HomeMy WebLinkAboutPacket to City Council 09-02-03t:.~ Townhomes at Rangeline I RECEIVED by Docs I. E. Investments Prepared for the City of Carmel September 2, 2003 ;~& {, u~ ~..: 'w,~ Y1 yy~ ~~i a"k tL +v ~:~~i xs ~~ ~ ~ ~~~ 'rt: • Petitioner's Request The petitioner seeks to plat the property into two Blocks: "Block A" and "Block B" to legally established the uses proposed and to provide for potential sale and conveyance, in whole or part. Additionally, the zoning districts require that architectural design, -andscaping and lighting approval be requested and approved. This package of materials provide the details for review and approval. • Property, Description Townhomes at Rangeline Brief Overview The Townhomes at Rangeline is a proposed 0.515-acre townhome and office development located at the southwest corner of Rangeline Road and 4th Street NW. The site is bounded on three sides by streets (4th Street, NW on the north, Rangeline on the east, 1st Avenue on the west). The subject site is located within two zoning districts: BS (commercial classification) -eastern one-half of site; and R-4 (residential) on the west. The site also lies within two sub-areas: Historic Rangeline Road Sub-Area along the east and the Character Sub-Area. The only existing improvement is a residential structure that is located near the Rangeline frontage. Proposed Use The petitioner intends to renovate the deteriorated existing residential structure for office use. An associated on-site parking area to service the offices will be developed. Petitioner will construct four (4) new two-story townhomes on the western portion of the site. Streets and Sidewalks Streets for the proposed development exist along the north, east and west perimeter of the site. Vehicular access will be provided at two locations: (1) a new 24-foor wide curb cut is proposed on 4th Street, NW to access the new parking lot serving the offices (2) a driveway is proposed along 1st Avenue, NW to access the western garages of the townhomes. New pavement within the 4th Street right-of--way wi-1 be constructed to conform to the City of Carmel standards both respect to dimension and material specifications. Existing sidewalks are located along Rangeline Road and 1st Avenue, NW. An additional walk is proposed along :he 4th Street frontage. Sidewalks will also be constructed to conform to the City of Carmel standards with respect to dimension and material specifications. Sanitary Sewers Sanitary sewer service will be provided by the City of Carmel Wastewater Utility. The proposed townhomes will be connected to an existing 21-inch sewer located in 1st Avenue, NW. Connection to the existing line will be made in accordance with the City of Carmel standards and specifications. The existing structure (proposed office) is currently served via a lateral to an existing sanitary sewer line located along Rangeline Road. No changes to the sanitary sewer are proposed for the • existing structure. ~~ ~.. X4,4 M; of Cfe LOCATION MAP ~- - - RidgeµC~ Dnftwood~~ Smokey Ridge yeri^oo~~"'~., o ,~;mo~y R 9e~~, E of of ~~ ~ 0 -Q ~'' ---~° ~ CEME RY ~t .P ~t ~ _ .: i Smo ~aYoe ~ z<7th St IV H~ ~ NC J Ev `oo/ Cry v REA T? WALKING TOUR 1 ~' ,,,, ~w~j~`n~ 3°CH HEL rtl„~ ,NVY 3.~~~.~~,.~1 nd ~,NiN .,~~~. ~ Jz ~. SCHOOL ¢ ,.. z} ~ , . sI.,~S.~I.W ..1sS. .1~ ~ a of ~ p U11~BER YA~D ALL ; ~ z ^~CLAY~ ~ 1st ~ tVffN1A URE PUB ~IB G,- Ib1 t15B M ~ ~- f ~'> z lq.,,_ ~ ,~ St SE ~ Albert C : a a iew~Dr~ m % m n tam r t. _ ~,_$ _ Y ~..w . -. ~No scac..e.