HomeMy WebLinkAboutPublic Notice81375-2915293 PUBLISHER'S AFFIDAVIT soui6OD Ee9rees 02 minutez ~ ,- ',20 seconds West measurbtl pbrarterynm tno-wesrugE or State of Indiana SS: $~~ ' said puarter Section from me North Tine Di said puarter ~ ~~ ~ MARION County ~ ~. ,l Section, mence South 89 de- f g e s 30 mmu[es 09seconds~ - IweaspaamnEl tp mE Nprm I ne of a puarter Sect on x23.4] feet to the west I ne of personally appeared before me, a notary public in and for said county an"d'state, ~ ~~ ~1 rTl PUBLIC NOTICES sad puarter sect on, mence so to oo ee9rees oz mmptes sa s [hat SHE~is clerk ~~rt bein dal sworn Mullins who th d i d K ~ ~~ PUBLIC HEARING 26 seconds west along sae West line 2 336 91 fee[ to [Ile , , e un ers ne aren S S y Y ~„~ ~ ~ G ~JI NOTICE OF ! . , l f b i i [ai i ' ~ - '1 BEFORE THE CARMEVCLAY 9LAN COMMISSION nn n ng, p ace o ng, mn eg 3asse acres. mere pr lead. - + n of the INDIANAPOLIS NEWSPAPERS a DAILY STAR newspaper of general ~culatiott7 Docket Np. 132-03-PP TM1e Pppl'cation further e- w ' (Residential Open Space guests: 1 A variance of Sub- \~~ Ordinance) And 132-036 SW (spbaroiaion waived-132-036 'division- Con[rol_ONmance- '6.3.4 Prpwamn or Norm - rioted and ublished in the En lish Ian ua a in the tit of INDIANAPOLIS in state ~ P P 8 B B Y 5W (subdivisioh Wmved 132= spurn Couectog2) A variance ! ` ' o3c sw SSpbmmsion waroed; pi spba~pismn cpnlrpl orei-. ~ _ Notice i M1ereby given roar rase Carmel/Clay Plan corn-; nance 6.1.1 Conformance with' me master plan, apa 3> A var.. and county aforesaid, and that the printed matter attached hereto is a true copy, f ~~ ' meeting on [he 21st s oast of Subdivision Control I pi October,2003, at ]:00 eay Ortl nance S.1J Extension 9i p.m. 'n me City Hall Counnl chambera, 2nd rlppr pf acv facilities mduded in me mad- I ter plan. ~ which was duly published in said paper for 1 time(s), between [he dates oF. Hall,'1 Civic Sguare. Carmel, Tne tlevelppment is m be a Indiana 96032 will M1oltl a PuE- Residential Open Space Oe- , pc Hearing upon an Pppli[a-, lion mr Prtmarv Plat lopment ine PDmmanon is menn9etl 09/20/2003 and 09/20/2003 ("Ppplication") for me 32.58E as Oocke[ Number 132-03 PP. acre parCer of r¢al es[atE TM1e Suntlivision Waivers IDE ~ m ly known as 2900 W; iknown as 132036 SW, 132-'. " ' 141st Street, Carmel, IntlianE 03b SW, and 132-03c SW: and mcaree norm siee pl All mtereatee Persons aesir-' ~ Clerk 141st street approximately t: ing tp presenCmelr views on mile west of Towne Rpad' the above PppVica[iOn, eimer' Title Filetl by Steve Pittman of Pitt in wasting o erbal, will be man Partners, Inc ("Rawl Es- given an Opportunity to be mte 9. heard at me above mentioned The deal Estate .a legally ae- nn,e and maEE. wrinen 9bieE- " Subscribed and sworn to before me on 09/20/2003 cr bed an ExM1ibit A" t- Oipns tp the.Pppg<ation loaf - tacM1¢d herQta an0 ~a EOned $~ wim the SecrQlary of. aR f11eL 'bRemdemialk Estate- District , the Plan tommissipn befora i antler [M1e Zpnin90rtlinance pf me Public Hearing will be cpn- me Clty of Carmel ,Indiana. ~sitleretl antl oral comments TM1e application re9ues[s ap- concerning me application proval to develop me Real Es- rate as a resitlential subtlivi- will be heartl aI the Public 'Hearing. , Notary Public sion containing 5] lots tp be A cpDV of rase Aporication is on, Susan Ketehem known as Heamer Knoll. Ille for examinallpn a[jM1e Oi- Exhibit A -land description lice or me department of tom- Ci o Notary PubIIC 3[at9 n{ IfId100® P Oarl 9f me Northeast guar- v- mumty Development, ne , ter of Section 20. Townsni018 - is 5ouare, Carmel, Indiana ~ My Commission F~tp. UA/06ltb11 North, Range- 3 Eaaq clay , 4ao3z. My commission expires: Township, Hamilton County, The Public Hearing maybe ~ Inmana, more particularly tle: continuetl from time to time - cribed as follows: as may he fountl necessary. N Beginning a[ the Sputnwest CARMEL PLAN COMMISSIO rner al smtl puarter SEC- lion; mence Norm 99 degrees E APPLICANT: I Patman Parmera, mE. ~ vNLA RATE PER LINE 3z min tes 44 seconds East Steve A. Pittman long me South line of sa,d IP.O. Ban 554 puarter Section 503.]0 feet; lM1en i l N lfi 0ewntlse We ~ Carmel, IN 415082 »T C~ '31J)5 o9i2a PUBLISHEDITIME=.308 s minp a fes 2915293 i a4ssB fEEq mencE Norm s9 IN TYPE - 16.49 PUBLISHED 2 TIMES= .462 eEBrEEa 3z mmmea 44 sec-. - , 's urn Ense ofarsaie ouarme E MS / 250 - .06596 SQUAR ES PUBLISHED 3 TIMES= .616 ISecti9n 12500 feet; thence= ~Narm oo degrees os minytep ~ SQUARES X $4.67 - .308 CENTS PER LINE - PUBLISHED 4 TIMES= .770 tD a n. i ~~ .. NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING BEFORE THE CARbIEL/CLAY PLArN Docket No. ]32-03-PP (Residential Open Space Ordinance) And 132-03a SW (Subdivision Waiver) 132-036 SW (Subdivision Waiver) ]32-03c SW (Subdivision Waiver) ~" o ~~ rn ~ N T n o G ~ ~..> m c°7 D w Notice is hereby given that the Carmel/Clay Plan Commission meeting on the 21 s[ day of Oc4o6e 2003, at 7:00 p.m. in the City Hall Council Chambers, 2°d floor of City Hall, 1 Civic Square, Carmel, Indiana 46032 will hold a Public Hearing upon an Application for Primary Plat ("Application") for the 32.588 acre parcel of real estate commonly known as 2900 W. 141 s` Street, Carmel, Indiana and located north side of 141` Street approximately'/~ mile west of Towne Road. Filed by Steve Pittman of Pittman Partners, Inc. ("Real Estate"). The Real Estate is legally described on Exhibit "A" attached hereto and is zoned S-1 Residential Estate District under the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Carmel ,Indiana. The application requests approval to develop the Real Estate as a residential subdivision containing 57 lots to be known as Heather Knoll. Exhibit A -Land Description A par[ of the Northeast Quarter of Section 20, Township 18 North, Range 3 East, Clay Township, Hamilton County, Indiana, more particularly described as follows: Beginning at [he Southwest comer of said Quarter Section; thence North 89 degrees 32 minutes 44 seconds East along the South line of said Quarter Section 503.70 feet; thence North 00 degrees OS minutes 16 seconds West 348.50 feet; thence North 89 degrees 32 minutes 44 seconds East parallel to the South line of said Quarter Section 125.00 fee[; thence North 00 degrees OS minutes 16 seconds West 1,988.61 feet to a point 294.08 feet South 00 degrees 02 minutes 26 seconds West measured parallel with the West line of said Quarter Section from the North line of said Quarter Section; thence South 89 degrees 30 minutes 49 seconds West parallel to the North line of said Quarter Section 623.47 feet to the West line of said Quarter Section; thence South 00 degrees 02 minutes 26 seconds West along said West line 2,336.81 feet to [he place of beginning, containing 32.588 acres, more or less. The Application further requests: 1) A variance of Subdivision Control Ordinance 6.3.4 Provision of North -South Collector, 2) A variance of Subdivision Control Ordinance 6.1.1 Conformance with the master plan, and 3) A variance of Subdivision Control Ordinance 5.1.7 Extension of facilities included in the master plan. The development is to be a Residential Open Space Development. The Application is identified as Docket Number 132-03 PP. The Subdivision Waivers are known as 132-03a SW, 132-036 SW, and 132-03c SW. All interested persons desiring to present their views on the above Application, either in writing or verbal, will be given an opportunity to be heard at the above mentioned time and place. Written