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181763 02/02/2010
1% CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 042595 Page 1 of 1 ONE CIVIC SQUARE CARMEL CLAY SCHOOLS -FUEL PAYMEN�TT 0 CHECK AMOUNT: $9,601.62 CARMEL INDIANA 46032 EDUCATION SERVICE CENTER -.4,„ 5201E 131ST ST CHECK NUMBER: 181763 CARMEL IN 46033 CHECK DATE: 2/2 /2010 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 1115 4231400 262.88 GASOLINE -COMM CENTER 1120 4231300 1,066.65 DIESEL FUEL -FIRE 1120 4231400 715.33 GASOLINE -FIRE 1125 4231400 565.37 GASOLINE -PARKS 1192 4231400 279.75 GASOLINE -COMM SERVICE 1205 4231400 132.85 GASOLINE -ADMIN 2200 4231400 373.28 GASOLINE ENGINEERING 601 5023990 1,429.02 FUEL UTILITIES 651 5023990 1,297.95 FUEL UTILITIES 2201 R4231300 21414 2,460.50 STREET DEPT GAS DIE 2201 R4231400 21414 1,018.04 STREET DEPT GAS DIE 4.° Carmel Clay Schools Continuing Excellence in Education /0„,„0 /0„ Noy, FUEL INVOICE Carmel Clay Schools Educational Service Center 5201 E. 131 Street Carmel, IN 46033 Attention: Sue Ardiaolo Bill To: O Carmel Police Department, Teresa Anderson O Carmel Fire Department, Denise Snyder O Carmel Utilities, Lisa Kempa O Carmel Street Department, Bonnie Callahan 0 Carmel Communications, J. Arnone D.O.C.S., Lisa Stewart L Carmel Engineering, Katie Nevillle O Carmel Parks and Recreation, Paula Schlemmer O Driver's Education, Tom Pagan Carmel City Administration, Shelley Lingelbaugh Billing Date: 1/20/10 East Side Transportation fuel charges Facilities Transportation Department 5185 East 131 Street, Carmel, IN46033 317/844 -8207 Fax 317/571 -9659 i, 1 '7:,.. ...71.,• in :LC: 11;:`,Z Orii44 Ki 2“ 07..' ,-1,'7: i; :i i 7 2 _-,1.- ,!:,,H.,: :_743 7.:-.4 27, 2:-:.10 r:::. 77?V.,=.: F:11 R7.4C! c27:7 L L-- :.•:::•,:;,E. 2,7 22,7:',. =Z!..:3 .IC- 707:: ?4'; V.'7'/ ‘l': 7777'77 L-- •.'-ii_E:: 30ZILZK 2: i;•' 5, ::_ilZ 1:7;:5 2 0 2=:' 7, 17—. 7 'ft jr .F';' ...::LEA::77.! 013020,23Z :7:74: 2 7. CI .....'...;....1:::: .VOUCHER NO. WARRANT NO. ALLOWED 20 Carmel Clay Schools Educational Services Center Sue Ardiaolo IN SUM OF 5201 E. 131st Street Carmel, IN 46033 $132.85 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Carmel Administration PO# Dept. INVOICE NO. ACCT #/TITLE AMOUNT Board Members 1205 1 I 42- 314.00 $132.85 I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or 1 I bill(s) is (are) true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except Thursday, January 28, 2010 Director, Administration Title Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid motor vehicle highway fund Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No. 201 (Rev. 1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service, where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee Purchase Order No. Terms Date Due Invoice Invoice Description Amount Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) 01/20/10 East Side Fuel Charges $132.85 I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5- 11- 10 -1.6 20 Clerk- Treasurer CAY S �4 Carmel clay Schools Continuing Excellence in .•C9 MCL,INO*�P, Education FUEL INVOICE Carmel Clay Schools Educational Service Center 5201 E. 131 Street Carmel, IN 46033 Attention: Sue Ardiaolo Bill To: O Carmel Police Department, Teresa Anderson 0 Carmel Fire Department, Denise Snyder O Carmel Utilities, Lisa Kempa O Carmel Street Department, Bonnie Callahan 0 Carmel Communications, J. Arnone D.O.C.S., Lisa Stewart 0 Carmel Engineering, Katie Nevillle O Carmel Parks and Recreation, Paula Schlemmer O Driver's Education, Tom Pagan O Carmel City Administration, Shelley Lingelbaugh Billing Date: 1/20/10 East Side Transportation fuel charges Facilities Transportation Department 5185 East 131 Street, Carmel, IN 46033 317 ✓844 8207 —Fax 317/571 -9659 :La tc ..3: Ot, 2010 3342 g:. 138: ..7 04... !,--'Llry:;'. :IN '.,!.i.1:0:1,,30.] 2,:. 