HomeMy WebLinkAboutIndiana National Bank 750220Appro by te Bo Accounts For ved Town Sta of Carmel of 1959 CARMEL, INDIANA AND JURISDICTIONAL AREA This is to certify that of build a L 7 1 t Pre .:abed by State Board of Account, Frt,Irabed by Slate Board of A ccount, Kind of Structure Material c fe P7eret CARMEL, IND j C.)7 IMPROVEMENT LOCATION PERMIT Name of 4p1i n e c _..Ce F has qualified to Address of rr and receipt is acknowledged of fees as follows: Authorized under Indiana Acts of March 12, 1935. (This Pei.nit issued subject to all local building restrictions as shown in your abstract or purchase agreement) ,Variance By 'Buildin Building Commissioner Electrical Lots, Acres, Description of Lajd Plumbing Final Total TOWN OF CARMEL RECEIPT PLAN COMMISSION FUND rl �4.- To 19 RECEIVED FROM 1' r c-/grrt THE SUM OF ON ACCOUNT OF f Ai",, c g ON ACCOUNT OF f' FUND CARMEL. IND.. t RECEIVED FROM 7` i THE SUM OF wz TOWN OF CARMEL RECEIPT PLAN COMMISSION constructed on land here described i 1 t Y LA. r„ Permit No. t amp j Date •.2. ,OTCL CO.. ■UNCMI. IND. GENERAL FORM NO. 352 4452 0 DOLLARS 100 SECRETARY TO BUILDING COMMISSIONER t. DOtCt. CO.. RUNCt[. IND. GENERAL FORM NO. 352 N° 4842 f r 100 l o /1 i t I'�'J1'ad f SECRETARY TO BUILDING COMMISSIONER s_ DOLLARS Rev. 10-16-72 PA 1 e )atF 1his Corm combines the Improvement i,oc. io'_ fionion .:,n! ?F�• (Applica':io The i ndersi.gned. agrees that any co. ^_s t r'1c o: rec^.ns. ..c `_ion or alteration of structure, or any change in :n use of 1aad or str.lot7f this application will. comipi,r triith, and conform all app= ,c._ole 1::.:s of Indiana, and the "Zoning Ordinance of arrre Indiana 1 -61 adapted of Ch,apt.er 174 of the Acts of 1947, General Asse ably of the ....ta',;e of Acts am ndatory thereto. 1. NAME OF BUSINESS AND LOCATION ON WHICT{ SIGN IS TO BE LOCATED: :tame: Indiana National Bank Branch idress: 117th St. Keystone Avenue �.E ATTACHED To =,rnslhip: Clay I_rp `)_s_:ri;itio iou o. 2. LAND USE CONTROLS APPLICA3L7, TO PEAL :CTA2'_, 0; ';]ilC:i SIG:: I3 TO Zoning: R-4 Per:.inent variance conditions or parcel covenants: 3. APPLICANT: Name: Indun Realty, Inc. Contractor Erecting Sign: Name of Firm: Phone No. SIGN PERMIT APPLICATID •no iled in Phone No. 263 -6890 (_`itlac metes +7sun Variance red :b. J L7 7 j Address: One Indiana Square, Indianapolis, Indiana 46204 Lighting: Incandescent -'?orescent X X Phone i•fo. 263 -6890 Owner of Real Estate on which Sign is to be located: One Indiana Square Name: Indun Realty, Tnc-_ Udress: Indianapolis, Indiana 46204 4. SIGN INFORMATION: Type of Sign: Advertising Business X Inoi= z_ Placement: Ground Projecting Pole Roof x Ia11 Dimensions: Single -faced ubie -'cec. 7 3 2.3 Vertical 1 f;. +nrizont, /1,5, h. S Height Above Grade: I t 10 ft. None Number of Existing Sign.. df° opertr: Ground Roy, Pole 5. ADDITIONAL SIGN PERMIT REQUIREMENTS: All applications for the combined sign permit shall be accompanied by thl r oll ^_Lai:•: g items: A. Two copies of a Plot Plan drawn to scale, which shall include: 1. Location and dimensions of the affecl lot. 2. Location of the right -of -way line or lines of adjoining highways, streets, alleys, and easements. 