objections to the Application that are filed with the Secretary of the Plan-Commission before the Public Hearing will be considered and oral comments concerning the application will be heard a[ the Public Hearing. A copy of [he Application is on file for examination at the Office of [he department of community Development, One Civic Square, Carmel, Indiana 46032. The Public Hearing maybe continued from time to time as maybe found necessary. CARMEL PLAN COMMISSION APPLICANT: Pittman Partners, Ina Steve A. Pittman P.O. Box 554 Carmel, IN 46082 (317)580-9693 ^ Complete items 1, 2, and 3. Also complete A item 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired. X ^ Print,your name and address on the reverse so that we can return the card to you. ^ Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, or on the front if space permits. 1. Article Addressetl to: Tom and Laura King, Trustees 5965 Heaton Pass Carmel IN ^ Agent D. Is slivery adtlress tliflerent from item 1? ^ Yes If VES, enter.delrv'ery,address below: ^ No ~ , ~1 ~ en ~ 7 .!~ s. rvi~ITrpe N ~ m ;~'~ ^~ _ ~~, ~ertified Mal ~~press Mal N ^ Reggg stered ^'Return Receipt for Memh J ^ Insured~Maii ^ C.O.D. 4. Restdcted~D`elivery?(Extra~Fes).,~ ^ Ves 2. Article Number ' (Trans/er /rom service label) 7 0 0 2 10 0 0 0 0 0 4 7 4 5 3 3 6 5 7 PS Form 3811, August 2001 Domestic Retum Receipt to2sss-oz-M-tsao ^ Complete items 1, 2, and 3. Also complete item 4 if Restricted Delivery rs desired. ^ Print your name and address on the reverse so that we can return the card to you. ^ Attach this card to'the back of the mailpiece, , or on the front if space permits. 1. Article Addressed to: Arlet and Claudia Pryor 2626 141st St W Westfield IN __ 2. Article Number (rmnsler horn service labs/) ~~.;.,, ~. -.7,0 ~ 2.,,10,0 PS Form 381„, August 2001 ~ ~+~, i„~+ Domestic Re A Signature x ^ Agent L~uW~- 'y~7//^L~ 0 Addressee B. Received by (Printed Name) I C. Date of Relive .Z~.v~' D. Is delivery address tlil(erem from item 1? ^ Yes If YES, enter delivery address below: ^ No 3. McB Type rtifled Mail ^ Express Mal Registered ^ Return Receipt for Merchandise ^ Insured Mail ^ C.O.D. 4. Restdcted Deliver)? (Ezha Fee) 0004 7453 3633 102595-02-M-15A0 ^ Ves ^ Complete items 1, 2, and 3. Also complete item 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired. ^ Print your name and address on the reverse so that we can return the card to you. ^ Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, or on the front if space permits. 1. Article Addressed to: Tyner Family Partnership LP 2525 141st St W Westfield IN a Agent B. Received by (Panted l~i e) _ I C. Date of ^ _ ~'.Z.G D. Is delivery addn~s different 1rdmriem 1?~~ Yes If YES, enter deli~ry,address below: '~;O~No O ~~ ~~ri /7 -I ~ ^~ ~ ~ 1 '^ 3. ice Type`s 0 0 ~~ ~ryCertitied Mal ^ Express'Mal (^ -Registered ^ Return Receipt for Merch ^ Insured Mail eO~C.O.D. _ r ~~y 4. ResMcted Delivery? (Exha Fee)J~ ^ yes z. AnideNumber I 7002 1000 OD04 7453 3626 (rranslar from serNce febe9 I; !-rfrr rr rr--.r--,-.-.~. -..-. '~PS Foirn 381+1, August 2001 i„' ~ ~j +'DOmestic Return Receipt r I r t t t t I It I I I I t tozsssaz-M-tsao ^ Complete items 1, 2, and 3. Also complete A. S~gna - item 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired. X l/ ^ Print your name and address on the reverse so that we can return the card to you. g Received ^ Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, or on the front if space permits. , 1. Article Addressed to: Robert Kowich 2757 W 146th St Westfield IN 2. Article Number ' ^ Yes D. Is If Agent 'noted Name) C. Date of Deliv ss different hom dem- 17 ^ Yes slivery: address below: ~ ~ No ~ ~-'.