2,7437,', '.347 :-.N 27, -7 W18 FT7'. F.:1 :'.R'.2 7 'T'TT"T?? 2, 1i 20„Di ir4 ;27:4 i 777'77 z...:.,--- 2 0: LiNLE 2,..174: 2.1 :213 07:55 NI: 306 1 NI6 04-,::7:; .7:--cr.',,,i-.1 L 01- Uri..:-L;TED 312:',I T:.: 2:743 1. L 2::—..6'.7 .'.A,-: 1 :L.: 1.:::: 2Z 0 F:47I7 :i1 2 r.--..,: l'i V.-- 'J'itil;.:T'ED 22L-;:5::7: 2::‘.7, i'., ZO: z ..sa T s...:: .t. E. ..1. 1. r i t t Fr :2 Li t Z549 3AN 3c3 T. 1.1:3I 0, ;73._ 1Z:1 1:334 _:-.:.1;-3:: 777":.. E.— T i....: 7-: is.. C., .I. L 1, 7:' II, ..*i .'....1 •11 f'...71 1 'L C.;.'..' 1.. J.. 1, I. TiPE: 72r:vr LiL F•r.'.(2 Atc..itint :13 12:54 034i: 1062 3S1?:- 24.77;'32 77 7 JA 07, 231'2 tr '13031 L 2747.:7-7; 14: 271? 17v."1 .712:22 2_747 01.145.1-,3 VOUCHER NO. WARRANT NO. ALLOWED 20 Carmel Clay Schools Educational Services Center IN SUM OF 5201 E. 131st Street Carmel, IN 46033 $262.88 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Carmel Clay Communications PO# Dept. INVOICE NO. ACCT #/TITLE AMOUNT Board Members 1115 42 314.00 $262.88 I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are) true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except Tuesday, January 26, 2010 Director Title Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid motor vehicle highway fund Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No. 201 (Rev. 1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service, where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee Purchase Order No. Terms Date Due Invoice Invoice Description Amount Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) 01/20/10 I I 1 $262.88 I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5- 11- 10 -1.6 20 Clerk- Treasurer CLAY Carmel Clay Schools Continuing Excellence in •c,A'MCL.INO \PAP.. E\A uca tI o n FUEL INVOICE Carmel Clay Schools Educational Service Center 5201 E. 131 Street Carmel, IN 46033 Attention: Sue Ardiaolo t'V Bill To: J A 2 5 20ifi O Carmel Police Department, Teresa Anderson s +IJJJJRRJRJJRd�IMJ O Carmel Fire Department, Denise Snyder O Carmel Utilities, Lisa Kempa O Carmel Street Department, Bonnie Callahan O Carmel Communications, J. Arnone D.O.C.S., Lisa Stewart O Carmel Engineering, Katie Nevillle 0 Carmel Parks and Recreation, Paula Schlemmer �.Driver's.Education, Tom Pagan O Carmel City Administration, Shelley Lingelbaugh Billing Date: 1/20/10 East Side Transportation fuel charges Facilities Transportation Department 5185 East 131S Street, Carmel, IN 46033 317/844 -8207 Fax 317/571 -9659 :latc, 012: 13'7;1; CZ:: nc; 21H 2 0.1 :i.- !J U!ti.:: f":"7,SZZ 7 05, 22.10 7 :7,.7 :.7:27Z 0=,:if, 2:42 2563 c_NC:.•.:, '-.N.-_. U., ,l'.1- ;:NL--, 22.?2 7,347 I C.247,7,.. ji:,N ill 2010, 14122 NT: IZZ3 1 =}-1 22 21-• ::..-.;:i'DErt 00217,700 -1= 2,7 2240,=23 2, 22 IM5 26 2Z7? ',.;.2 0 ;_li.L Z-' 2 ''1.- J.',L7....:Er: 22' t '2_742 •-t )2071,4 JAP i =L0 1.4!1.7 12021 c:-.- ::'.-17.-.2: '.2",,7 ',21:..-2 7;7'77' r.ri-Nr,r,.: Oi- L':' ',2:LYI:..17:710 j i iq 1 1 2210 12:2.7 2 NT' 1'292 i'..K i2217.22 2 777' 2--•.i,...rT 2: 2.- I.Ji';L:? c:."!2212:1,n 17,:'4.3 21-2"?2,45 Jfi.■• 1.2., 2210 ?MI5 :]•0:..; j•329 .0E12 7 .1,-!,.!; 2 ..-..7 cf 7 L- 2NL•_,',,DE,. 7,5017 7:-..- n5F JAN 17: .,0 02',2 7.:77 f'• 7 WI :.4, 221? IZ:.3:''." '..-.N.'7 12';`: Ci•:.. ...f ..i--Ncr@2.: 22 CI- .[1...- 2.7 2'...24.,'13 7.7.7777: E7r...1 L Z. LL±t L',224,C.Wi 2.2 056.2:.'. .;:'F .1!.:.. f.D1 Lri'L;i....1.7::011:':;::: I' 56537 1 CI JAN 25 2010 tw, Y: ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice of bill to be properly itemized must show; kind of service, where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee Purchase Order No. 042595 Carmel Clay Schools Terms 5201 E. 131st St. Date Due Carmel, IN 46033 Invoice Invoice Description Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) PO Amount 1/20/10 009 East Side Fuel pumps Gasoline 565.37 Total 565.37 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5- 11- 10 -1.6 20 Clerk- Treasurer Voucher No. Warrant No. 042595 Carmel Clay Schools Allowed 20 5201 E. 131st St. Carmel, IN 