HomeMy WebLinkAboutCorrespondence f r �l.j -Il� of Carmclli Carmel Petke DeparimeniL Carmel" wli itTa. 011 1 2 3 4 Ary RECEIVED cc January 5, 2010 JAN 6 2010 0 co DOGS Eric Strickland 494' ti� Kite Realty Group a �e 30 S. Meridian, Suite 1100 -f} Indianapolis, IN 46204 RE: ADLS Amendment Filing for M &I Bank Southeast Corner 146 Street and Lowe's Way Carmel, IN Dear Mr. Strickland: The above mentioned project has been received and reviewed. At the present time, I see nothing in the plans that would hamper law enforcement efforts. If we can be of any further assistance to you, please contact us. Respectfully, Michael D. Fogarty Chief of Police MDF:vb cc: Dept. of Community Services a x, (317) 577E -2500 A Nationally Accredited'La ti;`Enforcement Agency Fax (317) 571 -2512 Conn, Angelina V From: Paul G. Reis [preis @kdlegal.com] Sent: Wednesday, December 23, 2009 11:21 AM To: Conn, Angelina V Subject: RE: Jan. 5 Plan Commission committee meeting Jan. 12 Exec Committee meeting Angie My apologies. I forgot to send you an email to continue the Kite Greyhound M I Bank matter. Please consider this our request to continue the matter to the February 2, 2010 meeting. Have the happiest of holidays! Best regards, Paul KRIEG J EVAULiT. Paul G. Reis 12800 N Meridian Street Of Counsel Suite 300 Carmel IN 46032 D 317 238 -6293 T 317 566 -1110 C 317 431 -0063 F 317 636 -1507 preis@kdlecgal.com www.kriegdevault.com Please consider the environment before printing this email. CONFIDENTIALITY STATEMENT This e -mail message is for the sole use of the recipient(s) and may contain confidential and privileged information. Any unauthorized review, use, disclosure or distribution is prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient(s), please contact the sender by reply e -mail and destroy all copies of the original message. IRS Circular 230 Notice: Advice rendered in this communication, including attachments, on U.S. tax issues (i) is not intended or written to be used, and it cannot be used, for the purpose of avoiding penalties that may be imposed by the IRS on taxpayers, and (ii) may not be used or referred to in promoting, marketing or recommending a partnership or other entity, investment plan or arrangement. This notice is intended to comply with Section 10.35 of IRS Circular 230, which is located at http: /www.irs.gov /pub /irs- pdf /pcir230.pdf. From: Conn, Angelina V [mailto:Aconn @carmel.in.gov] Sent: Wednesday, December 23, 2009 11:17 AM To: Angie Molt; Boone, Rachel M.; Brewer, Scott I; Bruce Smith; Carolyn Schleif; Donahue -Wold, Alexia K; Dorman, Jay; Duncan, Gary R; Ellison, Christopher M; Hancock, Ramona B; Heck, Nancy S; Hollibaugh, Mike P; Holmes, Christine B; Jeffrey Cohen; John Molitor; Keeling, Adrienne M; Forwarding E -mail, Dierckman, Leo; Linda Burdett Ham Co PC; Littlejohn, David W; Madeleine Torres; Marilyn Anderson; Mark Zukerman; Randy Marra; webteam @heckweb.net; Rick Osborn; Rick Ripma; Ron Houck; Steve Stromquist; Stewart, Lisa M; Susan Westermeier; Tingley, Connie S; Judy Hagan; bill.ruthhart@indystar.com; Dutcher, Dan; Rider, Kevin D; Worthley, Matthew D; brad.grabow @gmail.com; brad.grabow +cpc @gmail.com; bradford.grabow @53.com; mw9285 @aol.com; Hayes, Melanie; Martin, Candy; irizarryhm @lilly.com; Mindham, Daren; newsfromyou @indystar.com Cc: Haney, Douglas C; Perkins, Tom D; kyle @freemansigns.com; estrickland @kiterealty.com; Paul G. Reis; Scott Yeager; Dale Sollenberger; dale @sollenbergerpartners.com; John Neely; Jim Shinaver; Jon Dobosiewicz; Sarah Horn; Bradley 1 Conn, Angelina V From: Boone, Rachel M. Sent: Thursday, December 17, 2009 4:32 PM To: 'Paul G. Reis' Cc: Conn, Angelina V; Holmes, Christine B; 'Laurie Britton' Subject: RE: Additional Information on Lowes Way Bank Parcel Zoning and Access Hi Paul, I apologize for taking a while to get these comments to you. I think everyone has turned in signage at the same time! Anyway...generally the signage is fine for the bank. Here are my thoughts based on the sign package from the InSite Group: 1. Ground sign: size is OK, design is a little bland...is there any way to make it more formal? Rather than a cabinet on a brick base? Perhaps adding a stone cap or making the sign more horizontal rather than square. 2. Walls sign west: OK except in building details page (Sebree Architects) it shows a 53.08 sq. ft. sign instead of the 32.77 sq. ft. one shown in the sign package. This should be changed to reflect the sign package. 3. Wall sign north: OK 4. Directional sign: OK 5. Directional sign: OK 6. Directional sign: OK 7. Traffic sign: OK 8. Traffic sign: OK 9. Handicap sign: OK 10. Overhead directional: OK 11. Clearance sign: OK 12. Trucks sign: OK but I'm uncertain what this sign is supposed to do. Please explain. 