Date: Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Place: Dept. of Community Services Conference Room, 3rd Floor, Carmel City Hall
Time: 9:00 AM
9:00 a.m. IMPA Renewable Energy Project:
The applicant seeks the following special use approval:
Docket No. 09120016 SU ZO 25.13.01.A Tower in business district
The site is located at 11610 N. College Avenue on 3.94 acres and is zoned B6 /Office/
Commercial. Filed by Scott Perkins of Perkins VonDeylen Architects for Indiana
Municipal Power Authority.
Joe Calderon with Bose McKinney and Evans, Philip Lopresto with IMPA and Scott
Perkins and Scott Schafer with Perkins VonDeylen Architects were present. Petitioner is
seeking approval for a special use variance as a functional demonstration project to place
a wind turbine on IMPA property at 11610 N. College Avenue. The dimensions of the
wind turbine are approx. 25 feet in height with 5 feet in diameter. IMPA services several
municipalities and they would like to demonstrate to them the efficiency and promote the
green movement. The wind turbine generates a sound comparable to just above a
whisper or low voiced conversation. The power source will be drawn from existing
building power.
Joanie Clark Vectren Energy
No comments
Nick Redden -City of Carmel Engineering
No comments regarding the special use approval
Greg Hoyes Hamilton County Surveyor Office
No comments
Sue Maki- Carmel City Utilities
No comments
Ryan Hartman- Clay Township Regional Waste
Make sure location does not interfere with where existing lateral comes out
Trudy Weddington- Building and Code Services
Once special use has been granted and received all other agencies approvals can
Begin process to apply for permit
Chris Ellison- Carmel Fire Department
-Once turbine is installed, will need to provide CFD training on how to secure
Power from turbine in the event an emergency arises.
-All disconnects need to be clearly labeled in building
Shirley Hunter -Duke Energy
Petitioner working with Jeff Duff to set up co- generate with existing power
David Littlejohn -DOCS- Alternative Transportation
No comment
Christine Barton Holmes -DOCS
No comments, Department Report to be sent on February 17th
Alexia Donahue Wold -DOCS
Questioned if height of turbine would be effective at 25 feet
Petitioner stated it would be as effective as it could in that location.
They don't expect to get a lot of generation from unit so they sized it
Smaller in hopes to appeal/demonstrate to the residential customer
9:15 a.m. Legacy PUD The Livingstone Cottages
Docket No. 10010007 DP /ADLS: Legacy PUD The Livingstone Cottages
The applicant seeks site plan and design approval for an adult family living /continuing
care development. The site is located at the northwest corner of Community Dr. and
Cherry Creek Blvd. It is zoned PUD /Planned Unit Development. Filed by Brandon
Adomatis of Adult Family Living, Inc.
Brandon Adomatis and Scott Booster with Adult Family Living, Jesse Pollman with
Baker and Daniels and Jim Rinehart with Stoeppelwerth were present. Petitioner is
seeking approval of a 10 building senior living community in the Legacy development
located at the northwest corner of Community Drive and Cherry Creek Blvd (146 and
River Road). The proposed community would be for Alzheimer and memory care
patients. To be a non medical, duplex style housing with caregivers and a property
manager onsite.
Joanie Clark Vectren Energy
Expected start date of project?
Possibly end of April 2010, depending on how permitting process goes
Gas connections will be needed, Joanie passed out contact information
Nick Redden -City of Carmel Engineering
Sent letter, no further comments
Greg Hoyes Hamilton County Surveyor Office
Sending letter soon, does not foresee any problems since proposed project falls
within master plan development
Sue Maki- Carmel City Utilities
Irrigation system will be installed, Sue to email irrigation request information
Ryan Hartman- Clay Township Regional Waste
Project falls outside service area
Trudy Weddington Building and Code Services
Once all infrastructures have been approved along with all other agencies
approvals can begin process to apply for building permit
Chris Ellison- Carmel Fire Department
Concerned with accessibility of EMT/Fire Department if parking along front
entrance of home does not allow space for emergency responders to be close to
Petitioner and Chris to meet separately to talk more detail on how
CFD can gain access to patient; possibility is from back alley entrance
Shirley Hunter -Duke Energy
Requested full set of plans and Auto CAD site plan
Corporation will own all buildings, not individual owned
Utility easement noted on property
Feed power from box across street on where proposed new street to be
Need to coordinate location of transformer placement (want in alley if alley load
David Littlejohn -DOCS- Alternative Transportation
No comment
Christine Barton Holmes -DOCS
No comments
NOTED: Per Veolia Water (Indianapolis Water) the caution the petitioner
Not to store any hazardous chemicals or petroleum products on site due to
Location being close to active Wellheads and Well Field Wellhead Protected
Scott Brewer, Urban and Forestry
Sending letter
Current plans do not meet species diversity (need 15% per species or
20% genus) plans show to many maple species
Alexia Donahue Wold -DOCS
No comments
9:25 a.m. Docket No. 10010006 ADLS: Carmel Science Tech Park, Blk 7, Lot 1 Midwest
The applicant seeks design approval for a building to expand its data center. The site is
located at 701 City Center Dr. and is zoned M- 3/Manufacturing. Filed by Fred Simmons
of Simmons Architects, LLC for Midwest ISO.
Fred Simmons from Simmons Architects and Mike Latz with American Structurepoint
were present. Petitioner is seeking approval to build a free standing data center (no
occupancy) on south parking lot of 701 building. Displaced /deficiency in parking spaces
will be made up with the parking area across street that is connected by pedestrian
crossing over City Center Drive.
Joanie Clark Vectren Energy
Will gas services need in new building
Petitioner TBD
Nick Redden -City of Carmel Engineering
Sent letter, no further comments
Greg Hoyes Hamilton County Surveyor Office
Sent letter, no further comments
Sue Maki- Carmel City Utilities
No comments
Ryan Hartman- Clay Township Regional Waste
Email sent on January 22 no comments
Trudy Weddington Building and Code Services
Once all infrastructures have been approved along with all other agencies
approvals can begin process to apply for building permit
Chris Ellison- Carmel Fire Department
Have meet with Fred on separate occasions to discuss further details
Requested updated site plans
Shirley Hunter -Duke Energy
Requested full set of plans and Auto CAD site plan
Current electrical load is already heavy, concerned with new building coming
Online /energize service and load capacity.
Petitioner plans for dual feed from two different substations (similar to
How existing facility is set up)
Need to review load information as soon as possible to determine if
Any additional services will be needed
David Littlejohn -DOCS- Alternative Transportation
Sent letter, with building not being occupied, reflect bike parking requirements
will be meet on other Midwest ISO building sites
Christine Barton Holmes -DOCS
Sustainable elements to be included in project
Petitioner noted they are contemplating to obtain LEED certification
Scott Brewer, Urban and Forestry
Letter to be sent soon, keep existing trees on corner
Petitioner and Scott to meet separate to discuss further details
Alexia Donahue Wold -DOCS
No comments
Petitioner questioned a drainage concern regarding sending discharge through
existing 24 inch pipe. These standards were set in 1984 and building was designed
and permitted in 1999. Current ordinance states should be ok but letter received
seems to make more restricted due to watershed to be .25 per acre. What does City
Engineer and County Surveyor recommend?
Nick Redden To look into further
Greg Hoyes restrict to existing pipe should be ok since standards of watershed
have been set since 1984 and site design was approved in 1999