HomeMy WebLinkAbout181679 01/20/2010 Y c CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 00351368 Page 1 of 1 0. 4 ONE CIVIC SQUARE WALLACK SOMERS HAAS PC CHECK AMOUNT: $20,963.27 1,. CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 ONE INDIANA SQUARE o SUITE 1500 CHECK NUMBER: 181679 °`r.. INDIANAPOLIS IN 46204 CHECK DATE: 1/20/2010 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 902 4340000 15302 8,595.03 LEGAL FEES 902 4460810 15303 307.51 SHAPIRO'S 902 4460812 15304 985.02 O'MALIA'S 902 4460814 15305 354.38 STREET DEPT FACILITY 902 4460816 15306 6,565.64 PELTON 902 4460821 15307 523.76 CAC 902 4460849 15308 400.01 TUESDAY MORNING 902 4460805 15309 307.51 RETAIL SITE #5 902 4460862 15310 1,124.38 SW BLOCK OF MAIN /RANG 902 4460808 15311 230.63 AMLI OLD TOWN 902 4460892 15312 153.76 APOSTOLIC CHURCH SITE 902 4340000 15313 600.63 LEGAL FEES 902 4460807 15314 815.01 PERFORMING ARTS CENTE Wallack Somers Haas, December 2009 Invoice Parcel Line Date Number Number Item Amount 1/13/2010 15302 4340000 8,595.03 general matters 15303 10 4460810 307.51 Parcel10 15304 12 4460812 985.02 Parce112 15305 14 4460814 354.38 Parce114 15306 16 4460816 6,565.64 Parce115 15307 21 4460821 523.76 Parce121 15308 49 4460849 400.01 Parce149 15309 5 4460805 307.51 Parcel 5 15310 62 4460862 1,124.38 Parcel62 15311 8 4460808 230.63 Parcel8 15312 92 4460892 153.76 Parcel92 15313 4340000 600.63 PTR 15314 7A 4460807 815.01 Parcel 7A Total 20,963.27 lallack Somers Haas, P.C. ir."(1\7 One Indiana Square Suite 1500 Indianapolis, IN 46204 Phone: 317 /231 -9000 Fax 317/231 -9900 City of Carmel Redevelopment Commission Jan 13, 2010 One Civic Square Carmel, IN 46032 Matter: carmisc Inv 15302 Attention: Mr. Les Olds RE: General Matters FEES EXPLANATION ATTY HRS Dec -02 -09 Attend to administrative matters. KPH 0.50 Dec -03 -09 Attend to SBOA comment response; Prepare response KPH 1.25 memo; Calls and emails; Attend to administrative matters; Attend to funding RPAC operating expenses. Dec -07 -09 Attend to administrative matters; Attend to SBOA issues; KPH 1.25 Attend to TIF projections and budgeting; Calls, Dec -08 -09 Project and funding status and update meeting with T. KPH 3.25 Crowley and L. Olds; Follow up on meeting issues; Attend to opinion letters for Council; Calls and entails. Dec -09 -09 Attend to administrative matters; Attend to SBOA issues; KPH 1.00 Attend to TIF projections and budgeting; Calls. Dec -10 -09 Attend to administrative matters; Attend to budgeting; Calls. KPH 1.25 Dec -11 -09 Attend to administrative matters; Review and comment on KPH 1.00 agenda; Follow up on loan program explanation to Council; Calls and entails. Dec -14 -09 Conference call with L. Olds, re: funding and budgeting; KPH 4.75 Conference call with L. Olds, re: agenda and resolutions; Follow up on conference call issues; Prepare for meeting with L. Matthes; Assemble materials for meeting; Review and revise installment contract descriptions for TIF report; Meeting with L. Matthes and H. Dickman, re: TIF report, CRC obligations, project funding, and CRC payments. Dec -15 -09 Draft resolution for Commission regular meeting; Meeting KPH 4.50 preparation; Projects meeting with J. Brainard, R. Carter, L. Olds, S. Mielke, S. Libman, M. Hollibaugh, and T. Perkins; Attend to budgeting and funding matters; Attend to fiscal. projection and payment accounting; Conference with L. Olds, re: projects, funding, and budgeting; Meeting with C. Coonrod, L. Olds, S. Mielke, and D. Cleveland, re: fiscal projection and payment accounting; Emails. Dec -16 -09 Prepare for Commission executive session and regular KPH 0.50 meeting; Attend same; Address TIF and payment projection; Meeting follow up. Dec -17 -09 