for peimary residence; 29.06.04 Certificate of Occupancy. f . Residential $50.(H1 per dwelling emit. 2. Industrial, Commercial and $100.00 per leased sec?ion. Institutional Buildings ~. Fa Pk°saI C/® a~. R@50BfeV489~I 8. $106.'J(7 b. Canuonoenea°on~0 6..200.00 a. 1BesuaBer~¢aaI a. '$25.00 b. C®nneraeo•c6a9 b. 50.00 29.06.05 Demolition Permit Fees Demolition or removal of buildings or $125.00 ~@:UB for the firs[ building or structures structure plus $75_06 2c.nn for each additional building or structure, plus applicable ins ecp [ions. 29.06.06 Inspections (Additionall. 1. Footing and underslab plumbing: a. Residenrial $52.00 per inspection. Chapter 29: Administration 29-8 as amended per Z-351; Z-356; Z-365-OI Proposed Amendment Autumn Summer 2003 vl CITY OF CARMEL & CLAY TOWNSHIP ZONING ORDINANCE b. Commercial/Indus[rial $93.50 per inspection. 2. Electrical -New meter base, meter base relocation, and pane] upgrades: a. _Residential $52.00 per inspection. b. Commercial/Industrial $93.50 per inspection. 3. 13onding and Oroundine (DOOisI 3:a. ReaidenCiai $52.00 per inspection. 3b. CommerciaE $93.50 ~ inspection. 3. ~. Rough-in (electrical, plumbing, heating and air conditioning): a.Residential $52.00 per inspection. b. Commercial/Industrial $93.50 per inspection. 4 5. Final structure: a.Residential $52.00 per inspection. b. CommerciaUlndustrial $93.50 per inspection. ~6. Final site: a.Residential b. CommerciaUlndustrial C~7. All Other Inspections: a. Residential b. Commercial/Industrial 7 8. Duplicate Permit Placazds $52.00 per inspection. $93.50 per inspection. $52.00 per inspection. $93.50 per inspection. $15.00 CAB each. Chapter 29: Administration 29-9 as amended per Z-351; Z-356; Z-365-01 Proposed Amendment Autumn Summee 2003 vl CRY OF CARMEL & CLAY TOWNSHIP ZONING ORDINANCE 29.06.07 Late Fees for Permits. Late fees shal] be assessed for construction 6xi.irer: -uwd-n4°°°',,• •~•~ c~aeraek~rt=started r~r-t+ndc~r w;ay-prior to obtaining required permits ;+~!~c~=iirra--~xa;+t-a+es~f~~ec}y: a. Single-family, Two-fames b. Multi-family c. Commercial d. lnstitutionai d-e. Industrial 'T'wice Normal Fee+Fi OFi-Bates-Er.~ Twice Normal Fee +-3~?4i(}.~F~-'.-mot. '~Erviee Normal Fee +~N~ii:4;P-?ate-#L~;. Twice Pdormal Fee Twice Normal Fee +-~<-)f#:~Fi-Ante-E€,~, ~E_All Other (including signs, pools, accessory buildings, porches, room additions, barns, or storage buildings, etc.) 29.06.08 Late Fees on Inspections. Normal Fee + $100.00 a3 88 late fee within five (5) days after official notice of the violation from the Department. The fee will be increased by $25.00 3-F3A per day as long as the violation continues, up to, but not to exceed $2500.00. Late fees shall be assessed °P°°°° °°-o;.t ~° ~ -° ' °a °°° ~''''°' ~' °~•'~° °_°- •~l~epaFtsneslt o€a-fietron missed inspections, includingoecunancy withouP a C/O. in the following fashion: 2"A~tme 3`~-tame 4'"ttrt~+ >Eacflu ~'o®9at®®oD Single-family, ~ $75®.00 $741Q1f-16J Two-family 336Y.98 Multi-family ~B 4a0fD $fl000B.6D0 $7f18:88 33~ F S Commercial $-F4 . f d?~.88 $fl000.®® $7(#8148 350 88 Institutional . 800®,0® Industrial $14 8:80 $4000.QB0 X780.88 26~lY1 Other a $500.®(8 $-138.8 -1-0A 80 Additional permits will not be issued by the Depaztment to any individual, firm, or corporation until all previously required permits, inspections and Certificates of Occupancy have been issued and all fees paid. it' efr - •~_°° •~~ ; ° - •rF~.-~ -• ~°- _ _~a ~-; ~ ~~~•' - a N a er,. i...,...•, , 29.06.09 Builder Application c..I. r ............. r ',.°.,, ° c°°- Builder Application "^°..,~' $ 125.00 annual fee 35,08-per ~~ Chapter 29: Administration 29-10 as amended per Z-351; Z-356; Z-365-07 Proposed Amendment Autumn Summer 2003 vl CITY OF CARMEL & CLAY TOWNSHIP ZONING ORDINANCE - ~i9-{-ff-h~-rLY-ri~1~3{'eEc"~`tfEN~- 1~`itx~ .`~r-,~'..,~<t~4jiK-idf.~?!=SLiklFlc 29.06.10 Exemptions from Fees. The listed fees are waived for all City of Carmel. R'Eay'F'e~wnshu7 and Carmel/Clay School System buildings or facilities, e• °~° "'~~- ~°°~°~• ~~° ~°°° Sec. 29.06 amended per Ordinance No. Z-351. Amended per Ordinance No. Z-365-01. 