HomeMy WebLinkAbout180842 12/30/2009 I CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 00350498 Page 1 of 1 ONE C IVIC SQUARE INDIANA NEWSPAPERS, INC CHECK AMOUNT: $305.96 CARMEL, IDIANA 46032 307 N. PENNSYLVANA STREET Po BOX 145 CHECK NUMBER: 180842 'N' INDIANAPOLIS IN 46206 -0145 CHECK DATE: 12/30/2009 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 1192 4345500 21.70 PUBLICATION OF LEGAL 902 4345500 284.26 PUBLICATION OF LEGAL Prescribed by State Board of Accounts 83532 5573600 General Form No. 99P (Rev. 2009A) CARMEL REDEVELOPMENT COMMISSIO To: INDIANAPOLIS NEWSPAPERS 307 N PENNSYLVANIA ST PO BOX 145 COUNTY, INDIANA INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46206 -0145 PUBLISHER'S CLAIM LINE COUNT Display Matter (Must not exceed two actual lines, neither of which shall total more than four solid lines of the type in which the body of the advertisement is set). number of equivalent lines Head Number of lines Body Number of lines Tail Number of lines Total number of lines in notice NOTICE TO BIDDERS N OF CHARGES City o Carmel, Indiana ,Department rmelRedev IopmentCommission 2.0 columns wide equals 218.0 equivalent lines at .649 W st Main street Suite pp0 Ai o Carmel Indiana 460 2 Project: Parcel 47 SUMP PUMP ST RM PIPING Der line 141.4$ Notice is hereby ggivep that the Carmel Redevelopment figure work Co e for notices containing rule ff k 50 per cent mission for the TIy of Carmel, Hamilton County, e@� Indiana wi I t g g e and g P p receive sealed bins for the above described Proiict at the of -,ve amount) S to of the CarCmpel Redevelopment Commission 30 West Main treett�•S ite'120,Carm e I In i na 46032 until5:00,p.m. ESP on or before D cemberlt XV Bids will be publicly opened r extra proofs of publication ($1.00 for each proof in excess of two) .00 and read aloud at a meefn of the, Carm I Redevelopment Square, C armel, Indiana, at whi 6m Such I ocated C ommiss on i t thhe a secon night d a floor c �:3 p Ca m. m rne C the t �ity Ha oun��B its i III be l Chambevrs re, AMOUNT OF CLAIM 141.48 One. Ciice f k under advisement. No late ids wi11 6e accepted. It is the Owner's :intent to award the ontract after a two week IMPUTING COST Bid evaluation period. All bids and proposal hall be pre g perly and completely exe- n e column ems Size o l l 5_8 Sif type 7 toted on the proposal forms provided with the drawings and' h P I specifications, Bidding Req i ements will in lode the non col lu lump atlid I avlt as required y the State of Indiana. T bid i nserti o n s 2.0 1 nve er fee c o ust be sealed and have the following a el on tne• m orner o I BID PARCEL 47- SUMP PUMP STORM PIPING 1 •A bid bond made payable to the City of Carmel will. be d in the a re- Quir amount o 5°.0 09 the total bid price ,��u e t he rovisions and penalties of IC 5- 11 -10 -1 1 hereby certify that the foregoing account is tlre�pe[ tent rlUO °,o) pertorm8p and payment b A one ond wl1! be P P Y 'J g required' of the successful pon execution 9t the Contra It is intended that actual construction of all wor< 'that the amount claimed is legally due, after allowing all just credits, and that no part of the same i divisions shah be started as soon as practicable, and eaci bidder shall bQ prepared to enter promptly Into a construe- lion contrct, turnis'h a performance and labor and material I 'payment on an begin work when authorized by the caner in t e event the award is made. i I The Project consists generally of, but is not necessarily that the printed matter attached hereto is a true copy, of the same column width and type size, ited to, the following: Jim- Y p PY tYP PARCEL47- SUMP PUMP STORM PIPING published in said paper 2 times. The dates of publication being between the dates of: The general scope otWork consists of two sump