13. Door graphics: OK 14. Window graphics: OK In the PUD language, under single tenant building, you could take out the extra allowance for logo sizes. We don't count against logo sizes in single tenant buildings. The 25% rule is only required for multi- tenant buildings. Just a thought it would make the language a little simpler. Also, I know we talked about this before, but the sizes chosen for the wall signs are less than what would be allowed by the sign ordinance. Each wall sign could be up to 60 sq. ft. The ground sign (per sign ordinance) could be 45 sq. ft. and 6' tall. I know that's less than what you've proposed but I just wanted to make sure you were aware of all the numbers. I think that's it. If you have any other questions, please let me know. Happy Holidays! Rachel P.S. Just so you know in advance, I will be out of the office all next week for Christmas. I'II be back on Monday the 28 1Zache,L Boone Sign Permit Specialist City of Carmel Department of Community Services 3rd Floor One Civic Square Carmel, IN 46032 317.571.2417 317.571.2426 fax 1 Conn, Angelina V From: Conn, Angelina V Sent: Wednesday, December 16, 2009 4:19 PM To: estrickland @kiterealty.com'; G. Reis' Cc: Boone, Rachel M.; Holmes, Christine B; Hollibaugh, Mike P Subject: RE: Review comments for Docket No. 09120005 ADLS Amend: Greyhound Commons, Phase III M I Bank (Kite PUD) Attachments: M I Bank bldg photos.doc Eric and Paul attached are two images of existing M 1 Bank buildings with a design that could be more suitable for the Lowes Way site. These examples reflect the design that the Dept. (and most likely the Committee members) would prefer to see. Please let me know if you would like to set up an additional meeting to discuss further with the Department, or if you would prefer to work it out with the committee members. Thank you, -Angie Conn, Planning Administrator From: Conn, Angelina V Sent: Wednesday, December 16, 2009 4:01 PM To: 'estrickland @kiterealty.com'; 'Paul G. Reis' Cc: Boone, Rachel M.; Holmes, Christine B Subject: Review comments for Docket No. 09120005 ADLS Amend: Greyhound Commons, Phase III M I Bank (Kite PUD) Good afternoon- Please reply to each of the review comments for the M I Bank ADLS Amendment application via email or letter correspondence before December 23. Additional comments may be made after you submit plans to all of the TAC members. 1. Please provide copies of your correspondence with the TAC members and their correspondence with you. 2. Provide digital copies of the application, site plan and building elevations, as pdf files. 3. Bring material /color samples to the Plan Commission meeting. 4. Please label the mechanical equipment on the site plan or building elevations, and show details on how it is screened. 5. Provide trash receptacle screening details, such as materials /colors and the elevations for it. Also, make sure that the dumpster enclosure is taller than the dumpster. 6. Illumination levels shall not exceed 0.3 foot candles at the north and west property lines. Please amend the photometric plans. 7. Please consider using 'green' building practices, such as native plants, solar panels, pervious pavers in all or part of the parking area, etc. Attached is a green building checklist to use as a guide. 8. The Dept. feels that a lot of time /effort went into the original design approval for the previous building (Key Bank) and would like to have the proposed building mimic that building architecture /design. Here is a weblink to that design: http:// cocdocs .ci.carmel.in.us /weblink/0 /doc /307716 /Pagel.aspx specifically view pages 6 and 8 -11. 9. Please extend the sidewalk, that runs parallel to Lowes Way, all the way down to the south property line. 10. Please provide ea a copy of the recorded Maintenance Agreement between Kite Danbury Estates. 11. The Dept. still needs a copy of the recorded commitment relating to Cool Creek North trail extension /construction, north of 146 Street. 12. Per the PUD Ordinance, the bank hours of operation shall not continue past 7 pm. Please verify. 13. Per the PUD Ordinance, trash and snow removal times /days are restricted. Please verify that these times /days will be adhered to. 14. Please show /label the future, proposed road rights of way lines, as well as the street centerlines. 15. Please provide the percentage of EIFS covering each building facade. 16. The ground sign should be placed no closer than 10 -ft to the future road right of way lines. 17. Signage' Rachel Boone, sign permits specialist, will issue comments very soon. 18. Note: Danbury Estates residents were in favor of the previous plan with the elimination of the curb cut onto 146 Street. 1 Conn, Angelina V From: Conn, Angelina V Sent: Wednesday, December 16, 2009 4:01 PM To: 'estrickland @kiterealty.com'; 'Paul G. Reis' Cc: Boone, Rachel M.; Holmes, Christine B Subject: Review comments for Docket No. 09120005 ADLS Amend: Greyhound Commons, Phase III M 1 Bank (Kite PUD) Attachments: Carmel Green Building Checklist.doc Good afternoon- Please reply to each of the review comments for the M 1 Bank ADLS Amendment application via email or letter correspondence before December 23. Additional comments may be made after you submit plans to all of the TAC members. 1. Please provide copies of your correspondence with the TAC members and their correspondence with you. 2. Provide digital copies of the application, site plan and building elevations, as pdf files. 