46033 In Sum of 565.37 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR 101 General Fund PO# or Board Members INVOICE NO. ACCT #!TITLE AMOUNT Dept 1125 009 4231400 565.37 I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are) true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except 28 -Jan 2010 Signature 565.37 Accounts Payable Coordinator Cost distribution ledger classification if Title claim paid motor vehicle highway fund -)CE71]...i.J. ':....:iRi'lEL TIP.7 DEPT ....:T..1.Nr:::::: -.:N '[...)E Accoun:: adir 2 CTY:C .i.:....:1Y:- 1...;,'.4 2,31$ "HT:.: Tr.lili ,4 7_ 1, YE ,,L o.= ...r.j IlpE 17 r 3 1 '2 1 11 -02,, 2010 10=39 000iR 332 f;7:7. 35- -36 :70.'0':- :7. 3--;.,:r:: -Z7, Z:- :7:7-7 32317„.31,72.7,, 5 .2,7.4 0441 23 2212 12 220-S 302 I344 2544 993933 777777 11-N- '04 22- D1ESEL 022:4,430 2:794 0252.41 JAN T. 2313 13 2309 332 7-070 -0259 2-S71017 70777 -.7-Ncr 32 31- UNLEADED 22313:222 :I: 2,543 2232.4-:1- JAN 2 2212 14;27 3252 232 55 2572- 0StL-7-3 '77'7 2-ff-5ri4--ikl 2 01-- '2, 0 2:743 2221,42 j 34, 2212 1=2!.5 0271 20 5 01 2 TTT''';';'..T? 7. 3: L. 1 2L.EADET: 2.047 O :74 RN 25- 2310 1Z Z413 ::t34 :MH L-Noria,1 '32 L- UNLEPTJEI. ,74N N. 7"-1:1"-.3 1 77 !7.7..: 5,9 25 11:3177 ---7 77 7 2-7-2i 22 01- LJLEADED 0a 3 23;13 19t19 1' 30 i -3i2 L 61q. ii1 0-.:C71F':1;1 K. •=3:- .r,:EP_ OCZ:::: E.-'0 1 2 .:',94 1-:: 031 53 RN. T7.10 0.9(Z2 2T24 3-02 5519 053'd 046CP 177. F.' .'.'IT-' tIi L- NUE:. 33001 -3'22 :312 13;26 3"-332 222 2.17-:3 3244 066984 222222077 3.-Nt5rfflal. 34. 252- DIESEL 32318.223 2354 0 011N 2L 2212 13,5 -2'333 002 5? ZI,Li',:i 105L21 7 .'"77. 7 7 `7 7 r:.'.-Nor: 21 31- UNLEADED 3333." i 2,4.5 3 I• N :_-7,1 2011: 10: •7 Z034 032 .5076 777.:..07.777 0--;:: .:11- P..• RAT,TT:! !.V!r51;:ilf:,900 7'7:17: ,4 210 li._,,28 .2Z87 002 57::::-] L:2 77:.:7L."-. '.7." ci-,-N,-, 24 22- DiEsEL ZL7L-, i.. 2,74 2049,5t, JAIN 1,- :213 17;05 2393 3•2 5:31:: 25413 127E• 0 77 2 32 21- I.:ND:ADE: "32272,5 1 2:343 1 3352:72 34 07, 2313 •;59 3337 23:2 •.1'.: -Th''- ::.:.:P9•; .77? 0-Nc:i-ii: C 27ESEL 2021E:822 2.0,94 2342:22 07,, 2:: I Z; 0;9!:`1 1.7_11c Fr.-:.: F.-.71 _:31T; 77 777. c32,:,_: 02 L-- _:;i..:;!:,7j ;E: 00 5 ...4.,: Z222,15 JAN .27 22YA 11 :L: :--4332 3-;.]• L:.1 1. 1Z8 i 7: :',-N7F 7 -1 2.8 231'3 T3:2 01 022 .:41:1 .."-L'.7.6 :7.1. 7 24--:31 2: 1- 2.!1...Er..E:- I:4N OS 2Z1.0 1.1.:1. 00723 g':: 5534 2553 3E153-7 777' 77'7 2 --N.: 02. 21- 11111EADED 0.--3211,522 ::-.0-12 2-32-',.:54 ...N :2.T, 2i 11:0 3017 :LL 1.7,7 :7 7.)411 .7 7 C'llpf-71-7C :=F• D 00014:1ZZ 3377- :7_,;19 1:1- 10, 2013 27;22 232E 22 534 --.L tY6 3 33 .'.i:• DIESEL 22324:402 2,2 2358,41 1 tiriN 12, 2012 :2:13 2319 332 2173 0544 389112 .11-Norqa1 34 32- DIESEL 33321.230 2:394 3353,27 JA;', 11, 2313 221;44 3319 132 5931 M43 2-Norifol UNLEADED 33 212:623 2:343 2324,34 TAN 11, :210 11..41 V1.74 cr 7"7'l 4 .C 7f TT7'7;?:77 .L--tqc_lt 21 in UNLEADED 33227,832 2:342 2385:11 DiESEL g0i3i:: 1 2,7i4 003:5:71 2TE 03 7: 2331:14 i 12, 2,210 12:21 1 :302 :,:3 3:]T...T z:-36742 7-7.7.- 2-%,.- 2: L !_!V :7::CF:::':: RN 1 2Z13 12.!2: 003: 322 5 2 3212:22 777777777 .7-- ..:J.1 27 32- 3:i-22EL 23317:222 2,421 2',031:3 5742: 3270 0,7332': .'1 ,.-LnEi C::- Z: 77 27 21 7 -'$V 2 :.,401, 006,1,7:5 3p.vc., 221.3 11;49 336:1: 032 32y 25-2-- 1074L 7777770 .77 I- :F-1!..E.1-; 22222,103 53 2,..34.3 2051,78 04 13 2213 123125 0066 0Z2 53E4 2253 3f3:7 7777277 3-11, 2: 21- 1:11L 02223,420 2:343 2247:22 JAN 13, 2313 13;27 113 A22 2.172 2459 31:045 7????????T 3-NrIT-F11. 34 22- 2 )11=SP_ 3C1222,E02 2:421 2054:74 3AN 13, 2:12 02:23 2371 3,22 221E 25-44 22'327-4 292 3-Nc 34 22- fff 00019.8 2431 3347.54 J11 14-- 2313 35:27 0233 as 2938 2545 322 7 :::"A 02- DIESEL 03E15,230 2431 2236:33 t 14 :212 37;45 3211 232 3371 3521 381373 7222327.'27 0-NorTE1 .02- DIES1-11 02219.120 2,431 2 7-77— E .1-- iy:LEc.01 l'` 7'0s', 15, 2213 395& 3225 332 .;:.T:•4 3 0t-L 7'.'.'', 3-7,1 02 31- UNLEALED 222i- L':2 2 ':-.3 1 007 J. 1. 