HomeMy WebLinkAboutMass Earthwork Plans Specs & General NotesSECTION 02110 SITE CLEARING 1. Scope of Work Scope of Work Clearing and grubbing shall consist of cutting, removal and satisfactory disposal of all trees, down timber, brush, projecting roots, stumps, rubbish, boulders, broken con- crete, fencing (as designated), and other material on the project site Within the construction limits. 2. All debris generated from the clearing operations stated in Item 1 shall be removed and legally disposed of off the project site. 3. Materials shall not be disposed of by burning. 4. Traffic: Conduct site clearing operations to ensure minimum interference With roads, streets, Walks, and other adjacent occupied or used facilities. Do not close or obstruct streets, Walks, or other occupied or used facilities Without permission from the appropriate` governmental agency. 5. Protection of Existing Improvement: Provide protections necessary to prevent damage to existing improvements indi- cated to remain in place. a. Protect improvements on adjoining properties and on Owner's property. b. Restore damaged improvements to t. ieir original condi- tions, as acceptable to parties having jurisdiction. 6. Protection of Existing Trees and Vegetation: Protect exist- ing trees and other vegetation indicated to remain in place, against unnecessary cutting, breaking or skinning of roots, skinning and .bruising of bark, smothering of trees by stock- piling construction materials Within drip line, excess foot or vehicular traffic, or parking of vehicles Within drip line. Provide temporary fencing' or approved guarding meth- ods to protect trees and vegetation to be left standing. SEC110N 02210 STRIPPING 1. The Contractor shall remove all topsoil in the areas to be occupied by roads, parking areas, walks, buildings and designated future building fill areas. Topsoil shall be removed to a depth of six (6) inches or deeper, if neces- sary, to remove organic vegetative matter Where required. See Soils Report for approximate topsoil thickness. If site has been recently stripped, the topsoil shall be removed to depth required to remove all roots as required by Soils Engineer, Street Inspector, Engineer and Owner. 2. Topsoil shall be kept separated from suitable fill materials and shall not be used as fill under pavement and building areas. 3. Topsoil shall be stored of a location where it does not interfere with construction operations. 4. Topsoil shall be reasonably free from subsoil debris, stones, ect. 5. Topsoil to be stockpiled on the outlot at the southeast corner of the lot. SECTION 02220 EARTHWORK Extent: The work required under this section consists of all excavating, filling, rough grading, backfilling and related items necessary to complete the work indicated on the draWings and described In the Specifications. 1. In general,' the items of Work to be performed under this section shall include: fill compaction and rough finish grading of entire site as indicated on the Plans including subgrade preparation and grading for streets, building pads, drainage sWales, walks and general cut fill. 2. Proof Rolling: shall be performed on all street areas, parking areas, floor slabs and future building areas subse- quent to topsoil stripping and prior to placement of fill materials. Soils Engineer shall direct method of proof I rolling. Contractor shall coordinate proof rolling opera- tions With Soils Engineer. Any areas containing soft, yielding cr otherwise unsuitable materials shall be undercut or stabilized by approved meth- ods directed by the Soils Engineer. Replace unsuitable soil materials on site in the area desig- nated by Engineer and seed as noted. 3. Fill Material: shall consist of earth obtained from cut areas, borroW pits or other off -site sources. Earth shall be free from large rocks, vegetable matter aril other delete- rious substances. Fill obtained from off -site sources shall be approved by the Owner. The fill material shall be placed In layers not to exceed six (6) inches following compaction. Contractor shall be responsible for aerating wet material and adding water to excessively dry material so that the final moisture content of fill material Will be Within the range from Optimum Moisture Content of -2.0 to +1.0 percent as determined by the standard Proctor maximum dry density test method (AASHTO T -99). All fill beneath paved areas, floor slabs and future buildings shall be compacted to at least 95% of the standard Proctor maximum dry density (AASHTO T -99). 