HomeMy WebLinkAbout181455 01/19/2010 CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 363789 Page 1 of 1 r ONE CIVIC SQUARE CIRCLE B COMPANY, INC CHECK AMOUNT: $25,965.71 ti I CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 5636 S MERIDIAN ST L; o„ INDIANAPOLIS IN 46217 CHECK NUMBER: 181455 CHECK DATE: 1/19/2010 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 902 4460807 C08004 -MLD 25,965.71 PERFORMING ARTS CENTE {r J 1 f November 23, 2009 Mr. Les Olds Carmel Redevelopment Commission One Civic Square Carmel, IN 46032 RE: Carmel City Center Performing Arts Center Shiel Sexton Project #2695 Circle B Construction Systems Invoice C08004 -MLD (EMERGENCY REMEDIAL WORK) Dear Mr. Olds: Based upon on -site observations and the data comprised in the billings, Shiel Sexton Company (Construction Manager) certifies to the owner that, to the best of their knowledge, information and belief, the Work has progressed as indicated, the quality of Work is in accordance with the Contract Documents, and the Contractor is entitled to payment of the amount requested ($25,965.71). Sincerely, ,ft I" 4 01, ter'! i David C. ?r hard Senior Project Manager cc: Don Cleveland Mike Anderson Tony Eisenhut File 4 B Invoice Number C08004 -MLD Construction Systems Invoice Date 11/17/2009 Customer Number 001110 1 NVO 1 O E Job Number C08004 Due Date 12/17/2009 CARMEL REDEVELOPMENT COM CARMEL PER ART INTERIOR ONE CIVIC SQUARE C08004 CARMEL, IN 46032 EMERGENCY REMEDIAL WORK FOR WEST MECHANICAL RM. 060 11/17/2009 WORK COMPLETE PER ATTACHED INVOICES 25,965.71 GROSS BILLINGS 25,965.71 NET BILLINGS 25,965.71 REMIT TO: (317) 7S7 -5746 fax (317) 780 -2654 5636 South Meridian Street Indianapolis, Indiana 46217 Equal Opportunity Employer CARMEL REDEVELOPMENT COMMISSION CARMEL PERFORMING ARTS CENTER EMERGENCY REMEDIAL WORK FOR WEST MECHANICAL RM. 060 AMERESTORE INVOICES: INVOICE #1 9,406.21 CIRCLE B 5% MARK UP 470.31 TOTAL 9,876.52 INVOICE #2 14,901.94 CIRCLE B 5% MARK UP 745.10 TOTAL 15,647.04 INVOICE #3 421.09 CIRCLE B 5% MARK UP 21.06 TOTAL 442.15 FINAL TOTAL DUE: $25,965.71 11/19,/2009 08:00 FAX 317 894 8065 MSA RESTORATION E1002 (0 .,w,.,_, A Divisioi i of Cleaning Services, INC W. 1:F,, ut isNha,,,,(0 1639 N 600 'W \\.k\:/1. Greenfield, d 46140 J I- 800 -MSA 1992 2009 -08-10 -1550 2009 -08 -10 -1550 DESCRIPTION QNTi.' UNIT COST TOTAL Dehumidifier Desiccant -4 10 -7500 CFM No monit. -per 24hr LOO W I 6,895,00 6,895,00 Equipment setup, take down and monitoring 1.00 EA 0, 500.00 500.00 Lay Flat I Roll 1.00 EA (.l 225.00 225.00 P 1.00 RL 95.00 95.00 Containment Barrier 1.00 EA 0, 500,00 500,00 25' Yellow Duc 35 per sect:io 1 1.00 EA 280.00 280.00 Fuel for Desiccant 1.00 EA (•'J, 640.73 640.73 Fuel for Generator (1 day us ige only) 1.00 EA 270.48 270.48 >4, Grand Total Areas: 0.00 SF Walls 0.00 SF Ceiling 0.00 SF Walls and Ceiling 0.00 SF Floor 0.00 SY Flooring 0.00 LE Floor Perimeter 0 .00 SF Long Wa 0.00 SF Short Wall 0.00 LF Ceil. Perimeter 0.00 Floor Area 0.00 Total Area 0.00 Interior Wall Area 0.00 Exterior WA! Area 0.00 Exterior Perimeter of Walls 0.00 Surface Are 0.00 Number of Squares 0.00 Total Perimeter Length 0.00 Total R.idge'..ength 0.00 Total Hip Length. Coverage Amount Grand Total Dwelling 9,406.21 100.00% 9,406,21 100.00% Other Structures 0.00 0.00% 0.00 0.00% Contents 0.00 0.00% 0.00 0.00% Total 9,406.21 100.00% 9,406.21 100,00% S' ''k ::ik 1 y 'ic I' .1) a.. A 11 Ot\ (kV c\*A 4 1%. 