0 n :1].:. 1. D I L. 5 E.: 41- 1. 232:1 C-3a 1 1 c: n :1. VOUCHER NO. WARRANT NO. ALLOWED 20 Carmel Clay Schools IN SUM OF 5201 East 131st Street Carmel, IN 46032 $1,781.98 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Carmel Fire Department PO# Dept. INVOICE NO ACCT #!TITLE AMOUNT Board Members 1120 42- 314.00 $715.33 I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or 1120 42- 313.00 $1,066.65 bill(s) is (are) true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except FEB -1 20111 /1 Fire Chief Title Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid motor vehicle highway fund Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No. 201 (Rev. 1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service, where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee Purchase Order No. Terms Date Due Invoice Invoice Description Amount Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) $715.33 $1,066.65 hereby. certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5- 11- 10 -1.6 20 Clerk- Treasurer 1 t2 F': Ar-c:jrIt Jf-14 Zi, 2012 7 3010 3 2:21 L!:*.h 71- Nr: 1 3= P I 2:747 :'7d7.7 21 1: -72.: 07,7 .F2 '777 7.77.7 2• i.': :::1ESEL 503.1.5,2:31 2.7_34 20.75,•31 31 ::::1 90?-. H.7.: 7- 77777 7 .0': --„5: 02 11- UNLE-AHD 13114 333 :843 ,i11, 7 9;;7".,! N or '.?.,7f:: i:T ',=27 72777 7 7..-i 2'2 .!11.EADE2 22224.122 T 2.243 1256.23 04: 04. 2013 09:47 1025, 033 57 255: 0,7472 77777272 -2-$: 2: 31- :2 3.0321 =.2.4.2 0048:=7 E. pl-: 7. f!....2. vq 7' 7 7757 7 07 3:- ]-.;:7 30z0c,0.30 :JAN 14, 2312 10:16 3032 338 547 352 ;3 384• 8' 8 7 7.-N7.1--,-,r_.: 3: 0,'_-- ILI 0;',17,' 133L63 0A'.4 24,, 2212 11:54 2,037 217 5276 2:16 253242 7 2-Nor 31 21- '_;1_2:- 31212.21 2:342 1 31.30.45 JAM 24, '2213 1.4!42 3152 133 2047 3272 ]7.27795 7777737777 2-N 22 31- LE,:-:2E 32331.3 2.243 1072.63 Si 24, 2111 14.51 0 113 .5S2.5 2256 011113 27-'??????? 0-Norfii.]:1 14 '32- DiEBEL 22127.2010 2:334 C.1,..64 AN 34, 22113 1,4.5 2 3 H17 5Pq: 11256 111113 72777 2-Nor :131 14. :22- DIESEL 2.',0122.2.00A i 2.394 .14N 15, 2113 38:28 0323 7;23 1314 354? 18223z 7 788775 2-:.10,-,E1 0 11- UNLEADED 11118,411 2 -1.: 6043,11 71:, V:F!4R tl.Thki. 32 51-- 11 2 1116,41 2212 2'7:57 0323 t323 7. .1 7 ;E 77- ..:4 V N56.47 JAN ::71 17:!7 F 7 7 02: 2', ,r..-.... .0/7.1:. ---iNori 22 21- tiN1EDED 22237-222 :..24.7 T 2021,1• 2 36, 7112 12:57 3377 217 7.137 22 2,27.,,3i "7, L-:-- :Y 2".- q1H 7-47 ]Er: 21112,210 2.743 22 n,, 23: 12:12 3340 117 391,6 2244 17532: 77777777 2:- '12 21- UNLE. '2331 5 2,742 0114-52 AN 06, 2213 14:Z.:. 3168 3 1322 2354 212::1 7 7 -.7.-N2:71a1 22 21- UN:I.:ALL; 10023.202 2.243 0.34..26 1: 1.11. 77 H -7 2: 11- jg Z7, 2110 1,?,:8,!, ;,',7 7'7..- '1' -7 7 ':i.-7,t 27 :Th UNLEV.;::: On20,E 3 1 i7.:34',3,77 2AN 17, 2 15:1 32753 23 '',7::': it:'.: 27: 77 ii" l'Y !!;1! F 31211.232 2.743 3032,60 r..". 07. 2210 1,4;77 .7.7:70 P :7.F.=,7 7 "1- '2 Z-q::-. i.Ji,_. 31222,3C1 T 2 22 .17 '.7 'IR ,j.:11-4 37,, 0013 18:54 0084 333 5456 3256 131196 14.1orPol 0: 12- DIESEL T00.372;2011 2,334 =i 01E13,73 AN 07 211-L0 18;50 303.5 33:3 54.56 0256 121196 ?????????7 :71-MerE, 34 32- DIESEL 02227,-1110 2.:394 00E4:64 Et 2 :02C 213 2121 i:ali _,1 13 22- DEEP_ 221:2.320 2.3.3 ..11-11 0E., 2312 13;42 2324 227 2234 3:6z 066 :'.''2•:', 1J-Nlie 12 21- UN17 13220:311 T 2.743 T. 3316.S1-6. AM 2E, :212 13::::.]: 2:346 223 :221 2211 23.3451 77- 3-rtNi6.1 2:: -31-- J.',..12TED 23217.003 2:242 3227.27 1, '4N 1'.., 22;1 12:5 01. :318. 5:5=.7 3745: 'i''' I Ti il 3032; :,54".:. 03 12 23:2 35:31 0..31::: 23: 5]..4. 17,25 o:.. :2--f 01 21- '1:';'_. 22117.612 li L 1 127:1,76 j2=N 10 1AN 12, 201.0 13:58 11:8 a'.7 51,1 27.7 1::i4 i, 7 .2.--:: 32 21-- 2::._ .8.8]8:: 313:1,403 5 8,7=5 -1: 3281,3L .2AN 12, 2012 1:27 3223 20]: L,:-: R 1 2:17L.4 '.'..2' 3-M:: 13 22- D3E'3,21 72D22:6.232 13 2.431 T- 2262.47 JAK 13 3 2,111 0 1 5 •i i 1 :05T.L 2 i 4 '.-r, 7 `.771) 00021.8:30 8,77 73:18,23 13, 2313 1@:13 11125 1,30 5511 0.4c .1 7.7. i7,--:..;. 