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February 12, 2010
Mr. Scott Perkins
Perkins VonDeylen Architects
11610 N College Ave
Carmel, IN
RE: IMPA Renewable Energy Project
Dear Mr. Perkins:
The following letter represents comments for this project specifically addressing the area of alternative
transportation. I have reviewed the project submitted for the February 17, 2010 Technical Advisory Committee
meeting and the comments from the Alternative Transportation review have been satisfactorily addressed.
We request that all responses to our comments be provided in writing. Failure to provide written responses may
result in delay of the review process.
It is critical that this office be made aware of all modification made on the plans being re- submitted, particularly if
any such changes are considered "new" or fall outside of our previous reviews. Please provide revised plans
indicating all revisions. Please notify us of any changes and specifically state any changes, including changes
resulting from Plan Commission, Special Studies or other committee meetings.
The Department of Community Services reserves the right to provide additional comments based on subsequent
If you have questions, please contact me at 571 -2417.
David Littlejohn
Alternative Transportation Coordinator
Depaitinent of Community Services
cc: Christine Barton Holmes, Depaitn,ent of Community Services
Engineering Department Review
Project File
Page 1
Perkins VonDeylen Architects 410 S. College, Suite 100 Indianapolis, IN 46203 -1021 pvanda.com p: 317 803 -7900 f: 317 638 2002
TO: Carmel BZA DATE 15- Jan -10 JOB NO.
One Civic Square ATTN Connie Tingley
RE: IMPA Renewable Energy Project
Carmel, IN 46032 Docket No. 09120016 SU
Windspire turbine in Business District
We are sending you: x Attached Under separate cover via the following items:
Shop drawings Prints Plans Samples
Copy of letter Change order Specifications Product Data
1 Special Use Application Filing Fee in the amount of $1362.86
9 BZA Member Informational Packets
1 Indy Star Publisher's Affidavit O 1 1p�
1 Petitioner's Affidavit of Notice of Public Hearing 4
1 Public Notice Sign Placement Affidavit h
1 Adjacent Property Owners List Certified by Hamilton County Auditor q 1 5 2 I y� I 0,1
1 ea. Certified Mail Receipts with returned green cards JP GS
4 d e` I1O5
These are transmitted as checked below:
For approval Reviewed as submitted Resubmit copies for approval
x For your use Reviewed as noted Submit copies for distribution
x As requested Returned for corrections Return corrected prints
For your review and comment Returned not approved Additional Information Requested
For bids due Returned without comment
Copies to: File SIGNED: Scott Schafer
Joe Calderon
If enclosures are not as noted, kindly notify us at once.
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w .Kenton C. 'Ward, CrEM Suite 188
Surveyor o 3 (amilton County t} One ,7familton County Square
'Phone (317) 77 .Noblesville, Indiana 4606o -223o
'Far (317) 776 -9625
January 8, 2010
Perkins VonDeylen Architects
ATTN: Scott Perkins
410 South College Avenue
Indianapolis, IN. 46203
VIA E -MAIL: sperkins @pvanda.com
RE: Indiana Municipal Power Agency Windspire wind turbine
Dear Mr. Perkins:
We have reviewed the BZA submittal to the Hamilton County Surveyor's Office on January 5,
2010, for this project and have the following comments:
1. The proposed project falls in the incorporated area and MS4 jurisdiction of the City of
2. The proposed project DOES NOT fall in a Carmel Wellhead Protection Zone.
3. The proposed project falls in the W.R. Fertig Regulated Drain Watershed.
4. This proposed project will have minimal impact on stormwater runoff and is covered
within the Carmel Science and Technology Park master drainage plan.
5. No permits will be required from our office.
6. HCSO has no objections to the Carmel BZA Special Use request.
Should you have any questions, I can be reached at 317- 776 -8495.
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Greg Hoyes, AC, CFM, CPESC
Plan Reviewer
CC: Christine Barton Holmes Carmel DOCS, John Thomas Carmel Engineering
Dave Barnes Carmel Engineering, Greg Ilko Crossroad Engineers