HomeMy WebLinkAboutBlk 1 Lots 1& 1B Secondary Final Plat pg. 2 D040003 I l ed fo Reco CCUNT EININ T r r r• T I-i i 't 5-25.-2004 t_ iL PIT of Lot 1, Block 1 per the Secondary Final Plat for Lot 1 of Block 1, Lot 1 of Block ats 1, 2, and 3 of Block 3, Block 5, Lots 1 and 2 of Block 6, Lot 1 of Block 7, flower Park Drive and 99th Street, of Mayflower Park, an Addition in Hamilton nty, Indiana, the plat of which is recorded as Instrument Number 2000 -45587 in Office of the Recorder of said County, being more particularly described as ws of the Southwest Quarter of Section 7, Township 17 North, Range 3 East, mid Principal Meridian more particularly described as follows: imencing at the Southwest corner of the Southwest Quarter Section 7, Township forth, Range 3 East; thence running on and along the South line of said thwest Quarter North 90 °00'00" East (assumed) a distance of 1017.59 feet to the angation of the West right -of -way of Mayflower Park Drive; thence North 2'00" East along said prolongation a distance of 1153.27 feet to the Southeast per Lot 1, Block 2 per the Secondary Final Plat for Mayflower Park, the plat of :h is recorded as Instrument Number 2000 -45587 in the Office of the Hamilton nty Recorder; thence along the perimeter of said Lot 1, Block 2 the following (5) ses: (1) North 00 °12'00" East a distance of 359.26 feet; thence (2) North 15'16" West a distance of 70.02 feet; thence (3) North 66 °00'58" West a distance 2.40 feet to the South right -of -way of 99th Street (a private street); thence along South right -of -way (4) North 89 °48'28" West a distance of 370.55 feet to the t easterly corner of Lot 1, Biock 1 in said subdivision; thence on the Southeast South lines of said Lot the following three (3) courses: 1) departing said South t -of -way and running (1) South 61 °36'37" West a distance of 151.86 feet; 2) South 2'00" West a distance of 45 -96 feet; 3) North 89 °09'35 "West a distance of 17413 to the POINT OF BEGINNING of the herein described real estate; thence :inuing North 89 °09'35" West 272.15 feet to the Southwest corner of said Lot 1, :k 1, said corner being on the West line of said Southwest Quarter; thence on and g said West line North 01 °06'10" East a distance of 563.53; thence leaving said t line and running through said Southwest Quarter South 88 °52'46" East a ante of 466.23 feet to the West line of 99'h Street (a private street); thence along West line of 99th Street the South 00 °00'11" East a distance of 50.01 feet; thence Mel with the North line of said Lot 1, Block 1, North 88 °52'46" West a distance of 93 feet; thence South 00 °00'11" East a distance of 512.30 feet to the Point of inning; containing 3.681 acres, more or Tess of Lot 1, Biock 1 per the Secondary Final Plat for Lot 1 of Block 1, Lot 1 of Block ots 1, 2, and 3 of Block 3, Biock 5, Lots 1 and 2 of Block 6, Lot 1 of Block 7, 'flower Park Drive and 99'h Street, of Mayflower Park, an Addition in Hamilton nty, Indiana, the plat of which is recorded as Instrument Number 2000 -45587 in Office of the Recorder of said County, being more particularly described as )WS. rd in r' INDTilitIP 'DEN 1 :(..)7 am. 23. 00 LAND DESCRIPTIONS LOT 1 -A, BLOCK 1 LOT 1 -B, BLOCK 1 REPEAT OF LOT 1 BLOCK 1, OF THE PG SECONDARY FINAL PLAT FOR MAYFLOWER PARK LOT 1 OF BLOCK 1, LOT 1 OF BLOCK 2, LOTS 1, 2, 3 OF BLOCK 3, BLOCK 5, LOTS 1 2 OF BLOCK 6 AND LOT 1 OF BLOCK 7 MAYFLOWER PARK DRIVE 99TH STREET INST. 2000 -45587 of the Southwest Quarter of Section 7, Township 17 North, Range 3 East, and Principal Meridian more particularly described as follows: imencing at the Southwest corner of the Southwest Quarter Section 7, Township North, Range 3 East; thence running on and along the South line of said thwest Quarter North 90 °00'00" East (assumed) a distance of 1017.59 feet to the ongation of the West right -of -way of Mayflower Park Drive; thence North 12'00" East along said prolongation a distance of 1153.27 feet to the Southeast ter Lot 1, Block 2 per the Secondary Final Plat for Mayflower Park, the plat of :h is recorded as Instrument Number 2000 -45587 in the Office of the Hamilton inty Recorder; thence along the perimeter of said Lot 1, Block 2 the following (5) rses: (1) North 00 °12'00" East a distance of 359.26 feet; thence (2) North 25'16" West a distance of 70.02 feet; thence (3) North 66 °00'58" West a distance 2.40 feet to the South right -of -way of 99'h Street (a private street); thence along 1 South right -of -way (4) North 89 °48'28" West a distance of 370.55 feet to the it easterly corner of Lot 1, Block 1 in said subdivision and being the POINT OF ;INNING of the herein described real estate; thence on the Southeast and South s of said Lot the following four (4) courses: 1) departing said South right -of -way running (1) South 61 °36'37" West a distance of 151.86 feet; 2) South 00 °12'00" >t a distance of 22.47 feet to the North corner of land described in a Quit -Claim d to 99'h Street Associates, LLC, recorded as Instrument Number 2001 -32100 in I Recorder's Office; 3) South 53 °04'32" West 38.35 feet; and 4) North )9'351/Vest a distance of 143.60 feet; thence North 00 °00'11" West 512.30 feet to )int which lies 50.00 feet South, by perpendicular measurements, of the North line le said Lot 1, Block 1; thence parallel with said North line, South 88 °52'46" East a ance of 204.93 feet to a point in the West right -of -way line of 99t' Street (a private e); thence on and along said right -of -way line the following three (3) courses: 1) th 00 °00'11" East a distance of 178.55 feet to the Point of Curvature of a curve to left, having central angle of 35 °10'19" and a radius of 214.52 feet; 2) theasterly on and along said curve an arc length of 131.69 feet (said arc being tended by a long chord which bears South 17 °35'21" East a distance of 129.63 3) South 35 °10'30" East a distance of 110.80 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING; taming 2.610 acres, more or less. This plat is being recorded pursuant to and in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Secondary Final Plat for Lot 1 of Biock 1, Lot 1 of Block 2, Lots 1, 2, and 3 of Block 3, Block 5, Lots 1 and 2 of Block 6, Lot 1 of Biock 7, Mayflower Park Drive and 99't' Street, of Mayflower Park, an Addition in Hamilton County, Indiana, the plat of which is recorded as Instrument Number 2000 -45587 in the Office of the Recorder of said County, and shall be cross referenced to said Secondary Final Plat. This replat consists of two (2) lots, as shown on the within survey plat. The size of said lots and the widths of the existing rights -of -way and easements are shown in figures denoting feet and decimal parts thereof. REGISTERED LAND SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE I, THE UNDERSIGNED, HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I AM A REGISTERED LAND SURVEYOR, LICENSED IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF INDIANA: THAT THIS PLAT CORRECTLY REPRESENTS A SURVEY PREPARED UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF BRIAN F. CATLIN ON AUGUST 14, 1998, AS MID- STATES ENGINEEING, L.L.C. JOB NO. 121 -4029, SAID SURVEY IS RECORDED AS INSTRUMENT #2004 18350. THAT ALL THE MONUMENTS SHOWN THEREON ACTUALLY EXIST AND THAT THE LOCATION, SIZE, TYPE, AND MATERIAL ARE ACCURATELY SHOWN; THAT ALL REQUIREMENTS SPECIFIED IN THE SUBDIVISIOt4,ORCgINA OF THE Pt. CITY OF CARMEL HAVE BEEN MET. `(`�Z .SST 1-4) i i s F,G f RF. �i O BRENT A. F REGISTERED LAND SURVEYOR NO. 20100039-IN STATE of ipp r PLAN COMMISSION UNDER AUTHORITY PROVIDED BY INDIANA CODE 36 Am), t ORbINANCES ADOPTED BY THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA THIS PLAT WAS GIVEN APPROVAL BY THE CITY OF CARMEL, AS FOLLOWS: GRANTED ADMINISTRATIVE APPROVAL BY THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES PURSUANT TO. ARTICL XI OF THE C MEL /CLAY PLAN COMMISSION RULE OF PROCEDURE ON BY: Dillinger Steven A. Holt (SEAL) OWNED BY: SURVEYOR: Pf co COUNTY, IN P.O. Box Richmond, Indiana 47375 Phone: 765- 962 -1480 SUBDIVIDER: R.G. Thomas Consulting 10351 Springstone Road