3.: 3 2:]L:8;4:55 03201 2,543 03,yi 2313 11127 3328 313 22.,4 7587 08!:.7-7= 7 30 21 U::::: 0143 2P,N 12, 2212 A:27 3338 123 5785 11..13 2127 T77'777 3-1-:er 02 31- IINLEADS2 00122.51R -1= 2,342 1:: 2052.72 7 41 1 17, 7 .110 1 427 2a 223 1152 2:=....5 :."1:17i ?????7???? 0-'..4:,r,a1 32 01- UNLE,ViED 31.17 2,543 :7 2161.86. Ji 13 1113 11:: 1E44 2E3 2221 2221 ii.L.23i84 1-Menla] 02 31- UNLEADED 30222.013 1 2.343 -s '..4, 22!2 OS;37 7217 225 25Th 1, 231C 3022. 0.-r 2-.Th'-? 7 7777 77 77 "N.".":1 31 L ii:.:LEHEI 2 2:545' CZ7•2: J'.• 2 14:•;. 2 Or 5Tr..• '324: ',7-2:.67•7' 3-ftc Z2 7..1- •:...1L-EiJj.:-5.: Z0027.:2 5,-' 2:547 ;.1.0.:5:77 DILE,',EE: ;.'.12•20,C-K 22 ,3,: 15,. 2:213 11;57 c„.'.:7 .2:0: 77.-.' i17-;:A.". ',.i-;.:F:,- r 1:3:0,03:.: ;:‘,746,E, 115c6A `VOUCHER 097182 WARRANT ALLOWED 142595 IN SUM OF CARMEL CLAY SCHOOLS ATTN: TERRY RICH 5201 E 131ST ST CARMEL, IN 46033 Carmel Wastewater Utility ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Board members PO INV ACCT AMOUNT Audit Trail Code 010110 01- 7500 -02 $629.21 010110 01- 7502 -06 $668.74 Voucher Total $1,297.95 Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid under vehicle highway fund Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No. 201 (Rev 1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show, kind of service, where performed, dates of service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee 42595 CARMEL CLAY SCHOOLS Purchase Order No. ATTN: TERRY RICH Terms 5201 E 131ST ST Due Date 1/25/2010 CARMEL, IN 46033 Invoice Invoice Description Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) Amount 1/25/2010 010110 $1,297.95 I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5- 11- 10 -1.6 Date Officer 7_,.. '..C6Ei .'5`.-;.f. 7 :i N.:.r :11 3: :1i- ::.;:.:;t '.-'137.:232 :,:4: I. .7i "L.:112 IY.r.7 .N71 ZZE r7 2:Y.: 2';::.::'. .7 7 7 7.' :-.,•i• •.:2 L- -11L7::CC 74 '-":!.12:. 2.;=,'..j. 2'..-.. ::le ::.:;41 :327 Z;::: IZ 31 YA:•L' 1 ::',•;:t 21.7 '2.-•. LiV_Efl.: ..:'22 1". :"..-74.7 202:c.LZE ..E....,::....... .i.......i 1 r- 1.- -z HC ::I-3 1.7:17 007' 17 ILS 05i 33;-•;'; ',•:•::''H 3.4:,.,: Li- UNLE,: 0.0i7:0:700 ::'...;....3 .-.1 3312:71 2.-::.r.- ,7: .7 S S.. DE: IT, :2 :z*;•;27 02.4: i 13ZS3 04::. ;"..,:i:.t: .2,-1,-"t-7.,71 31- U.EADED ..30,1:7,E1:30 S pTc I.,', "2:22: 14:41 2'..2.D.I. '.:;ZS 2q52 0:41 :245:.Z. 7•7•77-7•717 ;:-Ncr‘fi..H. :21-• ..',N:7,:,';.7 ;'-j'7,1;.c.•:?•,'.-1. S. .,1 2 .1 F;22.71 17.- rl, .,........••...t,..: Account namo .4 i...'..1.:-0-0'LL 1.....1N61ERML i.a* neiill Account addr 1 1. TY1C Tir.,E. TniT, Acnt Drivr Vehcj Odoez 1..e..boi!rd Tn...2e 1-',, proj DEC 01, 2333 89:56 0035 358 1363 0433 3143:1 'T. NCirr8i Cs3 31-unlEed 33309.800 i 2.213 i 3021.66 DEC 33, 23i39 13:3'3 3302 3313 1362 3458 U14 :::'!,7 3-11orEl 33 01-unieE 30334.303 2.213 DEC 33, 2339 13:31 0318 338 i382533 337478 ???777.??7, 3-UnFil 0: 31-uniEE.dei', 35313,933 2.215 'i 3324.39 DEC 33, 2339 13;23 0003 353 106 3560 397:350 7 .'7777 7 77? 3-1 33 31-- 03313,235 2210 3322_54 DEC 38, 2339 11:24 3317 308 23.38 3362 345243 ??7 3--1,31 33 31-untde,..; 33314,333 j... 2,213 3E3 14, 2339 14:35 3326 038 5082 3561 364390 7777'72 0-14: 53 31-1ni:iPc: 50017,203 1 2.148 '1' 5335,95 DEC 17, 2533 12:51 5011 333 233S 0562 045415 7777777777 3•r1 32 31-51r,lE1eri 33317,533 7,' 2.163 3323..16 DEC 28, 2539 15:55 0017 308 2333 3562 345573 7 77 7 7" 7 3-fl. 33 31-ur11ei 30311.333 2.163 9 3324,41 Lisa ce Total ProciLt c t ell :An J. 91 .i.:3i:31:-: 0 91. on 212;:i:;8 5e Vehicle #0560 Date Time Iran Acnt Gdvr Odomtr Kevt.o;'� Type Pump Prod Qumtity Price Amou DEC 03, 20139 1;3;51 8016 .7_:;;S 05,;0 29747G 0-Nrjr8,a1 03 01-umleaded 00210.302 2.211 �.24.2R DEC 08 2289 1.2.L2J 00Q9 yZ0 18�8 0568 09 ?7???7??7? 