Attend to administrative matters; Attend to opinion letters for KPH 2.00 Council; Calls with R. Carter. Dec- 1.8 -09 Attend to budgeting and accounting; Conference call with C. KPH 1.00 Coonrod; Additional calls. Dec -21 -09 Attend to TIF projections, budgeting, and fiscal plan; Calls KPH 0.75 and emails. Dec -23 -09 Attend to opinion letters for Council and related issues; KPH 1.00 Attend to administrative matters; Calls and emails. Dec -24 -09 Attend to opinion letters for Council and related issues; KPH 0.50 Attend to administrative matters; Calls and emails. Jan -02 -10 Attend to opinion letters for Council and responses to C. KPH 0.50 Coonrod accounting questions; Emails. Jan -04 -10 Attend to opinion letters for Council and responses to C. KPH 2.50 Coonrod accounting questions; Extended memos and emails to C. Coonrod. Jan -05 -10 Review email from T. Perkins, re: deal summaries for RRW 0.25 Kestner and AMLI; Discuss same with K. Haas. Jan -06 -10 Review Kestner project agreement; Draft stunmary of same; RRW 0.50 Email same to T. Perkins. Totals 28.25 Total Fees $8,595.03 Total Disbursements $0.00 Total Fees and Disbursements $8,595.03 Previous Balance $3,737.53 Previous Payments $3,737.53 Balance Due Now $8,595.03 Wallack Somers Haas, P.C. One Indiana Square Suite 1500 Indianapolis, IN 46204 Phone: 317/231 -9000 Fax: 317/231 -9900 City of Carmel Jan 13, 2010 One Civic Square Suite 140 Matter:armparce110 Carmel IN 46032 Inv 15303 Attention: Mr. Les Olds RE: Parcel 10 FEES EXPLANATION ATTY HRS Dec -09 -09 Attend to loan restructuring /take -out loan; Calls. KPH 0.50 Dec -11 -09 Attend to loan restructuring /take -out loan; Calls. KPH 0.25 Dec -14 -09 Conference call with L. Olds, re: project issues; Follow up KPH 0.25 on conference call issues. Totals 1.00 Total Fees $307.51 Total Disbursements $0.00 Total Fees and Disbursements $30731 Previous Balance $3,276.27 Previous Payments $3,276.27 Balance Due Now $307.51 Wallack Somers Haas, P.C. One Indiana Square Suite 1500 Indianapolis, IN 46204 Phone: 317/231 -9000 Fax: 317/231 -9900 City of Carmel Jan 13, 2010 One Civic Square Suite 140 Matter: :armparce112 Carmel, IN 46032 Inv 15304 Attention: Mr. Les Olds RE: Parcel 12 FEES EXPLANATION ATTY HRS Dec -04 -09 Attend to closing garage conveyance; Conferences with J. KPH 0.25 Shoup and R. Wilmering. Dec -07 -09 Attend to email, re: closing. JRS 0.25 Review email, re: garage conveyance; Discuss same with J. RRW 0.75 Shoup; Review and revise draft deeds; Email to J. Buchanan, re: same. Dec -08 -09 Projects conferences; Follow up on meeting issues. KPH 0.25 Dec -09 -09 Review email from J. Buchanan, re: garage conveyance; RRW 0.75 Draft conveyance documents; Email same to J. Buchanan. Dec -15 -09 Meeting preparation; Weekly projects meeting with B. KPH 0.50 Cordingley and Pedcor projects team; Attend to garage conveyance and maintenance; Attend to CRC obligation to pay common expenses. Review email from J. Buchanan, re: parking garage RRW 0.50 conveyance; Revise conveyance documents. Dec -16 -09 Attend to garage issues; Conference with J. Shoup. KPH 0.25 Dec -17 -09 Attend to ernails, re: declarations and closing. JRS 0.50 Totals 4.00 Total Fees $985.02 Total Disbursements $0.00 Total Fees and Disbursements $985.02 Previous Balance $661.26 Previous Payments $661.26 Balance Due Now $985.02 Waflack Somers Haas, P.C. One Indiana Square Suite 1500 Indianapolis, IN 46204 Phone: 317/231-9000 Fax: 317/231 -9900 City of Carmel Jan 13, 2010 One Civic Square Suite 140 Matter: ;armparceI14 Carmel, IN 46032 Inv 15305 Attention: Mr. Les Olds RE: Parcel 14 FEES EXPLANATION ATTY HRS Dec -14 -09 Conference with R. Wilmering; Address Harrill land contract KPH 0.25 issues. Telephone