~ ~ ~ ~p~ ~ N T'rY ~ ~ O I 3. ice Tyne ~ ~Certifie`dMail ^ Express N J ^ Registereil`~~jRetu j ^ Insured Mail ~~C.O:D. 4. Restricted Delivert? (Extra Fee) 7002 1000 004 7453 3619 fw Merchandise PS Form-~ttl l August 2001 ~ Ddrtiestic Retuin Receipt ' ' "' ' " "' ' to25sso2~M-t5no li Ili 1 I~NiI Iliilf ^ Complete items 1, 2, and 3. Also complete item 4 jf Restricted Delivery is desired. ^ Print your name and address on the reverse so that we can return the card to you. ^ Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, or on the front if space permits. 1. Article Addressed to: ~ Phil and Jill Pegram 2731 146th St W Westfield IN i` 2. Article Number Fomi3811 A ^ Agent B! Received 6y (Pooled N C.~pate of Delivery `7 - 7.y-0 ~ D. Is delivery address dRlerem ham item 17 ^ Yes If YES, enter delivery atldrassbelow: ^ No /(~~ .~~ I ~ o y Z7 ,ra l7 (.~7 3. Service Type ~ ° C ' '~ ~eilified Mail Ogress Mr ^ Re~~gistered (7:Retum Rec - ~ ^ Irisuretl.Mail ^ C.O.D. ,( 4. ResMcted'Deliver)?_(Extla Fee)>. v 70D2 10D0 0004 7453J3572 Merchandise ^ Yes I 102595-02-M4 ^ Complete items 1, 2, and 3. Also complete item 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired. ^ Print your name and address on the reverse so tti5t wa can return the card to you. ^ Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, or on t_he front if space permits. 1. Article Addressed to: Thomas Murphy, Trustee 12618 Winding Creek Ln FisherslN ~_ - - _ '- 2. 0. Signature X /~ ^ Agent •/ ^ Addressee B. Received by (Pooled Name)l C. Dale of Delivery ~ PI ~ .1 _Ul D. Is delivery address tliffereM horn item~i Z ^ Yes If YES, emer delivery~address below ^ No r., O N T Di7 . , ~ C G ,, N r`? n ~ 3. Servlt~Type I '~Oertitie0'h1a ^ Registered _ i ^ Insured Mail 4- ResMCted Deliven/1 (Exr2 Fee) 0;:x,004;;7:4;53;; 354.1, -.::~-. zi.:: ~r.rt.. Y., ,..,T PS Form 3811; August 2001 1 Domestic Return Receipt u r. nll . 1 I.I i It it . for Merchandise ^ Yes I 10259502-M-1540 ^ Complete items 1, 2, and 3. Also complete A Signature item 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired. X ^ Print your name and address on the reverse sO that We Can return the card to you. B. Received by ^ Attach this cans to the back of the mailpiece, or on the front if space permits. 1. Article %.ddressetl to: Arlet and Claudia Pryor 2626 141st St W Westfield IN D. Is l} 3. & ^ Insured 4. ResMcted 2. Article Number 7O~21~1~DOi 000,4 i7,45,3i1352 j Domestic Return Receipt ~~ ^ Agent ^ Addressee (Pn'nted Na J C. Date of Delivery _ ~^ - 9,zv d j ]less dittereirt fiwri Rem t 7 ^ Yes tlelivery address tielow:~ ~ No O p ~ m ~~~ ~ r ~~ aD ~~ Type ~a ~ Aetl Mail ~ t7 Express ;[erect ^ Return.F ~ ~u~~i~rl.r• n'n~ for Merchandise ^ Ves 10259502-M-1500 ^ Complete items 1, 2, and 3. Also complete item 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired. ^ Print your name and address on the reverse so that ~Ne can return the card to you. ^ Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, or on the front if space permits. 1. Article Addressed to: George and Joella Stamper 2828 141st St W Westfield IN A Si x ^ Agent ^ Addressee B. Received y (Printed Name) C. a of Ilvery Z D. Is delivery address dilfereM from ttem 1 ^ Yes If YES, enter delivery address below: ^ No ^ Express Mail ^ Retum Receipt for Merchandise ^ C.O.D. 3.ce Type Certified Mail ^ Registered J ^ Insured Mtil 4. ResMcted Delivery? (Extra Feel ^ Yes z. Article Number 7 0 2 10 0 0 0 0 0 4 (trans/er lrom seMce IabeQ ~ __ ___ PS Form 3811, August 2001 I ' ~ ~ t I Domestic Retum Receipt ~i Itll i t I11 i~t f 7453 3640 10259502-M-1500 ^ Complete items 1, 2, and 3. Also complete A Signature item 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired. ^ Agent ^ Print your name and address on the reverse - ^ Addressee so tflat•WB can return the card to you. B. Received by (Foote ame) C. a of livery ^ Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, ~r~ C,\ or on the front N space permits. IJ D. Is delivery address ditfererH from item 1 ^ es 1. Article'Addressed to: If YES, enter delivery addresstielow ~ ^ No ~/ I O m Steve and Hak Sung Chang ~ o ~ o '.? 