3. Bring material /color samples to the Plan Commission meeting. 4. Please label the mechanical equipment on the site plan or building elevations, and show details on how it is screened. 5. Provide trash receptacle screening details, such as materials /colors and the elevations for it. Also, make sure that the dumpster enclosure is taller than the dumpster. 6. Illumination levels shall not exceed 0.3 foot candles at the north and west property lines. Please amend the photometric plans. 7. Please consider using 'green' building practices, such as native plants, solar panels, pervious pavers in all or part of the parking area, etc. Attached is a green building checklist to use as a guide. 8. The Dept. feels that a lot of time /effort went into the original design approval for the previous building (Key Bank) and would like to have the proposed building mimic that building architecture /design. Here is a weblink to that design: http://cocdocs.ci.carmel.in.us/weblink/O/doc/307716/Page1.aspx specifically view pages 6 and 8 -11. 9. Please extend the sidewalk, that runs parallel to Lowes Way, all the way down to the south property line. 10. Please provide ea a copy of the recorded Maintenance Agreement between Kite Danbury Estates. dam'. The Dept. still needs a copy of the recorded commitment relating to Cool Creek North trail extension /construction, north of 146 Street. 12. Per the PUD Ordinance, the bank hours of operation shall not continue past 7 pm. Please verify. 13. Per the PUD Ordinance, trash and snow removal times /days are restricted. Please verify that these times /days will be adhered to. 14. Please show /label the future, proposed road rights of way lines, as well as the street centerlines. 15. Please provide the percentage of EIFS covering each building facade. 16. The ground sign should be placed no closer than 10 -ft to the future road right of way lines. 0y-yr Sigriage: Rachel Boone, sign permits specialist, will issue comments very soon. 18. Note: Danbury Estates residents were in favor of the previous plan with the elimination of the curb cut onto 146 Street. p lc. Please provide an update on the County Highway Dept's concern with the entrance off of Lowes Way, which crosses a mitigated wetland. 20. As part of the previous bank approval, there was supposed to be a commitment by the petitioner to do ongoing maintenance of the re- located wall, and to also commit to painting the wall every 2 -4 years. Please submit that same commitment with this bank proposal. Please call or email me if you have any questions or if I may be of assistance. Sincerely, Angie Conn, Planning Administrator Planning Zoning Dept City of Carmel 1 Civic Square, 3rd Floor Carmel, IN 46032 0: 317 571 -2417 F: 317 571 -2426 E: aconnOcarmel.in.gov Website 1 CARMEL GREEN BUILDING /RENOVATION CHECKLIST These items are not required by the current Zoning Ordinance or Building Code, but are strongly recommended by the Department of Community Services. Green building and design saves energy and money while providing for a more sustainable community. NEW CONSTRUCTION n Bicycle lockers /changing rooms /showers fBest Management Practices for stormwater ['Native landscaping /tree preservation nConnectivity to adjacent sites nPedestrian ❑Vehicular f Green roof n White membrane/high albedo roof ['Porous pavers /permeable pavement in parking lot Rec areas onsite ❑Internal recycling areas nExternal recycling areas nParking islands landscaped to provide shade within 5 years ❑High- efficiency lighting inside and outside ['Building and finishing materials sourced from within 500 miles nWater- efficient fixtures throughout nUse of recycled materials in construction and fit -out nOperable windows for cross ventilation and light ❑High efficiency HVAC systems nUse of Energy Star or similar appliances nLow VOC paints, coatings, and sealants Low -E glass nLow VOC flooring materials (Light and motion sensors for lighting and water fixtures nWind turbine and/or photovoltaic panels, placed to maximize efficiency and minimize visual impact. RENOVATION Same as above plus: ['Building reuse nSite materials reuse nIncrease in green space /landscaping ['Reduction of runoff Conn, Angelina V From: Conn, Angelina V Sent: Monday, December 14, 2009 11:37 AM To: 'estrickland kiterealty.com' Cc: 'Paul G. Reis' Subject: Greyhound Commons, M I Bank Good Morning, Eric we received your application and plans on Friday, and will process /review them this week. In the meantime, please email and /or mail the plans building elevations ASAP to all TAC members for their review. In the email, also ask TAC members if they need paper copies as well. We will not necessarily place your item on a TAC meeting agenda, if you think you can work out all issues with each TAC member individually. Their contact info is online at: http: /www.ci.carmel.in.us/ services /DOCS /TAC2009 /TAC %20members %207.08.09.pdf Thank you. Angie Conn, Planning Administrator Planning Zoning Dept City of Carmel 1 Civic Square, 3rd Floor Carmel, IN 46032 0: 317-571-2417 F: 317-571-2426 E: aconn(&carmel.in.gov Website Please consider the environment before printing this e -mail 1