29.07 Parks and Recreation Impact Fees. Adopted and approved on December 18, 2000, and effective on and after June 18, 2001, as set forth in Section 29.07.14. 29.07.00 Title. This ordinance shall be referred to and known as the Parks and Recreation Impact Fee Ordinance ([he "PRIF Ordinance") for CarmeUClay Township, Hamilton County, Indiana. 29.07.01 Definitions. All of the definitions contained in Chapter 3 of the Zoning Ordinance shall apply [o [his PRIF Ordinance. In addition, the following definitions and rules of construction shall also apply to this PRIF Ordinance: FISCAL OFFICER. The fiscal officer, as defined by stated law, of the local government unit imposing an impact fee pursuant to this PRIF Ordinance, namely the Clerk-Treasurer of the City of Carmel. IMPACT FEE STATUTE. The following provisions of the Indiana Code, as amended: IC 36-7- 4-1300 through IC 36-7-4-1342. IMPROVEMENT LOCATION PERMIT. For purposes of the Impact Fee Statute, an Improvement Location Permit (issued under the CarmeUClay Zoning Ordinance) shall be considered a "structural building permit". PARKS AND RECREATION INFRASTRUCTURE. The capital improvements that comprise the parks and other recreational facilities that: (i) aze owned or leased by the Pazks Board solely for a public purpose, and (ii) are included in the 2001-2006 Zone Improvement Plan. Parks and Recreation Infrastructure includes the site improvements and interests in rea] property needed for such parks and other recreational facilities. PARKS BOARD. The Carmel/Clay Board of Pazks and Recreation, which is hereby identified as the "infrastructure agency" that is responsible for acquiring, constructing, or providing Pazks and Recreation Infrastructure. PETITION FOR REVIEW. A petition filed with [he Director [o initiate an appeal of an impact fee calculation. REVIEW BOARD. The Carmel/Clay Impact Review Board established under Section 29.7.9 below. ZONE IMPROVEMENT PLAN. The zone improvement plan for Parks and Recreation infrastructure which was prepared by the Commission in conjunction with the 2020 Vision Comprehensive Plan of the City of Carmel and Clay Township and approved by Chapter 29: Adminisvation 29-11 as amended per 2351; Z-356; Z-365-01 Proposed Amendment AuNmn Sommer 2003 vl CITY OP CARMEL & CLAY TOW NSHIP ZONING ORDINANCE the Commission on September 17, 1996, was duly and properly reviewed and amended, such amended version being approved by [he Commission on November 21, 2000, (the "2001-2006 Zone Improvement Plan"). The 2001-2006 Zone Improvement Plan is attached hereto as Exhibit A and made a part hereof. Chapter 29: Administration 29-12 as amended per Z-35I; Z-356; Z-365-01 Proposed Amendment Autumn Surr*ner 2003 v] CITY OF CARMEL & CLAY TOWNSHIP 20NING ORDINANCE 29.07.02 Establishment of Impact Zone. There is hereby established one Pazks and Recreation Infrastructure Impact Zone, the borders of which are coterminous with the boundaries of Clay Township, Hamilton County, Indiana, and, over which the City of Carmel exercises planning and zoning jurisdiction through a joinder agreement with Clay Township. In this regard, the Council specifically finds that there is a functional relationship between the components of the Park and Recreation Master Plan the 2001- 2006 Zone Improvement Plan, as each is amended from time to time, and that such plans will provide a reasonably uniform benefit to al] of the citizens throughout the Impact Zone. The Council further finds that all areas within the Impact Zone are contiguous as required in IC 36-7-4- 1316. Except as provided below, this PRIF Ordinance shall apply uniformly to all developments within the Impact Zone hereby established for which the City of Cazmel and Clay Township may require an Improvement Location Permit and which create a need for new and additional Pazks and Recreation Infrastructure. This PRIF Ordinance shall not apply to: (I) improvements which do not require an Improvement Location Permit; (2) improvements which do not create a need for new and additional Parks and Recreation Infrastructure, including the erection of a sign, construction of accessory buildings, structures or fences or the alteration, renovation or expansion of an improvement where the use, or intensity thereof, has not changed; or (3) [he replacement of destroyed or partially destroyed improvement, provided that the replacement improvement does not create a need for new and additional Parks and Recreation Infrastrucmre over and above the infrastructure needed by the original improvement prior to the destruction or partial destruction thereof. 