call wtih C. Butcher, re: Harrill land contract; RRW 0.50 Discuss same with K. Haas. Dec -15 -09 Telephone call with C. Butcher, re: Harrill land contract; RRW 0.75 Revise same; Email M. Worthley, re: same; Telephone call with M. Worthley, re: same. Dec -16 -09 Review Harrill land sale contract. RRW 0.25 Totals 1.75 Total Fees 535438 Total Disbursements $0.00 Total Fees and Disbursements $354.38 Previous Balance $770.01 Previous Payments $770.01 Balance Due Now $354.38 Waflack Somers Haas, P.C. One Indiana Square Suite 1500 Indianapolis, IN 46204 Phone: 317/231 -9000 Fax: 317/231-9900 City of Carmel Jan 13, 2010 One Civic Square Suite 140 Matter:;armparce116 Carmel, IN 46032 Inv 15306 Attention: Mr. Les Olds RE: Parcel 16 FEES EXPLANATION ATTY FIRS Dec -08 -09 Projects conferences; Follow up on meeting issues. KPH 0.25 Dec -15 -09 Meeting preparation; Weekly projects meeting with B. KPH 0.25 Cordingley and Pedcor projects team; Attend to garage conveyance and maintenance; Attend to stairs problem and construction defect. Dec -16 -09 Prepare for Commission executive session and. regular KPH 0.50 meeting; Attend same; Address installment contract program, installment contract approval, and unit sales. Dec -17 -09 Telephone call with M. Worthley, re: Leazenby LOL RRW 0.25 Dec -22 -09 Outline installment contract and related loan; Conference KPH 2.00 with J. Shoup; Attend to Marine Bank loan; Calls. Conference with K. Haas, re: purchase agreement, JRS 0.50 installment contract, and loan documents for remaining units. Review declaration for covenants as to arts- related uses; RRW 0.25 Email M. Worthley, re: same. Dec -28 -09 Attend to Marine Bank loan extension; Conference with R. KPH 0.50 Wilmering. Discuss loan modification documents with K. Haas; Review RRW 0.50 loan modification documents; Emails, re: same. Dec -29 -09 Attend to Marine Bank loan extension. KPH 0.25 Jan -04 -10 Attend to Regions take -out loan; Conference with J. Shoup. KPH 0.50 Draft, review and revise installment contract and loan JRS 6.50 documents for remaining units; Conference with K. Haas. Jan -05 -10 Draft, review and revise installment contract and loan JRS 6.00 documents for remaining units. Jan -07 -10 Draft, review, and revise installment contract and loan JRS 3.50 documents for remaining units; Draft declaration amendment. Totals 21.75 Total Fees $6,565.64 Total Disbursements $0.00 Total Fees and Disbursements $6,565.64 Previous Balance $969.39 Previous Payments $969.39 Balance Due Now $6,565.64 Waflack Somers Haas, P.C. One Indiana Square Suite 1500 Indianapolis, IN 46204 Phone: 317/231 -9000 Fax: 317/231 -9900 City of Carmel Jan 13, 2010 One Civic Square Suite 140 Matter:armparce121 Carmel, IN 46032 Inv 15307 Attention: Mr. Les Olds RE: Parcel 21 FEES EXPLANATION ATTY HRS Dec -08 -09 Projects conferences; Follow up on meeting issues. KPH 0,25 Dec -23 -09 Attend to project matters. KPH 0,25 Jan -05 -10 Discuss termination of Stenz project agreement and Lurie's RRW 1.00 CAM charges with K. Haas; Review Stenz project agreement and first amendment; Draft email, re: termination of project agreement; Telephone call with M. Worthley, re: same. Jan -11 -10 Conference with K. Haas, re: Weaver condo purchase RRW 1.00 agreement; Draft same. Totals 2.50 Total Fees $523.76 Total Disbursements $0.00 Total Fees and Disbursements $523.76 Previous Balance $46.25 Previous Payments $46.25 Balance Due Now $523.76 Wallack Somers Haas, R.C. One Indiana Square Suite 1500 Indianapolis, IN 46204 Phone: 317/231 -9000 Fax: 317/231 -9900 City of Carmel Jan 13, 2010 One Civic Square Suite 140 Matter:marmparce149 Carmel, IN 46032 Inv 15308 Attention: Mr. Les Olds RE: Parcel 49 FEES EXPLANATION ATTY