HomeMy WebLinkAbout2006 Fee Schedule Update/Zoning Ordinance Chapter 29.0Date: December 29, 2009 To: All Concerned From: Michael Hollibaug DOCS Director Re: 2010 Filing Fee adjustment CITY 0 CARMEL JAMES BRAINARD, MAYOR The Attached 2010 Filing Fee Schedule for the Department of Community Services provides a list of all fees for services provided by the Department, pursuant to Zoning Ordinance Chapter 29. The 2010 Fee Schedule reflects a 1.0% increase over the 2009 Fees, an adjustment based upon data obtained from the U.S. Department of Labor, Division of Labor Statistics Consumer Price Index, U.S. City Average for Services for the period July, August, and September 2009. This increase will be effective as follows: 1. The effective date for increases related to Zoning and Development fees will be Thursday, April 1, 2010. 2. The effective date for fee increases related to building and sign permits, temporary use permits, inspections and C /Os, etc. will be Thursday, April 1, 2010. This ninety (90) day delay is pursuant to Indiana Code. Please contact me with questions or comments regarding any of the above at 571 -2422. DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES ONE CIVIC SQUARE, CARMI L, IN 46032 PHONE 317.571.2417. FAx 317.571.2426 MIcFIAEL P. FIOLI.IBAUGH, DIRECTOR Zor i ng DOeIopmentlf'`01 -1- 7 z' 2010 d Primary Plat 903.00 per lot 120.00 Amended Plat or Replat 299.00 per lot 120.00 Secondary Plat 903.00 per lot 120.00 Lot Split 300.00 Zoning Ordinance Amendment 866.50 per acre 120.00 PUD Ordinance 2,810.00 per acre 120.00 Development Standards Variance Single Family (Primary Residence) 289.00 each additional 89.00 All other 1,145.00 each additional 541.00 Use Variance 1,502.00 per acre 120.00 Special Exception 1,502.00 per acre 120.00 Sub. Reg. Waiver 903.00 each additional 420.00 Special Use SU Amendment 903.00 per acre 120.00 Appeal 146.50 Development Plan 903.00 per acre 120.00 DP Amendment 903.00 per acre 120.00 ADLS 903.00 per acre 120.00 ADLS Amendment Sign only 298.00 per sign 59.50 Building /Site 601.00 per acre 59.50 Condominium Review 1,202.00 per lot 120.00 Commitment Amendment 1,155.50 Site Plan and Design Review (Old Town) Residential 146.50 Commercial 420.00 Technical Advisory Committee 300.00 Traffic Study Review 1,806.50 Traffic Impact Analysis Review 903.00 Zoning Certificate 89.00 Time Extension Review 178.50 Re- review fee 178.50 DOGS 2010 Fee Schedule Zoning Development related fees effective 4/1/2010 Building /Inspection related fees and Sign fees effective 4/1/2010 1 BZA Hearing Officer Residential 150.00 each additional 89.00 Commercial 601.00 each additional 300.00 Land Disturbance Permit 150.00 per acre 30.00 Sexually Oriented Business Permit (Annual) 1,202.50 Sign Permit 89.50 Sign installation improvement 36.00 per sq. ft. 1.85 trti rnvemenf'Locationi (IMP Fees Z-- =r Industrial, Institutional, Comm 438.00 per gross sq. ft., plus inspections 0.22 Single Family 429.50 per gross sq. ft., plus inspections, PRiF, and C/O 0.11 Two Family 438.00 per gross sq. ft., plus inspections, PRIF, and C/O 0.11 Multi Family 438.00 per unit, plus inspections, PRIF, and C/O 300.00 Dwelling Additions 146.50 per sq. ft., plus inspections 0.13 Detached garage or carport inspections 146.50 Residential Accessory building 89.50 per sq. ft. over 150, plus inspections 0.11 Structural Modification Residential 146.50 plus inspections Structural Modification non residential 318.50 per sq. ft, plus inspections 0.20 Moving /changing location 150.00 plus inspections Swimming pool residential 300.00 per sq. ft., plus inspections 0.11 Temporary Use Permit (up to 18 mos.) 300.00 plus applicable inspections Temporary Sign 89.50 Temporary Use Extension (up to 6 mos) 89.50 Special Event Permit 150.00 Special Event Extension 89.50 Time Extension Review 178.50 Re- review fee Residential 150.00 Commercial 300.00 Plan Amendment Residential 150.00 Commercial 300.00 Wilt r ateFof O.ceitpancyb IditijonftolILP- ;0insp etton fees) a w Residential CIO per unit 59.50 Industrial, Commercial Institutional C /O, 120.00 Partial C/O Residential 120.00 Commercial 240.50 Temporary C/O Residential 30.00 Commercial 59.50 2 Certificate of Substantial Completion 120.00 Palksxa0113e6reation impacELFeeMPRIF) Per dwelling unit 1,273.50 Demolition 150.00 Demo each additional structure 89.50 Inspection" Fear :,r �4Z: matem `mem Footing /underslab plumbing residential 61.50 commercial 112.00 Electrical residential 61.50 commercial 112.00 Bonding and Grounding residential 61.50 commercial 112.00 Rough in residential 61.50 commercial 112.00 Final Structure residential 61.50 commercial 112.00 Final Site residential 61.50 commercial 112.00 Other inspection residential 61.50 commercial 112.00 Duplicate Permit Placards 17.50 single family twice normal permit fee multi family twice normal permit fee commercial twice normal permit fee industrial twice normal permit fee institutional twice normal permit fee other use 120.00 each additional day (up to $2,500) 30.00 10010i6611410670VOOS, s' 4iMMOINIrtOir Single Two family, Townhome- Each offense 903.50 Multi- family- Each offense 1,204.00 Commercial- Each offense 1,204.00 Industrial- Each offense 1,204.00 Institutional- Each offense 1,204.00 Residential Other- Each offense 602.00 BuilderA'ppllcationn r� Builder Application annual fee 144.50 Massage'Therap:st Massage Therapist Permit Fee every 24 months 20.00 1.0% increase based upon 2009 Consumer Price Index US City Avg Services (for July, Aug. Sept.) 3