4. Fill Material Under Building Pad: Shall consist of earth obtained from cut area's, borrow pits or other off -site sources. Earth shall be free from large rocks, vegetable matter and other delete- rious substances. Fill obtained from off -site sources shall be approved by the Owner. The fill material shall be placed in layers not to exceed six (6) inches following compaction. Contractor shall be responsible for aerating Wet material and adding Water to excessively dry material so that the final moisture content of fill material Will be Within the range from Optimum Moisture Content of -2.0 to +1.0 percent as determined by the standard Proctor maximum dry density test method (AASHTO T -99). All fill beneath paved areas and beneath floor slabs shall be compacted to at least 98% 9f the standard Proctor maximum dry density (AASHTO T -99). 5. Perform earthwork grading and finishing operations to estab- lish required elevations and dimensions as designated on the Plans. 6. Place topsoil to minimum depths indicated on the planting plans in each respective area. Place topsoil in layers not to exceed six (6) inches following light compaction and develop smooth planting surfaces. Subgrade shall be scari- fied to 3" to 6" in depth before topsoil is spread. Remove all vegetation, stones, roots and rubbish from. topsoil and rake to even surface. Carefully spread topsoil to meet walks, curbs, paving, adjacent properties and be free of low spots. Contractor shall be responsible for insuring that surface Water drainage sWales shown on the plans are uni- formly finished graded to the designated minimum slopes and elevations. 7. Settling and Ponding: Where settling and ponding is meas- urable or observable at excavated areas during the general project Warranty period, remove surface (pavement, laWn or other finish), add backfill material, compact, and replace surface treatment. Restore appearance, quality, and condi- tion of surface or finish to match adjacent Work, and elimi- nate evidence of restoration. 8. Removal from Owner's Property. Remove waste materials, including surplus excavated material, unacceptable excavated material, trash and debris, topsoil, and legally dispose of it off project site unless otherWise directed. The location of dump and length of haul shall be the Contractor's respon- sibility. SECTION 02710 UTILITIES 1. Utilities: It shall be the responsibility of each Contrac- tor to verify all existing utilities and conditions pertain- ing to his phase of Work. It shall also be the Contractor's responsibility to contact the owners of the various utili- ties before work is started. The Contractor shall notify in writing the owners or the Engineer of any changes, errors or omissions found on these plans or in the field before Work is started or resumed. 2. If active utilities are encountered by not shown on the drawings, the Engineer and utility representative shall be advised before Work is continued. 3. Inactive and abandoned utilities encountered in excavating and grading operations shall be reported to the Engineer and utility company. They shall be removed, plugged or capped as directed by the utility company and Engineer. 4. Rules and regulations governing the respective utilities shall be observed in executing all Work under this section. 5. Granular backfill shall be required for all crossings under pavement areas except for utilities Which are bored or pushed under street. 6. Conduit shall be required for all crossing's under pavement areas. Contractor shall coordinate with each respective utility for their location and installation. Conduit shall be 4" PVC Schedule 40 or approved equal. 7. Existing storm sealers, sanitary sewers, Water mains, gas mains, electric ducts, telephone ducts, steam mains and other underground structures have been shown on the plans according to the best available information. The exact location and protection of these facilities and structures, their support and maintenance in operation during construc- tion (in cooperation with the proper authorities of the utility involved), is the express responsibility of the Contractor in the performance of his Contract and in the preparation of his bid. SOIL CONSERVATION SERVICES -RULE 5 PROJECT INFORMATION 1A. THE PROJECT LOCATION MAP IS LOCATED ON THE COVER SHEET 1B. THIS PROJECT CONSISTS OF MASS EARTHWORK GRADING FOR THE ULTIMATE PROJECT OF A BUILDING, PARKING, ROAD ACCESS INSTALLATION FOR A CAR DEALERSHIP FACILITY. A SINGLE OUTLOT IS ANTICIPATED FOR FUTURE DEVELOPMENT. 1C. THERE ARE NO PLANNED ROADS, UTILITIES AND STRUCTURES ARE SHOWN FOR THIS MASS EARTHWORK PROJECT. 1D. LAND USE OF ADJACENT AREAS: NORTH: COMMERCIAL RESIDENTIAL SOUTH: COMMERCIAL EAST: INDUSTRIAL WEST: COMMERCIAL 2A. THE SITE CONSISTS OF AGRICULTURAL LAND RECENTLY UTILIZED FOR FARMING. 2B. THE SITE ULTIMATELY DRAINS TO CARMEL CREEK. 2C. THE SITE LIES IN ZONE A8 OF CARMEL CREEK PER COMMUNITY PANEL NO. 180081 0014C DATED 19 MAY, 1981. 