McCordsville, Indiana 46055 Phone: 317 336 -7003 Brent A. Friend 970 Logan Street, Suite 202 Noblesville, Indiana 46060 Phone: 317 -776 -8665 DIRECTOR LS20100039 MIKE HOC LIB DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SERVIC CARMEL, INDIANA UNDER AUTHORITY PROVIDED BY CHAPTER 47, ACTS OF 1951, ENACTED BY THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF INDIANA, AND ALL ACTS AMENDATORY THERTO, THIS PLAT WAS GIVEN APPROVEAL BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF HAMILTON COUNTY, INDIANA, AT A MEETING HELD b T 4 2004. BOARD OF CO r ISSIONERS OF HAMILTON Signature Christine Altman Robin Mills, Auditor 6r0 Gtp U L °1.M DOCKET NO. 107 -00 SP DOCKET NO. 04030012 SP Sign ure 0„ Signature State of IN r<j t lk ivt SS: County of MA-RIO ti [Jute 4 1_) ?J Fev'd 4 ,50 (.)4 Job 1 l lade �4 �1 Pro 6 r o LL( We, the undersigned, owners of the real estal shown and described herein, do hereby certify that we have laid off, platted an subdivided, and do hereby lay off, plat and subdivide, said real estate in accordanc with the within plat. The subdivision shall be known as Replat of Lot 1 Block 1 of the Secondary Fin. Plat for Mayflower Park, Lot 1 of Block 1, Lot 1 of Biock 2, Lots 1, 2, and 3 of Block Block 5, Lots 1 and 2 of Block 6, Lot 1 of Block 7, Mayflower Park Drive and 99 Street, of Mayflower Park, an Addition in Hamilton County, Indiana. All street an alleys shown and not heretofore dedicated are hereby dedicated to the public. Front and side yard building setback lines are hereby established as shown on thi plat, between which lines and the property lines of the street, there shall be erecte or maintained no building or structure. There are strips of ground, variable in width as shown on this plat and marke "Easement" reserved for the use of public utilities for the installation of water an sewer mains, poles, ducts, lines and wires, subject at all times to the props authorities and to the easement herein reserved. No permanent or other structure are to be erected or maintained upon said strips of land, but owners of lots in thi subdivision shall take their title subject to the rights of the public utilities. This subdivision is subject to Declaration of Covenants, and Easements betwee Mayflower Park Associates, L.L.C. and Mayflower Office Building, L.L.C., dated Jur 6, 1997, as Instrument Number 9709725451 in the Office of the Recorder of Hamilto County, Indiana, as the same has been or may be amended, supplemented an limited from time to time as therein provided (the "Declaration The foregoing covenants, or restrictions are to run with the land and shall be bindir on all parties and all persons claiming under them until January 1, 20 at whic time said covenants, or restrictions, shall be automatically extended fro successir periods of 10 years unless changed by vote of a majority of the then owners of tF buildings covered by these covenants, or restrictions, in whole or in pat Invalidation of any one of the foregoing covenants or restrictions, by judgment c court order, shall in no way affect any of the other covenants or restrictions, whic shall remain in full force and effect. The right to enforce these provisions by injunction, together with the right to taus the removal, by due process of law, of any structure or part thereof erected e maintained in violation hereof, is hereby dedicated to the public, and reserved to th several owners of the several lots in this subdivision and to their heirs and assigns. Witness my Hand and Seal this 3 day of MM 2004. Before me, the undersigned Notaryfublic in and for the County and Stat personally appeared _ti for each separately and severally acknowledge the execution of the foregoing instrument as his or her voluntary act ar deed, for the purposes therein expressed. Notary Public: My Commission expires: 0 I am a resident of -e lAk_Clik.i.kiA- County. MidStates EI1OIDfEHIDG ALA Witness my hand and notarial seal this3 day of 1/4 t t v im, 2004. uyut eet. suite I1r�blesville III 4 ,U1 Li .)1/' /b bhunt 2,1 l'l �,h�et HO or