HomeMy WebLinkAbout04060004 West Carmel Center BLK B Lot 2 pg. 1N. W. Corner N. W. Quarter Sec. 7-17N-R3E f ED6IflEta 2' Non- Access Eosement 157ront Building Line AREA MAP NO SCALE id -State 350 E. New York Street, Suite 300 Indianapolis, IN 46204 (317) 634 -6434 Phone (317) 634-3576 Fox rn o Right -of -Way P.O.B. Lot i4 LOT 1A Rep l ot of Block B Lot 1 of West Carmel Center Insfurment 42003-111734 LOT 1B Replat of Block 6 Lot 1 of West Carmel Center Insturment #2003 111734 Replat of Block B Lot 2 at West Carmel Center Part of the Northwest Quarter, Section 7, Township 17 North, Range 3 East, 2nd Principle Meridian, Clay Township, Hamilton County, Indiana co icy Line 5 5 4 0 02 e t's N.Line N.W. Quorter Sec. 7 -17N -R3E N 89° 05'48 "E 2485.13' 106th Street (Public) S 89° 05'48 "E S 89°05'46"W 2 9` of plain S 00° 54'1 "E 15.00' 10' Landscppe Eosement 15' Drainage S 36°23'36"E 70.34 Utility Easement Approximate Location 66' Panhandle Eastern Perpetual Easement Instrument No. 4716, Book 109, page 225 LOT 2 Area 1.649 Ac +1- 30' Drainage Easement (Reduced from 75' to 30' oer Indiana Code 36- 9- 27- 33(e)) 1 6 1 Flo I �1� I 0 4) uoly) ,'f 1Q'..L INtaC iRe- E.osem.en t .j.-. 5' Front Building Linel 1 15' Drainage 1 Utility Easement 2' Non Access Eosement l N.E. Corner N.W. Quarter Sec. 7 -17N -R3E S.E. Corner N.W. Quarter Sec. 7 -17N -R3E SURVEYOR: Jeffrey A. Meyerrose Registered Land Surveyor #890003 -IN Mid-States Engineering. L.L.C. 300 E. New York Street. Suite 300 Indianapolis. IN 46204 SUBDIVIDER: The Swiss Group 3985 W. 106th Street. Suite 110 Carmel. IN 46032 Phone: (317) 816 -9270 DATE SUBMITTED: 5/25/04 Approximate Location 100' Panhandle Eastern Right-of-Way 7 per Modification of Rights-of- Way Grant Instrument No. 5398, Book 51, page 595 OWNER: West 106th Properties. LLC 3985 W. 106th Street. Suite 110 Carmel. IN 46032 SOURCE OF TITLE: Instrument Nos. 2000 -50549 P.O.B. Lot 2 LEGEND 5 Concrete Monument to be set 100' Approximote Location 66' Panhandle Eastern Perpetual Eosement per Instrument No. 4716, Book 109, poge 225 SECONDARY PLAT DOCKET #:108 -02SP 04060004 SP PRIMARY PLAT DOCKET 21 -91 PP 42 -91 PP /SP Job No. 122 -0083 Sheet 1 of 2