29.07.03 2001-2006 Zone Improvement Plan. The Council hereby finds that, prior to the adoption of this PRIF Ordinance, the Commission undertook a comprehensive and detailed park and recreational impact analysis through the employment for that purpose of a qualified engineer, and the resulting study and database were used in the preparation of the 2001-2006 Zone Improvement Plan as required by IC 36-7-4- 1318(d). The Council has heretofore adopted the 2001-2006 Zone Improvement Plan and finds in this regazd that the 2001-2006 Zone Improvement Plan does contain the following elements: (a) Reasonable estimates relating to the nature of location of development that is expected within the Impact Zone during the planning period, which, for the purposes of this PRIF Ordinance is defined to be a period of eighteen (18) years commencing with the date of adoption hereof. (b) A reasonable determination of the community level of service for the Impact Zone. (c) A reasonable determination of the current level of service provided within the Impact Zone. (d) A reasonable estimate of the nature, location, sequencing, and timing of the park and recreational improvements and costs necessary to provide the community level of service for the developments contemplated in Subparagraph (a) hereof. (e) A reasonable estimate of the shaze of the pazk and recreational costs identified in Subparagraph (d) hereof that will be used to: (1) Raise the current level of service for existing development or provide service to existing development; or (2) Provide service to new development. (f) A reasonable estimate of revenues that: (1) Are from sources other than impact fees; and, (2) Will be used to finance the costs identified in Subparagraph (e) (1) above. Chapter 29: Administration 29-13 as amended per Z-351; Z-356; Z-365-OI Proposed Amendment Autumn Swxmer 2003 vl '" "- CRY OF CARMEL & CLAY TOWNSHIP ZONING ORDINANCE (g) A description of [he nature and location of existing infrastructure in [he Impact Zone. (h) A genera] description of the sources and amounts of money used to pay for infrastructure during the previous five years. In addition, the Council has specifically adopted the 2001-2006 Zone Improvement Plan as an official part of the Carmel/Clay Comprehensive Plan pursuant to IC 36-7-4-500 et seq. 29.7.4 Establishment of Impact Fee. Based upon the Pazk and Recreation Master Plan and 2001-2006 Zone Improvement Plan previously referred to and which is made a part of this PRIF Ordinance, the Council determines that the impact costs, minus the sum of non-local revenues and impact deductions (as defined in IC 36-7-4-1321), equal the amount of Five Hundred Twenty-seven Dollars ($527.00) per equivalent dwelling unit, and that, therefore, the impact fee to be imposed on every development subject to this PRIF Ordinance shall equal the product of: (a) Five Hundred Twenty-seven Dollars ($527.00) ,times (b) the number of equivalent dwelling units to be constructed pursuant to the improvement location permit obtained by the fee payer. The Council does hereby make a part of the record of these proceedings, all of the data collected, the calculations made, and the conclusions reached by the Commission in the process of developing the 2001-2006 Zone Improvement Plan, and specifically instructs the Director to make such data and other information inclusively available [o anyone for review during regular business hours. In the event that any pazcel of real estate considered in the creation of the 2001-2006 Zone Improvement Plan undergoes a change in use, redevelopment, or a modification which requires an Improvement Location Permit, and creates a need for new infrastructure, an impact fee will be assessed only for the increase in the burden on infrastructure. 