HomeMy WebLinkAboutFindings of FactCARMEL/CLAY ADVISORY BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS CARMEL, INDIANA DocketNo.: O`joyb0o ~ V // F1Np pgoyoooZ~/ Petitioner: ~A9Tf{g,,,~ ~1kn1n1EV FINDINGS OF FACT -DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS VARIANCE The approval of this variance will not be injurious to the public health, safety, morals and general welfare of the community because: I~cTG HOoR<S • CuaA~,•lTt~ M~u2~ S(l orc W~F 3 on- {~ ~gyc4s ynl wyt ,°lnMf, RaAD W1~.IN ~/2. p MZIf ii- /~A~ /145-(IL4-f TG rMP2e.l~/'r4Nt' ` ~ /4~`G4, 2. The use and value of the area ad}acent to the property included in the variance will not be affected in a substantially adverse manner because: /~__ IA~rll~ K4cr1 Pt-t- Ig45s {ONO PCPN~fi.AXeS T+II ~15fKri/~Y ~ DI./~C5 I~YvS1tJS ~- vt~i S~ a~t~- ~rJaTU~ea~ Kfaoanc~~) Pun K5. AG2x,s~p wse~t PL.nA, _inkur Cl4A.N~a Arf~ 1~>~ 5a-s~c-r.~1~ n~tz ~tRav~u ~--svpr~,J. 3. The strict application of the terms of the Zoning Ordinance to the property will result in practical difficulties in the use of the property because: 11 ea/ ffr~+~ Q~fi3 ,~loz- AD£QtrA'~~~y PRa't'c~T Aeas~sr' Ta~L BdU l31'~~ DECISION IT IS THEREFORE the decision of the Carmel/Clay Board of Zoning Appeats that Development Standards Variance Docket No. is granted, subject to any conditions stated in the minutes of this Board, which are incorporated herein by reference and made a part hereof. Adopted thisf~f day of ~~"~ , 20 a~. ~~~ ~¢~~ Board of Zoning Appeals SECRETARY, CarmeUClay BoardfGf Zoni~g Appeals Conditions of the Board are listed on the back. (Petitioner or his representative to sign). {a.G„~~'~z4 Page8 of 8-z:lsnareaVOm,s~B]A apprration:~oaeiopmenc star~tlaNS Vananw nagkaeon ma. o~rosrzoo~ CARMEUCLAY ADVISORY BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS Cannel, Indiana DocketNo.: O`joyao0 ~ y q~tp ~p~ppo2.~ Petitioner: /~A'~Q1'l4."t ~gi~lNtiV FINDINGS OF FACT -DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS VARIANCE (Ballot Sheet) 1. 2. 3. DATED THIS `~~ ~~~ Y OF (""` , 20 ~. Page 70f8-z~snareeVOpnst9ZA appiirationst ceveiopmem StanaaNS Vananre AppN ation rev.mmsrzas .,/.,~ .. CARMEL/CLAY ADVISORY BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS Cannel, Indiana DocketNo.: O`jo~IyaoO ~ ~ qN~ Qg0''rOooL~ Petitioner: I'{RiYF~4~ Yj~iJNk~ FINDINGS OF FACT -DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS VARIANCE (Ballot Sheet) 1. 2. 3. DATED THIS ~ DAY OF ~"~~_ , 20 ~_. Board Member ~~ ~'' "'_ Page 7 Of 8 -z:~shan:wonnSBZA appliw~ionsl DerPiopmem StanaaNS Variance lbplitation iev. 01rD52005 ~~ CARMEUCLAY ADVISORY BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS CARMEL, INDIANA DocketNo.: O,9ty~oybDO 1 V / a,J~ dgoyooozV Petitioner: _ I•I{1a'-1ttiiJ ~>~cn~nlE4 FINDINGS OF FACT -DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS VARIANCE The approval of this variance will not be injurious to the public health, safety, morals and general welfare of the community because: w ~ yt-~iJ~F- AYaT2n HAo Rb . CU 2R~Tt.~ NL.uzf, ~ ! o rc W ~G H ~cJL 3 on. ~5~JC4 s y~ ~lwi $AMf, r<AO W2fNT~ r/2 p M'r-l_ 1~-~i A.l~ ~4StIC4.[' ~tPr ,X.^•5~W' T A~~A, 2. The use and value of the area adjacent to the property included in the variance will not be affected in a substantially adverse manner because: (1 ./~ WrU. Kip PU- in£55 tANO P~~~-mss T.sl ~ASf ,+~StiY s/~ ~(./~Cf f~vs>'~ w.r~n{ S~zr Dl~f~- /iJA?uta~ Kf~~\sltcs) Pun Flo A~~f.~ wc~K Ql.a~l, Ws+.t, cl~N ~n Arfr~ _F~v~f. ~>`~r~ ~~- °i~vb'n-1 s- ~vPrtr:.,~. 