discharge Ines serving the Carmel Arts District Lofts poth;, which I mes terminate into storm inlets and one. of whit includes a new storm sewer line extension. Asphalt cutting, ac 1 fi ing, 2/03/2009 and asphalt patching. Contract cuments for the Project may be examined at the following locations: K ystahe Constr ctidn Corporation statement checked below is true and correct: 47 South Penns rpia. Street Ind +anapohs,I 46204 Reed Construehon Data, Inc. rse const uchondata.com does not have a Web site. Repro Gra hIcs In 4 a tit: ,has a Web site and this public notice was posted on the same day as it was published in it 1'7) 637 -3415 tax :wspaper l oNE Cy of 'such drawings and project manual m be ob problem or error, has a Web site, but due to a technical bl public notice was ti posted on tainedd from Repro Graphics Inc. acting on behalf of he Con p P P 'st Manager Agent tohe 50.U at the A e s stated ated above upon the payment o $50.t1S' for the set. t. pUdi• has a Web site but refuses to post the p ublic notice. trona! non refundable deposit sets ,may be purchased from Repro Graphics Inc. per their pricing schedule .Payment must be by check. ND LASH ACCEPTED.Make checks payable ;to geystogqe Co structi ry Corp.. Deposit will be refunded to i Bidders whp submit a dand�ret rn bidding documents in good condition within 19 days from bid opening date.. i Bidders shah assure that they have obtained complete sets o o drawings and Contract Documents and shall assume the l i of any errors t o omissions in bids tra ce reliance' on ncomplete to sets of drawings and and Contract t Documents. m umentsnts. 'This Project will be funded by the Carmel Redevelopment Commission. y The Construction Manager ar as Vito g the Owner for' the protect is Keystone Construction outh Pennsylvama'0 Title: Clerk Street, ndianapolis Indiana 462 4. the Project Manager far K sttoqne ggrace Stauffer Kestone's telephone number is 3fey!-6i6.2R00. Wage rates for the Project shall not he less than the current prescribed scale of wages as determined by Common Construction Wa a Committee in accordance with I.C. 5 -16 -7 and inclued in the Project Manual. A. pre -bid conference 1n- discussion of the Project the bi dmq requirements and other important matters will bq held on December gg 2009 at 1 :go a:m. EST at o the Project Site tic Meet at the Keystone Construction Site Office is located at 208,1st Street S.W. Carmel, Inds na. Pill prospective bid ders are invited to attend the pre -bed conference. 'ihe pre -bid conference is not mandatory. No bidder' may withdraw any bid or 'proposal within a period of ninety 190) days tonowin9p the ete set for receiving bids or proposals. The Carmel Comme s erve55 hhe right h (1 an c r a 1 b s gpotals f ission r- or a p n d f t ormoret tli �a ty 9 and er pr 'd tls Pegg .'"^I' i°"S Y rt "sf s I s .1. e T .o I sp for a ,m eet wrings e p r ri d. S f a t, A :r 7ne Carne!.Re eve ommig$snn re 1e rr t k4' s t y_, 3 e q e g i>" t n y ,e ;.4 r s reject andtl/ r cancel any an alt i ds, sonclta a nd�or of g A y K�'' i'' 2. LL t k'9 "1r iers m wade or in part as sp n led in the 01€ Oo s when "'�i c r if fair k e a'� a "t r, iers pot la the or "nY a sts c! ∎at i tne me�a I LI d b 'i: i y c i h °r a� q x f 3 •t .as '1 f 'C y 7a� n F u teem pe d OY the PUrt.hasmg a rn acca c car h C a k' t* y 5 •1. x yc �b.e, -m 3 t s yk. Y 22 ]8 ENP Or NOTICE'U0 6 FPDERS a..4 _'Gy t F 15k 4 'f r 3, O 4 X 7 7-`, R'. t k e r 19 y r E Prescribed by State Board of Accounts 83533- 5573817 General Form No. 99P (Rev. 2009A) CARMEL REDEVELOPMENT COMMISSIO To: INDIANAPOLIS NEWSPAPERS 307 N PENNSYLVANIA ST PO BOX 145 COUNTY, INDIANA INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46206 -0145 PUBLISHER'S CLAIM LINE COUNT Display Matter (Must not exceed