29.07.05 Credit in Lieu of Pavment; Exemptions. Pursuant to IC 36-7-4-1335, any person obligated to pay a fee pursuant to the terms of this PRIF Ordinance may be granted the option of financing, constructing and dedicating Parks and Recreation Infrasvucture instead of making all or part of any impact fee payment which may be due, so long as such financing, construction and dedication are accomplished pursuant to the 2001-2006 Zone Improvement Plan and with the consent and acceptance of the Parks Boazd. Such fee payer, or other person providing the infrastructure or improvement, shall be allowed a credit in an amount equal to the sum of: (A)the actual cost of constructing or providing the infrastructure or improvements, plus (B)[he fair mazket value of the land, real property interest, and site improvements provided. The amount of the credit shall be determined by agreement (the "Credit Agreement") between the person consnucting or providing the infrastructure or improvement and the Parks Board. A fee payer shall make a request for credit prior to the issuance of the Improvement Location Permit. In the even[ the credit is less than [he amount of the impact fee due pursuant to Section 29.07.04 above, the remaining balance shall be due in accordance with [he provisions stated hereafter. Credits against impact fees otherwise due shall be allowed pursuant to this Section for all infrastructure and improvements constructed or furnished in accordance with IC 36-7-4-1313 and IC 36-7-4-1335 since Januazy 1, 1989. In addition, a fee payer or other person responsible for installing infrastructure of improvements may designate in writing a method of allocating its credits to future fee payers who may be successors in interest to the credits earned by the fee payer or others, as part of the Credit Agreement provided for above. Any person otherwise obligated to pay the fee established by this PRIF Ordinance whose property was totally or partially destroyed by fire, storm or other casualty beyond his or her control, shall be exempt from said fee if such person repairs or replaces the destroyed structures without creating a burden on Parks and Recreation Infrastructure greaser than the burden imposed by the destroyed structure. In the event Chapter 29: Administration 29-14 as amended per Z-357; Z-356; Z-365-01 Proposed Amendment Autumn Serarner 2003 vI Cn'Y OF CARMEL & CLAY TOWNSHIP ZONING ORDINANCE of such additional burden, the fee shall be calculated based only on the increased burden created by the structure. 29.07.06 Impact Fee Due Unon Issuance of Improvement Location Permit. The impact fee imposed pursuant to the terms of this PRIF Ordinance shall be due and payable upon the issuance of an Improvement Location Permit. The entire fee which is calculated pursuant to the terms of this PRIF Ordinance shall be due at said times unless the amount of the fee upon calculation is greater than Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000), in which case and installment plan may be requested by the applicant in accordance with the terms set forth in IC 36-7-4-1324 (a), (b), (c), and (d). The Review Board shall establish specific rules consistent with said code provisions for installment payments. The interest rate on any installment plan or deferred payment shall be the pre-judgment rate of interest set forth in the Indiana Code as from time-to-time amended. If a fee payer requests, the amount of the impact fee shall be assessed upon .the voluntary submission of a development plan or upon the issuance of the Improvement Location Permit, whichever is eazlier. For purposes of this Section, "assessment" means the act of calculating the amount of the impact fee which shall be due. The Director shall make such assessment within thirty (30) days of the date of such voluntary request or at the issuance of the Improvement Location Permit with or without a request. 