8'Uo,mal 03 0'uneeaded 88812.208 2.210 8122.54 Usage Total Product Q1 u ll cm Mileag To �al Beginning 97478 Ending 97650 [ra�rled 1�� KPG i6.G� CPM .1310 Vehicle #0561 Date Time Tran Acnt Drivr Type Pomp Prod Quan Lity Price AmDur,t DEC 14 200 14:35 2026 0-zim}eded Q8017.aZ 2.148 0036.95 Usage Total Product 01 un l7.2Q� 6e1lon ��.95 Mil eage To Begi nning e led Ve hicle #0562 Date Time Trao Tyv2 Pxmp Prcd Duanbty F/ice Amount DEE 08 218 13 C24 0017 010 2338 0562 045240 DL'uoleaded Q0014.0 2.211 8131.94 1813 17, 2005 12:51 0011 118 2338 0562 045415 ?????7777 0-No/ma1 0 01'un}eaded 11013.510 2.161 0029.16 DEC 28 2109 18:55 8017 01:1B 237:8 1562 1.f.5570 ??!??7 Bl4n/md 8J &1 -un}ea6�d 00011.300 2.16A; 15024.41 Usage Total Produ 01 unleaded �9.8QO Gailon S�.5l 84 Mileage T otal Beginning 45240 Fnding 45578 Traveled 338 MPS 13.62 CPM .15B4 V ehicle #04@8 Date Time 7ran Yehc\ Ddomtr [p,toa,d Type Fume hod Duaodt/ Apount DEC G� 28D �R�56 �5 1106:3 C0438 0 G148; 1 777?7 O'Ua,cal @3 O1-Jnleaded OOGQ .800 2.210 a0021.6L, DEC 83' �u 0005 >D�GO GB88 106s 134H OL4957 0�brmei O3 81'uvie 0001:,4,300 ded 0001:,0001:,4,300 4.� s 2.210 i3010.83 u�m.uu 008 U Total 14 -O[ ��a l. n Pr'oduct Q1 unleadsd M ileage Total Ending l4r5� 7ra .79 CPH 7 41 Beginning 1:". EE 04, 2Z13 11;4; 0041 1L7 02 00237,27: s 0016,87 2A'! 0:7_ 2 10;30 30 7 1.:,47)20 0.: 01- r; 1. 7 073 13 n, 21:313 03;41 OC:' ,:.L 1.L.E; ,.::.3 7 :,.1.5'.. 2: ,.7:7..Er... 7, y„, :212 '_2:71 •:3z: c 1:,:,-,2, !',0:-: ...7157:2 L, .:1- :c7:02 t.. :..::.7. 2:v.T. Cr5 ar ti r LCE c11 20C. 17.;i: 30:7 ;;;J: 0: 0'3035,700 2:160 1; 0312:7.1 5P1'. 17, 22,0c.‘ 75E1:2 7 21-- !jr.L.EiLDE'2 :ZOC2,307 7E0 2?, 14-:0: 7:224 ZZE 3 DEC 17, 27)';_i'l 14:2 "2.:...7.. 3;: 1330 :,1....:0 L. °,04-13x DEc 2zu 14:41 7'77' zoLi,r,z1z, N2:3,73 Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No. 201 (Rev. 1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service, where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee Carmel Clay Schools Purchase Order No. 5201 E. 131st Street Terms Carmel, IN 46033 Date Due Invoice Invoice Description Amount Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) 12/30/09 n/a Fuel East side $79.92 1/20/10 East Side Fuel 92.78 12/30/10 West Side Fuel 200.58 $373 28 Total I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5- 11- 10 -1.6. 20 Clerk- Treasurer VOUCHER NO. WARRANT NO. ALLOWED 20 Carmel Clay Sehnplg IN SUM OF 5201 E. 131st Street Carmel, IN 46033 $373.28 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Department of Engineering Board Members PO# or INVOICE NO. ACCT #/TITLE AMOUNT DEPT I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are) true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for n/a accnt #8 ENG 423140( $79.92 which charge is made were ordered and n/a accnt #8 ENG 423140C 92.7rceived except n/a accnt #8 ENG 423140C 200.58 2\ \'0 20 Signature C E rv v .asuf Cost distribution ledger classification if Title claim paid motor vehicle highway fund ,:74--i ZI, 21',N: 17:', ',1.7ii... Ni :7.::. 0':::% 34.' 'T Z_ Lt- J.1::::Ll'_ &,',Z.J.::600 .T- l',..„,‘47:: O 2 1 1 Z4 1 3027 Z .7.:4'" C Z 77 :7 7 77 7 :77 1, 7 L !2•:•=i 7a51 :„:47 TLL:4;3 11 11;C2 ZO7 =4 -:12 2401 7L 1_ ..'NLEADED 2.0 :7-7=3 ?027',.i J::W 17., 2:1Z r:-:1 0 307 _.:02: .0472 ..:72:; .'-.L 31- Ot-- T. 2,..T-gfi: r2:7 3A': I:, :31 IL2:4: 2 3;!' 5:=7 2•:40 5 7 2. ir:::::,': 7, r=i L!L:: ZN:..i,IC:' :::3: i a3iLI:7 iNLEEE• -ir..:-: fT::H. 1. :...::.r. N 1 6) (7 Tr JO 222 m l DOGS R 4" .4 N. 0 9 9 17 'e v .t P i VOUCHER NO. WARRANT NO. ALLOWED 20 Carmel Clay Schools IN SUM OF 5201 E. 131st Street Carmel, IN 46033 $279.75 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Carmel DOCS Department PO #!Dept. INVOICE NO. ACCT #!TITLE AMOUNT Board Members 1192 42- 314.00 $279.75 I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are) true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except Frid.y, Ja uary 2 2010 MA r Di DOC" Title Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid motor vehicle highway fund Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No. 201 (Rev. 1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service, where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee Purchase Order No. Terms Date Due Invoice Invoice Description Amount Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) 01/26/10 Gas Account 007 $279.75 I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5- 11- 10 -1.6 20 Clerk- Treasurer D t L 7? 