3105 146th St W ° '" -r ~ Westfield IN a. icetyper ~' o `m ~/ Certified'Mail ^ Express Meil ~ Registeretl~ ^ Retain Receipt for Meyrchandise ^ Insured Mail ~; D C.O.D. . ~\~~ 4. ResMCted Deliveryl,(EkhaFee), b ^ Yes 2. Article Number (~ransrer lrom service fabep ~ii q„ 7002 1g:00 0004_,7453,_3558. ,~ PS Form 3811; August 2001 • ~ • • ~ ~ oomesbc Return~Recelpt ~ • ~ ~ ~ • ~ ' ~ tozsss-0z-M-tsao i1 11I1 I I!I! I Ill I ' ^ Complete items 1, 2, and 3. Also complete item 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired. ^ Print your name and address on the reverse so that we can return the card to you. ^ Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, or on the front it space permits. 1. Article Addressed to: Owen and Ruth Hutson 2745 146th St W Westfield IN ~_ A Signature B. Received by (Printed Name) D. Is delivery address Cifferem from itert( If YES, enter delivery address below: 0 n i` --I z N T, Q Agent 3. Service Type ~~,,'~ " Certified Mail ^ Express Mall ~' ~~ ^ Registered \D.Return Receipt~fo~i/t.4erchantllse ^ Insured Mail ^~C.OiD.'~l , .y/ 4. Restricted Deliveryl (Extra Fee) ^ Vas 2. Article Number (rianster /mn, seMce (anep i ~I ;, ,,, 7.0;0 2 10 0 0, 0 0 0 4 7 4 5.3 3 5 3 4 ~.~,.t. 1. _.t. .ir r t.Yt. PS Form 3811, August 2007" i' Domestic Return Receipt 102595-02-M-t Sao ^ Complete items 1, 2, and 3. Also complete ` A nature item 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired. X ^ Agent ^ Print your name and address on the reverse dre~, 50 that we Can return the card to you. g. Receivetl Dy (Minted Name) C. to Deli ^ Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, or on the front if space permits. ~ , 7. Article Adtlressed to: Matt Hubbard 2925 146th St W Westfield IN ~ . ~. z. Artice Number 7002.1000 X004, 7453 3589 it (~ransler Irom service /abeQ r -- :-=-,~r ~ ~ ~ ~. ~ . ; PSI Form 3811; Aug i ~ 1210011 " ~" Domestic Retum Receipt 10259602-M-t5a0 a. Restricted Deiweyr /Firm Feel ^ ves D. Is delivery address different from ttem Ve: If YES, enter delivery address Delow: ^ No 3. ca TYPe Certified Mail ^ Express Mail ^ Registered ^ Retum Receipt for Memhandise J ^ Inwred Mail ^ C.O.D. ^ Complete items 1, 2, and 3. Also complete item 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired. ^ Print ypur name and address on the reverse so that we can return the card to you. ^ Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, or on the front if space permits. 1. Article Addressed to: Matt Hubbard 2925 146th St W Westfield IN 2. Article Number A Si nature ~ ^ Agent X ~" ^ Addressee B. Recelvad by (Pnn[~ Naine) ~ -~ I C: a of live ~,,.. i ~ D. Is delivery addiess differen `liom Rem 1 ~~ ~s If YES, enter delivery address below: O N~ 1 O O G~ ~ ~ n ~ I N ~O ~ w h~ 3. (~S,~rvice Type ~ p ~ II,A Certified Mail 0`Erzprass Mail v egistered ^ Return Receipt for Merchandise ^ Insured Mail ^ C.O.D. a. Restricted Delivery? (Extra Feel ^ ves „ 7002, 1000;;004, 7453; 3,596; 10259502-M-1540 ^ Complete items 1, 2, and 3. Also complete A Signatu`~' item 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired. L ~ ~^'' ~ Agent X /' ^ Print your name and address on the reverse ^ Addressee 5o that we Can return the card t0 yOU. B. Received Dy (Printed Name) C. Date of Delivery ^ Attach this card to'the back of the mailpiece, ~r'`r ~ S . L'/- ~~ or onthe front if space permits. Yes D. Is delivery edtlress different from iteml7 ~ 1. Article Addressed to: , If YES, enter