HRS Dec -08 -09 Projects conferences; Follow up on meeting issues. KPH 0.50 Dec -14 -09 Conference call with L. Olds, re: project issues; Follow up KPH 0.25 on conference call issues. Dec -16 -09 Prepare for Commission executive session and regular KPH 0.25 meeting; Attend same. Jan -05 -10 Telephone call with M. Worthley, re: remediation claims and RRW 0.25 project agreement with Keystone and VFW. Jan -06 -10 Discuss rernediation claims with K. Haas. RRW 0.25 Totals 1.50 Total Fees $400.01 Total Disbursements $0.00 Total Fees and Disbursements $400.01 Previous Balance $2,708.64 Previous Payments $2,690.66 Balance Due Now $417.99 Wallack Somers Haas, RC. One Indiana Square Suite 1500 Indianapolis, IN 46204 Phone: 317/231 -9000 Fax: 317/231 -9900 City of Carmel Jan 13, 2010 One Civic Square Suite 140 Matter: carmparce15 Carmel, IN 46032 Inv 15309 Attention: Mr. Les Olds RE: Parcel 5 FEES EXPLANATION ATTY HRS Dec -15 -09 Meeting preparation; Weekly projects meeting with B. KPH 0.50 Cordingley and Pedcor projects team; Attend to garage conveyance and maintenance; Attend to project declaration and architectural standards. Dec -16 -09 Prepare for Commission executive session and regular KPH 0.25 meeting; Attend same. Dec -23 -09 Attend to project matters. KPH 0.25 Totals 1.00 Total Fees $307.51 Total Disbursements $0.00 Total Fees and Disbursements $307.51 Previous Balance $1,076.28 Previous Payments $1,076.28 Balance Due Now $307.51 Wallack Somers Haas, P.C. One Indiana Square Suite 1500 Indianapolis, IN 46204 Phone: 317/231 -9000 Fax: 317 /231 -9900 City of Carmel Jan 13, 2010 One Civic Square Suite 140 Matter:,armparce162 Carmel, IN 46032 Inv 15310 Attention: Mr. Les Olds RE: Parcel 62 FEES EXPLANATION ATTY HRS Dec -08 -09 Projects conferences; Follow up on meeting issues. KPH 0.25 Dec -15 -09 Meeting preparation; Projects meeting with J. Brainard, R. KPH 0.50 Carter, L. Olds, S. Mielke, S. Libman, M. Hollibaugh, and T. Perkins; Attend to Tomato Pie deal financial terms. Telephone call with M. Worthley, re: Tomato Pie. RRW 0.25 Dec -16 -09 Attend to Tomato Pie issues; Conferences with J. Brainard. KPH 0.50 Discuss Tomato Pie deal with K. Haas; Leave voicemail RRW 0.25 message for M. Worthley, re: same. Dec -17 -09 Telephone call with M. Worthley, re: Tomato Pie. RRW 0.50 Dec -18 -09 Discuss Tomato Pie with K. Haas; Discuss same with M. RRW 0.50 Worthley. Jan -05 -10 Telephone call with M. Worthley, re: Tomato Pie land RRW 0.25 contract. Jan-06 -10 Review email from M. Worthley, re: insurance; Telephone RRW 0.25 call with M. Worthley, re: same. Jan -07 -10 Draft Tomato Pie purchase agreement; Discuss same with K. RRW 2.00 Haas; Email same to M. Worthley. Totals 5.25 Total Fees $1,124.38 Total Disbursements $0.00 Total Fees and Disbursements $1,124.38 Previous Balance $3,187,52 Previous Payments $3,187.52 Balance Due Now $1,124.38 ��V Wallack Somers Haas, P.C. One Indiana Square Suite 1500 Indianapolis, IN 46204 Phone: 317/231 -9000 Fax: 317/231 -9900 City of Carmel Jan 13, 2010 One Civic Square Suite 140 Matter: carmparcel8 Carmel, IN 46032 Inv 15311. Attention: Mr. Les Olds RE: Parcel 8 FEES EXPLANATION ATTY HRS Dec -15 -09 Meeting preparation; Projects meeting with J. Brainard, R. KPH 0.25 Carter, L. Olds, S. Mielke, S. Libman, M. Hollibaugh, and T. Perkins; Attend to master lease of 1st floor retail. Dec -16 -09 Prepare for Commission executive session and regular KPH 0.50 meeting; Attend same; Address proposed master lease program. Totals 0.75 Total Fees $230.63 Total Disbursements $0.00 Total Fees and Disbursements $230.63 Previous Balance $2,170.00 Previous Payments $2,170.00 Balance Due Now $230.63 Wailack Somers Haas, P.C. One Indiana Square Suite 1500 