7.7.7 „7...727.- 4. I 771 77:7, .225,S .'7i7J77.- 7 7 T777 ii 7T. 1-f':=7; z r 7 7,7 7 7 7777 :77 tztz z z :r A-: 4, 2 4.r, 7 7 .'ji'' :::,1 u:' 7: 7 7 7 T 7 :7 7' 7 i I :::,..-2 7:. U: ;73 7 i 7., 4 •7 .3 77:-.7_ 2:::::.H,,'",..:::.. i i i f- 15 VOUCHER 094167 WARRANT ALLOWED 42595 IN SUM OF CARMEL CLAY SCHOOLS ATTN: TERRY RICH 5201 E 131ST ST CARMEL, IN 46033 Carmel Water Utility ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Board members PO INV ACCT AMOUNT Audit Trail Code 010110 01- 6500 -04 $931.34 010110 01- 6500 -05 $250.84 010110 01- 6500 -07 $246.84 c L p Voucher Total $1,429.02 Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid under vehicle highway fund Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No. 201 (Rev 1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show, kind of service, where performed, dates of service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee 42595 CARMEL CLAY SCHOOLS Purchase Order No. ATTN: TERRY RICH Terms 5201 E 131ST ST Due Date 1/25/2010 CARMEL, IN 46033 Invoice Invoice Description Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) Amount 1/25/2010 010110 $1,429.02 I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5- 11- 10 -1.6 7 51/...s Date Officer A CLaysc y Carmel Clay Schools Continuing Excellence in Education FUEL INVOICE Carmel Clay Schools Educational Service Center 5201 E. 131 Street Carmel, IN 46033 Attention: Sue Ardiaolo Bill To: O Carmel Police Department, Teresa Anderson Carmel Fire Department, Denise Snyder O Carmel Utilities, Lisa Kempa 0 Carmel Street Department, Bonnie Callahan O Carmel Communications, J. Arnone D.O.C.S., Lisa Stewart O Carmel Engineering, Katie Nevillle O Carmel Parks and Recreation, Paula Schlemmer O Driver's Education, Tom Pagan La&A-C- 01 8, okt O Carmel City Administration, Shelley Lingelbaugh Billing Date: 1120110 LAACCIk Q UE LK.(D Q, j Q East Side Transportation fuel charges jWi Facilities Transportation Department 5185 East 131 Street, Carmel, IN 46033 317/844 -8207 —Fax 317/571 -9659 DE Ti ii 4c71: LF :1 VEtli. Ci:i7!tr V Tf y2 FuT: (•i AN 04 2013 04:.59 27 N4 7.,: 11527. 3:11-_:..- 1 i•. gzi JAN 24 2210 29;53 202. N.4 1 217.244 1:7:77 3.--!:-:3- 33 33- T27E:EEL 20032 0 5 2 774 Z07:111:52 jAN 34, 2013 L. 3-334 HI 536.2 0527 01.97:723 7T-r:7-'7 L L 1 3;301'4:10 ,3i: 3 JAN 34 2210 2023 304 267.2 28232; 2-N3.-4.31 E312 00r.'6 9CIT 5 7. 03.C., 23 ,I 37. 2313 1447 2252 004 519:-.3 33:3 3 ?II 3.--1:31 3: 01- I: LE, 02215,103 5 2:34: 5 3033 32 0.5, 21!2 204 27y,5 :2:7., 289132 1 :3 32 .51- a22.6 :520 5 2 4 6 2,r "3b, 2010 14;12 :3370 304 36 7. 2-- 10 .3:1 03 73E7L 3 .200 5 7.394 2367:37 IL 2012 1417 3371 304 I 073 3:3E 282623 73777979 3-,I. 52 31- 1.1%:1:453:3 00234: -14 5 2:343 5 305E-. :21 27 2213 0 2213 304 1020 3.E 1232d33 32 1-70 tai -23 02- E I EEL ii /7. 402 5 1,1 :.::94 11 :'..4 0235 -034 3:595 0423 013L51 :7 .0 -NorTa I 133 02- DIESEL 0333:3:.100 3 2 .294 5 id.li'i.1 YN 27 201.3 115 003,6 004 2172 2634 132941 9777774 Z-r4o.r7.3 34 02- D!EEL 20031 402 5 2394 5 312Z:35 1 07, 012 1:::;.:2 1304 540.7 0255 015.335 :34N. 2 2:.-_,EADED .1,5,77;g -3 2 3413 3 11:3„-: 1.:N 07, 2010 13.13..L4 .204.3 204 21 257: 01.511.? 7:77 22- DIESEL NFL 2 2013 Ii 0362 004 2217 12 32522E9 7 3: 0IESEL 33:: .221,!! 2.334 :3054:22 2 27, •312 16'26 2067 24 2137 2:71 3331:1 9 3: 34 3• 1 7.2 2. 1 'a S 2,74 012.Th ,15 ,,1 r 11. 34 13372 2:-!,. :36:_.: 3575 323,_28 7?7 777 2 4,1-ii-J,E0 -7: 7Z::.73-0 3 I: 4, 1 ,7441 0.7 :Z1Z 16,', 36 0377 304 .315 '35E3 3.1.9:;:':02 9 73 47 977 --1. ,IrLI.L: 27:370,202 5..: 2 5.' 