delivery address below: ^ No O ~ pie , --a m ,~ ~ l . !tJ o ^' T` dD `~ - Bob and Ruth Boone C7 ° G N ,,, m r_~ 3121 141st St W ~ Westfield IN 3. Service 7ype~ w / Certified Mail ^ 6cpress Mail F~~~ ~ o eglstered a~~Retum Receipt f r Merchandise ~ ^ Insured Mail ^ C.O.D: i ~ ~~ 4. Restricted Delivery) (EMra Fee) ^ Yes 2. Article Number ? ~ 0 2 ; 10 0 0 ~ r 0,0 0 4 ; 7.4 5 3 3 5 10 , i r : 1- f / m i ke lab l ~ _ ( ians er ro se v e ) _ ~ _ 1. . _~ I t ~ I i Domestic Return Receipt ~ ~ td2595m-M-15x0 PS IOrm .3811; AugllSt 2001` f I ' I 0 a ~n m ~ MESTFIEL'D,~1 S ~` Postage S Certifietl Fee ~ Return Receipt Fee ~ (Entlorsement Required) p Restricted Oeii~ery Fee ~ (Entlorsement Requiretl) Total Poatage & Fees ~ $ 4.42 ~ 09/23/03 N sent TO ° Bob and Ruth Boone o - -- r street apr. No.; 3121 141st St W or Po Box No. ;„, ~,,,, ,~P.a Westfield IN Postage a 0.37 (@IIT ID: 0814 Ceditied Fee Postmark Return Receip[ Fee R i 1 75 Here (Endorsement equ red) . Restricted Delivery Fee Clerk: KF01971 (Endorsement Required) Total Vosiage 8 Fees $ 4.42 09/23!03 Sent TO Mary Schreiber, Trustee SiieeC ApC No.;- -- o.poea.No. ____ Timothy J Murphy Trust City, State, ZIP+4 7604 Cider Mill Ct FisherslN :. . C. 9 Postage $ 0.37 INIIT ID: 0814 '~ Certifietl Fee 2. 0 Postmark Return Receipt Fee 1 .~ Here (Endorsement Required) Restricted Delivery Fee Clerk: KlIX871 (Endorsement Required) Total Postage 8 Fees $ 4.42 09!23/03 Sent TO ~ ------------------ Mary Schreiber, Trustee so-eet npc Nq.; Timoth J Mur h Trust qr Po eqx No. Y P Y Ciiy State,-ziv;a--~ 7604 Cider Mill Ct --~--- Fishers IN :.. ~- m m to S r S O O O O O rR N.4~GL~I a C n'.`,~ G ~~~~ I NFS~~'fFiFl n.GTN u G 7G G Irk ~!-_ LL'J c~J r~ I Postage $ Certified Fee Return Receipt Fee (Endorsement Required) Restricted Delivery Fee (Endorsement RequGetl) Total Postage & Fees 9 o.rr I LW1T in: osla G.JV Postmark 1 •.~ Here Clerk: KMX871 4.42 109/23/03 r1J Sent TO ' ° Matt Hubbard °~ "sireetAVr."No.;"""" 2925 146th St W or PO Box No. "` " - stfield IN W §ieie. zia+a cup. e N O .0 m m uT s r r, ":A fir. . ~ ~~~ Postage s O.SI ~ IklIT ID: 0814 T Certi(ietl Fee O ~ Remrn Receipt Fee ~ (Entlorsement Required) p Restricted Delivery Fee p (Endcrsement Required) 0 ~ Totel Postega 8 Foes fL I Sent Tc oIL ~ Street, APL Nc ~ orPo BOx NO. ~.~ Postmark 1 ~ Here Clerk: KtIX871 $ 4.42 09/23/03 Jack and Elizabeth Miller 2704 146th St W Westfield IN ~- a m m S rv Poatage ~ s 0.37 ~ UNIT ID: OD14 S Certified Fee O ~ Return Receipt Fee O (Entlorsement Required) ~ Restricted Delivery Fee ~ (Entlorsement Required) O a Total Poataga 8 Feas ti Sent To oll ~ Street, Apt. Nc ~ or PO box No. L Postmark 1 ~ Here Clerk: KMXQ71 4.42 09/23!03 Robert Kowich 2757 W 146th St Westfield IN ru .~ m m ~n S r s O O O O 0 0 a N O O r Postage s 0.37 I1t1IT ID: 0814 Certified Fee 2•.~ Postmark Return Receipt Fee Here (Endorsement Required) 1.75 Restricted Delivery Fee OIpfIC; KtU(971 (Endorsement Requred) Total Postage & Feas $ 4.42 09/23/03 Sent TO -- Tyner Family Partnership LP §iee(aPi:NO.i""" 2525 141St Sf W or PO Box No. ~C~iv SrarP-zi6;a" Westfield IN "------- m - - - m .. - • - - m m ~ ~ ~ r ~ I ~ ( ~ ~ J ` ~ NESTFIECD,dIN ~ 46074 i _ t` Postage s 0.37 UNIT ID: 0814 SO Certifietl Fee 2.3Q Postmark ~ Return Receipt Fee o (Endorsement Required) 1•~ Here p Restricted Delivery Fee Clerk: KNX871 ~ (Endorsement Requiretl) a Total Postage 8 Fees 4.42 ,$ 09/23/03 N Sent To o ------------------- Arlet and Claudia Pryor r` street aPr. No.; 2626 141st St W or PO Box No. c;iy,-siaie,"ziv+a_-- Westfield IN ---~ :~t • O - - - S /• .