3. The strict application of the terms of the Zoning Ordinance to the property will result in practical difficulties in the use of the property because: (~Wve !f'tnrr~ QrfaS udo2' A Df Q~HaT`U_~PRaT4 ~T ~6 ~ sr T A-f~T~G 6 /U l3 I ' ~ DECISION IT IS THEREFORE the decision of the Carmel/Clay Board of Zoning Appeals that Development Standards Variance Docket No. is granted, subject to any conditions stated in the minutes of this Board, which are incorporated herein by reference and m~ajd~e,~a part hereof. Adopted this t y~" day of ,' ' ` , 20 _(~. CHAIRPERSON, Carmel/Clay Board of Zoning Appeals ~~~~ SECRETARY, CarmellClay Board of Zoning Appeals ~ Conditions of the Board are listed on the back. (Petitioner or his representative to sign). Pa(Ja80t8-z:\snareaVOrms\B]A applications\Deeelopment $\andaNS VananSAppliration rev. 01N5rz009 _, CARMEL/CLAY ADVISORY BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS CARMEL, INDIANA DocketNo.: O9oyb0o J ~ Pr~D (Scj0Y0002~ Petitioner: I~A+T11£~ // ~l knlnl,:y FINDINGS OF FACT -DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS VARIANCE 1. The approval of this variance will not be injurious to the public health, safety, morals and general weffare of the community because: ~~~4. `L1CT,rLJG 'fYNCL w / 1u2v5r- 'S4~KL . WIZ(. NDr rt/yc2oACW ON n>n.~Kpe~r~s . ct,.~x~rt.y 3 0~. pM,~L ~rl ot~ r~~K~ ~F~~is a,~ -~qL SAML R=AA WZTH.T-7J ~I2 ML(.`t t~-Di /~A~ A417FZ4 rMp2e.X.^~4~{' ~ /'~`~'4, 2. The use and value of the area adjacent to the property included in the variance will not be affected in a substantially adverse manner because: S T+~J ~i5fr4nrr ~,~ w~{ S~ al~r~tF- C~lo~ru~eA~ Qf.w~,tt~s) PNn F15. Ac2~~p i~t~l.~A _Wstt~ C~ ~ ANO l'~Tn4, ~ia~it~i~ olfR. °IfZoyJTN ~i-'iyr~rl 3. The strict application of the terms of the Zoning Ordinance to the property will result in practical difficulties in the use of the propertnny `because: ('' r Dn£S un'r /1~~y1/ ~{amE:wu.J512. -~vi t _ l ICC, 6T- ?t~Tr_.Il. /lO.fl<arl ~nliF..C'. -- ~tlv~ Q~fr3 ruor ADf Q~NaT'~L~PRa't-f ~r Q6 (~s~'sr T A~F~L a ni t 3 i ' ~ DECISION IT IS THEREFORE the decision of the Carmel/Clay Board of Zoning Appeals that Development Standards Variance Docket No. is granted, subject to any conditions stated in the minutes of this Board, which are incorporated herein by reference and made a part hereof. ~.~I Adopted this ~ g ~h day of ~~ , 20 V r CHAIRPERSON, Carmel/Clay Board of Zoning Appeals SECRETARY, Carmel/Clay Board of Zoning Appeals Conditions of the Board are listed on the back. (Petitioner or his representative to sign). Pag¢80f 8-z:lsnareNOrmstazA appliraoonst oe~elopment S~argarCS Varian®MWiraeon rev.Oiro52009 CARMEUCLAY ADVISORY BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS Carmel, Indiana DocketNo.: O`j0y000 ~ U qNn (~D`f OooZ-~ Petitioner: /~AiYH4.~ ~giJN`cy FINDINGS OF FACT -DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS VARIANCE (Ballot Sheet) 2. 3. 14~ DATED THIS ~ DAY OF 1""`~ , 20 ~_. rd M b PagB 70f 8-z~snaieJUOrms\BZA appiiraaonsl Deraiopmen~5~anaams Variance Appiiration iev. otmsrzoos CARMEL/CLAY ADVISORY BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS Cannel, Indiana DocketNo.: ~Dy~o01V An~~ p9oyoooZ~ Petitioner: MAViF{~G'^~ ~q/`IN`~y FINDINGS OF FACT -DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS VARIANCE (Ballot Sheet) 1. 2 3. DATED THIS ~~AY OF M~ , 20 ~. ~<1/~c.~G( i Board Member ~~_ Page 7of8-~~snareavonns~au applltaaons~ceve~opmem scaoaams vanaoce Mp~i~ron reg. oimsrzoos