'cl cc v A- i s u }\1 A wk.. 2009 -08 -10 -1550 8/11/2009 Page' 2 11/19/2009 ,08:00 FAX 317 894 8065 MSA RESTORATION 003 Saga! More Gas Appliances, Inc 3551 W. HICKORY ROAD i COLFAX, I N 46035 (765)324 -2828 (888)463 -5889 Invoice Date Customer Fax (765)324 -2830 08/05/09 252512 Terms AMERESTOF L" NI:T -1 1121/4 Service Charge per month P O BOX 433 113% per year) on past due accounts NEW PALEST NE, IN 46163 WE A CCEPT MOST MAJOR CREDIT CARDS Date Ticket DE ,icription Quantity Debit Tax Credit Balance 08/05/09 4857 TRICK DELIVERY 375.00 $ilti7.13 $34.10 $521.23 Tank Serial Nun :)er 630552 TRINITY 1989 Tank description CA,RMEL AR1 Total Balance $521.23 11/19/2009 08:00 FAX 317 894 8065 SSA RESTORATION 1]004 Sagar lore Gas Appliances, Inc 13551 W. HICKORY ROAD COLFAX, IN 46035 (765)324 -2828 (888)463 -5889 Invoice Date Customer Fax (765)324 -2830 08/05/09 252512 Terms NE 1' -1 1I2% Service Charge per month AMERESTOR P O BOX 433 (111% per year) on past due accounts NEW PALEST NE, IN 46163 WE A,GCEPT MOST MAJOR CREDIT CARDS Date Ticket* De i cription Quantity Debit Tax Credit Balance 08/05/09 10642 TAN SET 1.00 $';i 3.00 $50.00 Tank Serial Num ler 630552 TRINITY 1989 Tank Description C/A,RMEL. AR1 08/05/09 10642 GAE IN TANK WHEN SET 50.00 $:44.95 $4.55 $119.50 Tank Serial Numl per 630552 TRINITY 1989 Tank Description C /',IZMEL ART Total Balance $119.50 11/19/2009 ,08:00 FAX 317 894 8065 ESA RESTORATION 005 q1DNN. Ill tr WA! matMUMEMBEMMENM=MMM TM ei and goil 5;114.w 30 2640 North 600 West 1:4'eenfield. IN 46140 (317) 894-1910 08/21/2009 't 'J093464 1'vpel Sala ...Ay %lava Price Total 1 Tr1< Dlasel $2.629 $316.92 Dui): 19 :lal'ons: 120.546 Dri3o/0 $2.629 D..bt $316,92 74,, '.a1; 1 $0,00... rct51 $316.92 ho_lt-'end S316,92 Km0)0(XxximX180s ktIno-izatIon; 301203 A.th. Msg.: Approved rczel rande-3d $316.92 1103 VS 0710 W 121 ooilts warned t oalarwa 329 s-nwe-s ea :Thoriar Wane 1 O'erk:104 Store:30 diesel fuel contains no visible i!.vinnne of dye, FED ID #34-1953155. :•gg:sur t6 heat or direct sunlight 5ffnt DCeiVi quality. 11/19/2009 08:01 FAX 31.7 894 8065 MSA RESTORATION 1Q1006 �f., A Division MSA Cteaninb Services, INC A 1639 N 600 PJ K:4 u'3t ceA1a^ Greenfield, r 46140 �`1 I -800 -MSA- 992 2009 -08 -10 -1550 2009 -08 -10 -1550 DESCRIPTION QNTY UNIT COST TOTAL Dehumidifier Desiccant 45 .D -7500 CFM 1\o monit. -per 24hr 2,00 WI< 6,895.00 13,790.00 Fuel for Desiccant 2.00 EA C 555.97 1,11 1.94 Grand Total Areas: 0.00 SF Walls 0.00 SF Ceiling 1.00 SF Walls and Ceiling 0.00 SF Floor 0.00 SY Flooring 1.00 LF Floor perimeter 0.00 SF Long Wall 0.00 SF Short Wail (1.00 LF Cell. Perimeter 0.00 Floor Area 0.00 Total Area u_00 Interior Wall Area 0.00 Exterior Wall area 0.00 Exterior Perimeter of Walls 0.00 Surface Arca 0.00 Number of Squares 1.00 Total Perimeter Length 0.00 Total Ridge L. lgth 0.00 Total Hip Length Coverage Amount C rand Total Dwelling 14,901.94 100.00% 14,901.94 l00.00% Other Structures 0.00 0.00% 0.00 0.00% Contents 0.00 0.00% 0.00 0.00% Total .14,901.94 100,00% 14,901.94 I00.00'%n 2009 -08 -10 -1550 8/18/2009 Page: 2 11/19/2009 08:01 FAX 317 894 8065 MSA RESTORATION X 007 '::!:,:::.;-"i;..1.;,:. ,;,J,..;.