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Indiana National Bank 860728 (6)
signs INCOWOORATEO 1 NG:TN E o►J1 i PRORb IF"TI�S RM /E X IST l 1.1b 516f.$ S /ich.10 1 NSTi 1 -2" X (a1 cam" (16, SGT. FT) LAS FL,Ac >44 1 r u m Mot NTH 532.1c WHIT✓ ci>°^( 816or`1 f=1 r" I SH cpw�as, 1 HE J� KATI t'(AL k:ANC.E U NE I IIPM Indiana National signs INCOWOORATEO 1 NG:TN E o►J1 i PRORb IF"TI�S RM /E X IST l 1.1b 516f.$ S /ich.10 1 NSTi 1 -2" X (a1 cam" (16, SGT. FT) LAS FL,Ac >44 1 r u m Mot NTH 532.1c WHIT✓ ci>°^( 816or`1 f=1 r" I SH cpw�as, 1 HE J� KATI t'(AL k:ANC.E U NE rte cTwea D T 421G19 40100 01 fUWYU um MOW 010.11111bIM1 •e70010 lm a.CnYRAY rVn011 nu* Ram 5' gu CITY CA DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 62-encr FUND CARMEL, IND, L( 2g RECEIVED FROM 61r0r1 9Q C 2ra i vac R THE SUM OF '(K1 o OLLARS 100 ON ACCOUNT OF 6KK n I2ca,w, L c9 C. N 20447 as, t0 SIGN COPY: IN0 WA r/L TIONAL psis/ /TI ar APPLICANT NAME (Business Owner) :1 W1/4NA' 'T)©N L. PHONE: 4451f10 NAME OF BUSINESS: G ADDRESS: 1 I =z ;c lL P/ L/1 g X4.0 e ZONING: VARIANCE: Yes The underslg alteration applicat and th of 1 Acre usiness Owner s Revised 9/85 CARMEL /CLAY TOWNSHIP, HAMILTON COUNTY, INDIANA SIGN PERMIT APPLICATION Cr gnature PROPERTY OWNER: ADDRESS: C- O11AVVIerce 2iL P& Logo (Describe) f3ljl� ARE THERE ANY EXISTING SIGNS ON, THE SIT SHOPPING CENTER NAME: "7 SUPPORTING INFORMATION NEEDED (To be attached): 2 Cumpl Drawings of Sign (including dimensions, colors, height) 2 Site tion Maps au 1 s that any construction, G Atutti, or any change in the On ,r1a�Svily with and conform to, Zo i 0 1ce of Carmel, Indiana PO i timP7E1 Sec. 1 et seq, Genera meE4t40 `ertfto q• Sign Permit Application Sign Erection Improvement Permit TOTAL FEE s( ?c uo scQ av Address PERMIT NO.: S'o"" T •7 DATE: °z I-667 PHONE: 1572 o I3 REQUIRED APPROVALS: Plan Conu BZA Docke o.: Dept. of Community Development None No y OLD TOWNE: Yes No SIGN TYPE: LIPS. N NOl of S s: New: Existing: Sign Height: IL-2„ Colors: 0441/1F- LTaS fxt 1.4.20'e.) Dimensions 1I -Z x 14171 ©Lr Total Sq. Ft. of Sign Face(s) Bldg. or Unit Frontage ,s E 1 81d T g YPe/M ULTI F•f6'1z z Explain: reconstruction, enlargement, relocation or use of land or structures requested by this all applicable laws of the State of Indiana, 1980 adopted under the authority of Acts 1 Assembly of the State of Indiana, and all JOR E' 9 W TUN FURTHER CERTIFIED BY SIGNING THIS APPLICATION THAT HE HAS BEEN ADVISED THAT ALL PCE SENfATtONS OF THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ARE ADVISORY ONLY AND THAT o APPLICA{ SHOULD RELY ON THE LEGAL ADVICE OF HIS ATTORNEY. `V /1 P i 41 tN WILL BE ERECTED AND MAINTAINED iN ACCORDANCE WITH ZONING 5 r R(4,A /CLAY TOWNSHIP, HAMILTON COUNTY, AND ERECTED•WITHIN SIX (6) MONTHS OR 1T,'1•S IWLL AND VOID. P one i1S ISSUED BY. FEE RECEIVED BY: C /77,4!44/4 -GLti riupertIe mt,. 301 East New York Street Indianapolis, Indiana 46204 317 266 -6155 Indiana National City of Carmel July 23, 1986 Carmel, Indiana 46032 To Whom It May Concern: Indiana National hereby approves and authorizes the Installation of the proposed signs as per the sub- mitted plans. We hereby authorize Steve McVicker of Sign Craft, Inc. to sign the permit application on our behalf. If further information is required, please contact me at 266-5024. Sincerely, Thomas M. Finney Assistant Vice President Facilities Planning Officer TMF /krb