29.07.07 Lien Riehts Established. Pursuant to IC 36-7-4-1325, the City of Carmel acquires a lien against the real estate which is the subject of the impact fee. Upon adoption, this PRIF Ordinance shall be recorded, and, thereafter, it shall constitute constructive notice of the lien rights of the City. The City may, in its discretion, file a specific instrument setting forth its lien rights with respect to a parcel of real estate which is the subject of an installment payment plan for an impact fee, and such instrument-shalt constitute actual notice in addition to the constructive actual notice in addition to the constructive notice provided for by the recording of this PRIF Ordinance. 29.07.08 Form of Receipt. The Director shall issue a receipt for any and all impact fees collected, and the form of such receipt shall be as follows: Received of [fee payer], this [date] day of [month, year], the sum of $[amount] in [full/partial] satisfaction of impact fees due pursuant to Ordinance No. Z-356 relating to improvements to be constmcted on the real estate described on Exhibit A, attached hereto, made part hereof, and subject to lien rights in favor of the City of Carmel in the event of partial payment with payments remaining due. The remaining balance due (if any) is in the following amount: $ This impact fee is dedicated to the creation of the following infrastructure elements in accordance with the 2001-2006 Zone Improvement Plan: DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES City of Carmel 29.07.09 Establishment of Review Board: Hearing of Aapeals. There is hereby established the Carmel Clay Impact Fee Review Board. The Review Board shall consist of three (3) citizen members (who may be residents of the City of Carmel and/or Clay Township), appointed by the Mayor of the City of Carmel to serve for terms of four (4) years; however, for the purpose of providing for staggered terms of office, the initial member of the Review Board shall be appointed for respective terms of two (2) years, three (3) years, and four (4) years. The members of the Review Board may not be members of the Commission and must meet the qualifications prescribed in IC 36-7-4-1338(b), that is, • one (1) licensed real estate broker, Chapter 29: Administration 29-15 as amended per Z-351; Z-356; Z-365-01 Proposed Amendment Autumn ~ 20113 vl CITY OF CARMEL & CLAY 70W NSHIP ZONING ORDINANCE • one (1) licensed engineer, and • one (1) certified public accountant Whenever a member of the Review Board is unable to participate in any matter before the boazd because of a conflict of interest, the Mayor shall appoint a temporary replacement member, meeting the qualifications of [he member being replaced, to serve on the board for the purpose of hearing that matter only. The Review Boazd shall be governed by IC 36-7-4-1338(c) and al] other applicable provisions of the Impact Fee Statute. Any fee payer who believes itself to be aggrieved by the calculation of an impact fee may appeal from such calculation to the Review Board and the Review Boazd shall conduct a hearing with regard thereto. At such hearing, the fee payer shall bear the burden of going forward with the evidence and shall present evidence addressing either of the following propositions: (a) A fact assumption used in determining the amount of the impact fee is incorrect; or (b) The amount of the impact fee is greater than the amount allowed under IC 36-7-4-1320, IC 36- 8-4-1321, and IC 36-7-4-1322. Upon conclusion of the presentation of evidence, the Review Board shall make a determination within thirty (30) days, upon the facts presented and may make such adjustments in the impact fee as it deems are appropriate under the circumstances, if any. An appeal under this Section 29.79 must be filed not later than thirty (30) days after the issuance of the Improvement Location Permit. The appeal shall be initiated with [he filing of a Petition of Review with