two actual lines, neither of which shall total more than four solid lines of the type in which the body of the advertisement is set). number of equivalent lines Head Number of lines Body Number of lines Tail Number of lines Total number of lines in notice NOTICE BIDDERS 1 City c Carmel, Indiana CHARGES Department 'Carmel Redevelopment Co b City .of C rmel ssion West Mam Street, sute columns wide equals equivalent q 2 lid uals 220.0 uivalent lines at .649 'Project: Parcel 4/- SUMIndiana 60 PPUiv.PST RMPIPING I I lne 142.78 Nvtiee is hereby given that the Carmel Redevelopment Co mission for the 4!lY of Carmel, Hamiltop County, Indiana w 0. large for notices containing rule and figure work (50 per cent receive sealed bids Milne above describe Pro ect at the o, rice of theCare4 Redevelopment Comm s siog West Main I Street Suite 2 Carmel Indiana 4603 until �0 p.m. EST: amount) on or before December ]6 2009 Bids wiil b pu lhcly opened, aandreada d at a meetn of the, l Redevelopment ttxtra proofs of publication ($1.00 for each proof in excess of two) .00 Commission that night at 6 :3U .m. in the counts Chain ers located on the second floor 'of Carmel ity Hall, One, I ic! AMOUNT OF CLAiM 142.78 Square, drmel,; at which time such Bids Cholera, ken under advis No late ids wdl be accepted. It is; i Ovvner's intent to award the Contract alter a two week; Bid evaluation perod IPUTING COST tAll bids and proposals shall be properly and completely ex ated on the proposal forms,prowded with the drawings and 7 1e co 5 .8 s ems S IZe of type Illusion aff l by the tat lo9t Indiana. The bids Ienvelope must be sealed an have t e following label on the i SertIOBS 2.0 I lower lett corner. BID PARCEL 47- SUMP PUMP STORM PIPING ,A bid, bond: made payable to :the City-ot Carmel will.b rre-.j lowed in t e mount o 5% of the tonal bind price A' one .un- !dredpercent 100 performance and payment bond w e equired of r e successful bidder upon executuri or the le provisions and penalties of IC 5-11-10-1, 1 hereby certify that the foregoing account is CConttact. a i5 intended that actual construction o alPwary' divis5ions shall be started as-soon as practicable, an eachh:at the amount claimed is legally due, after allowing all just credits, and that no part of the same Inter shall be prepareda to enter promptly into 8 construc- tion contr ct, 4urmsh a performance and labor and material payment boned, and begin work when authorized 6y. the Owner in t the event the award is made. The Project consists generally ot, but is not necessarily lint 'ded to, thefollowing: hat the printed matter attached hereto is a true copy, of the same column width and type size, PARCEL 47: SUMP PUMP STORM PIPING The general scope of Work consists of two sump disschargg in said paper 2 times. The dates of publication being between the dates of l lines serving the Carmel Arts District Lofts, both, of which ines terminate into storm inlets and one di which m ludd s a new storm sewer line extension. Asphalt cutting, back filling, and asphalt patchmg. /04/2009 Contract Documents for the Project may be examined at the 1 i following locations: Keystone Construction Corporation Ind$ana sylva p04Street tatement checked below is true and correct: Reed Construction Data, Inc. reednconstructwndata.com Repro Gra hicsIn es not have a Web site. 437 ,NorthRlinom street ln Mo I t �pn04 i s a Web site and this public notice was posted on the same day as it was published in ONE COPY of such drawings and project manual may be ob- p a p er tametlfrom Repro Graphics Inc. acbngon behalf o the can- a Web site but due to a technical problem or error, public notice was posted on strucfon Manager -as- Agent -to -the pwnEE at the address l p p p stated above upon the payment of 85U.U� for the set..pder