Indianapolis, IN 46204 Phone: 317/231 -9000 Fax: 317/231-9900 City of Carmel Jan 13, 2010 One Civic Square Suite 140 Matter:,armparce192 Carmel, IN 46032 Inv 15312 Attention: Mr. Les Olds RE: Parcel 92 FEES EXPLANATION ATTY HRS Dec -08 -09 Projects conferences; Follow up on meeting issues. KPH 0.25 Dec -14 -09 Conference call with L. Olds, re: offering and development KPH 0.25 issues; Follow up on conference call issues. Totals 0.50 Total Fees $153.76 Total Disbursements $0.00 Total Fees and Disbursements $153.76 Previous Balance $485.04 Previous Payments $461.26 Balance Due Now $177.54 �Val lack Somers Haas, P.C. One Indiana Square Suite 1500 Indianapolis, IN 46204 Phone: 317/231 -9000 Fax: 317/231 -9900 City of Carmel Jan 13, 2010 One Civic Square Suite 140 Matter: carmpaarty Carmel, IN 46032 Inv 15313 Attention: Mr. Les Olds RE: PTR FEES EXPLANATION ATTY HRS Dec -18 -09 Conference call with. L. Olds, re: leasing proposal; Follow up KPH 0.25 on conference call issues; Conference with R. Wilrnering, Discuss proposed lease with K. Haas; Discuss same with M. RRW 0.50 Worthley. Dec -22 -09 Attend to request for additional CRC loan back -up; Calls and KPH 0.50 emails. Review development agreement and proposed lease to Best RRW 1.25 Rental. Jan-05 -10 Discuss draft lease to Best Rental with K. Haas; Email L. RRW 0.25 Olds, M. Worthley, and K. Haas, re: same. Totals 2.75 Total Fees $600.63 Total Disbursements $0.00 Total Fees and Disbursements $600.63 Previous Balance $123.13 Previous Payments $123.13 Balance Due Now $600.63 pl�� 1 Wallack Somers Haas, RC. One Indiana Square Suite 1500 Indianapolis, IN 46204 Phone: 317/231 -9000 Fax: 317/231 -9900 City of Carmel Jan 13, 2010 One Civic Square Suite 140 Matter::;armparcel7a Carmel, IN 46032 Inv 15314 Attention: Mr. Les Olds RE: Parcel 7A FEES EXPLANATION ATTY HRS Dec -03 -09 Attend to payment for work by bankrupt contractor; Calls KPH 0.25 and emails. Dec -06 -09 Attend to information and materials, re: dome defect claims; KPH 0.25 Emails. Dec -15 -09 Meeting preparation; Projects meeting with J. Brainard, R. KPH 0.50 Carter, L. Olds, S. Libman, M. Hollibaugh, and T. Perkins; Attend to remaining bid packages. Telephone call with D. Cleveland, re: Mercantile sound RRW 0.25 equipment loan disbursement form; Email same to D. Cleveland and S. Mielke. Dec -16 -09 Prepare for Commission regular meeting; Attend same. KPH 0.50 Dec -17 -09 Attend to dome defect claims; Conference call with R. KPH 1.00 Schein. Totals 2.75 Total Fees $815.01 Total Disbursements $0.00 Total Fees and Disbursements $815.01 Previous Balance $3,382.53 Previous Payments $3,382.53 Balance Due Nov $815.01 P�j�v Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No, 201 (Rev. 1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service, where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee erye��C Sd ��s it /y"9QS G Purchase Order No. f4 /So c2 Terms 7/7a���o!( /2/ 12c Date Due Invoice Invoice Description Amount Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) 1/43// Z. /5/-0/ ZU Total 2 01-3---.27 I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5- 11- 10 -1.6. 20 Clerk- Treasurer VOUCHER NO. WARRANT NO. ALLOWED 20 /G IN SUM OF 14, Si7Tj 45, /4/ 2 e 7 .20 96"' 3 27 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR P °-2 /A- Board Members Po# or INVOICE NO. ACCT #/TITLE AMOUNT hereby certify I hereb certi that the attached invoice(s), or 1-/ 74 p c 7 f 4 5 2 2 7 1 2Y. bill(s) is (are) true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for -which charge is made were ordered and received except A l- 20 Si ature Director of Operations Title Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid motor vehicle highway fund