the Director, together with a filing fee in the amount of One Hundred Dollars ($100). The filing fee shall be refunded in full: (1) if the Petition of Review is granted and the impact fee is eliminated, reduced or adjusted by the Review Board, by independent action of the Director, or by a court having jurisdiction, and (2) if the reviewing body determines that the amount of the fee, reductions, or credits were arbitrary or capricious. The Petition of Review shall be in a form calculated to inform [he Review Board of the nature of the complaint, the parties to the action, and the relief requested. In addition, the petition shall describe the new development on which the impact fee has been assessed, all facts related to the assessment of the impact fee, and the reasons the petitioner believes that the amount of the impact fee assessed is erroneous or is greater than the amount allowed by the fee limitation set forth in the Impact Fee Statute. The Director shall not deny the issuance of Improvement Location Permits on the basis that the impact fee has not been paid, or condition issuance of the permit on the payment of [he impact fee. However, unless the impact fee exceeds One Thousand Dollars ($1,000), [he fee payer shall pay the impact fee or initiate an appeal under this Section before being issued the permit. 29.07.10 Establishment of Impact Fee Fund. There is hereby established an Impact Fee Fund within the City of Carmel to receive any and all sums collected pursuant to this PRIF Ordinance and any other Impact Fee Ordinance that may hereafter be adopted, [o be utilized in connection with the purposes se[ forth in Section 29.07.11 below. A special account shall be established in the fund for Parks and Recreation Infrastructure which shall be kept separate from any other account [hat may hereafter be established in the fund for other infrastructure types. In the even[, and only in the event, that an additional Impact Zone for Parks and Recreation Infrastructure is created hereafter, a separate account shall be maintained for each separate Impact Zone established within the City of Carmel and Clay Township. Interest earned on any such account shall be deposited and maintained within the sepazate account. The Fiscal Officer shall manage the Impact Fee Fund according to the provisions of the Impact Fee Statute and maintain records of the status of any such account. Pursuant to IC 36-7-4-1329, the Fiscal Officer shall make an annual report to the Commission and the Parks Board of said accounts which shall be available [b the public in general and fee payers, upon request, in Chapter 29: Administration 29-16 as amended per 2-351; Z-356; Z-365-OI Proposed Amendment Autumn SaxRner 2003 vl CRY OF CARMEL & CLAY TOW NSHIP ZONMG ORDINANCE pazticulaz. The right to any refund of an impact fee shall be determined strictly in accordance with IC 36-7-4-1332,and the Fiscal Officer is designated, pursuant to IC 36-7-4-1332(e), as the official responsible for acting upon any refund application that may be filed by fee payers. In order to facilitate the payment of any refunds when they may be due, the Fiscal Officer is directed to identify the purpose of any impact fee paid in order that a refund, if any, may be paid from the account into which the fee was originally deposited. 29.07.1 I Use of Impact Fees Collected. Any and all fees collected pursuant to the provisions of this PRIF Ordinance may be utilized only for the following purposes: (a) Providing funds to be utilized by the Parks Board for the purpose of paying the capital costs of Parks and Recreation Infrastructure that is necessary to serve the new development within the City of Carmel and Clay Township and that is identified in the 2001-2006 Zone Improvement Plan; (b) An amount not to exceed Five Percent (5%) of the annual collections of the fees, to be utilized by the Parks Board for expenses incurred by such City and Township for the consulting services that are used with regard to the establishment and maintenance of [his impact fee program; (c) To pay any refund that may be due under IC 36-7-4-1332; (d) To pay the debt service cost on an obligation issued to provide Parks and Recreation Infrastructure described in Subparagraph (a) above, in accordance with IC 36-10-3-27. 