tional non-refundable deposit s ets may be purchased fromi 5 a Web site but refuses to post the public notice. Repro Graphics, Inc. per their oncmq s hedu e. Payment must be b check. NO 4ASFf ACCEPTED. Make checks payable to Keystone Construchon Corp.. Deposit will be refunded to Bidders wtio submit a bi d an return bidding documents in! goo condition within 10 days from bid opening date. I Bidh ers shall assure that they have obtaine omplete sets o drawings and Contract and shall assn e the is of any errors or on SSIonsan bids prepared in reliance, L\ a on incomplete sets of drawings and Contract Documents. This Project will be funded by the Carmel Redevelopment( 4 Commission. ti- The Construction Manager acting as agent to the Owner for I the pro ect is Keystone Construuet j 9n 47 South Pennsylvania! Street, InGdianapolis Indiana 44174. the Project Manager tor Title: Clerk g IS eystpne -Bruce- Stauffer. Keystone's to eptione number Is r 317 -636 -2000. Wage rates for the Project shall not be less than the current scale 'of wages as determined by. the Common onstruction Wage Committee m accordance with I.C. 5.16 -7 I and included in the Protect Manual. i A pre-bid conference for discussion of the Project the bid- dn ing llece requmbenement r 88 2U a O9 n at ot 1 h er O a.m: import at Project ant matters wi l ito o I l be hei 1 I i p 0:U Sf lie Meet at th Keystone CorrttstrucCtorn Site Office is locate at 208 1st Street S.W. rmel,.Iodiana. All prose dive bid- der are invited to attenetthe pre -bid conference. Tae pre bid con is not mandatory. No bidder may withddr any bid or proposal within a period of ninety (90) days following the date set for receiving bids T or proposals. a Carmel Redevelopment Commission re serrvye the right tpp h any o I bids or p s or a pe s not m f n ory s dae enttlurin or „nom 1"?''" r 1 let r Th e Car-r lect an g Redevelopment Ce om alt itl ni44 s n tide's s a the right t t s ",,r 2. f z 1: rr k s a ,t rr b s i i SIepf cancel any and ll p ;A„. 4 "`'-r�" ,,,a x "r o- t' b r ^d J 1- °,^�z`� r I j r y ters le whole r m part as seecil in 1 e so, citations when a v s a .5. :2,�� t Y r a, may it IS not in the nest interests or the governmental bogy ad dge 1 y� rs N c y ;9,9,0,1 by the p urchasing agency in accordance wit IC 5 s .tr rn• u.; f -,R v r r 1:. .x 3"� r 'i-' t i, r.. x .rercar ::,�r? Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No. 201 (Rev. 1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service, where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee //1/mi ,00 %3 Purchase Order No. 3 !l 7 )3 Terms s, /v /G zG� Y _S Date Due Invoice Invoice Description Amount Date Number I (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) /g 03 �9 d'.3! 32- 93 10 0 L ��dr rf j 12O S'3T33 L 7 /4/2 Total 7 I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5- 11- 10 -1.6. 20 Clerk- Treasurer VOUCHER NO. WARRANT NO. ALLOWED 20 /4��,�s Sf IN SUM OF 3 e 2 P. /lam 7G o/ ON ACCOUNT OF IO FOR g�z��?yssaa Board Members D PT INVOICE NO. ACCT #/TITLE AMOUNT I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or 2 S'3 S 3z 5 5736 oo lyl y8 bill(s) is (are) true and correct and that the y 3 y5 sob materials or services itemized thereon for h 5 33 55 73 6 i7 I `/2.' which charge is made were ordered and L /3 ys 33 received except /2 —8 20 Signature Director of Operations Title Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid motor vehicle highway fund Prescribed by State Board of-Accounts 81923- 5578725 General Fomr No. 99P (Rev. 2009A) CITY OF CARMEL To: INDIANAPOLIS NEWSPAPERS 307 N PENNSYLVANIA ST PO BOX 145 COUNTY, INDIANA INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46206-Q145 PUBLISHER'S CLAIM LINE COUNT R�CE DEC -.7 009 c.''