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Thomas H. Engle
(317) 231-7499
Email: tengle®brlaw.cont
Angie Butler, Planner
Department of Community Services
City of Carmel
Carmel City Hall, Third Floor
One Civic Square
Carmel, Indiana 46032
RE: Tom Wood Jaguar /Land Rover /Volvo; 4620 E. 96 Street
V- 40 -03, V- 41 -03, V- 42 -03, V -43 -03
Dear Ms. Butler:
Last evening, June 17, 2003, the Carmel Plan Commission approved the development
plan and ADLS application filed as Docket No. 68 -03 DP /ADLS. This approval was subject to
two conditions which affect the above listed variance petition for the same project. Those
conditions were the deletion of two signs: the Jaguar "Leaper" statute and the Land Rover
"Indianapolis" sign. These two signs are denominated as Sign B4 and Sign B8 in our
I am enclosing a revised Exhibit A indicating that these two signs have been deleted.
Please consider this letter our request to amend Docket No. V -41 -03 and V -42 -03 accordingly.
In addition, this letter is our request that the variance application filed as Docket No. V -40 -03
(Sign B4) be withdrawn.
Thank you for your assistance.
c: Lawrence E. Lawhead
IND501 THE 594535v1
Thomas H. Engle
11 South Meridian Street
Indianapolis, Indiana 46204 U.S.A.
(317) 236 -1313
Fax (317) 231 -7433
hap: /www.brlaw.com
June 18, 2003 Ll
Indianapolis Fort Wayne South Bend Elkhart Chicago Washington, D.C.
Thomas H. Engle
(317) 231 -7499
Email: tengle @btlaw.com
Connie Tingley R i;1 is u'
Board of Zoning Appeals Secretary ROC
Department of Community Services
One Civic Square
Carmel, Indiana 46032
RE: East 96` Street Auto Park
Tom Wood Jaguar; V- 40 -03, V- 41 -03, V- 42 -03, V -43 -03
Dear Ms. Tingley:
On behalf of Tom Wood Jaguar, I am enclosing eight (8) Informational Packets for the
above listed application appearing on the June 23, 2003 agenda of the Board of Zoning Appeals.
Also enclosed is our check in the amount of $1380.00 for the filing fee and our proof of
notice (publisher's affidavit from Indianapolis Star, six original certified mail green cards and
two returned notices, and my affidavit of notice).
Please call myself or my colleague Lawrence Lawhead if you need anything else at this
time. Thanks for your assistance.
c: Lawrence E. Lawhead
Thomas H. ngle
11 South Meridian Street
Indianapolis, Indiana 46204 -3535 U.S.A.
(317) 236 -1313
Fax (317) 231 -7433
June 12, 2003
Indianapolis Fort Wayne South Bend Elkhart Chicago Washington, D.C.
May 16, 2003
Dear Mr. Hoff:
C ierttrOV MEL
Mr. Mike Hoff
Roger Ward Engineering, Inc.
6285 North College Avenue, Suite 2
Indianapolis, IN 46220
RE: Project Review #1/Tom Wood Jaguar, etc., 96 Street Auto Park
This office has reviewed the plans submitted for this project. We apologize for the delay in responding.
We offer the following comments:
MAY 19 2003
General Information
1. The project site is located within current City of Carmel Corporate Limits.
2. Jurisdictions:
Streets and Right of Way (96 Street) City of Carmel.
Water Indianapolis Water Company Service Area.
Sanitary Sewer and Storm Sewer City of Carmel
3. Board of Public Works and Safety Approval Requirements:
Sanitary Sewer Availability (Connection).
Any permanent improvement, including irrigation systems, to be installed in public right of way or
dedicated easements. This requires a Consent to Encroach Agreement between the City and the
Owner or Owners.
I am enclosing a schedule of Board of Public Works and Safety meeting dates and agenda deadlines
for your use. Please use the Engineering Department deadlines for submission to the Board.
Any submission to the Board requires prior final approval by the Carmel Clay Plan Commission
and/or the Board of Zoning Appeals and completion of review by the Technical Advisory
Committee. All written requests to be placed on the Board's agenda must include the appropriate
Docket Numbers and the date (or dates) of approval by the Plan Commission and/or BZA.
4. Sanitary Sewer Connection Fees:
Connection Fees are based upon the average user factor tables from Section 9 -200 (sanitary) of
our Utility Ordinance. The Connection Fees are $795.00 per E.D.U. for sanitary sewers. There
are no classifications in our tables for auto dealerships other than the Retail classification, which is
1.0 E.D.0 per 1000 square feet. You do have the option of requesting approval from our Board of
Public Works and Safety to utilize actual usage from an existing similar facility as a base
calculation for the proposed facility. Such requests must be accompanied by proof of a minimum
of one years worth of actual water usage, recapped by total gallons per month, and must include
the name, location and size in square feet of the facility being utilized as a base for calculation of
5. T.A.C. Review/Drawings submitted for approval:
We request that all comments and comment letters generated by this office be answered in writing and
be accompanied by a drawing reflecting requested revisions. Final drawings will not be approved for
construction until all issues have been resolved. All Carmel Utility issues must also be resolved. The
design engineer must certify all drawings submitted for final approval. This office will require a
ONE CIVIC SQUARE, CARMEL, IN 46032 OFFICE 317.571.2441, FAx 317.571 -2439
EMAIL kweesceci.carmel.in.us
Mr. Mike Hoff
May 16, 2003
Page 2
minimum of four -sets (maximum seven -sets) of approved drawings after all issues have been resolved.
