HomeMy WebLinkAboutPackett 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 STAYBRIDGE SUITES Docket Nos. 09060002 V & 09060003 V VARIANCE APPLICATION CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA June 22, 2009 Carmel Board of Zoning Appeals -Hearing Officer Applicant: Hotel Development Services, LLC Nelson & Frankenberger c/o James E. Shinaver c/o Jon C. Dobosiewicz 844-0106 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Explanation of Request ' 2. Site Location Exhibit 3. Site Plan with sign Locations 4. Proposed Signs 1 r i H\Becky\Zoning&Real Eslele MauersVlotel Development Services\Slaybridge Sign Variance2009\Information BOOklei\Word dou\Staybridge-TOC-Sign 053909 doc ~a E-~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ r ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ r r ~ ~^! C~ 1 1iXPLANATION Triple Charter, LLC is the owner of approximately 4.5 acres of real estate located on the east side of Pennsylvania Street, between 106th and 111 °' Street. The real estate is zoned B-6 (Business) and is shown on the aerial photograph included under Tab 2. The site is the location of the future Staybridge Suites of Carmel now under construction. Approvals were granted by the Carmel Plan Commission last year on June 17th to permit the development of the property as a hotel. The design of one ground sign and one wall sign were reviewed and approved by the Commission. The locations of these signs are identified under Tab 3. The approved sign designs can be viewed under Tab 4. At this location it is necessary to identify the use for the traveling public along the Meridian Street Corridor. The wall sign will meet this need. It is also critical for the entry to the site to be properly identified far motorists traveling Pennsylvania Street. In order to meet the wayfinding needs of public the two signs illustrated under'fab 4 azea proposed. ' To keep in character with the size limitations of the Zoning Ordinance the area of the proposed ground sign and wall sign together has been limited to less than the total square footage permitted for a single wall sign on the building. Two variances are needed to allow the signs. One variance pertains to the number of ' signs and would allow two signs. The other variance would allow both signs to be placed along the Pennsylvania Street frontage of the property. 1 i 1 We look forward to presenting this matter to the Board of Zoning Appeals Hearing Officer on June 22, 2009. Respectfully submitted, Jon C. Dobosiewicz ' 1{\yecky¢oningB Real Enam Ma¢ersViotel Developmem Services\Staybridge Sign Variance 200911nfurma~ion HOOklel\WOrd docs\EXPLANATION-Staybridge-052909 doc r Tab 2 1 i I I 1 Tab 3 ~ ~ I it Kevuoa esmt orrael from c.i ~I`,,,,..- Vamon AaMer Regulated brain -Inst. R~OpO-~pd50 I I,Y I i . ruiaiuer_c ceecucur _ I I = D•SB'4 B" R = 5774.59' 1. = 95,42' CFI = 95.42' BRG = N 00.49'52' E ~' I = 11'12'26" R = 100.00' L e 54.47 CN ~ SS.00' BRO = N 74.05'57^ E 8-8 ~ ~ - ZONINQ "~~y I NO ~; ""- ~"', Tab 4 ~ ~ rr r~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i r ~ ~ r w ~ ~ r ~ r WEST ELEVATION B~) ACi Customer: Date: Preparett By: Note: cabraapamryno~ueaama~en~a~gapae,gn~smwtg. wwbrcubaarea~anedo~wcanc ' STAYBRIDGE SUITES 5-1408 IKA/MR/AH ~~.e,~~aaeaoa,q~memmc,vrs~~aea~~~~a. ~p~~grsoN/~ o~sriusurEOars~uacoM~,wv ~o0 2~st srn~T sar~sr LO~t'°": File Name: a"~~ Si nMake~s//ma eBui/dens PDB07210 CARMEL, IN 52415 - R3 - 20" CL - 4'1 "XT MONUMENT X 9 Ph11$°QS43A88a wnrazrowni,sosrmt~io BOXED SQUARE F[7QTAGE OF "STAYBRIDGE" = 3.29 SO. FT. BOXED SQUARE FOOTAGE OF "SUITES" = 1.26 SQ. FT. BOXED St~UARE FOOTAGE OF ADDRESS NOS. = 1.fi7 SQ. FT. BOXED SQUARE FOOTAGE OF CABINET = 28.58 SQ. FT. i _ -- 4'-11 5+16" ._ . _.. i _.._ _ _ ~- i___ II i - - _ _ __ 1 ~. __ ~Ti~-Y~ R ~ d~ E r n r T ~. ~ I 6'-~J " 4'-1 . ~ ~ --T .... F