29.07.12 Conflicts with Impact Fee Statute. The Council specifically acknowledges the existence of the Impact Fee Statute, which regulates the adoption of impact fee ordinances by municipal corporations within the State of Indiana. It is the intent of the Council to comply with such legislation, and this PRIF Ordinance shall be construed in all respects [o be consistent with the Impact Fee Statute. The substantive and procedural requirements of the Impact Fee Statute shall control in the even[ of conflicts, which are unintended by the Council. 29.07.13 Amendments and Review. The impact fee provided for herein is based upon information that, in large part, is subject to inflation and other economic and market forces over which the Council has no control. The Council may, therefore, not less than once each year, cause a review to be made by the Director or such consultants as may be required, to determine the continuing validity of the Impact Fee, the Impact Zone, and the 2001-2006 Zone Improvement Plan. The Council may consider and adopt such amendments as are necessary to cause a substantive compliance with all constitutional and statutory requirements. To the extent required by the facts and circumstances, this process shall include the steps necessary to update the 2001-2006 Zone Improvement Plan and the Comprehensive Plan. 29.07.14 Effective Dale and Expiration Date. Pursuant to IC 36-7-4-1340, this PRIF Ordinance shall be effective six (6) months following its adopting) in accordance with the Impact Fee Statute, replacing the PRIF Ordinance adopted in November of 1996 and wholly contained in Section 29.07 of the Carmel Ci[y Code. This PRIF Ordinance shall expire five (5) years following such effective dateZ, and no impact fee may be collected under this PRIF Ordinance after such expiration date. However, the Council may adopt a replacement impact fee ordinance to take effect before, on, or after such expiration date if the replacement ordinance complies with the provisions of the Impact Fee Statute. Sec. 29.07 amended per Ordinance No. Z-356. ' Ordinance No. 2356 adopted December 18, 2000; effective June l8, 2001. r Ordinance No. 2356 expires June 18, 2006. Chapter 29: Administration 29-17 as amended per Z-351; Z-356; Z-365-01 -- - Proposed Amendment Autumn Sommer 2003 vl CITY OF CARMEL & CLAY TOW NSHIP ZONING ORDINANCE CHAPTER 29: ADMINISTRATION AMENDMENT LOG Ordinance No. Docket No. Council Approval Effective Date Sections Affected Z-305 Jul 17, 1995 X351 November 6, 2000 November 6, 2000 Z-356 December 18, 2000 June 18, 2001 29.7 Z-365-O1 76-Ola OA November 5, 2001 November 27, 2001 29.3.1; 29.6; 29.6.2(1); 29.6.2(11); 29.6.7(e); 29.6.8 I9eI°enitu®ns: '1C¢nesaoo'aver IJse° short-team or ^easonal uses not conducted in an enciosed builidnB or reeular place of business, intended to sell, or promote specific merchandise or products classified rota two sate og ties: a Residertial modes home, temporary sales oftices, b Grand Opening_Sales seasonal and holidaysales and Auctions and Estate Sales Sp¢cial IEv¢aoQ P¢rmnet° Short-term cultural communrty and entertainment events that take place indoors or rn1t shall be considered special events including but not limited Ho Tund-raisdne activities by not-for-prestit organizations walks suns and bike events. concerts, carnivals or festivals ABt¢o•afteuvn ®ff R¢aQ ]EsQaQ¢^ any human made change to unimproved property includin~+ but not limbed to drilling operations excavation tilling,_gradinB, site clearance or paving NaBev¢ Grass¢s° Native or naturalized perennial r~rass species other than those detined as turf Brasses or those desi¢nated as noxious weeds by the Purdue lJniversity Department of ABriculature Famifv Group Residential Chapter 29: Administration 24-18 as amended per Z-351; Z-356; Z-365-0] Pro[roced Amendment Autumn Summer 2003 vl