~ m m f(~~ gin; f~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~: " " C~'` i ~ ~ `n IESTFIELD. ~'I ~ ~i C~ lr ~ 6 ,pay ~ s r~ Postage s 0.37 IBdIT ID: 0814 S Certifietl Fee ~ Postmark ~ fletum Receipt Fee ~ 1 75 Here ~Entloreement Requlretl) . p Restdctetl Delivery Fee Clerk: K10ll171 0 (Endorsement Requiretl) 0 ri Tatal Passage 6 Fees $ 4.42 09/23/03 rL Sent To - ` o ------------------- George and Joella Stamper .-..-. sneer Mr. No.; --- ~ or PO6oxNO. 2828 141St St W ary,-state: zia.a--- Westfield N ~----- :II s m m _ _ .. _ m ~ G~ 2 (rte ~ /t~ ,. ~ ., ~ [~-° ~: to k~STFIECD. IN46074 '; L-~ L ~ ~b ~~ r._, S t` Postage s 0.37 UNIT ID: 0814 O Certifietl Fee 2 30 . Postmark ~ ~ Return Receipt Fea 1 75 Here (Endorsement Required) • p Restdctetl Delivery Fee Clerk: KMX071 ' ~ 0 (Endorsement Requiretl) a Total Postage & Fees $ 4.42 09/23/03 RI sent TO o ------------~----- - Owen and Ruth Hutson ._._ ~ street npr. No.: or PO Box No. 2745 146th St W "cry,-sieie,zia+a-~ :.. Westfield IN "'-~' ~r, ~, m m uq s N T 0 0 0 0 t7 0 a ti 0 0 r ~nl f~, pp :.I G p ,, i. P , li :1. ~i ~ L: Postage s 0.37 I1NIT ID: 0814 Certifietl Fae Postmark Return Receipt Fee (Entlarsement Requiretl( Here 1.75 Restricted Delivery Fee Clerk: Ki0(871 (Entlorsement Requiretl) Total Postage 8 Feea ,~' 4.42 09/23/03 sem ro Steve and Hak Sung Chan Si~eet,-ap["rio; --""" g """ 3105 146th St W or PO BOx NO Westfield IN .~ m m S r 0 0 0 O 0 0 a rv 0 0 r ~ ~f l~~ Postage s 0.37 UiuT ID: 0814 , Certifietl Fee 2.30 Postmark Return Receipt Fee ~Entlarsement Requiretl) 1.75 Here 'i Res[rictetl Delivery Fee Clerk: KID(971 (Entlarsement Requlretl) Total Postage 8 Foos I $ 4.42 109/23/03 sent To Tom and Laura King, Trustees siree~:iwi:-nio.:--- 5965 Heaton Pass or Po Box No. _:--_ -:--_._--:- Carmel IN n, - - - .. - m u7 ~~~. l'~ N~ S ~' Postage s 0.37 UNIT ID: 0814 ~ Certitietl Fee O Postmark ~ O Return Receipt Fee 1 75 Here (Entlorsement Requiredi . p Restrictetl Delivery Fee Clerk' KNX871 ' O O (Entlorsament Requiretl) a mtai Postage a Pees $ 4.42 09/23/03 RI Sent To ~----- 0 ~ 9ireei,-npi: no. Phil and Jill Pegram ~----------- ~ or PO Box No. 2731 146th St W ah sraro, ziP. Westfield IN :.. r- ~, m - .. - m n 2 ~ G '? ''i ii `~`' ` ! m UESTFIECD> I N 1146074 ~ ` ~: -, •~ ~, . S f`- Postage s 0.37 UNIT ID: 0814 ~ ° Certified Fee 2.30 Postmark ° ° Return Receipt Fee ~ Here 1 (Endorsement Required) . ° Restricted Delivery Fee Clerk: KMX871 ° (Entloreement Requlred) ° rl Total Postage 8 Fees $ 4.42 09/23/03 Ill Sant To ° Arlet and Claudia Pryor ° sireeCapCNO.I 2626 141st St W ~ °. POe°xN°. Westfield IN .. m fTl n r r I~ ~ i~ /,_9~ ~ ie ~~ ~ F1D.-I , .JJ (r __ [`- Postage s 0.37 UNIT ID: 0814 S Cerlitietl Fee O Postmark ~ Return Receipt Fee 1 75 Hera O (Endorsement Required) . O Restrictetl Delivery Fee Clerk: KNX971 O (Endorsement Requiretl~ O Total Postage 8 Fees $ 4.42 09/23/03 iv Sent To O o r` ----------- ---- steBQ "~`-"°- -------- Matt Hubbar °r Po Box No. 146th St .CiN Stele, 21P+< ,________ 2925 Westfield IN :a Postage s 0.37 UNIT ID: 0614 os cenuiad Fea ~ Postmark ° Return Receipt Fee Here ° (EntlorsementRequired) 1.75 ° Restricted Delivery Fee Clerk: HNXQ71 ° iEndoSement Requiretl) ° a rezai PosYa9e a-- -x--_ 4.42 09!23/03 n, sanrm Thomas Mur h ° ~ P y, Trustee ° sireetapcNo.; 12618 Winding Creek Ln ~` o.ROeoxNa. Fishers IN W .. ~ ~ ~ .. ~ 0008903:- ~ ® Datef R= l•-63 19 ~,~ LL ~ ~ ~ ~ ' Sm~ ~ ~ Received From , c aG : FS Lt ~ ~• Address ~ s~° ~S t ~,, r ~ , u~ .,1 9 0<, a Dollars $ T ~,Z ~ ~ .. . ~ ~ }. ~ ~ - ~ r ~ _ ~ F o~~ 11e,. t.ti ,;ti •4' .,t , , z m =~=n , t.. -. .,y e. 5 r ~ U c z oa • • ~ R ~, •t.. a.'. • ,. ~ t i ~ ~ 2 ~ /AMT OF ! { AS . ~ i'. ! 