\ Display Matter (Must not exceed two actual lines, neither of which shall total more than four solid lines of the type in which the body of the s DOGS ad is set). number of equivalent lines 0 4' Head Number of lines v Body Number of lines A S S p 10 Tail Number of lines Total number of lines in notice OF CHARGES PUBLIC NOfICS PUBLIG N 0T[CES I2.0 columns wide equals 50.0 equivalent lines at .434 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING BEFORETHE j 21.70 CARMEL/CLAY ADVISORY BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS r line Docket No. 09120001V large for notices containing rule and figure work (50 per cent 1 Notice is hereby given that the Carr /Clay Boa f Zonl Appeals meeting n the 15t day of Decem r, uBs at 5:5� amount) m ifn th na e wii hold he He t% t I C oun c il C mbers,1 Civic up quare, Carme Inda 46032,l Pu ar n B8 Dp t proofs of publication .or each proof excess owo tandards, Variyece app iGanon to reduce t �y tro eveloen ixtr ff bl iti $100 f h f in of t ut yar �j� set- p p p two) .00 bec reQQuireuU in Zoning Urdmance S e teen 04. 3.A Uue.to AMOUNT OF CLAIM 21.70 I road widening and change in road f se f way location on o ��proximately 1.87 ssres scats at Q 1s6 Street West I Number 17- 1344 Carmel; Indiana 4 i2 Iso hemg nown as Tax Map Parcel g -04- 18.000. IPUTING COST The application is identified as Docket No. 09120001 i All interested persons desiring to present thair vi�ws ogthe ,le c olumn 5 8 ems Size of e 7 above app lea ion either 0 writing o r verball wi I qe g iven type a opportunity tu be h e ar d a t the above mentioned time and sert 1.0 p Carmel D eppt er of Community Services on behalf of 1800 106th SStrree IONEf s LL (S 12/4/09 5578725) Pursuant to t provisions and penalties of IC 5- 11 -10 -1, I hereby certify that the foregoing account is just and correct, that the amount claimed is legally due, after allowing all just credits, and that no part of the same has been paid. I also certify that the printed matter attached hereto is a true copy, of the same column width and type size, which was duly published in said paper 1 times. The dates of publication being between the dates of: 12/04/2009 and 12/04/2009 Additionally, the statement checked below is true and correct: Newspaper does not have a Web site. ;/Newspaper has a Web site and this public notice was posted on the same day as it was published in the newspaper Newspaper has a Web site, but due to a technical problem or error, public notice was posted on Newspaper has a Web site but refuses to post the public notice. 2 3 4 w f e t_ \fit% .a 3 Ili REcovEn DEC DATE: 12/04/2009. 7 2009 Title: Clerk VOUCHER NO.. WARRANT NO. Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No. 201 (Rev. 1995) ALLOWED 20 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER Indianapolis Newspapers IN SUM OF CITY OF CARMEL 307 N. Pennsylvanie Street, P.O. Box 145 An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service, where performed, dates service rendered, by Indianapolis, IN 46206 -0145 whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. $21.70 Payee Purchase Order No. ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Terms Carmel DOCS Department Date Due Invoice Invoice Description Amount PO# Dept. INVOICE NO. ACCT /TITLE AMOUNT Board Members Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) 1192 81923 5578725 43 455.00 $21.70 I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or 12/04/09 81923 5578725 BZA notice 09120001 V $21.70 bill(s) is (are) true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except ond.y, D %ember 8, 2009 Director, DO‘� Title Cost distribution ledger classification if I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance claim paid motor vehicle highway fund with IC 5- 11- 10 -1.6 ,20 Clerk- Treasurer