2D. SOILS INFORMATION IS PROVIDED ON THE TITLE SHEET. 2E. EXISTING AND PROPOSED ELEVATIONS ARE SHOWN ON SHEET 4. 2F. EXISTING DRAINAGE IS TO TWO(2) LOCATIONS. A SMALL PORTION DRAINS TO THE GRAY RD. R/W THE REMAINDER OF THE SITE DRAINS TO THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF THE PARCEL. 2G. THE ULTIMATE RECEIVING WATERS FOR THIS SITE IS CARMEL CREEK. 21-1. THERE IS A PROPOSED STORM DETENTION FACILITIY FOR THIS SITE. 3A. THE LOCATION AND DIMENSIONS OF THE LAND DISTURBANCE ACTIVITY IS SHOWN ON SHEET 4. 3B. SOIL WILL BE PLACED TO RAISE THE SITE TO GRADE. THE MAJORITY OF EXCESS TOPSOIL WILL BE HAULED OFFSITE. 4A. LAND DISTURBANCE ACTIVITY SEQUENCE: 1. BEFORE CONSTRUCTION, EVALUATE, MARK, AND PROTECT IMPORTANT TREES AND ASSOCIATED ROOTING ZONES, UNIQUE AREAS (E.G. WETLANDS) TO BE PRESERVED, AND VEGETATION SUITABLE FOR FILTER STRIPS 2. INSTALL CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE 3. INSTALL SILT FENCE AND EROSION CONTROL MEASURES 4. CONSTRUCT DIVERSION SWALES AND POND. 5. CONSTRUCT POND AND DIVERSION SWALES START MASS EARTHWORK, WHILE MAINTAINING DIVERSION SWALES ESTABLISH STONE ENTRANCE AND STAGING AREA FINISH GRADE AND SEED BASINS, SLOPES, SWALES AND MOUNDS TEMPORARY SEED ALL DISTURBED AREAS 6. TEMPORARY SEED ALL DISTURBED AREAS. 7. MAINTAIN ALL EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL PRACTICES UNTIL ALL DISTURBED AREAS ARE PERMANENTLY STABALIZED. 4B. MONITORING AND MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS ARE INCLUDED ON SHEET 6. 4C. PERIMETER SEDIMENT CONTROL IS INDICATED ON SHEET 5. 4D. TEMPORARY SEEDING REQUIRMENTS ARE INDICATED ON SHEET 5. 4E. TEMPORARY EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL MEASURES ARE INDICATED ON SHEET 5. 4F. PERMENENT EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL MEASURES ARE NOT INCLUDED FOR CONSTRUCTION. 4G. STORMWATER INLET PROTECTION IS NOT PROVIDED IN TFESE PLANS. 4H. STORMWATER OUTLET PROTECTION IS NOT PROVIDED IN THESE PLANS. 41. THE PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE IS SHOWN ON SHEET 5. 4J. THERE iS ONE INDIVIDUAL OUTLOT ASSOCIATED WITH THIS SITE PLAN. AND THE EROSION CONTROL MEASURES ARE IDENTICAL TO THE MAiN PARCEL. 4K. PERMANENT SEEDING REQUIREMENTS ARE NOT INCLUDED IN THESE PLANS, BUT ARE INCLUDED IN THE CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS. THiS STAGE OF GRADING GENERAL NOTES: 1. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL 'VERIFY ALL DIMENSIONS IN THE FIELD PRIOR TO STARTING CONTRUCTION. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL FIELD LOCATIONS. IF ANY DISCREPANCIES ARE FOUND iN THESE PLANS FROM THE ACTUAL FIELD CONDITIONS, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY THE ENGINEER IMMEDIATELY. 2. THE EXCAVATING CONTRACTOR MUST TAKE PARTICULAR CARE WHEN EXCAVATING IN AND AROUND EXISTING UTILITY LINES AND EQUIPMENT. VERIFY COVER REQUIREMENTS BY UTILITY CONTRACTOR'S AND /OR UTILITY COMPANIES SO AS NOT TO CAUSE DAMAGE. 3. PROVIDE POSTIVE DRAINAGE WITHOUT PONDING, IN ALL AREAS AFTER INSTALLATION. CONTRACTOR TO TEST FOR, AND CORRECT, IF ANY, PONDING CONDITIONS EXIST. 4. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY ALL UTILITY COMPANIES 72 HOURS BEFORE CONSTRUCTION IS TO ;START, TO VERIFY IF ANY UTILITIES ARE PRESENT ON SITE. ALL VERIFICATIONS (location, size, and depth) SHALL BE MADE BY THE APPROPRIATE UTILITY COMPANIES. WHEN EXCAVATING IS AROUND OR OVER EXISTING UTILITIES, THE CONTRACTOR MUST NOTIFY THE UTILITY COMPANY SO A REPRESENATIVE OF THAT UTILITY COMPANY CAN BE PRESENT TO INSTRUCT AND OBSERVE DURING CONSTRUCTION. 5. ALL PROPOSED- SPOT ELEVATIONS ARE THE FINAL PAVEMENT AND FINAL GRADE ELEVATIONS. 6. SEE APPROPRIATE DETAILS TO DETERMINE SUBGRADE ELEVATIONS BELOW FiNISH GRADE ELEVATIONS INDICATED. 7. ALL EXCESS DIRT TO BE REMOVED FROM SITE. 8. CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE AS -BUILT SURVEY AND QUANTITY OF TOPSOIL STOCKPILED AND SUBMIT TO OWNER AND ENGINEER. MAINTENAE\CE OF TRAFFIC NOTE: 1. CONSTRUCTION SIGNS TO BE PROVIDED AS DIRECTED BY THE CITY OF CARMEL INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO "CONSTRUCTION AHEAD" AND "TRUCK ENTRANCE "DON'T DIG BLIND" 1- 800 --382 -5544 CALL BEFORE YOU DIG TBM 1 HARRRiSON MONUMENT, SE COR. SE 1/4 SECTION 8-T1 7N-R4E. INTERSECTION OF 96TH STREET AND GRAY ROAD. ELEVATION 740,75 0 X L RELEASED FOR CONSTRUCTION APPROVAL REVISIONS REV. NO DATE PROJECT NO DATE SHEET .TITLE MASS EARTHWORK SPECIFICATIONS GENERAL NOTES SHEET NO cfl ro g4 4 O t O r CL (o 0 W w ue 0 W 0 0 E- D w CD C CD 0 O UN Z a> 0 o Z w0 w 2 �U 0 D N N 0 =�o QU n 0 O 04- MiD- STATES Job Number: 111 -1390 D DESCRIPTION N `V z z LiJ U 20- 01024.02 April 8, 2003 2 of 6