1 r• m . J = ACCOUNT _ H C ~ - - ~ ~ ~ 4.AMi RAID ~ l ,j CNFCK , M f ~ y +. ~ / f J1, 1 7 r't x ! ( ~~ ~ ~~r 2 t , / Y{ RAUNCE ~l .:DUE ,. : ; MONFY ORDER ~ ~ . BY E/' ADJOINER (NOTIFICATION LIST) ~ ~~ o ~~ n DATE TAKEN: 9-q- 03 '~ ~ ° ~~ ~~ ~' a o TIME TAKEN: `~ `O S `~`~ \~ _ ~~ ~. ~, ~ NAME OF PROPERTY OWNER: 1~o~c~sa ~~°~ ~~S ~' }~ NAME OF PETITIONER: P~ ~1w~-~ ~~* ~~~ LEGAL DESCRIPTION OR PARCEL NUMBER OF PROPERTY: ZONING AUTHORITY (Cannel BZA) Carmel Plan) (Fishers) (Noblesville) (Wes~eld) (Cicero) (Ham Cty Plan ) APPLYING TO: (Other ) TYPE OF VARIANCE APPLYING FOR: LAND USE VARIANCE REQUIREMENT VARIANCE SPECIAL USE OTHER VARIANCE SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT: n e~iS2- DATE: ~ ^ °~ - ~~ NAME AND PHONE NUMBER OF PERSON TO CONTACT: '~C-~ ~r~:'~ sg~ ~g~3 ORDER TAKEN BY: C L,LE~~ * NOTE * -DUE TO VOLUME AND TURN AROUND, ORDERS TAKE 3-5 BUSINESS DAYS FOR PROCESSING. TRANSFER AND MAPPING WILL APPROPRIATELY NOTIFY THE CONTACT WHEN THEIR ORDER IS READY TO BE PICKED UP. Page 1 of 2 TRANSFER AND MAPPING l'~A%N/ETON COUNTYAUD/TOR :t I, ROBIN MILLS, AUDITOR OF HAMILTON COUNTY, INDIANA, CERTIFY MY OFFICE HAS SEARCHED OUR RECORDS AND BASED ON THAT SEARCH, IT APPEARS THAT THE PROPERTY OWNERS IN EXHIBIT A ATTACHED HERETO ARE THE PROPERTY OWNERS THAT ARE TWO PROPERTIES OR 660' FROM THE REAL ESTATE MARKED AS SUBJECT PROPERTY. THIS DOCUMENT DOES NOT CERTIFY THAT THE ATTACHED LIST OF PROPERTY OWNERS IS ACCURATE OR INCLUDES ALL PROPERTY OWNERS ENTITLED TO NOTICE PURSUANT TO LOCAL ORDINANCE. ANY PERSON SEEKING A MORE ACCURATE SEARCH OF THE REAL ESTATE RECORDS OF THE COUNTY SHOULD SEEK THE OPINION OF A TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY. ROBIN MILLS, HAMILTON COUNTY AUDITOR DATED: ~~4~-~'i' /- wLX~~ath ~~ 9- 0~3 TuesGay Sapfembe~ 09, 3003 Page f o11 HAMILTON COUNTY NOTIFlCATION LIST PREPARED BY Tf~ NAMRTDN CBUNTY AWDDRS OFFlCE. DIYISIBN BF TAR MAPPING LISTED BELOW ARE SUBJECT PRDPERllE3 [ SUBJECT MARI(ED IN YELLDWI SUBJECT [S] 17-09-20-00-00-006.000 Bodnerlnvestors Ltd Meridian St N Ste 300 Indianapolis IN 46204 17-09-20-00-00-006.002 Bodner Investors Ltd Meridian St N Ste 300 Indianapolis IN 46204 Tuesday, September 09, 2003 Page 1 of 1 HAMILTON COUNTY NOTIFlCATION LIST PREPARED BY THE NANOITON COUNTY AUDfTORS OFFlCE, ONISION OF TAX MAPPING PLEASE NOTIFY iNE FOLLOWING PERSONS 08-09-17 -00-00-008.000 Schreiber, Mary I Trustee Timothy J Murphy Trust 7604 Cider Mill Ct Fishers IN 08-09-17 -00-00-008.003 Jack M & Elizabeth B Miller 2704 146th St W Westfield IN 46074 08-09-17 -00-00-009.000 Schreiber, Mary I Trustee Timothy J Murphy Trust 7604 Cider Mill Ct FISHERS IN 46038 17-09-20 -00-00-003.000 King, Thomas M & Laura M Trustees 5965 Heaton Pass Carmel IN 46033 17-09-20 -00 -00-00 5.001 Steve S & Hak Sung Chang 3105 146th St W Westfield IN 17-09-20-00-00-005.002 Matt Hubbard 2925 146th St W Westfield IN 46074 17-09-20-00-00-007.000 Stamper, George Richard & Joella 2828 141st St W Weslfield IN 46074 17-09-20-00-00-009.001 Matthew E Hubbard 2925 146th St W Westfield IN 46074 46074 Tuesday, September 09, 2003 Page 1 of 2 17-09-20600-00-009.101 Owen L & Ruth Ann Hutson 2745 146th St W v Westfeld IN 46074 17-09-20-00-00-009.201 Arlet & Claudia V Pryor 2626 141st St W Westfeld IN 46074 17-09-20-00-00-009.301 Arlet & Claudia V Pryor 2626 141st St W Westfield IN 46074 17-09-20-00-00-010.000 Phillip L & Jill A Pegram P ~ 2731 146th St W 'rVeslfield IN 46074 17-09-20-00-00-014.000 Tyner Family Partnership Lp 2525 141st St W ~ Westfield IN 46074 17-09-20-00-00-015.000 Bob D & Ruth E Boone 3121 141st St W Westfield IN 46074 17-09-20-00-00-016.000 Thomas P Murphy Trustee 12618 Winding Creek Ln ~ FISHERS IN 46038 17-09-20-00-01-001.000 Robert Alan Kowich 2757 146th ST ~ Westfield IN 46074 Tuesday, September 09, 2003 Page 2 of 2 _- o o- © - o . _ - ® _ - ° e a 0 s _ _ D _ o - - -_ ---- "": _ _ - _~- ~ "_ _ _o j-- - _ _ _--- °" - - - -- - _ - - _ - - = -21 -~ _ _ o _ o a \claywest1_p.dgn 09/09/03 11:42:14 AM