•,.4-::.:;:gt,,P 0.0 ...4 i b r• ,;,d' A Div isio: i a�# MSA Cleaning Services, INC i i. -----------7— r��v 1 6,9 N 600 N z nuxopo (IreenFeld, iN 46140 1- 800 -1v1SF 1992 2009 -0$ -10 -155 2009 -08 -10 -15 TOTAL UNIT COST YT 63,71 63,71 1,00 EA c Fuel For Desiccant 357.38 r 357.38 Barriers 1.00 EP •j Note: See anached inv ice from BAM Rents Grand Total Areas: p,pU SF' Walls and Ceiling 0.00 SF Walls 0.00 SF Ceiling 0.00 SY Flooring 0.00 LF Floor Perimeter 0.00 SF Floor p.pp LF Ccil. Perimeter 0,00 SF Long' Fall 0.00 SF Short Wall 0.00 Floor Are 0.00 Total Area 0.00 Interior Wall Area 0.00 Exterior' gall Area 0.00 Exterior Perimeter of Wally 0.00 Surface .rea 0.00 Number of Squares 0.00 Total Perimeter Length 0.00 Total Ric ;c Length 0 -00 Total Hip Length Coverage ,amount Grand Total 421.09 100.00% 421.09 100.00% Dwelling 0.00% 0.00 0.00% 0.00 Other Structures 0.00`% 0.00 0.00 l° 0.00 Contents 421 -09 100.00% o 42] -09 100.00% Total 11/19./2009 08:01 FAX 317 894 8065 NSA RESTORATION Z008 �1 Sagan ire Gas Appliances, Inc 6 51 W. HICKORY ROAD COLFAX, IN 46035 (765)324 -2828 Invoice Date Customer# (888)463-5889 Fax (765)324 -2830 08/10/09 252512 C Terms NET -1 1/2% Service Charge per month AMERESTORE (1.!I% per year) on past due accounts P 0 BOX 433 NEW PALESTII IE, IN 46163 WE A:;CEPT MOST MAJOR CREDIT CARDS Date Ticket Des tion :.rip Quantity t' Tax Credit Balance. 08/10/09 2070 TEMI HEAT PROPANE 400.00 $5'1160 $36.37 $555.97 Tank Serial Numb :r 630552 TRINITY 1989 Tank Description CARMEL ART Total Balance $555,97 89 19, 11/19/2009 ,08:01 FAX 317 894 8065 MSA RESTORATIONT Z009 009 Sa'gamc re Gas Appliances, Inc 61 5'i W. HICKORY ROAD COLFAX, IN 46035 (765)324 -2828 Invoice Date Customer# (888)463 -5889 Fax (765)324 -2830 08/17/09 252512 Terms NET -•1 1/2% Service Charge per month AMERESTORE (18° o per year) on past due accounts P O BOX 433 N EW PALESTIP 1N 46163 WE AC CEPT MOST MAJOR CREDIT CARDS NEW Date Ticket Des4 lotion Quantity D Ibit Tax Credit Balance 08/17/09 31115 TEMF HEAT PROPANE 330.00 $42:.167 $3001 $458.68 Tank Serial Numb( 630552 TRINITY 1989 Tank Description CAI ;MEL AR1 Total Balance $458.68 11/19/2009 08:01 FAX 317 894 8065 MSA RESTORATION 2010 i f? Sagam :Ire Gas Appliances, Inc E `i51 W. HICKORY ROAD COLFAX, IN 46035 (765)324-2828 (888)463-5889 invoice Date Customer# Fax (765)324 -2830 08/24/09 252512 Terms NE T•• -1 112% Service Charge per month AMERESTORE (11 :VA per year) on past due accounts P 0 BOX 433" NEW PALESTF ,:E, IN 46163 WE ACCEPT MOST MAJOR CREDIT CARDS Date Ticket Des ;:riiption Quantity C bit Tax Credit Balance 08/24/09 3271 120 GALLON TANK 94.10 $1 E. .47 $10.53 $161.00 Tank Serial Numb :'r 630552 TRINITY 1989 Tank Description CA F;MEL ART Total Balance $161.00 Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No. 201 (Rev. 1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service, where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee rcf C�� s7uzic Curm S7r S Purchase Order No, 5 3 6 Y Pr c y St Terms /Gf6/, -c e �l�J 6 2(7 Date Due Invoice Invoice Description Amount Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) (07/09 Co o65'-HC_D e.5 .���y /or� O��G 25 61 r t Total 2 i 5 5 7 7 I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5- 11- 10 -1.6. ,.20 Clerk- Treasurer -VOUCHER NO. WARRANT NO. ALLOWED 20 C �y S >J3 IN SUM OF S /71°1" J�> S7 pT Qom? c9�0 l //v 40 _2(7 2 5 ,9 5 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR zrn X67 Board Members PO# r INVOICE NO. ACCT #!TITLE AMOUNT DEPT. I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or 9e 2 Posaoy-h La 4 257t,7 bill(s) is (are) true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except 20 Sig ture Director of peration5 Title Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid motor vehicle highway fund