2200:33 1:4N 0 2010 11:41 0:374 024 7.913 10 f:E 3 022 03 TIL E.:I:2=7 Hi 5 43 0069: ,I4N 07, 7V.2 13;36 30 22 2637 34 09'7'221 7 0--1 33 ;'.2•EL 23033,633 j:;N V ::;j1: 12;27 H,Sfj 034 j 7 1._ 7: 2 :=7;'.= r` 777 -3--!•!: 32 21- UNLE,:4DED 32017 :5 5 2 :347 5 3341.33 .I.fIN 37 1:013 12 -4"! 02E: 334 :7112' 3527 365738 7 0 3'.:- LIILELHP 2LL, ,...20 3 :4: L:7,72 -3 2210 22;13'3"32:37 234 2137 2071 3321,63-. I: 9 7 4 7 1 2 C: 7 21H•EL I3.0325 722 5 2 3:=:4 5 0312:63 :91 07 3010 21 .ff:I 0222 0134 2;37 1141.-E5 2 7::9 31- 1114:17_ 31.3313 330 5 3,347 5 34M 0S: 231;1 3:I=.!II3 3031 324 _3,_L-.e z5o 7 0.6 7 3---- 22 '31- 3313 '37'301 2:347 5 2212: :91 3n 0;3 2013 02 ':02 330:2 024 ,...i 3--17-77._4 i: 300423 5 2:394 5 0101:27 2iIIN 38, 2'310 22;03 220:2 004 5?t 2.574 '..322079 r77777:7 3- 137 3 21E14EL 23037, 2:00 5 2,3'94 :5 2-33E,52 2013 05;12 3010 004 1020 --L.5 0027.3 03 02- Di ESIEL 0033 2.394 ao a 4 FL, JAN 08 2310 05:25 3011 @:1 102.2 26$5 302739 ?????????7 0--itrr.„:11 1 .33 02 0 L-4 32041 :900 i ,394 5 31 JP:Pi 2E: 2310 09;49 c.'.3267 004 5571 0510 5E3770 37???9737 0-N.: 31 13: 51- UNLEADED ROI?: 30:2 5 2 :243 1 0244:52 7A:N 29: 2210 06', 23 0-306: 0'.;14 2:366 07.:75 221325 77297 2-Nc.r. 04 02- DIESEL 02372:720 5 2:394 21E7:45 ,3,:.:1 29-, 27;12 zi;: czaF 034 219: .2572 :11 T::.:77 7777:777 2- _•:.:,r-ii,1, '„Tj- F_- 7:: I EEL 0 A7: 3 3 c, 017 "E'ZI .34.N 3'3: 2012 ',07;38 0312 334 2640 3417 L' 77-7-TTT E-- 7:::.1 g4 ;3: n :2E;i4 3 :,:;:4 RN 11, 3310 1.2. 16 2132C' 204 576:2 25197 06,973:13 T7 2.--N1r 22 31- 9 .0r:!-7: 33013.520 5 2,347 .5 3239:3 Ji li 72010 17:43 3243 004 2039 .3525 0341 ..3' 77777 2.-I.,3( 21 01- ;1:11-1:=;LIEL 33237;:000 2 343 5 i32-67 :75 JAN 12, 2312 39 :723 02 n4 5r27:. .7;'_'.1.,2 o•-235::-. .7 77777 .::7-,!. r 02221 333 5 2 :3 5 2253 .37 2f 13 21112 13 3.1 0025 034 2 03:9_ 2-4-: 111:-- 3 3:347, 5 0374 74 ..1 12 2012 004'3 1 204 217E: ',I.. 03156 997 927377 2-143 02 1-32-- DIESEL 2222-.: 0369:15 21311 517:2 3317 234 27.83 7 :457, ....:ESi 7 :7 Z:- DIESEL 23320:530 5 2:431 '5 0343 :22 JfiN 13, 231.5 :933 E:217 034 2179 :592 321533??'???? 2-Nrzio.1 123 22- 2IESEL 30332 600 2i 5 007227 2513 15!.1:: 3547 324 27:13 Ki7 327970 TI 0-14cn-3,1 04 02- DIESEL 00232 .900 x 2 :401 F. 0074.19 .1 14 2013 39; 07 C019 'Z04 2225 3590 U2b.:.:6; :::::P(. 3-Noroa I 04 02- DIESEL 0222 520 5 2 .421. 5 2356 42 ..3i1.' 14, 2210 10;26 3321i 304 5362 0527 063E35 7 1 3 riaffiiii r 01- UNLEADED ni'.1i :50Ei i': 2343 5 0'126:34 1II, 1 7 201'3 113134 2271 004 Tf_Y 5 c 'Y,c,-. :al ,32 01 UNLE ON25:123 c 1:7_ 1.- int2,81 14 2E0 14:3B 0247 034 D232 ,',b 3 -2! 04 32- 21E21 3L ,21, 7.15 2:421 '.1 3273:37 14 14 201:2 14;44 234E: 334 2633 2L572 3E5:21 2-N0 7.Ti 013 01- UNLEADED 01002:e.' ..5 2.343 5 0067:71 ,IAN 15, 3213 29;12 3322 314 317'9 3422 312241 7942722424 1-143T:.:E1 :23 02- DIESEL 2L13 2: 401 5 3274.67 VOUCHER NO. WARRANT NO. ALLOWED 20 Carmel Clay Schools IN SUM OF 5201 E. 131st Street Carmel, IN 46033 $3,478.54 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Carmel Street Department PO# Dept. INVOICE NO. ACCT /TITLE AMOUNT Board Member; 21414 42 314.00 $1,018.04 I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or 21414 42 313.00 $2,460.50 bill(s) is (are) true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except ThU sda nuary 28, 2010 DOA hiP Street Comm i ner Street Commsronei Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid motor vehicle highway fund Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No. 201 (Rev. 1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service, where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee Purchase Order No. Terms Date Due Invoice Invoice Description Amount Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) 01/20/10 $1,018.04 01/20/10 $2,460.50 I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is (are) true and correct and 1 have audited same in accordance with iC 5 11 10 1.6 20 Clerk- Treasurer