The drawings will be stamped approved and signed by both the City Engineer and Director Carmel
Utilities. The Developer /Owner will receive one -set which is to be maintained on the construction site
at all times. Carmel Utilities will receive one -set. Our Public Works Inspector will receive one -set
and one -set will be maintained in the Department of Engineering. If more than four -sets are requested
to be approved, the additional sets must be submitted with the four -sets.
6. Please be advised that any installation of signs, walls, irrigation systems, etc. within dedicated right of
way or easements will require a Consent to Encroach Agreement between the Owner/Developer and
the City of Carmel. This agreement requires review and approval by our Law Department and Board
of Public Works and Safety approval.
7. Carmel Utilities does not subscribe to "Holey Moley" and should be contacted directly for all sanitary
sewer locates.
8. Carmel Utilities will provide a separate review of this project for sanitary sewer issues.
9. 1 am including copies of the following items with this correspondence:
Department of Engineering Commercial Project Approval Procedures.
Permit Data, Contacts, etc.
Commercial Permitting Procedures.
I will send a copy of our Residential Subdivision and Commercial Irrigation System Requirements
upon request.
10. Upon initial review, it appears that there will be no bonding requirements for this project.
Sheet C101 Site and Utility Plan
11. Designate all utilities (sanitary, storm and water) as either existing or proposed on this and on all
appropriate sheets.
12. Identify and label the sanitary sewer lateral to serve the showroom.
13. This project will be subject to review by Carmel Utilities. Commercial /retail sanitary sewer laterals
are usually required to discharge into a sanitary sewer structure. Carmel Utilities will advise you
regarding this issue.
14. All parking areas are required to be curbed.
15, There is only one structure and one run of storm pipe identified within all of the paved parking areas.
How do you proposed to accommodate storm runoff from all the other impervious surface areas?
16. Please provide drainage calculations or proof that this development adheres to the original approved
drainage plan for the 96 Street Auto Park.
17. Identify and label the easement for the existing sanitary sewer along the west perimeter of the
development. Likewise, identify and label the easement along the east perimeter. This is applicable to
all appropriate sheets.
18. There is a drainage easement identified on the 96 Street Auto Park plat that is on either side of
Carmel Creek. Identify and label this easement on all applicable sheets.
We reserve the right to provide additional comments upon receipt of drainage calculations and upon the
City Engineer's review of the plans for this project.
The above comments are based upon the Engineering Department's initial review. Please provide our
office with a follow up letter and revised plans, indicating all revisions. Second and subsequent reviews
will focus only on revised items. It is critical that our office be made aware of all modifications made on
the plans being re- submitted, particularly if any such changes are considered "new" or fall outside of our
initial review. If you have questions, please contact Kate Weese, Mike McBride or me at 571 -2441.
Mr. Mike Hoff
May 16, 2003
Page 3
If you have questions, contact Kate Weese, Mike McBride or me at 571 -2441.
Sint/ ely,
Dick Hill, Assistant Director
Department of Engineering
cc: M. Kate Weese, City Engineer (w /o encl.)
Mike McBride, Assistant City Engineer (w /o encl.)
Laurence Lillig, Department of Community Services (w /o encl.)
Jon Dobosiewicz, Department of Community Services (w /o encl.)
John Duffy, Carmel Utilities (w /o encl.)
Larry Heid, Tom Wood, Inc.
Thomas H. Engle
(317) 231 -7499
Email: tengle @btlaw.com
Department of Community Services
City of Carmel
Carmel City Hall, Third Floor
One Civic Square
Carmel, Indiana 46032
RE: Tom Wood Jaguar /Land Rover /Volvo
4620 E. 96 Street
Dear Sir /Madam:
11 South Meridian Street
Indianapolis, Indiana 46204 -3535 U.S.A.
(317) 236 -1313
Fax (317) 231 -7433
April 18, 2003
On behalf of Tom Wood Jaguar /Land Rover /Volvo, I am enclosing three copies of the
following materials to amend the Application for Development Standards Variance filed April
11, 2003:
1. Exhibit A Amended
2. Drawing PC113b Amended
3. Drawing PA211b Amended
Please file stamp one copy of these materials and return them to me in the enclosed
postage paid envelope. Thank you for your assistance.
c: Lawrence E. Lawhead (without enclosure)
INDSOI THE 582103,1
Thomas H. Eng e
Indianapolis Fort Wayne South Bend Elkhart Chicago Washington, D.C.
Thomas H. Engle
(317) 231 -7499
Email: tengle @btlaw.com
Department of Community Services
City of Carmel
Carmel City Hall, Third Floor
One Civic Square
Carmel, Indiana 46032
Dear Sir/Madam
On behalf of Toni Wood Jaguar /Land Rover /Volvo, I am enclosing one original and one
copy of an application for Developmental Standards Variance for the signage at the above listed
project. Please file stamp the additional copy of the application materials and return it to me in
the enclosed postage paid envelope. Thank you for your assistance.
c: Lawrence E. Lawhead (without enclosure)
INDS01 THE 580394v1
RE: Tom Wood Jaguar /Land Rover /Volvo
4620 E. 96 Street
Thomas H.Ale
11 South Meridian Street
Indianapolis, Indiana 46204 -3535 U.S.A.
(317) 236 -1313
Fax (317) 231 -7433
April 10, 2003
Indianapolis Fort Wayne South Bend Elkhart Chicago Washington, D.C.