~ ti a m° 13100 ` ic,~,~t~ Ca~lii _ C Storm Drainage The project's storm water runoff will be conveyed through a system of pipes and a parking lot detention facility in accordance with City of Carmel standards and specifications. The storm sewer system ultimately discharges into the Morrow/Follott legal drain located along 1st Avenue, NW. Approval for storm water discharge will be obtained from the Hamilton County Surveyor and the County Drainage Board. Water Water service will be provided by the City of Carmel. Extension of the "system" will be made in accordance with the City's standards and specifications. The proposed townhomes will be served by an existing 6-inch main located on-site. The existing structure (proposed office) is currently served via a service line to an existing main located along Rangeline Road. No changes to water service are proposed for the existing structure. w~~ , ~= ~- -Site:Plan~`~ ~ l' 1 u w ~ t._ .. d 4 _~ S17E I , ;; z ' • n - - Gl ~,- S• 4 ~. _ I u .1.... • "It t a~ j` _j b a.,..p i. E'~14iT 5• , AREA MAP 10 1;' i;;'... PRIMARY PLAT FOR TOWNHOMES AT RANGELINE SECTION Z6 • T18N - R3E HAMILTON COUNTY, INDIANA 0.516 ACRES EXISTING ZONING R4 end B6 iAND DESCRIPi10N (INSTR. X200100056648! :-. h. .'I. -0.:".Q. C.~. •._ ire ;I',: i~J;, 'd'IdC: r 1 r.:rs 9egil r d' a cat ~,; ~ nl lit ~I s c~w,i a r t r 5 ~a~' v i ~C~'v , to tiP„e ,. ,a mrl ~ i :E. r 'cnt N" 0 1I 't7 1 ~~. Itrs J ~^.J1 Il., `; 9.. ...~. :J:, any ct t vv ~, , L, _ , : Lr ~ ~,~ ~, ;,., ~:~f~~~'~~'x~ R4 ZON!NG ! 05 ZONING ~ ., , ~. tr r, ., it : " li.}a.~. 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THE 9CMNEIDER CORPORATION 14821 EAST NEW MARKET 9T„ SURE 100 CARMEL, IN ~e0J4 1S1T1 eeo-efl4 FAx ese-e~to J..J.^x:...:.1 ~C J..Y R Esistnt Stafm Seer --+-- Ne. Start kar ' Erising an ta'y Seer ---+-- Nea Son'Ivy Seee' EM1islog Ca,lnx Gislig Emwl'an NeR omm~enl Dade u.-+ A OUr Frith Codes - :16srlaa Ikdn '-2e_ - $ede 1YOler Hai Ctislny trees t sliq Cos Yoi~, fr6~t19 idephme ErBI'ng Yima Yah Etising 9or.oc EtEslag ax'hnc I;Gilir> `~`tY, .:~E~e E _._ __ - `i .. t. ~. ~~ ' Schneider ~~ a X11\JL':H Jc~jA'yY' `•. ~fi ,~ 5 t c' µ._ B ..~ Sr•-: rr ~ n -.. ... ~ [_: , rr z ,. a- ~ w ~. x zx z ~~ ~ ~~ C - ~ E/ ¢' ;r ;-t - r ~° t,: r, _; ~: 0 ~x;~~,~c_ ~~ .. ~:: r^ iEaet rut 1C~ ~LQl: • IYi .. ~ y..,,,~- _. m < +'; _`-' na c w zs I n~ w,t; fir? Q I.IS+ ~: :NEAR J~ w ftl. ;~yN V+ll.p.! ':~. ee:~ Aro~azs~ x: ~ el;: ,;' ov //~~ ~. n11! ~.~ a rr' fi ~c ~a a Ira u::; TOWNH4MES AT ~' -- -- __y :~ti ; CHARACTER HISTORIC RANGELlNE SUB-AREN. ROAD SUB-ARCA J a .nun ,. ' Is: I l~1 i F. I'F. I fP RAJ R U ,. 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'~''Y°'. C:AB IA~~" d';1. ..nq CA9' ~f <~. ,_ "~ t; n E, ~~r-', :J V Ill V+!, rf '' ;F<~ 'S .. xc:.5 Fie A. •~ , 1 ~~.r C ::. } ~ e,r L,,~r. r mVL~. .. '~ DON'1 DIG BLIND' ~~~ ~r i'~~ L ` 'IT'S THE LAW' C4: ! k''r,v ~ IA :ii S : X: r - ' , , , 1-8Q0-382-5544 c-x nnu-:. .1. A55UMED NORTH ~;H;~ "_ ~.~~~~~` ... _.~M' (M1J5'N. r?~ SCALE: '."= 2U ' DEVELOPERI IE, INVESTMENTS, LLC 1016 3rd AVENUE SW, SUITE 100 CARMEL,INOIANA 48084 19171 SIB•8841 FAX 19171 614.2281 STEVE SCNUTI ENGINEERI THE SCHNEIDER CORPORATION 12621 EAST NEW MARXET ST, SUITE 100 CARMEL, IN 48032 [3171 &8S•Si12 FAx e2e•e41o 1LIEICv~1C' lvsfkq Slam Sne• ~•-- New Storm Scrr '' F.ci9ling Sanitay Serr • New ScnAay Sere.' Fvsli+g CmlWr EvaCng [leldian Ner Poxm{n'. C+aoe >"'s AI Olhm Pnish Grotles -' E1clr". Evisti+g Grotl¢s Clcm~ 5tadnra Ndmpr ~. '~ Sanlo'y Slmdurc Num6r I. _ ~'0 Applorknalc Pod Si!e - ' - Flow Amaw ~;iau'_+... _ ~ ~6sJ'Mcc Drum - Swde (Q - - N'oter Ikul '. 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PLANT KEY KEY OU4N 81ZE DESCIPTION u,.s4. nn• - `ww,,...orr. ia...~.,, OmvrNrq~l'TI iW~f~~.vw n; .ae.1n4'wC~ .~:4- mr ~..» ,. ~.,,ti'..,~,;~.,.,.~s.. . «.,,n,,:,~~„~ rte. a~~Mrnai dtvuo~ „~.,.x ..»„~.~, n~. ~.. m..~.,~,,p~. ~dG,VEu.6 _ _ ~'['. % ~' '~' T-ti~5 ..ilA= E+:: Oh :i'a+_ ~~ ~ ` ~ pieify p ~ ~~~~ ~ i ' ~ e0 Ra . t * j eo.:ea~aoca * , _ ` ` _ ~ _ ~ •, aa~tAtE or • ~'q TDi~~r ~ 11- ,~ 4~,, ~ ~ _ !. ems, "~ :."d41 =16M?5 0.4 tl:14k'~ CdNi .% . leG: W:'k+ a.r L,okn~ d'' v,L1Y,, ,~ ~o,:~~~~-- ~,..K~~-~.~___--~ Landscape Masterplan for the: Townhomes a# Rangeline LE. In+~estments, LLC 1016 3rd Avenue SW, Suite 100 Carmel, 1N 46032 July 16th, 2003 Scale 1 " = 10'- 0" r '' ~ Y~ ~'j.F+l..{ia~hJ~ .)~ ~ .-_.-~ I .. A... x-lIM f ~ __. is .=.lv^ C~-!.x~' al"~-~ i ~, _ ~ .. V I 5; 14 J~` ,~ ~1 E~yy Liwng Landscapes PLANT KEY NEY rDU~N 81?;E DEBCIPTiON en•a. r,••. Irm~in mrnr ...u ~t~n~.l`,nr .\~,rr~y~~:rn. .\ arwn.mr in.. .~ 1 Nrnuin~r.pwnMr:r ,`1y .nr rrwr !r•,p••n Ynb , w r1]~. 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