3. Existing structures and signs with corresponding size and se tbaos L.. Exact location of sign structure on lot with s� .becks from all F•roper lines and street rights -of -way. 5. Information showing location o any signs and residential s trizc '.l:' s en adjoining lots and their distance from the proposed sign. B. Two copies of detailed structural plans showing an elevation of the proposed sign with height, width, and depth dimensions, along with mechanical and electrical specifications of the proposed sign. 6. CERTIFICATION: I CERTIFY THAT THIS SIGN WILL BE ERECTED A-ID MAINTAINED IN ACCORDANCE WILL: 1. the statements made on this document and plans filed with applicatl.ori for permits; 2. zoning ordinances of Carmel, Clair To;•rnship, ?lamiltcn County. INDUN REALTY, INC. BY: 1 G Owners Signature Contractor's S (or attach affidavit of agency) Estimated date of Completion`: FEES: Improvement Location Permit Sign Structure Permit Total Fee Permit Fee Received by DATE V- Title e} Telephone (Area .117) 638 -1465 ROBERT SCHERSCHEL CO. Land Surveying I MARCH 51. 1972 LAND DESCRIPTION PARCEL #7 PART OF THE SOUTH HALF OF SECTION 31, TOWNSHIP 18 NORTH, RANGE 4 EAST, HAMILTON COUNTY, INDIANA, MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS COMMENCING AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SAID SECTION: RUNNING THENCE NORTH 1 04'45" WEST AND ALONG THE WEST LINE OF SAID i SECTION 1752.85 FEET: (THE NEXT 5 COURSES BEING ALONG THE CENTER LINE OF CARMEL DRIVE): RUNNING THENCE NORTH 89 55' EAST 600 FEET TO THE P.C. OF A CURVE TO THE LEFT, SAID CURVE HAVING A DELTA OF 20 00' AND A RADIUS OF 1145.92 FEET: THENCE IN A NORTHEASTERLY DIRECTION ALONG SAID CURVE 400 FEET TO THE P.T. THEREOF: THENCE NORTH 6 9 55' EAST 238.51 FEET TO THE P.C. OF A CURVE TO THE RIGHT, SAID CURVE HAVING A DELTA OF 20 °0O' AND A RADIUS OF 1145.92 FEET: TI4ENCE IN A NORTHEASTERLY DIREC— TION ALONG SAID CURVE 400 FEET TO THEP.T. THEREOF: THENCE NORTH 89 55' EAST 1750.85 FEET TO THE BEGINNING POINT OF THIS DESCRIPTION: RUNNING THENCE NORTH 89 °55' EAST ANO ALONG THE CENTER OF CARMEL DR.VE 154.57 FEET TO THE WEST RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF KEYSTONE AVE.: THE NEXT 3 COURSES BEING ALONG SAID RIGHT OF WAY LINE): THENCE SOUTH 0 05' EAST 40 FEET: THENCE SOUTH 35 °38'30" EAST 131.81 FEET: THENCE SOUTH 2 °29'35" WEST 147.92 FEET: THENCE SOUTH 89 °55' WEST 224.58 FEET TO THE CENTER OF KEYSTONE WAY: THENCE NORTH 0 °0 WEST AND ALONG SAID CENTER L I N E 2 F E E T T O T H E P O I N T O F D E G I N N I G C O N T A I N I N G 1.39 ACRES MORE OR LESS. SUBJECT TO AN EASEMENT 40 FEET IN WIDTH BY PARALLEL LINES OFF THE ENTIRE NORTH'SIDE THEREOF, RESERVED FOR CARMEL!. DRIVE. FURTHER SUBJECT TO AN EASEMENT 25 FEET BY PARALLEL LINES OFF THE ENTIRE WEST SIDE THEREOF RESERVED FOR KEYSTONE WAY. FURTHER SUBJECT TO AN EASEMENT 30 FEET IN WIDTH BY PARALLEL LINES OFF THE MOST EASTERLY SIDE RESERVED FOR UTILITY PURPOSES. Robert Scherschel LS #3907 1104 Prospect Indianapolis, Indiana 46203 KEYSTONE .SQ. HAMILTON CO. rellw A.; r A 4 1 I I ill! I 6 1 CZ t.R■ 1 I •s 7 1 —i c. r Z -1 ri 111 i 1 —ArA 0 pi 0 1 1 :311 C.') `It• -11 "I i 1 I' 1 4 r J L r 1 I R,31, 611 i3 IP! 15_ I 7 cl f.' 4Z(.''‘ 1 7 1 I r 5 I <-.3 r-r) L DI 0 0 :1 ■1 ton .04; g 4 1 4;• i 1 rri ...ii 4- 1 1_,, c. r..?' s J c., r 9 itr i l Ill -1, I t z.-I -I cl■ rni Z i f a-1). :0 .1 Ft *°.1 t e i,,,, T ;I 2 -t I i C A., t 1; i• Op 1:e ,,_...,,,,x i •:*-1 .4.'.... i 0 ir 1 i p j„. 7 c*-7. 4 IF C.) kil Ci r' Soil i I ..p C -1. n 1. i /1 .j. .1 I. a 1 17r, 1 •k ,j i i 1 r 9. 7i 1-4 I (,6' -...11 I ,T, .Rg. 0 V 6 I niv 4 1 -.J 11,11, 1 1 -I i cs -1) 0 IN V 2i '71 I Accz, 14 1- 41 COO) oz /11 1 i 111 ,J 1N- C) ii D. —1 5 D IT, 1 +ill i run) i 1 i'l i r 4 1 r 1 i I, G t' I >T ,,,:r :.•Q "ii 4( 4 r) V} 1 1 .N., ..ri in V —1 ...."41. c) -t 1 .1 1 1 -.4 -1